Roommates! [Inactive]


The Clawed Fauni
Icefox11 submitted a new role play:

Rommates! - You just moved to a new school, now what?

You are sent to a boarding school. On the outside, it seems like a regular school, but on the inside, it is full of some students who are not human, and some that are. When you walk in, you figure out you've been paired with a person of another race!
You go to find a dorm and figure out all the spots are taken! The only spots left are in a co-ed dorm close to the school, called the Neko dorm. Now you and your partner are not only working together, you are living under the same roof! What will...
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Miki stood outside the dorm, her luggage in hand. She had yet to meet her partner and was not super excited. The person at the counter cried for her and gave her and emergency number when they figured out that she was his partner. She sighed heavily and walked to the door, taking out her key and walking inside.
Kyle had already been in the room a few hours ago, he took the time to well established his territory. He took the bed that was already at the corner towards the window. He took the desk next to it and had already placed all of his books. He started working on his computer not caring the person that just entered the room, it was probably his unwanted roommates. He saved his document and turned his chair around now facing a dark haired Neko. ''Ah. What a surprise..Wouldn't expect them to make mixtes room.'' he said smirking while eyeing the girl in front of him.

He would honestly throw her out of the room and make her life miserable, but unfortunately for him, the principal had his eyes on him. If he did anymore trouble, he would be expulsed. That would be troublesome for now. ''Just make sure you don't bother me and make this room uglier than it is.''
Miki grimaced. She fully understood why they gave her a help number. This kid looked like psychopath. Miki set her stuff down. "Will do. Just don't bug me either." She said, no softness in her voice at all.
''Done deal darling, wasn't planning on to either.'' he said smirking. He wore his earbuds and started listening to some loud heavy metal music, he honestly didn't care if that girl could hear it or not. He opened his computer once again and started typing and programming a few software. This year announced itself pretty interesting.
Miki rolled her eyes. 'Don't call me darling." She threatened. She really didn't care if this guy was the delinquent of the school, no one called her darling. She hated flirts. She placed her shelf on the wall and started placing her figurines on the shelf, making sure they were in just the right position.
Bea bounced into her dorm room happily. It seemed her roommate hadn't arrived yet, but she was alright with that, taking the bed next to the window. Pulling the window open, she hopped onto the sill with both hands and feet, purring softly as the wind brushed her long pony tail away from her face. She couldn't wait to meet her new roommate. Feeling her pale skin start to burn a little, which happened whenever she stayed in direct sunlight too long, she lightly danced off the sill and began unpacking her meager possessions.
Kyle didn't hear what she said, and just so happened to see her mumble something barely audible with his music. He took one earbud out, '' Sorry didn't hear, I just saw your mouth opening and closing spurting out some incoherent noise.'', Kyle stated. He saw the figures being placed on the shelf. Well aren't those the highly demanded figurines i've been bugged to look for. He said smirking.
Miki saw his glare and she pulled the next item out of the box. It was a long katana that she had been trained to use. "Touch my stuff and you will perish." She said, an evil glint in her eyes. She looked at him with murderous intent in her eyes.
He lifted his hands in the air as if he was being captured by the police, ''Guilty, but i'm not a thief.'' He said standing up, he had more than a head more than the neko girl. He then remembered that he had some business to deal with. He grabbed his keys that were laying on the bed, and before he exited the room he looked at her, ''This room better not smell like cheap perfume or i'll behead you.'' With that said he exited the room.
The first thing Julie done in his new dorm room was drag in a mini-fridge with groceries he had just bought, and by groceries, he meant just local market fish and milk. He didn't bother checking whether his dorm-mate had already settled in, though he was still excited to meet them. Co-ed dorms were always more fun and interesting anyhow. He stretched his arms and back after the hard-work, drinking straight from a milk carton as he started to unpack the rest of his stuff.
Miki sighed as he exited the room. She flopped down on her bed, her legs sticking out at both sides. 'Why him?' Miki thought, sighing. She got up after a while and kept unpacking. She assembled the rest of her figurines and her manga collection. She had placed her anime sheets on the bed and had her katanas hanging from the wall. She sat down on her bed and pulled out her latest manga and started reading.
Jasmin walked down the hallway towards her new dorm room with an excited bounce in her step. She could not wait to see her new dorm room, but even more importantly introduce herself to dorm-mate. After a couple seconds she arrived in front of her room number. 'This is it!' Jasmin thought, as she inserted her key into the lock, and opened the door. "Hello? Is anyone here?"she celled out walking into the pitch black room. She sighed disappointed and turned on the lights. "Guess I'm the first one here" she mumbled to herself and started unpack her suitcase. 
