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Realistic or Modern Roommates

|| Aylessa Kyo ||

Aylessa looked at the boy who waved at her. "Yes, I am. I'm gussing you're James." She said and she walked over to receptionist desk, asking for the key to the room. The receptionist set the key on the desk and with a thank you Aylessa grabbed the key to her new home not minding her possibly new roommate @Raidenxp

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/3d_grunge_text_effect.png.4b5c892a1fab5f7753bb78c9ab8d51bb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64857" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/3d_grunge_text_effect.png.4b5c892a1fab5f7753bb78c9ab8d51bb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Amy smiled at the girls as her luggage arrived, she walked over and quickly grabbed all of it from the trunk. With all her stuff in her hands she walked back up to the girls, "I'm going to go see who my roommate is." She waved goodbye to them and walked into the large building, the interior was just as amazing as the exterior. Amy had absolutely no idea where to find the roommates so she decided to ask someone. The boy who had waved to them was sitting in the lobby, with what seemed to be earbuds in, Amy figured he knew where to find out. She walked up to him and tapped his shoulder, "Excuse me?"




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"Yup"he responded and smiled sticking out his hand for her to shake." Nice to meet you"he said to her walking towards the the room that receptionist told them to go to.
Sarah McQueen

Sarah smiled at the other girls as she went up the steps into the dormhouse. Taking a deep breath, she went to the receptionist, gave her name, and received her key. She gave a smile and said thank you. Turning, she caught sight of a paper tacked to a bulletin board. Approaching it, she saw that it held names paired together. The list of roommates. Lifting a finger, she ran it down the names until she found hers. She then swept it across to find who she was rooming with. Alexander...a boy...oh no...She thought to herself. Taking a few deep breaths, she steeled herself and began towards where she assumed her dorm was. Please don't let him be there...please don't let him be there...She thought in a silent prayer.


Aria walked over to check the list, seeing she was listed next to Connor Sines. She got her key from the desk, excited to get to her new room and meet him. She quickly checked her luggage for her most important item. "Nice." she whispered to herself. She pulled out a pink and black striped journal, kissing the cover, before going on her way.

Connor Sines

Connor looked up when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. It was one of the girls that he had waved to out front. He saw her mouth move, forming words that he interpreted to be "Excuse me?" Removing his earbuds so that he could hear her better, he offered her a tranquil smile. "What can I do for you?" he asked in greeting.

@Fantasy Crazy

The small trinkets he kept looped around a pair of thin chains hanging from his belt jingled slightly with each step he took. The barely audible sounds getting quiet as he made a stop at the receptionist's desk to sign in and get his key. The woman seemed a bit confused at the sight of the glittered black polish painted on his nails, but he simply gave her a friendly greeting and farewell during his short stop. Brown eyes scanned the people-spotted room with blatant curiosity before they settled on the paper that had all the attendant's names written down as well as who they would be roomed with. Originally, the teen was going to surprise himself with the identity of his roommate, but had gotten too curious too quickly and shuffled over to the paper. Kita searched until he spotted his name, taking into account that his roomy's name was Grayson. Obviously a boy's name, he assumed carelessly. 'At least it wont be awkward,' he thought to himself whilst he rolled the key to his room around ringed fingers. The heavy guitar in his hand was beginning to weigh down on his wrist, but he simply ignored it and started to wander off to his room. Even if he didn't have much to unpack, he could at least put his things away.

Neveah Jacobs

Neveah walked into the building grabbing her suit case which she left right by the door, she went over to the list with everyone's name, she had a song stuck in her head so she was quietly singing to herself, she found her name and her roommate "Theo, I know someone named Theo, he's a jerk so hopefully this Theo is actually a nice person" she went over and grabbed her key and continued singing to herself. She got to her dorm room, and opened the door and started looking around "first one here, sweet I get to pick which side I want and everything " the first thing she took out was her laptop and sat down and started listening to one of the remixes she was working on.

|| Aylessa Kyo ||

Aylessa walked beside James and looked at his hand for a second and then looked in front of her again. Once they arrived at the room's door Aylessa let go of one of the handles and shook his hand. "Just don't be annoying and we'll get along fine." She said pulling her hand back grabbing the key to the room and used it to open the door. Once open, Aylessa grabbed the suitcase handle and rolled the two suitcases into the room. @Raidenxp
Amy smiled at Conner, "Yea, by any chance do you know where I can find out who my roommate is?" Luckily, she didn't have much luggage so she could carry it easily.

