Rose Bundles Marriage Center [RP]

Quiet noises drifted through the hotel room, accompanied by the wafting smell of coffee and something chocolate. Brushing back a golden curl from his face, he set two mugs of hot liquid on the rather full tray. Quite frankly, Ross wasn't sure if Sleeping Beauty liked coffee or not, or chocolate chip pancakes for that matter. Never quite got the chance to ask, pun not intended. Granted, whether she did or not wasn't really his concern at the moment. No, it was getting them both ready to head off to a place they'd be located at for the next hellish year.

Leaving the tray on the counter for a moment, he set the dishes he had soiled into the sink. He wouldn't come back to do them, though the tip would be generous. However, he was forgetting something... Grabbing the note pad that had sufficed as his form of communications the last, he scrawled out a message.
"We are expected at the Center in one hour." Setting it on the tray, pen tucked behind his ear, he grasped the handles and lifted. Carrying their breakfast back to the bed, he smiled softly gaze settling on his sleeping companion. Beauty was cute, in her own almost childish way, he supposed. Setting the tray down in the middle of the bed Ross slid in on his side. Reaching over, he rubbed her shoulder, a low whistle coming from him as he tried to rouse her.
Nicky stirred in his sleep, still oblivious to the previous night and what this awakening would entail. If asked of his dream he would respond confused, having fuzzy bits of memory incorporated oddly in dream state, by the time the man awoke his mind was already half ******. His first thoughts as he came to was just how pissed did he get last night and that his head felt bloody awful.

A groan escaped his lips as he opened his eyes to the mid morning light. “Bollocks” he muttered “Seems my hangover has itself a hangover” Taking a gander around he was surprised to see another, correction, a male within proximity and half dressed. A quick grab told him he wasn’t completely starkers, yet left him wondering just what had happened the night before. Sure Nicky preferred the company of males, but this was something he held back from doing, typically chasing tails of the birdie variation. Massaging his temple as he sat up Nicky pondered just how narked he had managed to get to lose literally all his inhabitations.

He allowed one last gander of admiration of his possible conquest before untangling himself from the bed and redressing himself in the previous nights fashions. “Generally I’d offer to give you a ring on your mobile at this time, but seeing as you don’t have a fanny… I don’t see how things could work out” he said lighthearted as he searched for his shirt, quick to find it tossed across his room as he went to take his exit and get the hell out of the room and away from whatever reality allowed him to wake up to the actual gender of his desire.
"We're married," Byron called out to the man who was leaving. Byron was happy to see that he was just going to leave. Byron would have preferred if things had ended that way. After all he wanted nothing to do with the guy and his way of speaking was odd. But they were married, Byron was quite sure of that even if he didn't recall all of last night. And he wasn't going to let the man go without some kind of way to void that.

Byron knew he could just ignore it. Just pretend it never happened, but he would still be married and all relationships he potentially had would be cheating. Byron finished dressing and turned towards the door, looking over the man he was hitched to and sighed deeply.

"I'm sure we can fix that though."
"Flirting with the redheads? Why on Earth would I do that, Sassy? You know my heart only belongs to you."

The smile on Chance's face was a surprising contrast to the total deadpan voice he used, as if he was speaking the gods honest truth. A twinkle in his eyes would give him away, however. He was one to do that sort of thing, the joking, the teasing, the nicknames. He was just comfortable all the time.

"There you go, one thirty. If you want and it is that important, I'll try to cut out of my other meeting earlier, Doc."

A new tactic in annoyance. Perfect behaviour. It was about then that Tasha would walk in, asking about the missing plant dibber. She got a strange look from Chance, perhaps the fact that she knew what it was actually called. He would cough and reach into his suit jacket, withdrawing the missing object, handing it over.

Which would be when he turned bright red.

"Sorry, kinda needed it for a personal project. Was going to return it later, Tash. Got distracted."

A glance to each of the assembled staff.

"So, we have some new arrivals coming in today, I feel it in my bones. Do something long enough and you can tell. Like I'm sure the Doc has already figured out my problems and is looking for proof and Sass knows why I suffer claustrophobia and a fear of being buried alive these days. So, since we all have work, now you can go do it. Anything else anyone needs from me?"

