Rose Bundles Marriage Center [RP]


One Thousand Club
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*Note new people can join at anytime. There is a few things they must follow first, they must be approved before RPing, and if they aren't staff, they have to find someone to play their partner.

This role-play is co-owned by Alexina and ErisianDialects.


Chance Chase - Owner @ErisianDialects

Adelyn Adair - Secretary/Event Planner @Michishige Sachiko

Lillian E. Isle - Therapist @Marira

‘Sassin’ Annie Ryder - Handy Woman/IT Person @Alexina

Miriam “Miri” Petri - Maid/Housekeep @Kagura

Natasha "Tasha" Powell - Cabana Girl/Kitchen Wench @Legendless


@Alexina - Jeannie Moore + @Kagura - Greyson Sharrow

@Darksoul90 - Leonardo Grey + @Lily - Melody Burkle

@Michishige Sachiko - Evelyn Adair + @Esme - Alexander Ross Distefano

@Legendless - Byron Payne + @AlwaysChaos - Nicky Clayworth


@Halo - Elle Elizabeth Camilla + @IndubidablyAli - Rayne Rivera
It had started out as community service. An old, run down building to help married couples. Two therapists on staff. One was regularly sleeping with patients, the other was always drunk. Bedbugs. Half the building unusable. He was fairly sure that there shouldn't have been a corpse in the pool, either. In other words, it was a money pit.

That was a long time ago. He had done his community service, and then bought the place. It was an investment in the future. The building was repaired, the corpse removed. It had reopened quietly, but subtlely. It had gained a strange prestige, but that was mostly because of how well it had turned around. That was because of Chance Darwin Chase. He was a pillar of the community, insofar as he was a local boy made good. Not that hard in Vegas, true. But he had had the brains to walk away. Of course the fact he had walked away with the deed to a casino had been a plus. From then he had built himself up a small empire, owning three bars, the Hard Eight casino, and the Bronco, a small house of good repute on the outskirts of vegas proper. But since he gave his due to charities, and dragged the Rose Bundles Marriage Center out of obscurity into somewhere that actually helped, he was mostly not frowned upon.

The fact he was also known as a drunkard, an addict, a widower and rumor had it, a cheating conman just helped almost add to his legend, as did the fact he seemed to attract employees who were a little off kilter themselves. But then, quite honestly, as long as he kept them off the street, and since he had never actually been caught doing anything wrong, just made him slightly more of a legend. Larger than life, a force of personality. All he needed was to run for some gubernatorial position to increase his ego.

He would be standing outside the horseshoe shaped building, the pool nestled in the centre of it. The gardens were now beautifully manicured inside the gates and walls. The food was fantastic, the staff quirky in their own ways, and Chance's center of business operations as well as his home. After all, living on premises made it easier for him to help.

He would adjust his string tie, puting on one of his stetsons, and walked outside with a cocktail glass, sitting on a porch swing. He was expecting some new arrivals, and it seemed, was bored enough to meet them personally upon arrival. He was expecting that today was going to be a good day as he sat in the sun, the ice in his drink slowly melting as he sipped from it.
Fingers drifting skillfully across a computer keyboard.

The smell of coffee lingering in the air.

The light of a computer screen blaring in the dim morning light.

Pages upon pages of forms, information, receipts, applications, bills, ect.

These were all the things Adelyn Adair had to contend with every day as she sat behind her large dark wooden desk. Her legs were neatly crossed and tucked beneath, the high backed leather office chair, so they stayed out of her way. She was wearing a dark grey business suit, as she always did... The skirt came to just below her knees when standing and even when sitting it remained appropriate; obviously having some skill in being able to sit in a shorter skirt without being inappropriate. Her jacket fit her quite nicely, obviously having been tailored to fit her specifically. It was the same material as the skirt, long sleeved, belted around her waist with a simple belt and at her chest the jacket pulled away to show a good amount of the shirt she wore beneath. Which was a simple white, collared shirt.

A sigh left her lips as she finally tore her green eyes from the computer screen and allowed them to fall shut. The hours of staring at it were starting to give her a slight headache, but after working here for some months now she was becoming accustomed to it. Rising to her feet, Adelyn made her way towards the table where she'd been making coffee, starting to refill her cup so she could re-energize herself. Lifting her hand, she brushed her fingertips against her temple, rubbing slightly in an attempt to soothe her head. Adelyn didn't have to worry about her hair getting into her face, as always when coming here to work she'd pulled her rich ginger hair back into a tight severe bun. It didn't look very comfortable but she dealt with it.

It was long, monotonous and stressful working here. Hours of doing paperwork and keeping meticulous records of everything. The only thing that made things worth it, was the fact that with the large amount of work she had to do, it kept her thoughts and focus off everything she was dealing with in her own life. To escape her shattered personal life, she threw herself whole-heartedly into the Rose Bundles Marriage Center and poured everything she had into doing her work efficiently and as professionally as possible. It was a vast difference from her previous experience as a nurse in a Vegas Hospital, but it was a welcome relief.

With a slight shake of her head, Adelyn brought her thoughts away from things that were best left at her apartment not at the office. Though she glanced down at her left hand, where the slight pale skin on her ring finger indicated the ring that was no longer there. Her fingers tightened on her cup slightly and ruthlessly crushed her train of thoughts and shoved it away so she could ignore it. Drawing her shoulders up, she took a sip of her coffee and walked back to her desk to continue working.

New people would be arriving soon at the Center and she had to get her work finished before they did. After all, she was supposed to be out there to give them the necessary information they'd need.

She was interrupted as she nearly tripped over the nice sized duffel bag that she always brought with her when coming to work. Grimacing a bit, Adelyn carefully bent down and lifted it up moving to slip it under her desk a bit more so it would be out of the way. She didn't mean to, but she often lived out of this bag... Working here was stressful, especially with a boss like Mr. Chase and with the amount of work she took on (All voluntarily, of course... She could mediate work out to others so she didn't have to be quite so burdened, but it gave her something to do so she didn't.) there were sometimes where she was far too mentally exhausted to drive safely. Adelyn refused to live here full time, it would be too hard on her mentally and then she would never get a moment's peace as she'd be working even on her time off.

