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Futuristic Royals, Guards, and everyone else...{ Still recruiting! Royals tasked with world saving needed!}

Suzette said:
I think I'll give this a try. Could I possibly have a very young character. Around six?
Alrighty. I'm assuming a Royal?? Although, a young assassin would be interesting. . .
Wow this topic just blew up :) also since theres a second royal in the mix I would be interest in playing a second security guard. If that doesn't work i might be able to play a servant of some sort
Valorie said:
I'd be glad to play any role, since all of them sound rather interesting. c:
A Wildcard hmm???

Well we are low on actual threats. I will be supplying random little enemies but nothing with real density. Could you be a villain? Or rather, a threat to the family/ The world.
Crazycake said:
A Wildcard hmm???
Well we are low on actual threats. I will be supplying random little enemies but nothing with real density. Could you be a villain? Or rather, a threat to the family/ The world.
Oh, sure. c:

That sounds like a character that will be fun to develop.
sambodean said:
i was wondering how "family friendly" will this be? Sex, violence, language, drugs?
I can't say no to Violence and use of Fowl language at the right time/ character.

Sex, as we know, is prohibited - but if a character is a lush and utilities such wiles- to a point- yes. Romance, yes to Romance.

Drugs? Ummmmmmmm, suuuurrrreeeeeeeee. Though if you go into extreme detail, there will be questions...... But maybe more like a 'performance enhancing' narcotic that allows you to see farther or something of the sort.


Valorie said:
Oh, sure. c:
That sounds like a character that will be fun to develop.
Good! Haha! Two Royals, Two Security and somebody try'in to get them! Why that's what it's all about. Okay! Going to go create the character outlines and thread, yes yes.
Yeaaaaaaaaa, I'm going to say that a rough set up shall be ready for tomorrow. Soooooo farwell and happy evenings or mornings- afternoons perhaps? To everyone!


And here we are! ==>

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Mmmhmm, I will totally playing one of them. Those shady groups that no one know what the hell they're up to are the best.

But wait, in which category they'll fall into? A threat?
Yyyyyyeeeeeeeeesssssssssss...... Well I suppose it really depends-

Are they intentionally causing all this havok? How the hell do they change people into these monsters? I've gone crazy at a concert or two, but the effect they have on people is absolutely psychotic- wtf's up with that?

Essentially everyone's pretty much either part of the Royal family, a guardsmen [/servant, perhaps? ] orrrr a threat.

And awesome! Those were just random examples of threats presented in the world- I'm happy one can be put to use!
Gilmoregirl12 said:
Let me know when this is up

We are in the process of character creation!!!
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[QUOTE="too much idea]is this rp is still recruiting?

Indeed! Always room for another some where in the crazy world of...... this one....
Crazycake said:
Indeed! Always room for another some where in the crazy world of...... this one....
So is this set in a world closely resembling earth or are we free to make our own country's and their history?
sambodean said:
So is this set in a world closely resembling earth or are we free to make our own country's and their history?
Oh yes by all means.

Also for time line ish- I'm thinking the world is just moving into a new age of technology. Cybernetics, Mech suits, Nanobots, Biological Augmentation- so on and so forth. It isn't super prevalent- but these things do exist.
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