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RP Buddy Needed! {Modern/Realistic/Romance} UPDATE

Hi, um, I was wondering if you'd like to rp? I've read a few of the plots and the rehabilitation one caught my eye, if you'd like, please pm me or I can do it if you like~
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I absolutely love your New Years plot and your Ryland character! Just PM me if you're interested in doing a RP!!
PrincessKaty said:
Always looking for partners!(:
I absolutely love your New Years plot and your Ryland character! Just PM me if you're interested in doing a RP!!
Hey, I would be interested in doing a roleplay with you, but I noticed that all your plots are female x male pairings (which is no problem ofcourse) so that left me wondering if you'd be open for male x male? anyway I really can't choose from all the beautiful plots you have written out, I like them all so much... Anyway PM me if you want?
I'm interested in New Girl x Player (too lazy to your plots sorry I'll do it later)
Hey there! You have amazing ideas. I really like the limelight idea and the pregnant at 17. If your up for either of those pm me :)
I quite like all of your plots though I'm stuck choosing between all of these:

It's 11:00 at night, you're alone and in a sparkly dress. It's not really what you had in mind for New Years Eve. You had big plans to go to a big party with your friends but that was bust. You had to work by the time you were ready, all your friends were already drunk and not answering your texts. Upset and a little pissed off, you head to the 24 hour Walmart to pick up some cheap alcohol and some snacks to prepare for your night alone. While scowering the wine aisle, you notice someone else there too. It was a guy about your age and he looks strangely familiar. He notices you staring and cracks a joke about you checking him out and you two get to talking. You two are both alone with canceled plans so he invites you to go over to his place. Usually you'd deny an offer like that from a stranger but you agree. You two spend the night together and with a lot of alcohol. You share a midnight kiss, and whatever else you can remember in your drunken haze. The next morning, you wake up and get ready to leave. On your way out you notice a picture on his dresser.. It's you and him, but it has to be from ten or more years ago while you were in school. And then it hits you. This had been your best friend until one year he just suddenly disappeared.

You've been in a relationship with the same guy for almost four years. Things were going great until about four months ago when he started ditching you for his friends about every time you made plans. So, you took comfort in his best friend's arms. You'd known him just as long as your boyfriend so it only seemed natural to go to someone who knew your boyfriend like you did. This guy isn't like anyone you'd ever think that you'd have an interest in. He's a complete drug junkie and has a rough exterior however the more you hang out with him, the more you realize that he's actually a great guy just with a really bad habit. Long story short, you two start hooking up behind your boyfriends back just so that the two of you can feel something. You both agree that it's only a hook-up thing. Friends-with-benefits at most. But what happens when he starts to get feelings?

You're the daughter of a queen and not just any queen, a fairy queen. You're not the annoying pixie faries either, you're like real people but you have wings and have some type of power, even if you don't know what it is. You and your people live in a small 'town' in the forest that is made completely out of wood. You like how you're living because.. Well, you don't know any different. Well, one day while you're out by the lake with your friends, you catch word that there was a trespasser. Something like this had never happened before, so you return to your castle to see what your parents are going to do. They tell you that a human found them and so they through him in the tower until they made a decision on what to do. You, being the princess, are put in charge of watching him. You make your way up to the tower and your eyes lay upon the most handsome man you've ever seen. You find yourself fascinated with him and where he came from, and slowly as the days tick by, you find yourself falling for him. Two problems here. One, he's a human so it's more than forbidden, and two, they're going to kill him so he can't exploit your people. What does one do?

He was your typical bad boy. He wore a leather jacket, always had a pack of cigarettes on him, drove some old 1930's hot rod, and fought like he was a professional boxer. He was your best friend, as weird as it sounded. You weren't a complete goody-too shoes, but you didn't like fights and you'd never smoke a day in your life. You're in a relationship with the school's hot-shot star football player and your best friend hates his guts and it's all the two of them can do to keep their hands off of each other's necks. Not only is he your best friend, but he's in love with you and hates your boyfriend. You're stuck in the middle, torn between a boy that you've grown up with but were exactly opposite or the one guy who every girl wants to be with and who treats you like a queen. Good luck, sweetheart.

You can choose which one that you'd prefer to do. It doesn't quite matter to me.

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