So thankfully she'd come to an arrangement with Mr. Chase where she could take one of the available staff rooms for the night when she was too tired to drive home. It was effective and it encouraged her to get done before she did get to tired, but sometimes she lost track of time.

Sliding back into her chair, Adelyn returned her focus back to the computer blinking her eyes to adjust to the light from the screen before her fingers turned to the familiar keyboard. Once again the sound of keys being struck at a rapid pace was the only sound to fill the room, the woman's eyes hardly ever drifting from the screen to look at where her fingers were. Today was going to be a long day... She could already tell.

A few sounds of crashes, a loud bang, and the flickering of lights in a section before that part of the center went totally black for a few moments. The running of feet on the ground and in no time it would be back up. Something very typical of Sassin at times, no real harm done just a minor mistake due to lack of sleep. If asked she of course would blame it on her lousy boss. She was up all last night making sure everything was running smoothly for any new comers today.

Being up all night though was easily not the issue. Sassin was used to all nighters, especially with the crowds she liked to hang out with. It was the fact she was up all night doing work that didn’t interest her and was all too easy that bugged her. If she was more concentrated on the project she finally could get back to and not the fact she had done busy boring work wasting her time. Well then if she had concentrated she wouldn’t have ruined her latest masterpiece.

A few slams of doors and Sassin headed back down to the basement, her personal apartment, workroom, and a few other things all rolled into one. With the lights back on she could see the burnt and melted parts of her latest piece. It was suppose to be a movable clockwork dog of sorts, but now it was rubble unless she found the parts to replace what she fried. Kicking herself in silence, she knew not to work on it while it was plugged in. Sure in the end it would be nothing more than a trinket or toy, but a moving one was much cooler than one that just sat for looks, at least in her eyes.

Sighing she pushed the goggles she wore almost everywhere up on her head. Hissing as she went to pick up the dog and burn herself slightly, she moved to kick it instead. “Bad boy.” She barked at it waiting for it to cool before yanking the plug out of the wall and gathering the rubbish in her arms. Sure someone with common sense normally would fix it or take it apart for parts. Not Sassin though, it was a waste not that it bit her, cursed in away. Any parts used from it in her eyes could only cause problems in her future inventions.

Leaving the basement in a huff she trudged past Adelyn’s desk and out the front door. Here she paused only to give a quick snap at Chance. “It’s your fault you know. You had me neglect this poor thing all night so it got mad and bit me.” At that she continued to the front where the trash was usually put out to set it on the ground. Patting its head sadly, as if she was abandoning a poor creature in a box she left it there sitting on the curve. “Who knows, maybe someone will like you and take you home before the trash man makes kibbles and bits out of you.” She smiled trying to give the unanimated object a bit of hope before heading back towards the center.

Tasha let out a small giggle as she brushed her hair in front of the mirror that was in the staff room where she usually changed for work. She always tried hard to look good at her job. Sure she was mostly a menial worker. Most people ignored her, although Tasha did have a habit of making herself known to people. She liked talking to people and flirting if she could. She knew better than to flirt with the couples. She had gotten into trouble with that, but she felt everyone else was fair game to her.

Tasha shook her head, giving the mirror her a knowing smile. She then giggled again and turned away, going to get herself dressed for her day of work. Normally she started out working in the gardens and then she would help out in the kitchen and then eventually migrate to the pools and then decide if any of them (kitchen, pool, garden) required her attention. Usually she was dragged away from one place to work on another, but Tasha didn't mind. She like keeping busy though she did have a habit of relaxing by the pool when she could manage. Also she got more money by working as the kitchen help and as a cabana girl. Which she needed if she was ever going to get away from her loans. Tasha decided once she had enough she might just quit one of the jobs and keep on with the other. Right now she thought being a cabana girl would be the best of the two options.

She pulled on her clothes and tied up her hair into a loose ponytail, before looking back into the mirror one last time. Nodding at herself, satisfied with how she looked, she headed out to where the gardens laid to begin her work. Once she was outside, she sighed deeply enjoying the scent of the air and the garden. Humming softly to herself she went to get the tools she would be using. She opened the shed and then looked around for a moment, wondering if they would have any new people today. She was already excited to see new faces. More people to talk to and watch as they stumbled through a relationship. And maybe flirt with subtly though Tasha swore she'd never get in the way of the couples. But harmless flirting shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Sunlight streamed down into the small hotel room, casting an annoying yellow glow over the room as Rayne awoke. She looked over at the woman beside her, sighing. She had never thought she would end up in a situation like this. It was her second day as a newlywed, and things weren't exactly how she had planned them. For one, she was married to a woman. Not that she had any problems with that, she found the female body to be quite appealing in its own way, but she had never thought she'd get involved in something like this without a thought or care. So as not to wake her new... wife.. Rayne climbed carefully out of bed, wrapping her dressing gown around her and tiptoed into the bathroom, rubbing her eyes.

Fifteen minutes later she stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel tightly around her body and creeping back into the room. She had once again forgotten her clothes. Finding a pair of jeans and a white v-neck shirt, she crept back into the bathroom, got dressed and set to work applying her make up. Today they would be making their first trip to the centre, and she saw no reason as to why she couldn't look good. She smiled to herself as she checked her reflection in the mirror before studying the simple gold band on her ring finger. What would her parents think if she were to tell them that she had gotten married, and to a female no less? They had hated it when she ran off with her boyfriend all those years ago, and she hadn't contacted them since. Perhaps she should? No.. no it was better not to. the less they knew the more she would feel comfortable. When she was made up, Rayne stepped back into the bedroom, moving to the bed to gently shake her new wife awake.

'Elle, it's time to get up. We have to be at the centre in a few hours.'

Elle awoke, feeling a light touch on her shoulder. She blinked her eyes open, adjusting to what was happening. A woman was speaking to her, but she did not reconize her for several seconds. Oh, right. It's Rayne. My new...... uhmmm.... She shook the thought from her mind, refusing to give herself a headache. Sitting up, she lightly tossed the white covers off of her and strolled into the bathroom, barefeet on the tiles. Not wanting to spend too much time on herself, Elle brushed the tangles from her short hair and changed into sweats and a tank, wanting to feel comfortable in some way. Through all this, she didn't look at herself in the mirror; it was painful to understand what she had done after such a happy relationship ending so coldly, no matter how long ago it was.

