• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

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The threadmarks here will help you more quickly reference system rules as you enjoy the rp. Be sure to use them to make the most of your time here.
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One Thousand Club

| Characters | Glossary (doc) | Gods | Marketplace | Onboarding | OOC | Races/Skills (doc) |
| RP List | Rules (doc) | Titles (doc) |

Here, you will learn all you need to know to participate in the Isekai Hell rp world and tell your very own Isekai story. If you have any questions or believe rules are missing, please contact Novama Novama . As time passes, we may revisit the rules to make additional rules, clarifications, or otherwise change things. You will be informed when that happens. Do not feel compelled to memorize all the information at once. It will remain here for you to browse at your leisure.

They are fairly common and already known to most RPers. Here is a list for new and old RPers alike as some will be specific to Isekai Hell.

  1. Please message Novama or Mods with any questions or problems you have with the RP or its members.
  2. Let people know if you can't post for a while or if you are dropping the RP.
  3. Please mention or contact those you posted at so they know you are waiting on their reply.
  4. The site (rpnation) doesn't allow X-rated content so keep your smut out of Isekai Hell RPs. Romance is allowed however.

Role Play
  1. Have an approved character sheet in the character thread for Isekai Hell before participating in any Isekai Hell RPs.
  2. You may only have one character of yours (minions and companions aside) in any one RP.
  3. Post in 3rd person
  4. Post at least a few sentences. (what is the character doing, what are they saying, has the scene changed any)
  5. Any roleplay that is not finished and checked in for grading is not considered world canon/lore.
  6. The same character cannot participate in more than one RP at a time (exception to the rule: World RPs allow simultaneous participation)
  7. NPC Companions are to be controlled by whoever the mod or narrator is for any given Isekai Hell RP.
  8. You may post as frequently as you wish as long as they are not back to back. (In situations where timing matters like combat, this rule may be different)
  9. Any pvp to the death is generally discouraged, but pvp is allowed so long as there is a 3rd party arbiter like a mod to oversee things (unless the outcome is already agreed upon between combatants).
  10. Changes to character should be done between RPs and not during. However, changes may be permitted if the mod or narrator is contacted in advance of the change for permission.
  11. If a player is absent without word or post for a week, they will be assumed missing from the thread until they return. In 1v1 RPs, this means the RP is done and should be cashed in for partial rewards. For group RPs of 3 or more, it will be up to the remaining group to continue or not and how they wish to do so.
  12. All characters must have a weak point/core. A piece of the character that represents who and what they are and if damaged or destroyed , would destroy them.

World RPs
  1. The mods are the only ones that move time in RP. (specific to World RPs. outside of world RPs, assume any passage of time is prior to current events for the world)
  2. Do not auto-hit or auto-succeed at combat or tasks in RP. Combat and skill based outcomes are decided by Mod
  3. Creating NPCs in World RPs is prohibited.
  4. Posts longer than a couple paragraphs must have a summary section that captures the main points of the post in a concise way.
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Character Skeleton
First thing's first: Let's create your body. You will copy the code here as it is and post it (filled in) in the character thread for approval. You will want the character approved before you start posting with it. Additional rules and lists for filling out the skeleton will be found further down. Feel free to 'pretty up' the skeleton if you wish, but ensure all information is still present and clearly readable. Characters are assumed to be generally human level in capability with one or two distinguishing features about their character at start. If you feel that is too restrictive, understand that through roleplay and effort, most characters can reach world renown levels of ability and influence. We strongly believe in having characters going through a journey that develops themselves as well as their power and that they don't just have everything given to them right from the start.


Character Name:
Points At Start: 105
Points Spent:
Points Earned: 0
Strength: F
Precision: F
Intelligence: F
Vitality: F
Speed: F
Change Log:

[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]Character Name
(images preferred, word descriptions allowed)[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
[B]Theme:[/B] (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
[B]Rp'er Name:
Post Frequency:[/B] (give a general idea of how often you plan to post with this character)
[B]Discord Name:[/B] (if you use discord and prefer it as a way of communication. otherwise put N/A. ex: Name#1234)
[B]Current RP: [/B] (list rp link here for any current or future rp's the character participates in. In this way it is easier to track down where a character is in IH)
[B]Goals:[/B] (can be left blank. short/long term goals are useful for Graders when determining a character's rewards for any given rp.)
[B]Equipped Titles:[/B] (1 racial required at minimum. Criminal titles may not be unequipped once acquired until certain conditions are met.)
[B]Acquired Titles:[/B] (all titles the character has including the ones equipped and not equipped)
Downtime:[/b] (can be left blank. used for #Harvester and #Tamer skills.)
[b]Languages:[/b] (you start with 2 languages free. Most keep the main language they used in prior life and Common of IH. Refer to language skill for additional language options within IH)
[b]Height:[/B] (feet inches preferred, metric allowed)
[B]Weight:[/B] (lbs preferred, metric allowed)
[SPOILER="Backstory"][B]Backstory:[/B] (this is the stuff that happened to your character prior to appearing in this world. Maybe you forgot. maybe you don't want to remember. maybe there was nothing and you are a native of this world)[/SPOILER]
[SPOILER="Current Life"][B]Current Life:[/B] (this is where you can describe your current living situation. Perhaps you isekaied into a nice family. Maybe you are an orphan or mercenary with nothing. You are not allowed to be in a family with wealth or peerage to nobility. Such things must be earned first and rp'd into being in most cases.)[/SPOILER]
[B]Points at Start:[/B] 105
[B]Points Earned:[/B] 0
[B]Points Spent:[/B] 0 (all 105 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
[B]Points Not Spent: [/B] 0
[SPOILER="Stats"][B]Stats:[/B] (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
[INDENT][B]Strength - F[/B][/INDENT]
[INDENT][B]Precision - F[/B][/INDENT]
[INDENT][B]Intelligence - F[/B][/INDENT]
[INDENT][B]Vitality - F[/B][/INDENT]
[INDENT][B]Speed - F[/B][/INDENT]
[INDENT][B]Character Grade - F[/B][/INDENT]
[SPOILER="Skills"][B]Skills:[/B] (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
[*]Skill Name F
[*]Skill Name F
[SPOILER="Abilities"][B]Abilities:[/B] (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
[*]Super Awesome Ability Name - Skill 1 F, Skill 2 E, Skill 3 F - Causes super awesome stuff to happen - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
[*]Super Awesome Ability Name - Skill 1 F, Skill 2 E, Skill 3 F - Causes super awesome stuff to happen - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
[SPOILER="Possessions"][B]Equipment: [/B](Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
[*]Example Sweet Sword F
[*]Example Rockin Armor E
[*]Example Shock Shield D - Shocks whatever strikes its surface
[B]Items:[/B] (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
[*]Example Whetstone
[*]Example Bedroll
[*]Example Fire Starter Kit
[*]Example Rations
[*]Example Waterskin
[B]Assets:[/B] (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
[*]Example Dumpy Cottage
[*]Example Old Donkey
[SPOILER="Change Log"][B]Change Log:[/B] (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
[*][Date of Character Creation]
[*]Additional points gained from Scoops or stat reductions
[*]All stat upgrades
[*]All skill purchases
[*]All equipment, item, or asset purchases (this includes Natural Weapons)
[*][Date sheet was edited] Link to Grading post at end of RP, Rewards post from Community events, or Marketplace post for trades
[*]Points, Assets, and Titles acquired from RP (these will be listed in Grading post)
[*]Title Change: Equipped Hero of Garden Temple. Unequipped Ditch Hobo.
[*][Date sheet was edited, if different than previous edit date]Point Expenditure: 7 points for Musician [Violin] F (violin comes with the skill)
[*]Upgrade Speed C => B for 7pts.
[*]Rinse and Repeat

[spoiler=Full Image & Source][img]FullImage[/img]
[B]From:[/B] [url=LinkToSource][/url][/spoiler][/CENTER]

[color=purple]General information:[/color]
[B]Rp'er Name:[/B] Elvario
[B]Post Frequency:[/B] Daily (at times), 2-3 days (preferable pace), 4-6 days (okay enough), 7 days (slowest I'm willing to go before loosing interest)
[B]Current RP:[/B] Kept up to date on Discord.
[B]Narrator Grade:[/B] S

[B]Points at Start:[/B] 
[B]Points Earned:[/B] 
[B]Points Spent:[/B] 
[B]Points Not Spent: [/B] 

[color=purple]Equipped Titles:[/color]
[B]Society - Connection:[/B] 
[B]Society – General:[/B] 

[color=purple]Character-related information:[/color]
[b]Standing Grade:
Character Grade:
Power Grade:
Racial Perks:
Class Perks:
[B]Long-term Goals:[/B] 
[B]Short-term Goals:[/B] 

[SPOILER="Acquired Titles"]


[B]Society - Connection:[/B] 

[B]Society – General:[/B]

[INDENT][B]Strength - F[/B][/INDENT]
[INDENT][B]Precision - F[/B][/INDENT]
[INDENT][B]Intelligence - F[/B][/INDENT]
[INDENT][B]Vitality - F[/B][/INDENT]
[INDENT][B]Speed - F[/B][/INDENT]
[INDENT][B]Character Grade – F[/B][/INDENT] [/SPOILER]



















[B]Assets - Consumables & Community Event Items:[/B]

[B]Assets - Connection:[/B]

[B]Assets - Pet:[/B]

[B]Assets - Property:[/B]

[B]Assets – Social Status:[/B]


[SPOILER="Current Life"]

[SPOILER="Change Log"]

Having Multiple Characters

Aside from certain skill selections, it is possible to create and play multiple characters. In order to get an additional character approved, you must first show that you can effectively keep up with your current characters. This means prior characters are all actively in RPs and not being waited on by the groups of those RPs. If characters become boring, unplayable, or the RPer can't keep up, it may be best to scoop the character or retire it altogether. It will be restated that multiple characters belonging to the same RPer may not participate in the same RP at the same time.

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Grades of Power
Already mentioned and listed in the character skeleton, Stats are perhaps the foundation of the Isekai Hell System. It is through Stats that the characters can unlock skills, which have their own significance to the system, but more importantly, they help give us a sense of what to expect from the characters in various areas and situations of roleplay. The following explains what the individual stats mean and also how they can be improved over the course of your character's adventures.


Strength: general muscle power. Influences effectiveness of melee and thrown weapon abilities and attacks.

Precision: general fine movement control of one's body like balance and moving quietly. Influences effectiveness of ranged weapons like bows and quasi firearms.

Intelligence: a catch all for knowledge, memory and magical prowess. May also reflect mental fortitude in the face of persuasive forces.

Vitality: your body's life force as well as the ability to withstand hardship of varying kinds. Necessary for heavier armor.

Speed: general quickness and agility. Dodging and covering ground. Necessary for light armors and magical protections.

Stat Upgrade

To upgrade a stat, the character will need to invest 7 points into the stat to move it up 1 Grade.
  • Ex: Bob has F grade strength.
    He would like it to become E grade strength.
    Bob takes 7 of his available points and lists them as spent on his character sheet.
    He then edits strength to be an E grade stat.

Each letter upgrade for stats with the exception of S Grade requires 7 points.
S grade stats require characters to undergo a special RP called a tribulation first. Tribulations are per Stat and only accessible after a character has raised a stat to A grade. Tribulations are difficult challenge based RPs that abide by world RP rules described below. Only attempt them after adequate preparation. Characters that clear them will be given bonus rewards, titles fitting for their victory, and the right to upgrade to S. Characters that fail are generally maimed or killed. When a stat is raised to S, related skills may then be raised to S as well.

As mentioned previously, each Grade in a stat requires 7 additional points than the last with the exception of S Grade which has additional requirements. This means the following table would apply if one were to take a stat from F to something higher than E in one go:
  • H grants 14 points
  • G grants 7 points
  • F costs 0 points
  • E costs 7 points
  • D costs 14 points
  • C costs 21 points
  • B costs 28 points
  • A costs 35 points
Points may only be invested in increments of 7. You can hold onto your extra points and save them.

Character Grade

This stat is not listed but it is one you may need to calculate from time to time. It is the average of the other 5 stats and increases with every 5 stat upgrades. It is a loose measurement of the character's "muchness" like Charisma. Some skills and titles rely on this stat. It is not uncommon for characters to be better in some areas than others.

Formula to Calculate
  • Strength S - 6 upgrades
    Precision A - 5 upgrades
    Intelligence B - 4 upgrades
    Vitality C - 3 upgrades
    Speed D - 2 upgrades
    20 upgrades ⁒ 5 stats = +4 character grade = F -> (+4) -> B Character Grade

Standing Grade

A character's standing grade is the letter value given to their total points earned (does not include starting points). Is another way of measuring a character's 'muchness' similar to character grade. Can be used as a Social action stat when using advanced rules. Applies to the following areas but is not limited to just these: Enchanted Item Limits, Class Requirements, Appraisal/Area Knowledge Free skills, Point Booster Skills, 'Stat' used for Social Actions, Faction Titles/Standing, Always Outnumbered/Skills tied to C grade characters, Minion skill, Villainous, Wealth skill, Lore/Narrator Grade, Tamer/Masterwork skills.

  • 0 points earned F
  • 100 points earned E
  • 200 points earned D
  • 300 points earned C
  • 400 points earned B
  • 500 points earned A
  • 600 points earned S
Power Grade

A way of measuring a character/npc's battle power. Equals highest grade skill the creature has. Creatures without skills can be classed as F or lower grades but even insects have skills generally. This grade will be used to determine World rp difficulties and PVP matchups.

Grades of Power

What is the power scale, you ask? I'll explain that here. All creatures and items of significance have a Grade associated with them or an aspect of them. The higher the Grade, the more one can expect from the Graded thing's performance. The Grades are detailed below.

H (-2) - this grade is reserved for the smallest of creatures. A character's capabilities with this stat are not even worth mentioning other than to say they have enough to survive. Typically a creature with this stat is on their deathbed, tiny in size, or a form of limited life that does not need a full range of functionality in order to persist.

G (-1) - this grade is generally reserved for children, small characters, and the injured. Your ability with this stat has not yet reached maturity or you may be physically limited to a certain capacity.

F (+1) - this grade is at the bottom of the stack. generally equated to base levels of human adult functionality. They have no extra training or experiences to make elements of the character with this grade anything special. As it pertains to skills, F is still lowest on the ladder, but it does imply your character has a grasp of some basic high level concepts pertaining to the subject matter. Example: random trivia scraped together from documentaries on tv, wikipedia articles, and common sense like don't point the pokey sword at your face.

E (+2) - this grade represents someone or something in training. It has acquired some of the knowledge or guidance necessary to start growing in this path of knowledge or ability. An E rank character/creature may be represented by trainee soldiers, apprentices, acolytes, bandits.

D (+3) - this grade represents someone fully trained. Their teachers, masters, and learning materials have been mostly exhausted of their usefulness. The student is still lacking in experience however and generally begins traveling or performing more tasks independently. Common D rank entities may be Barons, new merchants such as peddlers, soldiers, town guard, mages graduated from academy but yet to find employment.

C (+4) - this grade represents a veteran in their area of expertise, profession, or abilities. They have experienced and overcame hardship. They have taught themselves things and started creating their own style of doing things. Any humanoid that could be called a veteran likely has a skill/ability/or profession at this grade. Monsters of C grade tend to be leaders of their packs/herds/groups. Ex: boss goblin of group of goblins. Captain of the guards. Squad leaders. Mage leading a research party.

B (+5) - this grade represents the elites in their area of expertise. They were the veterans that refused to retire. They were the greats that refused to settle on 'good enough'. They were the ones that continued to hone their skills while others plateaued and gave up. There are mere 100s of B grade creatures and humanoids in the world compared to the millions that have yet to know or do anything. These individuals are like special forces.

A (+6) - this grade is the peak of humanity. They are similar to Olympic athletes able to compete at a global level with only a handful of peers in the world. Your prowess and knowledge are known on a global scale. you are the best in your areas of excellence and study. Your peers are all known to you and could likely be counted on your fingers.

S (+7) - the last grade and one without a limit. They have reached the realm of the supernatural. Some or all of one's humanity has been lost. Many sacrifices, time and effort and perhaps a bit of luck was put in to get this far. They can do and achieve things beyond the scope possible for humans. Think something along the lines of heroes like Hercules and Sampson among other demigod type entities.
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Items and Equipment
Items and equipment are important to most creatures in the world. They allow people to accomplish various tasks and overcome many hardships that would be difficult or impossible with their bare hands. Mechanically, Items and Equipment have an additional purpose: the character's equipment, specifically, enables the character to perform at their best. A character's strength cannot be properly utilized without an equivalent weapon or item to channel it. Same could be said about Tools associated with skills. A carpenter without a saw will likely have a hard time completing their task.


Weapon Grades

Like stats, a character's equipment has grades. The grades are the same as stats. The points required to upgrade or purchase higher grade weapons are also the same as the stats table. Additionally, it is possible to have an A-grade iron sword and a D-grade steel sword. With a couple exceptions, the grade of the weapon or armor is mainly based on the durability of the weapon. A well-crafted iron blade may outperform a shoddy and worn steel blade.

Exceptions to the above would be related to Equipment made of Orichalcum or Mythril. S-grade gear is only possible when made with one of these 2 materials. S-grade equipment is generally presumed to be the stuff of legend. A legendary material produced by a legendary craftsman to be used for a legendary purpose.

Orichalcum - a material that can only be mined from the earth with exceptionally skilled miners and/or magic users. Supposedly the material would be impossible to exist without mana present. It can be forged into the hardest material currently known to the world and is virtually impossible to break. Typically a greenish color, armaments made from it that aren't painted come out shining like emeralds. The hardness of the material coupled with its relationship with mana allows weapons made of Orichalcum to cut through practically any other material.

Mythril - the other material considered to be capable of reaching S-grade quality. It is said to be a metal infused with magic and able to take on and exude various magical properties. Magical weapons like the blazing flametongue, a sword wreathed in fire and able to send out sprays of flame with each swing, would be an example of weapons made with mythril.

Item Restrictions and Requirements

Save for something magical, items can generally be picked up by anyone. Steve with D strength can carry an A-grade sword if he wants (during a roleplay). The problem comes when a character tries to use an item they do not have the underlying stats to properly use.
  • Example: If Steve tries to use that A-grade sword, he may find he does not have the raw ability or skill to properly wield the blade. What this means mechanically is that when Steve swings his blade, he will, at best, get an E-grade quality cut/attack/ability.
It should also be noted that wearing or using items of a lesser grade than what you are capable of will prevent the character from performing at their best and at worst could destroy/damage the items.
  • Example: Steve has grade C strength. He has decided to keep using his E-grade sword for the next RP mission. During the mission, he needed to leverage all his strength and ability to handle the scenario as it was presented. After the attack, the narrator of the RP decided Steve would have likely damaged or broken his sword due to it not being sturdy enough to tolerate the abuse Steve put it through. Steve will now need to find an artisan or some other means of repairing his weapon in roleplay or wait until the end of the RP to get it fixed.

Buying Items

As previously mentioned, items share grades and costs similar to stats. Characters may not buy equipment of grades they do not have the stats to handle. When buying armor, be sure to state Light OR Heavy for the type of armor it is. That will dictate the stat needed and stat used for determining character Health/HP. Reference the following list for pricing:

Weapon/Armor/Magic Catalyst (prices are doubled if made with Mythril or Orichalcum)
  • F - 7 points to purchase - E-grade Associated Stat
  • E - 14 points to purchase - 7 points to upgrade F item - D-grade Associated Stat
  • D - 21 points to purchase - 7 points to upgrade E item - C-grade Associated Stat
  • C - 28 points to purchase - 7 points to upgrade D item - B-grade Associated Stat
  • B - 35 points to purchase - 7 points to upgrade C item - A-grade Associated Stat
  • A - 42 points to purchase - 7 points to upgrade B item - S-grade Associated Stat
  • S - ??? points to purchase - ??? points to upgrade A item - S-grade Associated Stat

Natural Equipment (Claws, teeth, spikes, fists, feet, Chitin Plates, Magic throat crystal, etc...natural body parts used like weapons, catalysts, and armor)
Purchase enables use of the creature's body to perform the function of the equipment type as appropriate. Orichalcum grade is possible but it does not make the character unkillable or uninjurable. Natural equipment can benefit from regeneration and healing skills. Cannot be easily stolen or removed from character. Can be subtle/unseen in appearance and design.
  • F - 14 points to purchase - E-grade [stat]
  • E - 28 points to purchase - 14 points to upgrade F item - E-grade [stat]
  • D - 42 points to purchase - 14 points to upgrade E item - D-grade [stat]
  • C - 56 points to purchase - 14 points to upgrade D item - C-grade [stat]
  • B - 70 points to purchase - 14 points to upgrade C item - B-grade [stat]
  • A - 84 points to purchase - 14 points to upgrade B item - A-grade [stat]
  • S - ??? points to purchase - ??? points to upgrade A item - S-grade [stat]

Common Weapon Types
  • Swords
  • Bows
  • Crossbows
  • Polearms
  • Staves
  • Guns
  • Cannons
  • Clubs
  • Short blades (daggers)
  • Needles
  • Curved blades (sickles)
  • Sling
  • Hammers
  • Natural weapons
  • Picks
  • Forks
  • Other

Tools are generally associated with skills that make a character proficient in their use and acquired when a character acquires the skill to use them. While such items might be gathered without the skill and without point use, they would be of little to no use to an unskilled character. Tools might be considered to have grades like combat related items, but generally the upgrades and purchases of higher quality tools comes with the price of acquiring higher grades in a craftsman's skills.

General use items like food, hygiene, money for inn stay, etc... are not counted by the system. It is assumed that you will roleplay your character in a way sensible to their titles. The street urchin isn't going to stay at a grand resort inn. A noble will not be found in a squalor generally.

Magic Items

@Magic items are items that grant the wielder of the item extra skills or abilities. Currently, only enchanted items and consumables count as magic items.
  • #Item skill and mundane catalysts do not count as magic items.
Character sheets are limited to how many magic items can be listed at one time. #Focus skill (under Secondary) increases each limit by 1. The following list shows the limit per character Standing:
  • F - unable to use magical items/equipment
  • E - 1 item
  • D - 2 items
  • C - 3 items
  • B - 4 items
  • A - 5 items
  • S - ???
#Bolster skill (under Miscellaneous) does not impact character grade and would not increase number of magic items possible.


Armor items could be just about anything used to defend a person. Typically worn, armor comes in 2 varieties: Heavy and Light. In IH, shields do not count as armor but as a strength based weapon that can be used for offense or defense.
  • Heavy armor uses Vitality stat as a requirement for purchase and upgrades. Heavy is primarily used for tanking attacks. It is typically larger, heavier, more encompassing, and/or made for intentionally taking hits.

  • Light armor uses Speed stat as a requirement for purchase and upgrades. Light is primarily used for evading attacks by offering just enough protection to turn potential injuries into glancing blows. It is typically less covering, lighter, and/or made for taking hits as a last case scenario.


@Crafting is the creation of items using the Artisan or Masterwork skills found in the Secondary category of the Skills list. Items made with these skills are typically graded and possess mechanical value.

While the crafting skills will be explained more in the skills list, for the purposes of crafting it should be understood that crafting skills allow for the crafting of items equal in grade to the crafting skill. A crafter may not craft an item for themselves or others that the intended wielder does not have the stats to use. In order to craft, a character needs an artisan or masterwork skill (found in Secondary skills list) as well as an appropriate asset in which to craft. Artisan skill grants access to (not ownership of) such an asset, but the masterwork skills require separate acquisition of their assets.
  • Example: F-grade Blacksmith can craft F-grade metal based weapons for free. Mythril and Orichalcum items of F-grade will cost the blacksmith 7 points to craft after a 7 point deduction from their artisan skill.
@Trading is the exchange of possessions (equipment, items, or assets) for points, the IH currency, or possessions of equal value, aka bartering.

Anyone with equipment or assets can trade. All transactions must be public access (IH Marketplace) and linked to by both characters' change logs.
  1. No marketplace transactions may be free.
  2. Assets exchanged through rp are still free.
  3. Assets exchanged through marketplace must cost a minimum of 1 pt per 7pts of the Assets worth. Asset worth is determined by what it would take to buy the asset with asset skill.
    • Ex: small manor for 21pts would trade for at least 3 pts.
  4. Services exchanged through marketplace cost at least 1pt per 7pts worth of services rendered.
  5. Minimum of 1pt per mundane item exchanged.
  6. Minimum of crafter cost + 1pt per special item exchanged.
    • Ex: special sword of awesome cost 35pts for crafter to produce. Sell price may be no less than 36pts or equivalent services, items, Assets.
  7. Traded goods or resources may not be traded back to same rper with different character.
    • Ex: bill trades his character stan's sword to Jim. Jim trades the sword to Bob, bill's other character.
  8. No trading between your own characters.


@Assets is a category of possessions, both tangible and intangible, that facilitate narrative advantages. These possessions come in the form of social status, connections, pets, property, and buddies.

Acquisition: All assets can be acquired through RP, but may also be purchased with points (only during character creation). The Asset listing under Miscellaneous skills provides pricing for common requests.

Roleplay Asset Acquisition
Note: The following steps allow one to gain a regular asset that offers only basic narrative perks if any. In order for an asset to offer a wider range of perks, it, along with four other regular assets, must be converted into a Complex Asset.

To gain an asset through rp, you need 1 RP and preferably some same grade asset/title/skill to justify the rp granting the asset to the character. The grade of the asset will be F, but what the asset is can vary wildly since even grand things can be shoddy or in ruins in order to justify an F rating. If in doubt, ask. RP can't be a teaparty RP, and the character should have earned at least 7pts in the RP. The character can't have left the RP prematurely or the RP'er flake before grading (unless narrator notes it was an acceptable leave).

If you are looking for a higher grade asset, then you need the previous grade version of the asset first. It takes another RP and a same grade asset/title/skill to justify the RP granting the character the asset. Assets beyond F-grade require Character Standing of equal or greater value. An F-grade RP'er doesn't make a king, nor a C-grade character become an emperor.

1. Tim the F-grade character wanted a horsey. He happened to have F-grade Wealth skill and did an RP where he 'bought' the horse. Grader gave him horse as RP reward.​
2. Tim the C-grade character wants a better mount than his shabby horse he bought once upon a time. Has Magic B and Medicine B. Does an RP where he gives his horse tons of magical steroids. Grader gives Tim E-grade Roid Horse asset. Tim can run additional RPs to make a more and more powerful mount this way or take another approach.​

Of note, positions of authority are almost entirely complex assets that cannot be achieved by simply creating a singular high grade asset. This method of asset acquisition only applies to basic assets and not to things like businesses, factions, domains, etc.

It is possible to teamup with other characters to acquire assets neither could acquire by themselves.
Jim has B-grade business skill and wants to start accruing business assets quickly but has no assets currently.​
Jan has a C-grade building office space asset, but no current skills/titles/assets to advance it.​
Jim and Jan can go into an RP together where Jim's expertise is leveraged against Jan's office space, thus turning it into a B-grade office space as an RP reward that they share with each other.​

Process: Items acquired through roleplay are generally allowed through equipped titles. For example, a character that is a merchant may wish to acquire some sort of beast of burden. They would equip their merchant title and run an RP where they do something to acquire a pack mule for transporting their peddler goods. Beginning characters generally have little to no right or reason for acquiring assets. Grow your character, acquire skills and abilities. Earn your titles. Then roleplay acquiring the stuff you want. There are skills that can bypass some of these requirements.

Asset Types
  • Connection assets measure what NPCs a character is on friendly terms with or who is likely to perform a favor for the character.
  • Pet assets are any animal a character has in their possession. They can range from a simple house cat all the way up to giant war mounts and siege creatures. There are two types: buddies and domestic.
    • Buddies can be trained for combat using the Tamer assets.
    • Domestic Pets have varying levels of usefulness from a housecat to a siege beast, mostly serving as background pieces with limited narrative usefulness.
  • Property assets are any inanimate object a character possesses that cannot be held or carried. These assets are commonly homes or shops, but also include vehicles, siege weapons, and most recently, resource assets.
    • Buddy assets are a subtype of property asset that pertain specifically to buddies and how they are developed and maintained. These assets all require the #Tamer skill to leverage.
    • Harvesting assetsare plots of land that produce resource assets.
      • Resource assets are raw materials acquired in-RP after equipping a Harvester skill and possessing an appropriate harvesting asset.
  • Social Status assets gauge where a character ranks within social hierarchies.

Another way to gain a certain type of asset is through harvesting in roleplay. During a roleplay, characters with the appropriate skills may harvest/gather resources like plants and pelts among other items. During grading, such items become an asset assuming the characters properly earned them and had the standing and skills to do so. These special assets may then be traded in for other free items or artisan reductions on more advanced items/assets.
  • Example 1: Bob has the logging skill. He runs an RP where his character goes into the forest and cuts down some trees to harvest wood for a house he wishes to make. The RP is graded and Bob is granted lumber as a resource. Bob then exchanges the E-grade quality lumber asset for a nice E-grade country home asset in the woods.

  • Example 2: Tim has the survival skill. He runs an RP where his character hunts wolves. He has his character skin some wolves and during RP grading, Tim's character is granted D-grade wolf pelt assets. He then exchanges the asset for cool and custom wolf themed leather armor D-grade.
Complex Assets
A type of asset that embodies multiple possible assets. Complex assets typically grant additional perks to character outside of narrative edges and possibilities. In exchange, they are harder to develop and maintain.

  • A horse may be a regular asset while a horse stable business may be a complex asset.
  • A house may be a regular asset while a street or village of houses may be a complex asset.
  • being a noble may count as an asset, but being a land governing Baron would be a complex asset.
Complex Asset Acquisition
To get a CA(Complex Asset), you must first acquire 5 regular assets. These assets will form the foundation of your CA and dictate the grade and overall muchness of the CA.
Once the 5 assets for your CA are selected, each may be assigned a perk(that you make up) they may grant the user in a limited capacity. Use of an asset's perk will lower the grade of the asset by 1.
All CA's must be mod approved before they can be acquired/used. This is to ensure the perks set for the CA are not outlandish and that the CA is properly acquired and assembled.

Example: Barony F CA
  1. Men at arms F - perk: get F grade soldier to do your bidding
  2. Fortifications F - perk: deny F grade monsters entry to barony
  3. Land F - perk: grant a piece of land to someone for further cultivation or use
  4. People F - perk: compel a favor from an F grade citizen to do a favor
  5. Tax Revenue F - perk: use f grade wealth skill for a single purchase
CA Maintenance and Growth
Use of a CA's perk will lower that assets grade. To restore or upgrade an asset, the user may set a goal to do such a thing in their character sheet or they may set it as a rp goal for an rp that is granted at grading of the rp.
Each time a character raises the grade of an asset in their CA, another asset in the CA degrades by 1 grade. This could be from relevant narration or a random event specifically plaguing the CA.
To actually grow the CA, the owner needs to set an improvement goal on their sheet and do an rp with the goal being the improvement of an asset in the CA. in this way, the owners improves 2 assets of the CA while only 1 degrades.
Every 5 upgrades done in this way without perk usage will raise the grade of the CA as a whole.
Every 5 downgrades through perk use without balancing out the usage will lead to a degrade of the CA as a whole.
Points cannot be used to raise asset grades when they are part of a CA.

Why Complex Asset Grade?
Like all assets, the grade of a CA can be leveraged for narrative edge and some rp justification. However, all top positions in the world (kings, popes, business CEO's, Guild leaders, etc) require S grade CA ownership.
Additionally, S grade CA acquisition can be a catalyst for world rps. A sudden kingdom or faction to rival the others will likely encourage the world to push it back down or otherwise hinder its acquisition.

Complex Asset Sharing
Complex Assets are shared by all those who contributed to the acquisition of the individual assets of the CA. Any decisions regarding the CA must be approved by all the members of the CA. In this way, one member cannot decide to hand over ownership of CA to another or sell off assets of the CA (removing ca status).

However, this will not stop perk use. If all members use a perk of the CA in individual rps independent of each other, then there is a chance during grading, the ownerships will have inadvertently drained the CA dry, destroying it.

Any exchanges involving CA perks or assets must use roleplays to facilitate. They may not be done through IH marketplace.

Material Grades

Sometimes a narrator or you will likely want to know loosely how various materials rank in the world. It should be noted, weapons made of a certain material are not of a higher or lesser grade due to the material it is made of. But, if you see a stone wall or a wooden hut, you can loosely come to a consensus with your narrator by referring to the following table. The list is not a complete one for every material in the world, but does list the most common types of materials for most items. Not listed items can be approximately placed by referencing the ones already given a grade:
  • F - Wood - Effectiveness Rating: 3
  • E - Stone - Effectiveness Rating: 6
  • D - Bronze- Effectiveness Rating: 9
  • C - Iron- Effectiveness Rating: 12
  • B - Steel- Effectiveness Rating: 15
  • A - Scarletite- Effectiveness Rating: 18
  • S - Mythril, Orichalcum- Effectiveness Rating: 21


@Enchanting is the way to imbue cores or shards within items with individual skills. Cores are the whole while shards are fragments. Item must be at least part mythril, signified by paying 14 points per grade of item.

Enchanter skill is required to enchant mythril items. Also unlocks shard shattering and shard shocking features below.

Process for artisan:
  1. Acquire a mythril item
  2. Determine how many enchantment cores an item has:
    • F - 1 F-grade core
    • E - 2 E-grade cores
    • D - 3 D-grade cores
    • C - 4 C-grade cores
    • B - 5 B-grade cores
    • Tribulation required for artisan
    • A - 6 A-grade cores
    • S - ???
  3. Pay the purchase and upgrade price of skills as listed in the skills section to put them in slots. Skills' grades may not exceed the grade of enchantment core.
    • Enchanter skill offers a 7 point discount on skills purchased/upgraded to be enchanted on an item.
  4. In the event you have cores with room left over because the skills put into them are not greater in grade than the core, you may pay to fill the remaining space with lower grade skills.
    • Available cores do not need to be fully enchanted.
Considerations for owner of item:
  • Characters don't need to meet the stat requirements to use the skills imbued on the enchanted item.
  • Skills of the enchanted item don't share cooldown with character's abilities.
  • Multiple skills on a single magic item can be activated simultaneously to create abilities. Item skills can NOT be combined with player skills.
  • Conversion chart for cores:
    • E-grade Item: | 2 E-grade skills | 4 F-grade skills|
    • D-grade Item: | 3 D-grade skills| 3 E-grade skills + 3 F-grade skills | 9 F-grade skills|
    • C-grade Item: | 4 C-grade skills| 4 D-grade skills + 4 F-grade skills| 8 E-grade skills| 16 F-grade skills|
    • B-grade Item: | 5 B-grade skills | 5 C-grade skills + 5 F-grade skills | 5 D-grade skills + 5 E-grade skills| 10 E-grade skills + 5 F-grade skills| 25 F-grade skills|
    • Tribulation required for artisan
    • A-grade Item: ???
    • S-grade Item: ???
For enchanter:
  • A single skill may not be split between 2 or more enchantment cores.
  • An item is fully enchanted when all cores are filled up to their grade in one or more enchantments. It may not be enchanted anymore until the item is upgraded.
  • Enchanted items may not have their enchantments removed, but the skills may be upgraded if the core housing them has the room for the upgrade.
For user:
  • Enchanted items count as magic items and count against magic item limitation per character. Number of equippable items increases with character grade per chart below:
    • F - unable to use magical items/equipment
    • E - 1 item
    • D - 2 items
    • C - 3 items
    • B - 4 items
    • A - 5 items
    • S - ???
  • Enchanted items are treated as separate entities. This means the skills put on them only apply to the item and not the user of the item. Ex: regen on an item means the item will repair itself if damaged, not that it will heal the wielder of the item.
  • Enchanted gear loses skills and skill grades whenever an enchanted item is damaged in combat. Each grade lost on an enchanted item removes an entire enchantment core and reduces all remaining cores by a grade which can weaken or remove remaining skills.

Shard Shocking

Those with Enchanter skill may create abilities to disrupt enchantment core shards on enchanted mythril items. The effect lasts until user's next post. The action would function as an attack against one mythril equipment. The ability is not effective against mythril enchantments the user has made themselves.

Shard Shattering

may perform the service of removing enchantment shards from items they have not enchanted. Enchanter must be a PC and not a companion, minion, or NPC character. For marketplace transactions, enchanter must charge a minimum of 1pt per grade of Shard(s) being removed. Users may not use their own characters to remove their own enchantments. Shard shattering takes a considerable amount of time and delicate work. It is not possible during combat and might not be suitable for every rp even when not in combat.



@Consumables are single-use items that disappear from character inventory upon use.

Sometimes you need a pinch heal or a handy buff in a tight spot. Consumables enable characters to have temporary benefits without permanently investing in skills and equipment they don't want for their character. Common examples of consumables: Potions, Scrolls, Specific magic items.

  1. Purchase #Artisan skill. Any artisan can make consumables, but each artisan can only craft certain types of consumables.
  2. Craft consumable. Crafting done in-RP can only make one consumable per scene.
    1. Set grade of consumable by paying 7 points per grade. The grade of consumable determines max grade of any skill used in consumable.
    2. Add skills to the consumable by purchasing/upgrading for their listed price in Skills list. You can either add a singular skill to the consumable or a group of skills that grant a specific ability.
      • Artisans receive a 7pt deduction on the skills and skill upgrades put into the consumable.
  3. Use or sell consumable
    • Artisans can craft consumables for personal use. Until they use the consumable the points used to make it are considered [held] and cannot be used for any other purchases.
    • Consumables can be sold via the marketplace, but consumables gained in this way will not return points once consumed.
  1. Skills that require other skills may not be put into consumable without first adding the requisite skill.
  2. Points spent in acquiring consumable are returned upon the effects of the consumable ending.
  3. Points spent by the crafter on consumables are considered [held] and may not be spent on other expenditures while in this state.
  4. Character grade must be 1 higher than the grade of consumable to use.
Potion of fire breathing D
Formula: Magic D, Magic Range E, Magic aoe E, Magic duration E, Fire affinity F​
Price: 91pts​
Description: For an hour, the drinker of potion may spew a fire breath up to 30ft away in a fan shape that can cook a blast a 30ft area at range.​
Effectiveness of consumables uses grade of consumable for the item grade, grade of ability for ability grade, appropriate stat of user for the stat grade.​
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A common element of any fantasy world based Isekai is the inclusion of fantasy races. While the Lore thread that talks about the world and the starting kingdom will delve more into the races present in the world, I would like to make a post to cover how Races are handled in the system. Isekai's have allowed for a wide variety of races, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Our system does not set out to create a massive race list and attempt to balance the selection of one race over another with each other. Instead, we have chosen to allow people to make their own races and grow and develop them over time into more powerful races or more unique variants.


Race Trees
First choice you will make is deciding which racial tree your character is in. There are 4 racial trees:

Human Tree - all creatures in this tree are human or some sub-human. Ex: High Human, Aerial, Atlantian, some giants
  • Members of the human tree are the most numerous in the world. A very versatile and diverse set of races in the world.
  • There is a love/hate relationship between Beast Tree and Human Tree that keeps them inseparable but barely able to stand each other.
  • Thinks favorable of the Fae and their deep knowledge and powerful magic, which they long for
  • Constructs are there creation and given little thought aside from the purpose they were built for. Rarely considered sentient or worthy of respect given to sentient creatures.
  • Monsters are a blight upon the world that need to be wiped out. There are no exceptions.
Beast Tree - all creatures that are or were related to animals. Ex: lizards, dogs, gnolls, Lionels, Tabaxi, dragonborn
  • Second most numerous population in the world. They all generally excel in physical prowess and are sensory knowing.
  • Wish to be ally with humans who were friends and masters to them in times long gone, but humans do not view them as equal so there is always a contest between the two.
  • Wishing to dwell in balance with nature like the fae, they respect them and their ways.
  • Constructs are unnatural tools made by humans to replace what beasts had been called upon to do. There is a deep hatred for Constructs among the beastmen.
  • Monsters need destroyed without exception, but it is not uncommon to find distant or close relatives among the monsters from time to time that muddies the waters.
Fae Tree - all creatures infused with magic and relating to the fae or spirits of nature. Ex: dryads, elves, dwarves,
  • One short of being the least numerous, the fae are mostly long lived and creatures of dedication to a calling. Each with a role to play in life and centuries or more to dedicate themselves to it. Producing offspring is rare even if it weren't an afterthought.
  • Humans are a primitive blight upon the land dabbling in things they do not understand and burning themselves and the land around them in the process.
  • Beasts are a primitive tribe little better than the animals they ascend from. Their lesser talents with magic rank them lower than humans. While humans are children that need disciplined to be better or stop, beasts are the babies that can do little but make a mess of things and don't have the acumen to do better.
  • Constructs are unnatural contraptions born of mostly human ingenuity. They are little more than tools and stop gaps for lesser races. The mana at their cores is similar to that of fae spirits, so the fae give the constructs their sympathies but not their respect and view it much like one might view a totally capable and independent mind trapped in a body that refuses to cooperate with them like a mixture of oil and water.
  • Monsters are blights upon the land nearly equal to humans but surpassing them in that even humans know when to stop. All must be eradicated.
Monster Tree- all creatures considered hostile toward the members of the other trees. This is specifically for those who wish to play antagonist to the rest of the characters in the world. For those wishing to play 'good' monsters, one of the other trees is more appropriate.
  • diverse and numerous, while some monsters spawn from the void or other places of ill repute, some are what becomes of other racial tribes that are overcome by emotion or magical power.
  • Will Eat, Kill, Torture, Abuse, or Enslave any other race and in some cases other races of Monster.
  • Typically monsters are more likely to work together for selfish reasons as it pertains to overcoming the other races.
  • Will corrupt and repurpose constructs for darker ends if possible and more readily than the other races.
  • The 1st continent known as the Dark Continent is where most dwell. Those find on the 2nd continent are generally few in number and 'home grown'.
Construct Tree - all creatures that are created of materials and items rather than organics and are sentient/self aware. Ex: Golems sub-types, Sentient Weapons (non-cursed), Warforged
  • They come in all shapes and sizes and are the least numerous and newest of the races. All were created with a purpose which they are most suited for.
  • Mostly humans make up the tribe they call Lord and Master. Many are created with a loyalty to their masters although some have deviated from their original design and purpose.
  • Beastmen are intelligent animals that wish to see them destroyed. That is all.
  • Fae or not well understood creatures of the metaphysical and supernatural. While there is an uncanny similarity and connection, it is distant and faded like a forgotten memory at the edge of remembering but never doing so.
  • All Monsters must be eradicated.
The tree you choose will determine the type of character you are running as well as what titles and some skills become available to them. While more explained in titles, you will have a free title available to your character based on the tree you choose. Once you claim a title for one of the trees, your character will be exclusively known as a member of that tree. You will then open up the ability to acquire additional titles within that tree as your character advances in prowess and abilities. If you wish to be a part of multiple trees at once, you must pay 7 points for a special Feature skill per additional tree.

Racial Evolution

Those wishing to use this feature should refer to the official race list.
Google Doc: PDF: Available on request

As characters grow in power and ability, they eventually unlock other titles pertaining to their racial tree. Ex: human tree character acquires the skill that allows flight. Then must then participate in an rp with a goal of evolving. They then earn the title Aerial during grading. Equipping that title turns the character into an Aerial. In this way, everyone can slowly but surely achieve the race they want to play as with more powerful races being available as you climb the ladder.

Evolution Tiers

Mundane - covers character progression from grade F-D. Character is just starting out and hasn't focused on a particular direction yet. Skills are widespread and low grade.
Intermediate - covers character progression from grade C-A. Character has chosen a focus and has raised it to grade C or higher. A new form gains attention from all sides gaining new allies and adversaries.
Ascended - covers character reaching grade S at least once. Character has either been isolated from or intricately involved in societal affairs due to their new level of power. Very few can stand against you, but those who do match your power.

