RpNation: The Convention

Sen Pai

I'm back, baby.


Our nation, your creation.

By @Lucem Tenebris

Interest Thread

Express your interest here!

"Welcome to the first ever RpNation convention!" GgAcE's voice rang out through the room as he spoke into the microphone. It was interesting, meeting up with people all around the world that you had met over one amazing site. Some were shocked, others were laughing, but all in all, it was a fun time.

So, how in the world did we manage to get into this mess?

A snowstorm struck the area around Florida, where the convention was held, and it was much too dangerous to even cross the borders or travel through the streets to another state! Now we're all stuck here, waiting for the weather to let up. Although, the viscous snow doesn't seem to even show a sign of ending.

Good thing the WiFi's still here. Or is it?

Basically, GgAcE invited us all to a RpNation convention in Florida, where he lives. A few minutes after everyone arrives, a massive snowstorm sets in and we're all stuck inside the state. Don't ask how the snowstorm is around us, but not inside Florida. Just don't ask.

Literacy. Please be knowledgeable of being literate and having proper grammar. Being literate does not mean you have to be an extremely high experienced roleplayer. There is no punishment or shame if you forget to put a coma there or how to spell a word.

No one-liners. Five to six sentences is the minimum, but anything below is a no-no. Please make an effort to give others something to go off on so we're not awkward to approach you. Quality before quantity, right?

Be yourself. Act like yourself and don't make things up. This roleplay is about what you're like in real life! It'll be intense, eye opening, and most of all, awkward. We're not perfect, and everyone knows that, just be yourself and have fun!

No God Modding. Don't do things you can't do in real life, remember that this is a realistic roleplay and there are no fairies or randomly turning pink hair. Unless you already have pink hair. Then good for you.

Be polite. We don't want to see any flaming, anger, or any negative things that are actually serious. Sure, you can have disagreements, but the moment we spot or are told that you or someone else is being rude, goodbye.

PG-13. Anything past kissing must go somewhere else. Don't care where. Just bring it somewhere else. Then again, that may be awkward, so be careful with this one. Haha!

Be realistic. This may be a real life roleplay, but please be realistic with your actions, or anything actually. If you do something, please don't be unreasonable. This is about real life.

Just post and do your thaaang!
Oooh God.

The young woman shifted uncomfortably in her chair, her gaze darting around before landing back onto her phone. A wire was twisted and weaved through her left hands' spindly fingers, and she played with it, weaving it in different patterns absentmindedly. Her head was bowed down slightly out of her own natural self-consciousness, which she internally wanted to chuck into the deepest pits of hell. A low volume of music pumped through her earbuds, but only one was stuck in her ear, playing softly, despite the liveliness of

Man, she had absolutely no idea what to have been wearing that day. So, wishing for the best of luck, she threw on one of her usual outfits - a dark blue sweater large enough to hang off of her shoulders and hide the relatively nice figure underneath, and some skinny jeans colored a similar navy blue, maybe a shade darker. Her usual Doc Martens were on her feet (which she forgot to shine and spruce up beforehand, leaving them scuffed and dirty). It was nothing special, but she had no idea what type of attire was required at the meeting, so she guessed, hoping dumb luck would do the trick and save her from embarrassment. Classic Lex to do that.

She had recently cut down her hair back to short length for the occasion, and the back was shaved down into a buzz cut at the hairline, slowly thickening as it trailed up her head. A long, large portion of bangs hung loosely on the left side of her face, and hid that side of her face in front, while the other, shorter side of bangs on the right remained tucked behind her ear, her hair parted to the side. She kept fiddling around with her hair, pushing her longer side of bangs behind her ear at some points, and then shaking them back in front of her face about twenty seconds later. Her chocolate brown, almond-shaped eyes darted to one side and the next every few seconds, and the bridge of her nose (some call it a 'button nose', I guess), was splattered lightly in freckles. Her light pink lips were twisted into half a frown, and she licked her lips every now and then.

Guh. Come the f-ck on, stand up and talk to someone, you idiot.

