Rominov School for Vampires

Bram sighed as he sat up from his bed. He knew he would have to survey the school grounds sooner or later this would make for good cover to be with this idiot. "It's ABRAHAM!" He yelled at Izio as he left the room. Bram grabbed his butterfly knife and slipped it in his back pocket and put the gun behind his back tucked in the back of his pants waist band. He closed the door with a click the two were off.
"Combat, as well." Dimitri replied. "Unfortunately I don't have weapons to show you... I keep them in the combat room. You should take yours there as well before you get in trouble for having it here..." He said, hoping not to sound nagging. "Combat isn't allowed outside of class unless there's a real danger, so they have us keep our weapons locked up until class. They're safe there." He gave a small smile and unpacked some more of his things, moving around the room to stay occupied.

Liliya finally gave up on waiting for her roommate. Who knew, maybe she was lucky enough to get a single room this year? Though it rarely happened, and chances were the other girl was just late. Liliya was already done unpacking and organizing her side of the room, so she decided to go outside for a bit. Classes wouldn't start until tomorrow, and she didn't have much to do before then. So out she walked, heading towards the gardens.
Damon looked up to his room mate and shook his head. "My crossbow will not leave this room untill class." He stood up and yawned. "Imma head out and walk around. Might run into someone I know." He gave him and nod and made his way from the room and down the hall with his guitar. He made it to the main part of the school and looked over the the garden. He grinned as he made his way into the garden and sat down.
Liliya sat in a more secluded area of the garden, just enjoying the night breeze. She wished she could go out during the day, but magic vampires couldn't stand the sun for nearly as long as combats, and being in the direct daylight would bother her quite a bit. She heard someone else walking around in the gardens and wondered who it was.

Dimitri shrugged. "It's not me that's against it. I'd keep mine here too if it wasn't academy policy. But seeing as how my own mother owns the place, I'm not willing to endanger either of our reputations by keeping mine in here. I don't suggest boasting that you have it to others though, or the teachers may take it." He put some clothing into a drawer. "So if you were bitten, how'd you find out about this place? Most of the advertising is by word of mouth..."
Melost sat in the music room, watching Ene as she played her piano. His red eyes could barely stay open, hearing the wonderful tune she so often played. What brought him down from his dream cloud was when the music stopped and the blue haired girl walked up to him with an angry expression on her face. "I'd appreciate it more if you'd either listen or leave, because I want a focused audience!" She said leaving the room empty except for Melost. He sighed and looked at the piano. He remembered the first day that he had been accepted and Ene was there to be his friend. Not many people are open to those who are homeless, but he assumed weird girls with blue hair probably weren't really liked either, even if she were cute.
Ember walked up to the headmistress' door and looked at it for a second. She knocked lightly and spoke softly. "Headmistress... Its Ember..." She watched the door for a second and opened the door a crack. She peaked in and looked at the headmistress.

Damon settled down and pulld his guitar to his body. He strummed the strings and grumbled as he tuned the guitar. He then strummed again and smiled. He begin to play the guitar as he hummed to himself.
"Ok fine Abraham lets go look around the garden the flowers are pretty this time of night." Izio walked towereds the garden with Bram. "Hey Bram there is someone else here already lets go talk to her maybe she's nice." Izio ran over to the girl in the garden. "Hello there my name is Izio Arentino and this is Abraham but call him Bram." Izio chuckled at Bram. "We are new here and were just observing the beautiful garden this fine night but it seems I've found something more beautiful in this garden then I had expected." Izio said looking over at Liliya with a smile.
Sky looked at the large school with apprehension as she approached. She wasn't sure exactly how well this whole 'Vampire School' thing was going to work out for her. She didn't want to be a vampire let alone attend a school for them. With a sigh, Sky took a hesitant step forward before deciding that she'd do a bit of exploring before visiting the headmistress.
Anastasiya looked up. "Hello, Ember." She said, welcoming the young girl inside. "Have you already received your schedule and such? I didn't think we had an appointment today." Not that she didn't mind visits from the students. The headmistress gave a small smile.

