Running Blood (Maureenlove and Ayezombie)


Teifling Rogue
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Using some pieces from my other characters, and adding others. Woo~

Name: Alaska Obituis Moriarty Jones

Nickname: Moriarty, Laska, and anything her peers could come up with.

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5"4 1/2


Her eyes are a pale grey with a black and blue ring around the. Alaska's got a fair trade of tattoos and piercings. With magnetic implants on all the fingers in her left hand, a septum, and a tattoo saying "Drink Me" on the inside of her lip are the smallest. Arrows are on both of her arms, covering the entire length of her forearms. Tarot cards are across her shoulders, the prediction saying "Death, but eternal life will follow after", placed between her favorite cards; The Devil and The Hanged Man. On her right bicep it says "We are the lovers, the last of our kind", "All these scars from the war against ourselves" covered scars and carved in words on her hips. She has plenty others, but those can be discussed later, such as the upside down cross and pentagram on her lower back.

Personality: Alaska is a quiet and kind girl who gets excited when something she loves comes up, this usual includes music, poetry, history, or art. When someone's sad she'll surprise them with a song or a small story. She's also got a knack for biting her lip, but if you get her pissed of or hungry... well that monster is something people either see in their fantasies or in their nightmares.
Name: Rose Jackson

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Hight: 5'6


Personality:Rose is the crazy badass girl who skips school and always has a different colour hair every month or so. She gets into fights and is not quiet she will voice her thoughts when she feels the need. She does a lot of crazy things like jumping off bridges and getting into bar fights. She usually thinks before she acts and never really gets mad, but when she does its never pretty. She dosn't have many tattoos but the ones on her arms of flowers and a smoking gun. On her wrist she has 'life goes on' tattooed and thats it. She is Bisexual but never really dates.
(Alaska as the newbie vampire, and Rose as the badass who knows her vampire street sense? If not, I can edit this post. Just an idea for the start)

Alaska sat shaking in the back of a car that had been sat in an empty alley. The man in the front seat glanced into the rear view mirror, seeing nothing but the image of a limp body slung over the girl's lap, accompanied by a couple dots of fresh blood.

A sly smile emerged showing off a single fang as he spoke.

"Well little piggy, how did that taste?" He said as Alaska looked as if she was empty, pupils dilated and blood dripping from her mouth.
(It works i like it :) )

Rose was walking after finishing up her shift at the local bar she saw a car in an alley. She smelt blood and other vampires making her hiss "New vampires! What are they doing in my town!" She said to herself and began walking towards the car, these new vampires had no right to be in her town let alone feeding, humans were still on the hunt for vampires after the Vampire and Human war broke out making Rose move ten times in the last year as to not be caught, Rose may look like a normal badass 17 year old girl but what she really was, was a 559 year old vampire who had a very hard time finding a town to stay in that was safe and now these two unlucky vampires feeding in her town where going to get a little taste of a pissed off 559 year old vampire.
Alaska whimpered, her stomach churning, feeling as if she was about to puke. The man in the car looked back at her again, not even noticing Rose.

"You're going to feel like getting sick, then your head is going to hurt. But don't worry, I take good care of all my little girls." He said with a viscous look in his eyes. He'd already raped Alaska, and now he'd forced her to drink his own blood, then another humans. As Rose got closer, she looked up through the window shield with a look in her eyes, pleading for help. Her clothes were stained in blood, the body on her lap slowly bleeding out the remainder of it's fluid onto her lap and the car.
Rose saw a girl in the back of the car the look in her eyes pleading then Rose saw the man in the front, a man she had seen before many times. A man none for taking young girls raping them then changing them. The girl looked familiar to her then she remembered, it was a girl that went to the same school as her. Alaska, Rose thought her name was but was not a hundred present sure. Rose walked to the car and tapped on the front window, her usual bright blue eyes now had dark black rings around the blue and the blue was now a vivid blue. "I Never thought I would see you again John." Rose said looking at the man she changed into a monster almost 300 years ago.
"Ah, hello, Rose. It's nice to know you're still alive, well, for lack of a better word." He joked, acting as if Alaska wasn't even there, strucken silent by fear.

"I have a present for you." He chimed, taking out a couple vials of blood in a small velvet bag.

"I had an itch I would see you today, ofcourse I had hoped not right now, but I brought these along with me. You've no idea how long I've been waiting to see the gorgeous Rose Jackson again."

His voice was smooth, matching his cleaned up look and stench of cologne perfectly. He truely had been waiting to see her for the last century or two, after all he did have to explain himself some.
"John you have three minutes to explain why your here before I decide that I wont let you walk away again like I did last time." She growled her fangs flashing in her mouth, she had heard whispers about John's doing but never wanted to believe them. She looked at the Blood vials wondering what they were but she had no time to ask or did she really car. She wanted to rip John's throat out and get the poor fear struck girl away from there. "Speak quickly John your time is ticking."
"I'm here doing my usual work. You know, having a little fun with the ladies, making them mine, showing them to the dark side." He said, shifting a little uncomfortably.

"Bastard.." Alaska mumbled, finally getting her bearings. She couldn't say anything else really, but her will to kill him was growing. John whipped around in his seat, dragging the girl up by her neck.

"Say one more word and I'll make you wish I had killed you earlier."