She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, lightly shaking her head. Nah, she wasn't all for people. In fact, she despised them. But it was true that the people around her were different from the rest, being honest. She did a small sigh, her expression calming down and her chin resting on her hand as she scrolled through her phone absentmindedly. She momentarily caught a glimpse at her reflection, and cringed slightly, messing with her hair, running a hand through it from the shaved-down back and up. Come on, you don't look absolutely dreadful, at least.

That was true. She had taken the time to messily style her thin hair to make it look better than usual. That was something. And she had put on some makeup as best she could, some light black eyeshadow and black eyeliner. She glanced down at her chest - and sighed. She didn't like being more flat-chested than other gals her age, but dealt with it, just like every other problem in her god damned life. There was a piece of blue and white paper stuck to her sweater, shifting with the folds of the very loose, soft fabric. It read 'RpNation' on the top blue bar, and below was her nickname scrawled in her weird, spaced handwriting.

' Armageddon '

She couldn't help but smile slightly at it. Ah, yes. Here was the magnificent Armageddon. How majestic and badass, as the name would suggest, and so wonderful and social and -

She mentally slapped herself, shaking her head sharply. Oh, shut the f-ck up, brain. Picking up herself from her previously hunched stature into a straighter one, she leaned back in the chair she sat in, spreading out her long, skinny legs and sprawling her boots forward in a stretch. She still was having trouble believing she was important enough to be invited to this party thing. GgAcE had always been a really swell guy to everybody, and he seemed very much the same in the real world. She liked that. She hoped soon she'd gather the courage to stand up and greet some people she knew. What else would she do? She was trapped in this place, anyways, because of that weird snowstorm raging on outside.

She opened her eyes for a moment. Huh. She was stuck. It was a bit hard for her to take the fact in immediately, so she simply shrugged and leaned forward again, letting her open earbud hang down and touching her knees together as she sat forward, hunching her shoulders slightly. She closed her lightly shadowed eyes and listened to her music contentedly, but kept her other ear open and alert for people who attempted to speak to her - if anyone took the time to read the little name tag on her shirt.

= - = - =

[ Welcome to my world. ]
Who ever heard of a snowstorm hitting /Florida/? Come on? How weird is that! The girl had very clearly not prepared for such weather, and was dressed for what she had expected to be the typical humid warmth she had always been told the southern state was burdened with. A pair of shorts once attached to an old football uniform hung from her (let's be honest) over-wide hips, and a shirt with a quip about misinterpreting Shakespeare (she had thought it unique and hinting at sophistication when she chose it, though now she felt overly pompous and a bit of a prat for her choice) sat above it. Her hair - well groomed if in need of a re-dye, the greens and blues fading into the blonde-brown-purple mess - was capture in a ponytail, simple, yet effective.

It was not that the cold has bothered her, it was simply that she had not expected it. Having moved to a rather mountainous and cold part of the states when she first migrated here from her home country she was no stranger to snow. Still, it was rather intimidating to be stuck surrounded by it when she had not prepared at all! Shifting nervously in her seat she fiddled with her name tag - a small, rectangular affair with "Renn Skye" written across it in painstakingly penned cursive. The adhesive was starting to wear off with the constant worrying the poor tag was being subjected to and it was likely that in a short while she would have no tag by which to announce herself at all.

Looking about her she sighed, searching in vain for her partner, Misunderstood Hero, who she remembered arriving with not long before the bizarre snow had begun to fall.
A boy was leaning on the back wall, arms crossed eyes constantly scanning the room as though he expected something terrible to happen. He didn't, of course, the boy was just a natural analyzer. He was quite tall and very lanky, medium-length light brown hair falling over his forehead. He was dressed in a lightweight black Legend of Zelda T-shirt and black jeans. He seemed unfazed by the odd chill; California was known for sun, but nobody realized just how erratic the weather could be. The boy was wearing glasses over his dark hazel eyes, and his name tag read 'TheKaosophile.' It meant 'lover of chaos' in a combination of Greek and Latin, but honestly he might be the most logic-oriented individual in the building. He scowled for a moment: the loud and incessant chatter was giving him a headache, and he wasn't a very social person to begin with. Why did I even bother? He pulled out his phone to check for notifications, then realized where he was and almost slapped himself.
A pretty, fashionable girl walked in gracefully, smiling confidently with perfect white teeth as she scanned the crowd.