Liliya raised an eyebrow. Wow, this guy was really hyper. She was very tempted to ask what he was on, but the polite side of her never seemed to go away. Instead she gave him a smile, along with his friend. "Hello," she said quietly. "I'm Liliya Rominov, nice to meet you." She looked down at some of the flowers, and saw one that was wilting terribly. Sighing, the Vampiress moved her thin arm over the flower, and a swirl of cool water pulled from the nearby fountain and into the soil surrounding the plants. Almost instantly, the flower started to spring back to life. Satisfied, she turned back to the other two. "Are you new students?" She asked. Older students seemed to know her without an introduction, seeing as how her mom owned the place. However, these two didn't seem to know who she was, and it was kind of nice to have people talk to her like a normal person and not suck up to her.
Ember shook her head as she placed her bags on the ground and placed her hands in her back pockets. "No, I didnt enroll I was thinking I could now?" She used her tongue to play with her lip ring.

Damon looked up and could see others. Two guys talking to a girl. He grunted and begin to play his guitar a bit louder, annoyed by the hyperness of one of the guys. He eyed the girl and watched the hyper one hit on her. He shook his head and eyed the quiet one... He was strange.
While Ene walked through the hall she could hear the faint sound of an impressive guitarist. She walked closer to the sound and saw a boy playing it from around the corner. She poked her blue head out watching him play with interest. She liked the fact that there were other people interested in music, but she hadn't seen some one playing the guitar in a while. She thought about walking closer, but saw that there were other people not to far away, so she stayed in that one spot watching.
The Headmistress nodded and waved the newcomer into a chair. "Of course dear, no problem. There are just some forms to fill out first and then we can fix you up a schedule." Although she had all sorts of aristocratic décor, she still had a modern computer, and now she used this to file the new girl's information into a computer.
Damon sighed as he stood up and decided to head to one of the meeting rooms. He glanced over and seen a girl watching him. He smiled down to her and nodded his head. "You know how to play?" He gestured to his guitar as he looked down at her.


Nicolai looked at his watch and see it was getting close to time for class to start. On his classroom door there was a paper that read 'GO TO COURTYARD FOR COMBAT CLASS'. He smiled as he shut his book and begin passing back and forth.


Ember nodded to the headmistress as she slowly made her way over and sat down in one of the soft chairs. She watched the headmistress type away on to the computer. She sat back and awaited for any questions.
Adaline and Alexander stood in front of their new school. Adaline was very excited, and rather nervous too. Alexander led the way into the school. "Where do we go?" asked Adaline. Alexander looked down the long hallway. "We need to go to the Headmistress's office to get our schedules and sign in. That should be this way." They managed to find the Headmistress's office, and seeing that another student seemed to be in there, sat down to wait.
Anastasiya asked quite a few questions, mostly background information about Ember. She needed enough information to make sure that the girl was who she claimed to be and that she was safe to have around. Some Vampires could be incredibly dangerous if they had too much lust for blood, but those kind of Vampires typically weren't well mannered enough to come to the office and ask permission to join the school. They would just break in and attack nearby students. Anastasiya sighed thinking about them, but tried to keep her mind off of 'those' types. "Ok, Ember, it looks like everything checks out. Here's a schedule. Tomorrow night is the first night for classes, and you have the rest of tonight free to explore and get acquainted with the other students." She handed the new girl her paperwork. "Good luck! I hope you like it here."
Ember stood up and took the paper from her. She walked over to the door and looked at the paper. She then looked back up to the headmistress. "Do you know who my room mate is?" Ember picks u her bags and looks down then back up.
Evangeline Aeternus was walking to the school, going over in her head the scene that had just played out at her house.

