
Adela sat up straighter in her seat at the bar and more people jostled into the Tavern. My, it was a busy night and, she wasn't sure how to feel about it. What if a fight broke loose? Would she want to be here to clean up the mess, injury wise?

"Oh get a hold of yourself." She muttered under her breath as she swiveled around on her stool and passed her empty glass to the bartender.

"Just some water now, please." She requested. She didn't want to get drunk after all, she still had to walk home after she was done here.

While she waited for her water she entertained herself with looking around at all the new faces in the Tavern.
Ritsuka looked at him,"oh! Well you could rest at mmy place! Ive got plenty of food and an extra room.And its not far from here." She said smiling towards him. She was kind person and always tried to help others anyway she could,"You could stay there for as long as you like im always out of the house anyway so youll have the place to yourself at times!" She added
He smiled at jett and said “thanks for answering my questions. If you excuse me, I will be working around if you need anything else” He smiled at her once more and turned around then started walking to a girl near jett’s table, he walked forwards her and asked “Would you like anything to drink miss?” He said as he looked at her with a smile. He reached his right pocket and graved a small notebook and a pen and holded the notebook with his left hand and the pen with the right hand preparing to Wright anything she would order.
She thanked him before he left, most likely going to serve another customer. She took another sip of her water before going off into the world she knew as her mind. Thinking about what she read in the book. She raised her hand from her drink and looked down at it. 'A way to adjust the range of my abilities.' She thought to herself.
((Can we wait a short while on posts and let users who haven't posted post? O.o thank you :3 I'd hate to leave people behind
Seeing Night's face and hair back to normal, Shy immediately let him go. Her own face no longer held any anger, at least toward the boy standing before her. She held plenty of anger toward his other half tho. Such a coward to disappear when caught in the act of doing something he shouldn't have. Some days, she really hated the other half but at the same time, he was her family. She didn't hate the boy, not even the evil one. After all, there weren't many who could deal with that little demon. Softly, Shy patted her nephew's head, a small smile replacing her features. "Its not your fault Night. I'm sorry. I just lost my temper for a moment there." She placed her arm over his shoulders, grinning now. "How about we get that food now?" She pulled her nephew along with her, sighing softly as they passed Kiro and Airion. "Lets go you slow pokes. Breakfast is on Kiro!" She turned her head back to look at the cat, sticking her tongue out at him. "Hope you have enough! You know how Night here likes to eat!" She winked, teasingly as she dragged her nephew thru the doors of the tavern.

((So so so so soooo so so sorry guys! D: Storm came thru and knocked out the internet but I'm back! >] bahaha o.e))
Kiro had already been in the tavern and sitting down at a fable that had sat seven people at least more if someone tried. Once he saw the group walk inside he grinned waving over to them. "Hey! Shy; Night. Over here." He said this only to be interrupted by a man setting a fish down in front of him. He immediately fell silent staring at the fish and began to eat quickly. He loved fish and couldn't even wait to eat.

Night only blinked to what had just happened his aunt's anger changed quickly and he was patted on the head. This was one thing he loved about his aunt and quickly hugged her only to be dragged into the tavern. After Shy had mentioned Kiro would be buying the food and drinks he smiled and moved over to the table where Kiro had sat and moved over bowing to him. "Aunty Shy said you were buying us food. Thank you." He said with a large smile and sat beside Kiro leaving a 'Why' look on his face staring at Shy.
Airion followed them in and sat down at the table with them. "Well, atleast my question was answered, albeit indirectly, but I still learned your names." he said, sitting down. Once the waiter got there to take his order, Airion asked for a raw steak. When the waiter got back with it, Airion shocked the steak in the right way, so that it was cooked perfectly medium well. "And that is why I got it raw." he said, eating his steak afterwards.
Kojima walks in a tavern with a smile on his face. This was the only way to keep out the others from thinking of him as a weird man. Not thinking that smiling always is already weird. Kojima kept the smile on his face. The blank and empty smile of a killer. He looks for an empty sit and starts to walk around passing a couple of people and the others glanced at him and muttered, " Weirdo " . He can hear them even if they say that in a low tone. But he doesn't mind, Anger is not in his emotions.

He finds an empty sit just right beside the a couple of young people ( Kira and the others ) . He then sit down and waits for someone to take his order. He smiles as he searches his pocket for his pouch of gold. He takes it out and sets it on the table and starts pouring the coins on the table and starts counting. He wasn't sure if 'that' guy gave him the exact amount. Kojima starts counting by separating a single coin from the rest and dragging them on another end with his index finger.
Shy sighed softly, rubbing her temples. Definite headache. Her time with her friend and nephew was shorter than she liked. She ordered her food to go and as she waited, she fiddled with her knife. Everything else she had prepared. Once her food was done, she'd leave on an assignment. She didn't know how long she'd be gone. She only knew what she had to do. She only glanced up from her knife when the other male sat down. Shaking her head as Kiro gobbled his food, she sighed again. "Baka.." The second her food was placed in front of her was the second she stood, paid for Night and Kiro's meal, and walked out the tavern to complete her task. Not to be heard from till a later date.

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