Rominov School for Vampires

Izio looked over at the girl. "Hi my name is Izio Arentino. So you are one of the Aeternus's personal feeders I'm guessing. So Evangeline's here I guess she will be taking school this year I wonder what kind of vampire she is." Izio walked over to the girl. "Well we can help you look for her if you wan't us to maybe she is just wondering around like we are." Izio turned around and noticed that Bram had a knife in his hands. So he snatched it out of his hand. "You know your not aloud to have weapons out right?" He started spinning the blade around. "I know I'm not a combat vampire but everyone has that instinct right." Izio gripped the knife firmly in his hand. "Here you go Bram." Izio threw the knife back to Bram. "By the way that blad is way to dull you won't be able to affectively hurt anything with it you need to sharpen it more." Said Izio walking back to the girl and sticking out his hand. "Don't worry I won't suck your blood." Izio said with a smile accidently showing his teeth.
Bram looked at the knife... This guy is an idiot i could cut his hand clear off with this in a single slice... why is fate so cruel to put me with him. "For the last time it's Abraham to you..." Bram sighed slowly getting defeated by Izio's stupidity, Bram's forced manners were never present when talking to this fool. No matter what im going to kill him first.. Bram laughed in his head at the thought of killing Izio a smile creaked on his face then quickly disappeared. He looked at the girl with the bite marks all over here. A personal slave, do these monsters know no bounds?... Bram looked at her his eyes were soft and kind. "I will help you in any way milady." he put his left arm to his chest slightly bowed to her.
Bitter sweet sat in the middle of the hallway. Sometimes he would see people walking about, but that didn't faze him the slightest. Bit had just woken up from a lovely nap, but now his muscles ached. Je stood up, stretching andbyawning silently. He licked his lips and looked down. A single black case lay beside him. It had a rustic golden lining, with a little symbol in the corner to signify the maker of the case. Bitter blinked. He picked it up and swung it over his shoylder, making his way down the halls of Rominov School.

Not long after, Bittersweet had made it to the music room. He opened the door, but a shrilling squeak emitted from it, making him jump a little. He strode over to the barren stage, which was basically an elevated chunk of land infront of the class. He looked around and saw absolutely no one in the music room. Perfect.

"Attention, audience, attention! Attention!" He spoke quietly into the mic, directed at no one.

"Bittersweet Harlequin will now play the Twilight Sonata in 3rd chord major."

He darted around again, to make sure no one was there.

"Thank you."

Bittersweet started to play a song on his violin. Starting slow, but soon became much more furious.
Hannah giggled a little at the dagger being thrown about, "Eva would love that. She loves daggers of any kind, or knives too." She took Izio's hand and shook it, then looked at the rest of them, "I am Hannah. My family has served them for generations. She is just waiting for her turn in the office, but I thought that this campus looked big, so, since I will be with her in her classes, I should know the campus." Hannah paused, "Oh, and she is a fire-user. Miss Eva loves to play with the stuff."

When Abraham bowed she blushed brightly and reached out to him awkwardly, "Oh, no no no. Pleasure is all mine sir, Abraham is it?" She curtsied to him and smiled, "You are all so nice! I had worried you would be like Evangeline's Father. He isn't very kind... but none the less, I am happy to meet you all. You have no issues with me tagging along, yes? I just wish to know the school and what not. I'll just follow quietly." Hannah looked down at the floor, still blushing as she mumbled their names to herself, making sure not to forget, "Abraham, Izio, and Liliya... right? Yes," her head popped up again, "Got it! I won't forget your names now." She smiled brightly again, looking mostly at Abraham. Most of the bite marks had faded, but they were still visible, and she saw them all notice the marks. That was the one part she hated about giving blood, the scars afterwords.

"Oh, and yes, I am her personal feeder, but also her personal servant... I have a rare blood type, so I got... chosen.... specifically," she said, but her voice grew quieter on 'chosen', because she was basically bought, not chosen.
Damon looked past the girl he was talking to and over to Bram. "Hmmmm." He moved closer, glaring at him. He watched him closely and he turned back to the girl. It seemes we have more time so why dont we find somewhere to play?"

