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RP partners needed!

Hi! I was hoping we could roleplay I Owe You. I'd really like to roleplay that plot. PM me if you'd like to, as I cannot PM yet.
Definitely want to try out that Tick-tock RP, but other than that, I'm open to Asylum x visitor and Student x student. Too new to PM, so you might want to message me instead.
Hello there~

I am extremely new to this forum, and I would love to RP with you since you said you have a lot of experience with the site.

I am interested in human x nonhuman and the No Need to Be Hostile concept sounds fun too. xD Also, I don't have pm privs yet.

Thanks. :)

I'm interested in the following:

I owe you:

(Character A) owes (Character B) money. Not a big deal, right? Wrong. This isn't petty cash from a petty man. This is hearty money from a Mob boss. The trouble is that (Character A) doesn't have (Character B)'s money. What will (Character A) do? A very large amount of money needs to be paid back to the Mob boss (Character B) soon... The boss is getting impatient.

No Need To Be Hostile:

You're minding your own buisness, walking home. Everything is fine until you hear gunshots. You turn around to look just in time to see a man running at you. He grabs you, holding a gun to your head. He whispers in your ear, "either come with me, or your brains splatter the streets." Maybe leaving the house today was a bad idea.

Student X Criminal

Criminal X Criminal

Hit Man X Hit Target

and possibly:

Mob Boss X Worker

This won't hurt a bit: (TAKEN BUT WILLING TO PLAY)

(Character A) wakes up on a cold metal table with little memory. All they remember is their name, age, and a faint memory of being attacked in a dark alleyway. Now (Character A) is mad scientist (Character B)'s test subject! What kind of things will cook up in this horrific story?

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