Rusty Hearts Mental Hospital (RP)


Care Bears... prepare to stare!

Admitted Patients

Poppy May Willowson- @stormhawk324

Grey Monroe- @kendall

Katia Jennings and Zepher Jennings- @Amber Nightshade

Rhys Sterling- @Hollipop

Sasha Morganson and Zac Morganson- @Toxic Infinity

Jamie Smith- @Nirvana

Alex- @Kyal

Darien Welkes- @sleeplessCartoonist

Tony Therka- @ForgottenBlood

Aidan Black- Nico

Patients are waking up and heading to the day room.

Doctors and Hospital Staff are about doing their jobs

Aidan grumbled as he shuffled to the Day Room coffee machine for the fifth time that morning. They had taken his clothes from day one nine months ago, so he was always seen wearing scrubs or sweat pants. At least they let him keep his hair blue. He sighed as he looked around as the coffee slowly filled up in his cup. There wasn't that much in the day room, a few tables dotted the area and a flat screen TV hung in a corner.

A window was on the side showing the courtyard that they let them out in and there was a lake showing and a tall fence. He felt scorching hot coffee hit his hand and he curse loudly, getting a nasty look from one of the on duty nurses. He started to pile in sugar and creamer "This shit is too weak." he growled and stormed over to a table and sat down and watched TV.

Alyssa had just gotten into the office and was filing some papers and getting the medicine ready for the patients. She didn't really see any Patient Councilors in the day room and some of the Patients were just waking up. She assumed the on duty councilor was down at the cafeteria getting the breakfast trays.

She sighed when she heard Aidan cuss, a boy his age shouldn't be saying those words. She gave him a disapproving look and opened the window to the nurses station. So that if any patients needed anything, hair soap, more scrubs, or if they had any problems they could just come up to the window and speak to her.

Rhys Sterling woke up to the sound of his roommate, Aidan, closing the door behind him. He threw his legs over the side of the tiny bed and ran a hang through his short jet black hair. He slipped on a pair of sneakers and grabbed his towel and a fresh pair of clothes before padding to the shower room down the hall. The bathroom was still empty, as it was super early. He stripped off his pajama pants and t-shirt and checked himself out in the mirror. His slender but toned frame seemed like such a waste now. God. he missed sex.

He got into the shower and felt the stubble on his face. Razors weren't allowed in the shower stalls. Even though Rhys didn't grow facial hair super fast, he wished he was clean shaven for once. Five months was a long time. After he was clean, he got dressed and headed back to his room to drop off his laundry. Afterwards, Rhys went into the Day Room. He nodded to his roommate who was drinking coffee with a pissy expression. The two guys got along alright, but he knew not to speak to Aidan until he had his coffee.

Rhys got himself some dark roast from the machine and added a half and half. He stuck a lid on the Styrofoam cup and sat beside Aidan in the television area. "Good morning," he greeted his roommate, not expecting a reply. Rhys sipped his coffee and wondered who was distributing pills today. He hoped it was Alyssa--god, she was a hottie. He continued to drink his coffee and focus on the "safe" program on the television. It was bull. Anything could be made sexual if he wanted to make it that way. It was part of being a sex addict. It was part of being Rhys.
Sasha woke up with the sounds of voices in her head. She looked around and screamed. Katia was still asleep but she didn't care. "They are here....they see me!!" she was screaming around the room and almost fell into a state of drastic shock. The nurse came rushing in and held Sasha down and injected her with antibiotics. Sasha was trying hard to get out of what the voices called a death trap. She was screaming and fighting and started to loose her vision. Everything was blurry for a while and the nurse recommended some food right away. Sasha agreed, but only with her brother. The nurse smiled and came back moments later telling her that her brother was still sleeping. Sasha punched the nurse and walked out in the hallway to find her brother.