Ember quickly headed out of the office and down the hall. She looked behind her then turned her head forward as she bumped into Bram. "Ember... You are doing it again" She smiled to her self. "You need to watch out." Ember chuckled "Oh shut up. "Sorry..." She grinned a wicked grin to Bram as she eyed him. "Didnt mean to run into you." Ember slid her razor blade from her mouth and let it hang out as she giggled to herself. "Stop talking to yourself Ember. These people will think you are Crazy." Ember argued with herself. "Thats the point right? I AM demented." She said to herself as she walked off from Bram.
Bram instinctively covered his neck with his right hand when she spoke of rare blood types. He was bumped in the back by something small and weak. He turned to see a brat talking to herself... What the hell?! She apologized to Bram then quickly demeaned her own self. what is going on... Yea people will think your nuts when you talk to yourself. As the razor blade fell from her mouth, Bram rested his hand on the handle of the gun in his back waistband. She then rattled off more nonsense about her being demented and began to walk away.I wonder if she has developed a split personality.. It happens in few vampires that try to hold on to their humanity too much after becoming a vampire separating their psyches trying to hold on to what made them, them....

Bram looked back at Hannah now, the depression in her voice as she said chosen means, that she is obviously lying. Meaning she was captured and forced or captured and sold into slavery. Bram became more concerned about this girl with every moment that passed by. Damn these monsters taking away her future! Ill kill them all, I swear it! I wont let these monsters touch or harm you. Bram thought about how he could make sure people would leave her alone until they met up with her master. Adolescent vampires don't take kindly to humans or know how to control their blood lust at times. Bram stuck out his arm slightly towards her holding it out in front of him bent slowly to his chest this was a proper gesture to have her link or grab onto his elbow as he would escort her. This is for your own safety I wont let anything happen to you. "If you would." He tilted her head at her to acknowledge her. "It would be my pleasure to escort you." His eyes glowed with a sort of compassion to Hannah.

(Nightmayr Bram doesn't react well to vampires and usually stays silent. I added more acknowledgement but he is not going to talk to her really.)
Hannah looked at the girl who came out and bumped into Abraham with a slight look of concern and horror, wondering how in the world she could have gotten that bad. After the girl passed and went off in another direction, Hannah half-smiled at him thankfully, and took his arm in her's, "Thank you, you are so sweet for a vampire. Again, I had been worried they were all like Evangeline's Father. We can go talk to Evangeline, but she is still busy at the office I think. It is up to you. Evangeline is much nicer than her father though, she is very gentle when she feeds, and won't let anyone but herself feed from me. Plus, I am the only one she prefers to feed from." Hannah blushed again, wondering what prompted this Vampire to be so nice. 'He isn't acting like one of them, most would comment about my blood smelling good, or something like that,' Hannah thought, tilting her head a little in confusion as she looked at Abraham.

"After she's done, do you want to walk around the campus with us? I don't believe our classes start today, we weren't opting for that anyhow. We still need to get to know the campus and all its twists and turns," Hanna said, smiling as her blush faded, "So... Abraham, did you get turned? Or where you born like this? I am sure you know Evangeline's bloodline, everyone does. Only daughter of the King and Queen, blah blah blah. I have heard it a billion times. That means she was born a vampire. I'm not sure which would be better, to be born one, to be bitten and turned, or to just stay human. What do you think?" Hannah wasn't sure why she was getting into philosophies with Abraham, she was usually very timid, and didn't talk much, but all of a sudden she couldn't say enough.
Bram smiled at her and nodding acknowledging all she was saying. "I would rather not talk about my heritage." he smiled at her as he said this. he leaned in to her and whispered in her ear with a sort of gentle flirtation. "Truth be told, I would very much like to try being human." he leaned away from her. He once again calmly smiled in her direction as he put his arm down and tucking her between his side and arm. "I would love to talk to you more Hannah if you would indulge me." I want to know more about you. I need to know more so i can stop them and kill them you might know something we have not experienced, you are closest thing to these night walkers that is human. He gently led her away from the group a couple feet away so he could talk more to her in private.
And the blush was back, a bright red color on her face as she nodded, "O...ok, sure, we can talk," as she spoke she let him lead her a little away from the group. "What would you like to know? Rendezvouz points and weaknesses?" She giggled at her own joke, smiling at him, "But, seriously speaking, what would you like to know? I know lots about some things, but very little about others. I would like to know what makes you want to be human... I mean... Most vampires love being vampiric. They love everything about it and aren't afraid to flaunt it. What makes you so different Abraham?"