She walked out, deciding she doesn't need any makeup today, and looked at the redhead. "Morning." She said said, already on her way to grab an apple. When she came back, she preoccupied herself with biting into the fruit and not meeting the eyes of the woman in front of her. "Can we pretend that... we're friends, or sisters, or... something? Like it didn't happen?" Elle said, slipping the ring into her pocket. Her face turned beet red. "Um, you haven't eaten yet, have you? I'm in the mood for some pancakes, how about be go eat out or something, before we have to check in?" She stole a glance at the beauty, trying to avoid the fact that she had no idea of Elle's sexuality. Or did she? Elle became embarassed, knowing whatever happened when she was drunk she had no idea of. What would make her marry someone she doesn't know, regardless of how intoxicated?

"Um, I think there's a Cracker Barrel down the street or something. They have good Chicken and Dumplings if you don't like pancakes." I'm so stupid, babbling on like that. Shut up stupid blondie. She met Rayne's eyes.
Rayne felt slightly disheartened by Elle's request, although she wasn't sure why. She put on a smile anyway, and nodded reassuringly.

'Of course.' She didn't, however, remove her ring. She saw no reason as to why she should. As long as they just acted normally then no one would suspect a thing. She was surprised at how comfortable she was with the whole marriage deal, once she got past the initial shock of it all. She could quite comfortably see herself with someone like Elle. Although, the girl seemed too jumpy for her own liking. She would have liked to have been married to someone that wasn't ashamed of their relationship, not that they technically had one. but still, she had to have been partially interested to have decided, albeit it being in a drunken state, to get married to her in the first place. After all, Rayne was one of those drunks that always had a reason for doing things, even when she was so trashed that she didn't remember it the next morning.

'I don't mind pancakes. I haven't had them in a while, so it would be a good change from stale breakfast cereal.' The redhead agreed, referring to the almost empty packet of cornflakes that sat on the bench back at her apartment, not that Elle would know what she'd been living on. they'd only met two days ago. The thought reminded her that they'd have to leave the hotel eventually.

'You know, we can't stay here forever.' She said in a quiet tone, not wanting to upset the woman. 'I don't think either of us could afford the bill if we stay too long.' She flashed her a nervous smile. 'I heard the centre has rooms or something.. Maybe we should stay there?' She suggested. Of course, they could go their separate ways and just meet up for the meetings, but she didn't know if that was permitted. She nervously spun the ring around her finger before reaching for her bag and checking everything was in there.
Jeannie had worked late last night, or was meant too. That was all he could really remember. After seeing some cute kid of sorts, getting a few drinks, and the world spinning and going fuzzy. The next morning he woke up in a nice pent house. One of his favorites to wake in, in fact, and he moved to sit up holding his head as it pounded. Had he picked the place? Sliding out of the bed he noticed he was missing a few articles of clothes and couldn’t help smirk thinking someone must have got lucky. Not him of course, but anyone who managed to get him was quite lucky in his eyes.

He stumbled about the room finding his panties, bra, and sailor outfit getting dressed before the lucky one woke. He figured he could sneak out of there before the magic was ruined for the other. Yes, Jean was semi used to situations like this, and yes he planned to leave the poor man/woman/whatever awake wondering. If they remembered they could always track Jean down for another go if they wanted right?

He was just about to open the door when he paused noticing a glittering piece on his hand. ****! Lifting his hand he studied the piece of jewelry before glancing back to the bed and frowning. No way could someone have managed to make him settle. This had to be a trick, a bad joke, or whoever that was had to be DARN good at what they did. Fear slowly filled him, he had no clue what was hidden under those sheets. It could be anything from a god to the creature from the black lagoon.

Sighing he headed to the bathroom to put on his makeup. If they were stuck and the person he married didn’t remember, well at least his first new appearance of Jean would be of a beautiful female. Jean always though he was a female lovely enough to send ships to sea at least. He wanted to take a shower, but he had no clue how long the other would take to wake. So once he was done fixing himself up he went to the little fridge to check over what booze they had there . . . hoping to settle some of the aches of his head before the other waking made them worse.

Opening one of the bottles he glanced back to the bed again, tempted to take a peak of everything. Only to shake his head reminding himself if this was really a marriage he should probably start it off right. Instead he called room service for them to send up a breakfast, eggs, bacon, fruit, sausage, hash browns. The basics, after all he didn’t know what his lover preferred . . . hell he didn’t even know what gender his lover was. So there he sat sipping his booze and waiting for the food to arrive before he woke and found out what sort of surprise his future life held for him.
The sun shone through the window of the old, shabby hotel and Melody stirred, shooting up suddenly as she normally did and she'd instantly regret it. Her head felt like someone had hit it repetitively with a bat and she couldn't see. Melody blinked once and her vision returned, she couldn't remember a thing about last night, but it must have been really wild. She looked around the room in confusion and saw a simple hotel room. A built in wardrobe, a bedside table and a mini kitchen were the only items in to room. Except for the bed, of course, which she found she was not alone in. She saw the man, lying fast asleep and scrambled to get up, managing to fall of the bed in the process.

She felt a pain in her left hand, as she tried to get up she stood up and examined her had, on which was a ring and on the right finger for marriage too. As Melody's brain started to wake properly, and function normally, well, normally for her anyway, to other people it worked a little or a lot to fast. She acted like she was constantly on a sugar rush, and was worse when she actually was. She examined the ring and was surprised to see it looked real and she pouted "Naw, I wanted a candy ring!" she said to herself, which she did a lot.

She just then, due to her slow waking noticed her clothes from the previous night on the floor, her strapless bra and short and tight dress, that her best friends Aimee forced her into before they went clubbing. Melody was surprisingly easy to blackmail if you knew what to say, and Aimee did, well. Melody then said, rather loudly to herself "Holy mother of Hobo's." but then clutched her head as the noise penetrated her ears. "Need. Coffee." she said to herself, having already forgotten about the sleeping man in the room with her. She grabbed her dress and slipped it on, walking over the kitchen area and preparing a coffee and smelling the rinds.