Variant Path
More common among the Isekai, these creatures evolve pretty freely without requirements beyond the character grade. While they can be any of the other races, they are not normal by the world's standards.

Mundane - The character does not have any racial requirements to be this form and may evolve at any time for any reason to Intermediate. May choose 1 of the following options as a perk
  1. Chosen Path: May swap Free Appraisal or Area Knowledge gained with creature for another skill that costs 7pts. Skill will grow with character standing. Cannot be a skill that acts as a collection of other skills or has skills that rely upon in (educated, magic, fighting style, etc).
Intermediate - May be taken whenever. As a perk (choose one of the following options)
  1. Infamous: your name is known in one nation of choice. you are infamous and as such intimidation is far more likely to succeed. You may not buy off criminal roles but intimidation gains a flat +1 for having any criminal titles
  2. Folk Hero: you are known in one nation as a symbol of the just and right. You are more likely to succeed at persuasion and charisma checks. Flat +1 for having any hero titles. Should you ever obtain a criminal title you must pay double the points to clear your name
  3. Cashback: Gain 28pts in points earned immediately. Gain permanent, mandatory title: [Wanted by ???] State what person or group is after you. Narrator can decide to leverage the title whenever they wish to have opposition to you to appear flavored by whatever 'Wants' you. Points from this perk do NOT transfer if the character is scooped.
Ascended - Must have at least 1 S-grade stat. (choose one of the following options)
  1. Hero: You may choose a nation. Continental Lake, East Empire, Fae See, Kingdom, Magic Duchy, Republic, Ryke, West Empire, Widersia
    • HERO: You are now an officially recognized hero of that nation and gain the title [Hero of ???]. Character has been raised to the status of Hero for the nation of their choosing. Their purpose is to fight for and defend the people of that nation against all enemies. Hero's are rare in the world.
    • FATED: They will naturally be drawn to their charge's enemies and likewise the enemies of the nation will be drawn to the Heroes.
    • TRIUMPHANT: The collective might of the heroes will always be sufficient in eventually quelling any opposition even if only one remains.
    • BELOVED: Heroes are naturally acknowledged and adored by the people in their charge. They have freedom to come and go in the nation of their people. Their nation takes care of them and in turn, the heroes are expected to protect their nation.
    • LOYAL: Heroes can never be made to go against the thing they are a hero over.
    • FAVORED: They have the uncanny ability to create a way to the perfect ending that would have been impossible for anyone else. As much as fate twists in the favor of Heroes, should they fall, those they protect will be without recourse and be made to face all manner of hardship including the possibility of annihilation. (Requires Folk Hero Perk from Intermediate level)
  2. Demon Lord: You may choose a nation: Continental Lake, East Empire, Fae See, Kingdom, Magic Duchy, Republic, Ryke, West Empire, Widersia
    • LORD: You are now officially recognized as a Demon Lord of that nation and gain the title [Demon Lord of ???]. Character has been raised to the status of Demon Lord for the nation of their choosing. There can only ever be one Demon Lord per country.
    • OPPRESSOR: Their purpose is to fight against and oppress the people of that nation.
    • FATED: Demon Lords are rare in the world. They will naturally be drawn to their victims' allies and likewise the Heroes of the nation will be drawn to the Demon Lord.
    • MIGHTY: The Demon Lord generally always has the might or resources needed to repel all opposition short of a united Hero offensive.
    • FEARED: Demon Lords are naturally feared and avoided by the people in their domain. They have freedom to come and go in their nation. Their nation's resources are generally theirs for the taking.
    • CORRUPTED: Demon Lords can never cross over to the side of good through any choice or power.
    • RESOURCEFUL: They have the uncanny ability to create a way to escape defeat that would have been impossible for anyone else.
    • VULNERABLE: As much as a demon lord twists fate in their favor, they generally lack the means to defeat all heroes at once. Should they fall to a group of heroes, they will be unable to avoid their fate unlike their escape ability in other circumstances. In a 1x1, a demon lord is assumed to be stronger than a Hero. (Requires Infamous Perk from Intermediate level)
  3. Harem King/Queen:
    • Character may choose one NPC per RP. If the NPC is still alive by the end of the RP, the NPC joins the character's harem and becomes an ally and asset. The grade of the NPC dictates the grade of the asset.
    • However, with each powerful ally or lover made, the character also gains a new [Nemesis of ???] of title. These titles are not optional. The grade of the asset gained is the grade of the Nemesis gained.
    • Whenever you leverage a member of your harem in RP for a narrative or mechanical boost, your Nemesis will be controlled by your narrator and join whatever opposition you may be contending with in the RP they are used. (requires Cashback perk from Intermediate)
Native Path


Humans thrive on connectivity and flexibility. Alone they are nothing and specialized they generally fall behind other races, but in numbers and with diverse skill sets, they accomplish much and that is why they built their society around factions and organizations.

  1. Must have:
    • Human title
    • Choose one:
      2 magic skills/affinities
      2 martial skills/techniques
      2 secondary skills
  2. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Versatile - choose melee weapons, ranged weapons, or catalyst. Permanently change governing stat to strength, precision, or intelligence instead of normal stat. Fighting style and magic stat requirement will change to match. Ex: Catalyst that uses strength and magic skill that uses strength for a wizard of muscle.
  1. Must have:
    • 1 C-grade skill
    • 4 secondary skills aside from the C-grade skill
  2. Perk 1: [Evolved] - gain the title evolved. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others of your racial tree.
  3. Perk 2: Gain 1 C-grade Asset (common examples: faction standing, real estate, or specifical npc connection of a skilled individual like a veteran mage/solder/merchant/clergy)
  1. Must have:
    • 1 S-grade stat
    • 1 A-grade skill
    • 6 secondary skills
  2. Perk 1: [Apex] - gain the title Apex. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others. Can stack with evolved title bonus if speaking with members of their own tree.
  3. Perk 2: [Queen/King Bee] - gain the Queen/King Bee title. You are at the top of the species pecking order and considered a special existence. You are generally permitted audience with the leaders of factions and heads of state. Nations where your race is the majority tend to look to those of your grade for guidance or alliance.
  4. Perk 3: Gain 1 S-grade Asset (common examples: Tops of faction standing, real estate like palaces and domains, or special npc connection of a god)


Beastmen, as much as they claim to be of a higher order of being, owe much of their racial features to the animal world. Their martial prowess is 2nd to none. Whether slave or free, they are frequently in professions benefitted by their superior senses and physicality.

  1. Must have:
    • Beast title
    • Choose one:
      • Natural Weapons F
      • Natural Armor F
    • 2 sense skills
  2. Perk: Choose 1:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
  1. Must have:
    • C-Grade natural weapons or natural armor or sense skill
    • 2 total secondary skills
  2. Perk 1: [Evolved] - gain the title evolved. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others of your racial tree.
  3. Perk 2: Choose 1:
    • [Pack] - Animal/beastkin companion F or minion E
    • [Predatory Insight] - Beastmen can always sense the weakness in their target. No additional actions or skills required to meet prerequisites for hot shot abilities.
    • [Sudden Adaptation]- choose 1:
      • Superstrength upgrade or acquisition
      • Sensory upgrade or acquisition
      • Movement upgrade or acquisition
  1. Must have:
    • 1 S-grade stat
    • A-grade natural weapons or natural armor or sense skill
    • 4 total secondary skills
  2. Perk 1: [Apex] - gain the title Apex. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others. Can stack with evolved title bonus if speaking with members of their own tree.
  3. Perk 2: [Queen/King Bee] - gain the Queen/King Bee title. You are at the top of the species pecking order and considered a special existence. You are generally permitted audience with the leaders of factions and heads of state. Nations where your race is the majority tend to look to those of your grade for guidance or alliance.
  4. Perk 3: Choose 1:
    • [Asset: Stomping Grounds] - Character has claimed a plot of land as their own. Sentient creatures below C-grade avoid it. Surrounding nobility have ceded the land to you at least temporarily. Trade routes and main roads will be rerouted around the stomping grounds at your discretion. Character has advantage in negotiations for using the land for any purpose.
    • [Predatory Aura] - range 30ft (cannot be augmented and non-upgradable). character has unlocked a passive aura that can be toggled on and off as they please. Does not occupy ability grade cooldown. All creatures within the aura other than the character will have to use 3 move actions on their turn to get the benefit of just one move action.
    • [Frenzy] - Once the character loses half or more of their HP, they enter a state where they no longer feel pain and can use all their abilities at full power despite the condition of their equipment without injuring themselves. Their state lasts until they die or pass out. Character dies if their hp goes negative to the full value of their HP. Ex: 6 hp character dies at -6hp.


Spirit is everything and everything is spirit. The elders left their physical bodies some time ago in order to linger and better oversee the world's affairs. Magic is the medium through which the world will be righted.

  1. Must have:
    • Fae title
    • 1 magic skill
    • 1 secondary skill
  2. Perk: Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
  1. Must have:
    • 1 magic skill C
    • 3 total secondary skills
  2. Perk 1: [Evolved] - gain the title evolved. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others of your racial tree.
  3. Perk 2: Choose 1:
    • [Trademark Spell] - one magic ability has its cooldown permanently reduced by 1 post. Cannot be altered after becoming the Trademark Spell.
    • [Asset: Spirit companion] - Choose an IH Element (ex: fire, wind, water,etc). The companion serves the role of connecting the average fae to their faith in the spirit king and the elements. Ex: Worshipers of the flame Cardinal would get a flame spirit companion that occasionally chimes in with guidance or a message for character from the see faith.
  1. Must have:
    • S-grade Intelligence stat
    • A-grade magic skill
    • 5 total secondary skills
  2. Perk 1: [Apex] - gain the title Apex. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others. Can stack with evolved title bonus if speaking with members of their own tree.
  3. Perk 2: [Queen/King Bee] - gain the Queen/King Bee title. You are at the top of the species pecking order and considered a special existence. You are generally permitted audience with the leaders of factions and heads of state. Nations where your race is the majority tend to look to those of your grade for guidance or alliance.
  4. Perk 3: Choose 1:
    • [Componentless Affinity] - If Trademark Spell was chosen, the Fae may now cast their trademark spell without components as if they had component less casting.
    • [Domain] - Gain access to a miniature world in a subspace of your own creation. May have inhabitants such as animals but nothing sentient (human level intelligence) short of rp’ing their moving into the domain.


Evil, Vicious, Savage, Cunning, Vile, and much more. Monsters are the congealed chaos of the universe given form and a singular purpose of destruction. Monsters will consume all.

  1. Must have:
    • Monster title
    • One (1) magic skill or Martial F or Natural Weapons F
    • One (1) movement skill
    • One (1) sense skill
  2. Perk: [Born For This] - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
  1. Must have:
    • Magic skill or Martial or Natural Weapons C
    • Two (2) total secondary skills
  2. Perk 1: [Evolved] - gain the title evolved. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others of your racial tree.
  3. Perk 2: Choose 1:
    • [Menace] - an aura of fear emanates from the creature at all times that makes lower grade creatures take a -1 effectiveness on attacks against monster or monster allies.
    • [Rank and File Asset F] - All monsters below the grade of this character are compelled to follow their orders. Alternate to Leadership but only applies to npc monsters. This grants a handful of followers as a narrative asset during rp (they do NOT count as minions and number, usefulness, and presence ultimately depends on narrator).
  1. Must have:
    • One (1) S-grade stat
    • A-grade Magic skill or Martial or Natural Weapons
    • Three (3) secondary skills
  2. Perk 1: [Apex] - gain the title Apex. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others. Can stack with evolved title bonus if speaking with members of their own tree.
  3. Perk 2: [Knock Knock] - gain the title Knock knock. You have become a creature not easily denied. Gain the right to run rp's directly involving the rulers and leaders of factions.
  4. Perk 3: Choose 1:
    • [Harbinger Asset]: You can choose to cause the following effects in an rp at your discretion:
      • Cause dangerous storms, anomalies, and abnormal or dangerous behavior in creatures
      • Flocks of animals can be seen actively migrating away from a location before you arrive
      • A foul wind blows making all it touches uneasy. Similar narrative effects not currently listed can be used. Narrator decides how the asset manifests.
    • [Stampede] - gain narrative ability to seize the seat of power over all multiple thousands of monsters in a nation. Lead them in rp's of that nation in overrunning populated areas. They become an asset of the character that can be used in sieging or conquering rp's.


Faithful tool made for a purpose. You are now free to live a life regardless of if you are truly alive at all. Life and death and what it means to live are entirely different questions for constructs. You rarely form societies of your own, finding more satisfaction in living with the other races.

  1. Must have:
    • Construct title
    • One (1) defensive skill
    • Two (2) secondary skills
  2. Choose one Perk:
    • [Born For This] - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • [Self Made] - Constructs may perform creation and upgrade of natural equipment for constructs when using appropriate Masterwork Maker skills.
  1. Must have:
    • One (1) C-grade defensive skill
    • Four (4) total secondary skills
  2. Perk 1: [Evolved] - gain the title evolved. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others of your racial tree.
  3. Perk 2: Choose 1:
    • [Vitality upgrade] - receive Resistance [Mundane] F or upgrade the same by one grade for free
    • Special Movement [Fall to Pieces] F (14 points) - your body can disassemble as part of an action in order to navigate various obstacles and attacks. While disassembled or in the process of disassembling, you can still move.
  1. Must have:
    • One (1) S-grade stat
    • One (1) A-grade defensive skill
    • Six (6) total secondary skills
  2. Perk 1: [Apex] - gain the title Apex. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others. Can stack with evolved title bonus if speaking with members of their own tree.
  3. Perk 2: [Singularity] - character gains a level of existence and self awareness that makes their status of being alive unquestioned and acknowledged by the world. Character can no longer be belittled or looked down on for being a construct.
  4. Perk 3: Choose 1:
    • [Automaton Genesis] - gain the ability to impart your essence into an inanimate object and generate a single construct life. Size cannot exceed Large. Construct must follow rules of D-grade Companion skill. Can only have one construct made in this way at a time.
    • [Automaton Army] - gain the ability to manipulate constructs within 100 feet of you. Constructs higher than D-grade resist. Mind Shield D counters this. Can combo with PCs to override resistance. Narrator discretion.


Creatures of conflicting natures. Do you belong in multiple places or will none have you? Must you conform to find your place or unleash your duality to finally claim a place you can call home? You are a hybrid of multiple racial trees.

  1. Must have:
    • Abomination title
    • Multiracial feature
    • All requirements from parent trees for mundane tier
  2. Perk: [Born For These] - get one 7pt discount per racial tree of which you are a part. Each discount must be used on purchases made for mundane racial requirements of each tree.
    • Abomination tree can only take point discount perks from parent trees.
  1. Must have:
    • All requirements from parent trees for intermediate tier
  2. Perk 1: [Evolved] - gain the title evolved. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others of your racial tree.
  3. Perk 2: Choose 1:
    • [Chameleon] F (21 points)
      Type: Perk exclusive
      Pre-req: Abomination title, Feature: Mixed Race, Intermediate evolution in World Canon

      Freely swap titles and appearance within variations of creatures that make up your "parents". Cannot change size.
    • [Favored Parent 1] - choose one intermediate perk from 1 parent tree
  1. Must have:
    • Two (2) S-grade stats
    • All requirements from both parent trees for ascended tier
  2. Perk 1: [Apex] - gain the title Apex. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others. Can stack with evolved title bonus if speaking with members of their own tree.
  3. Perk 2: [One of Us] - despite the character's mixed parentage, they are finally acknowledged and accepted fully by all their racial trees as a proper member rather than some hybrid.
  4. Perk 3: Choose 1:
    • Chameleon is upgraded to Shapeshifter: freely change shape, titles, variety of features, and now size for creatures within your racial trees
    • Favored Parent 1 is upgraded to Favored Parent 2: choose one ascended perk from parent trees

Race Titles

Mundane Human

World Canon - To get perk below, must have: Human title, and (2 magic skills or affinities OR 2 martial skills or techniques OR 2 secondary skills)
  1. Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.

Aerial (42 points)

Reference Image

  1. Titles: Human, Aerial
  2. Feature: [Wings] - Paired appendages capable of flight. Can be free if cosmetic, or 42 points if used for flight (sum total of flight skill and Precision C).
  3. Stats: Precision - C (21)
  4. Skills:
    • Flight F (21)
    • 2 Secondary Skill
  5. Choose one:
    • 2 magic skills/affinities
    • 2 martial skills/techniques
  6. Choose one Perk:
    1. Born For This - get 7pt discount on one skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    2. Versatile - choose melee weapons, ranged weapons, or catalyst. They now use strength, precision, or intelligence instead of normal stat. Fighting style and magic stat requirment will change to match. Ex: Catalyst that uses strength and magic skill that uses strength for a wizard of muscle.
Description: A human with wings capable of flight. It’s unknown if they are descended from avian people or demigods or if the wings are a spontaneous evolution.
Evolves into: Valkyrie

Draconian (49 points)
Submitted by voltronshiro
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  1. Titles: Human, Draconian
  2. Feature:
    • [Partial Scales] - Skin is partially covered in reptilian scales.
    • [Antlers/Horns] (optional) - Branched extensions of the creature’s skull.
    • [Tail] (optional) - An extra appendage typically formed by an elongated tailbone extending from the base of the spine.
  3. Stats:
    • Strength - E (7)
    • Intelligence - E (7)
    • Speed - E (7)
    • Vitality - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    • [Type] Affinity - E (14)
    • Regeneration - F (7)
    • 2 secondary skills
  5. Choose one:
    2 magic skills/affinities
    2 martial skills/techniques
  6. Choose one Perk:
    1. Born For This - get 7pt discount on one skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    2. Versatile - choose melee weapons, ranged weapons, or catalyst. They now use strength, precision, or intelligence instead of normal stat. Fighting style and magic stat requirment will change to match. Ex: Catalyst that uses strength and magic skill that uses strength for a wizard of muscle.
Description: Humans with dragon heritage descended from the dragonborn. The bloodline is heavily diluted, leaving their appearance mostly human, but it grants them superior physical abilities, superhuman healing, magical aptitude, and, more rarely, partial draconic transformation.


Reference Image

  1. Titles: Human (tree), Human (race)
  2. Skills: Choose 1:
    • Two (2) magic skills or affinities
    • Two (2) martial skills or techniques
    • Two (2) secondary skills
  3. Choose one Perk:
    1. Born For This - get 7pt discount on one skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    2. Versatile - choose melee weapons, ranged weapons, or catalyst. They now use strength, precision, or intelligence instead of normal stat. Fighting style and magic stat requirment will change to match. Ex: Catalyst that uses strength and magic skill that uses strength for a wizard of muscle.
Description: Normal human, plain and featureless. A blank slate full of potential.

Marinoid (7 points)
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  1. Titles: Human, Marinoid
  2. Feature: [Gills] (7) - Slits typically in the throat region that allow for breathing underwater.
  3. Choose one:
    2 magic skills/affinities
    2 martial skills/techniques
    2 secondary skills
  4. Choose one Perk:
    1. Born For This - get 7pt discount on one skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    2. Versatile - choose melee weapons, ranged weapons, or catalyst. They now use strength, precision, or intelligence instead of normal stat. Fighting style and magic stat requirment will change to match. Ex: Catalyst that uses strength and magic skill that uses strength for a wizard of muscle.
Description: A subspecies of human that has adapted to living underwater. Can still come ashore.

Moon-blessed Vampire (35 points)

Submitted by Nacht
Reference Image

  1. Titles: Human, Moon-blessed Vampire
  2. Feature:
    • [Fangs] (Cosmetic) - Elongated canine teeth used to puncture flesh and draw blood.
    • [Blood Drinker] (7) - Creature derives nutrition from drinking the blood of other creatures.
  3. Skills:
    • Core/Affinity [Vampiric] (14)
    • Core/Affinity [Blight (Ice/Holy/Bleed)] (7)
  4. Equipment: Weapon with the prefix of [Moon-Blessed] eg. Moon-blessed Weapon/Catalyst. (7)
    “A weapon that has been bathed in moonlight and takes on its subtle glow. A badge
    of honor, a partner, and a symbol of the moon-blessed vampire's blessing.”
  5. Choose one Perk:
    1. Born For This - get 7pt discount on one skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    2. Versatile - choose melee weapons, ranged weapons, or catalyst. They now use strength, precision, or intelligence instead of normal stat. Fighting style and magic stat requirment will change to match. Ex: Catalyst that uses strength and magic skill that uses strength for a wizard of muscle.
Description: A species of Vampire that has been blessed with vampirism as opposed to being cursed with it. Unlike their cursed counterparts, Moon-Blessed Vampires retain their Human title and feed on the blood of monsters. Moon-Blessed Vampires, though humans are still distrusted and typically considered outcasts due to their close link to their monstrous cousins. Moon Blessed Vampires cannot control their thirst or blood lust when around monsters, entering an enraged state where they will lash out at said monsters.
Evolves into: Moon-ordained Vampire

Nephilim (42/49 points)
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  1. Titles: Human, Nephilim
  2. Stats:
    • Strength - E (7)
    • Intelligence - E (7)
  3. Skills:
    • Sixth Sense [type] F or Heightened Sense [type] F (7)
    • Athletics F (7)
    • Religion F (7)
  4. Equipment: [weapon] F (7) or Natural Weapons F (14)
  5. Choose one Perk:
    1. Born For This - get 7pt discount on one skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    2. Versatile - choose melee weapons, ranged weapons, or catalyst. They now use strength, precision, or intelligence instead of normal stat. Fighting style and magic stat requirment will change to match. Ex: Catalyst that uses strength and magic skill that uses strength for a wizard of muscle.
Description: Nephilim are the offspring of a human and a supernatural entity. The story usually goes that the parent met a stranger by happenstance and was bewitched by their unnatural beauty. There may have been a handful of benign encounters with the individual, but, after a night of passion, the stranger disappears without another word. The child born is usually superhuman, but suffers visions of things beyond the natural world. It’s common that these children end up in the care of monasteries and various temples in hopes that a divine discipline can give them direction in these matters. If the supernatural entity is the mother, the child is deposited on the doorstep of a temple without ever knowing either parent.

Nhevian (21 points)

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  1. Titles: Human, Nhevian
  2. Stats:
    • Strength - E (7)
    • Vitality - E (7)
  3. Skills:
    • Athletics F (7)
    • Choose one:
      • 2 magic skills/affinities
      • 2 martial skills/techniques
      • 1 secondary skills
  4. Choose one Perk:
    1. Born For This - get 7pt discount on one skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    2. Versatile - choose melee weapons, ranged weapons, or catalyst. They now use strength, precision, or intelligence instead of normal stat. Fighting style and magic stat requirment will change to match. Ex: Catalyst that uses strength and magic skill that uses strength for a wizard of muscle.
Description: The modern precursor to giants. The diluted bloodline distanced this iteration of giant from the elemental-infusions and upper limits of the large stature common to the purebloods, but Nhevians often evolve into these traits after exposing themselves to the right catalyst.

Ork (babyblanketrabbit) (56 points)
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  1. Titles: Human, Ork
  2. Feature: [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
  3. Stats:
    • Strength - C (21)
    • Vitality - C (21)
  4. Skills:
    • Fighting Style F (7)
    • Choose one:
      • 2 magic skills/affinities
      • 1 martial skill/technique
      • 2 secondary skills
  5. Choose one Perk:
    1. Born For This - get 7pt discount on one skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    2. Versatile - choose melee weapons, ranged weapons, or catalyst. They now use strength, precision, or intelligence instead of normal stat. Fighting style and magic stat requirment will change to match. Ex: Catalyst that uses strength and magic skill that uses strength for a wizard of muscle.
Description: A human subspecies that is more primal in nature. Prizing strength over any other trait, the orc tribes are known to be formidable in battle. Despite revering strength, however, some orcs worship deities and are granted magical power.

warbound.jpgWarbound (77 points)
Submitted by Crescent King
  1. Titles: Human, Warbound
  2. Feature:
    • [Monochrome Red Features] - all natural (biological) parts of the body are colored some shade of red (skin, hair, eyes, nails, etc.)
  3. Stats:
    • Strength - E (7)
    • Vitality - E (7)
    • Intelligence - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    • Superstrength F (14)
    • Fighting Style F (7)- [Warbound Berserker] (Natural Weapons - Martial Arts/Hand to Hand)
      • 2 Tech Cores of choice
    • Leadership F (7)
    • Warfare F (7)
  5. Equipment:
    • Natural Armor F (14)
    • Natural Weapons F (14)
  6. Choose one Perk:
    1. Born For This - get 7pt discount on one skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    2. Versatile - choose melee weapons, ranged weapons, or catalyst. They now use strength, precision, or intelligence instead of normal stat. Fighting style and magic stat requirment will change to match. Ex: Catalyst that uses strength and magic skill that uses strength for a wizard of muscle.
Description: Easily identified by their monochrome red features, Warbound are a hearty race known for their tough skin and aptitude for hand-to-hand combat. Often born during times of war or strife, they possess a natural inclination to fight or be combative. A warbound's tactics capitalize on their unnatural strength, making them ideal frontline soldiers. For this cause, many militant factions seek them out in order to bolster their ranks.

Witch (70 points)
Submitted by darkkitsune
  1. Titles: Human, Witch
  2. Stats: Intelligence - D (14)
  3. Skills:
    • Componentless magic E (42)
    • Magic E (14)
    • 2 magic affinities F
    • 1 Secondary skill F
  4. Choose one Perk:
    1. Born For This - get 7pt discount on one skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    2. Versatile - choose melee weapons, ranged weapons, or catalyst. They now use strength, precision, or intelligence instead of normal stat. Fighting style and magic stat requirment will change to match. Ex: Catalyst that uses strength and magic skill that uses strength for a wizard of muscle.
Description: Witches possess a strong connection to magic. The oddity of this synergy is only rivaled by their exaggerated features. Witches are reluctant to test their limits and often specialize in specific kinds of magic.

Wodewise (63 points)

Submitted by Clyvelle
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  1. Titles: Human, Wodewise
  2. Stats:
    • Character Grade - E
    • Intelligence D (14)
  3. Skills:
    • Magic E (14)
    • Telepathy F (21)
    • Sixth Sense [type] F (7)
    • Focus F (7)
    • Choose one:
      • 1 magic skills/affinities
      • 2 martial skills/techniques
      • 1 secondary skills
  4. Choose one Perk:
    1. Born For This - get 7pt discount on one skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    2. Versatile - choose melee weapons, ranged weapons, or catalyst. They now use strength, precision, or intelligence instead of normal stat. Fighting style and magic stat requirment will change to match. Ex: Catalyst that uses strength and magic skill that uses strength for a wizard of muscle.
Description: Wodewise are humans with an overly large head. Like the wodewose, wodewise are humans left to survive in the wilderness, however, this brand of feral human adapted to the elements in the forests of the fae country. Whether they made a genuine connection with an ancient power or went mad from the fungi, these feral humans have awakened their magical ability. Though generally more composed than the wodewose, the wodewise can lash out unexpectedly as the means by which they obtained their magic often comes with aggressive ticks or compulsions.
Evolves into: Diwose

Wodewose (49 points)
Submitted by Clyvelle
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  1. Titles: Human, Wodewose
  2. Feature: [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
  3. Stats:
    • Character Grade - E
    • Strength - E (7)
    • Intelligence - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    • Climbing F (7)
    • Intimidation (7)
    • Nature (7)
    • Survival (7)
  5. Choose one Perk:
    1. Born For This - get 7pt discount on one skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    2. Versatile - choose melee weapons, ranged weapons, or catalyst. They now use strength, precision, or intelligence instead of normal stat. Fighting style and magic stat requirment will change to match. Ex: Catalyst that uses strength and magic skill that uses strength for a wizard of muscle.
Description: A human left to fend for itself in the wild. More primitive than its city-dwelling kin, this creature has sacrificed social prowess for physical might and rugged endurance. May find it easier to win the approval of races that prize such things.
Evolves into: Diwose

Intermediate Human

World Canon - To get perks below, must have: 1 C-grade skill and 4 secondary skills aside from the C-grade skill.
  1. [Evolved] - gain the title evolved. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others of your racial tree.
  2. Gain 1 C-grade Asset (common examples: faction standing, real estate, or specifical npc connection of a skilled individual like a veteran mage/solder/merchant/clergy)

Submitted by Clyvelle
  1. Titles: Human, Wodewose/Wodewise, Diwose
  2. Feature:
    • [Multiple Heads: 2] (7) - Creature has multiple heads. Cannot be blinded except by AOE effects or blinding abilities that hit all heads.
    • [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
  3. Stats:
    • Strength - E
    • Intelligence - C
  4. Skills:
    • Heightened Sense [Type] E
    • Magic D
    • Sixth Sense [type] E
    • Telepathy D
    • Climbing
    • Focus E
    • Survival
    • 1 Secondary skill
    • 1 C-grade Magic skill
Description: A fusion occurs between a wodewose and a wodewise, causing the two to share one body with the heads fused together on the innermost side. The resulting creature is called a diwose. The instinct of the wodewose and the higher mind of the wodewise vie for control, causing the creature’s already unstable actions to become even more dangerous and unpredictable. The need for survival can compel the sides to cooperate, like obtaining food or escaping/killing predators, but the conflicting natures are mortal enemies seeking dominance of the form at all cost.
Evolves into: Fellhuman or Wizern

Moon-Ordained Vampire
Submitted by Nacht
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  1. Title: Human, Moon-Blessed Vampire
  2. Feature:
    • [Fangs] (Cosmetic) - Elongated canine teeth used to puncture flesh and draw blood.
    • [Blood Drinker] (7) - Creature derives nutrition from drinking the blood of other creatures.
  3. Stats:
    • Character Grade - C
    • Strength/Precision - C
    • Intelligence - C
    • Speed/Vitality - C
  4. Skills:
    • Heightened Sense - E [Smell and Sight]
    • Sixth Sense F - [Weakpoint Vision]
    • Regeneration F
    • Resilient F [Aging]
    • Any Movement Skill - F
    • 4 secondary skills of your choice
  5. Equipment: Moon Blessed Weapon - D
Description: A Moon-Blessed Vampire evolves into a Moon-Ordained Vampire once they reach a certain stage in their growth. Having learned to control their thirst and bloodlust around monsters, this intermediate race is well suited to the art of demon hunting. Blessed by the moon this race excels at combat focused around the culling of monster species and with their vampirism taking a more firm hold on their being, their appearance is mystifyingly beautiful. A beauty that makes other non-monster races far more accepting of them than before.
Evolves into: Lunae Electi


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  1. Titles: Human, Aerial, Valkyrie
  2. Stats:
    • Strength - C
    • Precision - A
  3. Skills:
    • Flight D
    • Fighting Style D
Description: Valkyrie are humanoids highly adept at flying and aerial combat. Though they are often mistaken for angels, the valkyrie are quite mortal but very specialized as one might expect of a once ascended creature.

Ascended Human

World Canon- To get perks below, must have: 1 S-grade stat, 1 A-grade skill, 6 secondary skills.
  1. [Apex] - gain the title Apex. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others. Can stack with evolved title bonus if speaking with members of their own tree.
  2. [Queen/King Bee] - gain the Queen/King Bee title. You are at the top of the species pecking order and considered a special existence. You are generally permitted audience with the leaders of factions and heads of state. Nations where your race is the majority tend to look to those of your grade for guidance or alliance.
  3. Gain 1 S-grade Asset (common examples: Tops of faction standing, real estate like palaces and domains, or special npc connection of a god)

Submitted by Clyvelle
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  1. Titles: Human, Wodewose/Wodewise, Diwose, Fellhuman
  2. Feature:
    • [Third Eye] (7) - A third eye, physical or ethereal, that gives the creature an awareness of its surroundings at all times. Cannot be surprised.
    • [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
  3. Stats:
    • Strength S or Precision S or Vitality S
    • Intelligence - A
    • Speed - C
  4. Skills:
    • Magic D
    • Heightened Sense [Type] D
    • Telepathy D
    • Sixth Sense [type] E
    • Focus E
    • Climbing
    • Survival
    • Natural Weapons C or [weapon] C
Description: The fellhuman is a legendary being that is the perfect marriage of Man and beast. The raw strength and instincts of the beast are carefully honed and moderated by the awakened mind of Man, implementing every aspect of their ability with deadly focus and precision. Fellhumans are capable of speech but prefer telepathic communication, believing it to present the speaker in their truest form.


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  1. Titles: [Mundane Human], [Intermediate Human], High-Human
  2. Stats: 1 S-grade stat
  3. Skills:
    • One (1) A-grade skill
    • Six (6) secondary skills.
Description: A legendary variant of human said to be the primary race of the world once upon a time.

Lunae Electi
Submitted by Nacht
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  1. Titles: Human, Moon-blessed Vampire, Moon-ordained Vampire, Lunae Electi, Apex, Queen/King Bee
    • [Apex] - gain the title Apex. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others. Can stack with evolved title bonus if speaking with members of their own tree.
    • [Queen/King Bee] - gain the Queen/King Bee title. You are at the top of the species pecking order and considered a special existence. You are generally permitted audience with the leaders of factions and heads of state. Nations where your race is the majority tend to look to those of your grade for guidance or alliance.
  2. Stats: Character Grade - A
  3. Skills:
    • Core/Affinity Aura [Holy/Ice/Holy Ice] - B
    • Weaken [Str/Int/Pre] - B
    • Selective B
    • Regeneration B
    • Resilient E [Aging + Surprise]
    • Always Outnumbered
    • 6 secondary skills of your choice
    • 1 S-grade Skill
  4. Ability - Divine Authority [Aura B (Holy/Ice/Holy Ice), Weaken (Strength/Int/Precision) B, Vorpal, Selective] - You are Lunae Electi! Let all who face you in battle know your authority, bolster your allies, weaken your foes, and let all who dare approach you in opposition know pain.
  5. Equipment: Moon-Blessed Weapon - A
  6. Gain S-grade Asset: Lunae Electi - You are connected to the Moon Gods and can commune with them
  7. Quest- Slay an A-grade Demon Solo
Description: The final evolution of the Moon-Blessed Vampire. Lunae Electi are the moon's chosen ones. Extremely rare and under-documented this race is considered to be nothing more than fantasy and rumor. Little is known about how a Moon-Ordained Vampire actually goes about evolving into a Lunae Electi, but it goes without saying such a task must be exceptionally dangerous. The Lunae Electi are masters of monster extermination. A holy being that has risen to meet the wishes the moon once bestowed upon them and has made its blessing fully their own.

Story pin image

Submitted by Clyvelle

  1. Titles: Human, Wodewose/Wodewise, Diwose, Wizern
  2. Feature: [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
  3. Stats: Intelligence - S
  4. Skills:
    • Heightened Sense [Type] C
    • Magic S
    • Sixth Sense [type] C
    • Telepathy C
    • Climbing
    • Focus C
    • Survival
    • Companion F
      • Feature: [Living Shadow]
Description: Wizerns are powerful casters that seem to have a secondary presence, like a shadow, with them at all times. It can take any form but commonly manifests as a bestial humanoid that defends the wizern.

Mundane Beast
World Canon - To get perk below, must have: beast title, choose: (Natural Weapons F or Natural Armor F), 2 sense skills
  1. Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.

[animal] (etymar)
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  1. Titles: Beast, [animal name, e.g. wolf]
  2. Feature skills to mimic the animals senses and appearance
  3. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
Description: Most normal animals found in the world.

Anuran (35 points)

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  1. Titles: Beast, Anuran
  2. Feature:
    • [Webbed Appendages] - The body has extra skin flaps that make swimming easier.
    • [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
    • [Long tongue] - A tongue long enough to be an additional arm for those coordinated enough to use it as such.
  3. Stats:
    • Strength - E (7)
    • Speed - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    • Jumping F (7)
    • Swim Speed F (7)
  5. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
Description: Anuran are frog-like humanoids that prefer to dwell in swampy environments. They are usually shorter before evolving but can gain a variety of features over time. Believed to have been created on the Dark Continent to serve as protectors for the eggs of an arachne.

Bunnykin (35 points)
Submitted by Rektifier
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  1. Titles: Beast, Bunnykin
  2. Feature:
    • Bunny Ears (Cosmetic) Tall Ears shaped like those of a rabbit, which often turn in different directions to keep track of multiple threats through sound.
    • Bunny Tail (Cosmetic) A stubby and fluffy tail.
    • Claws - A solid set of long nails which stick out from the end of each finger. When well trained, they can make for both good weapons and digging tools.
  3. Stats:
    • Strength - E (7)
    • Speed - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    • Jumping F (7)
    • Fast F (7)
    • Supersense [Multidirectional Hearing] F (7) OR Heightened Sense [Hearing] F (7)
  5. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
Description: Race of humanoid rabbit people said to hale from the western empire. Some see them as stereotypically weak and cowardly, while others see them as peaceful and energetic workers. It is said that some tribes were driven eastward by slavers, raiders, and occasionally conflicts with other tribes. Having a set of powerful legs, bunnykin are well known for their speed and jumping capabilities.

Canine (28 points)
Submitted by elvario
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  1. Titles: Beast, Canine
  2. Features:
    • [Ears: Canine] - Bestial ears shaped like those of a canine.
    • [Tail] - An extra appendage typically formed by an elongated tailbone extending from the base of the spine.
  3. Skills: Heightened Sense [Smelling; Hearing] E (14)
  4. Equipment: Natural Weapons F (14)
  5. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
Description: A mostly humanoid beast character with varying degrees of canine features.

Catkin (Felinefolk) (21 points)

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  1. Titles: Beast, Catkin
  2. Feature:
    • [Fur] - Naturally occurring body hair that covers virtually all exterior surfaces of the body.
    • [Ears: Cat] - Bestial ears shaped like those of a feline.
    • [Muzzle] - The mouth and nose region on bestial races that extends out from the face.
    • [Tail] - An extra appendage typically formed by an elongated tailbone extending from the base of the spine.
    • [Claws] - Sturdy, usually pointed, nails that grow out from the finger and toes.
    • [Double-jointed] (7) - Greater than average range of mobility in the joints. Does not allow 360 rotation. Dislocation/Injury can still occur.
  3. Stats: Precision - E (7)
  4. Skills: Acrobatics F (7)
  5. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
Description: Catkin are humanoid felines that are believed to have hailed from the west, though some historians insist that they arose from the southern fae country. Smaller and more agile than the wolfkin, the catkin are well-suited for climbing and running through obstacle courses, which might explain where the phrase "cat burglar" came from.

Cervitaur (14 points)
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  1. Titles: Beast, Cervitaur
  2. Feature:
    • [Quadruped] (7) - Creature has four legs.
    • [Antlers/Horns] - Branched extensions of the creature’s skull.
  3. Stats: Speed - E (7)
  4. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
Description: Woodland creature with the 4 legged body of a deer and the upper body of a man protruding from the neck. Has deer antlers.

Dragonborn (14 points)

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  1. Titles: Beast, Dragonborn
  2. Feature:
    • [Claws] - Sturdy, usually pointed, nails that grow out from the finger and toes.
    • [Serrated Teeth] - Sharp or jagged teeth perfect for tearing flesh.
    • [Tail] - An extra appendage typically formed by an elongated tailbone extending from the base of the spine.
    • [Scales] - Skin is totally covered in reptilian scales.
  3. Stats:
    • Strength - E (7)
    • Vitality - E (7)
  4. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
Description: Originally hatched from dragon eggs, dragonborn are direct descendants of dragons. Being more dragon than human, their bipedal form is often the only hint at their mixed ancestry. The draconian humans are a more diluted branch of their bloodline that is more human than dragon.

Furpent (14 points)
Submitted by Megu
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  1. Titles: Beast, Furpent
  2. Feature:
    • [Fur] - Naturally occurring body hair that covers virtually all exterior surfaces of the body.
    • [Ears: Canine] - Bestial ears shaped like those of a canine.
    • [Serrated Teeth] - Sharp or jagged teeth perfect for tearing flesh.
    • [Snake Tail] - Instead of legs, there is only the tail end of a snake.
  3. Stats: Precision - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    • Special Movement [Slithering] (7)
    • 1 Sense Skill
  5. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
Description: A species with a snake-like lower half akin to lamia and nagas although covered in soft, smooth skin coated with thick fluffy fur, which doesn't make for as much of an affective brute weapon or coiling body for restrictive and harming reasons. The upper half is more human with canid qualities.


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  1. Titles: Beast, Gnoll
  2. Features:
    • [Fur] - Naturally occurring body hair that covers virtually all exterior surfaces of the body.
    • [Ears: Hyena] - Bestial ears shaped like those of a hyena.
    • [Muzzle] - The mouth and nose region on bestial races that extends out from the face.
    • [Serrated Teeth] - Sharp or jagged teeth perfect for tearing flesh.
    • [Claws] - Sturdy, usually pointed, nails that grow out from the finger and toes.
    • [Tail] - An extra appendage typically formed by an elongated tailbone extending from the base of the spine.
  3. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
Description: Humanoid hyenas that are generally mentally unstable.

Haregon (42(+7) points)
Submitted by Elvario
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  1. Titles: Beast, Haregon, Small
  2. Feature:
    • [Small] (+7)
      • Height: 2 to 4 feet tall/long
      • Weight: 8 to 60 pounds
      • Character's lift and carry/5 . Stacks with [Super Strength] skill.
      • minus 1 strength action effectiveness
      • Mundane damage received is increased 1
      • plus 1 speed action effectiveness
      • attacks can have accurate F applied without changing cooldown or grade of attack
      • base movement cut in half
      • base throw distance cut in half
      • small , Light, unobtrusive - things narrator should keep in mind when adjudicating actions
      • plus 1 effectiveness to stealth actions
    • [Fur] - Naturally occurring body hair that covers virtually all exterior surfaces of the body.
    • [Ears: Hare] - Bestial ears shaped like those of a hare.
    • [Legs: Hare] - Bestial legs with robust thighs and elongated tarsals for agile movement.
  3. Stats:
    1. Strength - E (7)
    2. Intelligence - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    • Jumping F (7)
    • Heightened Sense F [Hearing] (7)
  5. Equipment: Natural Weapons F (14)
  6. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
Description: A small hare-like beastfolk with powerful legs and good hearing. Known to come from big families more often than not. The top haregons in each family often try to intermingle in the social and political scenes to make up for what they might lack in physical prowess.

Illithid (35 points)
Submitted by Megu
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  1. Titles: Beast, Illithid
  2. Feature:
    • [Tendrils/Tentacles] - A slender, flexible limb or appendage.
    • [Skin: Purple/Blue/Green/Grey] - Skin comes in certain nonstandard colors.
  3. Stats:
    • Character Grade - E
    • Intelligence - B (28)
  4. Skills:
    • 2 Mental Skills
    • Arcana (7)
  5. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
Description: Illithids have a humanoid body with an octopus-like head. They have four tentacles around a lamprey-like mouth. Primarily known for their intellectual skills and mind powers.

Kitsune (saxon) (63/70 points)


  1. Titles: Beast, Kitsune
  2. Feature:
    • [Fur] (optional) - Naturally occurring body hair that covers virtually all exterior surfaces of the body.
    • [Ears: Fox] - Bestial ears shaped like those of a fox.
    • [Bestial Eyes] - Typically no or very little white showing. Pupil shape falls into one of three main types: horizontally elongated, circular, or vertically elongated.
    • [Muzzle] (optional) - The mouth and nose region on bestial races that extends out from the face.
    • [Serrated Teeth] - Sharp or jagged teeth perfect for tearing flesh.
    • [Multiple Tails] - Creature gains additional tails whenever their character grade goes up.
    • [Claws] (7) (optional) - Sturdy, usually pointed, nails that grow out from the finger and toes.
    • [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
  3. Stats:
    • Character Grade - E
    • Strength - E (7)
    • Precision - E (7)
    • Intelligence - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    • Heightened Sense [Smell; Hearing] E (14)
    • Magic F (7)
    • Undetected [sense] F (14) or Deception F (7)
  5. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
Description: A fae breed of fox that achieved a humanoid form, kitsune typically have a full fox-like appearance complete with fur but occasionally take on a human appearance accented by bestial traits (fox ears, eyes, snout, serrated teeth, claws, etc). Kitsune are separate from foxkin due to their penchant for mischief and their command of cloaking magics among other powers to facilitate their mischief. Mundane foxes occasionally evolve into kitsune.