Hannah tilted her head again and sighed, "Truth be told most people don't want to talk to me. They think humans in my position should often times be not seen or heard really. They see us as food or play-toys, not as people. Besides Evangeline. She absolutely adores talking to me, and treats me like a sister, nice since I haven't seen my family in years. I don't remember the last time I saw my mother, or my siblings. I was dubbed Evangeline's 'slave' so to speak, before I was born even. Though that term slave isn't preferred. It makes them feel bad. Personal feeder is what they call me right?"

She relaxed around Abraham. Why? She still didn't know, but honestly Hannah didn't care. She realized she had been ranting though, "Oh... my gosh I am sorry. I usually don't talk... Especially not at all negatively about vampires... please accept my apology." She looked down and curtsied, feeling a bit bad and worried how he would react.
Bram placed his hand on her head and bent down and smiling at her. "I very much like it when you talk." Bram was not lying... he had found someone to be an object to keep his sanity, a totem of reminder why he is doing this. "Please feel free to speak as much as you like around me." He gently slid his hand from atop of her head and brushed her bangs in her face back. "Speaking how you feel is nothing to apologize to me for." Bram told her. He then rested his hand on her cheek "I would very much like to be your friend Hannah. So treat me as an equal, for I shall for you." His smile never faded from his face. He didn't want to cause her more distress so he took his hand off her face and tucked it behind his back. "Being human seems so fleeting like a rose, so beautiful but it's life is short." He raised his head slightly to look at the ceiling as he said that. He looked back towards her direction his smile still on his face.
"Ok..." Hannah said and nodded slowly, "Rose flowers themselves are beautiful, and if you cut them off from the bush, they wither, and die. The rose bush though... that can be cut down, and it will grow back even stronger. I don't see why someone would want to be a rose though... no matter how beautiful it is, no one can get near it, lest they get pricked. Either that, or the rose gets tamed, and all the thorns cut off. If I am a rose, I would be a shamed, thornless one." Hannah shook her head, only depressing herself.

"All this talk of roses and thorns... I am sorry. What was it that you wanted to ask?" she looked at Abraham again, and smiled shyly, wondering what she could possibly tell him that was of any value. "Personally though... no matter how beautiful and fleeting a rose... it is the fleeting bit that scares me. I worry that one day someone, and it would never be Evangeline... I worry that a vampire will drink too deeply and I will end up dead... Oh, if that happened, Evangeline would never forgive herself, even if it wasn't her fault at all."
Bram's eyes opened and his smile faded slowly. He looked at her in concern "That will never happen, I wont let it I promise." Bram looked at her his eyes glowing with a bright blue radiance. I will not let anything ever happen to you, I will give you back your hope... your life... i swear it.