Zac woke with a start and realized he was still in his room. He heard some crashes in the hall and looked out the window and saw his sister grinning and waving at him. She fell into a deep sleep and was taken back to her room. Zac shrugged, it was the usual business in the morning, his sister would go nuts, she would walk down and wake him up, and then she would collapse because of drugs. He climbed back into bed until he realized, he couldn't go back to sleep. Zac got up once again, changed, and walked down into the Day Room. He waved at all the nurses and such because really, he was well rounded, until he gets an urge to basically kill himself. Eh, but that doesn't normally happen. In a few months, hey, who knows, maybe he's out of this joint. But he couldn't leave his sister. He saw Aidan cursing at the TV again. He jumped into a chair and drank some coffee.
Katia awoke with hearing a scream, she realized it was just Sasha this morning...again. Sasha awoke everyday with a scream and then passes out in the hall just to wake up her brother. The girl was nuts, but hey, aren't we all in this joint? Katia stepped over the punched out nurse and started walking to the Day Room. She realized her brother wasn't there yet, but Zac was. She walked over to him still in her band t-shirt and some skull pj pants and waved at him. He probably didn't notice, or chose not to. She went towards the coffee machine and got some. "Ah, I see you've gotten to the coffee already Ms. Jennings." Linda said with a smile. She was getting her own coffee as well. "So, Katia, when am I going to see you again in my office?" She asked with a smooth sip of her coffee. Katia kind of smirked and replied, "Oh, you'll see me. Soon enough I'm sure. Besides Mrs. M. I totally have problems." She said with a smirk and a wink. Katia walked towards Zac and replied, "So wacky head, how was your morning?" She said with a laugh.
Darien had awoken from a dreamless sleep, moving quietly over to his dresser. He changed into a clean set of clothes, then heading into the bathroom. He scrubbed his hands clean, using copious amounts of soap. He dried his hands on a nearby towel and headed out of his room. Rubbing the side of his face, Darien frowned at the short, rough hair growing on his face. Razors weren't allowed, so he sometimes tried to grow his nails out, to scrape the hair off his jaw. The nurses caught on when he began to bleed, however, and he attacked the first nurse to get close to him. He was restrained, his beard shaved and his nails clipped.

Darien walked slowly, soon arriving at his destination. He poured himself a cup of coffee, adding quite a bit of milk but no sugar. He sat down at a table, sipping at his drink. He glanced over at the other patients, making sure that a disapproving frown was visible from behind the mug. A few moments of glaring, he decided, would suffice, and he turned back to his corner.

Grey sat in the day room in the coloring section. Her back faced the window, she didn't like the bright light. She picked up a red crayon from the little tin pencil holder they had in the center of the table. She pushed it down into the underside of her arm, trying to cut it open. Instead she left a red waxy streak mark on her wrist. Grey then decided to use the actual paper instead of her arm. She pushed hard with the crayon, making scribbles. It soon broke in half and Grey just sat there, like she was waiting for something else. Her arm went up and touched her uncombed dirty blonde hair. She pulled on a chunk, not hard enough to pull it out, but just enough to feel the soft tug. It was comforting somehow.

As more and more patients woke up, Grey pulled harder on the strands of hair she held tightly in her hand. Their voices were so loud to her, and the more annoyed she got, the harder she tugged on her tangled hair.
Zac smiled at Katia's remark. She was beautiful this morning, but he snapped out of it. A high strong girl like her would make sure to keep away from a guy like him. "Well, considering my sister went wacko...again, it was pretty well rounded." he said with a laugh. Zac turned his head to see another patient. He waved with a smirk and then realized his mother was by the coffee machine. Yeah, sadly Linda was his mother, and you don't want to know how badly she was disappointed to see her kids come to a mental hospital. But she lived and life goes on. "So, how was your morning with Sasha?" he asked, he probably would have guessed that it was simply the same, she punched a nurse and came to great him with a creepy smile, so Katia always had to step over what looked like a dead body. Zac looked back to the guy sitting at the table and realized that it was one of the many talked about patients. But, aren't they all? He kind of glared at him for a while until he realized his sister started walking in. "Get ready for...crazy.." he said with a smirk.

Sasha came in and walked towards her mom. "Ms. Morganson, tell me you can here the voices..." she said with a smile. Sasha swore that they were real, but nobody believed her. She looked at her with sadness in her eyes. She was trapped in a mental hospital with trapped voices inside her pounding head. But she walked away to a section in the Day Room twirling around telling herself, "Voices..yes...voices indeed."

Zac wiped his face with his hand and just looked at his insane sister. At this point, there was no help for her.

Emma walked into the day room, standing by the patients watching the TV. She recognized the two patients as Rhys and Aidan. She remembered that Rhys was a sex addict. Emma wasn't sure why Aidan was here. But that was okay, she was fairly new here and wasn't expected to know all the patients names, just the ones she did therapy for.
Linda looked at her poor daughter and reached out to her until she walked away. Linda bit her lower lip in agony. Her children were in a mental hospital, and there was nothing out in the world but hope to save them. Linda walked over to another one of her past patients and sat down in front of Grey. "Honey, are you feeling okay this morning? No voices today?" she said with a calming smile.

Zepher finally awoke and started to walk to the Day Room shirtless because he forgot to change. He scratched his head and looked at the two therapists. "Yay, the wacko helpers are here." He said with a smirk. He got some black strong coffee and walked towards Sasha twirling around. "Shall I say... a form of talking voices this morning?" he said while he adored her little twirls of craziness.

