RP: Battle of Guilds


One Thousand Club
Nileriel was walking around the castle gardens. Everyone had been talkig about the recent attack on Foghollow by the Thieves Guild. Foghollow was a small town fairly close to the Royal Castle so it really got everyone's attention. Were they in danger of an attack? It had been months since the Thieves Guild had tried to penetrate the Royal Castles walls and they were bearly successful last time. The Royal Guard had taken care of the situation- but not before they'd kidnapped Nileriel's sister Azriel.

Ever since then Nileriel had been depressed and bitter with rage. "Let them try it again," he muttered angerily. "I'll personally kill every last one of them."

(it's not much, I know, sorry, on my phone right now)
Black Eagle embedded his dagger into one of the wooden tables. The attack on Foghollow has been a success, not only in unnerving everyone in Scarlet Rose and getting provisions, but acquiring a nice piece of information. It was a floor map of the Royal castle's outer grounds. The dealer at the black market wanted to sell it for a large sum. Black Eagle tried to wager but the man would not budge. Of course Black Eagle decided to 'play along.' After the little wager his undercover men said he fled to Foghollow. The attack on the town went very well and he got his prize. Now that he got the map all he needed to do was interrogate the princess, thus the situation at hand. He was in the princesses room, which wasn't bad at all. It contained a table, feather bed, basin and toiletry. The princess Azriel was sitting on the bed, with a stubborn and haughty look on her face...which disgusted him. Coming closer to her he greeted her "Hello princess..." In which her response was a scoff and turning her head the other way. Sitting next to her on the bed he took out the vial he kept around his neck and gave it to the princess making her look at the pretty liquid in surprise.

"Do you know what that is?" Black Eagle asked her.

"No," Azriel replied tentatively while turning over the vial in her hand "But it's very pretty."

"Yes it is," Black Eagle agreed on "And what makes it more beautiful is that it's poison."

Azriel immediately gasped in shock and was unable to react. His reaction made Black Eagle's eyes shine a bit, just what he wanted.

"This poison is a very...special one. Though instead of telling you add rather show you.”

Getting up from the bed he then walked toward the door and opened it, revealing two of his men carrying a squirming middle aged man who was tied up in rope and gagged. It was a prisoner he took from the Foghollow attack 'Sacrifices had to be made.' Black Eagle thought. His men then threw the man to the ground getting a horrified shock from Azriel. The two man than exited leaving Black Eagle and Azriel with the kidnapped man. Walking over to the horrified princess he gently took the vial out of her hand and went over the thrashing man. Fear clouded the man's eyes but Black Rose paid no heed. When Black Eagle untied the man’s gag the man started screaming.

His screams pierced through the room, and the princess pleaded for Black Eagle to stop "Please stop, don't hurt him!"

Black Eagle ignored her and uncorked the vile. He then grabbed the man's head and titled while opening his mouth. He then put one drop of the liquid on the man's tongue and watched the drop slide down the struggling man's throat. Immediately the man started clawing at his throat in pain, his eyes were getting bloodshot and he was convulsing on the floor.

"What did you do to him?" Azriel shrieked while rushing over to the man.

"I gave him the poison," Black Eagle responded easily "As you can see he is dying a slow and very painful death.”

Tears were streaking across Azriel's face as Black Eagle corked the bottle and put it back around his neck. He then took out the map from his robes and tossed it to the princess. The princess hesitantly picked up the paper and scanned it over, her eyes widening once she knew what this was.

"Yes that is the map of the ground floor to the castle, and I want you to mark all the escape roots and all the secret entrances on it."

Azriel shook her head and glowered at him "I will not!"

"If you don't then your brother will suffer the consequences...and then you will too," He told her while holding up the vial that was around his neck.

The princess gasped in horror and backed away "You wouldn't dare! Besides brother is well protected, you could never get your grimy claws on him!"

"Oh really...we had no problem kidnapping you and you were surrounded by guards. Your brother will be no different.”

Azriel gasped and started to shake in anger "Fine...I'll do it you filthy mongrel."