"I already do." She spat, clawing at his arm for a chance to breathe. Finally he threw her back and looked back at Rose.

"I'll make haste work of her, then I'll be out of your hair."
Rose growled as she watched him treat the poor pretty girl then opened his door quickly and pulled him out of the car "Your time is running out you little bastard. Now tell me what your doing in my town before i just rip your head off and be done with you." She said then looked back at the girl in the car "Please don't run." She whispered. She was going to have to talk to the poor girl about what this man had done with her. She looked back at John showing her fangs.
John smiled, licking his fangs.

"Looks like you're still into it rough." He said, nodding to the girl.

"She wont run, she knows she needs me or another vampire to teach her how to survive. She knows she'd die with out me. She needs me."

Alaska sat back down in the back of the car, hugging her knees and trying to stay as far away from the corpse as possible.

"Just like you need me, if you wanted to kill me you'd have done it by now, slut. That's all you are Rose." He said, grinning and showing his fangs open and wide.

"Go ahead and kill me, then who's going to take care of my new little toy?"
Rose looked at John "I'll take care of her. Don't you worry." Rose growled out before grinning and pulled Johns head clean off his shoulders "Thats for everything you've done." She said throwing his head onto the ground before his body turned to dust. She looked back at the girl in the car "Come on. Get out of there." She said looking at her as she grabbed the vials and what little money was there "We need to get out of this town." She said sadly knowing that the poor girl was going to have to forget about everything that was here. Her family, her old life. She was a vampire now and Rose was going to have to teach her everything about her new life
Alaska frantically got out, wanting to get away from that dead body as fast as possible.

"W-where are we going?" She asked, hugging her arms and keeping her head down. She was still ashamed of everything she's done the past few hours, and just wanted to leave. She didn't even care where to, she could be dead for all she cared.
"The next town over. But first I need to take care of this." She said walking to the back of the car and opened the trunk with out popping it open she just pulled up, it broke "Good." She said grabbing a full can of gas then opened it and started throwing it onto the car. Finally she took a lighter from her pocket "You might want to hid your eyes." She said before flicking the lighter on and backing away before throwing the lighter into the gas covered car. The car went up into flames quickly. "Lets go." She said grabbing Alaska and using her vampire speed got them to her house in less then a minute. "Go have a shower. and put these on." Rose said throwing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt at the girl and pointing to the bathroom while she ran around the room grabbing things and putting them into a bag.
"Okay." She simply said, realizing the rush she hurried along. She gladly got out of those clothes and washed off, but as she was washing off she found herself much more sensitive to everything.

She hopped out, drying off and throwing on the clothes, being sure to take her necklace. She walked out to where Rose was.

"Is there anything else I can do?" She asked, feeling as if it was her fault. She didn't want to burden anyone. Now she really did wish he had killed her earlier.
"We get out of here before the humans coming knocking on my door." She said quickly grabbing Alaska's hand and pulling the girl out of the house before it to exploded into flames as they got to her car "Were just going to the next town, I have a house there where we can stay until your used to your new life. Then we will see what happens after that." She says starting her car and begins to drive away "So any questions about your new body?"
"Uh, I don't really know where to start..." She said, rubbing her arms.

"Will I have like, super powers or something? Does Garlic kill me? I don't know..."Alaska watched out the window as the town sped by her, along with her own house. She didn't think she'd really miss it that much. There was nothing to miss other than an abusive father and a dead mother. Now she just had to figure out what would and wouldn't kill her.
"Well you will have hightened sences and then theres also faster reflexes and speed. No garlic wont kill you. Holy water is another myth but i used to drink it so its safe. To kill a vampire you can rips its heart out, burn it, stake it in the heart with a wooden stake, decapitation. Sunlight wont hurt you, it might hurt your eyes for the first little while but you'll get used to it after a while." She said as she drove grinning thinking back to the times when vampires ran free, she was worst of them all, she would grin and drink holy water after killing someone of the church.. She was a murderer when she was a young vampire, but she has grown up and got over that stage now she was fighting to live.
"Alright..." She sat there thinking for a moment, before resigning herself to silence after one for question.

"Why did you help me?"

It was simple enough, but she didn't really expect an answer. She just wanted to know.
Rose turned to the girl "I helped you because you needed it and because you would be killed on spot if humans got their hands on you." She said looking at the road again. Thinking of what had happened to her lover and her best friend when the humans found them. She nearly let out a soft sob but held it in.

Alaska looked over and saw a pained expression on her face, but she didn't really know what to do. So she just layed a hand on the hand she had sitting on the joy stick.

She said a quick thank you before pulling her hand back.
"Your welcome." She whispered looking at the other girl after feeling a small tingle in her hand where the girl had touched her, but didn't say anything thinking maybe she was just imagining it and put it off as her just being upset.
"When we get to this house, uh, other than puke my f*ckin guts out, is there anything I can do so I don't feel like I'm rotting from the inside out?" She asked, clutching her stomach and leaning against the window.
"Were not stopping at the house first. You need to feed thats why you dont feel good. You dont have enough blood in your system yet to keep you going." Rose said as the began to get closer to the other town
"There's nothing I need at that plaec anyways."

Alaska nodded in agreement, suddenly not completely repulsed at the thought of blood.

"But I just completely dried someone" She said, still clutching her stomach.

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