RP between RP Otaku and jabberwockey19

RP Otaku

Junior Member





Name: May Carmine

Age: 16

Gender: female

Appearance View attachment 716

Bio: May and her brother live alone in a flat that they share. May is a fiesty girl who often has to get her brother's backside out of trouble.

Name: Jasper Carmine

Age: 18

Gender: male

Appearance: View attachment 717

Bio: Jasper is a member of a gang, therefore he is always in a lot of trouble. Usually his sister has to help him out.
Jasper looked at his sister anxiously, he hadn't meant to involve her. May looked back at him, not understanding the seriousness of the situation.

"Where's the stash?" the rival gang leader asked Jasper.

"I'll tell you over there," Jasper said pointing at a shaded alleyway. "I don't want my little sister involved in this."

The gang leader smirked, "In that case, boys."

A couple of his guys grabbed May's arms and led her to the alleyway.

Jasper sighed and followed, he had no choice.

As soon as they were in the alleyway Jasper admitted he didn't have what they were looking for. "I tried to tell you," he explained.

Unfortunately, the gangsters didn't take too kindly to what he'd just told them and started beating him up.

Their attention was off May and on her brother. She was panicing on the inside as she watched her brother being kicked and punched. She quickly turned and ran out the alley, looking for help.
Alex and Connor were walking on the sidwalk to there favorite book store when they saw a dark haired girl running out of an ally. That didn't look good. The look on her face made them want to help her.
May looked around desperately, sure it happened a lot but it was scary every time. Why can't he just quit, she thought, though she knew it wasn't as simple as just quitting.
Alex disited she would go see why the girl was so frantic. "Don't, Alex we don't want to get in the middle of whatever is going on with her." Connor said, but Alex ignored him. "Hey are you alright?" Alex asked putting her hand on the girl's shoulder.
May looked at the girl, "I'm fine, it's my brother." She pointed at the alleyway. "He's getting beaten up...again." She looked at them both in turn, her eyes pleading, "Please can you help him?"
"Yeah, I will try, Alex replyed, she turned to Connor, "Come on, Connor!" She turned and ran into the ally, Connor didn't like it but he followed. Connor wispered to Alex "This is a bad idea." "Oh, shut up," Alex said back. "Proplem, boys?" Alex asked the dirty looking boys beating up someone.
May followed them cautiousley, she winced as she saw how bad her brother looked.

Jasper looked up as he saw them coming and sighed. He really had to stop getting into these situations, for his sister's sake.
Alex waited for an an answere, standing tall. Connor tried to stay in the backround, he did not want to annoy these guys.
The gangsters smirked. "Back off toots," the leader said. "We're done with him anyway, well for now. We want her next." He pointed at May. May replied by sticking up her middle finger. She may be scared but she was annoyed.
The leader laughed meanly, "Who said I was gonna hurt her? I'm only, what, 4 years older than her. I'm gonna make her my girl."

when May heard this she made a face and pretended to vomit. "I'm not gonna go out with and old man like you. Besides, i already have a boyfriend," she lied.
May was itching to go to her brother's side but she didn't want to go near the leader. Jasper walked over to them weakily, "May, do you never learn? You shouldn't have come back."

"Shut up," May scolded him. "This is your fault anyway."

The gang leader smiled, "I'll leave you for now May, next time I'll be expecting more." With that, him and his goons walked away.
When all that was happening connor had already sneeked over to Jasper so he could help him. Alex went over there right when the fat goons left. "Are you alright?" Alex asked stupidly, of course he wasn't alright he just got beat by goons. Alex noticed now looking at Jasper more closely she noticed that he was kind of cute.
Jasper nodded and passed out a few seconds later. May sighed, "This always happens." She poked Jasper's side and then looked at the two strangers. "Can either of you drive?"
May was poking Jasper with a stick. She poked him a little harder and he opened his eyes.

"Why are you poking me?" he asked her as he stretched his arms.

"Because you're a moron," May glared at him. "Why can't you just be normal? Scratch that, you can never be normal. Anyway, you're hurt so we're taking you to the hospital."
Alex honked the horn. "Come on, we have to get him to the hospital." Connor was still not sold on these people and was not happy about his best friend not listening. If these guys turn out to be killers I will sat I told you so forever Connor thought to himself.
May dragged her brother to the car and pushed him inside. She was still scowling and feeling annoyed so she bit Jasper's wrist. Jasper pulled his wrist away and ruffled her hair, he knew she hated that. Jasper smiled his lady-killer smile at Alex and said, "Thank you for helping me." May sighed and ignored her brother's stupid flirting. She poked Connor gently, "What's up with you?"
Jasper who loved to flirt moved close to Alex as she drove. "I'm very appreaciative. I can show you how much." May pulled her brother back and punched him really hard. "Shut up you fricking pervert!" Jasper ruffled her hair again.
"Who're you calling Gang Boy?" Jasper sulked. "I'm not a gangster, well not by will anyway." May elbowed him. "Are we nearly there yet?" May asked looking a little pale. "I don't like cars."
May looked at Alex with a weird admiring expression on her face, "Are you and him a couple? That's so sweet, I love love."
May looked sad, "But you two are so cute. Like a prince and princess." Jasper chuckled, "You'll have to excuse my sister, she's a deluded dreamer."
Jasper smirked, "But she's still deluded. She has this stupid dream of finding her Prince Charming. I think it's all crap really." May hmphed and ignored him.

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