While the last question was open, he would shoot a look at Addie, who he considered his personal walking journal. He didn't really have time to look after himself mostly.
Sassin just glanced at Chance for a bit, taken him all in before looking to the others. She hated his poker face, it was honestly hard to tell when he was joking or not. “Some staff you got here though, a receptionist and shrink that ignores anyone that isn’t their boss.” A smirk came to her face as she tried to bring it back to a less serious mood. “Then again, I suppose that’s just the way you like it.”

When the gardener asked for the digger Sassin gave her a funny look. This only lasted long enough though until Chance pulled it from his pocket. Her eyes widened then narrowed some. “You know some of us call that a stake. I know at least one who would be mighty offended Chance if they knew you started to carry it around as well.”

Then of course Chance had to spoke of new people and feeling it in his bones. A moan crossed her lips. She hated talking to others; she was never good at it. No one understood her or got her. Shoot, she was lucky that Chance seemed to at time and allowed her to stay. She had done most her work already throughout the night making sure everything ran smoothly.

He asked if they needed anything else and Sassin held out her hand for pay before saying. “If you want improvements on how anything works or remodeled that will cost extra and I need the plans or at least basics written down neatly.” He probably knew by now though if he didn’t give her exact details on how or what should be done she tended to get creative. One of the meeting rooms probably still had a disco ball, flashing light, starry effect, etc worked in to the light systems.
Tasha gave her boss a questioning look and opened her mouth to ask why he would need such a thing and what secret project and probably a whole slew of various questions. Tasha was obsessed with knowing things. She liked knowing what's what and besides it made for good gossip. But she had learned that Chance was not one to try and dig at to learn things. Besides Chance had mentioned they had new people. That meant that she had plenty of opportunity to harass them. She loved learning their stories.

"It's no problem. I just didn't want anyone running off with it. Though what they would want with it would be interesting to know." She gave Chance a sly look, not meaning to hint, but doing it anyways. She shrugged. She then looked at Sassin who made a comment. She chuckled at her words, knowing quite well who she meant.

"I need nothing else. I do hope I meet some of these new couples though." She waved goodbye to her co-workers and boss and then headed out of the office, humming to herself. New people meant things were going to get interesting around here. And Tasha could not wait.
A knock sounds on Greyson’s door just as he’s jumping into his pants and he shoots a glare back at the closed door. The woman on the other side can’t see the anger in his eyes; the reminder of a year-long marriage before divorce law not helping the situation. It seemed like the girl he slept with…or whatever it was that they did last night had no problem with being married either.

Here she was offering him ‘numnums’ and a cure to his headache, he wanted to shout out that it wasn’t like they were married or anything. But they were. She continues talking through the door, almost like that annoying bird outside the window you feel like strangling…or shooting. As she refers to him as pudding he marches over to the door and throws open the door, not managing to get all the buttons up on his shirt.

“Really!?” he calls in her face, “You could have fooled me! Offering me breakfast, nursing me back to health, cutesy nicknames...You’re like a typical housewife!” he spits in her face. Although usually you would think such things to be nice, all Greyson can think is that he’s married and his dad is stupid, and he’s stupid. A sound of annoyance passes through his lips and he actually looks at the woman in front of him, passing a glance over her figure.

He meets her eyes, tightens his lips, but says nothing despite the slight guilt he felt, he wouldn’t think of this as a marriage but if he did…if he did, he was currently yelling at his newly-wed wife.
As the door swings open in a rush Jean was just there smiling. He knew it would be hard at first, and he was trying to make it easy at least. Course the kid ruin that. Yelling, throwing his kindness back in his face. The typical housewife line though did get a smirk from him though. Jean although he wore dresses never really thought of himself as the type to be the women in a relationship. In fact he preferred dating females over all.

Wiping some of the spit from his face he took a step back, taken all he could muster not to tear this guy a new one. This in ways . . . ended up failing. “I was trying to make this easier on you pudding.” He said placing one hand on a hip and leaning to the side in a motion that stated Grey had clearly took it too far. “We’re stuck if you like it or not you bratty little no body. So we can do this one of two ways . . . we can TRY to get along and have at least a bit of friendship till the year is over . . . or you can push me a bit further and let the real nightmare begin. Trust me sweetie you do not want to mess with this.” He followed up with the famous three snap salutes of sorts.