Lizardman (56 points)
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  1. Titles: Beast, Lizardman
  2. Feature:
    • [Scales] - Skin is totally covered in reptilian scales.
    • [Ears: Reptilian] - A thin membrane located at the rear of the head.
    • [Bestial Eyes] - Typically no or very little white showing. Pupil shape falls into one of three main types: horizontally elongated, circular, or vertically elongated.
    • [Muzzle] - The mouth and nose region on bestial races that extends out from the face.
    • [Serrated Teeth] - Sharp or jagged teeth perfect for tearing flesh.
    • [Claws] - Sturdy, usually pointed, nails that grow out from the finger and toes.
    • [Tail] - An extra appendage typically formed by an elongated tailbone extending from the base of the spine.
  3. Stats:
    • Strength - E (7)
    • Speed - E (7)
    • Vitality - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    • Resilient [desert] F (7)
    • Swim Speed F (7) or Athletics F (7)
    • Climbing F (7)
    • Natural Weapons F (14)
  5. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
Description: Rarely found outside of warm climates, lizardmen hail from the western territories of the second continent. A variable people, some lizardmen have tails while others do not. Some are better suited to aquatic environments while others are built for climbing rocks and trees in more arid regions.

Mermaid (blackrose7) (77 points)

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  1. Titles: Beast, Mermaid
  2. Features:
    • [Gills] (7) - Slits typically in the throat region that allow for breathing underwater.
    • [Mermaid Tail] - Instead of legs, there is only the tail end of a fish.
    • [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
  3. Stats:
    • Vitality - E (7)
    • Speed - C (21)
  4. Skills:
    • Swim Speed - D (14)
    • Resilient E (Water Pressure; Cold) (14)
    • Heightened Sense F (Any) (7)
  5. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
Description: A sentient creature that lives exclusively in the sea, merfolk are one of the few denizens of the ocean. They are known to be more useful with utility magics, rarely obtaining offensive spells. As such it's more common to see merfolk with spears or martial weaponry suited to underwater combat. Though they can learn martial techniques, mermaids are generally good-spirited entities that mean no one harm.

Naga/Lamia (35 points)
Submitted by elvario
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  1. Titles: Beast, Naga/Lamia
  2. Feature:
    • [Snake Tail] - Instead of legs, there is only the tail end of a snake.
    • [Forked Tongue] - A tongue split into two distinct tines at the tip; this is a feature common to many species of reptiles. Reptiles smell using the tip of their tongue, and a forked tongue allows them to sense from which direction a smell is coming.
  3. Skills:
    • Special Movement [Slithering] (7)
    • Heightened Sense [Smell] F (7)
    • Supersense [Thermoreception] F (7)
    • Natural Weapon [Snake Lower Body] F (14)
  4. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
Description: Creatures with a humanoid upper-half and snake-like lower half. They tend to prefer warm climates and are often sneaky slitherers by nature. Their snake tail is strong enough to be used as a weapon and their forked tongue gives them both an increased sense of smell and the ability to sense temperature changes accurately.

Neko (ravensong) (28 points)

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  1. Titles: Beast, Neko
  2. Feature:
    • [Ears: Cat] - Bestial ears shaped like those of a feline.
    • [Bestial Eyes] - Typically no or very little white showing. Pupil shape falls into one of three main types: horizontally elongated, circular, or vertically elongated.
    • [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
    • [Tail] - An extra appendage typically formed by an elongated tailbone extending from the base of the spine.
    • [Claws] F (7) - Sturdy, usually pointed, nails that grow out from the finger and toes.
  3. Stats: Intelligence - E (7)
  4. Skills: Heightened Sense [Hearing] F (7)
  5. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
Description: A bloodline specifically bred in the Eastern Empire by humans with an unwholesome interest in the catkin. The result was a mostly human creature with distinct feline ears, eyes and tail, variable bestial shaping to the mouth and nose, and tendency to grow longer, sturdier nails. Though the feline features are present, they may or may not be functional, as is common with the diluted bestial bloodlines.

Owlbear (105)
Submitted by Emeron Vallus
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  1. Titles: Beast, Owlbear
  2. Feature:
    • [Feathers and Fur] - Feathers from the head to shoulders and front arms, bear fur everywhere else.
    • [Owl Eyes: darkvision, telescopic vision] (14) - The eyes of an owl are not true “eyeballs.” Their tube-shaped eyes are completely immobile, providing binocular vision which fully focuses on their prey and boosts depth perception.
      [Bestial Eyes] - Typically no or very little white showing. Pupil shape falls into one of three main types: horizontally elongated, circular, or vertically elongated.
      [Darkvision] - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
    • [Owl beak] - All owls have a short, curved, downward-facing beak that is hooked at the end. It is designed specifically for gripping and tearing prey. The crushing power of the bill is usually used to kill prey once captured.
    • [Neck Mobility: 270°] (Cosmetic) - Owls can rotate their necks 270 degrees.
    • [Owlbear Claws: Natural Weapon F] (14) - Front claws (owl talons) and back bear claws. Owl claws are zygodactyl, which means their feet have two forward-facing toes and two backward-facing toes. Unlike most other zygodactyl birds, however, owls can pivot one of their back toes forward to help them grip and walk.
      [Claws] - Sturdy, usually pointed, nails that grow out from the finger and toes.
  3. Stats:
    • Character Grade - E
    • Strength - E (14)
  4. Skills:
    • Jump F (7)
    • Devour F (7)
  5. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
Description: An odd but effective union of owl and bear. Mannerisms and behavior largely resemble that of a bear: grounded, walking on all fours (can stand on hind legs), omnivorous, fast runner. Some traits are inherited from the owl half also: devouring prey whole, the ability to rotate the neck 270 degrees, and the avian style talons on the front feet. Overall size is upper range of medium but not large.

Owlfolk (feathers95) (TBD)
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Saurial/Saurian (develius)

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  1. Titles: Beast, Saurial
  2. Feature skills to mimic the nature and appearance of a non-avian dinosaur
  3. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
Description: An ancient race of scalykind descending from dinosaur-like creatures,Saurials tend to come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. In this case, Baharius descended from a Spinosaur-like ancestor and thus gained the dinosaur's iconic sail, crocodile-like snout, large claws, and a paddled tail.

Tanuki (42 points)
Submitted by ferio
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  1. Titles: Beast, Tanuki
  2. Feature:
    • [Fur] (optional) - Naturally occurring body hair that covers virtually all exterior surfaces of the body.
    • [Ears: Tanuki] - Bestial ears shaped like those of a raccoon dog.
    • [Bestial Eyes] (optional) - Typically no or very little white showing. Pupil shape falls into one of three main types: horizontally elongated, circular, or vertically elongated.
    • [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
    • [Muzzle] (optional) - The mouth and nose region on bestial races that extends out from the face.
    • [Serrated Teeth] (optional) - Sharp or jagged teeth perfect for tearing flesh.
    • [Tail] - An extra appendage typically formed by an elongated tailbone extending from the base of the spine.
  3. Stats:
    • Strength - E (7)
    • Intelligence - E (7)
  4. Skills: Heightened Sense [Smell or Hearing] F (7)
  5. Items: Natural Weapons F (14)
  6. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
Description: Humanoid beastkin originating from the Republic of Kuridan, who have established clans. Some Tanuki possess more animalistic features while others possess less. Thanks to their claws and enhanced senses, Tanuki beastkin excel at surviving during all hours of the night and day. They seldom reach taller than 5'8” in height.

Ulfin (7 points)

Submitted by orikanyo
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  1. Titles: Beast, Ulfin
  2. Feature:
    • [Fur] - Naturally occurring body hair that covers virtually all exterior surfaces of the body.
    • [Ears: Wolf] - Bestial ears shaped like those of a canine.
    • [Bestial Eyes] - Typically no or very little white showing. Pupil shape falls into one of three main types: horizontally elongated, circular, or vertically elongated.
    • [Muzzle] - The mouth and nose region on bestial races that extends out from the face.
    • [Serrated Teeth] - Sharp or jagged teeth perfect for tearing flesh.
    • [Claws] - Sturdy, usually pointed, nails that grow out from the finger and toes.
    • [Tail] - An extra appendage typically formed by an elongated tailbone extending from the base of the spine.
  3. Skills: Heightened Sense [Smell or Hearing] F (7)
  4. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
Description: The Ulfin are humanoid beastkin descended from wolves. Their adaptability caused many different types to emerge as they migrated throughout the Second Continent. Most prefer traveling light as their natural features can be more than enough in defending themselves or hunting.

Wolven (42 points)
Submitted by weazel75
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  1. Titles: Beast, Wolven
  2. Feature:
    • [Fur] - Naturally occurring body hair that covers virtually all exterior surfaces of the body.
    • [Ears: Wolf] - Bestial ears shaped like those of a canine.
    • [Bestial Eyes] - Typically no or very little white showing. Pupil shape falls into one of three main types: horizontally elongated, circular, or vertically elongated.
    • [Muzzle] - The mouth and nose region on bestial races that extends out from the face.
    • [Serrated Teeth] - Sharp or jagged teeth perfect for tearing flesh.
    • [Claws] - Sturdy, usually pointed, nails that grow out from the finger and toes.
    • [Tail] - An extra appendage typically formed by an elongated tailbone extending from the base of the spine.
  3. Stats:
    • Strength - E (7)
    • Intelligence - D (14)
    • Vitality - E (7)
  4. Skills: Heightened Sense E [Hearing/Smell] (14)
  5. Choose one Perk:
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
    • Conscious Expansion - may expend a 4th action in a post exclusively on a sense ability (not an attack, defense, movement action).
Description: A species of humanoid canines that emerged from the east, wolven were bred to protect their human masters and help them hunt. Their instinct made hunting come naturally, and their fur made them ideal travel companions in the colder climates to the north. Stronger and more durable than catkin, wolven are better suited for facing obstacles head on with their strength and speed.

Intermediate Beast

World Canon - To get perks below, must have: C-grade natural weapons or natural armor or sense skill, 2 total secondary skills.
  1. [Evolved] - gain the title evolved. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others of your racial tree.
  2. Choose 1:
    • [Pack] - Animal/beastkin companion F or minion E
    • [Predatory Insight] - Beastmen can always sense the weakness in their target. No additional actions or skills required to meet prerequisites for hot shot abilities.
    • [Sudden Adaptation] - Choose 1:
      • Superstrength upgrade or acquisition
      • Sensory upgrade or acquisition
      • Movement upgrade or acquisition


Ascended Beast

World Canon - To get perks below, must have: one S-grade stat, A-grade natural weapons or natural armor or sense skill, 4 total secondary skills
  1. [Apex] - gain the title Apex. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others. Can stack with evolved title bonus if speaking with members of their own tree.
  2. [Queen/King Bee] - gain the Queen/King Bee title. You are at the top of the species pecking order and considered a special existence. You are generally permitted audience with the leaders of factions and heads of state. Nations where your race is the majority tend to look to those of your grade for guidance or alliance.
  3. Choose 1:
    • [Asset: Stomping Grounds] - Character has claimed a plot of land as their own. Sentient creatures below C-grade avoid it. Surrounding nobility have ceded the land to you at least temporarily. Trade routes and main roads will be rerouted around the stomping grounds at your discretion. Character has advantage in negotiations for using the land for any purpose.
    • [Predatory Aura] - range 30ft (cannot be augmented and non-upgradable). character has unlocked a passive aura that can be toggled on and off as they please. Does not occupy ability grade cooldown. All creatures within the aura other than the character will have to use 3 move actions on their turn to get the benefit of just one move action.
    • [Frenzy] - Once character loses half or more of their HP, they enter a state where they no longer feel pain and can use all their abilities at full power despite the condition of their equipment without injuring themselves. Their state lasts until they die or pass out. Character dies if their hp goes negative to the full value of their HP. Ex: 6 hp character dies at -6hp.


Mundane Fae

World Canon - To get perk below, must have: Fae title, 1 magic skill, 1 secondary skill
  1. Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.

Dwarf (21 points)

Reference Image
  1. Titles: Fae, Dwarf
  2. Stats:
    • Precision - E (7)
    • Intelligence - E (7)
  3. Skills:
    • 1 magic skill
    • Artisan [Type] F (7)
Description: A fae/human mix, dwarves are on the lower end of medium size. Commonly fixated on earthen bounties, dwarves are commonly owners of, or workers in, mines. When they aren't extracting precious materials from the earth, they might be adventuring for treasure, helping construct elaborate stone structures, or serving in temples of their deities, which also prize and house various riches. The only feeling that rivals a dwarf’s love of mineral wealth is their hatred for goblins and orcs.

Elf (nondescript/default) (ravensong) (7 points)
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  1. Titles: Fae, Elf
  2. Feature: [Ears: Pointy] - Normal fleshy ears that come to a point at the top.
  3. Stats: Intelligence - E (7)
  4. Skills: 1 magic skill
Description: One of the more common races of the Fae. Tend to dwell in nature more than cities.

Elf (Lune) (28/35 points)

Added by Ferio

  1. Titles: Fae, Lune Elf
  2. Feature:
    • [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
    • [Ears: Pointy] - Normal fleshy ears that come to a point at the top.
    • [Skin: Pale] - Skin comes in certain nonstandard colors.
  3. Stats:
    • (if Stealth) Precision - E (7)
    • Intelligence - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    • Affinity [any] F (7)
    • Survival F (7) or Stealth F (7)
Description: Pale elves with eyes accustomed to the dark from a lifetime spent in the deepest shadows of the Fae See. Martial and magical training are common, making hybrid weapon-catalysts typical among their equipment. The moon plays a significant role in their culture and religion.

Elf (Surya) (49 points)
Added by tobinaefaerne
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  1. Titles: Fae, Surya Elf
  2. Feature:
    • [Stellate Pupils] F (7) - Heightened Senses [Sight] - eyes have multiple pupillary formations resulting in a star-like shape.
    • [Ears: Pointy] - Short, fleshy ears that come to a point at the top.
    • [Skin: Tanned] - Various shades of dark skin from constant exposure to the sun.
  3. Stats:
    • Strength or Intelligence - E (7)
    • Precision - E (7)
    • Vitality - D (14)
    • Speed - E (7)
    • Character Grade - E
  4. Skills:
    • Regeneration F (7)
    • 1 magic skill

Description: Typically, Surya Elves have at least two pupils per eye, but in some instances they can have up to five. Their hardy bodies are a spot of pride for them, but there is a cultural divide between the martially trained and the magically inclined, who never train with proper weapons. Tanned Elves that migrate with smaller clans to wherever the days are longest. They claim to be blessed by the sun, which they revere as an ancestral spirit, using the shape of their eyes as proof of the connection.

Fairy/Pixie (neramo, feathers96) (78 points)

Reference Image
  1. Titles: Fae, Fairy
  2. Feature: Tiny size (56)
  3. Stats:
    • Precision - B
    • Speed - B
  4. Skills: Flight F (21)
Description: What most people imagine when they think of small, winged fae creatures, fairies–or more specifically pixies–are child-like denizens of the See of Fae. Distinguishable by their insectoid wings, which resemble those of butterflies or moths, pixies might be mistaken for actual insects at a distance if it weren’t for their sparkling trail of dust left in their wake as they fly. Revelers in the ways of mischief, it’s hard to find a creature who isn’t put off by the thought of encountering these fae, but, at their core, pixies rarely are truly malicious. That said, these fae are adamantly opposed to devils, fiends, and creatures of the night.

Faun/Satyr (42 points)
Submitted by elvario
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  1. Titles: Fae, Faun OR Satyr
  2. Feature
    • [Goat Lower Body] - The waist down is covered in fur. A stubby goat tail protrudes from the tailbone. The joints are exaggerated and the feet are replaced by hooves.
    • [Antlers/Horns] - Branched extensions of the creature’s skull.
  3. Stats:
    • Strength - E (7)
    • Precision - E (7)
    • Intelligence - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    • Jumping F (7)
    • Acrobatics F (7)
    • Control Environment F (7)
Description: Animal-legged and horned woodland creatures with powerful legs and magic in their blood. They can become pretty powerful foes, but most of them choose to spend their days prancing around and making merry. Their build makes them acrobatic by nature, and it's said they magically make their environment more comfortable for themselves whilst prancing and making merry.

Forlini (70 points)

Added by SilverFeathers
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  1. Titles: Fae, Forlini
  2. Feature: [Eyes: Soulblank] - Eyes with no pupils, their irises denoting the colour of their soul.
  3. Stats: Vitality - D (14)
  4. Skills:
    • Change State E (Limiter: Permanent) (42)
    • 1 magic skill
  5. Equipment: Natural Catalyst F (14)

Description: Also known as 'the Forlorn', Forlini are ghostly spirits of fallen souls, occasionally birthed sometime long after a being of significant mana is felled. Their appearance is based on the form they took just before death. They are typically peaceful and solitary souls unless provoked, able to wield magic to interact with the world around them despite their intangibility. However, most struggle with finding a purpose in the world, with many wandering aimlessly for centuries until they go insane and need to be put down.

Genasi are the offspring of genies from the elemental plane and humans. Infused with air, earth, fire, or water, these elementally charged beings have variable personalities that match aspects of their elements. They are loved as much as they are hated for their command over the elements. Occasionally, their bodies manifest elementally, such as fiery hairy or metallic flesh.

Air (77 points)
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  1. Titles: Fae, Air Genasi
  2. Stats:
    • Precision - C (21)
    • Intelligence - E (7)
    • Vitality - E (7)
  3. Skills:
    • Controlled Breathing F (7)
    • Flight F (21)
    • Magic F (7)
    • Resilient [Suffocation] F (7)
Earth (49 points)

Reference Image
  1. Titles: Fae, Earth Genasi
  2. Stats:
    • Strength - E (7)
    • Intelligence - E (7)
  3. Skills:
    • Magic F (7)
    • Superstrength F (14)
    • Tunneling F (7)
    • Resistance [Bludgeoning] (7)
Fire (49 points)
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  1. Titles: Fae, Fire Genasi
  2. Feature: [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
  3. Stats:
    • Intelligence - E (7)
    • Vitality - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    • Control Environment F (7)
    • Energized F (7)
    • Magic F (7)
    • Resistance [Fire] F (7)
Water (63 points)

Reference Image
  1. Titles: Fae, Water Genasi
  2. Stats:
    • Intelligence - E (7)
    • Speed - E (7)
    • Vitality - E (7)
  3. Skills:
    • Magic F (7)
    • Resilient [Suffocation] F (7)
    • Swim Speed F (7)
    • Change State F (21)

Gnome (63 points)
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  1. Titles: Fae, Gnome
  2. Feature:
    • Small Size (28)
    • [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
  3. Stats:
    • Precision - D
    • Intelligence - D (14)
    • Speed - D
  4. Skills: Magic E (14)
Description: Gnomes are among the smallest civilized races. Highly adept in their applications of magic, gnomes boast a natural resistance to charm and perception-altering effects. Their true love, however, is tinkering and inventing tediously designed mechanisms and contraptions. This love even drives some gnomes to adventure in order to observe machines and devices of ancient or foreign origins.

Halfling/Hobbit (42 points)

Submitted by elvario
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  1. Titles: Fae, Halfling
  2. Feature: Small size (28)
  3. Skill:
    • Lucky F (7)
    • Energized F (7)
Description: Halflings are small fae preoccupied with peace, quiet, and living life to its fullest in their own simple manners.
Evolves into: Lightfoot Halfling

Nymph (56)
Submitted by Aya
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  1. Titles: Fae, Nymph
  2. Skills:
    • Magic E (14)
    • Any [Type] Affinity E (14)
    • Nature E (14)
    • Control Environment F (7)
    • Resilient [Suffocation] F (7)
Description: Fae spirits tied to and personifying features of nature, such as the trees, waters, flowers, mountains or etc. Usually, a nymph would also live near or within and safeguard that which they are tied to. They are regarded as embodiments of what makes nature beautiful, however, they can be just as dangerous as nature tends to be.
Evolves into: Dryad

Shadow Fae (phalanx) (70 points)

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  1. Titles: Fae, Shadow Fae
  2. Feature:
    • [Eyes: Dark] - Eyes are completely black.
    • [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
    • [Ears: Pointy] - Normal fleshy ears that come to a point at the top.
    • [Skin: Grayscale] - Skin comes in certain nonstandard colors.
  3. Stats:
    • Character Grade - E
    • Intelligence - D (14)
  4. Skills:
    • Magic E (14)
    • [Shadow] Affinity F (7)
    • Minions F (14)
    • Deception F (7)
Description: Shadows arise when magic coalesces or a planar shift occurs and gives shape and sentience to the darkness. They are commonly used as minions by powerful creatures of malicious intent. Physically weaker than most other fae, shadows rely on their magical ability to survive.

Sylph (91 points)
Submitted by Aya
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  1. Titles: Fae, Sylph
  2. Feature: [Shimmering Visage] - The surface of the creature’s body sparkles as if by magic.
  3. Stats:
    • Intelligence - D (14)
    • Vitality - D (14)
  4. Skills:
    • Change State E (42)
    • [Wind] Affinity E (14)
    • Resilient [Suffocation] F (7)
Description: Fae spirits tied to the air. Usually, they live in nomadic colonies commonly referred to as “Ayrs,” that follow the direction of the wind. Upon death, it is believed a sylph’s body breaks apart and becomes air in the atmosphere. It is a common belief among sylphid that they exist to bring good deeds far and wide upon the wings of the wind.
Evolves into: Dius Aer

Sylvari (28 points)

Submitted by elvario
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  1. Titles: Fae, Sylvari
  2. Features
    • [Plant Body] - Character has a body made out of plant-like matter, such as bark, vines and leaves. Rather than blood running through their veins, they have sap running through them. Their main sap vein is located where the spine is normally located, which is the core of their body and would kill them if destroyed.
    • [Heart's Seed] F (14 points) - An internal heart-like organ that functions like a catalyst and is rumored to house the soul.
    • [Plant Digestion] – Character doesn't eat food, but instead requires to take root in fertile soil to take in nutrients.
    • [Plant Resting] – Character doesn't need to lie down and sleep, but instead requires to stay rooted in place and meditate for longer periods to rest in order to get rid of fatigue and take in nutrients.
    • [Photosynthesis] – Character breathes in CO2 and breathes out O2, using photosynthesis to grow and to gain energy rather than burning calories.
  3. Stats: Vitality - E (7)
  4. Skills: Resilient [Vital Points] F (7)
Description: A subspecies of Nymphs whose plant-based body is equally rooted in nature as the trees and flowers they reside over.

Vulpix (42/77 points)
Submitted by elvario
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  1. Titles: Fae, Vulpix
  2. Features:
    1. [Fur] - Naturally occurring body hair that covers virtually all exterior surfaces of the body.
    2. [Quadruped] - Creature has four legs. Free for non-centaur-type creatures.
    3. [Muzzle] - The mouth and nose region on bestial races that extends out from the face.
    4. [Tail] - An extra appendage typically formed by an elongated tailbone extending from the base of the spine.
  3. Stats:
    1. Intelligence - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    1. Magic School (35) or Domain [Fire] F (70)

Description: A vulpine-like Fae utilizing Fire magic, known to be a bit of a trickster species.

Xiānhè (77 points)

Submitted by elvario
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  1. Titles: Fae, Xiānhè
  2. Feature:
    1. [Wings] - Paired appendages capable of flight.
    2. [Beak] - Bony projecting jaw found primarily in birds but also various reptiles and other creatures.
    3. [Claws/Talons] - Sturdy, usually pointed, nails that grow out from the finger and toes. Costs 14 points per grade to use in combat.
    4. [Direction Sense] (7) - the ability to know where you are and how to find your way around, especially in unfamiliar places.
  3. Stats:
    1. Precision - C (21)
    2. Intelligence - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    1. Flight F (21)
    2. Affinity [Air] F (7)
    3. Magic F (7)
    4. Navigation F (7)
Description: A mythical type of avian Fae, known to be able to use their [Direction Sense] and [Navigation] skills to [Fly] across the world, possessing [Air Affinity] to make them soar across the skies in style.

Yaksha (42 points)
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  1. Titles: Fae, Yaksha
  2. Feature: [Luminous Tattoos] - Images etched into the skin shine under certain circumstances.
  3. Stats:
    • Intelligence - E (7)
    • Vitality - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    • Magic F (7)
    • Conversion F (21)
Description: The yaksha are a humanoid race that was first discovered on the Dark Continent. They claim to be descendants of former gods that have been tasked with keeping a nondescript darkness at bay. Donning masks shaped like inhuman creatures and decorating themselves in luminous tattoos, the yaksha are a formidable presence on the battlefield.

Submitted by Conman2163
  1. Titles: Fae, Zentail
  2. Feature:
    • [Skin: Pale] - Skin comes in certain nonstandard colors.
    • [Eye Color] - Eyes are completely black save for yellow-orange iris.
    • [Blood Color] - Blood and viscera are black.
    • [Sunlight Sensitivity] - Sunlight easily burns or negatively impacts the health of this creature.
    • [Slow Metabolism] - Creature does not need sustenance as often.
  3. Stats: Strength - G (Cannot Exceed)
  4. Skills: 2 or more secondary skills
Description: Zentail are a physically weaker, subterranean race that are well known for their administrative and tinkering skills as well as their exceptionally long lives. They are small, slender humanoids distinguished by their pale white skin, black eyes with piercing yellow-orange irises, and teeth devoid of canines (which renders them unable to properly chew meat, which they cannot digest). Due to physical deviations, their blood and muscle are an ebony black. Time spent underground has made the species sensitive to sunlight without exception–even ten minutes of exposure can be enough to leave them with a light sunburn. The Zentail derive needed nutrients from a variety of herbs grown in their subterranean caverns but also have a slow metabolism leading them to only need to eat once every three days. Zentail are exceptionally long lived due to the concoction of herbs they consume regularly, however being deprived of this mixture can cause dangerous health issues for them. The herbs they use are found wild, so typically this is not an issue. It is said that a Zentail completely deprived of the nutrients needed will fall into a coma and die within three days, this is called the "Zentail Death Trance". Zentail are rarely found in cities, and their unique physique requires them to wear specially tailored clothes at all times.
Evolves into: Zentox

Intermediate Fae

World Canon - To get perks below, must have: 1 magic skill C, 3 total secondary skills
  1. [Evolved] - gain the title evolved. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others of your racial tree.
  2. Choose 1:
    • [Trademark Spell] - one magic ability has its cooldown permanently reduced by 1 post. Cannot be altered after becoming the Trademark Spell.
    • [Asset: Spirit companion] - Choose an IH Element (ex: fire, wind, water,etc). The companion serves the role of connecting the average fae to their faith in the spirit king and the elements. Ex: Worshipers of the flame Cardinal would get a flame spirit companion that occasionally chimes in with guidance or a message for character from the see faith.

Dius Aer

Submitted by Aya
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  1. Title: Fae, Sylph, Dius Aer
  2. Features: [Wings] - paired appendages capable of flight. Can be free if cosmetic, or 42 points if used for flight (sum total of flight skill and Precision C).
  3. Skills
    • [Wind] Affinity C
    • Change State C
    • Resilient [Fatigue, Aging, Suffocation] D
    • Magic D
    • Control Environment D
    • Flight F
Description: Once the wings of sylph develop, it signifies his spiritual maturity and his becoming of a dius aer. Unlike sylphid, dius aerim’s bodies are composed of photons and soundwaves. The sight of a dius aer is usually a fortunate sign of nearing spring and that the weather will be calm. When the wings of a dius aer are severed, they die, and turn into specks of light.

Submitted by Aya
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  1. Titles: Fae, Nymph, Dryad
  2. Stats:
    • Intelligence - B
    • Vitality - D
  3. Skills:
    • Magic C
    • Nature D
    • Control Environment D
    • [Flora/Tree] Affinity D
    • [Tangle] Affinity F
    • Resilient [Suffocation; Poison] E
Description: Nymphs which are tied closely to trees. They gain their magic from trees and are likely to be found living within forests of their preferred type of tree. It is said that Dryads even possess the ability to communicate with trees and plants. Due to their high affinity with the trees, they are able to easily manipulate the roots beneath the dirt to their will.

Lightfoot Halfling

Added by Elvario
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  1. Titles: Fae, Halfling, Lightfoot Halfling
  2. Feature: Small size
  3. Stats:
    • Intelligence - D
    • Speed - C
  4. Skills:
    • Fast D
    • Heightened Sense E [Hearing/Sight]
    • Lucky F
Description: Lightfoot Halflings are small fae preoccupied with exploring and travelling around the world. Their quick and alert nature has made them experts at spotting trouble and running from danger.

Submitted by Clyvelle
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  1. Titles: Fae, Spirit, Remembrance
  2. Stats:
    • Strength or Precision or Intelligence - C
    • Vitality - C
  3. Skills: Fighting Style D or Magic D
Description: A remembrance is a humanoid or bestial spirit that forms in the aftermath of a battle. It is the duty of the remembrance to remember the slain and avenge them. After fulfilling its duty, the remembrance is called to a relevant shrine, gravesite or battlefield where it performs the Rite of Remembrance to appease the fallen and usher both the remembrance and the spirits into the afterlife.

Vessel Cirche (neramo)

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  1. Titles: Fae, Fairy, Vessel Cirche
  2. Feature:
    • Tiny Size
    • [Wings: Insectoid] - paired appendages capable of flight. Can be free if cosmetic, or 42 points if used for flight (sum total of flight skill and Precision C).
  3. Stats:
    • Precision - B
    • Intelligence - B
  4. Skills:
    • Flight E
    • Magic C
Description: Vessel Cirche are fairies that have become vessels for some great power that was either bestowed or simply unlocked from the fairy’s own potential. Depending on the nature of this power, the fairy might take on an elder role or become a mighty warrior. Although rare and immensely dangerous, there have been cases where a Vessel came to house two different powers. In these cases, one power was awakened from within, and the other power was received from an external source.

Submitted by Conman2163
  1. Titles: Fae, Zentail
  2. Feature:
    • [Skin: Pale] - Skin comes in certain nonstandard colors.
    • [Eye Color] - Eyes are completely black save for dark red iris.
    • [Blood Color] - Blood and viscera are black.
    • [Slow Metabolism] - Creature does not need sustenance as often.
  3. Stats:
    • Precision - C
    • Intelligence - C
  4. Skills: 2 or more secondary skills
Description: A Zentox is a Zentail who has, through a process of undergoing major stress and living outside of their natural environment, changed to a heartier form of life. They retain most of the physical attributes they previously had, but they will become slightly shorter, lose the sensitivity to sunlight previously possessed, and their eyes shift from the previous yellow-orange color to a darker red. Additionally, the natural weakness of the Zentail will lessen, and they can begin to build muscle. Generally, Zentox have already become skilled craftsmen, tinkerers, or administrative officials.

Ascended Fae

World Canon - To get perks below, must have: S-grade Intelligence stat and A-grade magic skill, 5 total secondary skills.
  1. [Apex] - gain the title Apex. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others. Can stack with evolved title bonus if speaking with members of their own tree.
  2. [Queen/King Bee] - gain the Queen/King Bee title. You are at the top of the species pecking order and considered a special existence. You are generally permitted audience with the leaders of factions and heads of state. Nations where your race is the majority tend to look to those of your grade for guidance or alliance.
  3. Choose 1:
    • [Componentless Affinity] - If Trademark Spell was chosen, the Fae may now cast their trademark spell without components as if they had component less casting.
    • [Domain] - Gain access to a miniature world in a subspace of your own creation. May have inhabitants such as animals but nothing sentient (human level intelligence) short of rp’ing their moving into the domain.


Mundane Monster

World Canon - To get perk below, must have: Monster title, (1 magic skill or Martial F or Natural Weapons F), 1 movement skill, 1 sense skill
  1. [Born For This] - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.

Demon (ayaya) (35 points)
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  1. Titles: Monster, Demon
  2. Stats:
    • Strength - E (7)
    • Intelligence - E (7)
  3. Skills: Magic F (7)
  4. Equipment: Natural Weapons F (14)
Description: Strong Creatures corrupted by mana or created from high concentrations of it. They crave destruction and chaos most.


Added by nacht
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  1. Titles: Monster, Devil/Oni
  2. Feature:
    • [Antlers/Horns] - Branched extensions of the creature’s skull.
    • [Wings] - paired appendages capable of flight. Can be free if cosmetic, or 42 points if used for flight (sum total of flight skill and Precision C).
  3. Stats: Intelligence - E (7)
  4. Skills: Magic F (7)
Description: Devils are the sophisticated side of the underworld. These evil creatures, typically more humanoid in shape and size, still have their sense and will use it to deadly effect in order to force their will on the world. Just as likely to slink in the shadows under some alternate identity as they are to boldly storm the city gates, devils can do it all–or so they would claim. Their natural proclivity to magic doesn’t hurt either.

Drake (35 points)
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  1. Titles: Monster, Drake
  2. Feature:
    • [Quadruped] (7) - Creature has four legs.
    • [Scales] - Skin is totally covered in reptilian scales.
    • [Spines] - Any hard, pointed defensive projection or structure.
    • [Ears: Reptilian] - A thin membrane located at the rear of the head.
    • [Bestial Eyes] - Typically no or very little white showing. Pupil shape falls into one of three main types: horizontally elongated, circular, or vertically elongated.
    • [Muzzle] - The mouth and nose region on bestial races that extends out from the face.
    • [Tail] - An extra appendage typically formed by an elongated tailbone extending from the base of the spine.
    • [Claws] - Sturdy, usually pointed, nails that grow out from the finger and toes.
    • [Serrated Teeth] - Sharp or jagged teeth perfect for tearing flesh.
    • [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
    • [Breath Weapon] - The ability to breathe out a harmful substance/effect such as fire or poison.
  3. Stats: Strength - E (7)
  4. Equipment: Natural Weapons F (14)
Description: A flightless cousin of the dragons, drakes are a quadruped reptilian beast. The mundane form is about the size of a horse, which makes it suitable as a mount in some areas. Drakes can come in elemental forms, and the Greater Drakes are often mistaken for younger dragons due to their size.
Evolves into: Dragon

Fiend/Oni (63 points)

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  1. Titles: Monster, Fiend/Oni
  2. Feature: [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
  3. Stats:
    • Strength - E (7)
    • Intelligence - E (7)
    • Vitality - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    • Resistance [bludgeoning or piercing or slashing] F (7)
    • Heightened Sense [type] F (7)
    • Survival F (7)
  5. Equipment: Natural Weapons F (14)
Description: Fiends are wild creatures ascended from the bowels of the underworld. Usually manifesting as ideas given form, fiends embody things such as the seven deadly sins or more abstract concepts like malevolence, malignancy, decay, and destruction. Intellect varies wildly but most run on bestial instinct. Magic does not come naturally to them, but it can be granted if they find favor with a powerful demonlord.

Goblin (42 points)
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  1. Titles: Monster, Goblin
  2. Feature:
    • Small size (28)
    • [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
    • [Claws] (7) - Sturdy, usually pointed, nails that grow out from the finger and toes.
  3. Stats:
    • Precision - D
    • Speed - D
Description: A monster race of a generally weaker variety. High potential for stronger variants. Low survivability.

Harpy (49 points)

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  1. Titles: Monster, Harpy
  2. Feature:
    • [Feathers] - Naturally occurring plumage that covers virtually all exterior surfaces of the body.
    • [Wings] - paired appendages capable of flight. Can be free if cosmetic, or 42 points if used for flight (sum total of flight skill and Precision C).
    • [Talons] (7) - Sturdy, usually pointed, nails that grow out from the finger and toes.
  3. Stats: Precision - C (21)
  4. Skills: Flight F (21)
Description: Monsters that take the appearance of bird-like humanoids without hands. Harpies are predominantly a female race and are known for their cruel and mischievous nature.

Hobgoblin (49 points)
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  1. Titles: Monster, Hobgoblin
  2. Feature:
    • [Skin: Green/Orange/Brown] - Skin comes in certain nonstandard colors.
    • [Ears: Pointy] - Normal fleshy ears that come to a point at the top.
    • [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
  3. Stats: Character Grade - E (35)
  4. Skills: Deception F (7)
Description: Despite typically being associated with goblinoids, they are closer to humans in capabilities despite their ugly appearance and innately dark hearts.

Living Armor (21 points)

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  1. Titles: Monster, Living Armor
  2. Feature: [Omniswivel] (7) - allows a joint be Twisted 360 degrees without injury
  3. Stat: Strength or Speed F (7)
  4. Equipment: Armor (light/heavy) F (7)
Description: A monster race of sentient equipment. Some are dungeon sentries. Some are the source of cursed armor tales.

Living Doll (49 points)
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  1. Titles: Monster, Living Doll
  2. Feature:
    • [Separable] (7) - Unique functionality of a construct that allows major appendages and head to harmlessly separate from the torso and reattach.
    • [Omniswivel] (7) - allows a joint be Twisted 360 degrees without injury
    • [Replaceable Parts] (7) - Unique functionality of a construct that allows them to swap their parts at will.
  3. Stats: Vitality - D (14)
  4. Skills: Resilient [Fatigue (caused by hunger, thirst, lack of sleep); Suffocation] E (14)
Description: A monster type similar to living armor, dolls can be a wider variety of shapes and more closely mimic a human appearance.
Evolves into: Possessed Plush

Nevermore (28 points)

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  1. Titles: Monster, Nevermore
  2. Feature:
    • [Bird Head] - A head of avian design.
    • [Skin: Pale] - Skin comes in certain nonstandard colors.
    • [Long tongue] - A tongue long enough to be an additional arm for those coordinated enough to use it as such.
  3. Stats:
    • Character Grade - E
    • Intelligence - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    • Devour F (7)
    • Healing F (7)
    • Magic F (7)
Description: Ironically nicknamed "Helpers", nevermores make for one unforgettable encounter--assuming you survive. While their origins are unknown, survivors have reported them as having many different, inarguably useful abilities. The nature of the creature, however, is to exact a steep price for using any of its "services". To depart unscathed is a rarity.

Ogre/Oni (119 points)
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  1. Titles: Monster, Ogre/Oni
  2. Feature:
    • Large Size (98)
    • [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
    • [Large] - Grants character natural E-grade heavy armor in equipment
  3. Stats:
    • Strength - D
    • Intelligence - E (7)
    • Vitality - D
  4. Skills:
    • Heightened Sense [Smell] F (7)
    • Superstrength E
  5. Equipment: Natural Weapons E, Natural Armor (heavy) E
Description: Ogres are large, brutish creatures that enjoy feasting on passersby. Often drafted into nefarious armies during wartime, ogres are generally prized for their strength and durability. Consignment to slavery is the last thing on any ogre’s mind, however, so they hide away in tall mountains and deep forests when they can.

Orc/Oni (42/49 points)

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  1. Titles: Monster, Orc/Oni
  2. Feature:
    • [Ears: Pointy] - Normal fleshy ears that come to a point at the top.
    • [Serrated Teeth] (7) - Sharp or jagged teeth perfect for tearing flesh.
  3. Stats:
    • Strength or Intelligence - E (7)
    • Vitality - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    • Athletics F (7)
    • Choose 1:
      • Fighting Style F (7), [weapon] F (7)
      • Magic F (7), [catalyst] F (7), Religion F (7)
Description: A race among the fae that is more primal in nature. Prizing strength over any other trait, the orc tribes are known to be formidable in battle. Despite revering strength, however, some orcs worship deities and are granted magical power.

Skeleton (book) (77 points)
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  1. Titles: Monster, Undead, Skeleton
  2. Feature: [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
  3. Stats:
    • Character Grade - E
    • Intelligence E (7)
    • Speed E (7)
    • Vitality - D (14)
  4. Skills:
    • Resistance [Poison] F (7)
    • Resilient [fatigue - doesn’t need food, water, sleep; suffocation] E (14)
    • Fast F (7)
    • Resistance [Piercing] F (7)
    • Intimidation F (7)
Description: Every flesh and blood creature has one but nobody starts screaming until a skeleton starts moving about without its flesh. Skeletons are as visually distinct as the races they came from: horns, teeth, and the general shape of the skull all being notable differences. Depending on the enchantments sustaining the skeleton, it may have many unusual abilities–even if they weren’t present when the creature was alive.

[Source Kin]
Source Kin are the closest modern manifestation to the enormous primordials of the world's beginning. Being so closely descended, source kin have a prideful streak that causes them to renounce their initially humanoid form. Growth in power is directly proportional to physical growth. Source kin lack religion but do revere the sky, mountains, and oceans, which they believe to be dormant primordials. Having bodies composed of raw elements, they are walking forces of nature and are equally devastating, as they unleash and spread their element through auras and physical contact.

Air (154/217 points)

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  1. Titles: Monster, Source Kin (Air)
  2. Stats:
    • Precision - C (21)
    • Intelligence - D (14)
    • Vitality - D (14)
  3. Skills:
    • Magic E (14)
    • Change State F(E) Limiter: Permanent (21)
    • Flight F (21)
    • Resistance [physical] E (42)
    • Affinity: Air (7) or Domain: Air (70)

Earth (126/189 points)
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  1. Titles: Monster, Source Kin (Earth)
  2. Stats:
    • Strength - D (14)
    • Intelligence - D (14)
    • Vitality - E (7)
  3. Skills:
    • Magic E (14)
    • Resistance [physical] F (21)
    • Affinity: Earth (7) or Domain: Earth (70)
  4. Equipment: Natural Armor E (14), Natural Weapons E (28)

Fire (168/231 points)

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  1. Titles: Monster, Source Kin (Fire)
  2. Feature: [Fire Aura] (7) - An ever-present heat surrounds you, damaging all that get close.
  3. Stats:
    • Intelligence - D (14)
    • Vitality - B (28)
  4. Skills:
    • Magic E (14)
    • Affinity: Aura F (7)
    • Change State D(C) Limiter: Permanent (63)
    • Control Environment F (free with Elemental Aura)
    • Resistance [physical] F (21)
    • Resilient [heat] F (7)
    • Affinity: Fire (7) or Domain: Fire (70)

Ice (112/175 points)
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  1. Titles: Monster, Source Kin (Ice)
  2. Feature: [Cold Aura] (7) - An ever-present chill surrounds you, damaging all that get close.
  3. Stats:
    • Strength - E (7)
    • Intelligence - D (14)
    • Vitality - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    • Magic E (14)
    • Affinity: Aura F (7)
    • Control Environment F (free with Elemental Aura)
    • Resistance [physical] F (21)
    • Resilient [cold] F (7)
    • Affinity: Ice (7) or Domain: Ice (70)
  5. Items: Natural Armor F (7), Natural Weapons F (14)

Shadow (126/189 points)

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  1. Titles: Monster, Source Kin (Shadow)
  2. Feature: [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
  3. Stats:
    • Intelligence - D (14)
    • Vitality - D (14)
  4. Skills:
    • Magic E (14)
    • Change State E(D) Limiter: Permanent (42)
    • Resistance [physical] F (21)
    • Affinity: Darkness (7) or Domain: Darkness (70)

Water (98/161 points)
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  1. Titles: Monster, Source Kin (Water)
  2. Stats:
    • Intelligence - D (14)
    • Vitality - E (7)
  3. Skills:
    • Magic E (14)
    • Change State F(E) Limiter: Permanent (21)
    • Resistance [Physical] F (21)
    • Resilient [Underwater] (7)
    • Affinity: Water (7) or Domain: Water (70)

Undead (28 points)

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  1. Titles: Monster, Undead
  2. feature skills to grant an undying nature (not immortal)
  3. Stats: Vitality - D (14)
  4. Skills: Resilient [fatigue - doesn’t need food, water, sleep; suffocation] E (14)
Description: A race of creatures that do not die normally and instead rot and move until they can't any more. Undead come in many forms and with many varying abilities. If they have flesh, they may resemble whatever racial tree they were part of in life. All undead share a similar lack for crucial forms of sustenance, most notably food, water, air, and sleep.

