
"You okay bro?"Joss asked as he jumped down from the wall staring at the guard.He had been wondering if there was a room in the tavern for him,seeing as though all his camp supplies were 2 cities over and he was tired."I saw the whole thing and that was a pretty bad hit you took."He said and tossed piece of an orange he was eating into his mouth.
"I'm all right" He got up slowly and rubbed his face and realized he had a bruise on his right cheek, but it was not very important, he never paid attention to where he was walking and always bumped with anything . I look at the man and said "thank you for your concern but I'm fine, if you'll excuse me I'm late for my job and my boss is not a good person." laughs a bit after finishing his prayer and graves tightly his backpack. He looked once more to the man and asked “If I may ask, where are you going sir?”
Lira stepped out of the inn when she left the food with her teammates. She shook her head with a smile before stretching softly. Guess she could take a little walk before going to sleep, this time she just wanted to walk aimlessly, wherever her feet would take her. She brushed her crimson hair to the side lightly before going down the streets. The so ever peaceful streets.
Joss smirked and chuckled then nodded to his weapon."I'm a contract bodyguard and hit man....people need protection or someone gone they call me."He said and turned,tossing another orange into his mouth."You have a good day guard...oh yeah if you pay more attention and stop dozing off you will notice there are several people like me,but you'll meet them later kid."He said and chuckled then continued to the tavern.
Suka (for short) stood at the entrance, not sure if she wanted to stay there. She pinched her nose from the stench,"Ughh..." she was disgusted,"Now i know why people my age arent allowed in her..." she glared at the place with disgust and said to herself. She grabbed some more pieces of berries from her bag and popped them into her mouth.
Joss walked into the tavern just in time to catch the girls remark and chuckled,"No duh we'd pass out if it smelled any worse."He said and popped another orange into his mouth,"Weird such a romantic and beautiful place and then there's this place."He chuckled lightly and ordered something to drink."Oh where are my manners,im Joss and who might you be?"He asked,tilting his head.
Suka kind of jumped when the stranger entered behind her and realized he heard what she said. She looked

at him and gave a polite smile,"Im Ritsuka...or...Suka for short." She stuck her hand out, waiting for him to shake it. He must be older if hes ordering a drink? she thought.
With a short glance at Airion, Shy shrugged. She didn't need or want his money, that was far from an issue. Hearing Kiro's words to the noy, Shy smiled. "I couldn't have said it better myself Kitty." Without another word, she followed a few steps behind her neko friend, uncarring of the world around her. Only when Airion steeped forward and spoke of Night's sudden change did she que in. Her head tilted back, looking to her nephew. "Night? You okay?" She stopped walking, turning completely to the boy.
As Jett left the book shop she had come to a stop. The voice she had heard when she first entered the shop sounded in her mind again. The girl telepathically spoke to her. A 'Your welcome'. She turned and found the girl with a horse. She smiled and bowed before turning around and heading to the tavern.
He smiled and took her hand,chuckling lightly."No actually i'm just 16,I know by your look that your wondering how I can order a drink,I know how to appear older than I am and people don't ask just give me what I want."He said then grabbing the cup showed her."Plus who would deny a person some water."He said and smiled then sipped his drink.
Adela sighed as she looked down at her drink in front of her. This was the third time this week that she decided to go to the Tavern after shutting down her clinic for the night.

"I hope I'm not developing a bad habit here..." She mumbled to herself as she stirred the liquid around in the glass with the tip of her pale finger. She looked up from her strong beverage and looked around the tavern. It was pretty busy tonight compared to the usual one or two drunkards that regulated the place.

Adela was pretty spent after a full day of work at her clinic where she healed the sick and injured. She wasn't sure why she decided to take a seat at the long wooden bar but, here she was, slumped over the counter, staring down in her nearly empty glass, telling herself that perhaps she should have just gone home and gone to bed.

"Any thing interesting happen lately?" She asked the bartender who was standing near, wiping the inside of a glass that he'd been cleaning for nearly two hours now.

The man just shrugged and kept cleaning as typical. He was never much for conversation.
Kiro stopped to look behind him at the small group that seemed to follow him, two he knew and who ever else was following him. Today would be a fun interesting day. His eyes soon averted to Night as he snagged the money bag from Airion and then watched Airion throw the knife. This was going to get interesting really quick and he knew it. "Oh god." He said simply sighing seeing Night's hair now streaked.

Midnight glared to the knife in which had just barely whizzed past his head. Now angry he glared to the younger boy and simply walked over to him, his eyes filled with a fiery look. "Look you little kid I will rip your throat out and shove it through your eye socket if you even dare throw something at me again." He soon reached into his own pocket pulling out a small knife and pointed it at him. "And this knife will be the one to do it." After that Midnight snarled and began to head towards the tavern again looking to Shy. "What do you care? The kid should know better then to offer money then reject the offer as I take it."

((For those who don't know this is my character it'll go back to him being calm within a few posts :P
Airion simply stood there, unphased by what Night had said. He simply put his money up and said nothing about Night's threat. All he said to Night was "Well, I believe the cat said that it is not needed, so I simply took back my offer. You however, technicaly stole my money with that, therefore I had the right to take it back." Airion then looked at Kiro and spoke, "Oh, and I have another bag that I'm sure you will like if you realy are a cat." Airion then took out a bag the same size as the gold bag, but this one reeked of catnip. Airion then tossed it to Kiro. "Oh, and my name is Airion Feredir, may I ask what you 3's names are?" He said, bowing a little to show respect.
The second Midnight's eyes met her own, her small smile faded. His tone of voice was enough to make her pound him to the ground using only her fist. Tho that was something she wouldn't do. Why? Because he was family and she loved her family no matter how disrespectful some members could be. With a soft growl escaping her throat, Shy stepped forward in front of her demonic nephew. "I'm sorry.. What was that?" Her head tilted ever so slightly, her emerald and saphire eyes shining with a slight red tent to them. It was infuriating hearing someone say that to her. She'd always done what she could for him and the rest of her family.