Jean knew he could take Grey out in an easy hit probably. He was the type to hit the gym often after all; a girl had to keep her figure. “Now if it helps your pride or whatever that wimpy body you have to yell and fuss, or ***** like a spoil brat, by all means do it. Just not to me and not in THAT way. The phone is over there, call your mother and cry.” A simple arch of the back and point of a beautifully manicure nail towards it easily made it know that discussions like this was over unless the boy really wanted some trouble.

“Now if you want to be a REAL man, reasonable, understanding, and trying to deal the best way you can you can settle that cute little ass of yours down and we can have a mean and discuss together how to deal with this mess that we’re BOTH in.” With that Jean headed to the door probably to let in the breakfast, and set it out for them both. It was clear if Grey continued with the attitude he might get a bit more than her tongue wagging as lashing.

“I have been in a lot of situations like this before . . . just never one with a ring. I would be lying if I didn’t say I was hoping the one I married was more of a 10 than a 5.” Okay now he was still being mean, but the boy started it, he really ruffled Jean’s feathers throwing back all his efforts of kindness. “I know a bit of a mixture to help with hangovers, and if it wasn’t for this, I wouldn’t have even been here when you woke darling.” A wiggle of his ring finger where the diamond sat to improvise what he meant. “So do you want any of my help or are you planning to be stubborn and try to figure it all out on your own.”
Hearing the woman as she told him that the place that would be willing enough to help those two out with their "marriage" was just only down the street. At first it seemed simple. But Leonardo thought about it for a bit while the woman in the room seemed as if she was.. talking to herself? Maybe she couldn't handle a cup of coffee, which worried Leo. He had to be stuck with her, someone who seemed incredibly hyper. Someone who would be a drag after trying to get to know her.

But still, they were now technically married. So hopefully everything will be all right, at least for Leo's sake. He couldn't deal with anyone at the moment. Let alone that he was never really looking to marry anyone else but Michelle. He just sighed, feeling grim again. He still couldn't get over at the fact that she was gone..

It was something he had to get used to. He also had to get used to this woman in the room. Something he knows will be a thorn on his ass. He couldn't understand why this woman would want to see the two work things out. They were complete strangers, the only time they actually spent time together was last night. Be they were drunk as hell, so why should that count anyways?

Leo just stared down at his coffee, zoning out everything in the room. He continued to wonder about the place that's going to help them with their situation. Could it really be that difficult? To move on from the person you truly loved, to a woman whom you've never met before? To Leo, it felt impossible.

That was when he started to think about it a little more. Maybe now he actually has someone to protect again. Maybe now he could try to restore what has been lost. Sure, it'll be very difficult, but in time if all goes well, hopefully things will work out. Leonardo just hoped that this woman wouldn't act like some sort of thirteen year old around others, or with him.

Oh boy... He thought to himself as he rubbed his eyes.

Finally, Leonardo decided to just take a few sips from his coffee. He was glad the caffeine was helping him stay awake, because if he would have never had some coffee in the first place, it would have been alcohol. After taking a few sips of his coffee, he looked up and stared at the woman in the room, who's name he really doesn't know yet. He thought about the place down the street for a while after staring at her and at his coffee. Until finally, he came to a conclusion of what they should do with their relationship.

"Well, it's either stay here and do nothing, or head over to that place so we can try to see what we can do about this.." He told her, not believing what he had just said. Was he finally going to give this woman a chance? Maybe, depending on how things would turn out for them. Now he was wondering if the people that worked there are professionals. But he was suddenly taken away from his train of thoughts as he listened to the woman who had bravely said out loud "Holy mother of Hobo's."

What a strange woman.. He thought to himself again as he scratched the back of his head. He can already tell that this won't be so easy for him.
Nicky didn’t get beyond the door for when the poor tosser reached out for the handle his unknown bed companion called out to him with those two final words. “Bloody hell, this has got to be the worst bender in the history of benders” he mumbled more for his benefit than the other’s. Taking a gander at his outreached hand Nicky gasps, for indeed there’s a wedding band that hadn’t been there the night before last.