She remembered the man in the room and poured an extra coffee, although she didn't know him, he was clearly as trashed as she was, so she didn't blame him. It didn't mean she was going to be his best friend or try to make it work, but she was going to be civil and she has had her fair share of hangovers herself, she knew what it was like to try to concentrate and sort things out with one. Melody smiled and hummed Mary had a little lamb, very quietly as her head started to clear she gathered the rest of the clothes of the floor and looked for a bathroom, which was inside a door next to her side of the bed.

She ran a hot bath and stepped in, Sighing at the heat of the water, she wet her hair and used the hotel shampoo and conditioner to was her hair, She cleaned the rest of herself and got out drying herself off, and getting dressed again. She frowned at her atire and made a mental note, that she no doubt would forget to go shopping for sweats and hoodies since Aimee had hidden all of hers in a failed attempt to make Melody go shopping. She then walked back out and kneeled on the bed next to the man, and poked him. "Hello?" she asked
It was a dream...

But he could hear them, the voices that haunts him so. The blood that had painted the floors of the very bank he had worked for, he remembered it all. The screaming, the terror, the fear of Death himself.. All of that flowed within the very air that everyone breathed in. The deaths of the innocent hung over his shoulders. As if it was his burden to carry. How could he forget? How could he forget the lives that were lost in that one single day? Was it possible to get over such shock? To Leonardo, his nightmares felt as if it were a prison, with the bars that stood between him and his sanity.. growing ever so distant each day that passes by.

The dream was not as bad as the others. He had worse, after all. But he still remembered. Michelle.. Poor.. poor Michelle.. It was as if that one "scene" were to be a broken record. The bullet wound on her forehead, executed by the very man that had raided the bank. The Slayers.. What complete savages they were. It was impossible to not call them that. Leonardo found no possible reason not to. They literally massacred every single citizen that stood there inside that very building, enjoying their every-day lives. And they didn't care who they were killing. As long as Leonardo was the only one alive, then they would get what they wanted. They even used his girlfriend to get to him..

I'm so.. sorry... Michelle.. Leonardo said in his dream as he stood there, eying the bloody floor. Although, that would be the only thing that he would say out loud while he was sleeping, too. So anybody could hear him if they were around him. But the same part of his dream kept rewinding itself. Over, and over again. The death of his lover. The man who had killed her, who whore a black mask over his face. The rest of the other crooks had the same masks, too. But the dream only focused on that man, and Michelle. Over the years, Leonardo just couldn't forget. He felt grim every time he had to think about his past. It's no wonder why he always feels uncomfortable around people when they ask him about his pass. And it's no wonder why he would drink his sorrows away sometimes. But who could blame him?

But it didn't take long until Leonardo finally woke up, feeling a slight poke on his left shoulder. He slowly opened his eyes, feeling groggy as ever. He was sweating because of his dream, as well as shaking for a little bit. It was a good thing he didn't scream this time. But his vision blurred for a moment, and steadily, Leonardo sat up straight on the bed. It was just a dream, Leo.. His subconscious told him, although he didn't believe that. It felt very real to him, even if it was just only a dream. He then raised his right hand and moved it over to his face, and began to rub his eyes. And soon after, he yawned as he looked around the room, his vision finally clearing up. What caught his attention was the smell of coffee, which in fact made him wanting to get up and make some on his own. Then suddenly, his head started to ache. He began to rub his forehead, feeling as if he had gotten hit by a truck.

While he was rubbing his forehead, he felt something odd about his left ring finger. He shuddered at the thought of what could have been on his finger this whole time. He slowly lowered his right hand from his forehead, hen he raised his left hand up, seeing now that it was a ring. He couldn't believe it, but it was there on his ring finger. The worst part of it all is, that he can't remember a thing about what happened the night before. What a drag.. He thought to himself as he continued to analyze the room he was in. But he then paused, and remembered that he had awakened because of someone in the room. He then turned his vision to his left side, where he could see a young woman kneeling down right beside him.

Who.. is she...? He thought to himself again as he stared at the woman. He then wondered what else had happened the night before. Was he drunk? If he was, maybe she can explain to him what had happened last night. But he doesn't know her at all, nor has he ever seen her before. It just felt very odd, sleeping in the same room with someone he had never meet. Was she a friend of Michelle's? Leonardo just shook his head at the thought as he stared away and saw his red buttoned shirt on the bed. Along with his black jeans, which was on the floor, but on the other side of the bed.

He then turned back to the woman right beside him, feeling too tired to even get up from bed. "Yeah, I'm up.." He said, rubbing his eyes again. Until finally, he was thinking that it would be a good idea to get dressed. So he moved out from the bed, now standing right beside the woman. He then tiredly made his way around the bed, hoping that he wouldn't trip over or anything like that. He finally made it to where he found his jeans, and immediately picked it up from the floor. He then reached over on the bed and picked up his red buttoned shirt, too. Which thankfully it was at arm's length. He stepped away from the bed, then stared at the woman again. "I'm going to take a bath, maybe that's what I really need today.." He told her as he was holding his clothes and started to walk over to the bathroom and closed the door. He sighed yet again, and began to get ready for a cold, relaxing shower.

His shower wasn't really that long, but it helped out big time. Leo felt better than how he was feeling when he had woke up. But he still felt as if he needed a cup of coffee. At least enough to help him wake up a little more. But he opened the bathroom door, already wearing his clothes. He walked over to the kitchen, which was the only heaven he could think of. He wasn't going to drink beer. But it's not as if that wasn't an option for him. He just decided to continue with the idea of making himself some coffee, which by the smell earlier the woman in the room had probably already had some for herself. But as he walked closer to the kitchen, he saw that there was already an extra cup filled with coffee there. For him. He smiled a bit, wondering what made the woman want to make him some coffee. He gladly picked up the cup, and began to sip his coffee. Leo almost forgot how much he enjoyed drinking coffee in the morning.

In all honesty, Leonardo did not know if this.. relationship.. will work between him and the woman in the room. Michelle is always on his mind.. So it would be difficult for him to even get used to someone else. It'll be hard to move on, but it wasn't as if he had much of a choice. And it's not like the nightmares and the drinking is helping him out with that problem, either. There's no way I'm going to turn my back on Michelle like that, even if she's... dead.. He thought to himself as he stared down at his coffee, feeling completely empty.