"Good..." Black Eagle replied "And you better not mark the wrong ones, or I will kill your brother...and then you...I'll be going now and I'll leave our guest for some company."

With a gesture to the man writhing on the floor screaming bloody murder Black Eagle walked out of the room, his plans already set in motion.

(it's fine and I sort of made up Azriel's personality if that's okay also if you don't want me controlling Azriel like this or at all just tell me and I'll change this post)
(Since I'm pretty sure this is the rp I joined, I shall post. Warning: this post won't be good.)

Lilith sat in a tree looking around. She soon flew out of the tree and headed towards a nearby town. She needed supplies pretty badly at that moment. She was completely out of bandages. Lili landed and walked into the streets looking for someplace that had the things she needed. Lilith tried to not make herself very known. Attracting attention only made trouble for anybody those days. She started softly humming to herself.
Ciel Phantomhived-

Ciel walked through his home. After it had originally burned down, Ember, Ciel's Nanny, had it arranged for the mansion to be rebuilt the exact same way it had been before the fire. Ciel wore a white, button down dress shirt, tucked neatly into a pair of black slack's. Ciel's slick dark hair lyed gently over his eye patch. The Whole outfit acommendated with a pair of dark dress shoes. Ciel glanced up at the large portrait that hung over the living room's fireplace. The Picture was of Elizabeth, James, and a Toddler. Which was a younger version of Ciel. Although he knew the picture was a replica, the original destroyed in the fire. It Still stung a little to see his parent's smiling faces.

November trotted down the staircase that led to the living area. Her Lovely brown hair, swished into curl's down her shoulder's. A Light smile fixed upon her radiant face. Only did her smile vanish when she spotted the younge master. "Sir Phantomhived." She announced, picking up her gown as she stepped. Ember was dressed in a beautiful Aqua gown, that landed onto the ground. Her black heel's clicked as she paced down the stair's. Not bothering to turn around, he spoke "Ember, What do I Owe Thee ?" He asked, in his light British accent.

Ember held his long, dark coat drapped over her forearm. "Sir, The Princess she has been kidnapped." Embr spoke lightly, her expression same.

Ciel's face didn't change, he kept staring off at the portrait. "The Thieve Guild I Suppose." He spoke, turning gently. Ember smiled lightly, at that very moment she could see much of James in the child, but he still had Elizabeth's Saphire Blue Eye's. They would be most proud of their son if they could have seen him now.

Ember nodded at his question, " Young Master, Might I Suggest an Visit to the Prince. He has been down latly. Maybe we could bring some reasurence." Ember suggested, stepping infront of him before bowing. Ciel waved her off, as she rose again. "The Idea is not bad." Ciel replied, glancing at her. His eye's shined slightly. Ember had began to recognized his emotion's by his eye. They were, after all, the only thing he could do.

Ciel placed on his coat, as Ember handed him his dagger, that he alway's held. Ember, herself, stocked up. She clipped a sword to her belt of her coat. To where it was hidden. As they stepped out of the Phantomhived Mansion, they began to walk down the street of Scarlet Rose. Off to visit the Prince.

November trotted down the staircase that led to the living area. Her Lovely brown hair, swished in curl's down her shoulder's. A L
The sky above darkened, a few drops of rain beginning their descent to the ground. In minutes the rain had increased pouring over the streets to wash away the filth. Lightning jumped through the sky overhead, the occasional sound of thunder breaking the soft pitter-patter of rain. The dark figure knelt on the roof above near the merchants shop.

He watched as a lone carriage pulled up to merchant's shop, a young man in fine garb stepped out and quickly rushed inside the building. Two armed guards exited behind him carrying short swords and wearing studded leather armor. They proceeded behind their master entering swiftly, locking the door behind them. Vaas waited as the carriage pulled away, a sickening smile crossing his lips.

Quickly he scrambled to the right dropping over the side of the roof. The fall was not to far and as he hit the ground he rolled, coming into a quick walk towards the back entrance of the shop, weapons in hand. As he approached the door he could hear the sound of voices, two of them, his targets. He was prepared for four targets maybe more.

