Rusty Hearts Mental Hospital (RP)

Katia smiled back at Zac until he went full blown killer. He stabbed himself with a pen and Katia almost wanted to scream and cry. Zepher was trying to hold back Sasha until she willingly stopped trying to get to Zac, for some reason, Sasha started to smile about the situation. Katia got up and ran to Zac, "Your an idiot! Your just trying to get out if harsh life!" For some reason Katia was getting angry over it rather than sad.

Linda turned to the scene and ran towards her son. She was crying and trying to put pressure on the wound. "Come on, you were doing so well and I won't be losing a son today!" She said with a quiver in her voice. She turned to the front desk, "We won't be using pens anymore, either use the computer or we will just have to lock the door to the front desk." Linda said with agony. Her heart was racing and all she saw was her bleeding son. A couple nurses came in and put him on a bed fast. They took the pen out and started to wrap him up. Linda was in shock while holding back Katia from getting angry.


Grey looked up when she heard a commotion. She heard one of the therapists named Linda crying. She stood up to get a better view. It was Zac. There was a blood. And a lot of it. Looked like it was Grey's lucky day. She wanted to get up closer to the boy, and watch the blood pour out of his wound. Grey started walking towards him, but by the time she got close enough for a good look, Linda was covering the wound. Then nurses took Zac away.


Emma had just been talking to Linda so she knew right away when Zac hurt himself. Her nurse extincts kicked in and she ran over to him, only a few seconds after Linda. She put her arm around Zac and lifted him over to a nearby bed with the help of some other nurses. Once he was on the bed, Emma quickly pulled the pen out of his bloody flesh, then another nurse quickly wrapped him up with a bandage. It was a quick process, but a scary one. Luckily it looked like he didn't lose too much blood, but Emma felt worse for Linda than Zac. Emma told Linda that she knew Zac was going to get better, and a few minutes later he hurt himself again. She felt like a liar even though she didn't do anything wrong.
Darien sighed, getting to his feet. "This freak show doesn't end, does it?" he tilted his head, approaching quietly. "Who did what now? I didn't know we were allowed pens, I would have acted years ago..." the man frowned slightly, his eyebrows knotting.
Sasha was smiling when the commotion was over. She turned to Zepher, "You don't hear them, but they're there..." she said with her eyes wide. She walked to the stained floor and sat right in the middle of it. She started moving back and forth, "All here, yep, yes, indeed, entirely sane, completely, he's ok, nothing to it, yes, voices." Her eyes grew wide as she tilted her head. Suddenly she turned her head rapidly over at Grey and smiled, "Voices." She said.
Tony didn't even bother to walk over to whatever was going on.All he heard was pens.blood,and dying thank you Tony isn't going over there,not today.He threw his tray down where the rest of them were and walked pasted a couple of people.He took out a cig that he stuck in and a lighter then started to smoke.No one would catch him because everyone was going to see what everything was about.Tony raised an eyebrow when Sasha was being all weird a stuff"Hey pal?You just flew in from stupid town?"he asked.He took a huge puff and blew it out then sat down and looked at her.

(HAHAHHAHA Spongebob Reference!)
Sasha turned around, "Pi equals 3.14159265359 and divided by 21 you will get 0.14959965017. The Voices told me." She said with a fake smile. She grabbed the cigarette and burned her skin and gave it back to him. She was insane, and she shouldn't be here, she should be trapped, but the voices made her trapped anyway. "38561750275629473947562947256383. We're gonna die.." She said shivering. Yeah, in other terms, she was wacked.
Tony giggled in a evil way"Good job little one."he said with a grin.When she took the cig and burned herself Tony didn't do anything but,smile could say that they pills were wearing off.He took it back"Thanks"he said and smoked again."Aww honey we're already dead."he smiled deeper now with a bigger and wider smile something that Jeff the Killer would approve of.Tony tony...when his medicine wears off he goes completely insane..not to mention that creepy smile he gives every time he says something like a complete psychopath would say..
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(LOL I'm loving this...)