Yeah, um, no. I'm the one behind her.

I stood by the door, awkwardly pretending to be busy adjusting my fingerless gloves. Of course I'm late. What did I expect? Ah well, it didn't seem like anything important had happened. I was fascinated by the snow, so I didn't mind being stuck outside a while.

I didn't bother to dress fancy. I was more concerned with being comfortable. I had thrown on my infamous NYPD hoodie and some jeans, and flip-flops just because I hate shoes. My mousy brown, frowsy hair poked out from underneath my panda hat, coming down below my shoulders in tangled, poofy waves. My headphones circled my neck, the wire connecting to my Nook HD, which I carried pretty much my whole world in.

A sticky note hung from my forehead, the name "Kasai" written in crude print upside-down. I rubbed the dark circles under my eyes with scrawny, pale fingers, yawning as if I had just woken up. By no means am I "pretty," or "socialable," or, as my name implies, "graceful," and I felt quite misplaced.

Alright. Time to blend in with the crowd.

Timidly meandering over to take my place with my friend the wall, I stubbed my toe on the ground and stumbled forward clumsily, ducking my head. I recovered professionally and kept on walking, glancing around indirectly to make sure no one had seen, as I coughed bluntly into my fist.

(I'm probably going to end up being the only ugly awkward one. xD )
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Around him... who cared what was around him? A few people loitered around, mumbling their own thoughts as they thumbed through small pamphlets. He didn't mind them; his focus was more on the clock. This one was black, modern in design, and had a discernable 'tick-tock' sound like most clocks did. At home his own clock made you insane with its long, droning ticking. No matter how much you stared at it or retuned your eye to it, the long scratch or the mysterious shadow under the minute hand would never fade....

Hm, these people are boring. No sidelong glances or curious flitting of their eyes; how did they manage to get out of their houses with this little social charm?

He shifted in his seat uncomfortably, annoyed with the warmth in the room. Air conditioning -- one of the miracles of the first world, and yet, here he sat suffering from the non-existent conditioning of the stifling air. He was rather tall, and usually wore jeans, so as today was no exception, his attire made the warm room just that much more unbearable.

Ugh, my neck hurts again. Why don't I flipping sit up straight. Being told all my life that proper posture would save my back and neck probably doesn't make me feel better. He turned his head to the side, cracking the bones in his neck. Nope, not in the least. I make my life easier by listening to my elders... He broke off the partial thought when someone looked right at him.

Interesting, eye-contact doesn't make this one uncomfortable, he thought with a bit of pride. Most of the time I can't make eye-contact without making the other person nervous that they'll be mugged, or worse, get talked to by a random person. Ha! They might live to gain from a bit of mingling, these timid folk...

Then he mentally face-palmed, remembering how timid he can be around others. I have no room to judge and so they have no right to be by me...

With a deep breath, then a following sigh, he smiled at the person staring at him. After a few moments without a single blink between the two, he blurted out a word. "Grapes!!!" He couldn't help himself as everyone jumped at the sound of his exclamation, and the girl staring at him shouted in fright -- he bursted into laughter. "Oh, my... You guys are easy to get to," he said with breathy laughter, slapping a knee.

"Mind yourself before a heart-attack is cause of your joviality, young man," one of the elderly folks chided the tall teen. He harumphed, obviously sure of himself.

Most don't mind going into the light by the time they're your age, he thought to retort. He held his tongue, sighing again as everyone groaned and sighed collectively as both the silence and the peace was so quickly disturbed. This is boooring. I would take a... Nothing, shut up. My, what the heck are you doing, brain, I'm trying to make an intelligible thought from my mental processor, blah, blah, blah. I don't need you to question me, simpleton!!! Besides, since you can't properly wonder how a unicorn can fit through pi, you couldn't possibly have enough mental capacity to- Stahp that!! I'm trying to think, here!

