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Fandom RWBY - Beacon Academy: AotWF

Heads up, I deleted my post because it's been bugging me how half-baked it seemed to me.

If anything, if I'm playing a character obsessed with absolute perfection, my posts should not be anything LESS than perfection, at least by my standards.
I have a rather good Jackal faunus in the works. The more I write it the more I like it!

@Alad V

This is your fault too...damn you again.
simj22 said:
Heads up, I deleted my post because it's been bugging me how half-baked it seemed to me.
If anything, if I'm playing a character obsessed with absolute perfection, my posts should not be anything LESS than perfection, at least by my standards.
Simmy my man

I'm dying for an opinion

You should go read my CS and give me your personal opinion

Not on acceptability or anything

Just YOUR personal opinion on him.

And anyone else online. I don't know why but I'm dying for opinions.
Thanks Soul

Also Atom I like the character. The only thing is that I can't see the weapon pic on mobile. By my phone can be bipolar sometimes and it'll appear eventually. Other than that I like him.

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StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
xD smooth... but other then the fact his semblance is missing he is accepted.
Just added it. It's rather simple. Also personal opinions about him? :3
A thief AND a faunus? To a princess, he's almost akin to the dirt on the bottom of her boots.

But MY personal opinion? Eh is pretty cool gai.

His luck also didn't fuckin run dry. It just got wetter and wetter from there onwards. Wtf
simj22 said:
A thief AND a faunus? To a princess, he's almost akin to the dirt on the bottom of her boots.
But MY personal opinion? Eh is pretty cool gai.

His luck also didn't fuckin run dry. It just got wetter and wetter from there onwards. Wtf
Oh yea I forget to change that.
Googled my semblance to ensure I had it named right. Turns out it wasn't what I thought it was but instead made him a complete badass.


Edited in the correct one lol

Basic explanation.

Time slows for the mind but not the body. Therefore he could watch a bullet be shot from a gun but based on a range he'd be unable to physically dodge it.
I like Moon, I feel like he would get along well with Sephir and Scarlett. Scarlett mostly, I'd also be interested in seeing how a match between Scarlett and Moon would go.

All in All I find it excellent.
Alad V]@BishopOfKings [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5663-plaguedwithinsanity/ said:

All good to go! Fire away!
You should gimme your personal opinion.
Veir told me in a PM that they'll be minimally active,if at all,for the next few days. They're travelling overseas,and will need to readjust after the jetlag. I'll be postponing any posts on my part until they return and post.
I'll be going overseas on Monday... And will not be back til the 17th. I may have a little time to post at the end of the day, so yeah.

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