“Are you pissing around with me?” he calls out turning to the man, wondering if perhaps it was just an elaborate hoax of some kind. “You really an arse bandit?” he asked, forgetting the door if only for the moment to figure out what was going on and if something indeed had happened how to reverse it before he got home to more complexities. If what this man said was true then he was up shit creek, what a start to a supposed great holiday.
Unfortunately for Lillian, the attempt of making another mature example was too far gone. She simply stood back as Tasha began to join the circle, asking for a planting dibber. There was absolutely no telling what Mr. Chase needed the instrument for, but knowing him it could have been anything; anything Lillian was not willing to hear of so early in the day. He continued his statement as a final request from anyone, but there wasn't much for Lillian to say.

"Just be here by 1:30," she referred back to his request before the cabana girl's arrival, believing that an earlier time would not go in her favor. Turns out she will be needing the morning very much so.

With that, Lillian dismissed herself with a simple head nod, heading to her office. Her office was somewhat comfortable in itself, the walls being a cool blue color, a collection of small plants that were perfectly placed wherever sunlight would beam from the windows and a majestic painting that hung over the patient's lounge. She sat down in her chair, opening her briefcase and retrieving the papers she had looked over yesterday. To her it felt like a sift-through, for time was still as she worked. Her zone was interrupted by a slight contraction in her upper abdomen. When she turned to the side, the contraction rolled off in a rumbling manner, emitting a growl. She proofread her work once more before standing io and heading to the employee lounge, hoping to find a decent morning snack.
Greyson’s wife, if he dare call her that, (it wasn’t like he knew her real name or anything) went into a stance that the man knew all too well. It was what his mother did when she was angry at him and yelling at him about his misdoings and this woman was doing the exact same thing. Grinding his teeth at her snapping fingers and pursing him lips slightly, he tried to remember to never hit a woman.

His dad was the one who taught him that though, and the most recent time he listened to his dad got him in this situation. For once, Greyson tried to think about her choices, contemplate his words when in his panic he had no time for earlier. The woman was still giving him a tongue lashing, but by this time he was already in his head, only slightly wounded when she mentioned his mother.

“Just because we’re not friends doesn’t mean we have to be enemies” he notes, after the woman is done with her rant and setting out the plates. The man was referring to the start of the conversation when she had noted that she would be a real nightmare. He sits down, which in his own way is agreeing to have the talk with her, and goes on with his point. “We can avoid contact just as easily for a year…” he notes, then stares at the ring, twisting it around on his finger before it slips off and puts it on the table.

“I wasn’t planning to get married to someone like you, either” he tries to put it in a way it won’t hurt her feeling, but she had easily just stepped on his. As for her last comment, he just gives her a strange look, “The law states we only have to be married for a year…does that necessarily mean we have to live together…or work it out?” he asks her. His head was much clearer anyways, and despite the ache of pain he still had he worked through it.

“There’s a center…The Rose Bundle’s Marriage Center…I’m not exactly sure where it is at the moment because I don’t even know where we are…but they’re supposed to help with this kind of thing. I wouldn’t know though, it’s not like I’ve been there” he explains. Then as an afterthought, he looks at the woman “If we’re going to play friends for the next year then you don’t mention my mother” he tells her.

((Blaaaaaaagh, I'm not really sure what the exact law is, so I conveyed the confusion with Greyson~ :D also, not extremely happy with how this turned out xP')
Jean merely lifted an eyebrow when he started to give his own. He neatly cuts up pieces of fruit into smaller bites to eat, not about to interrupt the kid while he finally found his sense of reason. Finishing what was in his mouth before speaking when he found time again he just nodded at first. The words seemed logical at least and in truth he didn’t want to be stuck around such a little man when there were much greater people out there.

“Divorce requires a number of counseling up to a year once it’s decided on. That’s all I know, one of my girlfriends I work with was rambling off about it when she got stuck in something like this.” At that he mere took another bite and started to chew and shallow before going on, polite, moments of silence kicking in. “We should check out that place though, we can call down for information. As for being together . . . we have to deal enough for whatever the law states, and . . . well our lawyers of course.” It was as simple as that Jean was rich in ways, not that about to share that information past the comment of lawyers. No way would Jean be willing to part with any of his Prada.

