Hello! Still searching for a rp buddy. Is anybody interested in doing one of these rps?

*time travel (present time person gets sent back to sometime in the past, like the medieval times or something. Or maybe vice versa. Medieval times, Present, Western/Indian, etc)

*vampireXhuman (duh! Vampires ^^ It would be a master and servant relationship, but of course they'd dislike eachother because of their seperpate races....but soon they'd fall madly in love with eachother! Or perhaps not....)

*last neko (Nekos! I was thinking it could be about the very last surviving neko in the entire planet. The rest had been enslaved and killed by the cruel human race, but one remained safe...but lost. Until one day a girl/boy found them searching through their garage or something or maybe stuck in a deer trap and helps them out. Seeing how helpless and scared the cat-person is they decide to keep them hidden at their home from the dangerous poachers)

*that's all my ideas. Let me know if you're interested in any of these or have your own!!
Can I join your Neko Rp. I really like the idea, it's not your ordinary story about a half human and half cat .

And I'm quite new to this site so please forgive me if I make mistakes.
[QUOTE="Divine Cluster]Can I join your Neko Rp. I really like the idea, it's not your ordinary story about a half human and half cat .
And I'm quite new to this site so please forgive me if I make mistakes.

Sorry if I got some details wrong about the nekos. One of my friends recently tod me that they were just cat-people. That's ehat I thought. Either way, I'm glad you're interested! ^^ I'll privatemessage you in a momemt 

Puntii said:
I like the Neko or the Vampire idea! ^^
Awesome! I just love vampires and cute people with adorable kitty ears! I'll private message you in a moment too 

TaleekXD said:
The time travel one seems nice too!
Okay cool. :3 I've done this rp idea a couple other times andI really wanted to try it again. I'll privatemessage you too
You know what would be interesting... and i'm just spit-balling here... But.. perhaps you'd enjoy doing a VampirexNeko slave like story.. O.o Just a random thought that popped into my head after reading your ideas.
[QUOTE="Ezra-San]You know what would be interesting... and i'm just spit-balling here... But.. perhaps you'd enjoy doing a VampirexNeko slave like story.. O.o Just a random thought that popped into my head after reading your ideas.

OMG that sounds amazin! :o how did I not think of that!? 

Nalakitty01 said:
I'd be interested in either the vampire or neko RPs, if you're still looking for partners ^_^
Of course I am. Which one would you prefer doing?
stormhawk324 said:
OMG that sounds amazin! :o how did I not think of that!? 

Of course I am. Which one would you prefer doing?
Bahaha.. I have no idea. Wait.. i know! The idea left your head, and popped into mine so that I would come tell you and we could make a beautiful Rp together. xD (Just a thought, lol)
Lol, that's exactly what happened. I'm a genius! :3 *congratulates self* I'll take all the credit.

Thank you! Thank you! *bows overdramatically*

Well...you said it, but it was all my idea...that's how it works, right? Lol JK


Ignore my stupid dumb moment.

So....a vampirexneko rp?
Lolz x3 I can tell already, youre awesome.

For the general story plot, would it be similar to one of my ideas on the front page or something different?
Hmm... Perhaps, the neko becomes the Vampires slave, he/she buys it.

Uhm.. blah blah blah.. Perhaps.. it becomes a forbidden love? or something.. .-. I dunno..
Well you've got a couple neko ones started, right? So maybe we can do the vampire one, then. Would you be the vampire or me? I don't mind either way. 
Oh, and Ezra-San, I posted a starter in Blood and Oil.
Nalakitty01 said:
Well you've got a couple neko ones started, right? So maybe we can do the vampire one, then. Would you be the vampire or me? I don't mind either way. 
Oh, and Ezra-San, I posted a starter in Blood and Oil.
I've been working on my reply to it! ^.^ But been getting distracted. sorry. >.<
Nalakitty01 said:
For four hours? xD That's all right lol I've been at work this whole time so it's not like I've been bored
Dx I'm so sorrrrryyyy.... It's been hectic over here. (Referring to her personal side of the inter web)
Nalakitty01 said:
It's okay. Just a warning that I'll be trying to sleep in an hour or less, so if I don't reply that's why.
It's perfectly fine. Tomorrow, I'll be hitting the sheets after i post it anyhow.

Nalakitty01 said:
Meaning you're posting it tonight, or you're posting it tomorrow?
Lol, posting it tonight. But for you to reply tomorrow. Agh, my apologies, i'm half asleep at the moment. -.-

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