He stopped a few feet from the back door as he reached underneath his cloak to remove a mask. As he pulled the mask over his face it could clearly be seen that it was no ordinary mask. In fact it was an an actual human face, one of his latest victims. He had been a boyish faced young prince, cruel and greedy, who had overstayed his welcome in another kingdom, so Vaas had been called in. The man had never stood a chance.

Fingers tightening on the hilts of his blades he gave the door a swift kick sending it flying from its hinges and onto the floor inside. Quickstepping through the door he took in his surroundings, the room was small filled with only a table and two chairs and a few scattered boxes. To his right leaned against the wall was one of the armed guards, the other standing next to the door on the opposite side. The young man in fine garb and the fat bearded merchant sat at the table, gold coins and parchment spread across its surface.

The guard beside the door attempted to react, reaching for the short sword sheathed on his right side, he never made it.

Vaas spun on the man, Howl cut easily through the mans fleshy throat to hit the stone wall behind. A quick jerk pulled the dagger through the mans throat nearly severing his head, blood spraying forward to cover the young man and merchant. The body stood for a second before it crumpled to the floor in a bloody mess. First threat removed he bounded forward leaping onto the table to lunge at other armed guard.

In his defense he managed to unsheathe his weapon and try to bring it up to guard. Too swift were the elf's movement as he kicked off the table burying his left knee in the man's face with a sickening crack. He rode the man's corpse to the ground giving it a few quick stabs in the neck as he did so. In a fluid motion his feet touched the ground and he spun on the two men lifting himself to a standing position.

"And now you die." He quipped as he brought both blades in for killing blows. Infection pierced the right at the young mans collar bone diving deep into his chest while Howl his the fat merchant square in the temple as he slammed his head down on the wooden table with a resounding thud. Removing both blades, both men slumped over onto the table before him, two pools of blood quickly spreading to become one, the excess pouring from the side of the table to splatter on the floor.A quick flick of his wrist and he had cleaned both blades, sheathing them as well.

Working quickly he grabbed a small bag of coins off of the table as well as a wax sealed piece of parchment, the wax seal holding the shape of The Scarlet Rose. His job finished he exited quickly not wanting to spend to much time waiting around, any other time and he would have taken trophies, but with the recent fiasco involving his guild in Foghollow had The Scarlet Rose on full alert. He would return to the Thieves Guild and deliver the message to Black Eagle, it's contents still a mystery.
Radehgieh was on his way to an important meeting at the castle. He knew that they would be requesting extra warriors for defense and it would be his job to recruit and train those warriors. As he worked his way through the dark forest he twisted his crystal gently between his fingers. It was apparent to him that he could be attacked at any moment and since he traveled alone it was much more dangerous. He could be ambushed and if he was he would almost certainly be outnumbered. He glanced around as he continued on. It seemed peaceful enough but that was just as dangerous as if the leaves were constantly rustling.


Nileriel walked through the dragon stables over to Mindmaster. He smiled as he gently pet the dragon. "The war seems to get more intense everyday, recently." Nileriel whispered. Talking to Mindmaster hand a calming effect on him. It was almost as if the dragon understood his feelings, maybe it did. He got Mindmaster when he was just 5 years old. His father had thought it would be good for him to have a pet. So he raised Mindmaster ever since he was just a baby dragon. Nileriel remembered how Azriel loved Mindmaster and always envious that he had a pet and she didn't. "I miss her so much." he said.
It was another day in the era of war. Natasia was on her way to her elderly parents home with a few medicines. Natasia hated the war. She only fought for the fact that she had no choice when she entered to thieves guild. She didn't have remorse though. She was one of her guilds best assassin's and an even better spy. Not only that but she couldn't stand the pompous, rich Scarlet Rose.

Natasia had finished sneaking out a few elixir for her sick mother and run down father. She entered the rickety abode, her old home and set the bottles down on the table, simply waving at her father, and leaving as soon as she came. She would now head to the thief guild HQ, where the kidnapped princess was located and where she called home.