Jean allowed the boy to make demands on his mother and it not being mentioned for now. This of course only perked the man’s interest a bit. Was this boy a momma’s boy or was there more behind that mask of his. “So you don’t wish to get to know me at all?” Wow that was a touch hurtful. Jean didn’t even know the kid’s name but figured he would get to know him enough to at least share as a good story later.

“I go by Jeannie by the way . . . I wonder whose last name we have, maybe it’s both. Won’t that be interesting. . .” an almost devilish smirk followed those lines. In truth it was what could easily established who was the true skirt and who had the pants. “I do at least get to know your name right? Do you think the marriage papers will be around here somewhere?” With that his head perked a touch and glanced around curious.
Melody shot him an apologetic glance "Sorry, when I get like this, I'm . . . . Annoying" she said, truthfully. She could talk anyone to sleep, it's not that what she would say wasn't amusing, no quite th opposite, she could make most laugh, it was she could talk for so long. She smiled and said "I'm Melody, by the way. Please exuse my behavior when I et like this, When I have sugar first thing, It makes me a slight bit hyper."

While Mel awaited his reply and though about all the times she had gotten like this, all the times she remembered her mother yelling at her, but she had laughed it of. Her mother did love her and she knew it . . she just had a weird way of showing it. She took in his question and said with a weird face "I'd rather we do somthing about it, If we left it . . . All sorts of problem could occur" Legal prblems at least, bnot really personal as they bareley knew eachother.

She though about how stupid she was, he had his own reasons for drinking, and she really couldn't judge untill she knew it, which she would not pressure him for. Mel, however It was simply because she was there, and bored. Now she was married and to a complete stranger , That didn't help her case. All it took was one shrug and walking into the club. She then got married and made herslef look like a complete idiot. Well done Mell Well done.

(Sorry It's short . . . But I felt I owed you a reply and I am inspirationless.)
The woman kept silent as more staff members showed up to talk to Mr. Chase and he would respond to them. It was only natural of course and Adelyn respected that, wisely keeping her mouth shut and patiently waiting for the moment when she could speak up. While he was distracted, she took the pen in her hand and neatly wrote down, '1:30 Appointment with Ms. Isles.' within a slot on his schedule. Once that was done, she looked up and realized that she once again had his attention. She held the clipboard out to the man, allowing him to read the schedule she'd compiled.

Just need you to go over your schedule for the day to make sure it's acceptable." Adelyn told him calmly, before speaking once more. "I have also compiled all the finances of the Center for the past two weeks and it is sitting at your desk waiting for you to go over it."


Ross' gentle way of waking Evelyn up was just the thing she needed, thankfully she wasn't a deep sleeper... Just a restless one. After a moment or two, the woman-child released a wide yawn stretching out in the bed as she came out of sleep. Her body arched and her arms stretched back as her fingers and legs flexed themselves. She rolled slightly in the bed, almost resembling a cat in the way she woke up. Once that was finished she rubbed her sleepy eyes before tilting her head up to examine Ross with half-lidded eyes. "
Hmm? Good morning~" She cheerfully announced once she was a tad more awake.

The scent of coffee and chocolate drifted towards her and Evelyn's eyes sparkled as she shifted and saw the tray sitting on the bed. "
Oh! Did you make this? That's so sweet! Thank you! It smells delicious!"
Byron raised an eyebrow at the word 'arse bandit'. This guy certainly had an interesting vocabulary. Still he felt slightly offended by this guy's words. He seemed to be passing all the blame to him and taking none of his own. Well if that was the case, then Byron would just have to set things right. He shook his head.

"I am certainly not. If I did touch you, it was the alcohol. I have no intention of repeating it if anything did happen. You are far below my standards and a guy as well. And at least the guy part I can deal with." Byron shrugged as if he was unsure of what was going on as well. "As I recall, we both agreed to the marriage, so do not accuse me of anything. You put yourself in this mess as well."

Byron stood and moved towards the other man. "Now I'm sure we both want to get this annulled though, so shall we get going?"
“I'm glad we can see eye to eye on this.” Nicky responded, only to realize he had agreed to being willing to bed a man. Feeling his face grow hot he decided to say nothing to defend himself, it would only be futile anyway. Let the guy think whatever he wanted, he seemed like a prick anyway. “It's a fair question if you wake up next to a chap with love bites. Though it's all horses for courses, not that I would fancy a naff like you anyway” he sighed, rubbing his aching head, as if that would make a difference.

