RpNation: The Convention

Sen Pai

I'm back, baby.


Our nation, your creation.

By @Lucem Tenebris

Official Roleplay

Post here when you have been accepted!

"Welcome to the first ever RpNation convention!" GgAcE's voice rang out through the room as he spoke into the microphone. It was interesting, meeting up with people all around the world that you had met over one amazing site. Some were shocked, others were laughing, but all in all, it was a fun time.

So, how in the world did we manage to get into this mess?

A snowstorm struck the area around Florida, where the convention was held, and it was much too dangerous to even cross the borders or travel through the streets to another state! Now we're all stuck here, waiting for the weather to let up. Although, the viscous snow doesn't seem to even show a sign of ending.

Good thing the WiFi's still here. Or is it?

Basically, GgAcE invited us all to a RpNation convention in Florida, where he lives. A few minutes after everyone arrives, a massive snowstorm sets in and we're all stuck inside the state. Don't ask how the snowstorm is around us, but not inside Florida. Just don't ask.

Literacy. Please be knowledgeable of being literate and having proper grammar. Being literate does not mean you have to be an extremely high experienced roleplayer. There is no punishment or shame if you forget to put a coma there or how to spell a word.

No one-liners. Five to six sentences is the minimum, but anything below is a no-no. Please make an effort to give others something to go off on so we're not awkward to approach you. Quality before quantity, right?

Be yourself. Act like yourself and don't make things up. This roleplay is about what you're like in real life! It'll be intense, eye opening, and most of all, awkward. We're not perfect, and everyone knows that, just be yourself and have fun!

No God Modding. Don't do things you can't do in real life, remember that this is a realistic roleplay and there are no fairies or randomly turning pink hair. Unless you already have pink hair. Then good for you.

Be polite. We don't want to see any flaming, anger, or any negative things that are actually serious. Sure, you can have disagreements, but the moment we spot or are told that you or someone else is being rude, goodbye.

PG-13. Anything past kissing must go somewhere else. Don't care where. Just bring it somewhere else. Then again, that may be awkward, so be careful with this one. Haha!

Be realistic. This may be a real life roleplay, but please be realistic with your actions, or anything actually. If you do something, please don't be unreasonable. This is about real life.

There's no need for a character application sheet.

Reply below if you want to join!
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I'm in. So, we're basically ourselves, right? .3. As if this were irl?

(Also, I happen to live in Florida, and I can assure you that there is no snow.)
Kasai said:
I'm in. So, we're basically ourselves, right? As if this were irl?
(Also, I happen to live in Florida, and I can assure you that there is no snow.)
Ask Sebastian (@Lucem Tenebris) and I think he means snowstorm around the state. Lol xD I haven't been around the US very much so I don't know. :3
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]Yeah, you play as yourself in this. As for the snow in Florida...don't ask!

Oh, Nicholas. xD Why is there snow in Florida? *shot*
I live in Texas, the only time I was able to physically touch snow was when I was sick in bed.
I'm surprised people are actually taking an interest in this. I forgot that Fantasy/Supernatural wasn't the only genre this site had. If I had the ability to make proper threads, I'd have a new RP out about every week or so.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]I'm surprised people are actually taking an interest in this. I forgot that Fantasy/Supernatural wasn't the only genre this site had. If I had the ability to make proper threads, I'd have a new RP out about every week or so.

You should make roleplays more often, Sebastian. ^^
I've had around sixty RP ideas (pretty sure I'm lowballing it) within the month of September. I try to make it and then I remember I suck at that stuff. The majority of my ideas become a manga or a series of books.
This sounds like it's going to be a ride filled with awkwardness, and confusion, I gotta join this.
You play as your real life self. Everything down to the appearance, life, and personalities. The idea is getting to know the person behind the screen. 
In other news, Charizard finally gets to be a dragon. Years of waiting have been rewarded.

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