Sasha finally had someone as wacko as her. She smiled and started to listen to he floor. "Blood...trickling trickling trickling, down into a puddle. Bloop bloop." She said with big eyes and her head on the floor. She looked up and smiled.

Zac woke up with a rush of shock. He couldn't keep still, he was just trying to find, "Katia!" he blurted out with a startle of meds being pushed down his throat.


Grey turned around once the nurses took the bloody boy away. She sat down on the carpeted floor, and then looked up looking at the ceiling. She wished there were no nurses here. So that the boy could've stabbed himself and Grey could watch his blood pour out and he would die. Then they would both have what they wanted. Grey wrapped her hand around a tangled mess of hair. After that quick pleasure of seeing blood was over, she wanted some more. She didn't know how to make herself bleed right now, but she knew she could pull out her hair, which she liked doing too.
(Grey!Touch your inner insanity!!!!!)

Tony looked down at the floor"Hell is waiting for us to take over.The devil fears us..we're more powerful my dear..listen to the voices..listen to them all"he said in a different tone of voice that would unease a "normal" person.He giggled in a horrifying way and touched the ground with his hands"We're coming for you...."he said.He scratched the floor making a screeching sound and smiled deeply and darkly at the ground.He took a knife from his pocket and carved the upside down cross into his arm then licked the blood off of the knife and stuck in back into his pocket.He placed his wrist on the ground and made the mark of it on the floor.


Grey watched with wide eyes as Tony cut his arm above her and licked the knife. One drop of blood dripped from his wound and onto her arm. She smeared it, liking how it almost looked like a cut on her own arm. Grey looked back at Tony's wound. It wasn't that deep, so there wasn't enough blood as Grey wanted. She quickly grabbed his wounded arm and pulled it down closer to her face. Grey squeezed it, more blood tricking out and dripping onto her face. She didn't say a word to Tony, but enjoyed the warm blood dripping on her cheeks.


Emma finished wrapping up Zac, and left while other nurses gave him medication. Right when she got out, she heard Tony talking in a crazy voice. When she went over to ask him if he was okay, she saw a wound on his arm, and Grey laying on the ground, squeezing the blood onto her face. Tony didn't seem in pain, and he was holding a knife in the other hand so he must've cut himself. Emma ran over and grabbed the knife from his hand. "Grey STOP!" She said, hoping another nurse would hear the commotion and come over and help get Grey's strong grip off of Tony's bleeding arm.
kendall said:


Grey watched with wide eyes as Tony cut his arm above her and licked the knife. One drop of blood dripped from his wound and onto her arm. She smeared it, liking how it almost looked like a cut on her own arm. Grey looked back at Tony's wound. It wasn't that deep, so there wasn't enough blood as Grey wanted. She quickly grabbed his wounded arm and pulled it down closer to her face. Grey squeezed it, more blood tricking out and dripping onto her face. She didn't say a word to Tony, but enjoyed the warm blood dripping on her cheeks.


Emma finished wrapping up Zac, and left while other nurses gave him medication. Right when she got out, she heard Tony talking in a crazy voice. When she went over to ask him if he was okay, she saw a wound on his arm, and Grey laying on the ground, squeezing the blood onto her face. Tony didn't seem in pain, and he was holding a knife in the other hand so he must've cut himself. Emma ran over and grabbed the knife from his hand. "Grey STOP!" She said, hoping another nurse would hear the commotion and come over and help get Grey's strong grip off of Tony's bleeding arm.
Tony did a evil laugh that would probably make a witch blush as his arm bled faster.He took Grey's arm and bit into her flesh then swallowed the blood that rushed out of her.A male guard came in and saw Tony.He pushed Grey hard to the side and pulled taller Tony to te side as well making a dark line of blood between the two.Tony's wound was fine and just needed a little treatment and bandages but,Grey's wound was way deeper and bleeding more every second.The nurses rushed in and began working on Grey's arm.