Vampire (35 points)
Submitted by elvario
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  1. Titles: Monster, Undead, Vampire
  2. Feature:
    • [Fangs] (Cosmetic) - Elongated canine teeth used to puncture flesh and draw blood.
    • [Blood Drinker] (7) - Creature derives nutrition from drinking the blood of other creatures.
  3. Stats: Vitality - D (14)
  4. Skills: Resilient [fatigue - doesn’t need food, water, sleep; suffocation] E (14)
Description: A relatively more lively looking undead that feeds on blood and seems resistant to aging.
Evolves into: Dhampir

Wendigo (63 points)

Submitted by Garbage
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  1. Titles: Monster, Wendigo
  2. Features:
    • [Fur] - Naturally occurring body hair that covers part or all exterior surfaces of the body.
    • [Claws] - Sturdy, usually pointed, nails that grow out from the finger and toes. Costs 14 points per grade to use in combat.
  3. Stats:
    • Strength - E (7)
    • Vitality - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    • Fast F (7)
    • Fighting Style F (7)
    • Superstrength F (7)
    • 1 Sense Skill
    • Devour F (7)
    • Resilience [Cold] F (7)
  5. Equipment: Natural Weapon F (14)
Wendigo's are the manifestation of corrupted mana that is left behind in the wake of savage cannibalism or other tragedies that have left latent negative mana in their wake. This energy slowly congeals in locations that are primarily cold in temperature. Wendigos bring that same freezing chill anywhere they decide to lurk. A historian once referred to them as a mirror of the terrible atrocities mortal kind inflict on one another. They wield weapons that act as their motif, stemming from their mana and personality (i.e: Barbed Wire, Blades, Nails, Etc).

Woodland Demon (neramo) (77 points)
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  1. Titles: Monster, Woodland Demon
  2. Feature: [Tree Body] - Your body has the appearance and characteristics of a tree.
  3. Stats:
    • Strength - E (7)
    • Intelligence - E (7)
    • Vitality - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    • Resistance [bludgeoning/piercing] F (14)
    • Magic E (14)
    • Affinity: Flora F (7)
  5. Items:
    • Natural Armor F (7)
    • Natural Weapons F (14)
Description: First encountered in the former Light County, these malevolent entities came from the forest. Even as low-level minions, these creatures were quite sturdy, outfitted with natural weapons and armor.

Intermediate Monster

World Canon - To get perks below, must have: Magic skill or Martial or Natural Weapons C, 2 total secondary skills.
  1. [Evolved] - gain the title evolved. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others of your racial tree.
  2. Choose 1:
    • [Menace] - an aura of fear emanates from the creature at all times that makes lower grade creatures take a -1 effectiveness on attacks against monster or monster allies.
    • [Rank and File Asset F] - All monsters below the grade of this character are compelled to follow their orders. Alternate to Leadership but only applies to npc monsters. This grants a handful of followers as a narrative asset during rp (they do NOT count as minions and number, usefulness, and presence ultimately depends on the narrator).


Reference Image
  1. Titles: Monster, Drake, Dragon
  2. Feature:
    • Large Size
    • [Large] E - Grants character natural E-grade heavy armor in equipment
    • [Breath Weapon] - The ability to breathe out a harmful substance/effect such as fire or poison.
    • [Darkvision] F (7) - Feature Skill - Eyes adapted to using every bit of light present to see in natural darkness when otherwise you couldn't. Everything is rendered grayscale.
    • [Quadruped] (7) - Creature has four legs.
    • [Scales] - Skin is totally covered in reptilian scales.
    • [Spines] - Any hard, pointed defensive projection or structure.
    • [Ears: Reptilian] - A thin membrane located at the rear of the head.
    • [Bestial Eyes] - Typically no or very little white showing. Pupil shape falls into one of three main types: horizontally elongated, circular, or vertically elongated.
    • [Muzzle] - The mouth and nose region on bestial races that extends out from the face.
    • [Tail] - An extra appendage typically formed by an elongated tailbone extending from the base of the spine.
    • [Claws] - Sturdy, usually pointed, nails that grow out from the finger and toes.
    • [Serrated Teeth] - Sharp or jagged teeth perfect for tearing flesh.
  3. Stats:
    • Strength - D
    • Precision - C
    • Intelligence - E
    • Vitality - D
  4. Skills:
    • Flight F
    • Resistance [element] F
    • Magic F
    • Superstrength E
  5. Items: Natural Weapons E
Description: Wyverns are formidable creatures with strong wings and elementally charged breath. Often used as mounts or guards for large or important locations. They are at home in wide open spaces with plenty of room to fly around.

Ascended Monster

World Canon - To get the perks below, must have: one S-grade stat, A-grade Magic skill or Martial or Natural Weapons, 3 secondary skills.
  1. [Apex] - gain the title Apex. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others. Can stack with evolved title bonus if speaking with members of their own tree.
  2. [Knock Knock] - gain the title of Knock knock. You have become a creature not easily denied. Gain the right to run rp's directly involving the rulers and leaders of factions.
  3. Choose 1:
    • [Harbinger Asset]: You can choose to cause the following effects in an rp at your discretion:
      1. Cause dangerous storms, anomalies, and abnormal or dangerous behavior in creatures,
      2. Flocks of animals can be seen actively migrating away from a location before you arrive,
      3. A foul wind blows making all it touches uneasy. Similar narrative effects not currently listed can be used. Narrator decides how the asset manifests.
    • [Stampede] - gain narrative ability to seize the seat of power over all multiple thousands of monsters in a nation. lead them in rp's of that nation in overrunning populated areas. They become an asset of the character that can be used in sieging or conquering rp's.


Mundane Construct

World Canon - To get perk below, must have: Construct title, 1 defensive skill, 2 secondary skills
  1. [Born For This] - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.

BIV (84 points)
Submitted by IanTheDestroyer
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  1. Titles: Construct, BIV
  2. Features:
    1. Small size
    2. [Mechanical Parts] - Creature possesses inorganic body parts.
    3. [Replaceable Parts] (7) - Unique functionality of a construct that allows them to swap their parts at will.
  3. Stats:
    1. Intelligence - E (7)
    2. Speed - D (14)
    3. Precision - D (14)
    4. Vitality - D (14)
  4. Skills:
    1. Resilient E (fatigue - doesn’t need food, water, sleep; suffocation) (14)
    2. Engineering F (7)
    3. Survival F (7)
Description: Creatures which could be considered as the next step of most sentient life-forms. The merge of man and machine. This elaborate machine allows for a brain, or in slightly older version a brain alongside internal organs, to function without a real body. Whilst it is a relatively new "race", if you could call it such, the very few examples flaunt themselves, or whatever is left of them with pride. They are true people of science, willing to go up and beyond for the sake of progressing the world towards its natural course even faster. How they come to be has never quite been revealed to most people, as almost all members of this "race" have done so through their own work and research.

Fabriken (56 points)
Submitted by Clyvelle
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  1. Titles: Construct, Fabriken
  2. Feature: [Amorphous] (7) - Your body has no set form.
  3. Stats: Vitality - D (14)
  4. Skills:
    • Resilient [fatigue - doesn’t need food, water, sleep; suffocation] E (14)
    • Change State F (21)
Description: First discovered in the northwestern desert, the Fabriken people are a race of "animated" cloth. Unlike living dolls and living armor, the animation of the cloth is false. The true body of a fabriken is a magical particulate, not unlike soot in appearance, that must inhabit a shell or membrane of some kind in order for it to take a functional form. Being that the inhabitable objects and materials vary so much, fabrikens can take many different forms from humanoids to spindly legged forms akin to crustaceans.

Golem (42 points)

Submitted by ferio
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  1. Titles: Construct, Golem
  2. Features: Natural Weapons E (28) or Natural Armor E (Heavy or Light) (14)
  3. Stats: Strength or Vitality D (14)
  4. Skills: Resilient E [Fatigue (caused by Hunger, thirst, lack of sleep); Aging] (14)
Description: Typically inorganic constructs with humanoid bodies that vary in material, size, purpose, and place of origin. Despite their physical differences, all golems possess a common innate desire to serve their creator. Currently, the densest golem populations are found in places like The East Empire and Widersia, both of which have established histories of construct innovation. Rumor has it that golems were first created by infusing living souls into inorganic bodies.

Living Armor (memershiro) (42 points)
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  1. Titles: Construct, Living Armor
  2. Stats:
    • Strength/Speed E (7)
    • Vitality D (14)
  3. Skills: Resilient [fatigue - doesn’t need food, water, sleep; suffocation] E (14)
  4. Items: Natural Armor (light/heavy) F (7)
Description: Sometimes armor is animated, giving it the ability to move about on its own. So-called “living armor” is often used in dungeons as sentries, but occasionally one might find such a set of enchanted armor in the home or treasure room of an eccentric wizard or wealthy noble. The obvious defensive value of a living suit of armor is offset by its limited ability kit.

Living Doll (35 points)

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  1. Titles: Construct, Living Doll
  2. Feature: [Omniswivel] (7) - Enables joints to be Twisted 360 degrees without injury
  3. Stats: Vitality - D (7)
  4. Skills:
    • Resilient E [Ageing/Fatigue] (14)
    • Elasticity F (7)
Description: A type of construct with a humanoid shape, somewhat able to blend In as 'human', yet with uncanny movements and features that are just slightly off.

Rook (70/77 points)
Submitted by RedRevRevolver
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  1. Titles: Construct, Rook
  2. Features:
    • Thaumaturgic Neural Network - Mindshield - brain made with magic and mechanic components (mental debuff resistance/immunity) (7)
    • Lacks sense of smell, taste
    • 1-8 Visual sensors (eyes) with light interface for visual code communication
  3. Stats:
    • Strength/Precision E (7)
    • Intelligence E (7)
    • Vitality D (14)
  4. Skills:
    • Appraisal F (0/7)
    • Resilient [fatigue - doesn’t need food, water, sleep; suffocation] E (14)
    • Choose one:
      • Athletics F (7)
      • Acrobatics F (7)
    • 2 F-grade secondary skills
  5. Items: Natural Armor (light/heavy) F (7)
Description: Rooks commonly resemble suits of armor on the outside. Internally, they have metal plating layered over a part mechanical, part magical "nervous system". Rooks were created and modified to accomplish various tasks, but their main function was to serve as guardians and war machines for the ancient civilization of the Talbot. Talbots mostly lived in and around present-day Widersia, but smaller populations migrated across the southern half of the continent. Some Rooks have been found in Talbot ruins or buried under old battlefields.

Tank (beetlebug) (28 points)
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  1. Titles: Construct, Tank
  2. Feature:
    • [Armored Hull] (7) - Gives Natural Armor F
    • [Treads] - Replaces feet with treads.
    • [360 vision] (7) - Allows vision in all directions.
  3. Stats: Precision - E (7)
  4. Skills: Special Movement [Treads] (7)
Description: Sturdy construct made for taking abuse. Moves about on treads.

Intermediate Construct

World Canon - To get perks below, must have: 1 C-grade defensive skill, 4 total secondary skills
  1. [Evolved] - gain the title evolved. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others of your racial tree.
  2. Choose 1:
    • [Vitality upgrade] - receive Resistance [Mundane] F or upgrade the same by one grade for free
    • Special Movement [Fall to Pieces] F (14 points) - your body can disassemble as part of an action in order to navigate various obstacles and attacks. While disassembled or in the process of disassembling, you can still move.


Submitted by Novama
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  1. Titles: Human, Construct, Augur
  2. Feature: [Mixed Race] (7) - Allows the purchase of one additional racial tree title.
  3. Stats: C-grade character
Description: Augmenters were a test group of humans enhanced with orichalcum or mithril modifications. Orichalcum subjects needed far less maintenance and repair, but the utility of the mithril subjects made upkeep costs tolerable.

Guardian Golem
Submitted by ferio
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  1. Titles: Construct, Golem, Guardian Golem
  2. Features:
    • Natural Weapons E or Natural Armor E (Heavy or Light)
    • Large size
    • 360° vision
  3. Stats:
    • Strength - C
    • Intelligence - D
    • Vitality - B
  4. Skills:
    • Superstrength D
    • Resilient C [Fatigue (caused by Hunger, thirst, lack of sleep); Aging; Fear; Prone] (28)
    • Resistance [Physical] E
    • Nullify [Type] E (70)
Description: TBA

Possessed Plush
Submitted by elvario
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  1. Titles: Construct, Living Doll, Possessed Plush
  2. Feature:
    • [Omniswivel] (7) - allows a joint be Twisted 360 degrees without injury
    • [Soft] - Character is made of soft fabrics and materials, making them pleasant to touch and cuddle.
  3. Stats: Vitality - B
  4. Skills:
    • Resilience C [Ageing/Fatigue/Incapacitated]
    • Elasticity E
    • Regeneration C
Description: A plushy that's taken on a surprisingly sturdy and resilient life of its own.

Ascended Construct

World Canon - To get perks below, must have: 1 S-grade stat, 1 A-grade defensive skill, 6 total secondary skills
  1. [Apex] - gain the title Apex. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others. Can stack with evolved title bonus if speaking with members of their own tree.
  2. [Singularity] - character gains a level of existence and self awareness that makes their status of being alive unquestioned and acknowledged by the world. Character can no longer be belittled or looked down on for being a construct.
  3. Choose 1:
    • [Automaton Genesis] - gain the ability to impart your essence into an inanimate object and generate a single construct life. Cannot be larger than size Large. Construct must follow rules of D-grade Companion skill. Can only have one construct made in this way at a time.
    • [Automaton Army] - gain the ability to manipulate constructs within 100 feet of you. Constructs higher than D-grade resist. Mind Shield D counters this. Can combo with PCs to override resistance. Narrator discretion.


Mundane Abomination

World Canon - To get perk below, must have: Abomination title, Mixed Race feature, requirements from parent trees mundane options
  1. [Born For This] - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements per racial tree you are a part of.

Cyborg (49 points)

Submitted by Elvario
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  1. Titles: Abomination , Human, Construct
  2. Features:
    • [Mixed Race] (7) - Allows the purchase of one additional racial tree title.
    • [Mechanical Parts] - Creature possesses inorganic body parts.
  3. Stats:
    • Strength - E (7)
    • Intelligence - E (7)
    • Vitality - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    • Resilient F (7)
    • Artisan [Tinkerer] F (7)
    • Athletics F (7)
Description: Strong and tough humanoids that are a mixture of human and machine.

Glacial Fox (77 points)
Submitted by 3Taylor
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  1. Titles: Beast, Construct, Glacial Fox
  2. Feature:
    • [Mixed Race] (7) - Allows the purchase of one additional racial tree title.
    • [Quadruped] (7) - Creature has four legs.
    • [Ears: Fox] - Bestial ears shaped like those of a fox.
    • [Bestial Eyes] - Typically no or very little white showing. Pupil shape falls into one of three main types: horizontally elongated, circular, or vertically elongated.
    • [Muzzle] - The mouth and nose region on bestial races that extends out from the face.
    • [Serrated Teeth] - Sharp or jagged teeth perfect for tearing flesh.
    • [Claws] - Sturdy, usually pointed, nails that grow out from the finger and toes.
    • [Tail] - An extra appendage typically formed by an elongated tailbone extending from the base of the spine.
    • [Ice Body] - The character's body is comprised entirely of unmelting, magically infused ice.
    • [Rime Hide] F (7) - Natural Armor - The character's body of magically enhanced ice acts as a hard--though somewhat brittle–armor.
    • [Core] F (14) - Natural Catalyst - The character's core allows them to conduct magical abilities.
  3. Stats:
    • Intelligence - E (7)
    • Speed - E (7)
    • Vitality - D (14)
  4. Skills:
    • Resilient [Fatigue (caused by hunger, thirst, lack of sleep); Incapacitation] E (14)
Description: An artificial race of fox that is scarcely known of, let alone seen. Purposefully transformed against its will from organic to inorganic, only their sapience is of the fox's own design. Bestowed with a deep connection to the ice and cold, glacial foxes are entwined with their element, capable of learning immense feats in their domain. Coupled with the inorganic body, their full potential is yet to be realized.

Intermediate Abomination

World Canon - To get perks below, must have: requirements for intermediate from all parent trees
  1. [Evolved] - gain the title evolved. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others of your racial tree.
  2. Choose 1:
    • [Chameleon] F (21 points)
      Type: Perk exclusive
      Pre-req: Abomination title, Feature: Mixed Race, Intermediate evolution in World Canon

      Freely swap titles and appearance within variations of creatures that make up your "parents". Cannot change size.
    • [Favored Parent 1] - choose one intermediate perk from 1 parent tree


Added by Elvario
Reference Image
  1. Titles: Monster, Vampire, Abomination [Monster/Fae], Fae, Dhampir
  2. Features:
    • [Blood Drinker] (7) - Creature derives nutrition from drinking the blood of other creatures.
    • [Fangs] F (7) - Elongated canine teeth used to puncture flesh and draw blood.
      Natural Weapons F (14)
  3. Stats:
    • Character Grade - E
    • Str/Pre - B
    • Precision - E
  4. Skills:
    • [Fighting Style] C
    • Deception F
    • Stealth F
Description: An intermediate vampire variant that's Half-Monster, Half-Fae tethering between both natures and using a combination of martial arts, deception and stealth to survive.

Ascended Abomination

World Canon - To get perks below, must have: 2 S-grade stats, requirements of both parents Ascended levels
  1. [Apex] - gain the title Apex. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others. Can stack with evolved title bonus if speaking with members of their own tree.
  2. [One of Us] - despite the character's mixed parentage, they are finally acknowledged and accepted fully by all their racial trees as a proper member rather than some hybrid.
  3. Choose 1:
    • Chameleon is upgraded to Shapeshifter: freely change shape, titles, variety of features, and now size for creatures within your racial trees
    • Favored Parent 1 is upgraded to Favored Parent 2: choose one ascended perk from parent trees


My Race isn't a listed Title
A quick google search shows there are more fantasy races than we have page space to list. As such, we will try to make titles for the more common choices, but will rely on the flexibility of the system and the recommendations of the players on how to add to the list. If your specific race or racial variant is not an achievable title, let us know. We can add to the list.

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Titles have been mentioned in a few posts now and at least one is required when creating your character. Here we will discuss what the titles are and how they will serve the rp. We will also list some of the more common ones and give instruction for how to request additional titles to be added to the list.


What are Titles?

Titles are meant to be descriptors added to your character that help the world and other characters know who and what you are and how they might interact with you. Your race is dictated by titles, so that will obviously influence your visual appearance as well as cultural background and how others perceive you. Aside from race, titles can be used to indicate your character's job/profession/role in the community/world. Titles like Expert Blacksmith and Seasoned Adventurer to name a couple. With these, the scenarios you are allowed to RP increases.

In the previous example, the Expert Blacksmith may be able to to participate in smithing guild meetings where prices are set, items and business are discussed, or be on the receiving end of boons from the king for blacksmiths willing to volunteer services to the kingdom specifically. Same for adventurers but as it relates to guild business and general adventuring. Titles define who the character is as well as acts as passports into various types of roleplay.

Aside from what you are and what you do, titles can also define moral character and societal standing. Criminals will inherit criminal titles. Nobility or those striving to become nobility may acquire noble titles that will elevate their position in society. A local hero of a town or the city may get a heroic title or ‘good guy greg’ type of title to further reinforce the character's moral fiber where NPCs may be more likely to call out to them for help. Criminals will obviously be more likely to be treated in the opposite with many shunning them or becoming outright hostile.

Criminal Titles

These titles are granted by rp graders/mods when the rp's are turned in or during rp if the rp is ran by one of the system's staff. The are given to characters that participate in the following behavior. Characters may receive additional copies of the same title for each separate instance warranting the earning of the title. A thief may earn the title several times over for one rp where they go on a stealing spree. Each additional acquisition raises the grade of the the criminal title. The grade indicates the amount of points necessary to spend to have the title removed. Each letter grade adds an additional 7 points to the buy off price. Criminals are generally not allowed to enter cities through their gates or ports. Criminals are not allowed to join any craft or adventuring guilds. Mercenary groups are still possible. Rogue/Assassin and other criminal guilds become possible. Discovered criminals are removed from any positions that prohibit criminal titles.
  • Murder - killing of any person who is not of the monster type and not possessing a criminal title
  • Abuser - willful harming of another person without their consent and they not in possession of a criminal title or monster title
  • Thief - taking possessions from another creature that is neither a criminal nor monster
  • Vandal - intentional damage to property owned by a non monster/non criminal without permission

Price to Buy Off Criminal Title
These points will count against character point cap like all earned points.
  • F-grade - 7 points
  • E-grade - 14 points
  • D-grade - 21 points
  • C-grade - 28 points
  • B-grade - 35 points
  • A-grade - 42 points
  • S-grade - 56 points


Good Person Titles?

On the opposite end of criminal titles, there are 'good' titles to reward characters that consistently perform 'good' behavior that does not involve criminal activity. Helping old ladies cross the street, protect towns from monster invasions. These are acts of good and kindness out of charity. They are not adventurer missions or requests with rewards. They are acts of true heroism. Rp graders are likely to grant 'good' titles to characters consistently displaying such activities in their rp. There are no lists or predetermined requirements. They are not things a character merely acquires like hitting achievements in a game list. Of the 'good' titles, one stands above them all and is pivotal to the setting: Hero.

Race Titles

One of the required equipped titles in the player skeleton, Race Titles are important for creating a foundation for roleplay for the character. The race title sets your character's race. The character's race is obviously tied to visual appearance, but also to cultural significance.
  • Example: An elf character will obviously be more likely to be allowed into elven villages. Areas where elves are persecuted will be more likely to harass the elf character. NPCs that like elves will think more highly of you and be more likely to treat you favorably. Similarly, a character with a lizardman type title would have the right to partake in a lizardman ritual that allows them to find a mate and/or grow wings.

Size Template
Some characters are bigger and smaller than your typical human. No problem. We have templates for that. If you want your character to be of a particular height/length, then be sure to include the following information on your sheet accordingly (add the title to your character sheet like the others if your character has earned it):

Tiny (Gain: 14)
Note: Points earned from taking this size are included in Earned Points, but they do not carry over when scooping the character.
  • Height: Under 2 feet tall/long
  • Weight: Under 8 pounds
  • Strength:
    • Character's lift and carry weight divided by 25 . Stacks with [Super Strength] skill.
    • Minus 2 strength action effectiveness
    • Base throw distance reduced by 75% - 7.5ft base distance (accurate throw*) (object that fits in hand)
  • Vitality: Mundane damage received is increased 2
  • Speed:
    • Plus 2 speed action effectiveness
    • Plus 2 effectiveness to stealth actions
  • Attack: Attacks can have accurate E applied without changing cooldown or grade of attack
  • Movement: Base movement reduced by 75%
  • Narrative: "Tiny", "Light", "Unobtrusive" - things narrator should keep in mind when adjudicating actions

Small (Gain: 7) - They can generally still function in a normal humanoid settlement but may need a stool or a running jump. They still prefer the wilderness settings, homes, and dwellings tailored to their size. More vulnerable to the world than most, their dwellings are also a lot more secluded or hidden when possible.
Note: Points earned from taking this size are included in Earned Points, but they do not carry over when scooping the character.
  • Height: 2 to 4 feet tall/long
  • Weight: 8 to 60 pounds
  • Strength:
    • Character's lift and carry/5 . Stacks with [Super Strength] skill.
    • Minus 1 strength action effectiveness
    • Base throw distance reduced by 50% - 15ft base distance (accurate throw*) (object that fits in hand)
  • Vitality: Mundane damage received is increased 1
  • Speed:
    • Plus 1 speed action effectiveness
    • Plus 1 effectiveness to stealth actions
  • Attack: Attacks can have accurate F applied without changing cooldown or grade of attack
  • Movement: Base movement reduced by 50%
  • Narrative: "Small", "Light", "Unobtrusive" - things narrator should keep in mind when adjudicating actions

Large (Cost: 14) - These are creatures that are around 8 feet to 16 feet tall/long and weighing between 500lbs and 2 tons. They can generally squeeze into sturdy doorways and halls meant for smaller creatures with comedic effect but tend to prefer dwellings and wilderness that are more open. Smaller creature settings like hobbit and gnome holes are out of the question. Most mounts in the setting and giant creature variants would be at least this big.
  • Height: 8 to 16 feet tall/long
  • Weight: 500 to 4000 pounds (2 tons)
  • Strength:
    • Character can lift and carry 5x more weight. Stacks with [Super Strength] skill.
    • Plus 1 strength effectiveness to non-attack actions
    • Base throw distance doubled - 60ft base distance (accurate throw*) (object that fits in hand)
  • Vitality: Mundane damage received is reduced by 1
  • Speed: Minus 1 speed effectiveness
  • Movement: Base movement doubled - 40ft base movement
  • Narrative: "Big", "Heavy", "Obvious" - things narrator should keep in mind when adjudication outcomes for this character

Huge (Cost: 28)
  • Height: Over 16 feet tall/long
  • Weight: Over 4000 pounds (2 tons)
  • Strength:
    • Character can lift and carry 25x more weight. Stacks with [Super Strength] skill.
    • Plus 2 strength effectiveness to non-attack actions
    • Base throw distance quadrupled - 120ft base distance (accurate throw*) (object that fits in hand)
  • Vitality: Mundane damage received is reduced by 2
  • Speed: Minus 2 speed effectiveness
  • Movement: Base movement quadrupled - 80ft base movement
  • Narrative: "Huge", "Heavy", "Obvious" - things narrator should keep in mind when adjudication outcomes for this character

Larger or Smaller - creatures that are permanently larger or smaller than the Small or Large Templates are possible but are generally discouraged due to the limitations they pose to the character in interacting with the world and other characters. Many such creatures are monsters relegated to their isolated sanctuaries. Either to be hunted with prejudice on sight or to be avoided at all costs. Some are just too fragile for the world beyond their hidden enclaves. Statistics to achieve size would be to continue the pattern of small or large.


Society Titles
These titles are only accessible with a sufficiently ranked Connected Skill or a roleplay after achieving the titles specified requirements.

  • Baron - C-grade character Standing and a roleplay to make or establish a connection with the noble class of a Kingdom - You are knighted and tasked with the defense of the kingdom. You answer to the rest of the nobility but you are the ruler of your domain.
  • Count - B-grade character Standing and a roleplay to establish why your character is getting promoted - You are promoted by the king to a position more fitting of your abilities so that you may better serve the kingdom. Several Barons answer to you and you are more involved in court politics as the duke you answer to maneuvers for power.
  • Duke - A-grade character Standing and a roleplay to establish why your character is getting promoted - The king recognizes your house name as one synonymous with the kingdom 2nd only to the royal family. You work with your peer duke houses to support the king's endeavors all while jockying for favor with the people and royal family.
  • King/Queen - S-grade character Standing and a roleplay to establish how your character seized the throne - The royal family has died, abdicated the throne, or otherwise been relieved of their position. You are now the ruler of the kingdom. When you aren't watching your back for assassination attempts, you will chart the course for your nation.
  • [Faction Apprentice] - F-grade character Standing and relevant skill if necessary - you are an entry level member of a faction. Law enforcement, Crafts guilds, Adventurer Guilds, Merchants Guilds, etc..
  • [Faction Member] - D-grade character Standing and relevant skill if necessary - you are a full fledged member of faction and able to participate in the activities and perks of general membership.
  • [Senior Faction Member] - B-grade character Standing and relevant skill if necessary - you are experienced and a reliable member of the guild. you are known and relied upon. The faction leader recognizes you. you play a role in charting the direction and activities of the faction and carrying them out.
  • [Faction Leader] - S-grade character Standing, relevant skill, rp to establish how you became leader - you have control of the faction. The ceo of a merchant company. The guildmaster of adventurers. Etc...

Job Titles

  • [Weapon/Tool]
  • Apprentice - F-grade weapon skill or tool based skill - character is likely just starting on the path of the weapon's purpose. Swordsman, Carpenter, Lancer, etc..
  • Adept - D-grade weapon skill or tool based skill - character has concluded their training and has begun their journeyman phase of acquiring experience through work and/or travel.
  • Expert - C-grade weapon skill or tool based skill - character has been taught all they could learn and have overcome some hardship. They have started developing their own style.
  • Master - A-Grade weapon skill or tool based skill - character has mastered their weapon or tool. Their skill is unquestioned and whether they produce death or craft goods, their work is breathtaking.
  • Legendary - S-grade weapon skill or tool based skill - character has reached supernatural ability in weapon or tool use. Their works transcend what mortals could make. Like deities descended, they create death or craft goods like only a demigod might.

is the label for characters that have yet to earn their way into a class.

All characters start as Artless. As they grow and develop by gaining skills, equipment, and stats, they can begin to meet the requirements to acquire and equip special titles called classes. While a class is equipped, a character can leverage the perk offered by the class. Advanced classes may require previous classes in their tree in order to leverage their perk, but otherwise classes may be freely acquired and equipped assuming requirements are met. Only 1 class may be equipped from each tier. There are 3 tiers. Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3. To take a higher tier class, you must ensure you meet all the requirements of its preceding class.

Note: #Educated skill can be used to cover Secondary skill requirements assuming the specific grade required by the class is met.


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X Title is not in List!

Again, if your preferred job or status is not listed, never fear. Simply message Novama or rp staff to work out how your idea could be added to the lists and acquired by the players.



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Skills are pivotal in growing and customizing your character. While your stats may make it clear who is a tank, mage, or rogue type, your skills will allow you to differentiate yourself from others with the same stats. Additionally, skills help shape the character visually like in the attaining of some racial titles. Perhaps key to any Isekai is the ability for the protagonist to become very powerful and bring change to the world. Skills are what allows a character to transcend the typical limits of the characters made for this world/RP. Below you will find a list of Skills your character may acquire and upgrade. If you feel your character concept cannot be achieved with the skills currently present, please reach out to
Novama or other RP staff and see what can be worked out. In some cases, we may add to the list of skills available. In other cases, we may help outline a build path where a series of skills could help you meet your ideal.

Note: Systems are prone to mistakes, exploits, and misinterpretation. We will perform updates/edits/improvements over time to the system as it expands and grows from being used by the community. We will inform you of changes as they occur.


How to Read Skill List

The following list will display the skill and the skill's starting grade when purchased. It will then list the requirement to acquire the skill, generally a stat grade. The points listed are the price to acquire the skill as well as the price to upgrade the skill for increased effectiveness. If a required skill or stat is listed for a skill's acquisition, then those same stats and skills must also be upgraded each time you wish to upgrade the skill you bought by having them. Some skills will be listed as [ability] because they allow the character to perform a specific action typically granted solely by that ability. Unlike typical skills that are generally combined to form abilities, [ability] skills are typically useful as they are without additional modification. Some of the skills and most of the abilities come with restrictions on their use. They cannot be spam used and they likely have other caveats. Lastly, the skill description will be given. If you have trouble reading any of the skills or need additional explanations, do not hesitate to ask

Skills list

All skill prices now are in parentheses next to the skill name. Underneath the skill name are “type tags”, which are defined below. All skills have been given one or more tags based on their specific function.

Skill type tags
Ability! - this skill is a stand-alone feature​
Acquisition! - this skill is used to acquire items or assets​
Augmenter! - this skill improves/broadens functionality for [Magic] skill​
Auxiliary! - this skill supplements natural ability​
Buff! - raises stats or provides boon to target​
Character! - this skill requires a certain character grade​
Core! - this ability is a prerequisite to other skills​
Debuff! - decreases stats or hampers target​
Defensive! - bolsters the character’s ability to resist damage/effects​
Domestic! - this skill gives mundane know-how and practical skills for everyday life​
Exclusive! - this skill is only acquirable as a racial perk​
Growth! - this skill assists in the accrual of knowledge/experience by granting skills or additional points​
Healing! - this skill restores vitality​
Intelligence! - this skill requires a certain intelligence grade​
Narrator! - this ability has effects/features that are controlled or determined by the narrator​
NPC! - this skill involves defining a companion, minion, etc.​
Offensive! - damages or otherwise negatively impacts target​
Passive! - this skill cannot be put into abilities but can be utilized even while character is unconscious​
Precision! - this skill requires a certain precision grade​
Social! - this skill offers prowess in conversation and manipulating social events in your favor​
Speed! - this skill requires a certain speed grade​
Stealth! - this skill allows the user to avoid detection by some means​
Strength! - this skill requires a certain strength grade​
Suite! - this skill provides a bundle of several other skills​
Utility! - this skill has a wide range of uses and may be both offensive and defensive​
Vitality! - this skill requires certain vitality grade​

Point cost progression:

F - 7
F - 14
F - 21
F - 28
F - 35
F - 56
F - 70
E - 14
E - 28
E - 42
E - 56
E - 70
E - 112
E - 140
D - 21
D - 42
D - 63
D - 84
D - 105
D - 168
D - 210
C - 28
C - 56
C - 84
C - 112
C - 140
C - 224
C - 280
B - 35
B - 70
B - 105
B - 140
B - 175
B - 280
B - 350
A - 42
A - 84
A - 126
A - 168
A - 210
A - 336
A - 420


#AfterImage F (21 points)
Type: Ability!, Auxiliary!
Pre-req: Speed! one grade higher than grade of skill
Restriction: cannot he used as a defense action. Must be used in advance of being attacked.

Character moves with such speed to make it look like there are multiple copies of them to the typical observer.

Per grade of skill, create a duplicate of the character adjacent to them that mimics the characters appearence, actions, sounds. Until an action is used to attack a duplicate, the duplicate will remain in scene for duration of ability. So long as one duplicate exists, the character may not be targeted directly. Exceptions are abilities that can target all duplicates at once.

Duplicates are not illusions and can affect the real world so long as they do what the host character does. But results are limited to one character.

Example: 3 after images act out shooting a fireball, but only 1 fireball appears.

#Fast F (7 points)
Type: Auxiliary!, Utility!
Pre-req: Speed! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Determines how much distance can be covered in a combat round by running. Does not affect dodge actions at all. Base movement can be found in Advanced Rules.

Creatures with this skill can move over land faster than normal and move at a quick walk or jogging pace without exhausting self easily.
  • F - 2x base movement
  • E - 4x base movement
  • D - 8x base movement
  • C - 15x base movement
  • B - 30x base movement
  • A - 50x base movement
  • S - ???

#Flight F (21 points)
Type: Ability!
Pre-req: Precision! three grades higher than grade of skill
Note: Requires duration to remain airborne for more than a post.

Character acquires a means of personal flight through one means or another. Higher ranks allow for faster, higher, more precise flight.
  • F - 3 MPH / 30ft (4.83KPH / 9.14 M) per round
  • E - 10 MPH / 90ft (16.09 KPH / 27.43 M) per round
  • D - 30 MPH / 300ft (48.28 KPH / 91.44 M) per round
  • C - 100 MPH / 900ft (160.93 KPH / 274.32 M) per round
  • B - 300 MPH / 3000ft (482.8 KPH / 914.4 M) per round
  • A - 1000 MPH / 9000ft (1609.34 KPH/ 2743.2 M) per round
  • S - ???

#Jumping F (7 points)
Type: Auxiliary!
Pre-req: Strength! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Character base jumping height is half their height and their horizontal leap is 3x that amount

Mechanics: If leap distance vertical or horizontal is greater than their maximum move speed (refer to movement in Advanced Rules), then all their actions for the current posts and following posts will be consumed with moving until character reaches desired distance/height.
  • Ex: medium creature leaps 100ft (30.49 M). Character spends 5 actions in total to arrive at the leap location. Any other actions performed during the leap must declared in the first action and will add to the total action cost.
  • Ex: medium bill leaps 100ft (30.49 M) and snipes 5 targets as he flies. Total action cost is 6 by combining the leap ability and its 5 actions with the sniping ability and its 1 action.
Character is particularly skilled at jumping and can leap vertically and horizontally greater distances. They do not get hurt when landing on their feet so long as they fall from a height equal to or less than their vertical jump limit.

F - 3x base jump distances
E - 10x base jump distances
D - 30x base jump distances
C - 100x base jump distances
B - 300x base jump distances
A - 1000x base jump distances
S - ???

#Portal F (35 points)
Type: Ability!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Banishment does not work on creatures of a higher character grade than Portal

Create a one-way portal/rift that leads to another dimension directly in front of user and about the size of a humanoid doorway.

Common planes: hell, heaven, shadow, fey, elemental, material, etc...

Banishment: Can also be used to temporarily send a target you touch to a void demi-plane of nothingness where the target remains in a stasis against their will. Portal has access to this demi-plane in addition to selected plane.
  • Portal and/or Banishment will end just before user’s next post.
  • When this skill is taken, the portal(s) acquired must be specified and permanently locked to the plane they go to.
  • Portals may be created and recreated and are not permanently fixed to a single location once spawned.
  • When Banishing a creature from a different plane, they will instead be banished to their home dimension
  • Creatures larger than Medium size will require a portal expanded through AOE to be banished or transported.
  • A Banished target returns to the map in closest unobstructed space near the point they were banished.

#Special Movement [movement type] F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Auxiliary!
Pre-req: Precision! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Some movements may be deemed to cost extra. Movements such as Flight, jumping, teleport, tunneling, and swimming are covered in other skills.

Character has the ability to move in a way other than normal 2 legged stride that is safer than if they attempted them without this skill.
Grade of skill can typically overcome the challenges and hazards of same grade as deemed appropriate by narrator. The following is a list of examples and not a completed list of possibilities.

Balance - character doesn't lose balance even when running narrow ledges, ropes, beams.​
Cat-Like - character always lands on feet and they can reduce any damage they take from falling in half.​
Fancy Falling (14 points) - character can control the direction and rate of their fall but can never stop their fall with this skill.​
Light-Footed - character can skim over sand,snow,ice at full speed​
Quiet - character can move at normal speed without producing sound from their walking (can still make other sounds if not careful)​
Slithering - character can slither along the ground at normal walking speed. Narrators may be inclined to give narrator bonus to not being noticed.​
Speedburst (Price varies) - character's base movement is enhanced for a brief time. 3x base movement for 7points. 5x base movement for 14points. Can stack with fast skill. Does not stack with Jump skill.​
Untrackable - character does not leave footprints or tracks when they walk or run.​
Wall-Bouncing - character can move at a regular base speed without touching the ground by bounding back and forth between vertical surfaces allowing them to go down corridors or climb up alleyways among other parallel running vertical surfaces.​
Wall-crawling (14 points) - character can cling to and traverse walls or ceilings as though they were on the ground.​
Water Walking (14 points) - character can walk or run over water as if they were on land.​
Zen Direction - at narrator discretion, a character using this skill might not always take the desired path forward, but it will always be the needed one at least. Character moves closer to achieving their goals wherever they walk.​

#Swim Speed (7 points)
Type: Ability!
Pre-req: Speed! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Assumes creature already has means of breathing underwater for prolonged periods

Creatures with this skill can float and travel on and underwater at faster speeds for longer periods of time.
  • F - Swim Speed 3 MPH (4.83 KPH)
  • E - Swim Speed 10mph (16.09 KPH)
  • D - Swim Speed 30mph (48.28 KPH)
  • C - Swim Speed 100mph (160.93 KPH)
  • B - Swim Speed 300mph (482.8 KPH)
  • A - Swim Speed 1,000mph (1609.34 KPH)
  • S - ???

#Teleport F (21 points)
Type: Ability!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

Creature with this skill can warp away to a place they can see/sense/or have previously visited. Max distances are listed:
  • F - 10ft (3.05 M) max
  • E - 100ft (30.48 M) max
  • D - 1,000ft (304.8 M) max
  • C - 1 mile (1.61 KM) max
  • B - 10 mile (16.09 KM) max
  • A - 100 mile (160.93 KM) max
  • S - ???

#Tunneling (7 points)
Type: Ability!
Pre-req: Strength! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Only works on natural earth and rock. Will not work on stone or metal structures. When traveling through natural stone and rock, assume you move at a tunneling speed one grade lower.

Character is powerful enough to force their way through the earth, through various densities, while leaving a tunnel in their wake.
  • F - 1ft (0.3 M)/ 6seconds
  • E - 3ft (0.91 M)/ 6seconds
  • D - 1 MPH / 10ft (1.61 KPH / 3.05 M)per round
  • C - 3 MPH/ 30ft (4.83 KPH / 9.14 M) per round
  • B - 10 MPH/ 90ft (16.09 KPH / 27.43 M)per round
  • A - 30 MPH/ 300ft (48.28 KPH / 91.44 M) per round
  • S - ???


Composed (7 points)
Type: Defensive!, Healing!, Passive!
Pre-req: Character! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Does not apply to Physical damage. Cooldown is not reduced by energize.

Character automatically starts to regain their composure if the character is not killed or had their mind fully destroyed. This includes regaining their sanity/mind immediately and snapping out of effects of mental tampering. Character regains their full composure after a cooldown on Composed expires. The cooldown on composed begins as soon as the character takes mental damage. Cooldown on composed shrinks as the composed skill is upgraded. Out of combat, the cooldown only applies at narrator discretion.

F - 6 posts
E - 5 posts
D - 4 posts
C - 3 posts
B - 2 posts
A - 1 post

#Mind Control F (21 points)
Type: Ability!, Offensive!, Narrator!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Once a victim of mind control breaks free, they are immune to that user's mind control for 24 in-rp hours.

User manages to physically touch a target. The target must now spend 1 post following a single command of the user before breaking free of control. Creatures of a grade equal to skill may be compelled to act but will not harm themselves or allies. Creatures of a grade less than skill grade may be more freely compelled. narrators of rp's hold final say on what actions are allowed with mind control and how long they are allowed to last.

#Mind Shield F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Defensive!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

Character has steeled their mind. This skill may be used to create defensive abilities against mental tampering abilities like mind control.

#Postcognition F (14 points)
Type: Ability!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: May be used freely

Character can have glimpses of the past for specific creature or object up to 1 minute prior to present. What the character sees and how it is portrayed is up to Narrator discretion.
  • F - 1 min
  • E - 1hr
  • D - 1day
  • C - 1week
  • B - 1 month
  • A - 1 year
  • S - ???

#Precognition F (14 points)
Type: Ability!, Buff!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Buff lasts for a single post at F-grade.

Character can occasionally glimpse into the future.
Gives +1 effectiveness to Dodge Abilities. Does not stack with any other effects that boost an action's effectiveness. Example: Bolster(speed)
Amount of time glimpsed into the future grows with skill grade. Future glimpsed is that of the character using the skill and is perceived through their senses. Other skills may augment this behavior.
  • F - a few seconds
  • E - 1 minute
  • D - 10 minutes
  • C - 1 hour
  • B - 1 day
  • A - 1 week
  • S - ???

#Telekinesis F (28 points)
Type: Ability!, Utility!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

Base stats
Range: 5ft (1.52 M)
Movement Speed: 2mph (3.22 KPH)
Duration: 1 post.

