roommates (twi x change)

Nichole was sitting in class bored. She sighed and took out a book to read. Nichole read a bit and paid half attention to the lesson.
Nichole yawned sitting in pe. She dressed out just didnt participate. The P.E. teacher sighed and tossed the basketball at her. Nichole yelped dducking and dripped her book.
Drake awoke and took his work and started working on it " So how did school go?" Drake asked Nichole with a yawn and a stretch.
"Uh... because I don't want you hurt anymore." Drake hurried to finish his work slipping a folded paper into his back pocket.
"Don't say that no matter how much it's true or not, and if there is ever anything I can do to help let me now." Drake finished his work and laid on the bed.

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