But he turned his vision back to the woman, thinking that it would be all right to thank her for the coffee she made for him. "Thanks for the coffee.. You didn't need to do that for me, though." He said, taking yet another sip from his coffee.
Melody simply nodded as she knew how hangovers felt, especially when someone was talking to you, once he had left into the bathroom for a shower she looked for a room key which she found on the middle of the floor and quickly dashed downstairs to the lobby and told the front desk that she would be right back, the hotel hadn't opened for business yet and she wanted to be able to get back in, she and that man, she didn't even know his name, needed to sort things out. She looked at the shops around the street adn some were open, mainly chemists and only a couple of clothes stores.

She practically ran down the street and passed a large, rich-looking building. It drew her attention and she read the sign out loud "Rose Bundles Marriage center" she read the sign that said what they did and they basically helped couples, well like her. She recalled her situation in her head and started muttering to herself. "So I got drunk, got married and have to remain so for at least a year, so this might come in handy." Mel kept walking and she got to a decent clothes shop, she walked inside and quickly chose a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. She paid with her credit card that was hidden in her phone case. Her phone was hidden in her bra. Once she had bought these she quickly changed in the change rooms, with the shop keepers permission of course.

All Mel though about on the walk back was how she could have done this?. She had never been per say, responsible but she had at least had enough sense to not marry someone after meeting them for the first time. She walked up the hotel stairs and was let in by the guy at the front desk, she almost walked straight up to her room, which she had been careful to remember, when she turned and asked the boy "Excuse me, who checked into room 24?" she asked, at least wanting to know who she married.


The boy typed on his computer, taking much to much time to look it up and finally said "Melody and Leonardo Grey." She nodded this confirmed that the two were married. Mel stepped into the elevator and was back in the room, sitting on the bed cross legged within about twenty minutes of her leaving. She had no idea how she would try to sort this out, but she had to try, didn't she?

Mel sat on the bed tapping her fingers on her leg. This was somewhat of a quirk of hers, and she had many, she couldn't sit still, unless she was daydreaming. She hummed quietly to herself asking herself questions like 'what will my parents say?' she answered that one easily. 'I am so disappointed in you Melody.' They always said thinks like that when she misbehaved but she did so, so much that she really didn't care anymore. She giggled as she remembered some of the things she had done, like bubble wrap the principal’s office, dye the water in the boys bathrooms blue and the girls red, and ALOT more.

She shook her head as she got her thoughts on track, again. Her friends, well that was easy the only friend she had was Aimee and they had fought last night, while she was drunk about Aimee going of with her boyfriend and leaving Mel alone. Of course, Aimee hadn't listened but Mel still got drunk anyway, her previous boyfriend would have hated that she did, and that was her motive, to do things he didn't want her to.

Her last boyfriend hadn't been as nice as he could have been, he didn't hit her or anything like that. He just picked fights allot and blamed it on Mel. Like any girl would have Melody got sick and tired of this and just quit it. At first that only lasted a while she took him back a couple of days later but they had fought again, over Melody hanging out with Aimee and she just called it quits. For good.

She saw Leonardo emerge from the bathroom, he must have still had a head ache because he went over to get some coffee, and she was just about to say that she had left him some coffee when he founcd it and thanked her. He said she didn’t need to do it for him and she laughed slightly, they were married and couples were supposed to do that stuff all the time, she shook her head and racked her brain trying to find a place to start.

“It’s no problem, I’ve had my fair share of hangovers.” She laughed bitterly, remembering the days where she felt horrible, and usually just lay in bed all day, at lack of any activity to occupy her time, without the pain in her head increasing. She shook her head again, bringing her out of her thoughts. “Well, Umm I suppose we were both drunk enough to get married, we checked in as a married couple at least, and um well, i assume you know the law, we can’t get divorced straight away, we have to wait a year. I-i just went to get more comfortable clothes that, that . . . whorefit and I saw a center that claims to be able to help us . .. “ she blurted everything out
With the early morning sun shining through the window, Lillian stirred from her slumber, allowing the sun to warm her body throughout. Approximately five seconds later, her azure eyes shot open, remembering that her alarm hadn't gone off this morning. Her arms reached for the smart phone found on the night stand, pulling the device to her groggy face to check the time. 8:45. Wonderful. She hung her legs over the bed, sliding off and onto the floor as slender fingers reached for the hem of the rose colored gown she wore, pulling upwards as she whisked to the bathroom for a shower.

After freshening up, she put on undergarments and picked out an outfit to wear for the day and placed them on her slightly unkempt bed, now walking to her vanity. There, she had pulled her hair into a bun then brushed a foundation onto her face. She herself didn't look that much different without the makeup, and would admit to not needing any in most cases. However, she found the freckles that obscured her face as a distraction, and personally gave off an immature look, in her opinion. Finishing off her face with a barely noticeable shadow and a pink color on her lips, she had walked back to her bed and put on her clothes: a pair of grey plaid waist-length trousers and a light pink shirt. Looking for a pair of matching heels, she grabbed her briefcase and her car keys, and headed out of her apartment and downstairs to her car.

The drive to the center wasn't too long, though it was still enough for her to think over today. Of course, having a single female telling a married couple what to do may seem hypocritical in the very least, as long as her clients decide not to acknowledge that fact about herself, her job would get done much quicker. Of course, she does have to add in the chances of certain appointments not going as planned. Still, the clients should know that this isn't a place for people simply to enjoy an entire year of room and board; it's a counseling center, and should be treated as one. Reaching the lot of the center, she pulled into her parking spot and emerged from her car, auto-locking the doors behind her as she walked to the front of building. There, she noticed a figure sitting in front of the building. It was the figure of Chance Chase; he was just the man she needed to see.

"Mr. Chase," Lillian announced once she stood before him, "I take it you forgot about our appointment last week?"
Chance of course had done nothing wrong. Well, he did a lot wrong, in his own ways. Depending on how you looked at it, of course, but that was a wonderful thing about ethical and moral behaviour. It existed on a sliding scale. But without specifics, he wouldn't know what Sassy had been saying to him. His lips curled up a little into a smile.

