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Realistic or Modern Roommates


Once she was done putting everything up, Aria took a look around the dormhouse, bringing a bag with her. Passing a few students she had not seen before, she found her way to the pool. "Ah, now this is what I'm talking about!" she said out loud. Going into the ladies bathroom, she changed into a red one-piece bikini. Leaving her bag on a nearby chair, she dipped her feet into the water, before going in all the way.​
After showing Amy to the list, Connor finally decided to head up to his room. It was impressive, to say the least, nicer even then his previous living space. He looked over at the room's two beds. By the looks of it, his roommate, Aria, had already claimed one for herself. Walking over to the other, he dropped his bag on the floor by the other (he would unpack later) and laid down on top of it, facing the ceiling. His roommate no longer seemed to be in the room, but that was alright. It gave him some time to think.
Alexander walks in front of the desk and tells the person his name. He takes the keys, says a quiet 'thank you', and fast walks to his room.

The bag strapped to his shoulder weighs down more on his body, and he walks faster to his room, almost running. "So damn heavy" he thinks to himself. He's starting to sweat. The blue, striped sweater, the dark red scarf, and the black jeans aren't helping. He stops in front of his room and looks inside the open door at a girl already there. He smiles, "Hello."

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Neveah Jacobs

After a few minutes Neveah got bored and before she left she looked out the window and noticed that there was a pool, she quickly went over to the door and made sure that it was locked and quickly changed into her bright orange bathing suit she put a pair of shorts on then grabbed her towel. She got down to the pool and noticed someone was already in swimming. She looked closer and it looked like Ari, she didn't want to scare her so she went towards the other end and just put her feet in, and started kicking her legs under the water.
Sarah McQueen

"Eep!" Sarah yelled and dropped the book she was attempting to put on her shelf. Looking to the door, she saw a well-dressed boy standing there, smiling at her. Climbing off the bed she walked towards him. "H-hi, I'm Sarah. I take you're...Alexander?" She asked, having to quickly rack her brain for her roommate's name again. Hesitantly, she lifted her hand for him to shake, it trembling slightly.

Ryder Goebl

Ryder ambled down the street, his face buried in a magazine. He had almost surprised himself by actually reading this morning, but then again it was a gaming article with more pictures than actual words. It was something to distract him from the thought of having a roommate and the obvious social interaction that came from being in the same area as another human. Bumping into someone roughly, he offered a quiet grunt as an apology and looked around him. Somehow he had found the dormitory complex without actually looking for it. He entered the air-conditioned building, a shiver of pleasure running down his spine, and walked right over to the wall where he quickly found his name accompanied by his dorm partner and room number. Luckily, no one had approached him, so Ryder proceeded to find his room.

It only took about four minutes before he found the room that corresponded to his key. The green acceptance light blinked and Ryder grinned, pushing open the door to his new home. His step faltered for half a second as he noticed the girl sitting on the bed, but he quickly lowered his eyes and pretended not to have seen her. He moved over to the tv and sat down his duffle bag, unpacking and hooking up the many chords that attached his xbox to the television.

@Fantasy Crazy


Amy looked at the boy who had walked in, she stood up off the bed, "Hi, uh, you must be Ryder. Uh, which bed did you want?" Amy found that she was more nervous than usual, but then again he was a total stranger who she'll be living with, anyone would be nervous, right?

|| Aylessa Kyo ||

Aylessa nodded, once he released her hand, she immediately stuck it put it in her pocket until they got there food. When she recieved her food she thanked the lady and took her hand out of the pocket, using both hands to carry her tray following James to a table. She sat down and started eating her bagel. Aylessa simply nodded in agreeement. @Raidenxp
⦿ Mallory Balustrade ⦿

Mal shuffled on the sidewalk lugging his heavy equipment. Under one arm he held a large mix-board, thick, the buttons and switched digging into the flesh of his arm. The other cradled a large computer screen, wrapped in cloth and swathed in duct tape. He huffed, not wanting to linger longer than he had to under the bright, hot, sun, and made his way up the steps. Inside was blessedly cooler, and Mal limps forward, pointedly ignoring the others around him to make his way to reception.

The receptionist gives the wire trailing out of his backpack the side-eye, but slides over the forms and a pen anyway.

It was an eventuality that he would get his key, make his way up to his room, and have to meet his roommate, but when he did eventually stop in front of the plain door, he hesitated, resting the mix-board on the ground, but like, cool-kid-like.

He decided to just barrel in, make a good impression, maybe force out some friendly chit-chat. He shoulders open the door, preparing for the worst. Inside however, is empty. He thinks, maybe he should have checked who his roommate was, but facing the milling youngsters downstairs made his stomach cold and slimy. He, instead, carefully sets his own screen beside one of the computers and eyeing the divider.

