
Jett follows the girl quietly. When they've entered a room in the back of the shop her jaw practically drops. She'd never seen so many books in one place before. The books are all spell books, spell books that neither of her masters have even seen. She is stunned beyond believe. And its when the girl speaks once more, this time in a hushed tone she looks in the direction the girl points to. She almost felt like a kid, running up to jump up and down to beg for the new toy that has caught her interest. She nods to the girl with a small smile in thanks.
Anya focuses on the spot where she happens to know where a particular spell book is located containing spells of pyromancy and telekinetically transports it from the shelf, slowly carrying it, with her mind, to the quiet girl's hands. Once she takes a hold of the book, Anya smiles softly at the girl and whispers "I'll be in the front room if you need anything, just let me know; you're welcome to stay as long as you like." She smiles and walks back into the main room, glancing over her shoulder at the door before she turns to the window of the little shop, noticing the growing group located at the foot of the statue.
She watches in surprise once more as the book is magically transported from the shelf to her hands. She holds the book gently and opens it to a page to view it to some degree. She looks back at the girl when she speaks and closes the book again. "Thank you. I appreciate your help." She slightly bows to the girl and watches as she leaves before finding a place to sit and starting to read the book.
Ritsuka's arms stretched as she sat up from her bed. She yawned and looked out her window squinting a bit,"I over slept...." she told herself. "Guess its time to get up..." She threw the covers aside and stood up fixinf her hair into a long, high pony tail. She electric blue eyes continued to blink away the sleepiness and she got dressed into her day time clothes. She wore a simple fur parka and linen pants with fur and hide boots (this is mediveal times right? =o=?)
She grabbed a bag quickly before leaving her simple home and closing the door behind her. She turned to face the road and sighed rubbing her eyes some more, getting the last bit of sleep out. She walked forward pulling a list from her pocket,"Got some errands to run...." she said to herself while walking and heading for the train,"First" she said wating on the train platform.
With the success obtained from his question, he starts walking to patrol the streets and ensure everything is in order. As he walks, he pulls out a photo form his pocket. The picture was in a bad shape, all the corners where burned and it had a lot of scratches. He smiled a little but then he hided the image and kept walking. After a while walking, he sited on a bench under a tree some meters away from the Roseville entrance, He stares at the gate for a while waiting for someone to appear but as time passes he leans back on the tree and looks down with a sad expression.
With a small bundle of food in hand he walked away to wander.He walked near the statue and gazing at it for a minute or two walked away.He went to the front gate and gazed out,wondering deeply about why he was here.He grumbled and ate a snack then looked upward at the gate and bending his legs an inch launched himself to the top.He landed kneeling and stood up,then turning took off on the rooftops.
Smiling to herself, Anya Rae sits behind the desk of the little shop again and picks up her book again, returning to her place as she props her feet up on the edge of the desk, once again losing herself within the written words of her book, wrapped in the silence of the room, save for the sound of her steady breathing and the occasional turning of pages.
[QUOTE="Kiro Akira]((No trains D: older town, this one doesn't have a train station. We will in the future tho :D

(dang it xD okie)

Ritsuka then realized there is no such thing as a train and thought "I should invent one!" then shook her head and brushed the ridiculous thought aside (lolz =w=b) " im i going to get there..." she thought once again.

(can they have horses? OoO) 
She snapped her fingers and got a brilliant idea,"Ryder!" she jogged back to her home and in the back was a small barn. She slammed the double doors open standing between them as hay flew from the wind outside,"Alright you...." she walked closer to a black and white stallion,"I know...youre not used to a saddle...but this time lets try." she walked over to the saddle placed on a wooden post. She got closer to the horse and he backed away. Ritsuka sighed,"Alright fine..." she put it back. She walked back to the horse and hopped on him, bare back and holding onto his mane,"Kay lets go..." She clicked with her mouth and touched him with her heel and cantered out the barn doors.....
As time did nothing but continue on, Jett remained in the back room reading. She had indeed found the book she was looking for. She thought about how proud her master would be if he knew what she now knew. She could even picture him sitting next to her, reading it to her as if she were a child listening to a bed time story. She let out a small giggle and continued reading. She found ways to make her abilities stronger and even found a way to incorporate a barrier around herself. Although she figured that spell would take quite some time to learn.
Shy half listened to what Kiro was saying, her gaze drifting off to the others forming around the statue. This place was popular indeed, more so then it use to be. Only when she heard Kiro say catnip did she realize she'd said the magic words. She paused momentarily, her gaze moving back to Kiro before she was tackled once more to the ground. This one, hurt slightly. She growled softly, looking at the neko on top of her. She reached up and grabbed his ear, pulling on it. "Ow you stupid cat! Must you tackle me everytime I even think to mention catnip?!" With a light shove, she pushed him off, moving to her feet with quickness, her hands working to dust herself off, again.