"Well, next time put the teeth in last!"

His voice echoed as he yelled after her, a faint smile on his lips, closing his eyes and sipping his drink,swapping the glass routinely between his hands to flick off the condensation from his fingers. It would of course, mean that when Lillian blocked his sun, she would get a flick before he looked at her, opening one eye under the brim of his stetson.

"Doc, I like you enough to consider therapy with you, but please take two steps to the left. I got attacked by a vampire last night. Barely got sleep, let me relax a little. I'm sorry for missing my appointment, but I think I was needed on an emergency at work, from memory."

A look of innocence, it sounded like a lie, but somehow, his words were spoken with the gentle but firm voice of his, he meant every word with a brilliant truth. Of course he was a remarkably good liar, it's what made him excellent at business. That and his manner, seemingly carefree all the time. It drove no end of personal assisstants insane.

"Make an appointment with Adelyn. If anyone can make me remember appointments, it's her. She'll nag me and make sure I'm there."

He would tilt his head up to look at her, draining his drink and standing, he would start to walk into the building.

"Come on, we'll go do it right now. Addie!"

The last word was another sound that routinely was heard, at least during the daylight hours. He recognised the need for him to have someone to run his life, Tory had done a good job of that when she was alive, and it was something he acknowledged needing. The fact he let others think how bad he was also helped his business, especially with people underestimating him.
Once the droplets made contact with her hand, she impulsively rubbed the site dry. Forced to listen to Mr. Chase's excuse, she chose not to acknowledge its irrationality, and rolled her eyes instead. Sometimes she swore she had been working with a child. Stepping back so he could stand and head through the door, Lillian followed the man into the building.

"Mr. Chase, I hope you know that you aren't the only individual here getting counseling, and I won't have enough hours in my day to reschedule appointments for you iver and over again. Also, I won't be taking any of your excuses when you're consuming my precious time. You are still my client, even if you are my boss. Do we have an understanding?"
A slight eyebrow twitch was the only immediate reaction that the woman had as she heard her boss call out her name. Once again he'd interrupted her work and obviously demanding for attention. Sometimes she felt more like a nursery caretaker than a secretary. For a few moments, Adelyn didn't react preferring to take her time and prepare herself inwardly for whatever Mr. Chase had in store for her. When she came to a good place to pause, the woman backed up in her chair before rising to her feet. She grabbed her clip-board and made her way outside towards where she'd heard the man calling out for her.

Mr. Chase, is there something you require?" She asked with a firm voice. Adelyn always referred to him as Mr. Chase. It was a way of distancing herself from him, from everyone really. As cold as it sounded, she didn't want to form close attachments or relationships with the people here at the Center. After what happened to her a few months ago, she really had little desire to be with anyone at all. "I believe I have requested for you to call me, Miss Adair..."

A slight sting ran through her chest at her words, but none of it showed on her face. Only the professional and distant facade that she kept while here at the center. Turning her green eyes towards the other woman, Adelyn tilted her head a bit. It was a formal acknowledging greeting towards the therapist. "
Miss Isle, is there something the matter?"
"Of course I know that your time is money, Doc, I pay for it. I also pay you extra for working with me. It'd be cheaper to have someone else on the couch with me."

Spoken with a smile, not a single ounce of anger or anything but open friendliness in his voice. He didn't make excuses, he had seriously had a business meeting. Elliot at Hard Eight had needed to discuss the new security system with him. The fact that night he hadn't slept meant nothing to him. People often compared his behaviour to someone with a childlike personality, but it wasn't strictly speaking true. He was just close to impregnable. Other people's bad moods slid off him like teflon. He was still smiling, in fact, when his personal assisstant came over to him.

"Addie, I need you to make an unbreakable appointment with the Doc here for me. The world could end, my fortune could dissolve, the place could be on fire, and nothing to interrupt it in the future."

He treated people like equals, from the lowliest pond scum humanity had to offer, to people so far his better he couldn't grease enough palms to meet them. It was one of the many apparent character defects. He considerd his employees more or less extended family, after all, he was the one paying them to hang around, and between the fact every one of his employees were well paid, that they were benefits that had surprised them all one way or another, from offers of housing to interest free loans.

"So, ladies, when do you want my most annoying company, and when can I fit it in to your busy schedules?"

A pleasant smile, a twinkle in his eyes, the stetson being pushed back so he could see them both clearly. It seemed he was being completely serious. He wouldn't be surprised if someone within his employ was running a book on how long it would take the man to stop smiling. Sunshine and optimism oozed from every pore of his body some days. The penultimate concierge.
Sassin had her slightly burnt finger in her mouth as she entered back past the now group that gathered about Chance. Over hearing his comment about sharing a couch with someone she smirked. Hand slowly leaving her mouth she opened it to tease. “Flirting with the red heads again I see. I’m SO telling your stalker on you.” She grinned hoping to cause Chance to twitch or be un-nerve at least a little.

“How come I’m never invited to your must not be missed parties Chance?” She grinned, knowing that the two girls he was talking with now he probably never truly had a chance with. It was just fun to watch feathers be so easily ruffled all around. Her finger going back to her mouth, it still stung from the heat of her clockwork dog. There she waited with a smirk of sorts for the reactions, tempted to reply or head down back to her shadows if they left her unamused.
Leonardo just stared at his coffee, listening to what the woman was saying. So I was drunk last night... That's just perfect.. He thought to himself. He couldn't believe that this had happened to him. The only GOOD thing about this situation is that she isn't one of the Slayers members, so he was safe. And that also meant that those savages still had no idea where he's been hiding. And with that, Leo gave off a sigh of relief.

Trying to run away from his nightmares was one thing, but trying to run away from the Slayers was another. He knew that they would want to track him down. Maybe because they think that Leo would head back and rejoin the Diablos. Then they probably thought that once Leo joined his old gang, then he would look after them for revenge.

His left hand clenched with anger. Half of him would love to go back and set out on a quest for revenge. Why wouldn't he? He had absolutely nothing to lose. But his other half knew what was right. Michelle wouldn't want him to seek out revenge. She would have wanted him to keep living than to die. He just doesn't know how long he could go on living with everyone's deaths hanging over his head. As if their ghosts were haunting him, pushing him to kill those who took their lives. Who took his girlfriend's life.