"Yep, the list's right over here," Connor replied. He stood, threw his bag over his shoulder, and led Amy over to the wall where the paper was hanging.

@Fantasy Crazy


Aria toted her bags up to her room, unlocking and opening the door. "This is way better than my old room!" she said, letting out a whistle. She set her bags on the bed she chose, and started to unload them. Once she was done, she laid down on top of her bed's sheets. "I could get used to this place." she sighed.

"Not a problem"he said walking into the room and looking around."Wow this is awesome"he said sitting at the bed on the right off him.Unpacking all of his things he relized he was hungry then remebered a room that said cafe at the top.After a while he finished unpacking his things and set up his latop he asked"Hey im hungry are you because I saw they had a cafe down the hall" shooting a wide smile at her.
|| Aylessa Kyo ||

Aylessa went to the only remaining bed to the left of her setting her suitcases on the ground and started unpacking her things. Once she was done, she dusted off her black and gray plaid skirt and sat down on her bed. Aylessa looked at her roommate and shrugged. "Yeah, I'm pretty hungry." She said keeping a straight face. @Raidenxp


"While I'm waiting for my roommate, might as well stay entertained." Aria said to herself. She opened her journal to a random page, and started to rap the words.

They think they know all about me

I'm just an open book,

for them to read

They all judge me on my actions

and think it would better if I follow their lead.

But no one has lived my life,

so don't question if I'm doing it right

Because I made some mistakes,

but so have you

and I don't care what you want to do,

cause I'm just worry about me

I'm worry about us,

a lot want to stop it cause they think we're in rush

but they can shush

don't talk and just listen

if your names not Aria

then it's not your business

Of what I do, or what I did

For none of that effects your world

stop finger pointing like I'm your kid.

let them talk

"Still needs work." she muttered. "Maybe some music'll inspire me?" she said, reaching for her ipod.

♡ Wendy Schumer ♡

Wendy walked along the street. She had packed her bags that morning. Her foster mom gave her one night to pack and get out. She didn't have a car, and she was familiar with the town, so walking wasn't out of the norm. She breathed in the air - a brief hint of lavender. She was somewhat surprised by the uncommon, pleasant smell wafting past her. Then it disappeared. Wendy sighed and pushed her glasses up. She had crossed the street and stood in front of the dormitory. It wasn't an entirely unpleasant place. It has a really nice aura about it, she thought as she pushed the door open. A lot of kids her age were already inside. She sighed again, "Hello..." she said quietly, holding her arms. This was going to be difficult.
"Awesome lets go" he said getting up grabbing her hand and dragging her to the cafe"I wonder if it has a breakfast sandwhich"he said to himself.Arriving inside the cafe he looked around shaking his head then dragging Aylessa over to the menu.Looking at the menu he decides what he wants then looks at Aylessa"What do you want"he said smiling still holding on to her.
Alexander (Panda) Kwon

Alexander rides up to the parking lot next to the building he will soon call 'home' in his blue Harley Davidson bike. He takes hold of the helmet on his head and slides it off to put it on a handle of the bike. A black boot touches the ground, followed by another, and the man wearing the boots walks off in the direction of the building. A bag on his back, and a bag on his his side.