Natasia entered exhausted, her heeled boots clicking on the floor. She set down her weapons on a near by table and proceeded to take off her leather padding. She went to go check on the damsel and then she saw a man on the floor, dead and struggled. She giggled and shook her head, knowing the cause of his death. "That man..." She tsked. Black Eagle loved his poison. She smiled a demonic smile at the princess and lay on a cot in the next room.
Meladi walked swiftly yet quietly through the forest to the castle. She had figured that she would see Radehgieh sometime as she made her way through the trees. Her light bow was at the ready in case of an attack and her face showed that she was concentrating on checking her surroundings every second. Suddenly Meladi heard footsteps coming up on her right, and she hid quickly behind a tree. Though, when she turned around, she sighed in relief. It was just Radehgieh that was making the noise. She stepped out from behind the tree and made sure not to take him by surprise. "Hey Radehgieh," the elf said loud enough for him to hear but not so loud as to let potential enemies know their whereabouts.
Crack! The sound of thunder erupted through the dark sky as rain relentlessly battered a small brick hut that resided on the edge of a small town called Astley. If not for the storm, the hut could have been considered a quaint little residence, complete with a small garden and flower bed; however, under the current visibility, all aspects of the residence blended into the rain. Oblivious to the storm outside, a certain individual was sitting on a rocking chair calmly sipping a cup of tea as he read a certain piece of parchment despite the darkened state of the room. After some time had past, the man was uninterrupted from his reading by three loud knocks on the door. Placing his tea and parchment aside, the man arose to go greet whoever was meeting him under these circumstances. After opening the door and stepping aside to allow the guest to enter, a cloaked individual quickly entered the room while shutting the door creating a large puddle of water where he stood. The guest reached into his cloak and pulled out a relatively dry wrapped cloth and threw it at the owner of the residence who was intriguingly inspecting the newcomer. Unraveling the cloth and viewing the many jewels that existed within, the man smiled before walking over to a drawer and placing the jewels inside. Upon doing so, he returned to face the guest and began talking.

"Based off of the jewels provided, you are from the Scarlet Rose, and I assume you are after information concerning the next attack from the Thieve's guild." the man said smiling again as the guest was taken back a bit. Without waiting for the guest's response, he continued his answer.

" I am afraid you have arrived too late however. The thieves guild had already been planning on attack on Foghollow for a while now, and by this point in time I would imagine they would have succeeded. I also assume that puts one of your dear princesses...what was her name again...Azriel? In danger. "

The guest was once again taken back by the information and stood there unknown to his next plan of action. Seeing the guests lack of response to the information, the man began talking again to the guest.

"Perhaps you should go report this information to some higher up, rather than standing there flooding my floor. I feel if you hurry, further damages could be prevented." he said as he watched the guest run back out into the storm upon hearing his words.

Shutting the door, the man went to go retrieve several towels to clean up the mess that was left in addition to the jewels as payment. Once the floor returned to its original state, the man walked into his small kitchen, heated up another pot of water, created another cup of tea, then returned back to his chair where he continued drinking tea.

Leaning back into the chair the man began thinking to himself in response to a feeling that told him he might be a host to another guest. Perhaps this one shall be entertaining, he thought to himself before grabbing his parchment and immersing himself into his reading once more.
Radehghieh smiled and nodded at her. "Hello Meladi." He said and looked around for any possible enemies that may be hiding. Now that they were closer to the Castle it was possible that they were at a higher risk of danger. The enemy guilds had seemed to have braver and were attacking closer to the castle now. "We need to quickly get to the meeting." he told her as he walked towards the castle.

(Might be getting off soon..)
"Of course." Meladi realized the higher risk of danger as well and pulled an arrow out of the quiver on her back. Rain had started to drip through the foliage, but she was not fazed by the sudden downpour. She walked beside Radeh and made sure to keep a lookout for any enemies. "Do you think we will be able to find any good new warriors?"
Radehgeih sighed. "Yeah but I'm not entirely sure we'll find enough of them. You know how the royals are. Their going to want warriors to walk rounds, stand guard and escort them everywhere they go." Though they were indeed allies with the Scarlet Rose their alliance was purely because for money. Magic crystals were expensive and even more expensive to make. Without the help of the Scarlet Rose they'd be weak without their magic. Radehgeih walked up to the gates of the castle. "Hello sir. What brings you here?" said the guard bowing. His name was Gristier, Radehgeih had trained him and assigned him to help protect the castle. "Hello Gristier, I'm here for a meeting with the royals about adding warriors to the castle's defense."
As she stood beside Radeh at the gate, Meladi looked up at the castle. She had been there many times, but the castle always seemed to make her awestruck. Mel had sometimes dreamed of being a princess and living in a castle. Of course then she would never have been able to learn about her passion to fight and help to lead the troops. It was these times, though, that she wondered what life would be like if she was royalty. She quickly focused her attention back on Radeh and the guard.