But he knew that the day will come. The day when he'll stand in front of Death's door. The day he had to decide on whether he should be killing a few people for the innocent. Or to just let those bastards be. But guilt hung over Leonardo. If he would have never joined the Diablos, maybe Michelle wouldn't have died. Maybe they would have gotten married like how he had planned on doing. Maybe Michelle could have lived long enough to help raise a family with Leo..

Leonardo took himself from out of his thoughts, and continued to listen to the woman in the room. He just sighed when she finished. It almost sounded as if that woman actually wanted this.. thing.. to work out between them. But was Leo even cut out to get married with a different woman? No, he couldn't bare it.. It would just keep killing him..

It got to the point where his subconscious finally told him to at least try. Even though there will never be anyone like Michelle.. He had to at least try. But it felt so wrong to try to work things out with this woman. They don't even know each other, let alone that Leo doesn't even know her name. He just rubbed his eyes, then nodded. "Is that place close by..?" He asked, still staring down at his coffee.

He could only hope that this woman wasn't expecting for oh-so-great results over there.
Mr. Chase's constant optimism wasn't anything new to Lillian; in fact it relieved some of her genuine on most days. She would be able to get along with her co-workers for the most part, but even an attempt to bring them into her personal life would have to take a lot of getting used to. Miss Adair somehow seemed to be one to understand that; she didn't like informal encounters herself. Having most of her answer was given on Mr. Chase's end, she said nothing; instead, she was content with a grin accompanied with a single nod to Miss Adair.

Lillian was relieved that the appointment was set as unbreakable; it would make her day go a lot smoother, even with Mr. Chase as one of her clients for the day. However, almost as if the situation itself, "Sassin'" came from out from the blue for her daily series of taunting. In Lillian's eyes, she almost seemed like a sibling to Mr. Chase. Speaking of working with children...

"Well, good morning to you too, Miss Ryder," She said with a polite smile, leaving her acknowledgement at that.

She followed through with thinking of a time for Mr. Chase to be at her office. "It would be ideal for you to visit my office sometime today, Mr. Chase, I may be busy this morning then free sometime after lunch. How does 1:00 P.M. sound for you?"
Tasha had thought she was going to have a good day. It was a beautiful day out, she loved her job, there was many new people in the building which just screamed funtimes for the flirty gossip and she was going to make sure the garden was going to look amazing. But Tasha found that was going to have to be delayed at the moment. Something was wrong. One of her tools was missing.

Tasha frowned, something she rarely did on a day like this and started going through the things she had taken to begin her gardening. But it was no use. It was not among any of the tools. Tasha headed back to the shed, thinking maybe she had missed it when she went to get her things for the day. It wouldn't be the first time she had made that mistake, though it hadn't happen in a while and last time it was because of that extremely handsome (but sadly married) guy that passed by her in the morning topless. There was not one really out here besides herself and although Tasha thought she looked good her own reflection wouldn't distract her so.

Tasha furrowed her brow as her search seemed to wind up badly. The tool, a planting dibber seemed to have just up and disappeared on her. Tasha knew what she had to do now.

She made her way out of the gardens, returning her tools so that no one could take any and headed to where Chase's office was. She entered and saw that there was already others of the staff here. She waved, all smiles and saw Chase.

"My planting dibber is missing."


Byron almost hated himself at that moment.

It had been a relatively fun night last night. Byron had to agree to that even if he didn't completely enjoy the company he had kept. Betting and drinking, trying to win some money and hopefully be able to be around people without too many problems (thus the excessive drinking). It had been going well for the business student.

When Byron had decided to come to Las Vegas he only had one reason. Well maybe a little more than one. He had found the city to be just as he had imagined from what he had been told or heard and completely different than he thought it would be. The people were mostly the same. Few kept his interest. Most were idiots to Byron. He got hit on more times than he had ever been in his life. Ladies, guys, some he couldn't tell one way or another. It seemed only to increase when he had entered the casino and when he went to a couple bars. Byron turned them all down of course. He had no time for relationships and besides, as hard as he tried, he dismissed everyone of them the moment they started speaking to him. Was it his fault his standards were so high? Probably. But Byron felt it was better this way. At least he wouldn't end up with a lazy, incompetent wife.

Then of course Byron had blacked out. Too much drinking he assumed. Some of the night he was able to play back in the morning, fuzzy images of a guy, of a loud agreement of some sorts, cheering and then a... church? Exchanging rings? Kissing another man?

Byron looked at the man he had recalled from last night, still asleep. He saw that they were mostly naked as well except for underwear and Byron stood to go and get dressed. As he searched for clothes, he tried to keep most of the memories of his "wedding" out of his mind. It would be better to just forget about all of it. He was sure the other man would agree to some kind of annulment. Something to get this "marriage" over with as fast as possible.

He glanced at the ring on his left hand and smiled a little. At least one of them had good taste.
There was a lesson here. Greyson wasn’t quite sure what it was yet, but he blamed his sore and very groggy brain for that. Only waking up moments ago, he remained still, trying to get the bad taste and overall crap feeling out of his system. Slowly he opened his eyes, hit by the sunlight that streamed through the white rooms windows.

Eyes immediately shot open, as well as his body springing up, sitting and having his stomach roll as a reward. Greyson ground his teeth slightly, but bared with it, this wasn’t his room and he’d figure out what he’d gotten himself into before throwing up. Slowly, he moves, trying to think of last night’s events as he slowly stood from the bed that was definitely not his.

It’s no use, the only memory he has is of his dad, his elder brother and him at a strip club, and he didn’t even remember what time that was. His dad must’ve gave him something awful to drink if it did him in this well; rubbing his face, the boy reaches for his glasses and slides them on. A glint catches his eyes as he pulls his hands away and he immediately goes queasy once again.

There was no way.

Greyson scans the room almost as if to make sure, and finds all of his clothes on the floor as well as the other side of the bed looking as if someone just got up. It wasn’t possible though, Greyson couldn’t be married; his father was supposed to look after him…Then again, he probably wasn’t all that good of a guardian if here he was waking up with an extreme hangover and nowhere near him.