He cleared his throat loudly, making everyone look at him with a frown instead of the usual smirk he received when he interrupted others' thoughts. You need to shut up before you embarrass m-... yo-... US! You annoy me greatly. He makes a face as if to emphasis himself. Oh, you cared that much? Just an hour ago you were talking to your other self about how little the world doesn't make sense. You were ranting about who should take the blame for the confusion that this planet endures and whatnot. Oh, and I invited you to this party? You know, if I wanted you to offer my alternate opinion of what I'm talking to myself about, you would have been there! But I was there,'professor.'

"SHUT UP!" He yelled to himself audibly.

"You shut up!" Nearly everyone responded, frustration boiling over.

"You... I'm... not talking to you guys... " he mumbles, embarrassed with himself. Feeling quite the fool, he slumps further in his chair, pushing his long legs into the middle of the room. Why am I here? You aren't, remember? You have got to stop day-dreaming...

He suddenly returns to reality, slumped in the office chair in his bedroom. Back to life... wonderful. Looking around, the poster-adorned walls reflecting the sunlight from his window. Thanks for ruining that fantasy, jerk. It was fun while it lasted. Procrastination was confusing.... What? Fantasy, you say? Are you kidding? What fantastical or interesting thing could come from such a wonderment of your imagination? Please, either enlighten me or just focus on the stick figure you've been drawing for nearly three hours. Fine! I'll prove it! Sorry, prove what? You know... Nope... Yeah, I don't even know, and I'm you.

He sighed, rubbing his tired face. He let his mind fight over the ideas and half-thoughts of the last few hours while he added a face to the small picture... This time, yeah... this time we'll do something cool. He squinted and flexed his fingers, starting another sketch of a squiggly landscape.

^^ Example of my everyday life. ^^

I dunno what I was supposed to do, so if I in any way just contradicted any rules or the balance of this Role Play... oops. xD
The brown-haired boy watched as the clumsy girl tripped, waiting for her to right herself before zeroing in on the name tag on her head, even with his terrible eyesight, if he had his glasses on, he could spot the slightest details, one of those being that the text was upside-down, the other being that it read 'Kasai'

... Well, I was hoping to find out what Pai looks like, but Mordy will do... He walked over to her, saying once he got close "Having trouble there, Mor?" He smirked, raising one eyebrow in an expression of inquisition. His voice was deep, startlingly so for the lanky white boy with glasses. He often didn't realize this, but he knew that the voice someone hears themself speak is a combination of their inner and outer voice. He enjoyed little trivia like that for some odd reason.
I stared at the kid with my blank, soft blue eyes as he approached, tugging on the drawstring of my hoodie and clearing my throat. Maybe he won't notice me if I hold still, I suspected brilliantly, looking like a dear in the headlights as I paused abruptly.

"Having trouble there, Mor?" He questioned. I had a hard time trying to figure out whether he was mocking me or not.

Who is this guy? Why did he call me Mor? Is he talking to me? Where am I? Do sparrows eat breakfast foods made of pig? Wut. Duh, don't be ridiculous.

"I uh... yes," my sputtered response comes spontaneously. "I mean, no. I— wergefmmmng," I started to mumble incoherently, lowering my voice, a voice that made it seem like there was something stuck in my throat. Oh hey, he has one of those things. Nametags, yeah. I tilted my head, reading his, pretending neither one of us had spoken. TheKaosophile. Do I know him? Oh yeah, that kid.
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Noah walks to the convention late as per his habit. Being on "Hawaiian Time" is getting there when you get there, also because he saw snow falling. This was mysterious since snow isn't really supposed to fall in Florida. Besides standing in the snow from curiosity, living in Hawaii all your life you never really experience it. Tired from the long boring trip from Hawaii to Florida, Noah trudges through the entrance and takes a pamphlet before plopping down on a chair. After looking through the pamphlet Noah looks around a bit. A diverse amount of people, but not a lot that Noah would be familiar with. He pulls out a sketchbook from a bag he was carrying and begins doodling in it. He was not one to go out and socialize, rather people come to him. Sketching in his sketchbook Noah draws anything that interests him or catches his eyes. Whether it be the unique shapes of people around him, to their clothes or others embarrassing themselves like a girl who just tripped.