((I must be off to bed! Goodnight!))
(Is there any way I could possibly get my character actually into the story? Sorry if this question is annoying.)
(not annoying at all, you just have to take initiative and be super creative. Find a reason to have to go to the castle or something. Maybe your character's town was attacked by a guild. Something like that ^-^)
Ciel Phantomhived-

Ciel walked down the quiet street's that seemed almost abandoned. The Recent attak's had thrown everyone into Chaos, was all he figured. Ember paced behind him, her brown hair fluttered in the wind, sweetly. From the skies above, a raindrop fell, only to strick Ciel on the cheek. He pulled his hand up, and brushed it away, glancing up to see more coming. "Younge Master, We Must Hurry." Ember spoke, a smile formed over her lip's. From out of nowhere, she pulled out two Dark colored umbrella's and handed one to Ciel. He dipped the thing onto his shoulder, where it lazily sat. "I Solemly Agree," Ciel replied, ignoring the rain as it became more fluent.

The Castle formed into view, through the thick water's that fled from the dark cloud's over head. Ciel brushed the hair over the black eye patch that covered his left eye. His expression was bland, but, of course, that was normal. As they walked, he gnored the puddle's that formed around his dress shoes. Ember however, still stoos elegantly tall, but she held up her Baby Blue dress. Both could see, two guard's that huddled near the door's. One Stepped forward as they approached.

"Halt! Who is it that goes there ?" The one would had stepped forward exclaimed. The Man held a weapon, that could easily told that it was silver. A Sword at the most.

Ember stepped forward, before her younge Master could. "Sir Ciel Phantomhived," She announced's, bowing. "I, to be November Rain. Maiden." As Ember spoke, she flashed an award winning smile.

The Gaurd bowed, "Younge Phantomhived, What, may I Ask? Are you doing out on the town, with such risk's ?" The Second Gaurd asked, from behind the first.

Ciel stood tall, with an cold expression that was still as usial. "The Meeting With the Prince, himself. It is held here, is it Not ?" Ciel questioned, holding the Umbrella at an 90° Angle over his shoulder.

The Guard nodded, "It is Sir, My Apologise. Entrance Granted." One Spoke, while the other pushed open a door.

Ciel, with Ember following closely behind, stepped into the hall. Where Many Noble's and Royalty had gathered for the meeting, led by Prince Radehgeih. The noise level was high, as everyone talked. But behind Ciel, the Door slammed shut. Quieting the crowd, to where many had turned and looked his way. Without hesitation, Ciel continued walking, ignoring the stares and mumbles of other's. Many Sounded like, "Phantomhived ? Why Must he be here." or "He Never Attend's. Why has he come today?" Ciel simply ignored their remark's as he took a seat over near the wall. The place where the shadow drap's over the row of chairs. Although, masked into the shadow's, Ember's Baby blue eye's still shined bright.
Black Eagle was now seated in a stool in the dining area while twirling his dagger through his long fingers. Soon he would have the entrances and then he would have the Scarlet Rose bowing to ther knees. He knew it was risky, for the princess could mark non existent entrances in a way of defiance, but then he would just kill her brother…or maybe kidnap him. Yes that seemed like a good idea, and maybe he’d inject him with a poison that inflames the body while she watched.

“Perfect….” Black Eagle purred under his breath.

