RP 1

Flame Demon

Autistic Ace Vampire
Roleplay Type(s)
Luna walks to the school as the Zeta beam light dies down, she was one of the first to arrive, she had left Robin to get some more sleep, patrol hadn't been easy at all "See you at flying lessons" M'gann says floating past the girl who sweatdrops, she looks at the thick wall surrounding the school grounds, it was so that people who weren't students wouldn't just randomly walk in, well if the gate was open that might just happened. She looks at her schedule and smiles, all normal classes being advanced classes, well Batman did say she and Robin had the highest scores on the test "Where is he anyway?" she asks sitting near a small pond, it was the meeting place of Robin, Wally, Kaldur, Connor, M'gann and her after they had met after the tests.


Kaldur was there with Robin and the two were talking about the heroes school. " I cant wait to meet the new students here" Robin said. 

Kaldur nodded, " there must be alot, since the the school is so big" Robin nodded to him.


A girl with long curly auburn hair and emerald green eyes walked into the school using the zeta tube. She fixed the skirt on her school uniform making sure it wasnt wrinkled or messy looking since she a bit of a hurry in the morning. She sighed to herself at her nervousness about the new school. She was a bit shy around people but was easy to work with. She looked at her schedule and smiled a little at all her classes. She noticed one advanced class and that was cooking, she sweatdropped, ' i guess that dessert i made wowed them' she thoight not mind the class. She loved to cook so it was fine. She looked around again before heading into the school.


@Flame Demon

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Malcolm was already at the school he didn't come in through the Zeta Tube... he was in the science portion of the school working on his nanites and Wally aka kid flash came speeding in moving the tools all over the place causing Malcolm to stumble... Red Arrow and Conner walked in after him. "Slow down speedy" Red arrow says to him....

"Speedy that's funny aren't you speedy" he says smiling but Red Arrow doesn't smile... "don't call me that ever again" he says looking at Malcolm...

"you your Mister Terrific's kid aren't you... he's a big help to the league what you doing?" he asked

Malcolm looked up.. "My mother is a league member as well but i'm just working on my nanites before my classes" he replied

Wally sped around him... "nanites wow guess you got your dads smarts, let me know if you need any chemistry help" he says

"Well let me know if you want a combat challenge" Conner says....

"so your the superboy... well not much a combatant but I'd like to learn..." he says putting his tools down as the signal for classes soon to start came on....

"I gotta go... and Red arrow i'd like for you and Superboy to help me out" he says walking out

@Flame Demon

Luna plops down next to Robin not even bothering to ask how he was there before her "Shouldn't Wally and Connor be here by now? They're never late" she asks and M'gann sits down "Wally was running around again, so Roy went after him with Connor" she says and Luna sighs "Who's our teacher for the flying lesson?" she asks and the Martian says "Superman, he's also assistant combat teacher", Luna rolls her eyes and says "Well those two better get here quickly since we only have half an hour left" "Already called them telepathcally" M'gann says and she adds "Have you heard the rumors that there will be students who won't join until later this year?", Luna nods slightly as she looks at the water deep in thought "So think there'll be more people to join our 'Get to school early' group?" she asks adjusting her sunglasses. "We really need a better name" M'gann says earning a nods "Never let Wally think of stuff again" Luna says.

The auburn hair girl blinked a little when the signal for class went off. She guess she could look around later after school. 'The school is soo big..' she thought as she looked at her schedule before walking off to class. She hummed softly to herself as she quickly walked through the class. She turned the corner and squeaked when Wally sped past her catching her off guard and making her fall on her butt. She blinked a little processing what just happened, 'super speed..' she thought to herself as she got up and dustrd herself off.


Robin hummed, " If I hack the school system i bet ai can fond out who those later students are "

Kaldur sweatdropped, " is hacking the answer to everything?" He asked the boy, who just shrugged.

" i am a curious boy " Robin said with a small laugh.

"just dont let Batman catch you he is the headmaster.


