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RpN 2.0 -Teaser-

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Fullmetal32 said:
How did you make your text so small!? I can't do it!!
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We haven't been shown much about the coming editor, so I can't claim to have an expert opinion (or anything in the ballpark of one).

But I can say that I hope it isn't as disappointing as it appears to be for someone who has spent a long time learning and utilizing BBCode.
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Fullmetal32 said:
I am so exited for the app I think I just might have to flip. Might though.. [textsize=70]might..[/textsize]
Pretty much everyone would flip their shet when the app is here (it has been a long wait, but it's finally coming ;u;)

btw if you want to get the text bigger you can replace the number 1-7 in the code with 36px (which is the biggest size I know text can get)
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Hey All,
Announcements have been slow since April/May not counting Newsletters because I’ve been hard at work over the past few months working on a complete rework to the site. This is the biggest undertaking I’ve taken since creating the site, completely dwarfing every other update we’ve had till now and we’ve had some excellent ones.

This won't be an announcement it self since its just a teaser but here are some of the things that are being worked on apart from hundreds of fixes and tons of new features.

  • Increased Site Stability (Alerts, replying, much more)
  • More Profile Customization
  • PM enhancements
  • Better RP search, much more powerful activity system that can be tailored to your exact needs.
  • So....much more.

Apart from the above things I've revealed and somethings I'm still keeping a secret from the community at large, here are two things I wanted to touch upon:

The Nyte Life: Visual Update:

This update has been bundled into the new RpN rework and is more then just a dark mode, it also finally includes for the ability to change colors on the site once again. Enjoy!

The Editor:

This is one I've been screaming about for years now and something I'm particularly excited about, the editor is going to get completely replaced and no longer will we have a "BBCode" or "Rich Text" mode and the confusion of which one to use. Its just one easy to use competent editor. This also means that the bbcode parser (what lets you use the bbcode language in your posts) like so.

{slide=Testing 1}Info{/slide}
{slide=Testing 2}Testing{/slide}
{slide=Testing 3}Stuff{/slide}

So on the new update, typing out code, won't actually do anything. Instead ALL current bbcodes and future codes are fully intergrated into the editor and work as such.


This is just a rough example of the accordion code, you just click on the respective button on the editor and you can summon effects instead of having to struggle them or have someone teach you an ancient bbcode language. Essentially the Editor will become a Whitelisted HTML Interface allowing you to use any code we create and making it easier to make more in the future to add to our ever amazing library.

The editor is getting a ton of other writing enhancements, but I wanted to leave you with just that.

Mobile App:

This is done, I'm in the process of trying to save for a new macbook so I can finally submit them to the app store.

This new version of the site is slated to be released sometime before 2017.

If you have any questions, feedback, concerns please feel free to post below :) !

Ooh! Update!

Yay site stabilization and all that good stuff!

Yay mobile app!... though I am attached to the mobile browser version xD

Really excited for better search function. That'll be so nice.

Now, the really controversial part: the editor. From what I'm understanding from reading the posts by serious BBCoders is that they don't really like the new system, because the new system doesn't seem to offer what they've been able to do without an editor. I can understand this, but I can also understand this is a mandatory change that isn't a slash at BBCoders or anything of the like. It's just something that has to happen if we want an update to happen. Obviously, as a BBcoder myself, I'm apprehensive and kinda worried, but that's because right now the new system is such an unknown. We have no idea what cool or uncool things it'll allow or not allow us to do. Like a lot of people have said, it's something were gonna have to wait and see before giving our true judgement. That being said, I know the mods and everyone working hella hard on the update knows how important BBCode is to us (even though that's not the whole point of RPN) which is why I'm super glad they're saying that most of the code we already have should carry over. It's a relief to hear that all the code I've already made should actually be okay once the update happens. I'm very interested to see how the stacking should work, as that's a huge aspect of my coding. In any case, it's a much-needed update that will change the future of coding and RPN forever. Whether that's a good or bad thing will be left up to whenever the change happens. I have s good feeling it'll be good. Otherwise we wouldn't be having such an update.

It's wonderful to see how invested so many people are in the future of the site. RPN is like a second home to me, it means so much to me, as I know it does to others, and I know that everyone working on the site won't let us down. All we can do is wait and then adapt from there.