Despite living in Hawaii, Noah is not Hawaiian, but actually Japanese. Imagine tan skin color though.
"Don't worry, I don't bite... much" He grinned, showing his very pronounced canines, slightly yellowed from excessive intake of Coca-Cola, this girl was obviously more socially inept than he, so he decided to save the contortionism for later. "So this is the source of 'Sweg'...might I have the pleasure of knowing your real name? Or would you wish me refer to you by Kasai or Mordaedel?" he asked ...What now? 'How you been?' I haven't seen her before, 'see anyone else we know?' well that just sounds rude. 'What the f*ck's with this weather?' The boy chuckled silently, a jerky intake of breath and a softening of his eyes the only signs that he was amused. "Oh, where are my manners," he commented, accentuating the pompous rich person voice he used in his previous inquiry, then dropping it continued "Tommy," and he extended his hand. He normally wouldn't expose himself to physical contact, but he had Purell in his bag. He had an army canvas green messenger bag with a TaRDIS motif embroidered on it, his laptop was inside, along with a DS lite and its charger, the aforementioned bottle of had sanitizer, a bottle of Coca-Cola, a Fruit by the Foot, several laptop accessories including but not limited to: A wireless mouse, a mousepad, a pair of earbuds, and an external usb fan. As one could guess, the bag is, indeed, larger on the inside, or at least seemingly so.
"You may call me Coconut." I reached out one finger for him to shake, attempting a smile, but barely showing my teal braces. Drawing my finger back and wiping it off on my hoodie, I muffled a yawn, blinking the sleep out of my eyes.

"So, do you come here often?" I joked, wiggling my eyebrows and grinning derpily. Suddenly distracted, I squeeled fan-girlishly and clasped my hands together, admiring his bag. "Ermergersh, ermergersh, it's a TARDIS." 
(Woah, that was failishly short.)
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He blinks around, popping in from room to room in the Convention.

"Hi, would you be inter-..." one man starts to say at a preppy stand.

"Nope!" The tall teen interrupts, disappearing promptly.

Let's seee... doughnuts, I like coffee, and tea is strange. No, you hate coffee, remember? Oh, he's right! Ahhh, yes, you are correct... Yes, I am like that; correct to a fault- wh- wh- wh- what're you doing!? You need to be some where, be there, dimwit! Yes, listen to him, KK.

Fine... He gives in, then appears randomly in a coffee shop, money in hand. He spots a customer taking a doughnut he likes, then approaches them. "Hi, do you like unicorns? 'Cause I don't," Kori smirks, then takes the doughnut. "Thanks, buddy." He grins at the baffled customer of Starbucks, then places two one dollar bills in his now-empty, sticky hand. "Enjoy your day at the convention, and.. check out the elephant rides." Nodding his head to the deranged individual, he skips out.

Well, success! You're a dick in four languages. Huh? Where did you pull that from? It's not like the couch potato needed it anyways. Sheesh, you can be so over reactive. He chuckles, appearing suddenly in front of Kasai.

"Heh..." he lets out a nervous chuckle, waving awkwardly. "Hi," he says through a doughnut-filled mouth, a bass-y voice rumbling garbled behind the food. "Ahem.. excuse moi." He swallows the snack, then wipes his hands on his black shirt. You are... a great instigator for idiotism. You might want to work on that lovely charm you have. You talk too little! Speak to the girl, man!

And that... is a hoodie you have there," he points out quite obviously. He disappears as soon as she looks down at her hoodie confusedly. Whoah, you are smooth! Mental high-five! Oh, really? Heh, tha- He was joking. You're an ass. Stop calling me names, me! Jeesh, I need coffee... Hm, wonder where you could've gotten that...

