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Rosegarden High

Markus glared at Mordred, ready to stun him if he tried anything, before he was completely out of sight. He soon then proceeded to quickly crouch down next to Sky. His eyes were filled with sorrow as she watched the beaten up girl. He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Please tell me you are okay Sky....Please tell me you aren't gravely hurt...." He showed her the necklace. "I was able to take this away from him..."
She initially flinched at his touch, before realizing who it was. "Markus?" She whispered, her voice trembling as she looked up at him, with her eyes wide and glassy with tears. Reaching out, she touched the necklace with a finger. "Thank you." She managed to whisper before collapsing into silent tears, sobs racking her entire body without a sound. She continued to lay on the ground, her shoulders shaking as she finally let go of all the emotions building up inside of her.
Markus looked at Sky and he almost broken into tears too. He never thought he would see her like this. Markus placed her arms around Sky, forming a tight hug. "I am sorry I didn't rush earlier..." Felicity, who had been staring at the scene from far away, had suddenly noticed that many students were gathering around Sky and Markus. Angry, she began to approach the students. "If you don't want an ice circle up your ass then you better get going!" After hearing this all of the students began to back away in terror.
Skyler finally managed to get herself under control, standing up and using Markus to lean against. "I'm... I'm sorry for that..." She whispered, her voice shaky. "Did you hear what he said?" She asked quietly, slowly walking back to Felicity, still using Markus as a crutch. "Both of you, did you hear what he said?" She started to tear up again, hiding her face in her hands. "Its true..." She sobbed. "Its all true..."
Felicity frowned and stepped forward until she was in front of them. What she did next shocked Markus beyond words. She rose her hand and slapped her across the face. "Pull your self together you idiot. Are you seriously going to listen to every word he says and take it seriously? Markus may be a kind and tolerable friend, but I am different. People like you that don't stand up for themselves and need the help of others just...annoy me." She placed her fingers on Sky's chin, forcing her to look directly into Felicity's eyes. "Tell me, what happened to the passionate girl that didn't care being called a witch that I met on the first day? Did she die? Or are you simply hiding her?" Her voice had a cold tone as she let go of Sky's chin and taking a step back. "Clean off your tears, you look pathetic."
Skyler stared at Felicity for a long moment. Then she dropped her eyes to the ground. Not making a sound, she wiped her face, refusing to let more tears fall. Then she removed her hand from Markus, almost falling but managing to stay upright. Wrapping her arms around herself but still not saying a word, Skyler slowly turned and trudged back into the school. She headed up to her room and sat on the bed there. Staring at the barren walls, she let nothing out. Everything was forced inwards, building up pressure. Just like before. Just like with her father. No emotion, no reaction. Or else everything got worse. She wouldn't cry anymore. She was strong. She was strong...
Markus stared at Sky as she walked away. He tried to ran after her, but Felicity grabbed his shoulder, stopping him on the spot. Markus looked a bit pissed. "You went too far Sky. You could have easily done this without slapping her! What's wrong with you!?" Now it was Felicity's time to be pissed. "What's wrong with me!? What's wrong with her!? She always looked so tough and respectful, but know she has changed! You saw how she allowed herself to be treated that way. She could have easily beaten that guy up, but she didn't. If it wasn't because of you she would have been beaten to a bloody plum." Markus glared at her and was about to follow Sky. "You can follow her, I will not rise an objection against that. But you must think first, is that the best for her?" Markus stood there, thinking of the situation. "...If she doesn't talk to me again because of you, I will be pissed." He said before heading towards the opposite direction where Sky went, the gardens. Felicity sighed and decided to head over to the pool.
It only took about five minutes for Skyler to once more put up the wall she had created a long time ago. It kept her from showing emotion, from being weak. She had thought she didn't need it among her friends... But she was wrong. She never had friends before. What did she know? Heading outside once more, she saw that the Magic Practice class was still going on, though with a distinct lack of a blue haired girl and a pinkish red haired boy. Catching a sight of Felicity by the pool area, Skyler headed over to her first. "Thank you for knocking some sense into me." She said, her voice perfectly neutral, not a single emotion present. "It won't happen again."