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@The Dark Wizard

I'm not sure if this has been asked already or not, but will there be an automatic method of saving drafts of posts given that code cannot be typed out? I personally usually write out everything (including the bbcode) in a google doc and then copy and paste it so there's absolutely no way I could possibly lose the content or the code of my post. And if I'll have to break all the pieces into sections and paste them into different boxes, that seems very tedious. However, if the site saved drafts automatically and I had a known way to recover them, I would be less concerned as there wouldn't be a need to type things in a google doc to avoid losing things.

Sidenote: I'm not sure if this has been asked yet or not. I haven't read through all 11 pages of comments yet.
DaughterofAthena said:
@The Dark Wizard
I'm not sure if this has been asked already or not, but will there be an automatic method of saving drafts of posts given that code cannot be typed out? I personally usually write out everything (including the bbcode) in a google doc and then copy and paste it so there's absolutely no way I could possibly lose the content or the code of my post. And if I'll have to break all the pieces into sections and paste them into different boxes, that seems very tedious. However, if the site saved drafts automatically and I had a known way to recover them, I would be less concerned as there wouldn't be a need to type things in a google doc to avoid losing things.

Sidenote: I'm not sure if this has been asked yet or not. I haven't read through all 11 pages of comments yet.
The new editor doesn't save based on a timer. It's always on. I've purposely tried to lose content, including crashing the browser and pulling the power source from my PC. The content always comes back. Same with accidentally leaving the page by hitting back or some other browser button. This new

Editor has the best recovery to date.
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In the new editor, is there a way to italicize, bold or underline things - or color them or change the font for that matter - without having to highlight and click a button? I find typing three keys or hitting control + I is 10 times faster than actually highlighting and clicking a button especially when I don't have a computer mouse available. Plus, highlighting text on mobile is a major struggle that can currently be avoided using bbcode.
DaughterofAthena said:
In the new editor, is there a way to italicize, bold or underline things - or color them or change the font for that matter - without having to highlight and click a button? I find typing three keys or hitting control + I is 10 times faster than actually highlighting and clicking a button especially when I don't have a computer mouse available. Plus, highlighting text on mobile is a major struggle that can currently be avoided using bbcode.
All major shortcuts are supported on the keyboard like control b for bold as an example. Plus a couple of extras I created which will be documented all properly when the new version is released.
With the bbcode thing we have now, is there a way to change the color of highlights? In the tutorial it only has that grey color and that kind of makes it hard to see..

@The Dark Wizard
@The Dark Wizard

Will it be possible for users to change their default font within the update anywhere? This is merely a curiosity that I know isn't possible now although I think it would be neat.
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DaughterofAthena said:
Will it be possible for users to change their default font at all? This is merely a curiosity that I know isn't possible now although I think it would be neat.
That would be super cool!
Fullmetal32 said:
With the bbcode thing we have now, is there a way to change the color of highlights? In the tutorial it only has that grey color and that kind of makes it hard to see..
@The Dark Wizard

DaughterofAthena said:
@The Dark Wizard
Will it be possible for users to change their default font within the update anywhere? This is merely a curiosity that I know isn't possible now although I think it would be neat.
Maybe actually, it's not something I thought about since I'm used to seeing everyone use their favorite fonts in macros. I'll look into this more in the foreseeable future.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Hey All,
Announcements have been slow since April/May not counting Newsletters because I’ve been hard at work over the past few months working on a complete rework to the site. This is the biggest undertaking I’ve taken since creating the site, completely dwarfing every other update we’ve had till now and we’ve had some excellent ones.

This won't be an announcement it self since its just a teaser but here are some of the things that are being worked on apart from hundreds of fixes and tons of new features.

  • Increased Site Stability (Alerts, replying, much more)
  • More Profile Customization
  • PM enhancements
  • Better RP search, much more powerful activity system that can be tailored to your exact needs.
  • So....much more.

Apart from the above things I've revealed and somethings I'm still keeping a secret from the community at large, here are two things I wanted to touch upon:

The Nyte Life: Visual Update:

This update has been bundled into the new RpN rework and is more then just a dark mode, it also finally includes for the ability to change colors on the site once again. Enjoy!

The Editor:

This is one I've been screaming about for years now and something I'm particularly excited about, the editor is going to get completely replaced and no longer will we have a "BBCode" or "Rich Text" mode and the confusion of which one to use. Its just one easy to use competent editor. This also means that the bbcode parser (what lets you use the bbcode language in your posts) like so.

{slide=Testing 1}Info{/slide}
{slide=Testing 2}Testing{/slide}
{slide=Testing 3}Stuff{/slide}

So on the new update, typing out code, won't actually do anything. Instead ALL current bbcodes and future codes are fully intergrated into the editor and work as such.