He smirks, shrugs, then re-appears in the room where Kasai was conversing with a stranger of odd complexion. "Hi, again!" He grins charismatically, waving curtly at the two in front of him. "What you just saw there..." he waves his arms in a mystical fashion,"was top-secret and I'll keel-haul the lot of you if you speak a word of this." He then stares at them, eyes wide and serious. "Yeah, I'm watching you two," he whispers menacingly. Closing the distance to about three inches of them, he whispers once more,"Veerrry closely."

You... just scared them for your sanity. You're sure this is how you mingle? I'm not sure you doing it right, bro...

And that, random cute couple, is a hoodie," he nods, collapsing in a random chair, continuously watching them. "Please, act as if a..." he searches for some kind of noun suitable for himself. Mental? Awkward to the cosmic exponent? "...kind young soul is watching over you to protect you from harm," he grins finally, expecting an answer. Oh, kind... young? You deceive like a merchant would. How is that? Hm... I think he means like a Kori would. Hah! You guys... make me ashamed of being me! Shut up!
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. . . Christ, what am I doing here?

The young woman did a small growl under her breath and abruptly stood, shoving the phone into her pocket and walking forward without even a clue of what to be doing. This is exactly the reason why she normally didn't go to parties or social conventions or anything of the sort - she never was able to find her place in them. She was a quiet girl, no social butterfly by any standards. She had always disliked the company of strangers, and even now, among all of the lovely people from her lovely website, she felt like the invisible outcast that always was gnawing at her. Her gaze continued to flicker around from face to face for only a second or two, frightened to think about making eye contact with any of the people there.

She began to notice how tall a lot of the people were in the place, and she huffed an exasperated lungful of air and tilted her head down, twisting her expression into a small scowl. She was a 'shrimp', only having five feet and a couple of inches on her, and a lot of the people here were several above five feet. Ah. She rolled her shoulders up and down slowly and did a similar roll of her head, feeling and hearing a few pops in her neck before returning to her normal posture. She hooked her thumbs onto the sides of her pockets and began taking chances to glance up and around, searching around for a spot to go to in the crowded place where all of the RpN people were collected.

It'd definitely be pretty damned hard to find a place that fit her qualifications, but she'd keep looking. There had to be someplace, y'know. She kept attempting to glance at some peoples' name tags in case she saw anyone familiar - her mind continuously nagged her about speaking to other people, so she simply wanted to shut it up.
"No actually, I hev never bin to Florida and why am I spiking in a Russian accent? Sorry, I do that sometimes, I don't even speak Russian." he said, then laughing at Anna's freak-out, said "Yes, it is a Time and Relative Dimension in Space, which I never got because that's more of an idea than a vehicle. My, uh, mom embroidered it." Then, commenting on something he had noticed, "Braces? I have one thing to say: it's worth it... Okay two things: popcorn tastes so much better afterwards" he had just recently gotten his second-phase retainer done with, and had never before realized just how much you can miss something that you never noticed, like the feeling of your tongue against your gums. Tommy cracked his knuckles out of nervous habit, unsure of what to do next. His high stature and deep voice tended to intimidate people out of social interaction... Okay, he just wasn't a social butterfly, but the point is; he didn't get a lot of experience with people.
[QUOTE="Kōri Kunshu]He blinks around, popping in from room to room in the Convention.
"Hi, would you be inter-..." one man starts to say at a preppy stand.

"Nope!" The tall teen interrupts, disappearing promptly.

Let's seee... doughnuts, I like coffee, and tea is strange. No, you hate coffee, remember? Oh, he's right! Ahhh, yes, you are correct... Yes, I am like that; correct to a fault- wh- wh- wh- what're you doing!? You need to be some where, be there, dimwit! Yes, listen to him, KK.

Fine... He gives in, then appears randomly in a coffee shop, money in hand. He spots a customer taking a doughnut he likes, then approaches them. "Hi, do you like unicorns? 'Cause I don't," Kori smirks, then takes the doughnut. "Thanks, buddy." He grins at the baffled customer of Starbucks, then places two one dollar bills in his now-empty, sticky hand. "Enjoy your day at the convention, and.. check out the elephant rides." Nodding his head to the deranged individual, he skips out.