He smiled again at her and added "We are friends after all." Bram titled his head toward the ceiling and put his hand to his chin. "You are not a Rose milady.... You are a Sunflower free standing and tall, Gentle and beautiful. You carry the radiance and beauty of the sun harnessed in a delicate, and elegant form of a flower." He thought for another moment before looking down at her hand still on his chin. "Would you do me the honor of calling me Bram milady. Abraham is such a heavy name." He shook his head slightly at the thought of his name Abraham... he hated it. "Why do you care so much for your master if you dont mind me asking?" Bram now looked at her his curiosity piqued due to her always holding her in the highest esteem... this girl really respects or fears her
Hannah blushed again, "Bram it is then. You are much too sweet to me. Evangeline is all I really know that is nice... well... besides you now that is. Evangeline never hits me, or hurts me, and when she has to feed, she makes sure I heal up properly. Her father is the one I truly fear. He is a cruel man to everyone, including Evangeline and I. The public never really knows or cares though. He has hit me before, on a number of occasions... I am sorry, I shouldn't be saying this..." Hannah paused and winced then, remembering the oh too fresh bruise on her side, "He hit me on my side recently, where my ribs are. Might have cracked a few... but it is alright. It is probably just a lot of bruising." Hannah put a hand against her right side then, gingerly touching it and wincing, having no intention of showing Bram, "I haven't told Evangeline about it. In Dagan's eyes I deserved it though... The man was drunk on blood, and I was trying to tell him kindly about his daughter's apprehensions about going to the school. He got mad and hit me hard right on my side. Being as old and powerful as he is, it sent me flying. I am lucky I didn't get a concussion."

Hannah paused again and dropped her hand from her side, "Evangeline doesn't want to seem different here. She wants to get away from her father, and live as normally as she can manage. She didn't want to come here because she was afraid people would treat her oddly. In the end, she took the risk, feeling like escaping her father was a better choice. I got to come with her."
Bram put his hand on Hannah's shoulder. "Here come with me." He gestured for her to follow him. A smile still on his face. I'm sorry Hannah I will have to kill the one you hold dead... I will have to kill them all. He made a few steps and turned around to see if Hannah would follow him.
Hannah followed Bram obediently, nice or not, she was a human, and he a vampire. She was obligated to follow Bram, but she at least questioned, "Where are we going?" As she walked, her blonde-ish curls and waves bounced, "That wasn't the response I expected, with all honesty."
He made his way down the hall and opened the door to his room "Please come in. Do not worry I have no ill intentions." Bram swept his arm as he held the door open to Hannah it was his habit in The Order to always hold the door open for a lady so this came without thinking. He looked at Hannah with a slight smile.
"So gentlemanly Bram. I am amazed you are so kind," Hannah said and walked in, then turned around to face him, "I trust that you have no ill intentions, however I must remind you that if you harm me, Evangeline will want to kill you. I am like a sister to her." Hannah trusted him, oddly enough, but still was nervous and unsure about the situation as a whole.
"If you would" he pointed to the bed as he moved around his luggage on the floor searching for something. Bram was looking for his medical kit that he had brought with him, a large brief case filled with a mini hospitals worth of creams, ointments, bandages and other assorted pills. He overturned a bag and found it. He walked over to the desk and set it down and clicked it open.
Hannah blushed brightly, realizing now what it was he wanted to do, "No no no. Bram, sir, I am fine. There is no need for you to burden yourself as such by helping me. My ribs are fine. Humans are resilient, they kinda bounce back. Not as much as Vampires... but still." Hannah stood there awkwardly, not sure what to do, but, figuring he wouldn't take no for an answer, she sat on the bed and stared at the floor, "You really don't need to help me..."
He grabbed a tube of ointment from the briefcase and a roll of ace bandage and turned around to see her sitting on the bed. He unscrewed the cap and set it on the bed along with the bandage wrap. He knelt down in front of her her chest at his eye level. "Lift." he said in a stern voice and looked at the bottom of her shirts. He slowly rubbed his hands together to warm them.
She looked up at him and sighed heavily, "Fine," she said, none to happy, and lifted her shirt high enough so the bruise was revealed. A large purplish bruise going diagonal down her ribs. Hannah glanced down at it and winced, the bruise hurt, but she had to hide it from Evangeline, "If I told Evangeline about it... It would have only caused more distress between her and her father..." The bruise looked like she had been hit hard by the length of someone's arm, and Hannah sighed. Now that she was thinking about it, even breathing hurt a bit.

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