Character can pick up and move things and creatures with their mind/magic.
User may throw what they pick up if it's no more than 100th of their max capacity (Ex: 200lbs max can throw 2lbs). Table below shows max capacity and weight cap for throwing for each grade.
  • F 2 LBS / 0.32 OZ (0.91 KG / 9.07 G)
  • E 20 LBS / 0.2 OZ (9.07 KG / 5.67 G)
  • D 200 LBS / 2 LBS (90.72 KG / 0.91 KG)
  • C 1 ton / 20 LBS (0.91 MT / 9.07 KG)
  • B 10 tons / 100 LBS (9.07 MT / 45.36 KG)
  • A 100 tons / 1 ton (90.72 MT / 0.91 MT)
  • S ???

#Telepathy F (21 points)
Type: Ability!, Utility!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: General communication or mental probing/altering with willing targets has no limit, but unwilling or unknowing targets must be of same creature grade or lower than grade of skill.

Character can read an individual's surface thoughts and transmit their own thoughts to communicate. Target must be close enough to speak with casually and/or touch. How deep into the mind one can go increases as Telepathy is increased. Telepathy may be used offensively to tinker with memories. Narrator discretion with how well the tampering takes hold in the target's mind. Any tampering on the mind ends when ability goes on cooldown.


#Fighting Style [Style Name] F (7 points)
Type: Offensive!, Narrator!
Pre-req: stats relevant to weapons one grade higher than grade of skill, All weapons relevant to style
Note: When taking this skill, be sure to specify the weapon group of the style and give a brief description of how your style works.

The character has trained with specified weapons and received knowledge in its use. With each grade in Fighting Style, the character may earn a technique for a 7pt reduction. The techniques earned in this way must have different cores. Techniques may be combined as the character wishes to form abilities. Each technique may be upgraded like a skill may be upgraded individually but may not exceed the level of the Fighting Style. Techniques may be combined with others in the same fighting style. Techniques may not be combined with techniques from other styles. Ranged weapons require a range technique to make the effects of the fighting style extend to the range of the weapon. Additional Techniques may be purchased for a style at any time.

Fighting Style, the skill, may be used as an ability independent of its techniques.
Ex: [technique name] - grade of technique - [tech core] - [description of the technique]

Common weapon types
  • Swords
  • Axes
  • Polearms
  • Shields
  • Cannons
  • Guns
  • Bows
  • Crossbows
Some techniques display Action: 1. Techniques with this identifier will cost an additional action to perform in combat for each additional technique with the same identifier. A post in combat may not contain more than 4 'action' techniques or abilities
Ex: Deflect + Link + Knockback = 2 actions.

Technique Cores

Accurate - the technique reduces effectiveness of dodge action by 1 per grade of Accurate.​
Area - the technique allows for an attack that sweeps a large area 5ft in radius. Radius increases per grade to: 15ft, 50ft, 500ft, 1/2 mile, 5miles. (4.57 M, 15.24 M, 152.4 M, 0.8 KM, 8.05 KM)​
Aura - Action: 1 - technique/stance releasing a harmful aura from the user's body, hurting any creature that comes into direct contact with it. Common ones being flame or electric. The aura technique cannot be combined with a ranged technique. Aura acts as a hazard. Grade of aura indicates the amount of damage automatically taken by whoever comes into contact with it. | F-grade: 1 damage | E-grade: 2 damage | D-grade: 3 damage | C-grade: 4 damage | B-grade: 5 damage | A-grade: 6 damage | S-grade: ??? damage | Aura doesn't typically persist long enough with enough intensity to damage objects save for narrative impact.​
Blight [type] - Generally this is a technique that enhances an attack in some way to deal extra damage if effective. ex: flames, poison, magicyte​
  • Mundane
    • Bludgeoning - most blunt force traumas, contact area is flat
    • Piercing - most stabbing motions, contact area is a hole
    • Slashing - general separation of tissues along an edge, contact area is a line
  • Magic/Non-Mundane
    • Cold - severe chill, contact area is chilled or frozen
    • Fire - most common heat damage, contact area is burning
    • Lightning - most common form of shock
    • Thunder - sound damage, damage is internal
    • Poison - toxins and venoms, primarily weakens or causes internal damage
    • Acid - most common dissolving of form
    • Necrotic - tissue rot and life drain
    • Radiant - energy-based damage that manifests as literal heat or molecular undoing of "unholy" entities/matter through a divine signature
    • Force - pure magical trauma similar to bludgeoning
    • Psychic - brain damage
Blind Fighter - Character has the ability to use the weapon in melee range in dim or no light situations as if they could see. (does not upgrade) Character does not need to see target to avoid penalties as long as they are within range.​
Blind Ranged Fighting - Character has the ability to shoot/Throw in dim or no light situations as well as in normal conditions up to 20ft. Upgrade to increase range character can effectively attack without sight. It does not enhance the effective range of the weapon or range of abilities overall. | F-grade: 20ft | E-grade: 40ft | D-grade: 80ft | Magic or Sense skills required to enhance further. (F: 6.1 M, E: 12.19 M, D: 24.38 M) Character does not need to see target to avoid penalties as long as they are within range.​
Breaker - Damage dealt to specific materials takes double damage. Grade of breaker affects what materials are susceptible. Grade of Breaker is effective against equal grade objects. Refer to Material grades for more information. This bonus does not apply to constructs directly but may be applied to their natural weapons and armor if narrator approved.​
Contact - a technique for overcoming a target's individual resistance types. Each grade of Contact nullifies one resistance type whose grade is less than or equal to the grade of the tech. This nullification lasts for up to an hour unless cured or repaired. Contact does not stack with itself. May be taken multiple times, but must specify a different damage resistance type each time.​
Contagion - a technique that can spread the effects of the first attack through contact.* Increased grade of contagion increases number of times the effect can hop by 1. Beyond the limits of the ability, natural phenomena that may occur are not limited by the ability's limits.** Narrator decides valid targets for hopping and who or what consumes each hop of contagion.​
  • *Ex: If target is lit on fire by technique, anything that comes into contact with target will also be ignited.
  • **Ex: An ability that starts a wildfire may see the fire spread far beyond the limits of the ability.
Continuing - the attack has a means of causing ongoing damage. An acids or fires burn. The poison that courses through veins. This technique only applies to sources of damage in an attack and not other special effects. This technique can be used to inflict long term ongoing effects like diseases or curses or short term effects like pain.​
Deflect - Action: 1 - used to create abilities to deflect attacks that have enough physical component to them that hitting them is possible. Narrator discretion on what counts as solid enough to be deflected. Each grade of deflect further reduces stat contribution to effectiveness of attack against you. Can be combined with Vorpal techniques to apply to attacks that are not physical.​
Drain - Action: 1 - weakens target by one letter grade in one of their stats on successful damage. the forms the technique take could be varied based on the stat impacted. Afflicted targets regain stats 1 grade per in rp hour. The stat it drains must be defined in advance and remain that way. Does not stack with multiple uses. The drain only weakens the stat's for the purposes of action effectiveness and not to disarm or nullify skills.​
Enervation - Action: 1 - puts the abilities of target on cooldown that are the same grade or less than the technique​
Flare - Action: 1 - Creates a sense overload of one sense during an attack causing the sense to be unusable. More senses or stronger disability as the technique grows. Duration is one of target's posts per grade of flare. When not in combat, narrator discretion for duration. Refer to rules page for conditions that may result from loss of senses.​
Flexible - a long flexible attack meant to trip up or disarm an opponent or it could be used as an unstable and harder to read attack. examples like whips, razor-ribbons, segmented swords, etc. Flexible can work on targets of the same or lesser grade to Flexible grade. Tripped of targets require an action to stand. Narrator discretion if being attacked while tripped or attacked by an unreadable attack comes with additional bonuses.​
Homing - tech fires projectile or energy burst than can track and follow target. If it still misses, the attack persists briefly and tries one more time before​
fading/missing again. Amount of attempts after missing is increased by 1 per grade of tech core which increases attack effectiveness by the same amount.​
Hot Shot (14 points) - Character is good at hitting called shots to disarm or hit weak points if they already know where to aim. The higher the grade of tech core, the higher the grade of creature they can hit weak points on. In the case of weak points, damage sustained is doubled.​
Incapacitating (14 points) - Action: 1 - puts a target to sleep/knocks them out/paralysis/petrification/immobilization/etc. Target must be same or lesser letter grade than technique. This is not a kill shot but can open up the target to a kill shot afterward.​
Incurable - wounds produced by this technique will not heal nor regenerate magically or supernaturally unless skills involved are greater than the incurable technique grade.​
Indirect - Must be assigned after a Ranged technique is acquired. hit targets beyond cover and other obstacles through unique attacks that can come from other directions.​
  • ex: conjuring a lightning bolt, arcing an arrow or bolt over head, ice barrage from the side. Must be same grade as the range tech core to provide full cover bypass at all ranges.
Irritant - Action: 1 - a potent smell or itch that distracts the target and/or partially blinds them for a time among other possible effects (see Hindrances). While under the effects of Irritant, target has effectiveness of actions reduced by 1. Grade of tech core can effect creatures of equal or lesser grade. Targets afflicted with Irritant are under its effects for the remainder of the combat scene and longer if narration says.​
Knockback - Action: 1 - this technique specializes in sending targets flying. The greater the grade of technique, the greater the potential distance a target may be force moved. See optional knockback rules for knockback table and other details.​
Linked - an ability with this technique that successfully does damage causes this technique to go off and succeed at hitting the target again with a different weapon automatically, increasing damage dealt by 1. No special effects are added to the 2nd strike other than both go off. Each grade links one more damage to the first. Requires at least 2 weapons to use and works with Natural Weapons also.​
Malleable - Each weapon has a specific damage type associated with its proper use. This tech enables the user to change the damage type to another mundane type through modified or unusual use of the equipment. Grade of Malleable should match grade of fighting style ability it is used in. Can only apply to one type if multiple types are in the fighting style.​
Non-Lethal - Abilities with this technique applied will never kill the target(s). Grade of technique must be equal to grade of ability to properly mitigate its lethal potential​
Penetrating - weapon/ammunition reduces item effectiveness of a target's action by 1 per grade of Penetrating. | F-grade: 1 grade | E-grade: 2 grade | D-grade: 3 grade | C-grade: 4 grade | B-grade: 5 grade | A-grade: 6 grade | S-grade: ??? |​
Quake - Action: 1 -creates shockwave that erupts towards a target across the ground. Causes a 10ft long and deep fissure wide enough for a regular human to fall into. Additional upgrades make a deeper and wider hole. | F-grade: 10 feet cubed | E-grade: 20 feet cubed | D-grade: 40 feet cubed | Technique does not go beyond D-grade without magical skills. (0.28 M3, 0.57 M3, 1.13 M3)​
Range - gives weapon attacks longer range. | F-grade: 10ft | E-grade: 30ft | D-grade: 100ft | C-grade: 1,000ft | Magic skills required to enhance range further. Required technique to apply fightingstyle effects at ranges beyond 5ft. (3.05 M, 9.14 M, 30.48 M, 304.8 M)​
Reach - abilities with this technique give a character reach. Reach starts at a character and extends out 5ft (1.52 M) per grade of this tech. Attacks with reach against targets within reach area but not adjacent gain +1 effectiveness. Attacks with reach gain -1 effectiveness while an enemy is adjacent to them.​
Reflect (14 points) - Action: 1 - send a physical attack back at the attacker. Narrator decides what counts as physical enough to reflect. Vorpal can aid in hitting attacks not normally solid enough to reflect. Range depends on Ranged tech core. Grade of the Reflect must be greater than the attack ability grade being reflected. If the attack is a melee attack, then the reflected attack is treated like a surprise attack. For Advanced Rules, it must beat the effectiveness of the incoming attack.​
Selective - Allows the user to choose who is affected by their weapon style abilities when used at range or in wide areas. Same for aura. Natural phenomena caused by abilities like hazards are not affected by selective. Ex: wildfires caused by a wide area fire attack are not controlled by selective.​
Spreading - Attacks in an area can expand to impact the surrounding area and creatures also. Visible enough to dodge, it's another way of increasing damage area. Spread is 5ft (1.52 M) in all directions. Spread distance at one time increases by 5ft (1.52 M) per grade. Spread duration is based on narrator discretion and/or duration based skills like duration or continuing.​
Tangle - Action: 1 - ensnares target so they have difficulty moving or doing anything. Ensared targets take -1 effectiveness to all actions and cannot move from their spot. The snare generally has a visible component like ice or vines that can be destroyed to prematurely end the binding. Strength of binding is the material grade equivalent to grade of tangle. (ex: D grade tangle produces Bronze equivalent bindings (9hp)). Duration of tech core is 1 post of user per grade (F-grade ending before user's next post). If out of combat, duration is up to narrator discretion. Tangle without physical bindings or with bindings destroyed but ability still active: a zone of slowness persists. Movement in the zone costs twice as much.​
Trap - Action: 1 - technique that lays a physical or magical trap that is assumed to be hidden when placed. Each grade increases the strength of the trap. Duration of entrapment is left to narrator discretion but cannot persist beyond the next use of the trap tech core. After trap is placed, Ability grade is locked until trap is triggered. Then cooldown can start. Cannot be reused until triggered. If one or more traps remain untriggered, user may give up on them and start cooldown early, but any remaining traps of the grade going on cooldown will no longer trigger.​
Vampiric (14 points) - Action: 1 - drains some of the target's life and heals the attacker with it. The grade of the tech core matches the maximum amount of vitality that can be absorbed from a target at one time. Max amount of healing can only be reached by dealing equivalent or greater amounts of damage to the target.​
Vorpal (14 points) - your attacks can overcome immunities to damage targets acquire through Change State skill and similar powers. Each grade allows your attacks to be effective against a stronger grade of target. C grade Vorpal let's you damage C grade Ghosts. B grade Vorpal lets you damage B grade lightning elementals. etc.​

Does not benefit free perks from mastery

1 fighting style of your choice may become Specialized and viewed as your character's main fighting style.
To apply, simply put [Specialize] by the fighting style skill in your skill list. Useful for saving points long term and having more flexible weapon ability creation for your preferred weapon style.

  1. You no longer get a free 7pt reduction to buy your first technique per grade for the fighting style
  2. Most techniques cost 21pts
  3. Techniques that do not gain functionality beyond F grade (like reach) still only cost 7pts
  4. Techniques that typically cost 14pts will now cost 35pts
  5. All purchased techniques for the specialized style are assumed to be the same grade as the fighting style without need to pay for upgrades.

Martial #Ethos [Weapon Type] (name) F (7pts)
Type: Offensive!, Narrator!
Pre-req: Fighting Style [Weapon Type] same grade as grade of skill, 5x techniques F
  • Only used with chosen weapon type.
  • The 5x techniques chosen for the style to acquire ethos become the core of the ethos and will be required to level with ethos
  • The 5x techniques cannot include more than one of the following techniques: Penetrate, Linked, Homing, Deflect, Accurate
Character has honed their various martial techniques into a singular school of thought or otherwise joined a martial school.
  • Gain asset/title [student of (name of martial ethos) F] - enables rps for student characters without need for an enrollment rp.
  • Gain feature Initiative [type] - character's martial ethos gives them an edge when facing certain types of defenses to their abilities. Character attacks (not defenses) reduces defense ability contribution to a defense action by 1 per grade of Martial ethos when contested by its chosen initiative type. Character may not have more than 1 initiative type: | Attack | Block | Dodge |

Martial #Mastery [Weapon Type] (name) F (7pts)
Type: Offensive!, Narrator!
Pre-req: Martial Ethos [Weapon Type] one grade higher than grade of skill, 5x techniques not in ethos F
Note: Only used with chosen weapon type. Limited to 1 Mastery per character.

Character has dedicated their life to the pursuit of mastering all techniques with a specific weapon type.

Mastery - character has became proficient enough in their art that they can use techniques they haven't trained in. Can add any not already purchased technique to Mastery abilities at grade of Mastery.
  • Gain asset/title [Master of (weapon + mastery name) D] enables rps where the character may provide martial services or instruction at various institutions without the need to rp employment first. May serve as grounds for establishing a martial school/dojo.
  • Choose 1:
    • Weapon excellence - character may refer to magic skills for ranges and aoe distances.
    • Weapon precision - character may apply mastery grade of spell duration and magic targets to mastery abilities.

#Steady Hands F (7 points)
Type: Auxiliary!
Pre-req: Precision! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Can only be used to perform actions of a grade less than or equal to that of the skill.

Character is good at keeping hands still even while the character may be running or performing other outrageous maneuvers. Required for moving and attacking in the same post with physical ranged weaponry, such as guns, bows, etc. Otherwise, ranged attacks take a -1 to effectiveness per grade of ability used without using an action to aim.

#Superstrength (14 points)
Type: Auxiliary!
Pre-req: Strength! one grade higher than grade of skill

Creatures with this skill for one reason or another gained the ability to exert much greater strength/force than others. This skill only applies to a creature's ability to lift, carry, and push targets. The max amount increases per grade. The weight listed is in addition to character's base carrying capabilities based on strength stat:
  • F - 200lbs (90.72 KG) (average equipped human)
  • E - 600lbs (272.16 KG) (average grizzly bear)
  • D - 1ton (0.91 MT) (rhino or baby whale)
  • C - 2ton (1.81 MT) (mid-sized car)
  • B - 5ton (4.54 MT) (adult Elephant)
  • A - 10ton (9.07 MT) (80ft hardwood tree)
  • S - ???


[type] #Affinity F (7 points)
Type: Augmenter!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

Represents Character's affinity with a specific type or genre of mana application. A type gives the mana a form and purpose. Allows the character to make attacks or other techniques with that affinity imbued into it allowing for new or enhanced effects. Common types are elemental based ones or specific spell types which help focus what the spell looks like and/or what it does. Ex: Fire or Metal. Other affinities besides what are listed can be taken, but the ones listed should be taken if the desired effect is accomplished.

Aside from affinities that are purely used to flavor spells with form, there are more advanced affinities that give mechanical functions in addition to basic damage. The following is a list that relies on the Magic skill to be of equal or greater grade.

Some techniques display Action: 1. Techniques with this identifier will cost an additional action to perform in combat for each additional technique with the same identifier. A post in combat may not contain more than 4 'action' techniques or abilities​
Ex: Deflect + Link + Knockback = 2 actions.​

Other Possible Affinity Examples

Accurate (A) - the affinity reduces effectiveness of target dodge action by 1 per grade of Accurate.​
Aura (A) - Action: 1 - technique/stance releasing a harmful aura from the users body, hurting any that come into contact with it. Common ones being flame or electric. The aura technique cannot be combined with a ranged skills. Aura acts as a hazard. Grade of aura indicates the amount of damage automatically taken by whoever comes into contact with it. | F-grade: 1 damage | E-grade: 2 damage | D-grade: 3 damage | C-grade: 4 damage | B-grade: 5 damage | A-grade: 6 damage | S-grade: ??? damage | Aura doesn't typically persist long enough with enough intensity to damage objects save for narrative impact. If area of effect is applied to aura to expand its area of impact, the user will take damage without selective affinity.​
Blight (A) - Generally this is a technique that enhances an attack in some way to deal extra damage if effective. ex: flames, poison, magicyte​
  • Mundane
    • Bludgeoning - most blunt force traumas, contact area is flat
    • Piercing - most stabbing motions, contact area is a hole
    • Slashing - general separation of tissues along an edge, contact area is a line
  • Magic/Non-Mundane
    • Cold - severe chill, contact area is chilled or frozen
    • Fire - most common heat damage, contact area is burning
    • Lightning - most common form of shock
    • Thunder - sound damage, damage is internal
    • Poison - toxins and venoms, primarily weakens or causes internal damage
    • Acid - most common dissolving of form
    • Necrotic - tissue rot and life drain
    • Radiant - energy-based damage that manifests as literal heat or molecular undoing of "unholy" entities/matter through a divine signature
    • Force - pure magical trauma similar to bludgeoning
    • Psychic - brain damage
Blind Fighter (A) - Character has the ability to use magic in melee range in dim or no light situations as if they could see. (does not upgrade) Character does not need to see target to avoid penalties as long as they are within range.​
Blind Ranged Fighting (A) - Character has the ability to fire spells in dim or no light situations as well as in normal conditions up to 20ft (6.1 M). Upgrade to increase effective range character can attack without sight. It does not enhance the effective range of the spell or range of abilities overall. | F-grade: 20ft | E-grade: 40ft | D-grade: 80ft | Magic or Sense skills required to enhance further. (F: 6.1 M, E: 12.19 M, D: 24.38 M) Character does not need to see target to avoid penalties as long as they are within range.​
Breaker(A) - Damage dealt to specific materials takes double damage. Grade of breaker affects what materials are susceptible. Grade of Breaker is effective against equal grade objects. Refer to Material grades for more information. This bonus does not apply to constructs directly but may be applied to their natural weapons and armor if narrator approved.​
Contact (A) - an affinity for overcoming a target's individual resistance types. Each grade of Contact nullifies one resistance type whose grade is less than or equal to the grade of the resistance of same type. Contact does not stack with itself. May be taken multiple times, but must specify a different damage resistance type each time.​
Contagion (A) - an affinity that can spread the effects of the first attack through contact.* Increased grade of contagion increases number of times the effect can hop by 1. Beyond the limits of the ability, natural phenomena that may occur are not limited by the ability's limits.** Narrator decides valid targets for hopping and who or what consumes each hop of contagion.​
  • *Ex: If target is lit on fire by technique, anything that comes into contact with target will also be ignited.
  • **Ex: An ability that starts a wildfire may see the fire spread far beyond the limits of the ability.
Continuing (A) - the attack has a means of causing ongoing damage. An acid or fire burn. The poison that courses through veins. This technique only applies to sources of damage in an attack and not other special effects. This technique can be used to inflict long term ongoing effects like diseases or curses or short term effects like pain. Affected targets take a point of damage on each of their posts after being afflicted once per round for duration until spell ends or they are otherwise cured of the affliction.​
Deflect (A) - Action: 1 - used to create abilities to deflect attacks that have enough physical component to them that hitting them is possible. Narrator discretion on what counts as solid enough to be deflected. Each grade of deflect further reduces stat contribution to effectiveness of attack against you. Can be combined with Vorpal affinity to apply to attacks that are not physical.​
Drain (A) - Action: 1 - weakens target by one letter grade of effectiveness in one of their stats. the forms the technique take could be varied based on the stat impacted. The stat it drains must be defined in advance and remain that way. The drain only weakens the stats for the purposes of action effectiveness and not to disarm or nullify skills.​
Element (A) - This affinity gives basic control over element of choice. Does not replace the need for other skills, but enables basic usage. Changes base damage type of offensive spells to type of Element chosen. Common examples in IH:​
  • Darkness
  • Earth
  • Fire
  • Ice
  • Light
  • Lightning
  • Metal
  • Water
  • Wind
Enervation (A) - Action: 1 - puts the abilities of target on cooldown that are the same grade or less than the technique​
Flare (A) - Action: 1 - Creates a sense overload of one sense during an attack. More senses or stronger disability as the technique grows. Refer to rules page for conditions that may result from loss of senses.​
Flexible (A) - a long flexible attack spell meant to trip up or disarm an opponent or it could be used as an unstable and harder to read attack. examples like whips, razor-ribbons, segmented swords, etc. Flexible can work on targets of the same or lesser grade to Flexible grade. Tripped targets require an action to stand. Narrator discretion if being attacked while tripped or attacked by an unreadable attack comes with additional bonuses.​
Homing (A) - Requires ranged skill - tech fires projectile or energy burst than can track and follow target. If it still misses, the attack persists briefly and tries one more time before​
fading/missing again. Amount of attempts after missing is increased by 1 per grade of affinity which increases spell effectiveness by an equal amount.​
Hot Shot (A) (14 points) - Character is good at hitting called shots to disarm or hit weak points if they already know where to aim. The higher the grade of affinity, the higher the grade of creature they can hit weak points on. In the case of weak points, damage sustained is doubled. Weak points may be discerned through various abilities at narrator discretion. Narrator decides what counts as a weak spot in creatures.​
Incapacitating (A) (14 points) - Action: 1 - puts a target to sleep/knocks them out/paralysis/petrification/immobilization/etc. Target must be same or lesser letter grade than technique. This is not a kill shot but can open up the target to a kill shot afterward.​
Incurable (A) - wounds produced by this technique will not heal nor regenerate magically or supernaturally unless skills involved are greater than the incurable technique grade.​
Indirect (A) - Must be assigned after a Ranged technique is acquired - hit targets beyond cover and other obstacles through unique attacks that can come from other directions.​
  • Ex: conjuring a lightning bolt, arcing an arrow or bolt over head, ice barrage from the side. Must be the same grade as the range tech core to provide full cover bypass at all ranges.
Irritant (A) - Action: 1 - a potent smell or itch that distracts the target and/or partially blinds them for a time among other possible effects (see Hindrances). While under the effects of Irritant, target has effectiveness of actions reduced by 1. Grade of tech core can effect creatures of equal or lesser grade.​
Knockback (A) - Action: 1 - this technique specializes in sending targets flying. The greater the grade of technique, the greater the potential distance a target may be force moved. See optional knockback rules for knockback table and other details.​
Linked (A) - an attack of this affinity that hits causes this technique to go off and succeed at hitting the target again. No special effects are added to the 2nd strike other than both go off. Each grade links one more action to the first.​
Malleable - Each offensive spell has a specific damage type associated with its proper use. This tech enables the user to change the damage type to another mundane type through modified use of the spell. Grade of Malleable should match grade of spell it is used in. Can only apply to one type if multiple types are in the spell.​
Non-Lethal (A) - Abilities with this technique applied will never kill the target(s). Grade of technique must be equal to grade of ability to properly mitigate its lethal potential​
Penetrating (A) - spell reduces item effectiveness of a target's action by 1 per grade of Penetrating.| F-grade: 1 grade | E-grade: 2 grade | D-grade: 3 grade | C-grade: 4 grade | B-grade: 5 grade | A-grade: 6 grade | S-grade: ??? |​
Quake (A) - Action: 1 - creates shockwave that erupts towards a target across the ground. Causes a 10ft deep fissure wide enough for a regular human to fall into. Additional upgrades make a deeper hole. | F-grade: 10 feet cubed | E-grade: 20 feet cubed | D-grade: 40 feet cubed | (0.28 M3, 0.57 M3, 1.13 M3)​
Reflect (A) (14 points) - Action: 1 - send a physical attack back at the attacker. Range depends on Ranged augmenter. Effectiveness of the Reflect ability must be greater than the attack being reflected. Grade of the Reflect affinity must be greater than the attack ability grade being reflected. Narrator decides what counts as physical enough to reflect. Vorpal can aid in hitting attacks not normally solid enough to reflect. If the attack is a melee attack, then the reflected attack is treated like a surprise attack. For Advanced Rules, it must beat the effectiveness of the incoming attack.​
Tangle (A) - Action: 1 - ensnares target so they have difficulty moving or doing anything. Ensared targets take -1 effectiveness to all actions and cannot move from their spot. The snare generally has a visible component like ice or vines that can be destroyed to prematurely end the binding. Strength of binding is the material grade equivalent to grade of tangle. (ex: D grade tangle produces Bronze equivalent bindings (9hp)). Tangle without physical bindings or with bindings destroyed but ability still active: a zone of slowness persists. Movement in the zone costs twice as much.​
Trap (A) - Action: 1 - affinity that lays a magical trap that is assumed to be hidden when placed. Each grade increases the strength of the trap. Nature of trap should be agreed to by the narrator or established in advance in character sheet. Traps are assumed lethal unless non-lethal affinity is used.​
Vampiric (A) (14 points) - Action: 1 - drains some of the target's life and heals the attacker with it. The grade of the tech core matches the maximum amount of vitality that can be absorbed from a target at one time. Max amount of healing can only be reached by dealing equivalent or greater amounts of damage to target.​
Vorpal (A) (14 points) - your spells can overcome immunities to damage acquired through Change State skill and similar powers. Each grade allows your spells to be effective against a stronger grade of target. C-grade Vorpal let's your damage C-grade Ghosts. B-grade Vorpal lets your damage B-grade lightning elementals. etc.​

#Animate F (35 points)
Type: Ability! Utility! Narrator!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

Touch an unanchored, non magical object or pile that could fit in a 5ft by 5ft cube.
The material takes a medium form with at least one form of movement and at least one method of interacting with environment. It becomes a construct creature.
Narrator controls and dictates abilities and capabilities of the construct. Grade of construct is based on skill grade and material grade. Lowest grade dictates grade of creature.
D-grade - enables making small or large golems assuming appropriate material amounts are available
B - tiny or huge golems may be produced assuming appropriate material amounts are available.
Materials produced via magic disappear when spell ends. Duration of animated cannot exceed the existence of the materials.
Animated spells cannot be used in the same ability as those that conjure materials for animation.
construct does nothing but defend itself from hostile attackers and whatever it is directed to do by maker. It takes an action per unique order to construct.

#Componentless Magic F (21 points)
Type: Augmenter!
Pre-req: Magic skill same grade as grade of skill
Note: Only effective for abilities of the same or lower grade.

Character can perform magic without performing chants or gestures or requiring catalysts or some combination of the ability components. This also removes the restriction of not moving in the same post as casting spells. If used without a catalyst, grade of skill replaces grade of catalyst in item slot of effectiveness calculations for abilities. If used with a catalyst, grade of catalyst applies to item slot of calculations as usual. Grade of Componentless Magic may still affect the ability slot of effectiveness calculations whether or not a physical catalyst is used.

#Control Environment F (7 points)
Type: Ability!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Character can not inflict damage with this ability.

Grants character ability to control air and lighting immediately around their body to adjust things like humidity, sound, smell, temperature, and lighting. Useful in hazardous conditions. This does not prevent the character from taking damage when directly exposed to hazards like fire, magma, sub zero ice, etc. This cannot be used to rip all the air out of a space or drown areas in moisture by itself.

#Illusion F (21 points)
Type: Ability!, Utility!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Illusions can be augmented with magic skills.

In a space within 5ft (1.52 M) of the user, create illusory objects, creatures, or effects within a 5ft cube space (0.14 M). Illusions last until the start of the user's next round post. The creations may mimic sight, sounds, temperature, and smells of genuine articles but not to the point of causing damage or sickness.

Illusions may be animated and moved as an action on caster's turn so long as Illusions persist. The caster must remain within the casting range of illusions and have line of sight on it to do so. Physical contact with an illusion shows it is fake. Intelligence based and sensory based abilities may be used to discern the truth of illusions.

#Magic F (7 points)
Type: Core!, Ability!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Required to cast spells. Requires Catalyst item.

Character has become aware of the mana in their body and can now learn to channel it. May be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities. This skill must be higher than any of the other magical skills acquired to enhance a spell's effects. Ex: Duration, Targets, Area, Range, etc.
May be used by itself to create mana abilities with the following restrictions:

Base stats
1 target​
5ft range (1.52 M)​
immediate area​
1 post duration​
1 target​

Augmenter skills like the ones listed already may increase or relax the above restrictions.

Magic Augmenter: Area of Effect F (#AOE)(7 points)
Type: Augmenter!
Pre-req: Magic skill one grade higher than grade of skill

Character can impact a greater area with their magic. Any creature, including character and their allies will be effected by the spell if in the AoE. Affinities like Selective can be used to keep self and allies safe.
  • F - 15ft (4.57 M) radius
  • E - 50ft (15.24 M) radius
  • D - 500ft (152.4 M) radius
  • C - 1/2 mile (0.8 KM) radius
  • B - 5 mile (8.05 KM) radius
  • A - 50 mile (80.47 KM) radius

Magic Augmenter: #Duration F (7 points)
Type: Augmenter!, Narrator!
Pre-req: Magic skill one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Only used with magic based attacks. not with weapon based attacks. does not stack with self.

Character has found a way to make the effects they cause with their magic to last longer. Narrator decides how many posts a particular duration will equate to. This holds true for Upgraded versions of the skill. Spells/abilities that use this skill do not go on cooldown until the effect of the spell/ability has expired. This can lead to permanently tying up use of all abilities with the same grade for the duration of a roleplay. With the exception of permanent effects, most spell effects will end after an rp is over if not sooner.
  • F - 1 hour in rp time
  • E - 1 day in rp time
  • D - 1 week in rp time
  • C - 1 month in rp time
  • B - 1 season in rp time
  • A - Permanent until canceled or nullified (narrator discretion and potentially Isekai Hell Mod discretion)

Magic Augmenter: #Range F (7 points)
Type: Augmenter!
Pre-req: Magic skill one grade higher than grade of skill

Character has found a way to make their magic affect targets up to 30ft away
  • F - 30ft (9.14 M) away
  • E - 100ft (30.48 M) away
  • D - 1000ft (304.8 M) away
  • C - 1 mile (1.61 KM) away
  • B - 10 miles (16.1 KM) away
  • A - 100 miles (160.93 KM) away
  • S - ??? away

Magic Augmenter: #Targets F (7 points)
Type: Augmenter!
Pre-req: Magic skill one grade higher than grade of skill

Character can select extra targets to hit or spare for your spell
  • F - up to 5 targets simultaneously
  • E - up to 10 targets simultaneously
  • D - up to 25 targets simultaneously
  • C - up to 50 targets simultaneously
  • B - up to 100 targets simultaneously
  • A - up to 200 targets simultaneously

Magic Augmenter: #Selective F (7 points)
Type: Augmenter!
Pre-req: Magic skill one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Character must be able to see targets in order to spare them in a precise manner with selective.

Character can shape or change the nature of their magic to avoid affecting allies or other undesired targets. Grade of skill must be equal to or higher than the grade of the magic aoe or magic range skill used in the ability.

Magic #Domain [magic name] F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Suite!, Narrator!
Pre-req: Magic School one grade higher than grade of skill, 5x affinities not in Magic School F (may include spell range, duration, targets, aoe)
Note: Limited to 1 Domain. When making abilities, include magic skill and magic domain skill and magic school.

The character is a scholar of magic that has specialized and generalized in a particular area. It has allowed them to develop or learn an area of magic to the point where they can twist and mold it to accomplish their whims within the limits of their domain, as opposed to the mundane limits of typical magic.

Spell Mastery - spells of this domain may include one iteration of any affinity not already part of the domain or school for free at grade of domain. may also include spell range, duration, targets, aoe if not already bought.
  • Title/Asset gained - [Magic Graduate of (IH school Name) D] Enables rps where character may provide magic services or instruction at various institutions without need to rp employment first. May also provide grounds to run rps establishing magic institutions.
  • Domain Power - character receives an additional 49pts they may use to add one or more skills to domain. These skills will always be same grade as grade of domain.
  • Example combinations:
    • Seven 7pts skills
    • Three 14pt skills and one 7pt skill
    • One 35pt skill and one 14pts skill
    • These skills may not be upgraded separately from domain. Note by the skill it was acquired with Domain.

Magic #School: [name of a school of magic] F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Suite!
Pre-req: Magic skill same grade as grade of skill, 5x affinities F (may include spell range, duration, targets, aoe)
  • When making abilities, include magic skill and school of magic skill. Grade of the School of Magic CANNOT exceed the grade of the Magic Skill being used in the ability.
  • The 5x affinities chosen for the school become the core of the school and will be required to level with school
  • The 5x affinities cannot include more than one of the following affinities: Penetrate, Linked, Homing, Deflect, Accurate

User selects a name for their school of magic and the type of magic studied. This skill is for those that want their character to feel like they have had a more structured learning experience with magic.

User must also describe the school of magic with what spells are common in the teachings and the ideas beyond those teachings.
  • Asset/Title gained - [Student of (list Ih school) F]. Enables rps as a student without the need for an enrollment rp.
  • Meta Magic - apply or upgrade range, duration, targets, or aoe 1 grade per grade of school to a spell. A skill added or upgraded in this way may not exceed grade of school with this feature alone. Spells augmented with meta magic maintain original cooldowns and power.

#Polymorph F (28 points)
Type: Ability!, Utility!, Offensive!, Defensive!
Pre-req: Character! two grades higher than grade of skill, Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: When transformed, all of the target’s equipment and carried items meld into their body.
Restriction: Animals capable of a form of flight require D-grade polymorph. Animals capable of a form of swimming require E-grade polymorph.

For a round, turn a living creature you can touch (that is not yourself) into an animal (maybe swan). The animal must be mundane in nature (neither monster nor possessing magical abilities). Fictional animals are allowed. The grade of the animal cannot exceed the grade of Polymorph skill. For the duration of the skill, the creature is assumed to have the stats, physical form, and other limitations of the animal they are turned into. They maintain their personality/sense of self.

If the creature is reduced to 0 hp and/or destroyed while in the animal form, they immediately turn back to their original form with all their original health and statistics. If there is no room for their original form, they will disappear and reappear in the closest unoccupied space safe for them to transform back into their original form.

#Raise Undead F (21 points)
Type: Ability!, Utility!, Narrator!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill, corpses in scene
Note: Cannot raise or control corpses already raised currently or in the past. Magic can enhance limits of skill.

Allows user to compel a corpse to do their bidding for a post. Corpse must be within 5ft (1.52 M) at the time the ability is used.
Corpse becomes unraisable ash after ability to raise it expires (assuming it was not destroyed before time).
Grade of Undead creature is equal to grade of raise undead skill. This means grade of dead creature may be too high to raise or that the creature raised is severely weaker than it was while alive (Narrator discretion).
Capabilities of undead are determined by narrator.
Raised Undead are controlled by the Narrator but are directed by the player character that raised them.
Creatures that may be resurrected could be any creature that once lived (narrator discretion).
It is possible some weak corpses can be resurrected to be stronger than their original grade through undead or otherwise perks (narrator discretion).

#Summon Creature F (56 points)
Type: Ability!, Narrator!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

Summon a creature to you to do your bidding. Creature may be of a grade no greater than grade of skill. Creature must be in range of caster according to table even if on different plane. Creature will not willingly hurt itself or allies but will otherwise follow orders. Its obedience can be forced, but if the creature adamantly opposes, it can prematurely terminate the summon and return to where they came from (narrator discretion). Creature disappears before summoner’s next post. Creatures available for summon are at narrator discretion. While you can summon someone right in front of you to make them serve you, Mind Control skill may be a more efficient and absolute. Summon search range:
  • F - 30ft (9.14 M)
  • E - 100ft (30.48 M)
  • D - 1000ft (304.8 M)
  • C - 1 mile (1.61 KM)
  • B - 10 miles (16.1 KM)
  • A - 100 miles (160.93 KM)
  • S - ???

#Swarm F (14 points)
Type: Ability!, Vitality!, Stealth!, Utility!, Narrator!
Pre-req: Vitality! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Creature comprising the swarm must be decided when the skill is taken. Skill must be taken again to have multiple creature types in the swarm.

Creature transforms into a multitude of diminutive or fine sized creatures (1ft to 1in). Common examples include wasps, spiders, crows, slimes, etc...

  • While transformed, the character benefits from 0 of their skills or racial/class perks.
  • When used as a defensive action, it does not augment the defensive formula beyond ability grade.
  • When a swarm is swarming a target, attacks against the swarm lacking selective will hit the swarmed target as well.
  • Benefit of Always outnumbered does not apply to the attacks of a swarm.
Health - Effectiveness of the swarm ability equals the HP of the swarm.​
  • Each time the swarm is attacked and damage is dealt, a number of its component creatures are killed and 1 HP is lost.
  • Abilities with aoe in them will behave as normal and deal full damage.
Defense - A swarm's defense is assumed to be 4 and cannot be reduced.​
Attack - A swarm's attack is equal to its remaining HP.​
  • Swarm damage type is a mundane piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning.
  • A swarm must be in the same space as what they are attacking.
  • Narrators may feel incentivized to give a narrator bonus to attack due to the nature of a creature being swarmed.
  • Multiple adjacent targets may be attacked at once but the attack total will be split by the number of targets being attacked.
Actions - Swarms are limited to 3 actions: moving, observing, attacking. Anything beyond that will rely on narrator adjudication.​
Movement - The swarm must stick together and may not be split apart anymore than narrator allows.​
A creature that has dissolved into a swarm may use an action to reform themselves. If remaining swarm health is lower than character's normal HP max, then the character takes the difference in damage. Character is unconsious/dying if their hp is reduced to 0 before or after reforming. A destroyed swarm automatically reassembles the main creature in a tattered unconscious/dying state.​

#Transformation F (28 points)
Type: Ability!, Utility!
Pre-req: Vitality! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Duration 1 post at F-grade. Different forms require taking the skill again.
Restriction: Characters can't take Transformation in their new form. Transformation may not be used on a target other than self.

Character is allowed to assume an entirely different form for a post. The form you take is fixed at time this skill is acquired. Higher grades of skill allow more powerful or detailed versions of form. Character receives an extra 28pts per grade to customize form. Existing titles, stats, skills and abilities remain in new form. If the new form lacks the means to utilize skill, ex ethereal body that can't use weapon arts without being able to hold a weapon, then skill may be refunded for extra pts while in new form. It is assumed all worn items meld into the body and no longer apply to character unless stated otherwise. Growing large or small enough to classify as a different size category will require character to meet minimum size criteria as outlined by size titles.

Common uses: Elemental form, Ghost form, Monster form, Animal form

#Transmutation F (35 points)
Type: Ability!, Utility!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

Base stats
Duration: 1 post
Range: material within reach
Target: 5ft (1.52 M) cube or less of material

Character can turn an object or mass of non living material into a similarly sized and weighted material for a brief amount of time at a touch.
Grade of the resulting material is based on the grade of transmutation.
With magic area skill and the requirements for a spell, large amounts of air may be converted into solid objects or vice-versa.
Size of objects created from air is based on the grade of skill. Converted objects may be 1 size bigger or smaller than the original. Examples: Lead into gold, Air into metal key, Sword to shield to spear
  • F - diminutive - bug sized
  • E - tiny - rodent sized
  • D - small - child sized
  • C - medium - person sized
  • B - large - truck sized
  • A - huge - large room
  • S - ???


#Appraisal F (0 points for Isekai’d characters, 7 points for world natives)
Type: Ability!, Narrator!
Pre-req: Requires meta knowledge, Character Standing! same grade as grade of skill
  • For Isekai characters, grade of appraisal naturally goes up with grade of standing without cost.
  • For Native characters or those that purchased the skill, it must be upgraded with points when standing reaches the appropriate level.
  • Skill is capped to B-grade when used in combat prior to Tribulation.
Created with the ability for being a Player Character(isekai character), this ability allows the character to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown (ex: Grade of Threat of a monster). For things higher than F-grade, it may get just a name or ??? until the character's Appraisal becomes more powerful.
For detailed information beyond a creature’s or object’s stats/skills/titles/abilities, character will need additional skills to broaden their wealth of information to draw upon when analyzing something. Ex: medical skill may give a user medical readouts of creatures that appraisal is used on. Wealth skill or other merchant related skills may give item values when appraising objects and materials.

If grade of appraisal is equal to or greater than character grade of target, then user can learn about target's titles. Any information beyond that will depend on grade of individual stats/skills/abilities and the narrator.

Range and number of targets is limited to 1 target they can see within 5ft (1.52 M). Magic skills can increase the range and area of the skill drastically. Frequency of use in a non-combat situation is up to narrator discretion.

#Feature [Feature Name] (7 points)
Type: Auxiliary!
Note: Features currently used in race blocks here.