Though he might lose a couple men if she did pick the wrong entrances that seemed like a good back up plan, but for now he was waiting patiently for the princes to finish and for Face to come back. Oh yes he knew by now Face had already got what he wanted and was probably coming back right now. Face was a…interesting fellow to say the very least. Brutal and very morbid he was, but at the same time he was good at what he did, that’s all the really mattered. He figured now was the time to inform Natasia. The girl was a good assassin oh but her spying skills far surpassed any other. He would definitely need her for this. Standing up he put his dagger back in his black cloak and went to her room. Without eve knocking he slid in as quite as a mouse and saw she was laying on her cot, though her breathing was quick and steady so she wasn’t asleep.

“Natasia…it’s time I inform you of what’s going to happen next,” Black Eagle told her.
The rain was coming down hard now and Natasia was still laying down. She had a rough week with her mother being gravely ill, and all. She never skipped a day of practice though. She was a master at her trade and was at her prime. She had to keep up to par. Every day she would go over how to kill a man in two seconds or less, how to walk in her sky high heels and not make a noise. Black Eagle was right to choose her for this assignment.

Natasia rolled on her side and greeted Black with a trade marked, twisted smile. She ruffled her long, bed kitten hair. "Well, good morning," she joked having not fallen asleep. She slid her long legs from the cot and stood full and graceful, her hip out to one side. She walked into the main room, awaiting her briefing. She giggled as she saw the princess. Oh how Natasia hated the damsel. Natasia didn't dare touch her though. That was for Black and Natasia was as loyal to Black like an old dog to its master.
Black Eagle watched as Natasia slid out of bed, such grace, but also so deadly. He would need that charm that poison like assassin for this. Oh yes Black loved poison, especially in the form of a human. Natasia was his toxic swan, as much grace as the beautiful bird but instead of pure white feathers it’s down held deadly substances, and to make things even better, she was his swan. Blake Eagle waited for her to get to the main room before he walked in it as well. Once there glanced at her before beginning the briefing.

“As you know the dear princess is in our hands, and with a little persuasion I managed to get her to spill all the entrances, as of right now she is probably almost down mapping them out. With that said, I’ll need you, to do a little hunting. After Azriel is done with the map you are to use it to kidnap her brother, prince Nileriel. I have complete faith in you, my swan, for with your skills and with the map, this will be no doubt an easy, but very important mission,” Black explained.
Radehgieh made his way through the castle. It seemed almost every royal and nobleman was there for the meeting. They all talked in nervous whisper's and Radehgieh heard something about Ciel being there. Hmm this seems to be a bigger deal than I thought. It was rare that Ciel would ever show up to meetings of any kind. Some of the nobles ran up to him and Meladi. "You need to find more warriors to protect us!" "What if they attack the castle?" "Are you going to help us?" It was a mess of questions all being thrown at them at once.

"Please calm down, this will all be discussed soon enough. I can assure you that the Hand of the Royally Divine will do all they can so you can rest at ease." Radehgieh said. They quieted down and mumbled a few thank you's.


Soon enough a knight came and found Nileriel at the dragon stables. "It is about time for the meeting, your father said to make sure you attend." The knight said. Nileriel sighed. It was an important meeting but if it had nothing to do with getting his sister back and rather just defending the "poor and defenseless" nobles, he didn't care. "I'll be there..." he said. He petted Mindmaster a few more times and headed to the meeting.
Natasias eyes became slits and an evil smile crossed her face. She knelt down in front of him, hoping to please him with her submission. She loved when he called her that. His swan. That she was. She had been sent on many quests before, having to use her sexual charm to carry them out. Thoughts raced in her head about how to capture the regal Prince. It was such a dangerous mission. She also reminded herself of how much the Prince hated the thieves and how he would have no mercy if she was caught.