Katia saw her brother and realized he was watching Sasha. They were all good friends and all, but really, it was an awkward relationship. She watched as a therapist came up and Katia waved. She smiled as well and the replied, "Hm, well if I really know you Zac, I can say that you were thinking what happens daily, Sasha screams, she punches a nurse and I have to tip-toe over her to get here. So, yes, my morning was great." She said with a smile and sipped her coffee.
Rhys finished his coffee and surrendered his armchair to be used by some of the other patients that were getting up for the day. After tossing the cup in the trash can, he didn't have to wonder what to do next. In fact, his whole day was planned out for him. Rhys was never one for planning--he liked to live life on the edge--but it's not like he had a choice. There were still a few minutes left of breakfast. After breakfast was meds, which could take up to an hour. Some of the schizophrenic patients liked to try and argue their way out of taking their pills.

He was currently on Celexa, Paxxil, and Naltrexone. Before coming to Rusty Hearts five months ago he'd never been on any medications--prescription, anyway. The Celexa was an antidepressant, the Paxxil for anxiety, and the Naltrexone was supposed to decrease sex drive. He only knew that because he asked. Some patients just took their pills, not caring what they were, but Rhys was curious.

He took a seat at the coloring table next to Grey who was drawing with one hand and yanking out her hair with another. "Good morning. Grey," he greeted her in his cool voice. Rhys always tried to say good morning to everybody, even if the morning was crappy. He picked up a dark blue marker and started to draw some curvy lines. One of the doctors said he always drew them because of his obsession with the women's figure, but Rhys didn't care. He just liked to draw.
(I'm going to bed Alyssa will hold first group soon, probably tomorrow night. Don't try to go so far please ^^)


Grey looked up from her broken red crayon to the therapist sitting in front of her. She stared at her eyes for a few seconds before tearing the paper holding the two sides of the broken crayon together. Grey let the crayon drop. "There are no voices." She said in a monotone voice, not breaking eye contact with Linda. It was a lie, but hopefully Mrs. Doctor wouldn't find out and put her on more meds. Grey smiled with her mouth closed and her eyes wide, tilting her head to the side.

Grey finally broke eye contact with Linda and flickered her eyes over to Rhys, who just sat down. She just blinked at him, then turned her head back to the paper. Grey continued to push the red crayon into the paper, although it was already broken.
Alex sat on his bed hugging his legs not moving really. he wasnt sleeping again, his eyes wide and bloodshot, dark rings standing out against his very pale skin. he was wearing scrubs but it had been days since he changed. bathed even. all his energy was on fighting the visions, the voices, and...HIM. HE was always on the edge of his mind. trying to get in, trying to take over. But Alex was starting to learn. if he didnt sleep, he couldnt lose control, if he didnt look into mirrors, or get mad he was safe...he was safe.