@Flame Demon

"I already tried, one hour of trying and still no progress" Luna says and she sighs "Guess we'll have to wait, but have you noticed that we've been seeing less and less of Doctor Faith, Batman says he's on missions a lot" he says. M'gann looks at Robin "Maybe you can think of a name for our little group" she says and then turns to Luna "Well it is weird, maybe he's training someone, why else would he go on so many missions?" she asks earning a simple shrugs as Luna walks to the nearby tree with her pocket knife and she starts carving the first letter of their names in it "So, now we can officially say this is our spot to hang out" she says putting her pocket knife away again, of course she had picked their names as heroes, though it wasn't that deep and she'd probably have to redo it once or twice.
Wally speeds up to the group by the pond and Superboy is in tow while Roy and Malcolm are headed to class.... "hey guys you met this is Malcolm kid he's Mr. Terrific's and Vixens son" Wally says to the group

Wally speeds right next to Robin whispers "Robin...hey.. I wonder how green lantern felt when Malcolms parents got together" he whispered... not knowing if anyone knew of gl and vixen and hawkgirl fiasco.

Malcolm walks with red arrow basically being interrogated 

Connor exchanges glances with m'gann..."Wally don't you ever stop joking"

Wally smirks as "What no jokes are my greatest weapon well speaking of bats... Hey kid wonder bat whats up" he says waving at Luna he says

"So why are you here Malcolm. ..your smart you could be my Lucious Foxx and make my gadgets better" he says 

"I just want to help feel like i can do more...true mr Foxx makes weapons and tech for heroes but I'd like to do both" he says 

@Flame Demon

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"Same as each day Wally and please call me Shadow, or Angel, but not kid wonder bat" Luna says and she adds "The Joker tried that and he was send to Arkham again as well after paying a visit to the hospital", she sighs and says "My first class is combat, wonder why Batman is having homeroom at the end of the day though" she says while stretching "After that I have the dreaded flying lesson" she says, M'gann smiles "It's not that bad, well if you know how to fly" she says earning a light punch on her arm "I'd rather stay with both my feet on the ground" Luna says with a sigh. M'gann smiles at Connor "So, what's everyone's first class, mine's combat, but girls and boys have combat with different teachers at Monday" she says. Luna looks at Wally "And I know about almost anything and everything, I hack league systems when I'm bored as hell" she says and adds "That's how I came across the funniest video of the Flash, someone had put banana peels around every corner and he kept falling"


The aubrun hair girl hummed as she walked i to her math class. She looked around for a bit before finding a seat near the window. She sat down and quietly before taking out a book and reading as she waited for class to start.


" I have physics" Robin said with a stretched, " well advance physics" he added with a chuckled and looked at Wally, " and we dont talk about that" he said refering to the Green lanter, Vixen and Hawkwoman fiasco.

Aqualad looked at his schedule, " I have math" he said before looking at the time, "well we should get going, we dont want to be late on the first day" he added he started to head into the school.


@Flame Demon

"Combat doesn't start for another 15 minutes though" Luna says and she looks at Wally and Connor "What are your first classes?" she asks. M'gann nods "I have combat too, since there aren't many girls I think most of them have combat today, boys and girls will have combat together on Friday though" she says and adds "So we can stay here for a while, also Wally, Shadow and I decided to never let you pick a name for something again", Luna nods and says "Yep".


Connor looks at Luna he kinda didn't want to say that he had flight as well being kryptonian but a clone made him feel bad especially since kryptonian law dictates clones as abominations its worse that he cant fly.

He looked away. .."i have flight as well" he says 

Wally looks around. .." i got power control with black canary. ..im this close to being able to phase through walls...hmmm so no one has combat with the new kid and wildcat" he says showing Malcolms card with his classes 

"Swiped it off him....but it makes sense he says he can't fight.

Malcolm was told wildcat would be late so he sat in the nearby math class. ...

He saw a girl with Auburn hair she seemed new..  he walked up to her...