Alex walks in between people in the gathering crowd, trying not to bump into them. He sees other people that are conversing and is tempted to join in, but right now his bags are weighing down on him. He fast walks to the checklist, moving around the people there to get to the front. He rubs his finger down all the names until he finds his. Once knowing he's rooming with a girl, he feels relieved. Last time he had a male roommate, things got awkward. It was the only place hre had left to go at the time after getting kicked from the orphanage. Such a displeased look appeared on his face after thinking of the orphanage.
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Nathaniel York

Nathan carried his bag around his shoulder and dragged his case along the ground by it's wheels, he had his earphones in and music playing from his mobile. He walked not far from a bus stop to the building and entered it, taking a look around the place he nodded to himself in approval. 'Not bad' he thought as he went up to the receptionist from the front desk and acquired his key after signing a form, he didn't notice the writing on the wall the indicate roommates and walked up to his dorm room nonchalantly.

Neveah Jacobs

After listening to all the music she had on her laptop having to go in and fix different things on them she decided to just blast the music, there was no lyrics to any of it just instrumental, she started looking through all of her stuff kinda just moving and putting her stuff where she wanted it.
|| Aylessa Kyo ||

Aylessa flinched when James grabbed her hand and she looked at him with a strange look. 'Why is he touching me? We literally just met? What is up with the holding hands thing? Why is he dragging me? I can walk.' All these thoughts and a many more ran through Aylessa's head as the two made there way until to the menu. Aylessa still a bit uncomfortable with the physical touching of a guy she just met, looked up at the menu scanning the choices. "I'm going to get a toasted bagel with peanut butter on it and a hot chocolate." She said not looking at James knowing she was just going to give him another strange look. @Raidenxp
Amy nodded to Conner as a thank you and looked at the list, she was to room with someone named 'Ryder' ( @HighFlyer ) she figured it was a male. She didn't mind as much as she thougt she would and walked up to the front desk for her key. Once it was given to her she walked to her room and sat on the orange bed, waiting for her roommate to arrive in case he wanted the orange one.

When kita finally found the room, he unlocked the door and entered in. At first, he was happy to see that he was the first to make it there, but then he realized that it just meant the awkward greeting would just come later. "eh," his shoulders lifted and dropped in a shrug as he chose a bed and placed his belongings down on the mattress. The silence in the room made him shift uncomfortably, and hastened his decision to go ahead and unpack his things from the full bag. Which he began immediately doing, starting with his clothes.

It didn't take long for him to finish unpacking considering his small amount of possessions. In fact, it was only a matter of minutes until he was looking around the room with a bored expression. Kita grabbed his headphones and old MP3 before leaving the room. He placed the headphones over his ears and selected the first song on his playlist so that it would play through all of the songs without him needing to touch it again, and stuffed his mp3 into the pocket of his pants. The cracking sound of joints signaled him popping his knuckles as he made his way back outside for a smoke. The teen could barely hear what was going on around him due to the music ringing in his ears, but he simply paid attention to where he was going instead of worrying about it. He beat his fists lightly at the air beside him to the rhythm of the song currently playing, biting at the piercing in his lip with an almost inaudible chuckle as he danced down the stairs. Kita reminded himself to keep away from the entrance, pulling a cigarette from the pack in his pocket and placing it between his lips just before he made it outside. He quickly found a place to sit and also grabbed a purple lighter from the half-filled pack, flicking it open and lighting the cigarette. It wasn't unusual for him, but he flopped onto his back when he took the first inhale of warm smoke and let it drift from his lungs like a cloud, snickering to himself, "This is nice."
Sarah McQueen

Sarah unlocked the door to her room and entered quietly. She sighed in relief when she saw that no one was there, though she decided to leave the door propped open. Making a split second decision, she chose the bed that had more shelving to it. A good place for my books and music, she thought. Launching her heavy suitcase onto the bed, she began the process of unpacking. She began with her prized possession, her mix CD/cassette/record player. Carefully, she placed it on her nightstand. Then she set in to unloading her books.

"Ohh that looks delicious good choice"he said looking at her and giving her a thumbs up then let go off her hand and blushes a bit but tries to hide it and tells lady"I would like the breakfast deluxe sandwhich with bacon egg and hashbrown with an ice coffee".After a while the lady gave them there food thanking her he led Aylessa to a table and started eating his food"This is pretty good"he said still chewing his food.

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