This is just a rough example of the accordion code, you just click on the respective button on the editor and you can summon effects instead of having to struggle them or have someone teach you an ancient bbcode language. Essentially the Editor will become a Whitelisted HTML Interface allowing you to use any code we create and making it easier to make more in the future to add to our ever amazing library.

The editor is getting a ton of other writing enhancements, but I wanted to leave you with just that.

Mobile App:

This is done, I'm in the process of trying to save for a new macbook so I can finally submit them to the app store.

This new version of the site is slated to be released sometime before 2017.

If you have any questions, feedback, concerns please feel free to post below :) !

Hope it's not a disappointment, But I am looking forward to this! (B')(B')(B')
HOLY SH!T. The editor is gamechanging stuff, won't have to be confused what I did wrong with my code now. Great stuff!
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Maybe actually, it's not something I thought about since I'm used to seeing everyone use their favorite fonts in macros. I'll look into this more in the foreseeable future.

I think having it as an option might encourage more people to use it because in my head, at least, it would be a one time change rather than having to open a marcro every post. Even though it's just one step (I think) to open a macro, I can see it still being something people don't want to do or are unaware of whereas I think being able to just change the default would make it more appealing. And having a greater variety of fonts - as long as they're legible, which I guess depends on users - makes the site more fun to look at. I personally find the current default font boring.

Anyway, that top part doesn't need a response, but I was just explaining my thoughts since you had mentioned you hadn't really thought about it.

On another note, will there be the ability to customize the Tab bbcode more than we can currently? I know this has been a suggestion in the past and I'd love to be able to color them, change fonts in them, or even just center them. Not entirely sure what's in store, but I thought it might be worth bringing up.
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@The Dark Wizard

Quick question about the BB code part. Is it possible to still have this code:

[Font=Macondo][accordion]{slide=center | [bg=#262626][b][color=#B3B300][size=5]Extra ♔ Info[/size][/color][/b][/bg]}[Row]







[center][Column=span4][b]Interacting with:[/b] Insert Character Name Here
[Column=span4][b]Tags:[/b] @Inserusertaghere


Be created in the new interface? As I use that exact BB Code to make this:

no slide no slide

And I'm not fond of the way the accordion stacks like it does in the gif you've provided, as it just seems messy and space-consuming in terms of how it looks.

Also, one more question; Will we be able to save the accordion into a macro or somewhere else? Because I have multiple characters that utilise the same code, but with different backgrounds, fonts and colours, and it'd be more trouble than what it is currently to type them all out individually.
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@The Dark Wizard, if you are ever in the mood to role play... hit me up man. I enjoy your text presence and treasure all of your responses and comments to all of my stuff.. hopefully that doesn't sound to weird.. but I'm sure you've heard weirder.. anyway. I know you're busy so you might not be role playing for a while but next time you're free I'd love to be able to brag to my RpN friends that I am roleplaying with the site owner jk lol.
I'm so excited for new profile customisation! :D

Fukushima Akira] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/1-the-dark-wizard/ said:
@The Dark Wizard[/URL]
Quick question about the BB code part. Is it possible to still have this code:

[Font=Macondo][accordion]{slide=center | [bg=#262626][b][color=#B3B300][size=5]Extra ♔ Info[/size][/color][/b][/bg]}[Row]







[center][Column=span4][b]Interacting with:[/b] Insert Character Name Here
[Column=span4][b]Tags:[/b] @Inserusertaghere


Be created in the new interface? As I use that exact BB Code to make this:

no slide no slide no slide

And I'm not fond of the way the accordion stacks like it does in the gif you've provided, as it just seems messy and space-consuming in terms of how it looks.
Of course it will look a bit different, but it will provide the same purpose as what you're using now.
Will it be possible to look at someone else's post and see what buttons they used to produce a certain effect? Currently, it is possible to hit reply and see the bbcode that was used in a post making it possible for someone else to try to replicate it and I find that to be a valuable feature. Will it still be possible without directly asking the person who posted the post to see the features (codes is a term I want to use, but it says bbcode won't exist anymore so features seemed like a better word) they used? Sometimes people disappear from the site so asking directly is not always possible.
Sunkissed said:
I'm so excited for new profile customisation! :D
Of course it will look a bit different, but it will provide the same purpose as what you're using now.
Ah, okay. I guess I won't be doing accordion after the update then, because I have an OCD with the accordion that I have now, which I finally have perfect, so any variations will just mess with me.
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