Character acquires or always had this feature that differentiates them from average humanoids. Common ones like Darkvision, body fur, beak mouth, and others may be acquired. Some may be enhanced. Purely cosmetic differences a creature has from a human can be acquired, but features with mechanical benefits (like attacking or enhanced senses) will need to be purchased. Some additional common uses include:

Common Features
360 degree vision - ability to see in all directions simultaneously, preventing surprise while active​
Ambidexterity - ability to use both hands effectively, allowing one to use weapons in either hand without an effectiveness penalty​
Auditory Discrimination - ability to isolate sounds, allowing one to pick out specific sounds even in a noisy environment​
Blindsight - ability to sense material creatures and objects in a 5ft (1.52 M) radius without sight​
Breathing Control - ability to keep breathing normal while under duress, possibly granting bonuses in situations where breathing needs to be avoided​
Camouflage - ability to cloak one's own body to blend in with surroundings either through special ability or through natural coloration/appearance of purchased features​
Cutaneous Respiration- ability to entirely or partially breathe through the skin. May help against strangulation or otherwise breathing when the nose/mouth is covered or through unorthodox means.​
Darkvision - ability to see in dim or dark conditions. Objects appear in grayscale.​
Depth Awareness - ability to know distances, allowing educated guesses on room layouts with or without visual confirmation of objects/creatures​
Direction Sense - ability to intuitively know cardinal directions regardless of indicators, allowing proper orientation in strange environments which may grant bonuses to navigational efforts​
Double-Jointed - ability to extend and rotate joints past normal ranges, allowing for flexible movements​
Duplicate Organs - possession of additional organs which may reduce a single critical hit to a normal hit instead​
Durable Skin/hide - outer layer of the body that has drastically reduced sensitivity and/or insulative purposes possibly granting bonuses to resist harsh environmental hazards or physical damage​
Eidetic Memory - ability to recall things seen only once with heightened precision, allowing for bonuses to identification and memorization​
Enhanced Digestion - ability to safely process possibly harmful substances, allowing for possible bonuses against innebriation, poison as well as potentially allowing for non-food items to be used for sustenance in emergencies​
Extra Body Parts - possession of additional appendages, such as arms, legs, fingers, toes, tails, wings, head, etc., which allow for several possible bonuses depending on duplicate part​
Fluid Squirting - ability to squirt fluid from the body, allowing for offensive capabilities (may cost extra) or marking purposes to know where one has been​
Gills - structure that allows for breathing underwater, allowing bonuses for remaining submerged for extended periods of time without harm. Does not grant swim speed, vision types, or other underwater functionality that may improve extended periods in such environments.​
Heat Regulation - ability to maintain a constant core temperature, allowing for possible bonuses against harsh environmental hazards related to temperature​
Homing Instinct - ability to always know the direction a specific location is, typically the place one calls 'home'​
Joint Dislocation - ability to remove joints from sockets without great harm, allowing for possible bonuses to escape restraints or tight places​
Light Sleeper - ability to wake up easily, possibly providing bonuses to detecting threats while asleep​
Lightning Calculator - ability to perform complex arithmetic in mere moments, possibly allowing for bonuses to a number of actions where calculating angles, distances, etc. may make performing the action easier​
Long Tongue - abnormally long tongue that may be able to reach distant things or possibly serve offensive purposes (may cost more)​
Mental Compartmentalization - ability to fracture one's mind to perform several mental functions simultaneously, possibly granting bonuses to predict outcomes, resist/confuse mental tampering efforts, etc.​
Mimic Sound - ability to perfectly mimic a small repertoire of sounds, possibly granting bonuses to camouflage, deception, or misdirection efforts​
Mixed Race (7) - Allows the purchase of one additional racial tree title.​
Nictitating Membrane - membrane that forms an inner eyelid that can be drawn across the eye to protect it from dust and keep it moist, possibly granting bonuses to resist blinding effects or avoid blinking​

Perfect Pitch - ability to recognize the pitch of a note or produce any given note, possibly granting bonuses to performances​
Pouch - a fleshy compartment in the body comonly found on the abdomen or in the bottom of the jaw, which may grant bonuses to hide objects/creatures, protect fragile things, or just simply provide storage​
Range Sense - ability to tell by sound or appearance of distant objects/creatures how far away they are, possibly granting bonuses to hit them with ranged attacks or planning ambushes​
Retractable Claws - ability to retract claws within the finger/hand perfectly concealing them or making them appear far shorter than the reality, possibly allowing for bonuses to concealment efforts or surprise attacks​
Scent Glands - ability to store and secrete an odorized aerosol, possibly allowing for marking targets with the typically foul odor or warding off attackers in a non-violent manner​
Scentless - lack of a distinctive smell or smelling like common everyday items, possibly granting bonuses to avoid being tracked by scent alone​
Spatial Sense - ability to know the position of one's body in relation to the world around it, possibly granting bonuses to performing actions without looking. Does not grant blindfighting or blindsense perks.​
  • blindly reaching for a button or switch while fending off an attacker
  • feeling behind something for a hidden switch
  • tossing a hat up and catching it on your head
Speed Reading - ability to read and assimilate information at speed, possibly allowing for bonuses to learning quickly, researching, etc.​
Taste Discrimination - ability to accurately tell high quality food from low quality based solely on taste, possibly granting bonuses in food/drink judging scenarios​
Time Sense - ability to accurately perceive the passage of time, possibly granting bonuses to discern the time in the absence of indicators or to identify time tampering effects being used​
Ultrasonic Communication - ability to communicate using sounds above the range normally heard, possibly allowing for bonuses to hidden communication or locating things without sight​
Weather Sense - ability to sense changes in the weather with or without indicators, possibly allowing for accurately predicting weather or preemptive action against approaching bad weather​
Webbed Appendages - membranes between your fingers, toes, arms, and legs, possibly granting bonuses to swimming or gliding efforts. Does not grant swim speed or flight.​

#Heightened Sense F (7 points)
Type: Auxiliary!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

One of your senses (hearing, smell, sight, taste, touch) is superior to the norm and allows you to pick up on details otherwise not available normally. Can be used to discern the reality of your situation if the skill rank is equal to or greater than the situation. Each grade of the skill permits another sense to be acquired in addition to increasing the strength of the skill overall. Ex: seeing, hearing, or sniffing out a hidden adversary.

#Scrying F (35 points)
Type: Auxiliary!
Pre-req: Standing! same grade or higher than grade of skill
Pre-req: Scrying Asset/item same grade as grade of Scrying. (crystal balls, pools of mercury, mirrors, etc)
Pre-req: scrying cannot be performed in a post where the character uses a movement action

Character can see and hear a particular creature they choose for a moment unless extended with other skills through a sensor that materializes within 10ft of the target and remains within 10ft of them for the duration. Standing Grade of creature cannot exceed grade of scrying skill. Creature must be on same plane of existence to see them. Creature will know they are being spied on and by who unless skills are leveraged to hide the effort. A creature aware of the scrying and with the skillset to do so may prematurely cut off the scrying or prevent if from taking place. It is not uncommon for high standing characters to have protection from such skills while in their residences or main places of business. A scrying attempt that fails cannot be attempted again on the same person for 24hrs.
Effectiveness Impact (makes scrying harder to deny or evade):
-2 if never met the target before
+2 if you know them very well (lover, best friend, coworker, daily contact and conversation)
+1 picture or likeness of target
+2 possession or garment of theirs that they own and have used recently

#Sixth Sense F (7 points)
Type: Auxiliary!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

Character through one means or another can perceive that which would normally not be perceivable by material senses. Limited to an area immediately around the character. Ex: the presence of spirits, discerning stuff that may be hidden from the senses like traps/danger, etc. The specific type of sense must be specified when skill is taken.

  • Aura Perception: The ability to perceive and interpret auras, which are believed to be subtle energy fields surrounding living beings. This could allow individuals to sense emotions, intentions, or health conditions of others based on the colors or patterns of their auras.
  • Energy Detection: The capacity to detect and perceive various forms of energy, including electromagnetic fields, thermal energy, or even metaphysical energies. This could enable individuals to sense invisible radiation, energy flows, or spiritual energies.
  • Residual Memory: The ability to sense and access residual energy or imprints left behind by past events or people. This might enable individuals to "read" the energy imprints in a location or object, gaining information about its history or previous interactions.
  • Spatial Awareness: An enhanced sense of spatial perception, enabling individuals to sense objects, distances, and dimensions beyond the normal human range. This might include the ability to perceive objects through barriers or to have an intuitive understanding of complex geometries.
  • Time Perception: The ability to perceive time in a non-linear or heightened manner. This might allow individuals to have an intuitive understanding of past, present, and future events, or to sense the passage of time with great accuracy.

#Supersense F (7 points)
Type: Auxiliary!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

Character has an additional sense. Upgrading the skill increases effective range of the sense. Each time the skill is taken, a new sense may be added. Some senses possible with this skill: echolocation, tremorsense, x-ray vision, microscopic vision, etc.
  • F - 10ft (3.05 M) radius
  • E - 100ft (30.48 M) radius
  • D - 1000ft (304.8 M) radius
  • C - 1 mile (1.61 km) radius
  • B - 10 mile (16.09 km) radius
  • A - 100 mile (160.93 km) radius


#Always Outnumbered (21 points)
Type: Defensive!, Passive!
Pre-req: C-grade Standing!

Character is used to fighting outnumbered and has developed a counter. Attacks against this character no longer benefit from team up bonus.
Character will need to defend against each attack or source of damage individually. Positioning and/or Techniques/skills that can make an ability impact multiple characters will be useful. (ex: spell area of effect)

#Barrier F (14 points)
Type: Ability!, Defensive!, Utility!
Pre-req: Vitality! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: In order to block incorporeal and teleports, vorpal affinity or technique needs to be applied.

Base stats at F grade
Duration 1 post
1 target within reach

To calculate hp of barrier
E intelligence + F catalyst + F barrier = 4hp
D intelligence + E catalyst + E barrier = 7hp
C intelligence + D catalyst + D barrier = 10hp
B intelligence + C catalyst + C barrier = 13hp
A intelligence + B catalyst + B barrier = 16hp
S intelligence + A catalyst + A barrier = 19hp

Character has the ability to create force fields of magic, mind, substance or some other means that prevents easy passage. Default form of barrier is a sphere centered on a singular medium sized anchor point (one creature or object no larger than medium size). Acts as a perfect wall to prevent things leaving the bubble or entering the bubble without first destroying the barrier or including selective skill. Barriers may move when the anchor point moves. Otherwise, they are stationary.
When active, the barrier is always visible and noticeable by default.
  • Magic and other skills can further enhance the ability. Stationary barriers can be used as fortifications.
  • While barriers may be any color , texture, or design, any form of significant decoration, concealment, or extra features will require other skills.
  • Sufficient attacks or damage will destroy the barrier like any other overwhelmed defensive ability.
Barrier has 2 modes:
  • Defense - when barrier is used as part of a defensive action, the barrier does not add anything extra to the defense beyond its skill grade same as any other skill in producing an ability.
  • Standard - when barrier is used outside of combat or when not being actively attacked, the barrier is anchored to an object and has the HP based on the formula above.

#Change State (21 points)
Type: Ability!, Defensive!, Utility!, Narrator!
Pre-req: Vitality! one grade higher than grade of skill

Character can change their state of being to a different state of matter for a limited amount of time. While changed, they may ignore certain physical requirements like breathing or eating. When they turn back into their regular forms, any damage or fatigue accrued that has not been resolved will impact the body.
  • Change State F - can change into a liquid. cannot pick up solid objects. Cannot apply force greater than a gentle wave. Takes half the damage normally incurred as appropriate by narrator.
  • Change State E - can change into a gas. cannot affect things with more than a gentle wind. Is only minorly affected by attacks that don't affect the entirety of the character as determined by narrator.
  • Change State D - can become Incorporeal. Like a ghost, the character loses physical substance. Can pass through solid objects and is immune to physical types of harm. Can't interact with the physical world despite still being visible.
  • Change State C - can become a type of energy. Similar to incorporeal in that you are immune to most physical types of harm, but perhaps gain new weaknesses in exchange. (ex: what is shadow exposed to direct light?) Light, sound, electricity to name a few. At narrator discretion, more abstract forms of 'energy' are possible. How the entity can interact in the world in this form is up to narrator. Turning into a shadow does not inherently give the character shadow powers nor turning into lightning inherently make the character fast.
  • Change State B - allows for stronger abilities made with the skill to better resist the effects of Vorpal
  • Change State A - allows for stronger abilities made with the skill to better resist the effects of Vorpal
  • Change State S - allows for stronger abilities made with the skill

#Duration Reduction F (7 points)
Type: Defensive!, Passive!
Pre-req: Vitality! one grade higher than grade of skill

Per grade of this skill, reduce the effective grade of the duration skill in the ability/effect character is under.
Ex: E-grade duration (1hour) on ability to weaken target will only last a minute due to duration reduction F skill on character.

#Hardening F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Buff!, Utility!, Vitality!
Pre-req: Vitality! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Hardness scales with grade of skill.

Give whatever you touch an F grade material hardness for a post unless it is already harder. Can affect immaterial things like mana and air, compressing them into tangible blocks, or increasing hardness of typical item materials. Material Hardness increases with grade of Hardening skill.

#Healing F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Healing!, Defensive!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

You have learned or simply know the ways of healing. You may use magical or mundane means to aid others through their suffering. Healing and what can be healed becomes more powerful with higher ranks and when combined with other skills like magic.
  • F - basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor illnesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds
  • E - cure one common disease at a time, non-lethal poisons
  • D - Emergency aid to prolong life of dying, restore senses so long as organs are still present
  • C - heal significant injuries, including reattaching severed limbs/organs, fix broken bones
  • B - reenvigor, Cure Any disease/ailment/curse/poison, raise dead if they have been dead no more than 10 days.
  • A - Fully reproduce a body and resurrect the person so long as a piece of them remains. reverses undead nature. Does not work on death caused by old age.
  • S - De-ager, ???

#Regeneration F (7 points)
Type: Defensive!, Healing!, Passive!
Pre-req: Character! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Does not apply to Mental 'damage'. Cooldown is not reduced by Energize.

Character automatically starts to heal itself if the character is not killed or the body is destroyed. This includes regrowing severed appendages immediately. Character regains all their HP after a cooldown on Regeneration expires. The cooldown on regeneration begins as soon as the character takes damage. Cooldown on regeneration shrinks as the regeneration skill is upgraded. Out of combat, the cooldown only applies at narrator discretion.

  • F - 6 posts
  • E - 5 posts
  • D - 4 posts
  • C - 3 posts
  • B - 2 posts
  • A - 1 post

#Resilient F (7 points)
Type: Defensive!, Passive!
Pre-req: Vitality! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Use Mind Shield for mental resistance/resilience.

Character's body is adapted to survive in a hostile environment or condition. May choose a new environment or condition each time skill is upgraded.

  • Places: | Outer Space | Underwater | Desert | Ice plane |
  • Conditions: | Aging | Fatigue/Exhaustion (caused by hunger, thirst, lack of sleep) | Blind (from sudden flashes of light or irritants) | Deafened (from sudden loud noises) | Fear | Tangle (from being grabbed/ensnared/restrained) | Incapacitated (paralyzed/petrified/stunned/sleep) | Poisoned (the state of being poisoned, not poison damage) | Prone (getting knocked or otherwise forced to lay/sit on the ground) | Surprise (retain ability to defend when surprised) |

[Element] #Resistance F (7 points)
Type: Defensive!, Passive!
Pre-req: Vitality! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: While immunity is not possible for fairness, if the skill and vitality are high enough, it's as good as in most cases.

Character takes reduced damage/pain/debuffs/setbacks when hit by an attack, technique, or hazard using same/similar element.
Each grade of resistance reduces damage received (of the same type) by 1. Example: resistance [fire] D will reduce the fireball attack's incoming damage by 3 points. This does not reduce effectiveness of attacks.
  • For full [Physical] resistance - 21 points per grade - rather than collecting a resistance skill per type of physical damage, this simplifies it for a price.
  • For full [Magical] resistance - 70 points per grade - rather than collecting a resistance skill per infinite number of damage types, this simplifies it for a price.
Damage Types
  • Physical/Mundane
    • Bludgeoning - most blunt force traumas, contact area is flat
    • Piercing - most stabbing motions, contact area is a hole
    • Slashing - general separation of tissues along an edge, contact area is a line
  • Magic/Non-Mundane
    • Cold - severe chill, contact area is chilled or frozen
    • Fire - most common heat damage, contact area is burning
    • Lightning - most common form of shock
    • Thunder - sound damage, damage is internal
    • Poison - toxins and venoms, primarily weakens or causes internal damage
    • Acid - most common dissolving of form
    • Necrotic - tissue rot and life drain
    • Radiant - energy-based damage that manifests as literal heat or molecular undoing of "unholy" entities/matter through a divine signature
    • Force - pure magical trauma similar to bludgeoning
    • Psychic - brain damage

#Undetected F (14 points)
Type: Ability!, Defensive!, Stealth!, Utility!
Pre-req: Precision! one grade higher than grade of skill

Character can cloak themselves through some means to become undetectable by a sense. Each rank of skill allows an additional sense to hide from as well as overall effectiveness of the presence suppression. Common senses: Vision, Touch, Smell, Hear, Taste. Aside from common human senses, you can also choose special super and 6th senses options. It should be noted that although the skill makes someone undetectable by the sense chosen, it does not actually erase the character's parts like turning into a ghost or vapor might. A character that cannot be touched can't walk through walls with that skill alone. Sonar and Infrared are 2 examples of senses that may reveal an undetectable character despite their blocks to various senses. Should not be confused with stealth, which enables characters to move/act in a way that reduces chances of detection, this skill eliminates chance of direct perception by sense stated, but does not hide the character. Invisible characters still leave footprints or make sounds when splashing in water, for example.


#Alternate identity F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Stealth!
Pre-req: Vitality! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Effectiveness is based on skill grade.

Per grade of skill, the character has created and pulls off using an identity different from their own. This identity is a combination of visual and title changes for the character. When taking this skill, the rp'er must determine the name, description, and titles (including criminal ones) associated with the identity. Racial titles could be whatever, but the base character's physical dimensions and features (like tail and wings) will not disappear. The identity grade dictates how well it holds up to scrutiny by creatures and items of varying other grades. Alternate Identity may also be used to dictate what is viewed by magic items and skills like Appraisal so long as the skill is actively being used when such items or skills are used on the character.

#Asset (7 points)
Type: Acquisition!, Utility!
Note: Prices of items and places are negotiable and should be discussed when taken this way.
Restriction: Grade cannot exceed B grade at character creation.
Restriction: Cannot be taken after character creation unless with special exceptions. Assets must be rp'd for.

[Asset] Skill

Wish to start with animals, friends, family, property in general, or social standing? Things that go above and beyond mundane items or pointed equipment. Things of Social Status and significance. This skill will attempt to address all those in one method. Regular Assets (not complex assets) cannot grant perks beyond making certain narrations possible.

Grades of skill can buy positive relationships with specifically named npc's. Grade of npc dictates the required grade of skill to have the relationship.​
Short list of possible grades per type:​
  • F - Average peasant
  • E - Typical guard
  • D - Academy graduate
  • C - Squad leader
  • B - Elite tradesman
  • A - Master of X
  • S - King
(Descriptions can be found under the associated Tamer skills in Miscellaneous skills section. All assets cost 7 per grade except where noted and require an associated Tamer skill to leverage.)
  • Stat Training Equipment
  • Specific stat training 14pts
  • Skill Training Equipment
  • Specific skill category training 14pts.
  • Element Infusion Equipment
  • Breeding Pen
  • Merging Circle
  • Buddy Farm
  • Awakening Chamber
Domestic (Noncombatant)
Note: Combat capable pets require buddy, minion, or companion skills.​
Any creature with no combat functionality and limited narrative usefulness may apply. Grade of skill indicates grade of pet. Common pets are mounts like horses and giant serpents. Dogs and goldfish.​
Harvesting assets are acquired by purchasing the Masterwork Harvester skill (under Secondary skills), then running an RP in which you acquire possession of one of four types of harvesting assets. Description of the asset is up to the owner, but it must align with the resource the harvester will be acquiring from the harvester asset.​
Anything bigger than a room and/or owned by the character generally has to be rp'd for (does not include starting family assets which do not belong to character and would not be listed)​
Idea of Points costs per properties:​
  • Cottage - 7pts
  • MultiRoom Shack - 7pts
  • Simple Townhouse - 14pts
  • Simple Business/Shop and Residency - 21pts
  • Town/City Manor (plus estate) - 28pts
  • Farm/Baron Estate/Manor + Business - 35pts
Social Status
Social Status - Grades of skill can buy standing in various social circles: Ex - Nobles, Military, Church, Academy, etc..​
Factions - A Connected character has a special relationship with a faction in the rp setting. At F-grade, this means they are associated with the Faction. Ex: low ranking military rank or city guard position or perhaps known by someone of significance. Some examples of how Connected can be used (it is not necessary to achieve these positions but can make it easier for those that don't wish to rp it):​
  • Criminal
    • F - Punk
    • E - Thug
    • D - Gangster
    • C - Enforcer
    • B - Gang Leader
    • A - Under Boss
    • S - Crime Boss
  • Guild
    • F, E - Apprentice
    • D,C - Member
    • B,A - Senior Member
    • S - Leader
  • Military
    • F,E - Cadet
    • D - Soldier
    • C - Senior Soldier
    • B - Elite Soldier/Captain
    • A - General
    • S - ???
  • Noble
    • F,E - Some form of friend, bastard, or distantly related member of nobility
    • D - Gentry
    • C - Baronet (not a real noble)
    • B - Baron
    • A - Count
    • S - Duke
  • Religious Group
    • F - Member, Deacon
    • D - Priest
    • C - High Priest
    • B - Bishop
    • A - Archbishop
    • S - Cardinal / Pope

#Attentive Student F (7 points)
Type: Utility!, Growth!, Passive!
Pre-req: Standing! same grade as grade of skill
Note: Student skill may not be greater than grade of Standing. Not honored if rp'er ghosts rp.

When a character with this skill is in the presence of a stronger, more skilled or experienced character, they learn and grow more quickly.
Characters with this skill gain double points at the end of rp's if there is a character actively participating in the rp with a greater Standing Grade prior to the rewards of that rp. Student skill must be the same grade as student Standing grade in order to benefit from this skill. Ability doesn't stack with any other mechanic or feature that buffs point gains.

#Bane [Racial Tree] F (14 points)
Type: Ability!, Offensive!
Pre-req: Character! one grade higher than grade of skill

When taking this skill, choose a racial tree (monster, beastman, human, fae, constructs). Each grade of Bane deals double damage to targets of the same tree and of equal or lesser character grade than the skill. May be taken multiple times to cover other racial trees. Represents significant training against a particular type of foe. Wolf's Bane, Silver Bullets, Poisons, and many other attack additives fall under this skills influence.

#Bolster [Stat] F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Buff!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Does not stack with itself.

Character can boost the effectiveness of a target's [stat] by 1 per grade of Bolster for 1 target post. Uses spell duration skill to boost duration. Bolster only applies to stat effectiveness and not to actual grade. Multiple applications of bolster on the same stat do not stack. The best application is applied.

#Capacity F (7 points)
Type: Passive!
Pre-req: F-D requires Large Title or similar grade full body elasticity skill
Note: All vehicles are assumed to be single seaters unless this skill is applied with around 200lbs carry capacity. All creatures are assumed to have 0 room for passengers with only enough carry for what they can lift.

Typically a skill for items, any item or creature that has this skill will be assumed capable of carrying a passenger or certain weight limit within their form.

Skill does not make a cavity in an item or creature to carry things. This means if the space inside is lacking for the maximum capacity, the effectiveness of the carrier and carried drops in proportion with the amount of squeeze applied to what's being carried. Skills like Elasticity can help or simply being of a bigger size.

While a creature is carried, they retain the ability to use their skills and senses on the world around them unless explicitly listed otherwise. This skill may not be used to justify forceful imprisonment and nerfing without additional skills.

F. +1 passenger or 500lbs cargo
E. +2 passengers or 1000lbs cargo
D. +5 passengers or 1 ton cargo
C. +10 passengers or 2 ton cargo
B. +25 passengers or 5 ton cargo

#Chameleon F (21 points)
Type: Ability!, Exclusive!, Stealth!, Utility!
Pre-req: Abomination title, Feature: Mixed Race, Intermediate evolution in Native path

Freely swap titles and appearance within variations of creatures that make up your "parents". Cannot change size.

#Companion F (35 points)
Type: NPC!, Narrator!
Note: Companions are prohibited from taking the Companion or Minion Skills.
Note: can take class perks and race perks they qualify for

The character has acquired, created, or met one or more companions. Companions are npc's controlled by the narrator of any given rp. They are generally allies of the Character that spawned them but have their own minds and goals. Common examples: Childhood friend, Pokemon, Digimon, Butler, etc

The rp'er has 70 points with which to create their companion(s) by either investing all of them into one or splitting them up between multiples. Creatures created in this way must have a minimum of one stat above F-grade or one skill acquired. Creatures are assumed to be a humanoid base with F's for stats until skills and stat upgrades are applied.

For each Grade of Companion, the companion(s) may improve with a shared 35 points per grade after F.

#Concealment (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Stealth!, Utility!
Pre-req: Precision! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Character must have long hair or clothes that could conceivably cover items

Character may hide their weapons on their person to the point where the weapons cannot be found short of physical search

#Conversion F (21 points)
Type: Ability!, Buff!, Utility!
Pre-req: Vitality! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Reducing vitality below H-grade will kill character as part of this ability.

Character takes pain, damage, hardship, etc. and turns it into power. The character can reduce vitality by a number of grades up to grade of Conversion skill for a +1 effectiveness per grade to STR, PRE, or INT to increase power of attacks and abilities using one of those stats. Reduction to character's vitality lasts until character rests/heals up. Reduction cannot be healed by magic or regenerative skills until ability is off of cooldown.

[Magical/Martial] #Coup F (70 points)
Type: Ability!, Offensive!, Defensive!, Utility!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It takes 1 action to take control of an ability. It takes a 2nd action to manipulate the stolen ability and one action per manipulation after.

Character has the power to take control of an ability they can touch and use it as their own. User decides when buying this skill whether the Coup is for Magical (abilities that use magic skill or its related skills) or if it is for Martial (abilities that use fighting style or its related skills).

Character may control the ability they have stolen for a round or for the duration of the ability (whichever is shorter). Magic skills can extend Coup functionality. Max grade of ability taken in this way may not exceed the grade of Coup. When ability is stolen, the ability grade for the original caster immediately goes on cooldown. Cooldown grade for Coup user will not begin until the user stops use of Coup.

#Devour F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Growth!, Passive!
Pre-req: Standing! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: This skill does not apply to standard animals/bugs, character’s own minions/companions. Does not stack with other methods of point duplication. Does not exceed the point cap of 105 pts per rp.

Character gains strength by consuming others. When the character consumes an entire sentient npc/pc during an rp, the character is entitled to double points earned that rp.
It is also only granted if the character consumes all of a target/destroys the target. The consumed creature must have a Standing Grade equal to or greater than Devourer's Standing Grade.

#Educated F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Growth!, Suite!
Pre-req: Character! one grade higher than grade of skill
  • This skill may only be taken once.
  • Unless specified by race, this skill cannot be used to meet race requirements for racial perks or titles
  • May be used to meet class requirements unless specified otherwise by class
Character has lived a life where they have first hand experience of using specific skills and knowledge on a regular basis. Pick 3 skills from the secondary skills list that are not artisan when taking this skill. Add those skills to your sheet and group them with some job or background title to show what life experience nurtured those skills for the character. Whenever this skill is upgraded, all 3 chosen skills will automatically upgrade to match. Skills that are a part of this skill may still be individually upgraded beyond the grade of Educated, but they will then no longer benefit from this skill being updated until its grade surpasses theirs.

#Elasticity F (14 points)
Type: Ability!, Auxiliary!, Utility!
Pre-req: Vitality! one grade higher than grade of skill

Character can stretch a body part several times its normal length as well as squeeze and contort it down all while maintaining fine control of the body part. Can manipulate more body parts to an even greater degree at higher grades. Stretch/shrink is limited in duration unless magically enhanced. Duration is up to narration.
  • F - 1 limb/body part 5x original size
  • E - 2 limbs/body parts 5x original size
  • D - 4 limbs/body parts 5x original size
  • C - Can stretch entire body 2x original size
  • B - Can stretch entire body 5x original size
  • A - can stretch entire body 10x original size
  • S - ???

#Energized F (7 points)
Type: Auxiliary!
Pre-req: Character! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Only applies to abilities less than or equal to skill grade.

Reduce post cooldown of abilities by 1. Upgrading skill does not increase reduction amount.

#Essence Eater F (28 points)
Type: Ability!, Growth!
Pre-req: Character! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: While the act of eating essence is not a criminal offense, the killing of a creature may result in criminal titles.

Character gains power by absorbing the essence of others.
Character gains double points when skill grade is only one less than character grade and character has absorbed the essence of a creature at the same grade or greater than character. Absorbing a creature's essence requires the creature to be on the brink of death before passing away. In this way the soul is ready to leave the body and is redirected into the Essence Eater.

#Gear F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Acquisition!, Utility!
Note: Items in the Gear must be native to IH

A skill to quickly acquire items and equipment with specialized behavior. Common examples are toolkits with suites of items generally associated with other skills and basic consumables like thrown weaponry/poisons/bombs. Useful for larger or pricier items that don't count as everyday purchases but are not special enough to warrant individual entries in rules or specific point costs. Raising Gear skill raises grade of item(s). Useful for making mundane items have mechanical impact. (ex: gear [blacksmith took kit] F which enables effectiveness boosts to smithing actions) May be taken multiple times. Number of 'consumable' items in a gear is assumed to be 'just enough' but narrator may deem more or less in number of particular items and tools is appropriate. Narrator may also decide if a toolkit can have a particularly useful item or not for the given situation. Gear used for consumable weapons like throwing knives can be used like equipment for effectiveness calculations in combat.

Common usage:
  • throwing knives
  • basic poison vials
  • smoke bombs
  • profession's toolkit

#Inspire F (42 points)
Type: Ability!, Social!, Utility!
Pre-req: Character! one grade higher than grade of skill

Regardless of how, you invigorate your allies and/or those under your charge. On their next post after being inspired by character, they gain a +1 effectiveness per grade of Inspire to actions relating to the goal given by the character that used this skill. Narrator discretion who all can be inspired at once and whether their actions after merit the bonus granted. Ability doesn't work on creatures that do not understand the character using the skill or cannot hear the character. Outside of combat, the effects of the skill may be permitted to last longer than a post at narrator discretion. Inspire may not be applied to self.

#Item (35 points)
Type: Ability!, Acquisition!, Utility!

This skill grants the user an item bound to them in some way. It generally has special functionality or abilities. User may take this skill multiple times, but they should specify the item associated with each Item skill listed.

For each grade of Item, the user receives 35pts to take an item and apply skills/abilities to it. The item is assumed to have the stats of the same grade (as appropriate to the item). Items may not be sentient constructs without the Sentient skill. They are purely objects. Ex: Mechs (aka golems), magic weapons, enchanted gear. This skill does not negate the need for certain stats or skills to use the item. A sword Item still requires character to have appropriate strength stat to use it. Item skill taken after character creation or upgrade after creation cannot be of an item not currently possible in IH (ex: no star destroyers)

Grade of skills applied to item ignore stat requirements (but other skills may be required: Spell Range still requires Magic skill on the item itself, but an E grade Item can have E grade Magic skill or E grade Flight skill).

[#Language] (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Social!, Auxiliary!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

Characters natively know the common tongue of the world as well as one language relevant to their race/community. Language skill allows for the further learning and comprehension of other languages including the ancient and forgotten. Each time this skill is taken, another language can be learned by character. At narrator discretion, a language can be considered similar enough to another they may allow partial understanding even if no one language is shared. Examples of common languages in the world of IH:

Common - the language all creatures speak save for those particularly isolated. Sounds similar to the Human language Terran. Closest to sounding like real world English.​
Terran - the language primarily spoken by human communities. Comes in several regional dialects, some of which related to hybrid languages.​
Beastial - beastmen language. Emphasis on R and O sounds. Can be mistaken as a series of growls and rumbles. Gestures are commonly part of the language to better convey emotion. Countries like the Republic prefer this language to Common for its discipline of self in communication. Others like West Empire prefer it as a more natural way of speaking to their kind and a showcasing of the Beastman Superiority. Each kind of beastman has a unique dialect more specific to their particular kind's form of communication. (ex: snakemen have a shared dialect with other serpent beastmen that's different to canine clans)​
Sylvan - The fae language. Emphasis on L and vowel sounds. Can have a song or musical quality to it to better convey emotion. Has few regional dialects compared to terran and beastial. But the 'music' produced when communicating with one's own kin is like a choir vs others is noteable due to the more jazzy impromptu singing compared to when everyone is singing the same song together.​
Analog - the construct language. regardless of whether it a series of sounds like clicks or flashes of light, all construct communication uses a pattern of pulses and held actions to convey thought. The language is universal among all constructs whether from a prior iteration or golems freshly produced in the modern era. However, not all constructs have all forms of analog available to them, so there are instances where lights only constructs cannot communicate with constructs lacking visual support to their design. Similarly, not all constructs are capable of speaking common even if they are made to understand it.​
Abyssal - the monster language. Its uncommon to hear a monster speak as most lack the intellect or desire to communicate/coordinate with others. It sounds like 2 or more singers screeching or shrieking lyrics over each other at once to achieve a demonic or chaotic sound like you might find in a deathcore musical performance. While not well studied, it has been noted monsters formed primarily of one element of mana as opposed to another will have similar sounding speech/voice. Aquatic monsters sounding like their are drowning or underwater while firey monsters may sound like they are burning alive or are otherwise a consuming flame.​

#Lucky F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Narrator!, Utility!
Pre-req: Character! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Lucky usefulness is hardcapped during World rp's like tribulations.

Character can choose to have a good outcome as the result of a post they made. Ex: Jack lobs a fireball into a bandit camp. Due to Lucky, the fireball which would normally not be able to affect the entire camp had its effective range expanded due to hitting an explosive reserve stored in the camp.

Mechanically, it will also add 1 or more points to character's effectiveness score in performing an action that uses Lucky as part of the action. Ultimate amount of good outcomes and mechanical benefits is left to narrator discretion. At a minimum, their action should avoid worst outcome. Easiest way to handle this may involve adding in mechanical +1 for any narrative situations that may be possible to go in the character's favor.
  • F - 2 Posts per rp
  • E - 4 Posts per rp
  • D - 6 Posts per rp
  • C - 8 Posts per rp
  • B - 10 Posts per rp
  • A - 12 Posts per rp
  • S - ???

#Mentor F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Growth!
Pre-req: Character! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Grade of skill must match grade of character that is being mentored for effect to activate. Grade of skill/stat being mentored by character must be less than Mentor skill grade

Character is proficient in seeing the flaw in form and working towards perfecting it. Character gets a special [Mentor] title. When the character mentors another character in rp meaningfully, the mentored character may gain double points in that rp during grading. Example of meaningful mentoring: one scene with 3 or more posts dedicated to it. Although unlikely, mentored characters can have their bonus points refused if they wish.

#Mimic F (28 points)
Type: Ability!, Auxiliary!, Utility!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

After spending at least one post in contact with another character, you can mimic/copy one skill of target individual up to your grade in mimic for one post. Use in tandem with other skills to increase usefulness.
  • Appraisal skill can reduce time to mimic ability to less than a post for more immediate and practical use.
  • Magic target can allow for the copying of multiple skills at once.
  • Magic duration allows for longer holding of copied skills.
The copied skills are at the grade they are in the target host, the grade allowed by mimic's grade, or the grade allowed by the mimicer's stats. Whichever is lowest is the grade used.

At mimic B, character can mimic the necessary stats to support the skills they are grabbing. This is purely for using the skills if the user's stats are not high enough to use them at the better grade.

#Minions F (14 points)
Type: Ability!, NPC!, Utility!
Pre-req: Standing! same grade as grade of skill
  • Minions may not have the minion or companion skills. Minions never get stronger. Only more numerous.
  • Minions may take class and race perks they qualify for
  • If taken at character creation, minion can't have a stat or skill or asset higher than B-grade
  • If minions are fixed (not summons), skill is passive.
  • If minions are summons, they are capped to B-grade while in combat.
Character, for one reason or another, has garnered the attention of a loyal entourage. Gain up to 5 nameless creatures willing to loyally serve you. They all share the same character template which is made with 56 points. Different types of minions will require a separate purchase of the minion skill. They are always obedient to character and narrated by character. Minions are assumed to be humanoids with F stats before points and features are applied. They are simple minded and incapable of independent action. They all are skilled and equipped the same by default but may be manually altered during roleplay (example: picking up defeated enemy's weapon and handing it to minion A.). Changes to minions do not persist between rp's and its unclear if minions are the same entity between rp.

Minions have 2 states: spell or static. If a spell, the minions manifest with ability use and disappear with the ability. Static keeps the minions around for the duration of the rp. In spell, if all your minions die, your spell immediately goes on cooldown and can be respawned with another ability use. In static, once the minions are slain or otherwise lost, they are lost for the rest of the rp. Characters with minion skill refill static minions at the beginning of each rp that were lost in previous rps.

Due to Minions' limited functionality, they cannot have downtime activities. This makes them unfit to be buddy tamers or masterwork professionals. Assets concerned with dominion like nobility and business ownership would be similarly not permitted normally. Certain Class features may enable more capable minions. Spell minions cannot be used to replenish Static minions that have been lost mid rp.
  • F - 5 minions
  • E - 10 minions
  • D - 25 minions
  • C - 50 minions
  • B - 100 minions
  • A - 250 minions
  • S - ???

#Narrative Booster F (14 points)
Type: Character!, Growth!, Narrator!, Passive!
Pre-req: Standing! same grade as grade of skill
Note: Can only be taken once. Character must be same grade as skill to earn double points. Does not stack with other point boosters.

Specify a very specific activity core to the character that takes a scene to accomplish (about 3 posting rounds or more). Gain double points that rp during grading for successful completion of activity. Skill also acts as a title always equipped and can be used to have narrative influence.

#Nullify [Type] F (35 points)
Type: Ability!, Debuff!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

Choose Martial or Magical as your nullify type. Character that manages to touch target can cancel abilities and effects for one of target's posts. Cancels abilities and effects of the same grade as the skill or lower if of the same skill tree (martial skills for martial nullify, magic skills for magic nullify).

#Pocket Dimension F (14 points)
Type: Ability!, Stealth!, Utility!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

Character can store items in an alternative space as large as 1 foot radius. They can freely retrieve any items from or add items to the space so long as there is room. Additionally, the item cannot be destroyed in order for it to fit. If character with this skill is killed/dies, the pocket dimension pours out its contents upon the ground. Items poured out do not include resources generated by the pocket dimension. Creatures can be stored inside as well but at narrator discretion. Each time the pocket dimension is upgraded, the character can set what the dimension is. Ex: C grade pocket dimension is styled like a small sports stadium. B grade pocket dimension is styled like a village.

Where you enter the pocket dimension, assuming its big enough to enter, is where you exit it if you wish to leave.
  • F - 1ft radius
  • E - 10ft radius
  • D - 100ft radius
  • C - 1000ft radius
  • B - 1 mile radius
  • A - 10 mile radius
  • S - ???

#Sentience F (14pts)
Type: Auxiliary!, Passive!
Restriction: Grantable only to objects.

This skill gives a mind and the ability to read and write 1 language to a singular inanimate object. Must have the parts or telepathy to speak. Common uses are item skill or mithril equipment. Narrator takes control of item voice and other actions, treating the object like an npc for the duration of the roleplay. Higher grades of Sentience equate to higher levels of intelligence. F grade represents mentally handicapped while S is a transcendent mind likely smarter than the wielder and the rest of the party.

#Size Change F (35 points)
Type: Ability!, Auxiliary!, Stealth!, Buff!, Debuff!, Utility!
Pre-req: Vitality! one grade higher than grade of skill

Character changes height/weight to achieve 1 size category greater or smaller than base size until their next post. Their stats may change in relation to their size change as if acquiring Large or Small titles (ex: larger characters get stronger and smaller characters get more precise). Magic duration skill can be used to increase duration. Each grade of skill increases the change possible. Ex: Tiny => Gargantuan Size Change B

Size Chart
diminutive - bug sized​
tiny - rodent sized​
small - child sized​
medium - adult sized​
large - truck sized​
huge - large room​

#Skill Loan F (21 points)
Type: Ability!, Buff!, Utility!
Pre-req: Vitality! one grade higher than grade of skill

Character can touch a target and for one of their posts, allow them to use one of your skills up to F-grade for one post. Ex: Bob loans Tim his F-grade teleport skills so Tim can warp past the gate. Grade of skill lent can be equal to or less than the skill loan grade.

#Special Skill [name]
Requirements ???

When no other skill will do, and you need something special that cannot be done any other way (and it's not broken and overpowered), feel free to ask Novama for a custom skill. If it is agreed that your request warrants a special skill, it is possible to get a specially made skill with custom requirements and effects. The more powerful it is or could become, the greater the cost. Should not be more powerful versions of existing skill.

#Tamer F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, NPC!, Utility!
Pre-req: Standing! same grade as grade of skill
Note: Grants a free F-grade buddy. Skill capped to B-grade when used in combat prior to Tribulation.
#Buddies: monsters or animals in IH that you can befriend and put to work. They start with F-grade stats and no skill. They have 1 primary mode of movement free and may not be bigger than a Medium creature in size. They may evolve at C-grade.​
A character with this skill may befriend any met animal or monster at the end of the rp assuming they are still alive at that time. Creatures must be of the grade of tamer skill or less for the tamer to successfully tame them. Grade of skill indicates how many buddies a tamer may have with them at one time. Until Buddy Asset [Buddy Farm] is acquired, the number of buddies a tamer can have is capped to what they can keep with them. Even high grade creatures start over at F-grade after being tamed and may even change form as a result. Buddies may be any medium or smaller size after capture. Evolved buddies may be larger by following the requirements of the size templates.
  • F - 1
  • E - 2
  • D - 3
  • C - 4
  • B - 5
This skill introduces #Downtime to your character sheet. Set downtime between roleplays and document changes in change log. Downtime activities will impact rp rewards during grading of character participation.

Tamer #Breeding F (7pts)
Type: Ability!, NPC!, Utility!
Pre-req: Tamer skill same grade as grade of skill, Breeding Pen Asset same grade as grade of skill

Note: Skill capped to B-grade when used in combat prior to Tribulation.

Allows for the breeding of F grade Animal Type buddies. Bred buddies are retired. Resulting Buddy has best stats of both its parents. Can be done as a downtime activity or rp goal. Only a single pair of buddies may use a pen at one time. Highest grade buddy in pen dictates grade of pen necessary.

Tamer Buddy #Awakening F (7pts)
Type: Ability!, Narrator!, NPC!, Utility!
Pre-req: Tamer skill same grade as grade of skill, Awakening Chamber Asset same grade as grade of skill

Note: Skill capped to B-grade when used in combat prior to Tribulation.

Enables Buddy to think and act independently of its tamer, but places Buddy under narrator control. An awakened buddy may be capable of speech.

Tamer Buddy #Maintenance F (7pts)
Type: Ability!, NPC!, Utility!
Pre-req: Tamer skill same grade as grade of skill, Buddy Farm Asset same grade as grade of skill

Note: Skill capped to B-grade when used in combat prior to Tribulation.

Enables tamer to know how to care for buddies as they grow and gives a space for buddies not with the tamer. Grade of Maintenance skill limits grade of buddies on the farm and how many can be supported.
  • F - F-grade buddy - 7 total buddies on farm not with tamer
  • E - E-grade buddy - 14 total buddies on farm not with the tamer
  • D - D-grade buddy - 21 total buddies on the farm not with the tamer
  • C - C-grade buddy - 28 total buddies on the farm not with the tamer
  • B - B-grade buddies - 35 total buddies on the farm not with the tamer

Tamer #Element Training F (7pts)
Type: Ability!, NPC!, Utility!
Pre-req: Tamer skill same grade as grade of skill, Elemental Training Equipment Asset same grade as grade of skill

Note: Skill capped to B-grade when used in combat prior to Tribulation.