Moving around Kiro and up to Night, Shy smiled sweetly, her eyes glancing to the two he spoke to. "Nephew, who are you talking to?" Her attention turned to the two men standing there, wondering as to why Night would interrupt them in their tasks. She stepped slightly behind her nephew, her eyes moving back to Kiro. "Ne, Kiro? Can't we just go eat?" She grabbed Night's arm, pulling him back some with her as more people began to come to the statue. She'd never been one for crowds and there was a small crowd forming. It was time for her to go elsewhere. "Let's go Night...Kiro.."
Looking at Shy, Airion spoke. "May I tag along miss? I was gonna go and find a good place to eat soon anyways. I won't be much of a bother on the way there, I just wish to tag along." He then looked at Kiro and Night and spoke, "Of course, I won't tag along if you two don't want me to. I would hate to be mean like that." He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a good sized bag of gold. "I can even pay you 3 some money for allowing me to tag along with you, I don't mind it at all."
After a while sleeping, he realized that it was late and had to get to his half-time work as a barman so he stood up and stretched a bit, then ran without looking at anything except the clock as he said “I don’t think I can make it in time” , at the time he was running he almost collided with airion and shy as he tryed to avoid them he collided with a wall and fell unconscious for a few seconds. After shaking his head a bit he looked around and saw in a puddle beside him that half of his face was red from the hit he took from the wall. He smiled a bit and stood there thinking.
Soon Lira was back from the market with apples and bread. That would do for now. She smiled softly at herself as she passed by the fountain again. She stopped for a moment to look at it before starting walking once again. It would only take her a couple of minutes to arrive the inn they were staying at anyway.
Ritsuka made it to the vilage market, hopping off her horse. She searched for fresh ingredients. She looked at all the vendors and booths, looking at the veggies, the grain, the fruit...oh the fruit looked refreshing and ripe, bright colors of all sorts. She picked her favorite fruits to buy, grabbing some strawberries, a few apples, and raspberries.
Kiro grinned as he began walking towards the tavern. "To the food!" He shouted happily and began to rush for it only to stop seeing Airion, after listening to him he smiled softly closing his eyes. "Payment would not be needed you would be a friend not a slave. What friend would pay to have another friend?" He said then began walking towards the tavern once more. "Come on hurry up." His steps quickened now walking faster pointing to the tavern now.

Night smiled gently bowing to Airion and shook his head. "Money would not be needed but if you wish that would be fine as well." He said this as he began to walk after Kiro only to stop for a moment his hair becoming streaked with grey. "As a matter of fact to even be in my presence money would be grand and it is needed up front." The boy smirked turning to Airion and snatched the bag away from his hand. "Don't offer money unless you plan on giving it away kid." His body then shifted as he began to walk towards the tavern ignoring anything else anyone had said.
Ritsuka put the goods in her pack. She walked back to where she left her horse,"Huh?!" she looked around,"Where did he......aaagghhhh DANG IT!" She kicked a rock. She sighed and moved her bangs out of her face. She started walking, eating a few raspberries in her hands. She walked around town and noticed some type of tavern,"hmm?" she peeked inside then came back out,"This looks interesting...." She took her parka off and had a sleeveless slim fitting top. She looked down to examine herself,"I-I think i could pass for an older woman..." She blushed deeply. Shes always been self concience about her assets but she had to if you wanted to get inside, she highly doubts theyd let a young girl in there....
Looking out the window of her grandmother's book shop, Anya Rae sees a riderless horse wandering the streets of Roseville, likely searching for some sweet fruits to eat. Looking around and seeing no rider in sight anywhere, Anya quickly dashed out of the shop and calmly approached the wandering horse, calmly whispering to it as she approached, holding her hand out flat for it to sniff curiously. Slowly, calmly, she lays her hand gently on the horse's muzzle with a soft pat before she gently takes a hold of its halter. "Where is your rider, hmm?" Anya whispers to the horse, focusing on sending a subtle persuasive desire to accept Anya's presence calmly to the horse as she feels the muscles of its shoulder relax beneath her hand. "We need to make sure you don't go and steal all of the produce from the market, don't we?" Anya smiles as she leads the horse, by its halter, through the gate to the small, fenced-in corrall with a lean-to behind the shop and provides it with a sweet apple and a handful of hay, releasing it in her yard to roam while she waits for its rider to show up.
Jett had finally finished the book. She was a fast reader, so she was glad that she was able to finish a book in record time. She stands from her seat upon the ground and places the book back upon its shelf. She exists the bookstore and notices that the girl who had helped her was no longer there. She was going to thank her once more too. She walks out of the book shop, heading for the tavern. She had been reading her book so intently she hadn't noticed that she hadn't eaten yet.
Ryder, Ritsuka's horse, wandered in the pastures, sniffing the foreign place and playfully running about. Ocasionally looking around wondering where his owner was....but, he always ran off and would forget about her for the moment and mind his own buisiness and follwing his wandering mind....he's troublesome that one.....

Ritsuka, on the other hand, casually walked in the Tavern. It was hot and smelled of men and ale. There were hardly any other women, and most of them were wenches serving the drinks,"What the heck? People come here?" She thought as she looked around.
From the yard behind the shop, Anya hears the young, avid reader exit the shop and sends her a quick message through her thoughts, smiling to herself. "You're welcome."
Airion took out his dagger and threw it right across to his money bag, and the bag was snatched from Night's hands, then he walked over and took back his money as well as his knife. Then, glaring at Night, Airion spoke, "Don't try that again, or I'll do much worse to you." he put his bag of money away afterwards and followed them to the tavern. Looking at Kiro, Airion spoke "By the way, I was only offering money as a little thanks for allowing me to tag along. And what was with that other guy's hair? And his sudden change of attitude?" he said, glancing at Night.

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