"Im Malcolm. ...tech genius and i can mimic animals" he says holding his hand out

@Flame Demon

The girl looked up from her book and then at Malcom. She smiled kindly at him, "Nice to meet you Malcom. I am Anise Evergreen" she said to him politely and reached over and shook his hand. 

Kaldur then walked into the room to see Malcom talking with a girl with aubrun hair. He would walk over to say hi but decided not to interrupt them and sat down somewhere in class.


"Well I have to go since physics starts soon" Robin said before running off to class. " have fun in combat!" He added as he disappeared into the building.


@Flame Demon

Malcolm saw Kaldur as he was well known as being Aqualad..."so you must be new like me i have no data on you Anise do you mind if i scan you.... just would like to learn about you on a biological level may come in useful someday" he  asked her for her permission to do so.

Wally went to his class with Black Canary and Superboy went to flight class

Malcolm glasses locked onto wildcats biosignature showing that he arrived...he would head there shortly 


@Flame Demon
Luna waves and sighs "We really need more girls in this group of ours" she says and M'gann nods in agreement saying "Yep, wanna see who'd be worthy of our crazy little group during combat training?" "Sure" Luna says as the two get up "In the meantime I can give you some pointers on your flying" the martian says and Luna quickly runs of saying "No thanks!" she runs into Artemis and falls down, causing her sunglasses to fall on the ground and break "Sorry" she says as she inspects her sunglasses, she'd have to get some new ones from Batman later, or Wonder Woman, depending who she saw first.


Anise blinked a little at the males sudden request to scan her and shook her head, "Sorry... but we just met and I dont feel comfortable of you scaning me..." she said to the male and smiled, " but thank you for asking before doing so" she said to him kindly.


Artemis blinked a little and looked at the girl she bumped into, " its fine.. are you ok?" She asked as she lend the girl a hand to help her up.


@Flame Demon

(Lol i think Artemis was a little sassier than just saying its ok)

Malcolm nodded then walks to the combat room "Mr Grant how are you today" he says 

Ted Grant looks at him... "kid how the hell do you know who i am" he says 

"My father updated my tech with the roster of heroes and teachers he has you li...." he began to say as Ted Grant flipped him tossing him into a wall so fast he couldn't recover he just slammed into the wall.

"Thats the problem with you tech types im overseeing my student Black Canary your dad made a mistake kid"

He says standing over him

@Flame Demon

Luna takes her hand and pulls herself up "I'm fine thanks, I've had worse" she says putting her broken sunglasses away "Well we should be off" she says as M'gann flies over "You're one of the new students right? High I'm M'gann and this is Shadow Angel" she says and Luna says "You can call me either Shadow or Angel, your pick". She then frowns slightly as M'gann begins inspecting her "You know, you really do look like Wonder Woman without the sunglasses" the Martian says and Luna says "Thanks, people often tell me I look like my mother a lot, well besides the Joker, he's just tells me I am too much like my dad", she sweatdrops remembering the first time she met the clown, he was surprised to see someone as young as her and even more surprised to see he couldn't easily kill her, of course Batman beat him up for trying to kill his daughter.


(( xD  i will try to put that in the future))


Artemis sweatdropped, " Batman has a kid? I thought Robin wast the only he had.." she said to the two ans looked at Shadow, "i guess you learn something everyday" she said with a shrug. " and I am Artemis. Nice to meet you too" she said to the two girls.


Anise watched him go and went back to her. The teacher came and she looked up, she closed her book and took out her notebook to take notes for class.


@Flame Demon


(( i am have no idea what bero will teach math @-@ so... go crazy XD))
(GA would do)

"Robin's not his real kid, he was adopted, despite how much they look alike" Luna points out and she adds "I on the other, know more about Batman then Robin does and yes he has a kid" she says and thinks for a while as M'gann says "Though she really does look more like her mother, Wonder Woman, she even has her super strength and flight, not to mention her good looks" "Though I'm not even good at flying, so that's not worth mentioning" Luna says and she looks at the time "Black Canary will kill us if we're late, so we better hurry" she says and drags the other two along.