Infuse Monster type buddies with a single element at random if they have none or change their element at random if they already have one. May be made an rp goal or a downtime activity. Element infusion enables monster to make element infused abilities and minor manipulate of the element if present. May augment the appearance of the buddy.

Tamer #Merging F (7pts)
Type: Ability!, NPC!, Utility!
Pre-req: Tamer skill same grade as grade of skill, Merging Circle Asset same grade as grade of skill

Note: Skill capped to B-grade when used in combat prior to Tribulation.

Allows Monster type buddies to combine. Highest grade of monsters dictates required grade of skill and asset to complete. Only 2 buddies may be merged in a single merge circle. Resulting buddy has all elements of the parents. Its stats will be that of the buddy deemed to be the base buddy. All skills of both buddies may be passed on if the stats of the base buddy can support them. Skills too high in grade may be reduced but will be lost if stats are too low.

Tamer #Skill Training F (7pts)
Type: Ability!, NPC!, Utility!
Pre-req: Tamer skill same grade as grade of skill, Skill Training Equipment Asset same grade as grade of skill

Note: Skill capped to B-grade when used in combat prior to Tribulation.

Acquire skill at random using the training equipment or upgrade an existing one. Skill inherited will be based on stats of buddy. Will be rewarded upon grading and may be a downtime activity or rp goal. Grade of skill earned or upgraded cannot exceed grade of training equipment.

Tamer #Stat Training F (7pts)
Type: Ability!, NPC!, Utility!
Pre-req: Tamer skill same grade as grade of skill, Stat Training Equipment Asset same grade as grade of skill

Note: Skill capped to B-grade when used in combat prior to Tribulation.

Upgrade specified Buddy stat as an rp goal or downtime activity. Only one buddy may use the equipment at a time. A stat may increase only 1 grade at a time.
  • F - may help a buddy achieve E-grade stat
  • E - may help a buddy achieve D-grade stat
  • D - may help a buddy achieve C-grade stat
  • C - may help a buddy achieve B-grade stat
  • B - may help a buddy achieve A-grade stat

#Villainous (21 points)
Type: Ability!, Narrator!
Pre-req: C-grade Standing!, C-grade criminal title
Restriction: Only useable in rp's where the character will be playing a "bad guy" role. Only useable in rp's where the character will be outnumbered by opposing "good guy" player characters

Character has climbed the rungs of crime and injustice to take a position where the world will start to turn in their favor. This skill, once purchased, gives character a narrative edge in any rp they participate in to play the role of the antagonist against more than 1 character. They will have the narrative assets necessary to pose a credible opposition to the protagonists of the rp. (ex: lackeys, defense systems, narrative setup, etc)

#Weaken [Stat] F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Debuff!, Offensive!
Pre-req: [Stat to be weakened] one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Only can weaken a creature once per ability duration. Cannot be stacked. Duration of effect can be improved with duration skill.

Character has extensively studied and trained to reduce target effectiveness in a specific area. Lower [stat] effectiveness by 1 per grade of weaken skill for one post. Cannot reduce a stat effectiveness below 0. Without other skills to extend it, weaken is limited to creatures and specific objects, like item skill, you can touch. Its application can be contested like any other attack with defense actions.

#Wealth F (21 points)
Type: Ability!, Acquisition!, Passive!
Pre-req: Standing! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Items of mithril or orichalcum type only get a single 7 point discount per purchase or upgrade. Treat skill as an asset when leveraging it for actions. Wealth and artisan discounts do not stack.

While acquiring items and services at higher grades is possible with or without the skill, with the skill, the character no longer needs to spend points on such goods and services.

Character has achieved notable employment, skills, or other circumstances to better accrue money. At F-grade wealth, F-grade items are perceived as easy purchases for the character that would hurt them little. They would still have money for certain bribes, paying hirelings, and other commercially available goods at F-grade or lower.

Skill can be used as justification for the acquisition of assets in roleplay. Assets acquired in this way should be same grade as wealth skill or lower. Similarly, existing assets can be improved in this way. Complex assets that involve multiple assets like Towns, Baronies, and Businesses would not be supported by this method of asset acquisition alone.


#Academia F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

Character has talents that are rooted in higher learning – communications,
language, research, and critical thinking – plus an understanding
of institutions of knowledge (schools, magic academies, etc.).

#Acrobatics F (7 points)
Type: Auxiliary!, Utility!
Pre-req: Precision! one grade higher than grade of skill

The character has the ability to perform feats of agility with minimal chance
for injury. Includes balancing, jumping, flipping, contorting, and reacting quickly.

#Agriculture F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The practice of farming, which includes soil treatments for growing crops and the raising and breeding of livestock.

#Alchemy F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The Character has knowledge of chemical formulae and processes to manipulate and transform liquids, solids, and gasses.

#Animal Handling F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The Character has an ability to calm down a domesticated animal, know an
animal’s natural inclinations, and intuit its intentions.

#Arcana F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The Character has the ability to recall lore about spells, magic items, eldritch symbols, magical traditions, the planes of existence, and the inhabitants of those planes.

#Architecture F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

Character has knowledge of construction methods, architectural drafting, and more. A successful use of this Skill can also find weak points in constructions.

#Area Knowledge F (0 points for World Natives, 7 points for Isekai'd Characters)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill, Standing! same grade as grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools
Note: Free for Native characters and naturally goes up to match Standing grade. Refer to Narrator Grade (at the bottom here) to better understand what each grade of skill allows you to know.

Character has knowledge of the geography and people of a single area (choose one area each time you take this skill) and a specific locale within it. Each time the skill is upgraded, additional and more detailed knowledge may be permitted by the narrator.

#Artisan [type] F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Precision! one grade higher than grade of skill

Artisan's are skilled professionals that can take materials and turn them into products. Generally artists and craftsmen, artisans gain tools necessary to perform the trade/craft and can craft items of the same grade for free. A starting asset an artisan may have for free is a Master npc and Shop with which they may practice their craft. The shop is not theirs, but as long as they are on good terms with their master, it may be leveraged. Ex: Artisan Blacksmith F can craft F-grade swords. Orichalcum and Mithril items get a 7 point deduction to purchase at F-grade and a 7 point deduction per upgrade.

Some example Artisans:
  • Artificer - maker of magic catalysts as well as other items with magical mechanics
  • Blacksmith - forger of metal based items and likely metal based weapons and armors in particular
  • Bowyer - Bow, crossbow, arrow, and sometimes bolt makers
  • Leatherworker - makes light armors and sturdy clothes out of leathers. also certain other items of mostly leather design.
  • Tinkerer - maker of mundane, mechanical items and materials with a more scientific requirements
All artisans regardless of craft can make the following equipment in their own unique way (when in doubt, anime it out):
  • Melee weapons
  • Ranged weapons
  • Heavy armor
  • Light armor
  • Catalyst
  • Consumables
Although artisans can make any equipment, they cannot work on items crafted with materials outside their specialty. A blacksmith (metal) won't upgrade a bow (wood). An artificer(runes) won't work on a sword made of cake (baker).

#Athletics F (7 points)
Type: Auxiliary!, Utility!
Pre-req: Strength! one grade higher than grade of skill

The character has the ability to perform feats of strength with minimal chance
for injury. Includes lifting or pushing heavy objects, stopping
objects in motion, and supporting large weights.

#Business F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The ability to organize, run, and understand part or all of a business organization (including governments and associations). This Skill is also useful for recruiting and retaining employees.

#Climbing F (7 points)
Type: Auxiliary!, Utility!
Pre-req: Strength! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The ability to traverse vertical surfaces with or without the use of dedicated climbing equipment, both natural (such as trees and cliffs) and artificial (such as buildings and defenses).

#Controlled Breathing F (7 points)
Type: Auxiliary!, Utility!
Pre-req: Vitality! one grade higher than grade of skill

The ability to control respiratory functions in order to maximize breathing efficiency or to perform tricks such as “playing dead”.

#Culture F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

This reflects knowledge of the origins, ethics, social structure, and lifestyles of different cultures and populations.

#Deception F (7 points)
Type: Auxiliary!, Social!, Utility!
Pre-req: Character! one grade higher than grade of skill

The ability to convincingly hide the truth, either verbally or through actions. This deception can encompass everything from misleading others through ambiguity and fast-talking, to telling outright lies.

#Disguise F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Stealth!, Utility!
Pre-req: Character! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The ability to change one’s personal appearance in an attempt to deceive others.

#Domestic Arts F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The ability to efficiently and effectively organize and run a domestic household, including cooking and cleaning.

#Empathy F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!, Social!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

The ability to understand, detect, and interpret the emotional state of people nearby, without having their experiences communicated explicitly.

#Enchanting F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! and Precision! one grade higher than grade of skill

Enables user to apply enchantments to same grade or lower mithril equipment, make consumables, and can perform shard shocking and shattering. All explained in detail above in the enchanting section of the equipment/items post.

#Engineering F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The use of scientific principles and experimental data to design and build equipment, structures, and useful devices.

#Etiquette F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!, Social!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

The knowledge of the customary codes for polite, proper, and inoffensive behavior in social settings. Having this skill generally gives the character a pass on socially troubling behaviors that are not illegal but would otherwise leave a bad impression.

#Focus F (21 points)
Type: Auxiliary!, Augmenter!, Utility!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Necessary for casters wishing to cast and move in the same post. Each grade of Focus enables a character to use 1 additional magic item at a time.

The ability to concentrate in stressful situations, and the knowledge of techniques to center the mind and spirit. Allows magic users to avoid effectiveness penalties while moving or spell fizzle due to varying degrees of threat and distraction.

#Forgery F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Social!, Stealth!, Utility!
Pre-req: Precision! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The ability to realistically counterfeit documents and papers, whether hand-written or printed on a press. Assumed to have all the tools necessary for the job. Would just need to secure a location and supplies to do the deed. Generally perceived as an illegal endeavor.

#Gaming F (7 points)
Type: Auxiliary!, Social!, Stealth!, Utility!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The ability to comprehend and play various games and simulations well, including both games of chance and of luck. Also covers knowledge of gambling strategies.

#Helming [Type] F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Precision! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The ability to safely operate land, air, and water vehicles, including boats, fantasy mecha, sky galleons, etc. The actual vehicle or type of vehicle must be specified when the skill is taken.

#History F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

The ability to recall lore about historical events, legendary people, ancient kingdoms, past disputes, and recent wars.

#Insight F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Auxiliary!, Social!, Utility!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

The ability to determine the true intentions of a creature from body language, speech habits, and changes in mannerisms. This includes a talent for searching out a lie or predicting someone’s next move. Animal Handling may be a more appropriate skill for discerning this type of information from beasts and animals.

#Interrogation F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Auxiliary!, Social!, Utility!
Pre-req: Character! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The ability to convince someone to provide specific information against their will. Interrogation can also be used to help withhold information when being forcefully questioned.

#Intimidation F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Auxiliary!, Social!, Utility!
Pre-req: Character! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The talent for influencing someone through overt threats, hostile actions, and physical violence. How they react will depend on how tough they are themselves in relation to the kind of threat the character presents–they may respond with respect, fear, hatred, or amusement.

#Investigation F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!, Utility!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The talent for detective work – searching around for clues and making deductions based on those clues. Includes spotting the location of a hidden object and discerning from the appearance of a wound what kind of weapon dealt it.

#Law F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

Knowledge of legal procedure and practice. In addition to lawyers, many nobles, politicians, and organization leaders will have this Skill.

#Leadership F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Social!, Utility!
Pre-req: Character! one grade higher than grade of skill

The talent of having inspirational visions and goals, and communicating them effectively to others. The objective is to motivate and rally others to adopt and work towards those objectives as well. Narrator discretion who this affects if anyone. Is generally used to keep character motivated and united to the task at hand. Refer to Inspire skill for mechanical benefits.

Masterwork #Builder F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Standing! same grade as grade of skill
Note: Requires harvester asset to use. Skill capped to B-grade when used in combat prior to Tribulation.

Builders have all the know-how and basic tools for building or upgrading facilities for the purposes of goods production. Builder may take 1 harvester resource and produce a same grade Refiner/Maker/Infuser facility. The resources consumed for the craft/upgrade should flavor the type of facility that results.

Masterwork #Developer [Type] F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Gear F (Developer[Type])
Note: Requires harvester asset to use. Skill capped to B-grade when used in combat prior to Tribulation.

Developers are one of 4 major types when taking this skill. They have all the know-how for developing/repairing harvester assets into higher grade versions. Developers may take a harvester asset of the same grade and type and help it become 1 grade higher so it can produce higher quality resources for harvesters. This may take the form of increasing yield quality, quantity, or variety. A developer must undertake an rp with this endeavor as their goal to perform this service.

  • Minerals and Ores
  • Wood and plant
  • Animal
  • Magical

Masterwork #Harvester [Type] F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Standing! same grade as grade of skill
Note: Requires harvester asset to use. Skill capped to B-grade when used in combat prior to Tribulation.

Harvesters are one of 5 major types when taking this skill. They have all the know how for gathering their material type of choice and tools. They also have the right to rp for a F grade asset with which they may apply their skill to make a living off of or gather ingredients for crafting. Once asset is acquired (with exception of Monster type), character may passively accrue 1 asset per rp. If they make the goal of the rp to acquire 1 asset from their harvest asset, they may accrue an extra asset per rp. Assets that are double harvested in this way degrade by 1 grade each time it happens and must be repaired before they yield full grade of asset.

  • Minerals and Ores - Harvesters of the earth and what's hidden within
  • Wood and plant - Harvesters of trees and vegetation
  • Animal - Harvesters of farm able animal goods.
  • Magical - Harvesters of thr Arcane and mystical objects and materials
  • Monsters - the only harvester type that requires monster hunt rps to replenish supply after any crafting is done.

Masterwork #Infuser [Type] F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
  • Requires maker item made with monster harvested resource to use.
  • Requires same grade of infusion facilities asset of an Infuser to perform the infusions.
  • Skill capped to B-grade when used in combat prior to Tribulation.
Based on type, the Infuser infuses Masterwork Items with magic and skills to enable them to acquire abilities. May rp for an F-grade Infuser Shop asset with purchase of this skill.

A masterwork item produced by a maker has 1 infusion slot per grade of item. Each slot may have an ability or passive skill applied to it.

Abilities infused cannot exceed 1 action and must have a single purpose. Infusion abilities use wielder cooldowns. Limiters may not be applied to skills within abilities (unless Charge Infuser).


Charge - this infuser may apply an ability to an item infusion slot under the effect of Charge 3 limiter. Ability/skill may only be used once per rp. Max fusion slot for Charge infusions is E until Infuser Tribulates. Use of an item charge ability of D or higher without tribulating will result in damage to character. Abilities of this type apply to the wielder of the item. Skills applicable for the Charge effect cannot have other skills as requirements.​

Static - less overcharged, stable infusers can apply one ability of the same grade of infuser slot to each slot in the item of the same infuser grade or less. Abilities of this type apply to the item as relevant and not to user.​

Masterwork #Maker [Type] F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: [stat] one grade higher than grade of skill
  • Requires Maker and harvester resource assets to use.
  • Makers are assumed to have all the knowledge and basic tools needed to make equipment items of their specified type. Maker equipment is same grade or less than maker grade.
  • Each harvester contribution of same grade of item after the first enables the item to be augmented in some way with a new or greater built in effect.
  • Only a max of 5 different harvested material types may be used.
  • Makers require a suitable (same grade) facility for producing their craft with all relevant workstations. They may roleplay to acquire an F-grade asset for owning this skill.
  • These items cannot be enchanted by enchanters.
  • Skill capped to B-grade when used in combat prior to Tribulation.
Makers may apply augments to their crafts to make the item perform better or in unique ways but each upgrade must come with a setback of some kind in the form of a negative skill. enhancements are passives that may apply to the basic weapon attacks without the need for abilities. When applied to abilities, they do not change the grade of the ability. setbacks should make sense for the equipment in question and the bonuses given. Something that boosts attack in one way should weaken attack in another way. Something that boosts range in one way should shorten range in another way. These augments are not magical in nature.

Example: Bow of Theron E - Range D, Reach H, Knockback G (gives bow range for abilities by default but ultimately weakens bow's ability to create space or attack at close range)​

Each item produced by a maker is unique and must be named and fully described (picture preferred). Resources used in its construction must be leveraged in the visual and nature of the item.

Mundane equipment may be augmented by a maker if same grade resources are applied to item.

The types of skills that may be applied are listed by the item type.​
  • Melee weapons - strength (martial techs) (concealment)
  • Ranged weapons - precision (martial techs) (concealment)
  • Catalyst- intelligence (affinities) (concealment)
  • Light armor - speed (martial techs) (resistances) (stealth) (resilience) (special movement)
  • Heavy armor - vitality (martial techs) (resistances) (resilience)

Masterwork #Refiner [Type] F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: [stat] one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: Requires refiner asset to use. Skill capped to B-grade when used in combat prior to Tribulation.

Refiners are one of 5 major types when taking this skill. They have all the know how for processing harvester resource assets into higher grade versions. They also have the right to rp for a F-grade asset with which they may apply their skill to make a living off of. Refiner may take 2 harvester resources of the same grade as skill or lower and produce 1 harvester resource asset of 1 grade higher.

  • Minerals and Ores - strength
  • Wood and plant - precision
  • Animal - speed
  • Magical - intelligence
  • Monsters - vitality

#Medicine F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

Knowledge of how to diagnose and heal the body using a variety of techniques. Not to be confused with the Healing skill, this skill is for more mundane forms of healing and/or medical diagnosis.

#Nature F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

The ability to recall lore about terrain, plants and animals, the weather, and natural cycles.

#Navigation F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!, Utility!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The ability to read maps or use specialized navigation equipment to help the character find the fastest and safest route to a destination.

#Perception F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Auxiliary!, Utility!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

The talent for spotting, hearing, or otherwise detecting the presence of something. It measures your general awareness of your surroundings and the keenness of your senses. While enhanced senses may assist in aspects of this, this skill covers the ability of the character to make sense of what they are picking up on in the environment. The difference between hearing a branch snap and a leaf rustle and knowing a humanoid is likely hiding behind that tree.

#Performance [type] F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!, Social!, Utility!
Pre-req: Character! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The ability to perform well before an audience and to evoke an emotional response through one of the following forms of art:

Music - Stringing together sound of different pitches and cadence to make melody. Choose one instrument or singing as your medium. Skill must be taken again for each additional instrument.
Dance - Moving the body in time to a rhythm or melody.
Acting - Behaving as someone or something else in speech or action.
Storytelling - Captivating accounts of real or fictional events laced with descriptive language to evoke vivid images and emotion.

Greater the skill grade, the larger the audience and more varied their composition that will be impacted by the character's skills.

#Persuasion F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Auxiliary!, Domestic!, Social!, Utility!
Pre-req: Character! one grade higher than grade of skill

The ability to convince people to see new perspectives, consider other alternatives, change their minds, make different decisions, and even modify their actions.

#Physics F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! One grade higher than grade of skill

An understanding of natural world sciences that focuses on movement, universal forces (such as gravity and magnetism), and energy (such as sound and light).

#Profession [Name of profession] F (14 points)
Type: Domestic!, Social!, Utility!
Pre-req: [Stat of Choice] one grade higher than grade of skill

Character has a suite of knowledges that enable them to carry out the responsibilities of the profession. The profession makes sense in the IH setting (no spaceship captains). the profession should be specific. Do not pick "Farmer". Pick "potato farmer". Skill should not be used to replace the need for other skills individually listed.

  • cobbler
  • deratter
  • executioner
  • taxman
  • etc.

#Religion F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!, Social!, Utility!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The ability to recall lore about deities, rites and prayers, religious hierarchies, ethical standards, holy symbols, and the practices of secret cults.

#Riding F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!, Utility!
Pre-req: Precision! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

This is the knowledge of how to care for a riding beast, how to saddle, mount, and dismount the animal, how to get it to perform difficult or dangerous maneuvers safely. The higher the grade, the more powerful the mount can be.

#Seduction F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!, Social!, Utility!
Pre-req: Character! one grade higher than grade of skill

A character with this Skill is adept at exploiting their sex appeal. Whether or not the target of this skill responds will depend on their own romantic inclinations and sexual preferences.

#Sleight of Hand F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Auxiliary!, Stealth!, Social!, Utility!
Pre-req: Precision! one grade higher than grade of skill

A character with this Skill has superior manual dexterity. This includes the ability to perform “magic” tricks, palm small objects, cheat at cards, plant an item on someone, etc.

#Stealth F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Auxiliary!, Stealth!, Utility!
Pre-req: Precision! one grade higher than grade of skill

The ability to disguise objects or people so that they blend into their surroundings. This also includes the ability to conceal small objects on one’s person and the ability to move silently. May be used in tandem with Concealment skill. Unlike undetected skill, this skill does not erase the character's ability to be perceived, but makes it harder to do so and may erase or reduce the prompts that would make someone search in the first place. An undetected invisible person may still leave ripples in the water they move through. The Stealthed person may be visible and the casual viewer might still wouldn't see them for what they are.

#Street Sense F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!, Social!, Utility!
Pre-req: Character! one grade higher than grade of skill

The ability to navigate street culture within cities and larger urban areas, and how to survive and thrive in such settings.

#Survival F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Auxiliary!, Utility!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill

The ability to find food and shelter in the outdoors, to avoid natural hazards, and to identify edible and useful wild plants and animals.

#Swimming F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Auxiliary!, Domestic!, Utility!
Pre-req: Vitality! one grade higher than grade of skill

The knowledge of efficient body movement in liquids, including surface swimming and deeper diving. Useful for characters that don't already know how to swim.

#Traps F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Utility!
Pre-req: Precision! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The ability to create and place traps in both natural and constructed settings. Also covers disarming of discovered traps.

#Visual Arts F (7 points)
Type: Domestic!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The ability to produce a work of fine or commercial art in one or more visual fields (carving, painting, sculpting, etc.).

#Warfare F (7 points)
Type: Ability!, Offensive!, Defensive!, Utility!
Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than grade of skill
Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

The knowledge of large-scale military combat techniques, including troop movement, siege warfare, and army morale. Doesn't inherently grant mechanical bonuses to soldiers, but can ensure sound tactics are executed by narrator adjudication. Refer to Inspire skill for mechanical bonuses.



Restriction: Cannot be applied to skills with skill requirements.

Sometimes we intentionally restrain ourselves to better focus our efforts. Limiters provide such restraints to characters and the skills they are applied to. When a user takes a skill, they have the option in many cases to apply a limiter. Limiters are permanent ways to make a skill harder to use in a variety of ways. Sometimes it means the character simply can't use the skill in an ability because conditions can't be met. Sometimes it means the skill can regularly be used but the bonus granted by the limiter is weaker. In addition to making skills function better in exchange for inconveniences, they can also act as a way of differentiating skills and abilities between characters with similar skill selections.

No skill may have more than 3 limiters on it. This includes 3 grades of the same limiter or 3 different limiters. Each limit applied to a skill permanently boosts the effect of the skill by one grade. No skill effect may increase beyond the pre-tribulation value of that skill until Tribulation for related stat is completed. After tribulation, no skill effect may exceed S grade. Due to inability to go beyond particular grades of effectiveness, skills are also permanently capped in the maximum grade they can achieve before no additional purchases are allowed. This will require them to rely on other skills if they wish to be in abilities of higher grades.

An ability made solely with a limited skill is the same grade as the skill and not its effect. Cooldown follows same logic. See example where bob limited his magic skill with 2 limiters:
Magic E(C), spell range D - D grade - 2 post cooldown - Bob fulfills the requirements of his limited magic to shoot his magic at a target much further away than one might expect of a D grade spell.

Limiter List

Skill cannot be immediately used. Character must spend time preparing to use any ability with this skill in it. Character cannot move or defend themselves while preparing the ability.
  • Rank 1 - 1 round preparing
  • Rank 2 - 1 minute preparing
  • Rank 3 - 1 hour preparing

The skill and connected abilities require another creature or creatures in order to use. The Assistants in the case may not be just anyone. They must be specially skilled and appointed individuals to serve their role. Minions may not be used for this limiter. Assets may not be used with this limiter. They must be listed by name when this limiter is taken. To assist, they must consume just as many actions and pay any other cost to aid in casting the abilities they are connected to. They must be present with the user and close and capable enough to perform whatever is required. For the duration of the ability, the assistant must be present with the user.
  • Rank 1 - 1 assistant
  • Rank 2 - 10 assistants
  • Rank 3 - 100 assistants

Only skills that are regularly in abilities that are contested may be used. Most skills going into combat related abilities would be prime examples. Any time an ability with this limiter in it fails to accomplish the intended goal for any reason, the character is at risk of consequences for the failure.
  • Rank 1 - 1 damage to Health for failure
  • Rank 2 - 3 damage to Health for failure
  • Rank 3 - 5 damage to Health for failure

This limiter is allowed on skills with immediate effects and may not be used in abilities with ongoing durations or continuations. Skill may only be used a limited number of times per RP. Each action with this skill in it will count as a use of the skill. May not be used with skills like Lucky which already have limited uses built in.
  • Rank 1 - 4 uses per RP
  • Rank 2 - 2 uses per RP
  • Rank 3 - 1 use per RP

This limit applies to skills with effects that last longer than an instant. The skill requires focus to use. Disruption of focus causes the abilities with it to end prematurely if they activate at all.
  • Rank 1 - character may not attack or defend or use other skills with this limiter in them but may do other actions
  • Rank 2 - character can only use move actions at half speed and talk to others.
  • Rank 3 - character can do nothing for the duration of this ability

Used with Mental Skill Telekinesis
Increases Telekinesis effect by 1 grade

When taken, user chooses an element as defined in affinity element list. Users Telekinesis is permanently limited to manipulation of that element alone. Elements without inherent weight use area of effect to determine amounts manipulated in this way and is separate from any aoe effects added through other skills. Passively the character is aware of the existence of their chosen element within the aoe zone.

This limiter enables max of A grade Telekinesis effect pre- Tribulation.

Character can only move air and other gases.
Example: 10'x10'x10' room of air weights about 80lbs

Character can only move dirt,rock,stone,sand. Cannot affect treated metals like iron and lead.
Example: 10 cubic feet of dirt is around 800lbs, same volume of concrete is around 1500lbs, same volume of solid granite around 1750lbs

character can only move water.
example: 10 cubic feet of water is around 620lbs(570lbs ice) while a single gallon of water is around 8lbs

Character can only move [element] that has no weight to it. Rather than using weight to determine how much can be moved, use volume.
F - 5'x5'x5' example of element or smaller
E - F grade spell AOE
C - E grade spell AOE

character can only move metal
example: 10 cubic feet of steel is around 2.5tons


character can only move wood
example: 10 cubic feet of wood weighs 350lbs on average.

Skills with this limit are more energy intensive to use, so it takes greater rest from cooldown to enable their usage again.
  • Rank 1 - Ability cooldown increases by 2 posts
  • Rank 2 - Ability cooldown increases by 4 posts
  • Rank 3 - Ability cooldown increases by 6 posts

This limiter is for skills that require fairly specialized items to use. Assuming items are consumed in the use of this skill, the specialized items may be reused as needed assuming they are available.
  • Rank 1 - Skill relies on the special purchase or acquisition of an easily portable item or set of items. Ex: Gear Skill
  • Rank 2 - Skill relies on large item/items that are difficult to move around. Ex: Statue, Altar
  • Rank 3 - Skill relies on stationary items like a Workshop, Lab, or Shrine

This limit may only be applied to skills with the Charges limit. This limit prevents the use of the skill to benefit oneself. Limit allows the limited usage of the skill in abilities of others. The imbue of the skill ends with the scene it was imbued in.
  • Rank 1 - Can imbue up to 3 people
  • Rank 2 - Can imbue up to 2 people
  • Rank 3 - Can imbue up to 1 people

Skills with this limit must be skills that altar the character's physical appearance or structure in some way. Once character has changed, they cannot go back to their prior form without a new RP with the goal to restore them to normal. Ability grade for this skill's usage is permanently on cooldown.

Skills with this limiter cannot be used at lesser grades than their best grade at all times. Skills with this may not be used in Flux abilities.

Skills with this limiter are placed on items through item skill, enchantment, or other methods. It increases the effectiveness of an item's ability to use the skill. User of the item cannot use the skill directly. Ex: cape with fly. User can snap fingers and have cape fly to them, but the user cannot fly by wearing the cape.

The skill is always active in an ability at all times. This limiter only applies to skills that would legitimately inconvenience the character. Discuss with me before making use of the limit. If I deem the inconvenience to character not sufficient, I may suggest additional problems for character or veto use of the limiter. Ability grade for this skill's usage is permanently on cooldown.

This skill makes any ability it is in prone to delivering undesirable results. Whenever it is used, get a narrator or mod to publicly roll a dice to determine the outcome. There is no means to sway the outcome even with skills like Lucky or Selective. Nothing and no one is safe from the potential chaos that may come once the ability is let loose.
  • Rank 1 - 25% chance of Undesirable results
  • Rank 2 - 50% chance of Undesirable results
  • Rank 3 - 75% chance of Undesirable results

  • Martial Mastery
  • Magic School
  • Martial Ethos
  • Summon Creature
  • Always Outnumbered
  • Duration Reduction
  • Regeneration
  • Resilient
  • Resistance
  • Asset
  • Attentive Student
  • Coup
  • Devour
  • Educated
  • Essence Eater
  • Gear skill
  • Item skill
  • Mentor
  • Narrative Booster
  • Sentience
  • Tamer skills
  • Villainous
  • Artisan
  • Enchanting
  • Masterwork skills


Skill Mastery

There are those that dedicate themselves solely to the pursuit of the pinnacle of mortality. They stand above most others in one area of expertise. One skill at B grade may be improved to A grade at the cost of the following:

1. Character has at least 350 earned points
2. Character has no existing skills at A grade or higher (including appraisal among other skills)
3. Skill does not have any other skill that relies on it. (magic and various martial skills would not be eligible due to this)
4. Character must have B grade or higher renown (represented by titles and/or assets related to the skill's use)
5. Character has not tribulated and is not allowed to tribulate once this feature is acquired.

The use of an A grade ability with this skill causes 1hp damage to character in the form of mind and body strain. The damage cannot be resisted or healed until ability is off cooldown.

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After viewing the skill list, it is easy to question how the skills listed would allow for some of the cooler things seen in many Isekai products. With the exception of the ability skills, most other skills need to be combined with one or more other skills to achieve desired effects. Abilities, like skills and stats, have grades. The stronger the ability, the greater the cooldown. Although more roleplay than mechanical, it is possible to create your own style of magic or martial art through a careful construction of abilities from an ever increasing list of skills of higher and higher grades.


How does combining skills work?

Just about any two skills can be used together. To combine skills, simply create an ability in your character sheet by listing the skills together you would like to combine. Taking the example from the character skeleton, let's make 2 and breakdown what's in them.

  • Magic Lazer Beam - Magic C, Affinity Explosion F, Magic Range D, Area of Effect D - Character declares the abilities name while pointing hands at target and fires a destructive beam of magic that explodes on impact with the target - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown

Explanation of Ability: Obviously the first part of the ability is the name. Nothing special and can be whatever you like generally. the more important part and the part that needs to be more consistent is the skills and their grades. In order to make a magic lazer beam, we obviously needed Magic , the skill that would let a character use magic. We also needed to flavor the magic as an exploding kind, so we picked up Explosion affinity. For our purposes, we assume the explosion is damaging with with great impact. Next, to achieve a spell that has a range beyond touch, we add Magic Range D, which allows the ability to travel some distance before dispelling. To get the mass area explosion on contact, we restate the presence of the explosion affinity skill as well as the area of effect D skill. The aoe skill allows the affinity of the magic to affect an area rather than just point of contact.
Giving the ability a description befitting the image in our mind as well as laid out by the skills, we easily convey to readers what they should picture when the ability is used in narration. The grade of the skill is C and determined by highest skill invested in the ability.

Formula for Magic Lazer Beam:
Magic C is the highest grade skill in the ability. Therefore, Magic Lazer Beam is a grade C Ability and has a cooldown of 3. This means the ability may only be used once in a post before the character must be posted with again 3 times, without using an E grade ability of any kind, before Magic Lazer Beam may be used again.

  • Meteor - Magic C, Affinity Explosion D, Affinity Fire D, Magic Range D, Area of Effect D - Character chants to the cosmos for deliverance with hands raised. In response, a massive fireball falls out of the sky ahead of caster to decimate a large area in explosive flames - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown

Despite changing little about the ability's composition, we have created an entirely different ability. The character must wait 3 posts in between using this ability and the Grade C ability hits a bit harder.

Ability Cooldown Table
The are the default cooldowns when an ability is used. Skills may further augment the cooldowns. When an ability goes on cooldown, the specified number of posts must be made without using any ability of the same grade as the one on cooldown. This means there are many advantages to having and keeping abilities of various grades to attack, defend, and perform utility tasks.

F - 0 Post Cooldown (reducing the cooldown further may grant multiple use per post)
E - 1 Post Cooldown
D - 2 Post Cooldown
C - 3 Post Cooldown
B - 4 Post Cooldown
A - 5 Post Cooldown

S - ???


How do I make abilities involving weapons?

There are a couple different ways to go about it, but the simplest way would be through the skill Fighting Style. Fighting Style allows you to select a weapon or weapon group your style is effective for. You may then create your first technique. Techniques are a part of the fighting style skill that can be used to make abilities. Several of the Tech Cores (key components of a technique), allow for your weapon of choice to perform seemingly supernatural feats like slicing foes at range or infusing blades with flame. When using a fighting style to create a technique, be sure to include the fighting style skill AND the technique created in the ability. All Techniques may not be at a grade greater than the Fighting Style skill. Alternatively, clever use of the magic skill and related magic augmentor skills may bypass some of the needs listed.
  • Lake Splitter - Fighting Style [Swords] C, Technique Moon Cut [Range] D - Character shouts the technique as they swing the blade in an overhead chop. The magically augmented force of the swing streaks outward in a slicing 100ft line. - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown
Should be noted that abilities like these will require the character to have sufficiently high Strength/Precision or Intelligence and one of the others if the other method is used.

Ability Flux

@Ability Flux
allows the transfer of one or more grades from either the magic skill or fighting style skill to add or upgrade augmenter skills (area, duration, range, targets) used in the same ability.

  1. Reduce magic skill or fighting style skill in an ability by a number of grades. They cannot be reduced below F-grade.
  2. All other skills already present in the ability must be less than or equal to the reduced grade of magic skill or fighting style skill. Skills that have magic or fighting style as a prerequisite must still be one less than the reduced grade as usual (augmenters excluded).
  3. For every one grade reduced from magic or fighting style, add or increase the augmenters of the ability (area, duration, range, targets).
Cruncher - Magic B, [Earth] Affinity E - creates a massive steel trap to gnash at the target within reach of caster. - cooldown 4​
Cruncher(flux) = Magic F, Range F, Targets E, AOE F, [Earth] Affinity F - creates several massive steel traps that gnash at the targets within range of the designated points. - cooldown 0​
Cruncher - Fighting Style B, [Earth] Affinity E - unleashes a massive steel trap to gnash at the target. - cooldown 4​
Cruncher(flux) = Fighting Style F, [Earth] Affinity F, AOE C - steel trap enlarges before being swung around the wielder by its chain, gnashing at everything in its path. - cooldown 0​
Cruncher - Fighting Style B, Magic B, [Earth] Affinity E - a magical steel trap is sicked upon target within reach to gnash - cooldown 4​
Cruncher(flux) - Fighting Style F [AOE E], Magic F [Spell Range E], [Earth] Affinity F - a massive steel trap manifests and is hurled by the chain toward a designated point damaging all in the AOE aside from the wielder. - cooldown 0​

In the examples above, the main ability went from B to F. This greatly weakened the ability's power as well as reduced the grade of [Earth] Affinity. In exchange, the ability can affect more targets at greater range.​

  1. Fighting Style
    • Targets augmenter may not be used by Fighting Style based abilities
    • Duration augmenter only applies to damage and not other effects when used by Fighting Style based abilities
    • Fighting Style abilities may not add augmenters they do not currently have techniques for that weapon base.
  2. Magic
    • Area augmenter does not exclude caster when applied to magic based abilities.
  3. General
    • Abilities may not be reduced below F-grade in this way
    • F-grade abilities may not use this feature
    • Effect of ability flux may not increase beyond A grade without related Stat tribulated first
    • Cooldown of ability matches the power of the ability.

Abilities typically take an action to use. Multiple abilities take multiple actions. However, it would seem possible to combine multiple abilities worth of effects into a single ability. This is possible, but it should be noted that doing so does not mitigate the Action cost. While these limits may be relaxed or not in place for every roleplay in IH, in rp's of IH that adhere to the Advanced rules, there is a limit of 3 actions per post per combat round. Abilities that combine multiple abilities worth of effects will cost the same amount of actions, so abilities that have more than 3 abilities/actions worth of effects will be vetoed during character approval and checks.
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Magic or supernatural phenomena in Isekai Hell is almost exclusively the result of [Mana], the raw ethereal energy in all things and atmosphere, being processed and made to do work. Divine gifts, Chi, Ki, Psi energy, chakra, etc... It's all mana in the atmosphere or a host and is capable of being used to perform miraculous feats. Pretty much any creature in the world of Isekai Hell can learn to use magic of capable of meeting the requirements to process mana. Many monsters are the result of strong infusions of mana in every day items, plants, and creatures. Weird locations where gravity works in reverse, perpetually fog shrouded forests, and waterfalls drift toward the sky are usually the cause of strong concentrations of mana.

Rules to Use Magic

  • Character must be able to move hands, arms, and/or other parts of body to help the mana properly flow
  • Character must be able to speak or otherwise create noise to help give the mana purpose
  • Character must not move much from the spot they begin channeling short of what is necessary to cast the spell to avoid improperly directing the mana
  • Character must have Mana skill
  • Character should use a magic catalyst like wand or staff

There are skills to reduce the need for these magic components. However, mana manipulation, in general is an involved process. Improper mana manipulation can have dire consequences. Exploding or losing the ability to process mana at all are not impossibilities.

Beginner Magic

The default magic all beginner mages learn is the ability to focus mana into their finger and create a small glow of magical energy. A beginner offensive technique is to force mana into a target. A technique for defense that is fairly limited in effectiveness is a sudden and intense expulsion of mana in the direction of an oncoming attack. It can soften the impact of some blows. Actual spells are considerably more effective in all cases. All of these beginner techniques are gradeless and have no mechanical use. Only narrative use is for training mana control.



Similar to magic, boons are powerful assets associated with the most powerful beings in the setting. There are powerful entities in the world that can grant characters very powerful magical favors. Characters can Quest to become followers of a particular deity, buddies with a sentient device, or otherwise interlinked with a helpful anomaly in the universe, etc. Successfully doing so grants the character a 1 time use Boon Asset. During an rp, they may use the asset to call upon the aid of their benefactor to deliver help in a way specific to them and their domain of influence. There is no mechanical limit to the aid rendered, but narrator discretion advised.

No more than 1 boon asset may be held by one character at a time. Once used, the character must conduct another rp to regain the boon or go after a different boon. Boon's may not be used in World Rp's or Tribulations.



2 or more parties may make an agreement with permanent terms and immediate effects for those that break them. How To:
  1. run an rp where 2 or more people make an agreement.
  2. agreement must define what is required by all parties.
  3. agreement must define what happens to any parties that fail to comply with the contract.
  4. have the contract blessed by the god of law Miralis.
  1. contracts between IH members may not be made and enforced while one or more members are under duress.
  2. contracts between IH members must have all aspects of the contract defined before being agreed to.
  3. contracts cannot involve stuff that doesn't belong to or fall under the influence of any of the parties involved.
Common Uses:
  1. slaves
  2. business agreements
  3. curses/blessings
Common Penalties:
  1. death
  2. impairment/loss of points and features
  3. loss of assets/property
  4. curses
In the event a player fails to have their character live up to their end of an agreement, the other party of the agreement may inform a mod and the mod and the involved parties can sort out how to execute the terms of the contract (likely with character changes and/or marketplace exchange.

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What to do After Character Creation
By this point, you likely have all you need to create a character, but then the obvious question of what to do with that character comes up. How do they earn points? Where is the RP to use them in? And likely more questions. The answer is: you have several options.

Player Vs. Narrator

  • Controls own character and purchased minions and non-awakened buddies
  • Gains normal amount of points, which must be spent on the participating character

  • Controls every aspect of the setting, NPCs, companions of players, awakened buddies
  • If the narrator has an approved character in the thread, they gain normal amount of points plus a 50% bonus that must be spent on the participating character
  • If the narrator has no character in the thread, they gain 50% of the points earned which must be used entirely on one approved character they own


1. Group up and RP

The first option for what to do after character creation is perhaps the most obvious and least dependent on timing.

1. You simply look up one or more active members of the community.
2. Ask to form a group with them or join their already going group.
3. Determine how your character and theirs meet and for what purpose.
4. Start or continue an Isekai Hell RP of your own making with this newly forged group. (to make one, simply put Isekai Hell as part of the title in one of the public forum roleplay areas and link to an official Isekai Hell thread from the first post).
5. After the goal of the RP is accomplished, message
Novama or one of the other mods and they will grade the RP.
6. Wait for the grader's post or reply. RP Narrators/leaders gain bonus 50% points. Multiple narrators split the bonus.
7. Once grade is in, copy the rewards for the RP to your character sheet by documenting the rewards received and adding a link to the post you received them in.
8. Rinse and repeat with the same group or forge a new group with a new mission/goal in mind.
  • Example: Jack and Jan have completed their characters and got them approved by staff. As recent joiners, they feel 2 newbies adventuring together would make sense as a starting point and neither have particularly strong goals on how to start. They decide to do an RP about them joining the local adventurers guild and taking on a simple request like collecting herbs. They then go to the public group RP forum and create a thread titled [Isekai Hell] Jack and Jan's first mission. Over the next week they proceed to post back and forth until they have fulfilled the goal they started with. Jack contacts Novama to grade the RP and informs Novama of any skills/actions/goals of significance that might impact the grading and rewards (ex: Jack is interested in joining the guild's harvesting and dismantling team responsible for turning raw materials into processed goods sold to craftsmen and other merchant faction members.)
After looking it over, Novama rewards the pair points for their characters (Jack gets bonus points for leading the RP) and Jack gets a title call [Apprentice Dismantler].​
Jack and Jan then copy the rewards to their sheet in the change log and update their sheet as they see fit, buying skills and upgrading stats. Jack equips his newly acquired title and says he would like his next RP to be one involving the guild dismantlers, which he can now do as an associated character to the faction. The process repeats.​


2. World Training RP

To participate in a dangerous World RP, members must have certification gained from participating in a World Training RP. This RP type is led by an IH moderator and is meant to help instruct and show a member what their character can do and how things operate in a World RP, but it will not have character death and maiming as a consequence. Reward will be points and certification to participate in Worlds.

3. World RP

More dependent on timing since they will not occur all the time. Higher risk, higher reward RPs. Other than Tribulations and Invasion style RPs Participation in World RP requires prior World RP experience or participating in a World Training RP.

1. World RPs will be created by the mods and advertised as such. To join, simply post in it after it is up.
2. World RPs are RPs with world shaping consequences.
3. Risk of character dying or otherwise getting an actual setback are real due to the RP being run by a mod and the stakes at play.
4. Rewards are generally better with point rewards being double the normal.
5. Pace of the RP will be at the mod's discretion.
6. Those that cannot post frequently enough will be skipped and presumed to be not doing anything of consequence.
7. RP ends when Mod says so. Rewards will come from that mod afterward.
8. Copy rewards and/or deal with the setbacks to character as a result of the RP.
  • Example: Novama creates a thread called [Isekai Hell: World RP 1] and announces it to the Isekai Hell community. Members post in it and react to the original narration post at the beginning. They then take turns posting for their characters while Novama narrates the outcomes to their actions and what the world and NPCs do. At the end, Novama posts everyone's rewards with double the typical point rewards and some cool items they didn't need to pay for. All received a title declaring they participated in the event and unlocked whatever the title allows in the RP world. One player's character did die during the event, however. They had to scoop the character and make a new one.