Well, success! You're a pickle in four languages. Huh? Where did you pull that from? It's not like the couch potato needed it anyways. Sheesh, you can be so over reactive. He chuckles, appearing suddenly in front of Kasai.

"Heh..." he lets out a nervous chuckle, waving awkwardly. "Hi," he says through a doughnut-filled mouth, a bass-y voice rumbling garbled behind the food. "Ahem.. excuse moi." He swallows the snack, then wipes his hands on his black shirt. You are... a great instigator for idiotism. You might want to work on that lovely charm you have. You talk too little! Speak to the girl, man!

And that... is a hoodie you have there," he points out quite obviously. He disappears as soon as she looks down at her hoodie confusedly. Whoah, you are smooth! Mental high-five! Oh, really? Heh, tha- He was joking. You're an ass. Stop calling me names, me! Jeesh, I need coffee... Hm, wonder where you could've gotten that...

He smirks, shrugs, then re-appears in the room where Kasai was conversing with a stranger of odd complexion. "Hi, again!" He grins charismatically, waving curtly at the two in front of him. "What you just saw there..." he waves his arms in a mystical fashion,"was top-secret and I'll keel-haul the lot of you if you speak a word of this." He then stares at them, eyes wide and serious. "Yeah, I'm watching you two," he whispers menacingly. Closing the distance to about three inches of them, he whispers once more,"Veerrry closely."

You... just scared them for your sanity. You're sure this is how you mingle? I'm not sure you doing it right, bro...

And that, random cute couple, is a hoodie," he nods, collapsing in a random chair, continuously watching them. "Please, act as if a..." he searches for some kind of noun suitable for himself. Mental? Awkward to the cosmic exponent? "...kind young soul is watching over you to protect you from harm," he grins finally, expecting an answer. Oh, kind... young? You deceive like a merchant would. How is that? Hm... I think he means like a Kori would. Hah! You guys... make me ashamed of being me! Shut up!

(are... Are you clinically insane? I recognize mania when I see it and that is certainly something.)
TheKaosophile said:
(are... Are you clinically insane? I recognize mania when I see it and that is certainly something.)
:D Oh, you know... In more ways than one I am noted as manic,'clinically insane,' or otherwise completely deranged. Relax, I will not pass along my kooky gene to any of you unless you ask directly. I mayyy have to give it to you anyways, though, just to give you a taste... of the raaainbooow. o3o

You- hahahaha... the look on his face. Hahaha!! Oh, dear, you should be laughing! Lauuuugh!! Warning, critical systems are malfunctioning, bail out of the vehicle ASAP.

"I'm possibly suffering from a disease," he mumbles, clearing his throat. "Might wanna stay away." He smirks, then stands up. Usually he knew that his antics were recoverable from the PoV of a victim of his childish plights, but this time, the look on the face of the teenager before him denied such a possibility. Sometimes he had to fix these things, and sometimes he even messed that up. upon reflection, he remembered how little he managed to get right; the times he got the things right were few in number, he knew that much. Too much was destroyed by his hand -- in this case, a mood or a conversation between two other people.

"I apologise for the uncivil way I... interrupted you," he bows his head respectfully, a sorry tone in his voice. "I do that often without a thought to the following reaction to my joking around." He clears his throat, then smiles. "Hope you enjoy yourself," he pats his shoulder kindly, then waves to Kasai in farewell.

You make little sense. You apologised quite cornily just then. El-Oh-freaking-El. "Yeah, yeah, shut up," he mumbled to himself, walking to a sitting room. Oh, before you sit down, you need water. As if on cue, his mouth started begging for more moisture. "Oi, you want water, I'll give you water," he whispers to himself.

Water drunk, and feet rested, he stared at the grey wall affront him. Today is going great. Juuust great.  