Turning slightly to look at Kiro, Shy scowled. "I'm gonna kill em." Turning back to Midnight, Shy grabbed hold of the collar of his shirt, yanking him closer so his face was mere inches from her own. "Listen here boy, how long did I take care of you while your parents were off wondering about? You apologize right now before I beat the apology out of you! I don't care what that little idiot Airion did or said. I'm your Aunt and you will show me some dang respect!" With her fist clenched tightly enough her fingertips turned white, Shy knocked him over the head. "You ungrateful little brat!"
Kiro only stood there quietly watching this happen. He had only sighed softly when he heard the two begin to argue, Kiro reached up rubbing his temples slightly not even paying much attention to anyone really only hearing the fight go on. He was so out of it he completely missed what Airion had offered him and simply turned around walking into the tavern only a few feet away. "I'll be waiting." He said softly then began to search for a table that everyone would fit at.

Night smirked as Shy got into his face not moving once. "Hehe." His hair soon averted back to a snow white the moment Shy grabbed him. His eyes only went wide as his aunt began to shout in his face, him cowering slightly as his body lowered the best it could. "I-I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do what ever I did. I'm sorry Aunt Shy." The boy was nearly in tears as she yelled at him, he hated being yelled at and when a family member did it he only hated it more. Night soon glanced to Airion who had asked their names pointing to the female. "That is my aunt, Shy is her name. Kiro is the kitty. And I am Night.
Ritsuka wanted to kick herself in the head. She automatically jumped the gun and assumed he was older and just getting WATER!!! She gave an embarassed chuckle,"Heh heh my bad...I guess i assumed everyone that walked in here was an adult. Well you know, except me of course heh heh." She sheepishly shrugged and moved a piece of hair behind her ear giving a nervous smile.
It had taken her awhile to get to the tavern. Due to the fact that her mind was still on that of the information she had found in her reading. When she finally decided to stop thinking about the book and more about her stomach, because of the loud grumble it made, she managed to make it to the tavern in no time. She found herself sitting at a table to herself. She liked the smells of a tavern. It reminded her of her master at times. For he used to go often to the nearby tavern where they lived. She smiled at the thought.
He chuckled and nodded then finished off the water."Yeah but its ok I probably shouldn't be in here anyways but I can't find anywhere to sleep and i'm super tired."He said and leaned against a table."But i'm just a person looking for abit of work ya know im a person who.......ya know offs the people who need to be gone."He said and yawned.
After a while walking he reached the door of the tavern. He opened it and walked quietly as he had an embarrassing moment at the center of Roseville. He walked toward the entrance of employee’s room, at that moment he took off his officer's uniform and put on a black shirt with brown jeans and black boots. He hesitated as he opened the door to the counter. He greated to a couple of people that were there and the other waiters, after a short amount of time he leaned against the counter and he turned to see everyone. He realized that there were several new faces, old friends and some other that come to drown their sorrows. Suddently he saw someone they were not attending so he approached her (jett) and asked "Do you want something to drink young lady"
She had sat quietly, placing her elbow on the table and her chin in her upturned palm. She hadn't even taken notice of the fact she wasn't being served. But it was when a man approached her. 'The man by the front gates?' she thought to herself. She smiled up at him and leaned back in her chair. "Yes, please. A water will do for now."
He looked to her and smiled "Okay, I'll bring it gladly" he turned around and walked to the counter, he suddenly started talking with a partner , he handed me a glass full of water, I smiled at him and then turned and started walking but as I was walking I just stopped for a moment and looked around the place. He shook his head and walked to jett. He putted the glass of water on her table and said, "Here it is, a glass of water" I look jett and suddenly thought to ask something, he was a very shy person but he managed to asked "Do you know why is there new people in town?" he kept silent and waited for an answer that could satisfy his curiosity.
She had begun looking around the tavern. This was her first time in this specific city and tavern, but she figured there usually wasn't this many people in it at once. Mostly due to the fact that the bar tenders looked quite confused themselves about it. She smiled once more when the man who got her drink returned. "Thank you." She said and took a small sip. He had yet to leave and when she looked back up at him he asked her about the mass of people. "I'm sorry, I myself is new to this town. I came looking for a book. I'm afraid I don't know why the others are here."
I look jett with a curious face and said "This town is something small; I cannot imagine what kind of book is it because you could not find it in one of the libraries of the big cities around this town." In all his life here in Roseville I never saw much people in here, I thought of the place as a 'ghost town' everybody was quieted and They weren’t a lot of social groups, the only rare things or as other people know them as attraction was the Roseville statue was attraction That was on the middle of the town, that’s what made ​​him a little confused. I thought a few seconds and said "I’m sorry I did not present me, my name is Alfredo Utzuki. My dad is Italian as you May already noticed. But anyway. Who am I having the pleasure to talk to?"
"Ah, well I've been to plenty of the big cities and their libraries. But it was in my last city I caught word of the book I'm looking for in this city. And to my luck it was." She smiled happily taking another sip of her water. For her first time in this city she very much enjoyed it. Even though there were only three buildings she'd been in and one general area she'd walked through. She was spoken to once more and smiled at his name. "An interesting name I must say. I'm Jett Mahan. Its a pleasure to meet you." 
((If you guys continue then I'll just have to catch up later. Gotta go for the night.))

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