Ted was trying to punch Malcolm but he embodies the spirit of a cat allowing him to dodge very well although Wildcat wasn't trying hard at all...

"No guts at all huh kid relying on powers...you could be great if you learned to fight with your powers and not just use them.... then again your mom was the same way but your dad had guts" he  says 

Malcolm stopped access to his power. .."what did you say" he says holding back teds fist with his natural strength ...but Ted hits him with a two punch combination knocking him to the ground again. ..

Black Canary looks at ted ..."what. ..don't give me that look give him extra credit or something at least he can take a punch" he says 

Wally comes speeding in..."oooh...did i miss something. .." he says 

Superboy enters his class

@Flame Demon

Artemis blinked as she was suddenly dragged away, " I have two legs you know. I can walk on my own" she said and looked at the schedule to see she has combat class with the two people she just met. ' well that a coincidence...' she thought to herself.


The person that walked into the math room was Green Arrow. Anise blinked a little in surprise, ' well this is a school for young m heroes she thought as she watched him go through his rooster.

The male raised an eyebrow, " looks like we have a student... Anise Evergreen?" He said and looked around. Anise slowly raised her hand a bit embarrassed of being called out like that. GA looked at her and smiled, " welcome to Young Justice High I hope you are ready for a very interesting year.." he said to her. Anise slowly nodded and didnt say anything to the male. GA then started the math lesson.


@Flame Demon

Luna hums softly as she enter the combat room "Uh... the girls have combat at the moment, guys aren't allowed here today" she says seeing Wally and Malcolm "Seriously, you two are going to be so late for your classes, since they already started". Black Canary picks the two boys up by their uniform and she trows them out "No boys allowed!" she calls closing the door behind them, she then scans the group "Where Anise?" "Uh she might be in Math, since she's new and it is in the same hour as Math" Luna explains and Black Canary nods while handing the girl some sunglasses. M'gann nods "Yeah, also who's that? He looks strong, he's not going to fight us is he?" she asks mentioning to the male that was just beating Malcolm.


Ted Grant looks at M"gann "im your teachers teacher dolly im wildcat i dont expect you to know me but im an advisor so pretend im not here im just giving her advice to how she teaches ya" he says to them

Malcolm came to and cracked his neck. ..Wally just looked at him "you ok man you took some pretty nasty hits" he says 

"Im ok he held back so im sure he didn't mean to seriously injure me" he says 


@Flame Demon
Martian man hunter then entered the math room as Anise was solving a math problem on the board. Everyone in class stopped and looked at him, " Oh hey John need something?"

John nodded, " Anise Evergreen?" Anise shyly rose her hand again. " there has been a mix up in your schedule. You should be having combat with Black Canary right now" 

"O-oh... I see" she said to him quietly.

" Can she at least finished the math problem?" GA asked wnd John nodded. Anise finished up the math problem getting it right before she frabbed her things and left the room with John.

" So how is school so far" John asked the girl.

" It nice. The school is very big and everyone seems nice here" Anise answered with a smile.

The two soon arrived at the training room and Anise peeked inside before following after John, " sorry for the inconvenience. Her schedule got mixed up a bit"


@Flame Demon

"Actually it's not, Math and combat are at the same time, but those who don't know that will go to Math" Black Canary says and she adds "But it's fine, no harm done, we have combat at Friday too". Luna looks at Ted "Batman told me about you, also don't call M'gann Dolly" she says with a batglare, seriously, this was combat class and he called someone dolly, not a great start. Black Canary clears her throat "Ted please refrain from saying stuff that might insult them, you do not want an angry bat at your tail. Now then, let's see what you can do, who wants to go first?" she says and Luna says "I'll go". Black Canary nods and she mentions to the circle "Alright then, let's see how long you can hold out against some dummies, but don't be fooled, they're not weak and they're fast as well" she says as the girl walks to the circle.



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