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Fandom RWBY - Beacon Academy: AotWF

Alad V]@BishopOfKings [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5663-plaguedwithinsanity/ said:

All good to go! Fire away!
Wait what are we firing?

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

*face palm* oh wait, you mean my characters are ready? I'm shmart lol

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

@Veirrianna Valentine


Before we go any further. I would like to point out that Alabaster pocketed both White Rooks,as intimated in the language I used in the post,

"Alabaster took the White Rook from the podium as Lazuli began to enact her little plan. Glad that she was able to do the math,Alabaster smirked. He snatched the piece she tossed him out of the air,and pocketed it,as well."

Both are out of sight. And all of this was done before Ebony and Shannon walked into the clearing. All Ebony would have is a hunch,and nothing to back it up. As Alabaster has both of the White Rooks on his person,and he's a trained and,let's face it,very savvy combatant,who is in the midst of observing for the purposes of an undercover plot,would be nigh impossible to steal from,especially if the thief in question is one of his three focuses of attention.

How's about we roll back,and play this out more organically?
Sounds good, because our messaging failed us and both Starry and I failed to see the other's notice about feathers in Ebony's hair or the feathers jammed in Luzuli's arms. xD
So,if we're in agreement,we can fix this easily. It only went for three posts. Edit the posts in sequence,Starry first. PM the other when the edit is complete,so they can edit their post in reply. Suspicious it may be,but you need to be clever about it,if you wanna blow the plot wide open.
I feel I should say this here as well: I'll be out of country for a week, and I will either have little or no wifi connection at all. So uh, do whatever, and I'll catch up asap.
I've been (and still am) in Italy... With almost no connection outside my hotel which I'm only in at 10-11 at night. I'll try to type up the rest of my post and try to post before lights out.

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