"Time for some urban planning," he mutters, rolling up his long sleeves, rubbing his hands together.

He pulls off the mattress from the bed closest to the middle of the room pulling it to the side, then moved to the bed frame, swapping it with one of the desks. He grunted and pushed and struggled, but finally got everything in place. He paused for a couple of minutes, stripping his sweaty shirt before sending a paranoid look to the door. After a moment of reflection, he proceeded to set up his equipment on the remaining desk, screen, mix-board, microphone, his personal laptop, the whole kit-and-caboodle.

Soon, he had a beat in his head, he slipped into the desk chair, humming and tapping, tugging on his headphones, he began to mix, the beats enveloping him.

{{ @Alexander Eck (you won't tag for some reason!)}}
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He chuckles, obviously knowing he startled her. "Hello, Sarah. Yeah, I'm Alex. But you can call me Panda. Or whatever you want." He winks. It really has no sexual or romantic meaning, after all, he's into guys. "Just give me any nickname." He firmly grasps Sarah's hand, steadying it. "Are you afraid of me? I don't bite." He gives her another smile.

Sarah McQueen

Sarah blushed at his wink and his comments. "O-okay, Alex." She said, pulling her hand back quickly and crossing her arms. "I've just...I've never had a roommate before. So I'm a little wary of my first one being a...a guy." She mumbled the last part. "I mean! No offense, you seem like a really nice person, it's just that you're a stranger and I...I" Whipping her head up, it occurred to her how her prior comment could have been misconstrued. She began to ramble to try and repair whatever damage she had done.

He starts to laugh, almost falling to the ground. He continues this despite seeing his roommate's expression. "You-" He's cut off by another laughing fit.

He takes deep breaths, smiling like an idiot. "You.." He chuckles a bit more, "You think I'm going to get up on you?" He runs a hand through his white hair, "Despite how I act, I'm not interested in you in any sexual or romantic way, if that's what you're worried about. No need to explain your reasoning, though. I'm not offended." He squeezes into the room and sets his bags down on the empty bed.

Sarah McQueen

Sarah froze, opening and closing her mouth, very closely resembling a fish. Shaking herself out of her stupor, she lets out an unsure chuckle. She then climbs back up on her bed, returning to shelving her books, CDs, records, and cassettes (of which she has plenty). "I hope you don't mind that I went ahead and chose this bed." She threw over her shoulder to where she assumed he was.

Ryder Goebl

Ryder grunted quietly when she asked which bed he wanted, not really caring at the moment. He was a hell of a lot more focused on trying to figure out why the game picture wasn't showing up on the screen. After a minute of rudely ignoring the girl, he turned around and studied her quite openly. "I'm sorry you got stuck with me," he said before jumping on the bed closest to the door. "I want this one," he said excitedly, throwing his pillow at his roommate, his childish side already showing.

Unfortunately, he couldn't get the XBOX working, so he laid back in bed and began to play on his cell, not bothering to take his shoes off or even unpack. Amy made him feel nervous, and he wasn't sure if it was because she was incredibly cute or the fact that he sucked at talking to people. Luckily, she seemed pretty nervous also so maybe it was just the jitters.

Grayson Coleman

Grayson sped down the street on his rundown motorcycle, kicking up dirt and pissing off car drivers as usual. He was happy to officially be independent, get his own spot, and just be able to do what he wanted without having to report back to his parents on his every move. Pulling up to the dorm complex, he pushed his windblown hair out of his face and adjusted his sunglasses, keeping him on even when he entered the building. Classic douchebaggery. That was the image he was giving off it amused him. He loved seeming like a jerk and then turning on the charm and wooing the women.

He sauntered over to the wall where the roommate list was posted and lifted his sunglasses slightly so that he could find his name. He had been roomed with someone named Kita and was unsure if it was a girl or a boy. "Doesn't matter anyways," he mumbled quietly to no one but himself. He wasn't planning on getting close to anyone any time soon. Especially a roommate.


@Fantasy Crazy
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Aria Singh

After another half hour of swimming, Aria climbed out of the pool, heading towards the showers with her bag of clothes. Once she came out, she waved a quick goodbye to Neveha and walked out. Seeing a new person near the roommate wall, she waved and approached him. "Hey, I'm Aria, did you just get here?" she asked, holding her hand out for him to shake.

Amy giggled a bit and threw the pillow back at Ryder. Out of pure habit, the first thing she grabbed out of her bags was her laptop along with the charger, she sat on the other bed and plugged it in, she didn't hesitate to open up Tumblr right when it turned on. Amy had to admit, she is Tumblr trash.

