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Fandom RuinedTale(OOC)

(Short updates but I want to leave room for faster conversation. Also, i do have ideas for plot points but I want you guys to be able to play your characters and have the interactions you want first.
(Short updates but I want to leave room for faster conversation. Also, i do have ideas for plot points but I want you guys to be able to play your characters and have the interactions you want first.
It's alright. A small step is still progress. Most of my character's gig sticks to the current narrative and events. As of now, I have no other IC moments I want to happen. I'll let you know ahead of time when I do!

I am using an OC, and I would like to share more facts about how the character behaves IC.
  • Clara is a very curious kid and will likely talk to another soul she sees to ask questions, gossip, and even befriend. in rare cases likes to snoop around for items. (Ranging from a dropped 1-5G or other small items that could be used in combat)
  • Given she is a school student. Her starting currency will always start at 200g (As this serves as her school allowance) On every IC day passing by. She can use this allowance to buy Items and equipment needed for future adventures.
  • In combat, despite being a different soul color than Frisk. She is observed to have no special abilities that is beyond human capabilities.
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You post is perfect don't worry about it. I think this next post would be a good time to give a tutorial on some mechanics heheheh.
I'm still experimenting how to make the post look somewhat decently good. One I just realized while switching to light mode. Most of my text in-post is invisible in light mode and will be updating them further at this point.


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