“The sooner we fix this ****-up the better” Nicky agreed, noting that some pain killers wouldn't hurt either.
Byron hid away a small smile. At the very least he got an interesting one. And the man seemed to be able to stand up for himself as well. Byron could only imagine being married to some whiny little pushover. Even if it was an accident and temporary, Byron thought he could do a lot worse. Also maybe this could make an interesting tale one day. His 24 hour marriage.

"I guess so. I have my fair share of marks. I can only hope that they will fade fast. I do not wish to listen to the incessant questions that may come from them." Byron gestured for Nicky to follow. As he walked, he looked around a bit confused. This certainly wasn't a normal cheap hotel like he thought it might be. He had assumed drunken marriages would end up there or at least not some place like this. He kept his confusion of their location to himself until he realize they would need directions to locate a town hall.

"Do you know where we are by the way?"
Nicky turned away at the remark about the evidence on the others body. He refused to blush, and if his face happened to get red then he would make sure the other didn't see. Still, when the feeling passed he glanced over at the other to take notice of the love bites he had left, only to realize he was admiring more than searching. Shaking his head and trying to clear his mind, he found his way to the mini fridge and pulled out a bottled water. It probably cost a bomb, but he needed something for the blooming headache.

Following the dishy, the hallway seemed somewhat au fait, yet his memory was anything but recovered. But whatever the place it was it was cracking. At his question Nicky shook his head. “It's barely au fait, I am gormless to most of last night. I will say this isn't the room I have under reservation. But I'm sure if we find a worker we can get the gen.” he spoke as they walked, and soon enough a man and women were spotted. “I'd hate to interrupt, but could one of you kindly tell me where we are?” Nicky flashed a grin, hoping to get some answers so he could figure out his next step.
Watching the woman eat gave way to his own need for food and despite his bad attitude Greyson started slowly nibbling at the plate in front of him. The fruit was not the first to go though, as he eagerly took the greasier foods off the plate only to delay his feeding process. One year of counselling with this woman; that might not be so bad, it wasn’t like they were trying to get this to work out. Or at least, that’s what he understood from her…

Greyson was silently just nodding along until she mentioned lawyers and gave her a slightly confused look, “Do we need to include lawyers?” he mentions. The boy still lived under mommy and daddy dearest and that’s who afforded him in life, he wasn’t sure if they could afford a lawyer or not. His dad might deserve it for getting him in this mess anyways… “I don’t want your stuff, no offense…and you don’t want mine” He states, “No money needed.”

When she guesses that he doesn’t want to know her at all, she remains silent as to not give away the fact that’s its true. He likes his world all to himself, and there was no way this ‘Jeannie’ would intrude on it…At the question of which last name they had, Greyson frankly didn’t even care if she had hers or his or even if it was hyphenated. So he shrugs at the question, answering only to the query of his name “Greyson…”he notes, eyeing her as he eats.
Leonardo just nodded when she analogized about her behavior. He knew that he could deal with it if she wouldn't do that too much anyways. "Next time let's not take anything with that much sugar then, okay?" He told her as he forced a quick smile. He just hoped that she wouldn't be like this ALL of the times. But it wasn't something that would kill Leo, either. He just doesn't like the sound of it.. At all.

"At least in the morning that is.." He quickly told her. The mornings.. would be like Hell if he had to go through that. Any other time of the day wouldn't be THAT annoying, but the mornings would completely set him off in a bad mood if the woman was like that for hours right after they wake up. But the woman in the room continued speaking, giving Leo her name along with explaining on why she was like that earlier.

Melody.. He thought to himself as he stared at his coffee, in which he was almost done drinking. He was starting to like the name as he continued thinking. But he was pulled from out of his train of thoughts, figuring that it would be all right if he could give her his own name, too. "I'm Leonardo, and.. Don't worry about that.. I guess it won't kill me if I have to go through that every now and then.." He told her as he shook the coffee around from inside his cup.