Natasia stood, grabbed Blacks hand, and lightly kissed his rock hard knuckles. "Don't worry my Lord," she purred. "It will be done. Let us hope the map is finished soon." With that she turned, glared at the princess, and walked back to her room. There she looked out the shaded window with glee. It was days like these that Natasia was glad to be in the thieves guild. She ran through the possibilities of her mission. Would she use trickery, maybe entering the castle as a concubine or would she do it by complete infiltration, sneaking her way in and back out with the Prince? She grabbed a knife and twirled it through her long, delicate fingers.
Meladi let Radehgieh calm the people down. She usually never talked until the actual meeting, afraid that she was going to blow up in someone's face. She just never understood why these people couldn't take care of themselves. "These people are so helpless. If we didn't need the money I would just leave," Meladi mumbled to herself.
After exiting the backroom of the merchants shop, Vaas quickly scaled the side of the building that he had been perched upon minutes earlier. The rain still poured down heavily, making his movements slightly more difficult. Sliding along the slick rooftop towards another large building ahead he made a quick leap at the last minute hitting the other rooftop scrambling to keep his balance and not slide from its slick surface.

Once he had cleared the edge of the town without incident he tucked himself away in the shadows behind an old horse stable. Quickly he reached into his pocket and removed a small black oval stone. He raised it close to his face, the young boys face still hung loosely around his head. "Shadows guide me home." He whispered, softly the air around him shimmered before he faded away.
Radehgieh looked over Meladi. “As much as I agree, we shouldn’t say such things here. It wouldn’t be good if they heard.” He glanced at all the nobles and royals. Both sides, The Hand and The Scarlet Rose, had quite a disliking for each other but the truce was something they both needed. It was getting to the point that Radehgieh wanted to just break the truce and tell them they were on their own. Everyday brave and honorable warriors were out there fighting-dying for them while they sat around living their luxorius lives. He could almost go as far as saying that he agreed with the Thieves Guild, that it was time for the royals to step down, but it wasn’t time to do that yet. Something more had to happen before they could be sure protecting them wasn't worth the money anymore.
“Are you sure this will work Nevel..?” Travis asked his old friend as he toyed with a crystal bracelet on his right wrist.

“Well of course young warrior, this is something I have been working on for some quite time now...!” the little magician exclaimed as he took a step back from Travis.

They were in one of the heavily guarded storage rooms deep within the castle of the Scarlet Rose, a room specifically made for one, interesting purpose. Zephyr, Travis' legendary and enchanted lance was beautifully placed on the main wall within the room. Travis' unique blue battle armor was set next to his lance.

Travis took a quick jump back and placed his right arm out in front oh himself. “Lend me your strength, roar with all your might... Zephyr!” The crystal bracelet on Travis' right wrist immediately burst into an illuminating light, the outline of Zephyr appeared grasped within Travis' hand and fully became tangible after another second. Travis' armor quickly teleported from the wall and became visible again on Travis' in mere seconds, the symbol of the Scarlet Rose glowed as the special armor became tangible.

“A....A..Amazing...” Words barely escaped Tavis' lips as he couldn't believe what he just witnessed. “Nevel, I don't know what to say,” Travis exclaimed as he looked at the old magician. “Do not fret young master, I only serve to aid you, this new spell I have enchanted your bracelet with will allow you to more easily come in and out of combat, as well as helping you become hidden whenever you seem fit,” Nevel explained as he blushed from the compliment from the general. “Young master, are you not late for your meeting with Prince Radehgieh?” Nevel questioned.

Oh, you might be right, this war might have become serious very soon...” Travis spoke as he let his words wander. “Wait, how do I send Zephyr and my armor back into this room?” Travis' asked the little man. “Oh! I seemed to have forgot. Well all you have to do is say “release” with the intentions of sending your items back, and they will return here.” Nevel explained eagerly.

Ah, but of course.... Release!” Travis' quickly shouted, his belongings quickly disappeared and reappeared up onto the wall of the storage room. “I must thank you again, my old friend, you have done your guild a great justice with this magic,” Travis' explained to his old friend as he but on his general identifying clothes on. “I am at your service, as always” Nevel bowed as he led Travis' out of the storage room.

Travis' departed from the room and headed to the main hall where the meeting was being placed. Many eyes lingered toward Travis as he walked in, which was usual at these sorts of occasions. The ones with fighting prowess were always the ones to be sought after for, many nobles were powerless and seeked protection from those who were skilled. Travis leaned against the wall behind Prince Radehgieh and began to listen to what he had to say.

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