Rotating the band slightly to get it off his finger he curses. It had to be some kind of sick joke his brother played on him, as he was often thought of as ‘no fun’. A slight movement catches his eye and he angles himself to look into the next room, not expecting to see another party. He grabs his pillow, his foul mood almost emanating from him as he gets up, using the pillow to cover himself.

Walking over and not saying a word to the woman on the other side of the door, he slams it shut and starts getting dressed. This had better be some kind of joke…


Unlike every other staff member, Miri was currently nowhere near her boss; instead the brunette was busy skipping down the halls. For some reason she had left the mop bucket back in the closet, and she really needed that to wash the floors. Or maybe it was a mess she had to clean…she needed the mop back near the exit for some reason…

Her trip down the hall wasn’t that easy though, she noticed her left out dustpan and broom, gathering it up before remembering she was going to use that for the room… Or was it out there because she needed to do the hallway…

The girl frowned slightly to herself and decided she would just do the whole area again; she had the time after all. That is, after she finally got that mop bucket from the janitorial closet. Continuing her prance down the hallway, Miri hummed lightly to herself the tune for Row, Row, Row your boat. It was interrupted when she saw the vacuum cleaner sitting by the entrance.

Miri seemed to mentally slap herself, rolling her eyes as she once again left a job unfinished. Was she really that bad at running off and doing other things? She couldn’t of left this many jobs unfinished. After a sigh, defeated after beating herself up about it, she decided she would finish the vacuuming right away. Then the mop, then the sweeping… It was a loose plan, but she hoped it worked out.

Determined to not lose track again, she ignored the commotion inside her boss’ offices and started up the vacuum. It started off with a loud straggling whir that soon turned into a louder sucking noise along with the occasional tings and smacks. An old vacuum cleaner, she couldn’t even push it around by the handle, rather having to use a long hose with some kind of head piece.

As the girl vacuumed she whistled to herself, trying to get the carpet by the entrance way cleaner all that much faster.
When Grey sat up suddenly Jean thought he was going to have a heart attack. It was like the dead rising or something. Boy the kid sure did have guts to make a movie like that after the night they had. He couldn’t help but smirked as he sat back and watched the show. Jean crossed his legs all so lady like as the boy started his reactions, and found the ring. He was a quick one that could be both a good and bad thing. The boy managing to notice something like that before Jean did, it was record timing even maybe.

Now the rudeness came, slamming of the door, slight cussing. That was a bit too much of an insult, and here Jean was being nice and trying to look after him some that morning. He frowned, it wasn’t like he liked Grey appearance or anything as well. If he got a Scooby Doo character he would prefer Daphne Fred, instead he got Velma. Then again it could have been worse he reasoned. He could have got Shaggy or the dog.

A sigh left his lips and he rose and finished off his small bottle. Knocking slightly on the door he reminded himself starting a marriage with insults probably wasn’t best. “Hey darling, I have some numnums coming up. You know food. I also can help you with that lovely headache you probably have.” How old was this kid anyways? He look . . . nah, he wouldn’t have been allowed in the club if he was under aged, Jean reminded himself. He was just one of those that always looked young it seems, ooo jealousy.

“I think we have some important things to discuss as well.” Jean glanced down at the ring admiring it; it was a small diamond but a diamond never the less. Diamonds were a girl’s best friend after all. “Trust me pudding, I’m not so happy about this situation either.” At least he had to try, one of them had too. He couldn’t help wonder how the other was taken it, and he chuckled hoping he wasn’t the type to curl in a ball and cry.
Melody was glad he was willing to see what they could do, she didn't like him but Mel was hopless at ignoring someone, even if she barely knew them, she felt so guilty and she'd forget she was ignoring them within a minute. As her mother often said, she was hopless. That among other things made her ditzt discracted and slightly shy. She daydreamed a lot, zoned out and if you brought herfrom this daze she would say the most random things, causing most people to question her sanity She blinked as her brain crshed back to earth and she jumped, she had been daydreaming about food, which she looked around for as she stomach rumbled and she blushed quite allot.

Mell stood up and walked over to the bar, grabbing a packet of chips and opening them, and sitting back on the bed eating them slowly she thought about her life lately and shrugged she had nothing better to do, she had no job and she had no friends, thanks to a stupid fight. She thought about what the center did and hoped that it wasnt getting them together, just helping them . . . cope with the sudden marriage.

She had zoned out and only just heard his question and said "Um . . down the road." She said her hands twitching slightly. She had just had sugar and caffine. When she got like this even she didn't know what she was thinking, and it had been like this since she was born, she was often asked if her mother had dropped her on her head as a child, into which she shook her head and said perkily 'No i was thrown at a wall.'

When she was brought out of her reveree once again she shookher head and said "Holy mother of Hobo's" She then flung her hand up to her mouth and giggles again. Any time she got like this, her mother and friends would leave her to b crazy, that was how she naturally was.
As Chance and Lillian spoke briefly, the secretary stayed quiet and just listened. When the other woman mentioned 1:00pm as a possible time to set up the meeting. She shifted the clipboard in her arms and flipped through the pages until she reached where a copy of her boss's schedule was. The woman carefully examined the schedule before lifting her eyes to glance between the two.

"You have a meeting from 12:30 to 1:20... So would 1:30 do?" She asked the two curiously, lifting her eyes to examine them before something distracted her. When Sassin approached and made the comment about Chance hitting on her and Lillian, the secretary raised her eyebrow for a moment before rolling her eyes. Otherwise she didn't make a comment, it wasn't worth it to even acknowledge the statement any more than she'd already had.


A quiet noise came from the woman curled up on the bed, she was laying on her stomach with her head buried against a pillow. Her name was Evelyn and at the moment she was perfectly content to continue to sleep for as long as possible. Her hair was a knotted mess as she tended to be restless while sleeping and her portion of the sheets were curled about her waist. Though thankfully she was wearing pajamas to keep herself decent.

Light streamed in from a nearby window, striking her in the face and causing Evelyn's nose to scrunch up as she tried to shift away from the beam of light and drift back into sleep.

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