Grey winced. People had never really hurt her before. People barely even touched her. They thought they would catch her "crazy". She looked into Tony's eyes, her own widening as nurses rushed around her. Her body stayed stiff except for her big eyes looking around frantically. Grey looked her arm. You couldn't see the cut, just tons of blood. She didn't like the way it looked. She hated when other people hurt her. It wasn't the same as when she hurt herself or other people. Therapists always said this was because Grey wanted control, but Grey didn't really know what this meant. A few nurses worked together to lift Grey up onto a bed, then wrapped her arm up to stop the bleeding. After the bleeding slowed they cleaned up the excess blood and stitched her up. It was a crescent shaped cut.
While guards and nurses crowded around Grey and Tony, a therapist walks in a new patient. One that looks pale, skinny, and unsettling. Perhaps the most disturbing trait of this patient is his blank stare and ever so cold silence. "Here is the main room...." The nurse said while moving the new patient to a bench away from the commotion. The young male patient just sat down and and brought his knee's to his chest and wraps his arms around them. While the nurse leaves, the silent 18-year old patient just fixes his cold gaze upon a box in which confiscated items are put that is locked up in the mental ward office. Despite the bloody situation that was going on across the room, the patient with no known name continues to stare and sit incredibly still as if nothing is happening in the room.


Emma led in a new patient. She remembered a commotion going on about a patient biting another, so she decided to led him away from it. "This is the main room." She showed him the room, then led him to a bench where he could sit and be calm. Emma started to walk away, but turned around."What's your name?" He hadn't talked all day, so hopefully he would respond to this simple question.
The new patient (in which we can refer to Silent or Him, He etc.) simply remains in his curled up position on the bench. His gaze slowly crawled over to Emma. After staring at her for a few seconds his pupils slowly crawl back stare at the office confiscation box is. During the brief moment the patients gaze was on Emma, his facial expression was cold and distant. If you could read his face or thoughts it would be a stingy "Why would you care?" When his gaze returned upon the box, there was a brief moment of longing in his eyes, before it turn back into a blank stare.


Emma studied the boy's eyes until his turned into a blank stare with no meeting. Then, knowing that he wasn't going to respond anytime soon, she turned around and left. She would have plenty of time to work with him later as his therapist. Hopefully she would at least get a name out of him by the end of the week. Emma walked into the filing room, and started a new patient file for the boy. When it got to name, she just put Silent. She was writing in pencil, hoping later she would be able to erase it and write something new. 
(( @Amber Nightshade do you want to be Grey's therapist? ))
Using his peripheral vision, Silent notices the therapist walk away. He looks to the side and notices the two other patients who were bleeding. Upon examination of the males face, he appears completely psychopathic. Harming whoever and whenever as he pleases, and often taking pleasure in it. The other, the female, appears to have a look of shock, and detest. Perhaps she was angry with the male patient hurting her. Silent makes a mental note of the male patient in his head. It would be best to avoid him. Fixing his gaze upon the usual direction he lets out a silent and barely noticeable sigh.


As soon as Grey was finished being cleaned up, she looked up to see a new patient sitting on a bench, looking at her. A normal person would have gone over and introduced themselves, maybe give the new patient a tour of the facility, but not Grey. Grey wasn't social. Grey didn't talk. She kept sitting on the bed where the nurses treated her, and stared at the boy. She heard the nurses talking about a new patient, one who didn't have a name. One who didn't talk. Grey was reminded of herself. She didn't really talk unless someone asked her a question she felt like answering.
Silent met eyes with the female patient on the bed. Interested on why she was staring at him he decides to peer into her eyes as well. Being intuitive, he see's she is make a connection or reflection. Peh, whatever. She doesn't concern me. Nothing interesting about her. Doesn't even fight back the guy that hurt her. Silent averts his gaze and resumes his blank face.
( is there something we can do that all the characters can be involved in? i feel like this is dying. maybe a group therapy session? )
(I'm so sorry, I haven't been on for like almost a month D: Anyway, I am fine if Linda is Grey's therapist. Though, I would like to just say that I will get on as soon as possible, I've been doing double tine at work and plus school and god its killing me :( Anyway, I'll try my best!)

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