he started to feel the familiar pounding in his brain that meant HE was near "leave me alone!" he scremaed! and started to rock back and forth holding his head. a deep chuckle echoed through his mind before silence once again "leave...leave me alone" he stammered as he continue to rock back and forth. how he wished he could be better. be free of HIM but alex started to think he never would be...never
(Please don't go to far, I'm writing this late at night and won't be on until 4 or so tomorrow afternoon. Wednesday ritual at my school...)
Linda smiled at the girl and looked over at Rhys, "How is your day going Mr. Sterling?" She at least tried to be positive. Grey was young and at least kind in some ways, but she was pulling through. Linda's eyes gleamed with a glint of sunshine from the window. She tried to be as happy to the patients as much as possible. She got up and patted Rhys on the back and walked towards Emma. "How are your patients, is everything ok?" she said, she was worried some of them were having trouble with meds. She looked at Katia and smiled, then back at Emma. She said in a low tone, "I'm concerned that Grey may need personal heart to heart therapy again. Hopefully it might succeed a lot better than before." She said taking another sip of her coffee.
Emma smiled as Linda walked over. Working here was long and boring, so she loved when she had time to have a conversation with people besides the mentally insane ones. "I hope so to." Emma crossed her legs. "I think she's more dangerous than the other patients. She's so impulsive." Emma looked at Grey, who was sitting across the room, examining a crayon. "What about Rhys?" She asked, still watching Grey pull her hair. "How's he doing?"
Darien finished his coffee, disposing of the cup and heading over to the dayroom. A placid look remained on his face as he sat down against a wall in the room, staring at all of the patients and nurses. He sat, and watched, as was his routine. Sometimes, he would mutter a comment or two, questioning the nurses' medical knowledge or the patients' intelligence, but he didn't move.
Jamie slowly enters the day room, eyes suspiciously darting to and fro. She yawns quietly before sitting in a chair, fiddling with her pale, bleached blonde hair nervously. She closes off her ears and eyes, holing up in her mind rather than hearing people call her crazy, insane and plain psychotic. What she sees and hears are real, there is no way for her to prove it, though. She ties her hair into pigtails absentmindedly, just needing something to do.
Linda shook her head, "Honestly, I don't know, I mean, he still keeps up with his meds and such, and definitely is getting better. But you never know." she shrugged looking back at Rhys with saddened eyes. She wanted to help, but she just didn't know how to. Obviously some of the patients were working hard to get out, and they were doing great mentally, but physically was another story. "I just hope Sasha won't be to bad if she finally gets better. I miss my daughter when she was at least mentally sane. Now she has turned into a ghost, lost in voices. Zac is obviously depressed with himself since he desperately wants to just kill himself. But, I don't know, I just wish things were better." She shrugged and tilted her head a little, "What do you think?"
Aidan sighed as he finished his coffee and crossed his arms. He stood up and started to pace the Day room floor. He needed a high, he was sweaty and he just wanted out of here. His stomach growled and he sighed when were they going to bring in breakfast and give out meds? He started to dig his fingernails into his palms and his eyes shifted around the room. His eyes started twitching rapidly "Damn it!" he cursed. Withdraws where a b*tch.
Rhys jumped, startled, but it was just Linda asking how he was doing. He replied with a slight nod before returning back to his curvy lines. Linda patted him on the shoulder and went off to talk to another nurse. Rhys sighed sadly. He was doing everything he was supposed to do--obeying bedtimes, following the schedule, taking his pills--but nothing seemed to be helping. He was smart enough to know that an addiction doesn't just go away, but it seemed like he'd been here for five months and wasn't even close to coming home. Rhys missed his old life. He didn't belong in a hospital. He belonged in somebody else's bed at a kegger.
Tony was in his room carving something out of soap when a guard walk over to his cell"Alright Tony time to come out."he said as he unlocked the door.Tony looked up at the man and didn't move an inch"Tony don't do this today please.."the man begged.Tony looked at him and didn't budge once again."Alight have it your way."he concluded and brought in other guards to help escort Tony out.Tony sighed and jumped down and looked at all of them then managed to hit one of them sending them down on the floor.The guards punched Tony in his face and and tackled him to the ground.Tony struggled to break free but,hey it would be hard for you to get up to if twenty plus guards were sitting on your back.A doctor came in and tuck a needle in Tony's neck to get him to calm down.With one grunt Tony was forcefully calmed down.They got him up and pushed him into the place where everyone else was eating the sat him down at the table."Now just take your meds,Tony.."the doctor said as he placed two pills on the table next to Tony's breakfast.Tony sighed and looked around at the others who were looking at him"What the hell are you looking at?"he said.The guy turned quickly back around and continued to eat his own breakfast.Tony began to eat as well and took his two pills.


Emma looked at Linda. "I know that Sasha and Zac will get better." Emma wasn't too sure, so she skipped the eye contact and looked down at her white shoes. "I know they will." She reassured. Emma looked up when she heard the boy sitting by the TV curse. His eye twitched slightly. Emma took a step towards him and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" She asked, studying his face.


Grey looked over at Rhys drawing. His was curvy, pretty lines. She liked it. She looked back at her own, red waxy scribbles. The therapists and doctors said that she drew these harsh lines because she was stressed and frustrated. They also said that's why she pulled out her hair... and cut her skin. But Grey knew these things weren't true. She did stuff like this because she liked it. She thought it was fun. All the other kids at her school could play soccer and sing as their hobbies, but when Grey pulled out her hair and cut herself for fun, people thought she was crazy.
Darien stared at the various people, muttering remarks about anyone who caught his eye. He shifted every so often, but otherwise didn't move. He soon glared at the nearest nurse, knowing that he would be force-fed breakfast soon enough. It was a shame, he thought, that they didn't allow him forks or knives- at least, not forks or knives made for adults. Rather, they gave the patients utensils made for toddlers, so no one attacked themselves or another.
Zac smiled at Katia. He almost had feelings for her, until he got his one urge, that one little spark, he wanted to kill himself. He bolted up dropping his coffee to the floor and ran towards the front desk, took a pen, and stabbed himself. Sasha stopped twirling and ended up screaming and trying to run for her brother, but the voices in her head, they were telling her to stay and watch the blood. She smiled evilly and nodded towards the voices. Zac fell to his knees, he didn't feel the pain, he was still looking at Katia. The only thing he said before reality got to him was, "24"

(NOTE: No, this is not over dramatic, this guy seems nice, but, of course, there IS a reason he is here, and I have just shown you that reason, suicidal attempts, this counts as his 24 or 25th time trying to kill himself. So...yeah... if it isn't his 24th time attempting this, I will just change it up a bit, but it was all boring here, we needed a bit of excitement xD )

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