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RP partners needed!


We're all Mad here.
Hello! So, I'm finally back onto my favorite website! I was gone for a while due to multiple complications but thankfully I'm back in business! And, sadly, I'v lost touch with many of my old partners, so now I'm searching for new ones! Here is some information you may want to know about, and rules and such. I'm normally pretty laid back. I love talking to you, and I'm open to questions! :)


  • I like to try and reply a minimum of once a day, but weekends are a different story. (My time zone is Pacific Time Zone, by the way)
  • I normally go by the "eye for an eye" rule, in which I give as much as you do. If you give me three paragraphs of text, then I'll give roughly the same. If you give two sentences, then expect the same from me. Got it?
  • Im okay with things such as gore, drugs, alcohol and other sketchy things, as long as you don't over do it! Example, your character could be an occasional drinker, but he can't be drunk all the time.
  • I love drama, and things. I have a tendency to make sad or exciting things happen. I love plot twists and things! So don't be afraid to throw those in there aswell!


  • Please try to keep things interesting. I try my best but sometimes I need help from the other side.
  • NO GOD MODDING!!! God modding is no fun whatsoever. Every character must have some sort of weakness. None of them can be indestructible. Especially your main character!!!
  • I have no limit on characters, but let's start with one or two each, okay?
  • Bad words are allowed, if you so wish to use them. Just not in every sentence, Kay? Don't over do it.
  • Please answer at least once every 1-3 days. I'll do the same.
  • Your text has to be readable. I'm not asking perfect grammar, but spell check exists for a reason, you know?
  • Don't just leave me. If the role play is boring, or you don't like it, tell me. We can either stop playing that one and start a new one, or say our goodbyes. But I dislike when people just disappear.
  • I don't do Yuri,I'm sorry. But Yaoi and straight are fine with me. I prefer being a male, but I may be a woman if you want me to be, because those are always fun.


(Character A and Character B can be whoever. I put these down because the rolls are changeable for our liking.) (taken plots will not be played)

Tick tock, look at the clock:

The subtle Tick-Tock of the school clock tower lulls you to sleep in your boring class. You later wake up from the sound of the clock striking the hour mark, and chiming its bells. You now find that you are alone in the class room. As you stand to investigate, you notice that it seems everyone just... Disappeared. Papers and pencils are still on desks, and the writing on the chalkboard at the head of the class has a half written lesson on it. Where is everyone? Is this a dream?

Lop-sided lovers: (TAKEN)

Have you ever had a crush on someone, who was dating someone else? If yes, then you understand the pain and confusion of the situation. But what you don't understand is how far the other person is willing to go to keep their beloved. But do they know how far you are willing to go to get what you want?

Click for Restart:

Things in your life are turning towards the worse. You lost everything, and sometimes you feel like giving up. But one night while browsing the web, you stumble upon an ad that simply states, "(character name here), want to push re-start?" Is this your second chance?

You're our only hope: (TAKEN)

You stumble upon a small black box with odd markings on it within the woods. You decide to pick it up, and bring it home as a decoration of some sort. Something about the box seems to pull you in, like its inviting you to do something. What will you do the next morning, when you wake up to someone staring at you over your bed?

I'm a big fan: (TAKEN)

(Character A) is a sort of celebrity. (Character B) is convinced they are your biggest fan. So, what's the only sane thing (Character B) can do? Kidnap them, and hold them in a specially made dungeon, of coarse.

I owe you:

(Character A) owes (Character B) money. Not a big deal, right? Wrong. This isn't petty cash from a petty man. This is hearty money from a Mob boss. The trouble is that (Character A) doesn't have (Character B)'s money. What will (Character A) do? A very large amount of money needs to be paid back to the Mob boss (Character B) soon... The boss is getting impatient.

This won't hurt a bit: (TAKEN BUT WILLING TO PLAY)

(Character A) wakes up on a cold metal table with little memory. All they remember is their name, age, and a faint memory of being attacked in a dark alleyway. Now (Character A) is mad scientist (Character B)'s test subject! What kind of things will cook up in this horrific story?

Mystery House:

There's a house at the end of the street. The oldest one in the neighborhood, all run down and abandoned. The grass grows clear up to your waist, and the ivy grows over the tall metal fence with wild intent. Every kid in town knows the tale of it being haunted. Stories range from an old man hanging himself to a crazed father chopping up his family. You get a bet by your friends to stay the night in the place alone. Maybe you wanted to say no, but they offered to pay you 100$ if you come back alive. Easy money, right? R-right?

No Need To Be Hostile:

You're minding your own buisness, walking home. Everything is fine until you hear gunshots. You turn around to look just in time to see a man running at you. He grabs you, holding a gun to your head. He whispers in your ear, "either come with me, or your brains splatter the streets." Maybe leaving the house today was a bad idea.

It's Not Just Salem:

Ever heard of Witches? Of course you have. In this society, the year 3098, Witches are again being burned. History repeats itself, right? But will this war may not end soon.

If you aren't into plots, here are pairings. Choose one and we make a story around it, without a plot. (These can be romantic or non-romantic relationships.)

Student X Student

Student X Criminal

Human X Not Human

Not Human X Not Human

Mob Boss X Worker

Criminal X Criminal

Hit Man X Hit Target

Asylum patient X Visitor

Asylum patient X Student

If you have other pairings or plots you want to do, go ahead and ask! Please PM me if you are interested!!! I look forward to role playing with you!!! ^-^
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Interested in your our only hope.

HMU if you still looking.
I'm interested in mob boss x worker I actually have an idea too if you are interested pm me :)
Interested in Im a big fan and This won't hurt a bit (I have a plot),
Lop-sided lovers has definitely piqued my interest.

Student x Student is fine as well, and have a plot in mind.
Lop-sided lovers and Click for Restart intrigue me, as well as as a human x not human.
I am interested in the hit man x target, Lop-sided lovers, and Waking up dead. PM me when you can and if you want to roleplay. :D
Wow... xD I am interested in these plots:

●this won't hurt a bit

● I am a big fan (kinda confused with the plot)

●Yours our only hope

Pairings I am interested in:

●Human×not Human

●Hitman×Hit target


●Not Human×Not Human

:3 Pm me if your interested.
I'm Interested in a yaoi roleplay for either I'm a big fan, I owe you, or this won't hurt a bit, as well as the Student x Criminal and Hit Man x Hit Target pairings!
I'm interested in either a not human x not human or human x not human. ^^ I even have a plot if you'd like to take a look at it.
[QUOTE="Ren L]I'm interested in either a not human x not human or human x not human. ^^ I even have a plot if you'd like to take a look at it.

Sure! PM me with the plot!
Hi hi im intrested in the whole waking up dead, with the pairing of not human x not human

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