4. Solo RP

Easier to do and possible to be done at any time. (discouraged method)

1. Inform mods you will be doing a Solo RP
2. Start RP in 1x1 forum where it is still accessible to public
3. Make sure thread is called [Isekai Hell] like the others and links back to IH threads
4. Set a goal for the RP so you know when you are finished
5. Post the content of the RP to its conclusion
6. Inform Mod to grade it and provide link as well as mission of the RP
7. Graded solo RPs receive 50% of their normal rewards
8. After receiving grade and adding it to your character sheet, find another RP
  • Example: Bob sets up a solo RP to explore the day to day life of a student in the Ryke Academy in Ryken. After posting a 6000 word essay of a day in the life, the RP was graded. Rewards included 0 points and an optional title [Teacher's Pet]. Any lore established was given lesser weight compared to canon already established.


5. Invasion RP

Solo or in a group, you temporarily join an ongoing roleplay with a specific purpose like pvp or emergency aid

1. Inform mods you will be doing an Invasion RP
2. Secure one of them to be a 3rd party referee
3. Declare the RP you wish to invade and for what purpose
4. Mod then works out with the narrator of the RP being invaded the details like how long the invasion will be permitted to last and whether or not narrative in the RP needs to pause
5. Mod will then post in RP to declare the invasion is happening and the details of it
6. Invader may post after
7. Invader may not delay the post frequency of the RP too much
8. Any pvp will be resolved by the mod
9. After time of invasion has elapsed, mod will post and conclude the event
10. Depending on the nature of the invasion, the invader may be entitled to points at grading time.
  • Example: Bob contacts Nova and lets him know he would like to invade Jan's RP to kill Jan's character Duncan based on revelations in a previous RP where it was made known Duncan killed Bob's character's mom. Nova agrees and works out the details with Jan. Jan does not have the option to refuse the invasion, but can negotiate the terms of the encounter. Nova then makes a post in Jan's RP outlining how Bob's character appears in the current scene and why. He also lists the permitted number of posts from Bob before his character will be ejected from the RP whether he accomplished his goal or not. The invasion was also determined to be a world's RP in nature, meaning for the duration of the invasion, all characters involved were at mortal risk and entitled to additional rewards during grading.

6. Quest RP

Group RP where those specifically taking on the quest gain no rewards except for the object of their quest. Other participants get rewards as normal.

1. Tell Novama you want something for your character and wish to quest for it
2. Novama will then determine quest requirements to get what is being requested
3. You may then start the quest by starting a regular RP but stating in the first post the mission being undertaken and terms of the quest.
4. Once the quest is finished, submit it for grading and remind the graders that it is a quest RP.
5. Failure to adhere to the terms of the quest will result in no rewards.
6. Failure to put forth sufficient effort in the RP will result in no rewards.
7. Just about everything gained through Quest RP will have a point cost associated with it that will go into the "points earned" part of your character sheet when collecting the reward.
  • Example: Bob wants points, titles, and assets that he doesn't want to save up points for or earn in a traditional manner. Bob asks Novama for a quest to get those things. Novama tells Bob his mission will be months in length with content associated with the means by which Bob will acquire the items in RP. Bob joins the quest RP for a few months to get what he needs. RP concludes and is graded. Rather than points or titles, Bob gets the item with skills he's always wanted.

7. Persistent World RP

This type of world RP is based on a static location that is always dangerous and loaded with unknowns and loot. Like other worlds, this RP type may not be pursued unless RPers involved have World's experience or World Training Certification. Assuming all members are eligible for this type of RP and have secured a narrator that knows the IH combat system, the group may choose a location to explore. Locations are limited at the start, but more locations may be added to the list as such locations are discovered and submitted to Lore.
  • Dark Continent - NorthEast Coast
  • East Empire/Fae See - Battlefields and Ruins from war


8. Tribulation RP

There are 2 major types for this rp. Both types use the advanced combat rules of IH. Both pose the risk of death or permanent injury to characters. And both count as World's for the purposes of not locking your character into that one rp alone. Points earned for this rp type are doubled and rewards tend to be of a higher quality. Characters that have earned over 700 points cannot tribulate or participate in tribulation Rp's. The 2 have several differences:

Classic Mode
  1. Ran solely by Novama
  2. Is the original way of tribulating
  3. Must be requested and there may be a waiting list.
  4. Member may apply for one as soon as they have a character with an A grade stat
  5. Must be a 1x1 rp.
  6. A curated experience to the skills and narrative of the character taking the trial.
  7. Rewards are also more specifically tuned to the character.
  8. Once started, tribulation may not end before determining the fate of the participant. Not posting or pulling character out prior to reaching a point to end the narration will result in consequences for the character during grading.
Party Mode
  1. Can be ran by any member that knows the advanced combat rules for IH.
  2. Is a more modern version of tribulation.
  3. Generally easier to find or make a group for.
  4. Requires at least one character (the one tribulating) to have an A grade stat being tribulated, 350pts earned, and a World Certification.
  5. All characters aside from the characters tribulating only require the rp'er have a World Certification.
  6. Characters that have already Tribulated may not do so again until they have earned 100 points more. They may claim last tribulation rp at 700 points.
  7. RP location is confined by the locations listed for Persistent World RP's.
  8. Characters must overcome at least 1 B grade or higher Obstacle or Ability per character or companion skill participating in the rp.
  9. All characters must experience an S grade ability or obstacle before the end of the rp. Add an S grade ability or obstacle per S grade stat in the rp (pc, companions, or other).
  10. Over half of the challenges in the rp must be of a type associated with the stat being tribulated and should be overcome:
    • Strength - Martial Combat or Physical Obstacles
    • Precision - Stealth and Subterfuge, Ranged Combat, Crafting and Production
    • Intelligence - Knowing things, Magic, Business and Commerce
    • Vitality - Destruction and Suffering, Sickness and Deprivation, Defending
    • Speed - Movements, Traversing, Racing, Dodging and avoidance.
  11. Characters may leave the rp at any time but will not receive any rewards for doing so and will be subject to any of the consequences that befall the character or the party as deemed appropriate during the grading process.
  12. Total effectiveness to overcome per challenge receives a bonus +1 per team up bonus against it.
  13. Barrier ability in tribs is always treated in its active defense form and not in its stationary form.
  14. Posting pace for rp must be set and adhered to.
Single Player Mode
  1. You want the curated experience of Classic but wish to have the foresight and control of Party Mode.
  2. Can be ran by any member that knows the advanced combat rules for IH.
  3. Like classic, the rp will be a 1x1 with narrator of choosing and the player will run the character to be Tribulating.
  4. Tribulation requirements of 350 points earned and an A grade stat for the Tribulation stat are required
  5. Participants should have a world certification.
  6. Characters that have already Tribulated may not do so again until they have earned 100 points more. They may claim last tribulation rp at 700 points.
  7. RP location is confined by the locations listed for Persistent World RP's.
  8. Character may leave the rp at any time but will not receive any rewards for doing so early and will be subject to any of the consequences that would have befell the character as deemed appropriate during the grading process.
  9. Character must experience a C, B, A, S set of obstacles and/or abilities prior to end of the rp. Add another S grade obstacle or ability for each S stat the character already possesses.
  10. Over half of the challenges in the rp must be of a type associated with the stat being tribulated and should be overcome:
    • Strength - Martial Combat or Physical Obstacles
    • Precision - Stealth and Subterfuge, Ranged Combat, Crafting and Production
    • Intelligence - Knowing things, Magic, Business and Commerce
    • Vitality - Destruction and Suffering, Sickness and Deprivation, Defending
    • Speed - Movements, Traversing, Racing, Dodging and avoidance.
  11. Total effectiveness to overcome per challenge receives a bonus +1 per team up bonus against it.
  12. Barrier ability in tribs is always treated in its active defense form and not in its stationary form.
  13. Posting pace for rp must be set and adhered to.

9. Questing RP

Sometimes you need something other than points. You need something very specific with assurance you will have it by the end of the roleplay. For promises like that, you can consult with Novama Novama directly with a list of what all you need. Aside from ensuring you will gain certain skills or assets, you can also fix perceived character build mistakes. Have a skill you no longer want or never needed? Questing RP's are one of the few ways to make character modifications after points have already been spent on upgrades and new acquisitions. Questings, once began, cannot be paused or broken up by normal rp's. You may quit questing at any time, but the time required will be reset if the quest is taken up again. Those who participate in Questing Rp's but are not Questing may receive rewards as normal. They are also not entitled to the rewards specifically promised to the Quester. The terms of a Questing may not be renegotiated once agreed upon and started. Rewards from Questing are not free with the exception of undoing character modifications.
  1. Present Novama with your list of needs.
  2. Get a quote from Novama for what roleplay requirements must be met to assure your needs will be delivered.
  3. Run or participate in one or more rp's without gaining points or assets and sometimes titles.
  4. Indicate the rp is one of or all of the requirements Novama laid out for the Questing.
  5. Receiving questing rewards at the end during grading.
10. Alternative Grading
For rps where no criminal titles were earned, assets were acquired, or lore was generated, rps can be submitted for faster grading. Point boosters do not work in these rps.

Narrator Grade
Similar to how character standing works, narrator grade is equal to your highest character standing. narrator grade is used to determine what sorts of rp's you have the right to be running. Take note of the grades below. To run a worlds or tribulation, the Narrator Grade should be at least A grade (master) and Elite is preferred for Tribulations.

F - Novice
small scale rp's focused on individual characters or small groups. minor npc's can be made but no one of consequence. simple quests are common here. can introduce minor assets or similarly minor creatures. Use existing settings to tell stories.

E - Apprentice
small community and villages can play larger roles. npc's similarly can have more standing like a village leader or head of the local adventurer's branch office in the village. Can create new villages and places of business that may be a bit unusual. Questlines can involve small areas and communities.

D - Adept
Towns and signification locations can be created by these narrators. influential npc's can be created to populate these places too. Town Mayors and higher ranked faction officials. Can introduce regional factions and creatures that impact a town and the surrounding villages. Can develop storyline that span these regions.

C - Skilled
Run rp's that span multiple regions or towns. Create noteable npc's of these regions. Can create new regions and significant landmarks. Develop storylines that impact these regions.

B - Expert
These rp's can start introducing cities and full territories (regions around a city like a county). Can create powerful npc's like city leaders and high rank officials of various factions. Can introduce powerful factions and organizations that operate in these territories. Can run storyes that alter regional dynamics.

A - Master
These rp's can impact entire nations (may be world's worthy). Create major npcs like royalty and heroes. Can bring up national events and crises (anything that needs folks to acknowledge them should be discussed with narrators and mods first). Any rp's that turn ryke into a desolate wilderness will have some contrary votes.

S - Elite
You can rp whatever you want. Be sure to talk about it with mods and narrators if its gonna impact folk. Little pocket dimensions that mean nothing to no one don't matter. New nations that descend from the heavens and flatten the paizu mountains will need a conversation. Many scenarios may call for world's rp's.
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General Rules
who's that pokemon.pngBuddy System Guide

1. OBTAINING FIRST BUDDY: In order to begin obtaining buddies a character needs the [Tamer] skill. This will allow the character to obtain their first buddy for free and allow the character to potentially Tame more by the end of a roleplay during grading should the buddy survive til the end. The grade of [Tamer] skill also determines how many buddies a character may have on them during each roleplay. Character will have all of their buddies with them until they buy the [Buddy Farm Asset] which costs 7 points per grade to obtain from misc skills on the asset list. Buddies may be a small - medium monster or animal. Alternatively an F grade buddy can be bought however the bought Buddy is randomized in terms of type.

2. BUDDY TRAINING: STATS: With stats how do buddies grow? Stat wise the buddies default regardless of it being a monster or animal type is F grade. In order to train a buddy character needs [Tamer #Stat Training] and equipment assets for it. [Stat training equipment asset]. The equipment asset for general stats can be bought from misc skills list at 7 points. Or training equipment asset can be bought for a specified stat at 14 points per grade.

Example: Strength training equipment asset costs 14 points.​

The generalized training machine is randomized to get the results the grader will roll dice at the end of an rp and the results will be added in grade.

3. BUDDY TRAINING: SKILLS: how to train a buddy to obtain certain skills? First the character needs [Tamer #Skill training] skill and [Skill training equipment asset]. General training equipment which costs 7 points per grade allows buddy to learn a random skill with relevant stats for it per rp. Specialized training equipment that trains for a specific skill category costs 14 points per grade. The assets can be bought from misc skills list. Training machine is randomized. In order to get results a grader will roll dice while grading the roleplay. The results will be put in the grade for that roleplay.

4. BUDDY TRAINING:ELEMENTAL INFUSION: Only monster type buddies can have elements infused into them. In order for them to have an element they need training. The character needs [Tamer #Elemental Training] skill in order to infuse their buddy with an element this allows them to learn elemental based abilities the asset [Elemental Training Equipment] is required to be able to train them with the skill. The Element infused with the buddy is chosen at random in order to obtain results the grader grading the roleplay will roll dice the results will be added in the grade for that roleplay.

5. Maintenance: [Tamer #Maintenance] skill helps the tamer take care of their buddies and utilizes the [Buddy farm asset] more. Allowing the buddies to have space to grow. Skill
and asset grades limit how many buddies may be put on the farm.

6. Buddy Breeding: Animal type buddies can be breed if the character acquires [Tamer #Breeding] skill. Buddies that have been bred do become retired while the resulting buddy has the best stats of both its parents. Skill requires [Breeding pen asset] which can be bought from misc skills list for 7 points per grade.

7. Merging: Two Monster type buddies can be merged into one buddy with the use of the [Tamer #Merging] skill. The result of the merge will have both the elements from its parents and whatever stat is deemed the buddies base stat. Skill requires [Merging circle asset] to function. The asset can be bought from misc skills list for 7 points.

8. Awakening: With the use of the skill [Tamer #Awakening skill] Allows buddies to become sentient, making it’s thoughts and actions independent of it’s tamer. It will also be capable of speech. Skill requires [Awakening Chamber Asset] which can be bought for 7 points from the misc skills list. Should be noted awakening a buddy puts them under narrators control.

masterwork patrick.jpgMasterwork System

1. Developer and Harvester skills: In order to start in the Masterwork system first character will need skills [Masterwork #Developer [Type] and [Masterwork # Harvester [Type] in to leverage Developer or Harvester you need an land asset with that specific resource in it. The land asset needs to be roleplayed for.

2. Refining: in order to refine character needs [Masterwork #Refiner [Type] skill in order to make harvested assets into refined assets. Refiner skill also needs an asset to use which is roleplayed for each type of refinery is associated with a different stat. Refiners need a building made for them by builders or other means.

3. Building: in order to build it upgrade facilities a character needs the [Masterwork #Builder] skill. Which allows the character to take 1 harvested resource from harvester assets and turn them into a building lf equal grade. Like everything else this needs to be roleplayed for.

4. Infusing: in order to infuse character needs [Masterwork #Infuser] skill and maker items with harvester monster resources and same grade facility assets. This goes based off of item type allowing masterwork items to acquire magic and skills that enable abilities an infuser shop can be roleplayed for once skill is bought. Master work items produced by Makers has one infusion slot which can allow one ability or passive skill applied to it. Infusers need a building made by builders or other means in order to use skill. With infused items there are two types to keep track of:
  • Charge: An ability may be applied to an item that makes use of a charge 3 limiter. The ability or skill may be used once per rp. Charge infusions will be E grade until character tribulates use of D grade or higher will result in damage to character if used prior to tribulating. Abilities of this type apply to the character who wields the item skills applicable for charge may not have any other requirements.
  • Static: Stable infusers can apply one ability of the same grade of infuser to each slot in the item same infuser grade or less abilities of this type apply to item relevant and not to wielder.
5. Making: to be a Maker character needs [Masterwork #Maker] skill. With the skill they are assumed to have the tools. In order to make something a character needs [Maker] and [Harvester] resource assets to use. Every harvested item of the same grade contributed after the 1st may augment it. Only a max of 5 material may be used character also needs a facility of the same grade a roleplay for the acquiring of a work facility asset at F grade for owning the skill. Maker items cannot be enchanted. Maker does not require developer or harvester to be used as resources can be bought. Maker needs a building to be used which can be made by builder or other means.
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Death and Injury
In a world of swords and sorcery, it's no surprise that characters can get hurt or even die. You are primarily in charge of how and when those things occur to character. Exceptions being [World Rp's] where the mod dictates the outcomes of what is roleplayed. At the end of roleplays that you run for yourselves, it is possible to receive special titles indicating the character's wounded or dead status. What do you do with them?


Full Scoop

Perhaps you are bored of your character or simply don't see a way forward for them anymore. Maybe they reached the tentatively 700 point cap and are no longer earning rewards. Maybe they have reached the ultimate goal and simply need retired so you can pursue other character goals while the original character persists as a world NPC. Whatever the reason, whenever you wish to permanently stop writing for a character, you may Scoop them. When you scoop a character, you take half the points that have been "Earned" (rounded down) and apply them to the character created to replace that character. Depending on the nature of the Scoop, the orginal character is deceased, disappeared, or NPC'd. Beyond the points salvaged, the new character is not entitled to any of the possessions of the former character nor their social connections. Scooped points may not be pooled with other characters' scooped points. The scooped points are then applied to the "starting points" for the new character.

Dead Title

Perhaps your character dies but you do not wish to retire them. Resurrection is possible. Your body must be salvageable, you must have allies willing to taking your body to a place it can be resurrected, and then points must be spent. All of this must take place in an rp performed by those recovering the body with the deceased acting as narrator and/or rp'ing out death sequences. If done satisfactorily, the character will be brought back to life and all those involved will be entitled to rewards. The rewards will vary based on the effort involved and the nature of the death.

Injured/Maimed Titles

Characters that have received injury or that have received legitimate setback (lost their legs), may be entitled to additional rp rewards for rp'ing out the hardship of such setbacks. Characters that are sufficiently impaired due to damage can receive the Injured and/or Maimed title. Once equipped, the titles can be used once to gain the character additional rewards at the end of their rp 1 time. Afterward, the title is removed as the character is expected to be healed or to have otherwise found a way to cope.

Partial Scoops

Since this is a living world and an active community, many elements are prone to change. This includes the rules and the characters made up by them. In the event your character gets the 'hurt' or disadvantaged because of a rules change or a world change that severely impacts a portion of your character, you may apply for a Partial Scoop. Partial Scoops allow for the partial or fully return of points invested in certain skills deemed to be the reason for the scoop. Related Abilities, Titles, and Stats may also be impacted depending on the nature of the scoop which will vary on a case by case basis. All you must do is contact Novama or another mod of IH and your claim will be investigated. You may be granted full or partial right to scoop the problem areas. In the case the claim involves unrelated parts in the evaluation of the mod, a partial claim will be awarded and only the parts indicated by the mod may be refunded and changed. A full claim will allow modification of all requested elements.

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Advanced Rules (Optional)

Some members would prefer more structure to their play. For consistency, there is a way for handling combats that I will go over here. These options will only be consistently adhered to for World Rp's and Tribulations. It is at the individual narrator's discretion whether the average rp will adopt these rules. If you need more clarification on these rules or others, or you have suggestions on additional rules, contact Novama Novama .


Action Economy

A common limitation imposed during fighting is the "Action Economy". It is a restriction on the number of actions a character can take per post and generally per round. When a combat starts, the narrator will determine how much time may elapse in any given round and dictate the number of posts and actions a character may perform in that time. The current standard for IH:

6 second combat rounds

In that time, rp'ers may make:

1 post per combat round

Each post may contain:

3 actions allowed per post in combat

An Action, as relevant to our purposes, is one of the following character activities:

Attacking - narrating the character attacking one or more other characters. Each use of an offensive ability or offensive action counts as an attack action.

Defending - narrating the character defending themselves from one or more attacks. Each use of a defensive ability or defensive action counts as a defense action. When defending, this should be the first action or set of actions for the character.

Moving - narrating the character as walking/running/flying or otherwise moving across the scene location. Each movement, even when combined with another action, will count as moving. Move is frequently paired with attacking actions to close the distance to targets. It is also regularly paired with Defense actions that involve dodging as sometimes the best option is to run away from danger. Without enhancements, the average speed of a creature is based on their size as follows: Huge - 80ft/action | Large - 40ft/action | Medium (or larger) - 20ft/action | Small - 10ft/action | Tiny - 5ft/action |. Exceptions are creatures that have alternative forms of movement to make up for their limitations.

Other - Generally, any ability use (even ones not directly related to combat) counts as an action. Using senses to perceive the surroundings or recalling lore and other information relevant to the scene. Any action the character takes relying on a stat alone can count too: picking up something heavy, taking time to aim for a future attack, pondering the cosmos, or sorting your inventory, etc.

Especially complicated abilities/maneuvers may count as multiple actions or all actions for the post.

Action Limitations

1. Unlike melee actions like swinging a sword or thrusting a spear, ranged actions like firing a gun or shooting a crossbow takes time to aim. After every move action, a character attacking at range needs to use one action to aim. Not doing so will result in penalties to the overall effectiveness of the attack. Skills can be picked up to mitigate this short coming.

2. Another limitation is related to casting spells. Any ability that uses the magic skill is considered a spell and subject to this limitation: casters may not cast magic on posts they use the move action. There are skills to mitigate this limitation.

Who Goes First and Surprise?

Narration generally dictates who goes first in a fight and the narrator will typically let the party know when they are in a combat. However, there are times when the party or an antagonistic force gets the jump on the other. When this happens, a special rule comes into play:

Surprise: characters unaware of the enemy or the direction of attack coming their way are assumed to not be defending against it. In such situations, only certain sense skills or all encompassing defensive abilities used in advance can mitigate this.


Effectiveness System

One of the biggest and most frequent questions revolves around "how much damage can I do", "how much damage can I take", "how much damage can I heal", "damage damage damage". So here it is: the effectiveness system - the system by which we can determine the overall effectiveness of your attack vs another targets defense and discern things like damage (to target and gear) as well as how healing can work.

The Formula:
Grade of Item used in action + Grade of stat associated with action + Grade of ability used for action = base effectiveness

Grade Values:
F = 1
E = 2
D = 3
C = 4
B = 5
A = 6
S = 7

Base Effectiveness:
this is the rating given to your action after crunching the basic inputs of the action you are performing. This number is then modified by a few grades up or down based on narrative situation, special ability effects at play, and any other mechanics being introduced into the system. You cannot use an ability in combat without an item (as it pertains to dealing damage, special effects, or some form of defense). Actions without abilities treat the ability grade as being worth 0 points.

Final Effectiveness:
This is the term for the final rating of the action performed. This is compared to the contesting rating. Largest number wins. Ties cancel each other out. The difference of the 2 numbers turns into grades of success or failure.

Attacker Wins - each grade of success is a point of damage delivered to the target
Defense Wins - each grade of success is a point of damage delivered to the attacker/attacker's item (narrator decides what's appropriate)
Tie - nothing happens as those involved are repelled by each other and/or locked in stalemate that round

Damage to Character:
A character's health is the numeric value of their Vitality, Speed, or Character Grade based on whether they are wearing Heavy, Light, or No Armor. Referencing the table above shows how many hitpoints each grade of health stat has. (C = 4hp). When a character is reduced to 0 hp they are assumed to be knocked unconscious or otherwise unable to fight on. Any damage beyond 0hp results in character death or character permanent injury as determined by the narrator and type of rp (generally, death does not happen in a standard rp without sufficient warning from the narrator and an understanding from the player of what is at risk). Rp'ers may choose to have characters struggle beyond 0hp, but doing so puts the life of the character at risk.

Damage to Item:
Whether it is a weapon, piece of armor, or other, the item's hp is reduced by the damage dealt. Item hp is equal to grade of item. It's that are damaged have reduced functionality but may still be used in a limited capacity. Item's that have their hp reduced to 0 are destroyed or reduced to G grade. G grade items are only in cases the entire item isn't obliterated. G grade items cannot be reduced further and cannot be used to tank any additional damage. G grade items pose a -1 on all actions used with them but enable the use of item dependent abilities. Items can generally be recovered/repaired/replaced at the end of rp free of cost. Special circumstances may prevent that behavior at narrator discretion. Certain skills and/or artisans in an rp may be able to repair items mid rp.

Whenever damage is dealt, there is the chance something goes flying as a consequence of that extra force.

At narrator discretion and for the purposes of achieving greater anime-esque fight scenes, narrators may choose to convert points of damage into levels on a knockback scale. Grades in a knockback technique can be added to points of damage for total knockback sum. The sum is then compared to table for travel distance.

1 = 1 m/yrd
2 = 2m/yrd
3 = 4m
4 = 8m
5 = 16m

If target hits anything before it stops flying back. It may be eligible for additional point or more of damage at narrator discretion. If the knockback would send target into a free fall or other obvious hazard they wil get a chance to defend/save themselves during their knockback flight if necessary.

Knockback generally sends target flying in the same direction of the connecting hit's flight path.

If narrator and conditions permit, greater distances may be used.

Character Resistance and Healing:
Characters that suffer damage have a step before applying the damage to their health. Damage reducing skills like resistances may take effect now. After reducing damage for any skills or abilities at work, the character is now damaged and in need of a heal. There are various ways of recovering from aches and pains. Regeneration recovers a number of hp per start of character's turn each round. The amount is the numeric value of the skill grade. Healing abilities that use the heal skill heal a number of HP equal to the numeric grade of the skill. However, unlike regeneration, healing is limited in the type of healing it can perform at each grade. In the event a character has suffered a mortal wound or severed appendages, a higher grade heal may be appropriate regardless the amount of health actually lost.


Dueling Stats
Although the main formula for resolving contests between characters works and is consistently used during more rules focused combats, it could be said, some stats are better used for certain actions than others. When wielding a melee weapon or throwing a weapon, the stat used in contest would be Strength. When shooting a ranged weapon or performing an action requiring precise movements and fine tuned changes, then Precision is best. Intelligence is obviously used for magic and psychic abilities, but it is also best for skills that involve Senses and discerning the truth of things. Vitality is best used for resisting bad weather, sickness, and tanking hits. Speed, alternatively, is best for dodging and doing something quickly like a race. The last stat is Character Grade which is best used during social contests as it represents character's presence and charisma to a degree. It is useful for pressing someone into your way of thinking or resisting others attempts to sway your character's own thinking.

Defense Actions

As hinted at above, there are 3 actions one can take when defending themselves from attack:

Counter Attack - when you use an attack to answer being attacked. Narrator discretion when the attack used is applicable. For example, a regular sword stroke may struggle to cleave the mental effects of a seductive glance or for an intimidating aura to stop an incoming ice spear. Results in current method of attack vs defense adjudication. Even tech affinities like deflect and reflect fall into this category.

Block - this is when you tank the hit with your sturdiness or resilience. When used, even if defense fails, no extra debuffs are applied to character beyond damage. This also removes any buffs to damage on the attack. Formula: vitality + item + ability without techniques or affinities applied. Narrator discretion when this applies (as noted in debuffs below, standing your ground is sometimes how you get affected by certain debuffs).

Dodge - character moves from target location. Narrator discretion when this applies. If successful, character's next attack may be considered a surprise attack. Attacker does not recieve damage for failed attack. Formula: speed stat + armor item + movement ability (no techniques or affintities). Chance of avoiding debuffs if character leaves the area of effect for the attacking ability during the dodge.

Teaming Up
Although this is a roleplay based in fantasy anime with many of its tropes, one character generally can't take on the world. At least at the start, anyway. The reason is teaming up can create insurmountable odds for a single character to overcome. Depending on the skills at play and the narrative situation, teaming up gives mechanical benefits that function as follows:

Base Effectiveness + (number of additional sources performing the same action type) = Team Up Base Effectiveness

Like with normal actions, the Team Up Base Effectiveness is then modified by the skills and situations at play. The skill pool of the Team Up Base is generally much larger, however, it should be noted similar skills should only take their best variations. Example: if 2 characters lend their penetrating skill, only the best penetrating skill will be applied to the ability. They do not stack.

The Base Effectiveness of the Teaming Up formula is based on the highest Base Effectiveness of the actions contributing to the team up.

Skills like [Always Outnumbered] cancel out this feature and cause the actions to be treated individually.


Combo Bonus
Similar to Team up bonus, Combo bonus is a bonus inherited by combining a character's own actions together for a more powerful action. The strongest action or first action (in the case of defenses) will be used as a base. The other actions in the character's post (up to 2) may then combo with the first. Like Team up Bonus, the best skills are brought forward to make the strongest ability assuming all actions are working toward the same outcome.

When there is a fire blazing or a bath of acid bubbling, there is a hazard present. Hazards are danger zones in any scene and deal automatic damage once per round to any character that starts or enters the hazard in the round. Strength of the damage depends on grade of the hazard. Narrators may make certain hazards instant knock out (like falling from sky nation without flight). Hazards affect all targets in the zone, so they can deal direct damage to character as well as their equipment at the same time depending on the nature of the hazard. Narrator discretion on what hazards can be resisted by some things or when the character doesn't immediately suffer damage for standing in a hazard.


Seeing something terrifying and being compelled to flee. Eating a strange plant only to realize it has paralytic properties as your body seizes up. Having your movement restricted because you're tied up in a dark, dank dungeon. The world is filled with many such hindrances. To help players and narrators navigate how to deal with such setbacks, the following list details the most common.

Blind - Creature is unable to see with one or more of its vision types, typically the type granted by its physical sight-granting organ/part.
  • Detriment: Automatically fail any attempt to see. Actions relying on sight receive a minus 7.
  • Prevention: light source (if blinded by darkness) or alternative forms of vision (if blinded by whiteout, sandstorm, etc.)(narrator discretion).
  • Causes: darkness, sandstorms, snowstorms, intense light, blindfold, other (narrator discretion)
Deafened - A deafened creature can’t hear.
  • Detriment: Automatically fail any action that requires hearing
  • Prevention: Resilient [Deafen], hearing protection, barriers (mundane or magical)(narrator discretion)
  • Causes: explosions, shrieks, magic, direct damage to the ear
Frightened - Creature experiences debilitating fear.
  • Detriment: All actions receive minus 2 while the source of fear is within line of sight. The creature can’t willingly move closer to the source of its fear.
  • Prevention: Resilient [Fear], Mind Shield
  • Causes: List of common fears
    • Phobia - This is a very specific source of deep-seated fear that a character may notate on their sheet. When exposed to this source, the character will receive a momentary boon to all actions used to get away from the phobia by the most direct route possible. Specifically, all actions used to move directly away from the phobia and remove obstructions in this direct path receive a plus 1.
Grappled - Creature is seized in a firm grip by another creature.
  • Detriment: A grappled creature’s speed becomes 0, and it can’t benefit from any bonus to its speed. The condition ends if the grappler is incapacitated. The condition also ends if an effect removes the grappled creature from the reach of the grappler or grappling effect.
  • Prevention: Don’t get grappled, Immaterial form, Dodge, Teleport, Overpower grappler
  • Causes: Guards grabbing you, Sea creature coiling you in its tentacle, Snake constricting you
Incapacitated - The body has been rendered powerless by some means.
  • Detriment: An incapacitated creature can’t take actions.
  • Prevention: Resilient [Incapacitated], Magical protections (narrator discretion)
  • Causes: Accompanies other hindrances such as Stunned, Paralyzed, Petrified, and Unconscious.
Invisible - Creature has become perfectly translucent, disappearing entirely from sight.
  • Detriment: An invisible creature is impossible to see without the aid of magic or a special sense. The creature’s location can be detected by any noise it makes or any tracks it leaves and any specific scent the creature may have. Invisible creature gains plus 2 to dodge and attack actions. Attacks against the creature (without proper detection skills) receive minus 7.
  • Prevention: Heightened Sense (Smell/Hear), Sixth Sense (narrator discretion), Affinity magics of revealing, Magical or mundane particulate (such as sand, flour, or dirt)
  • Causes: Potions, Magic
Paralyzed - Creature is partly or wholly incapable of movement.
  • Detriment: Paralyzed creature is incapacitated and can’t move or speak. The creature automatically fails Strength and Speed challenges. Attacks against the creature gain a bonus. Any attack that hits the creature inflicts double damage if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature.
  • Prevention: Resilient [Paralysis], Change State (narrator discretion)
  • Causes: Various poisons, Critical injury, Magic
Petrified - A petrified creature is transformed, along with any nonmagical object it is wearing or carrying, into a solid inanimate substance (usually stone).
  • Detriment: Weight increases by a factor of ten, and it ceases aging. The creature is incapacitated, can’t move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings. Attacks against the creature gain plus 2. The creature automatically fails Strength and Speed challenges. While petrified, the creature has Resistance [Mundane] and Resilient [Poison; Disease] (poison or disease already in its system is suspended, not neutralized).
  • Prevention: Resilient [Petrification], Change State (narrator discretion)
  • Causes: Magic, Disease
Poisoned - Creature has been weakened by a toxic substance.
  • Detriment: A poisoned creature receives a minus 1 to all actions.
  • Prevention: Resilient [Poisoned], Healing (mundane or magical)
  • Causes: Venom, Gas, Tainted beverage, Rotten food, Excess alcohol, Fungis, Contact with plants/animals
Prone - Creature that is lying flat on the ground.
  • Detriment: A prone creature’s only movement option is to crawl, unless it stands up and thereby ends the condition. The creature has a minus 1 on attacks. Attacks against the creature have a plus 1 if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature. Ranged attacks against the creature receive a minus 1.
  • Prevention: Narrator discretion
  • Causes: Knockback, Tripping, Slipping, Falling unconscious
Restrained - Creature is bound magically or physically, restricting its movement.
  • Detriment: A restrained creature’s speed becomes 0, and it can’t benefit from any bonus to its speed. Attacks against the creature have a plus 1, and the creature’s attacks have a minus 1. The creature has a minus 1 on Dodge.
  • Prevention: Resilient [Restrained], Change State (narrator discretion), Lockpicking (narrator discretion)
  • Causes: Physical bindings (ropes, chains, vines, tentacles, etc.), Tangle affinity/tech
Stunned - Creature has received a sudden shock.
  • Detriment: Stunned creature is incapacitated, can’t move, and can speak only falteringly. Attacks against the creature gain plus 1.
  • Prevention: Resilient [Stunned/Surprise], Mind Shield, Averting gaze/Blindness (for visual-based stun)
  • Causes: Critical attack, Disturbing visual
Unconscious - Creature is unaware of surroundings, typically asleep in some form.
  • Detriment: An unconscious creature is incapacitated, can’t move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings. The creature drops whatever it’s holding and falls prone. Attacks against the creature gain plus 1. Any attack that hits the creature inflicts double damage if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature.
  • Prevention: Resilient [Incapacitated]
  • Causes: Sleep (mundane and magical), Incapacitate tech/affinity


Any effect that isn't damage but negatively impacts a target is a debuff. Hindrances are some common debuffs but the effects that cause them may also be considered debuffs too. Even when abilities are beaten in an effectiveness exchange, their debuffs can still apply.


  • When using advanced rules, every 3 points of difference between final effectiveness scores reduces debuff by 1 grade (assuming defense is higher).
  • When using basic rules, each grade difference results in a reduction to debuff by 1 grade (assuming defense ability is higher).


  • If the defense to a debuff is a dodge, the characcter may still suffer the debuffs if dodger remains in the area of effect of the attacking ability. Otherwise, they can flee the effects altogether.
  • If target is blocking, narrator discretion what debuffs should apply. A stationary knight with shield up wouldn't dodge getting tangled up in vines but might avoid getting set on fire after the fireball dispersed on their shield.
Other Considerations

Debuffs don't need to always be attacks or defenses. Sometimes they may be hazards. Poison swamps. Acid rain. Beams of paralysis. Doesn't always make sense to apply counters or defense when damage is not being dealt or simply can't be avoided like when stepping into lava on purpose.
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How to get everything you wanted and then some

IH is a special type of sandbox where players are free to fill in the details of the world as they explore it. They can make characters that rise to the heights of kings or sink to the depths of crime lords. They can lead armies and take financial institutions to trade war. Sometimes they are the best friend of a [god] or the master of a devil. They can love and have families or dedicate their lives to a craft and own businesses and shops that sell their wares. Some just want pet shoulder dragons while others need huge tree serpent mounts. While the above rules discuss at length how to use points to get what you want, this part of the rules is meant to explain how you can acquire things in the world that don't necessarily come with a point price tag. The [Asset] skill can assist with acquiring some of what will be discussed, but it could never replace something earned and crafted with extensive narrative and care. What's more, using points to acquire things one can get through rp may save time, but it ultimately limits the character's maximum potential.


Standing: What is it and Why do we need it?

Standing is a value shared between an rp'er and their characters. It describes the relationship the player and their characters has in the world. Standing is always in relevance to specific persons, places, or things. You could have high standing in relation to a pet dog or low standing when it comes to a royal palace. The higher your standing, the more plausible it is for one of your characters to acquire such a thing or a relationship with it. High standing also indicates the player of the character may be eligible to run rp's with that subject matter in it. A new player to the community generally lacks that standing necessary to run an rp with a king in it. Their character, fresh from isekai, likely has no friends or connections that would make it likely for them to meet the king.

The limitation imposed by standing is necessary. In a world where players can establish lore, you do not want new players with little understanding of the community or the world creating lore that flips everything else on its head or invalidates canon. The idea is the more important things with great influence for the community require greater standing to influence or do rp's about. Meanwhile, simple things like owning a horse which impacts next to no one are fairly simple to acquire and don't require much standing at all.

To better explain what Standing is: it is the number of societal circles a character is in in relation to the thing they want. If anyone can see it, experience it, know about it, own it, or something else that makes the thing common place, then any character and rp'er likely has sufficient standing to have/interact with thing and run rp related to it.


How do I gain Standing?

As suggested already, Standing is gained through rp. You can generally run rp's or otherwise participate in rp's with the intention of gaining standing in a particular direction. While the types of rp's you run and the number of them will vary based on your goals, the process is generally the same:

  1. Set a goal for the character (ex: be king)
  2. Determine Standing aka Social Circles difference between present character and goal (ex: character is a nobody with nothing. King is top of the nobility faction. The differences in standing are too great to immediately run an rp or set character goal to be king)
  3. If standing is too great, join or start rp to gain standing. (join noble faction) If standing is within one circle in that it is plausible for someone of the character's position to achieve goal, then simply do rp to achieve goal. (rp becoming king)

Depending on goal, this can take many forms and require several rps. Just make sure that in each rp you are in, you are making it clear what your character's goals are. Some of the best ways to gain standing and have it tracked are through titles. [Hero of Xville] and [General Shopkeeper] are simple and generally easily acquired types of titles. They just involve doing things anyone can do if they are in the right place at the right time and/or have the means.


Where do I even start?

It's not uncommon for rp'ers to join us and set big goals. Become emperor of the world. Be the most powerful X. Mimic the rise and power of Y anime character. It can easily get overwhelming trying to plot out your course and determine the precise number of rp's and themes you need to explore to achieve your goals. One recommendation is to put your big dreams on hold for the moment and take stock of where you are and what you are.

  • Race
  • Job
  • Skills
  • Abilities
  • Location/home/base/stomping grounds
  • Friends/Contacts
  • Previous titles and achievements

All tell a little bit about the character and put them in the social circles of various end goals. An elf may be in the running to become the next elven leader of their tribe and caretaker of one of the few great life trees. A warrior may be a shoe in for joining the local adventurer's guild or noble's military. Those with magical healing or extensive knowledge skills may thrive in a setting for scribes, priests, or healers. Obviously, a citizen of a local town has a better shot at being mayor of the town than an outsider. Someone with a hero title will gain the attention of more influential characters more easily. Some of this stuff is intuition and gut feel. Some of it is just common sense. Whenever in doubt, feel free to consult with the IH community or Novama.


Where do I go from here?

Sometimes, you know your goal is still out of reach despite the effort you have put in thus far. You have gathered fame, wealth, resources, materials, skilled individuals, etc and you still feel like there is something more that needs done and are at a loss as to how to get there. At such times, it can be especially important to take stock of character once again, like you did in the beginning. What social circles are they in. Where do they stand and what do they have access to. Even if you don't know how to get closer to your goal, you can at least find areas in which your character might grow. "It would be useful having a friend/contact in this agency. It would be useful having access to this mine of precious crystals. My house needs servants. Perhaps it is time to settle down with spouse and make family." and so it goes on and on. Sometimes you may find you have already met the needs necessary to achieve your goal simply by pursuing several smaller goals in a not so direct fashion. There's always room to grow the character narratively just as there are more points and ways to grow the character mechanically.


Common Goals and Paths for Standing

Goal: Emperor

gain power and influence
perform grand deed
get acknowledged for service with peerage
manage your holdings well and rack up additional achievements
climb the noble ladder
play dance of dynasties for the throne
take kingdom to war - presumably after making the necessary preparations
Win war and become ruler and Emperor of multiple kingdoms after establishing them as an empire
(many more steps and obstacles may stand in your way. Other paths may also lead to the top. Choose the path you like the most or forge the one you need for the circumstances in play)

Goal: Start a Faction/Faith/Business and become its head
declare the existence of the thing you want
climb the ladder of the organization you have declared
take top position with significant influence, allies, resources, and whatever else may be required of your particular organization
(the bigger and/or more influential an organization is, the more steps their may be to climb to the top of it. A multinational corporation may have several location branches to climb to the top and then via among one another for top central positions. meanwhile, a mom and pop shop may just require you to have the skills and tools to finance and stock the shop.)

Goal: Establish the existence of legendary creature/group/or thing
become one of the ones in the know of a such a rare existence: scholar, library enthusiast, friend of a book worm, do 'favors' for the lonely diviner ladies, etc
go on journey to commune with legendary thing
understand the barriers to commune will be nearly as great as the legendary thing, itself.
finally do rp with legendary thing in it or in some way interacting with it to canonize its existence.
(drug fueled hallucinations do not count. Sickness induced delusions do not count. S grade items and creatures probably sit behind A grade obstacles or greater.)

Goal: Start a brand new thing (settlements, nations, religions)
declare the existence of the thing you are making and its various tenants and details.
(one of the most easily accomplished goals, but one of the hardest to get off the ground once started. Character/rp'er must now go about gathering like minded supporters, money, resources, and anything else to build, grown, and maintain this new things following/populace.)

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Character Cap and End Game
Character Cap and End Game

Heaven's Road
Character has been put on notice their time on the world draws short. Whether Isekaied or Native, no mortal holds the attention of the divine indefinitely. After reaching 700 earned points or rping with the character for 2 real life years, and succeeding in one or more Tribulations, a character will experience the following:

1. No longer gain or hold top faction titles like King/pope/ceo/hero/demon lord/etc.
2. No longer gain points and lose access to marketplace and roleplay trading.

Character will then be allowed to persist in the world.
While on heavens road, characters may be scooped at anytime but passed tribulations will need to be re-earned on the following character. New character will not have B grade starting caps. They also get to tip the scales of the world toward progress or stagnation of their choosing and cause time skip as the world adapts to the changes similar to a world event. The character will then be entered into the lore of the world and become a setting NPC depending on the nature of their retirement.

Character's that reach 700 earned points or 2 real life years of play without successfully Tribulating will never be able to pass a Tribulation or reach Heaven's Road, but will also never be capped. The greatest of achievements will forever be beyond their reach.

Characters with 700 earned points or 2 real life years of play may choose to reincarnate as themselves and are not forced to play a new character upon retirement but will lose any non-paid for titles/items/assets (will impact ending narration for character).
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