Jasmin walked down the hallway towards her new dorm room with an excited bounce in her step. She could not wait to see her new dorm room, but even more importantly introduce herself to dorm-mate. After a couple seconds she arrived in front of her room number. 'This is it!' Jasmin thought, as she inserted her key into the lock, and opened the door. "Hello? Is anyone here?"she celled out walking into the pitch black room. She sighed disappointed and turned on the lights. "Guess I'm the first one here" she mumbled to herself and started unpack her suitcase.
Eri released as sigh as she at last approached her dorm room. She ran a hand through her hair, staring at the closed door thinking many things at once. She hoped desperately that her roommate was bearable, and not a total snob. If this was the case, Eri would walk right up to the front desk and demand a room change. Who knows, maybe her roommate won't be horrible. Only one way to find out, Eri thought to herself, taking the key she had received from the front desk and unlocking her dorm. To her surprise, and to her relief, the room was empty. Eri raised a brow, strolling inside to get a better look. Like every other common dorm, it was dull and lifeless. Eri mentally smacked herself. C'mon, Eri. Be optimistic for once. Without another moment's hesitation, Eri placed her bags on her bed and began unpacking.
Greg had finally arrived at his dorm room, he let out a deep sigh "please for the love of god do not let my partner be overly social." He kept repeating it to himself constantly since he was not one for conversation. He finally started thinking of something positive after a while. OK maybe my roommate isn't all that bad, I wouldn't mind her being social, I just hope she wouldn't over due it. He finally walked through the door to see his new roommate. Oh god she's pretty, Greg was usually shy around girls he thought were pretty. He began to blush and was nervous but he was able to make out his word "hi"
Eri's train of thought was brought to a halt when she heard someone's voice. She lifted her head to see an attractive guy standing in the dorm. At the sight of him, she immediately registered him as a human, but also her roommate. From his appearance, he didn't seem all that bad. Eri could tell that he wasn't the prideful type, and already liked him for that. She blinked, immediately realizing that she hadn't said a word in return. Eri cleared her throat and smiled. "Hiya. Guess we're roommates, then," she said with ease, folding one of her shirts and shoving it into a drawer before returning her attention to her new roomie. "I'm Eri."
Greg felt kind of embarrassed cause he just sat there for awhile when she had spoke "Oh my bad I kinda of zoned out." He could feel his face getting reder by the second "My name is Greg, Greg Moses." He had then slammed his feet together and bowed "it is an honor to meet you." He was hoping that his traditional greeting wouldn't make her uncomfortable.
Eri raised a brow at the sight of Greg bowing, but didn't want to mention it. It wasn't a greeting she was used to, but it was nice to know that Greg wouldn't be like all of the jerks she had been aquatinted to in the past. She smiled slightly though, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I wouldn't say meeting me is exactly an honor, but thank you," Eri replied wryly.
Greg instantly stood up, he could feel his entire face blushing "I..I'm terribly sorry." He could already tell he wasn't making a good first impression "I didn't wish to make you uncomfortable, I'll just go unpack my things now." He quickly rushed towards the bed that was taken and tried hard not to look back at her while he was unpacking.
"You didn't make me uncomfortable! You just weren't the type of roommate I was expecting," Eri amended hastily, pausing her unpacking process to do so. "I was expecting a roommate that was loud, obnoxious, and full of himself. So no, you didn't make me uncomfortable. You just surprised me." Eri scratched her head. She wasn't the smoothest at communicating when it came to introductions like this.
Kyle was walking back into the dorm with boxes piled up in his hands. It was hiding his view and could barely see in front of him. He often tripped in the stairs but never making his precious merchandise fall. He walked by the corridor cursing at himself, ''These *&%%$8 Stupid Boxes, blocking my famn $%? view..'' He hurried to his door, he tried opening the door many times but it came in vain as he made the keys fall and the merchandise was getting heavier. He started kicking his dorm room, ''Opened the damn door for fuck fuck sake! '' he screamed.
Miki was in the middle of her manga when a ferocious pounding came at the door. She rolled her eyes and walked to the door opening it. "Wha.... oh." Miki said, looking at the tall pile of boxes. "Want help?" She asked, looking around the boxes.
He stormed inside his room and finally dropped the boxes on his bed. He sighted and eyed the chick in front of her, '' No need for this fake kindness, mind your own business...And WHAT THE HELL is this!!'' he shooted when he saw the anime sheets and all those 2D being flooding his room. He then looked at the Katana's hanging from the wall,'' Are you planning on killing me in my sleep with these swords!?'' he shouted not happy at all. His room was his territory, anything out of placed or that wasn't his annoyed him.
"Yes. If any single piece is missing, an I know all of them by heart, you will lose your head. All that's left to decide is which blade I do not mind getting blood on." Miki said, looking at her things. She turned back to him and glared.

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