Leonardo Then nodded again to what Melody said next about heading out to that place so they can fix their.. problems. He was wondering how long it would take to be in there. As well as how good those people are that work there. But it was Melody who knew where the place was at. And so with that, Leo quickly drank his coffee. Once he was done, he placed it right next to the coffee machine, and made his way to the door. He then stared back at Melody, then opened the room's door and looked right back at Melody again.

"Lead the way."
Jean finished his meal and neatly sat down the silverware he was using before dabbing the sides of his lips with a napkin. He placed that down as well he glanced up to Greyson watching his preference of food and frowning at the question. “Yes . . . I think we very much need lawyers. You may say you don’t want anything now, but down the road change your mind when I’m least prepared. If you want I can just get my lawyer to sign up a prenup, have you read it over and us both sign it. No money on your end.”

How does this boy KNOW what he may want or not want? A frown rose upon Jean’s lips as he figured this boy was either really cheap or really poor. Figures . . . more and more he couldn’t help wonder just how drunk he had to be to end up marrying a guy like this. Pausing he glanced over him again . . . could he have confused the boy for a girl? Squinting his eyes as if to see he couldn’t help chuckle silently to himself at the possibility.

Jean gave a light sigh and moved a hand to his head to rub it at the oncoming headache the kid was causing. He was hoping to get the full name with his hint but . . . “Maybe we should just go down and see where this center is? I have a feeling the sooner we get help the better. We can figure out our last names when we find the darn paper. So maybe we should search the room first . . . maybe if we’re both lucky there won’t be one and it won’t be in any of the records and this can all just be a bad dream.”

Melnodded quickly and said 'Sure, it usually just means ill sleep all afternoonthough, that annoys me' she trailed of and stood"I know your name, i askedthe front desk as I came back from getting some clothes" she said, as notto sound . .. well stalkerish and walkedto the door, clasting a quick glance over the hotel room to make sure she leftnothing behind as she often did. She hadalready picked up the paper bag she had gotten from the shops that now containedher short dress and heels. She patted her pocket making sure her credit cardwas still there, she would pay for the room on the way out of the hotel, surlyit wasn't much as the hotel was very shabby.

Shefelt the wedding ring against her palm and took the band out once more, it wasa decent ring a simple gold band with small diamonds along it, with a ruby inthe middle. Melody chuckled to herself she had always wanted a red and whitewedding ring, her two favorite colours. It was just irony that she got it whenshe didn't want the marriage itself. She had nothing againt Leonardo but shewas a sappy person and believed love was marriage and nothing but, arrangedmariages to her were pointless. She slid the golden band on and off her finger,unsure if he wanted to keep it there or not.

Melodydouble checked she remembered the way in her head before waiting for him at thedoor he seemed not to like the hyper attitude and as not to make him mad orannyed she tried to contain it, but this way she was constantly movies ortwitching. At the moment in question her fingers were tapping up against herthigh and all her weight was on one leg, the other hooked around her anklewhile she lent againt the wall, to prevent her from moving too much. She hummeda tune she didn't really recognise, somthing from the radio, that was for surebut she wasn't a fan of the song itself or the artist or she would haveremembered it.
“The prenup then” Greyson was trying to find a way in that this wouldn’t somehow get back to his mother. Which he knew it probably would, but he continued to think that she would remain under the rock on this matter. So at the moment, anything sounded better than having to ask his parents for some kind of money. Then Jeannie was looking him over again, and he fidgeted under her glance, frowning when she chuckled slightly.

Then she suggests they find their way down to the center and since the boy is done his food, he nods slowly. First off, the papers. The girl seemed really interested in whatever last name they had, which left Greyson slightly confused. Did it really matter what last name they had? The second part seemed more interesting to him, if the paper was non-existent then the marriage would be too. Immediately he stood and checked his pockets before continuing on with the search.
Jean watched the boy closely as he took it all in only to feel a touch insulted as he seemed to rush to look for the papers. Sighing he stood to look around as well, at least for his purse. How it managed to get way up under the bed could only be his guess. Frowning and not willing to show off all his goods to the boy he would motion the kid over. “Will you be a doll and get that for me.” He pointed it out with his nicely manicured nail. “If I have anything important I usually will put it in there. And marriage papers are about as important as most things come.”

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