RpNation: The Convention

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]I'm still trying to get things sorted out with other things at the moment.

gotcha ^^
[QUOTE="Kōri Kunshu]*looks around, completely confuzzled* What... am I doing here? D: Details, anyone?

Lucy is starting an RP where you RP as yourself, basically. But it isn't open yet.
Sounds interesting, but I think I'd like it if we roleplayed our actual website personas instead of who we actually are. It'd be a helluva lot more fun to roleplay "The Villain King" than just boring old me :P
[QUOTE="The Villain King]Sounds interesting, but I think I'd like it if we roleplayed our actual website personas instead of who we actually are. It'd be a helluva lot more fun to roleplay "The Villain King" than just boring old me :P

I know, right?
Also, roleplaying our IRL selves seems like we'd be setting ourselves up for releasing personal information like appearance, gender, possibly sexuality, etc.
[QUOTE="The Villain King]Also, roleplaying our IRL selves seems like we'd be setting ourselves up for releasing personal information like appearance, gender, possibly sexuality, etc.

Then don't join, we are well aware of the risks, and are choosing to continue anyway, I personally feel like this is a very accepting environment and GgAcE has created a relatively safe site. If someone really wanted your information, they wouldn't need you to tell them.
I'm just wondering, I don't want to risk breaking site rules because someone gave away personal information. Maybe someone could ask? Or check the rules?
It's going, Sebastian still either has to a) Make the thread b) Give me the go to make the thread.
Swell. I'll stick around.

But f-ck man, I'm such a boring and awkward person. I seriously need to work on writing as myself. Writing as myself.

Sounds hard already. Sh!t.
Armageddon said:
Swell. I'll stick around.
But f-ck man, I'm such a boring and awkward person. I seriously need to work on writing as myself. Writing as myself.

Sounds hard already. Sh!t.
Sounds like me.

We could be twins. :o
Pai can make the thread whenever she wants if she'd be willing to do it. I've been getting quite busy lately, so it'd be awhile before I could make it. That and the fact that I've never made a thread...

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