Neveah Jacobs

Neveah didn't stay in the pool long after Ari left, she got out grabbed her towel and wrapped it around herself and went back to her dorm. She got back and realized that her roommate still hadn't arrived yet, she quickly changed then sat back down on her bed and looked on her laptop for some new music. She didn't put her headphones on but lowered the volume. The song itself was beautiful, it was only a violin and a piano. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the wall just listening.
Alex opens up both his bags and dumps everything out onto the bed. He refolds his clothes and carefully tucks them into the drawer next to his bed. 'I hope she didn't think I was saying I don't see her as a woman...' he thinks to himself. He slaps his hand onto his forehead.

Getting back to unpacking, he sets two pairs of shoes next to the bed on the floor, and puts a picture up on his dresser. "Oh no, I don't mind at all. I won't use much of the room anyway." He puts away his deodorant, comb, cologne, and some other toiletries inside another drawer. "Okay, I'm done. Do you need help?" His whole body shifts to look at Sarah, patiently awaiting her response.


Finishing his food he decided to explore a bit"Hey it was fun hanging out lets do it again"he said getting up and then said"I will you back cause im a gentleman but before that im gonna explore"he said trying not to make it sound like he tryin to bail out on her"Hopefully she wont think im trying to bail on her"he thought to himself biting his lip.
Theo Mattews

Throwing the jeep in park, Theo looked up at the big building looming before him. It was much bigger and nicer than he had thought it would be but he wouldn't be one to complain. Hopping out of his deep blue jeep, Theo stretched out his tall 6'3" muscular frame before grabbing his few bags out of the back of the car. He began walking towards the door, smiling politely and nodding his head towards all of those hanging out in the lobby. Theo smiled at the woman in the front desk as he signed the papers, trying to ignore and avoid her staring gaze. Theo nodded a thank you as the woman handed him a key. Turning around he began walking to find his room, ignoring the roommate postings deciding instead to just go straight up to meet him or her. Though his parents hadn't really approved of him moving and living here, Theo found himself excited to be there.

When Theo finally found his room he put his ear to the door, hearing someone else inside. He knocked quickly on the door before sticking his key in and opening the door slowly. He only peeped his head in, not wanting to intrude on anything.
"Hello?" Theo carefully stepped inside running a hand through his hair while looking around. His eyes fell on a girl with headphones on. Theo kindly waved and smiled at the girl.


Olivia James

Olivia stepped quickly out of the taxi, grabbing her bright purple cello case and her suitcase before handing some high value bills at the driver. "Keep the change." Olivia smiled as the driver tipped his hat and drove off leaving Olivia in the shadows of the gorgeous building. Taking a deep breath Olivia pushed open the door and walked inside. She had hoped that this would be a good experience though she was worried about the whole meeting new people thing. What if no one liked her? Or what if her roommate turned out to be just horrible? The horrible possibilities seemed to be endlessly swimming through her mind as she stood staring and taking in all of her surroundings.

Neveah Jacobs

Neveah started listening to her Kany West playlist on her phone when she noticed the door open, she took her headphones off and looked at the guy walking in, she noticed right off that he was super tall and that she was definetly going to have to look up at him to talk to him. She got up off the bed, fixed her dress and smiled at him " hi, I'm Neveah " she moved her still damp hair over so it was on her left shoulder.


Angeline steps out the taxi, and looks up on the school. "Well how bad can it be?" She starts walk in and starts searching for someone that can tell her where she is suppose to go and which room she will be sleeping in.

Nathaniel York

He reached the front of his dorm with no problems, he tried it first to see if his roommate had already made it here, they hadn't so it was locked. He flicked his key out from his pocket and swiftly slid it into the lock, twisting and opening the door successfully. He strolled in and took a look at the Dorm's state, it was better than he imagined and that put a smile on his face. He left his case stood up next to the couch and took his earphones out, his phone now in hand as he wrapped the wires around it and place it all back in the same pocket. He decided to check out the beds.​
Angeline start walking through the big school and comes to the dorms, and start searching for someone who might help her.

She said with a tiny voice "hello? Anyone here?"

Deciding she'd rather avoid the crowd that was gathering here in the lobby, this time around at least, Kaede turned away from the list of names on the wall and began heading towards her dorm. Her pace was fast, as she wanted nothing more than to put everything down and rest her arms. She was glad she had taken the bus this morning, because walking would have been torturous.

After stepping out of the elevator, the blonde glanced at the door numbers within this one hallway. It seemed as though hers was a bit further down. She couldn't recall noticing anyone going up on their own, so maybe she was here first. That'd give her time to relax without having to go through the awkward first stage of introductions, which could be even worse if they had absolutely nothing in common.

Jamming her key into the door, Kaede twisted the lock and pressed down the handle before stepping inside. The rooms were certainly quite spacious, though she couldn't say the same for the beds. Those were awfully narrow, to her mild disappointment. She would be lucky if she didn't roll out during the night. With all of these thoughts running through her mind, she failed to notice that her dormmate was present.

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