Felicity was playing with the pool’s water when she suddenly saw a familiar female figure approaching her. It was Sky. For a moment she was expecting her to punch her or something of that nature, but these thoughts were eradicated when she heard Sky thanking her. Felicity shook her head. “You don’t need to thank me, it is what I usually do when a situation like this happens. Although I would prefer it if Markus knew I didn’t mean any harm…” She sat down on a nearby bench and looked up at her with her blue pale eyes. “So, tell me. What do you plan on doing the next time something like this happens? Will you let others save you, or will you save yourself?”
Skyler looked at Felicity, her green eyes cold. "That situation will never arise again. Mainly because I will kill Mordred after I talk to Marcus." She said the words as casually as any to-do list before turning around and starting to walk away. Pausing, as an afterthought she spoke again. "Do you know where Marcus is? I could find him but I would rather keep all my energy for Mordred. He's pretty tough. Not tough enough, of course, but I don't want to risk it." She waited for Felicity's answer patiently, not moving except to breathe.
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Felicty closed her eyes, trying to re-call where did Markus go to. "I can't say that I am a hundred percent sure...but I do believe I saw him walking the opposite way from the school. If I re-call correctly I do believe that the gardens are that way, but I am not sure...Why do you want to aspeak to him, if I may ask."
"He's my friend. You are too. I want you both to know that I am strong." She spoke softly. "I'll go see if he's at the gardens. Thank you." She expressed her gratitude once more before heading off towards the gardens. It was a peaceful place for her. Not many people came out here so the quiet was rarely broken. There for it was also easier to spot the one person wandering around. "Markus." She called out to him. "Wait for me." Raising her speed somewhat, she hurried to his side. "I wanted to say thank you for helping me out. It won't happen again."
While he was on the gardens Markus was picking some flowers and smelling them. Strangely enough the smell of fresh roses soothed his negative attitude. He was about to pick another one when he suddenly heard Sky's familiar voice. After picking up the flower he turned towards her. "Oh, hello Sky." After hearing her Markus simply chuckled. "You don't need to tank me Sky, we are friends. if I ever saw someone trying to hurt you in any way I will stand up to help you, no doubts on that." He smelled the flower before sitting down on the ground. "So, what do you plan on doing now?"
"Killing Mordred." She said it without any inflection in her voice, and without any emotion showing on her face. "You may not want to watch." She said, knowing that Markus would most likely follow after her. "I've used my power to kill before and it is very bloody." She said calmly before turning and walking away. She knew how to find him when she wanted to. Before she had been weak, letting filth like him love. But she would show everyone, show Felicity and Markus, that she was not weak. She was strong.
Markus sighed as he looked at Sky walking away. "I will not try to stop you Sky. You are old enough to see what's right and what's not. But I will just ask you a question. A single question. How do you feel me and Felicity will feel? I can't talk for her...but I know I wouldn't look at you the same way as before...In my eyes you would be a....a..." He looked down and said in an extremely low whisper. "A monster..." He looked back up and stiffly turned around. "Mordred may be a terrible person and yes, he does deserve a punishment, but death? None of us has the power to tell who should die and who should not...I will not participate in this." He began to walk away until he was completely out of sight.
A monster... Markus couldn't know that her father used to call her that. He couldn't have been trying to hurt her on purpose. That wasn't like him... Skyler had to resist the urge to cry. A monster... She didn't want him to think of her that way. But how could she be strong and not be a monster? She only knew how to be either. Letting out a deep breath, she shoved her hands in her pockets and walked off, on her way to Mordred. He deserved to be punished, even if it wasn't with death.