Cressy said:
Pickle is d.ick censored btw))
xD I kind of figured it would be censored in some way, so it's fine by me. Any more words I should look out for? o3o
The chocolate skinned boy walked into the room an attitude clearly on his face. (As we custom for new Yorker's whenever they enter a room full of people they don't know) He had a lot of bags as he had just come from shopping so he gripped the bags picking them up and sighed "I just spent 800$ Jesus I need to get tested because I always spend all of this money for no good reason" He thought and before he knew it he was walking into Starbucks "I'll have an Venti Cotton Candy Frappe" He gave the girl his card blinking his Dark Brown eyes as he looked at to receipt "And now I spent 8$ on a frappucino" The boy sighed again he sipped on the drink l,he stopped abruptly remembering something. He grinned sitting down the true religion bag rummaging through it too pull out his name tag "Angel Evans AKA Ronkaime was scribbled onto it in messy letters. He straightened his Burberry shirt as he had gained a little wait from the Floridian food and pulled down his jeans sagging a little. The boy finally stood up taking in a deep breath and yelled at the top of his lungs "HELLO RPNATION ARE YOU GUYS READY TO PARTYYYT" his high pitched voice which was common for tenors rang through the arena and he grinned out of breath excited for the crowd's reaction. He was one of the few socialites that were there and he wanted everyone to feel comfortable. "Darien had entered the building and I am here to f-ck sh!t up" he said to himself mentally
Out of the corner of the room wandered in a short brunette girl, clutching a small notepad beneath the folds of her covered arms. Her hair was a bit messy, but cut nicely to the middle of her neck with small curls framing a face that portrayed pure fear. It was thick, standing up here and there with disheveled bangs. If her face hadn't gave away her current state, it would be her wobbly joints and apprehensive limbs knocking together almost in an attempt to make a fire. This was the convention she had heard about and with it, took everything within her gut and entire well-being to actually go to. Liz wasn't the sociable type, more-so a creature of the night who rarely ever had the courage to speak up, even to her family, but she was young and more than ready for something new in her tedious life. The young girl snaked her way in a bit more, slender back hugging the wall as her wide chocolate pools behind her thick black frames gazed at the crowd growing in front of her.

Come on, come on.. go say hi, you’ll meet some cool people.

Her jittery fingertips drummed the edges of her black book to the point of breaking it in half as she attempted to inch forward. People were discussing the weather and all sorts of nonsense, while the girl from Michigan, was wearing a red sweater about twice the size of her with black leggings and a black pleated skirt. On her teeniest of toes, rested a pair of flats, adorned with one single bow each. She wasn't much of a fashionable person, nor the type to dress to impress, but she was comfortable and that was all that mattered.

Meandering through a row of chairs, she plucked her name tag from a small sleeve in her notebook and did her best to place it on. Her fingertips were already squirreling, refusing to grip the edge of the sticker to rip it off. She began to grow rushed and even more anxious than already being, and her cheeks flushed a brilliant red. “Shit.” she cursed in a soft voice, biting her lip. One swift of the wrist and bingo, the damned thing peeled free and she could breathe easy.

On the name tag read “Liztopher”, a long-time nickname she had been labeled for the ridiculous meaning of..well, there wasn't one. It was Liz, slashed and thrown together with the name “Christopher” to birth a new name that was now given to her, the one and only. The brunette placed the tag on her bosom and sighed exaggeratedly. What a way to start the day.
[QUOTE="Kōri Kunshu]
xD I kind of figured it would be censored in some way, so it's fine by me. Any more words I should look out for? o3o

(Cigarette is f*g beyond that, just start cussing like mad)
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[QUOTE="Kōri Kunshu]
O.o Why the heck could a cigarette be that?

(because that's what it actually means, you Cigarette, lol jk)
Carl said:
Ryzom spotted a large, gnarly-looking fish coming straight for him, he lashed out...more in fear than expertise or rage though.
(A # is called an octothorpe, what the hell is that quote?)
(apparently, the quoted post is from a long inactive rp that I have never seen before, nor have I ever seen any of the participants of it... Weird)

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