While walking back towards the dorm Markus's path was crossed with Felicity's, "Oh, it's you Markus." She greeted him. "Sky was searching for you just now...Were you able to talk to her?" Markus nodded, both of them were now walking side by side. "I did...What happened to her Felicity? Talking about killing Mordred and telling me she has killed others before...That's just not the way I thought she was. Maybe I simply saw what I wanted to see and never realized her true nature..." Felicity sighed "Even if I was surprised to it's still too early for us to jump into any sort of conclusions. Lets wait and see what happens..."
Punishing Mordred did not take much time. In fact, the double period was just ending when she emerged from his room. There was not one speck of blood on her. Heading outside, she saw the class be dismissed, and searched for Felicity and Markus in the crowd. Finding them, she made her way over to them. "The next class is Combat Theory. Its a single period. This way." Directing them through the hallways, she sighed. "I didn't kill Mordred." She blurted out.
Felicity and Markus exchanged a look before following Sky. "Well, that's something I didn't expect to happen." Markus nodded in agreement. "Agreed. You seemed pretty settled in killing him..." Markus was relieved to hear her say that. "I wonder what made her change her mind..." Markus was about to say something but Felicity stole the words right out of his mouth. "So tell me, where are we going to take this class? In a class or in an open field like last time?"
Looking away, Skyler didn't want to speak about the feelings burning inside of her. So she eagerly jumped on the subject change that Felicity had provided her with. "Combat Theory, along with the other classes more focused on the mental abilities of the students, are held inside of the classrooms at the school. Other more practical classes are held outside." She said, stopping outside of one of the same looking classrooms. "The professor is called Sir Belquit." She said before opening the door and heading inside.
Markus and Felicity quickly followed Skyler into the room. "I have a hard time remembering stuff so managing around here properly will be pretty hard I guess..." Markus shrugged as he sat down. "Just think about it like if it was normal school, you will eventually be able to remember all of the classes and the time in which they start and end." In response Felicity sighed loudly. "That's the problem, even back at my normal school I always had trouble remembering the classes and the teachers..."
"Silence!" The teachers voice rang out as he slammed a ruler down on the desk between Markus and Felicity. "When you are in this class, you will only speak when spoken to, and any disobedience is punished severely." The man glaring at them was middle aged, with lanky brown hair and cold eyes. Turning to face the rest of the class, He continued to glare st them all as he spoke. "I am Sir Belquit and I am here to ensure that you all do not grow up as dummies. That is an uphill battle and I will not tolerate slackers. Do your work and you might survive." With that he began the class by explaining what a battle was and how to win it.
As the class went on both Markus and Felicity began to get progressively bored. At one point Markus was about to fall asleep but a sudden note Felicity passed him made him giggle enough to wake up. He then waited for Belquit to turn around to pass Sky the note. On it, a rather quick drawing of a fat man that resembled the teacher was had been drawn. On a corner the name Sir Boringt was written with an arrow that pointed at the drawing.
Skyler couldn't help it, she giggled. She knew what was going to happen even before the sound escaped her lips. The way her luck was going, there was only one possible way this could end... "Miss Morket! Is there something you find amusing about my lesson? Perhaps that note I see on your desk?" He took one look at the picture and puffed up like a balloon, his face growing red. "Such insolence!" He roared, slamming the note onto the table. "And to think you used to be such a good student... Perhaps we should send you back home, hmm?" He spoke in a cruel voice, making Skyler's eyes widen in shock and fear. "No sir." She whispered and looked down, trying not to tremble. "Then no more of this foolishness! One more mistake and you're out!" And the lesson resumed. But thankfully it was only one period and they was let out not much later.
Soon after the class finished Felicity smacked the back of Markus's head. "What was that for!?" He said while rubbing the wound. Felicity looked angry. "It's your fault Sky got scolded! You gave her the note!" Markus became angry too. "Maybe, but you were the one who drew the picture so it's your fault!" Before Markus could say anything else he spotted Sky and slowly approached her. "Hey Sky...Sorry, because of my fault you got the teacher almost expelled you..."

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