"But Father... I do not wish to go to this school. I get enough training he-" She said to her Father, then he cut her off suddenly, "Impudent child. You do as I ask. Take Hannah with you and make sure you do not drain her. She cost a pretty penny what with her rare blood type and all. Get your bags packed now, and go!" His voice bellowed, making her wince. The man named Dagan, her father, only scoffed and shooed her off. Evangeline was packed and out the door within a matter of moments, saying goodbye to her mother, but not bothering to say bye to her father.

"The old bastard..." she muttered aloud to herself, looking down at the ground and kicking a pebble hard, making it go flying into a car tire. Evangeline sighed heavily, mad at the world over-all. Her human servant walked next to her, her own bags in her hands, and a slight frown on her face, "Miss.. I can carry your bags for you as well. You shouldn't be saddened, I am sure your father loves you, he just has a lot on his plate. He has all vampires to watch over, you know your family is the oldest."

Evangeline's face lightened into a half smile as she turned to look at her, "You are too kind Hannah. If anything I should hold the bags. Vampires are often stronger than humans anyhow..." Her voice was hushed, not wanting anyone to overhear her. The occasional passerby looked at the girls oddly, wondering why such pretty things were out and about so late at night, and with no one to protect them properly. Evangeline knew that she could take any of them if they tried to touch her, and with how on edge she was right now, she might snap easily.

Hannah put a hand against Evangeline's shoulder and smiled, "Look Miss, we are here. The school looks huge." Evangeline looked up and smiled largely, her eyes lighting up, "Yes. That is it. We have to visit Mrs. Rominov. Father has missed her company."

After a short while they arrived at her door, and she knocked confidently, "Mrs. Rominov? May I come in? It is Evangeline Aeternus." Evangeline sighed silently after she said that, feeling all eyes on her after she said her name. The Aeternus family was incredibly well known among vampires. Her father was the oldest vampire, and her mother the second. Everyone knew of them, and thus knew of her. Royal blood alone is said to taste amazing, and she has had many a vampire try before to get a taste of her blood. Most have ended up with first degree burns.

Evangeline glanced at the kids sitting down next to the door and huffed, turning to Hannah, "She must be busy. I was so excited, I wasn't paying any attention." Evangeline sat next to the two students and nodded at them, "Hello there. As you probably just heard, my name is Evangeline." 'Who am I kidding?' she thought as she held a hand out to them, 'They probably knew who I am without any introduction, either that or can smell my royal blood...' Inside her head she sighed, wondering how hard the year would be.

Hannah smiled awkwardly at the two kids, knowing that, in all likely-hood, they were vampires. She didn't know them, so she stayed silent, her hand entwining with Evangeline's free one like a scared little sister would do.
"So your use water magic too I see. Then it seems we will be in the same magic class, but right now I can't use my magic very well. Your alot better then I am." Izio sighed and walked over to the flower she was standing at. "Well it seems that you know this place well. You mind showing us around it would be really helpfull to have an escort around the school since it is such a massive school." Izio Asked. "Please?" He asked with the best puppy dog face he could have made.
Anastasiya gave the young Vampiress a knowing smile. "Why yes I do, miss. You room mate is my daughter, Liliya Rominov. I think you'll get along just fine, she is a very kind girl."

Liliya nodded. "Yes," she agreed. "I've had a lot of practice." She gave a smile as the other Vampire admired her handiwork. "I don't have much else to do other than practice..." She shrugged. "And sure, I can show you around. I've lived here practically my whole life. I can even show you all the secret places. Some students like to hide in them when they ditch class." She gave a knowing grin, like at one point or another she'd been one of those students. She started to lead them away. "Obviously this is the garden." She said, gesturing around them. "I'll show you where the cafeteria, library, feeders, and rec rooms are, okay?" She smiled, glad to be helpful to someone, even if it was one incredibly hyper Vampire and one incredibly quiet one.
Bram eyed the girl as she offered the tour to them. hmmm so this is the young girl of the house of Rominov. She is here in the palm of my hands i could kill her and put an end to future pure blooded offsprings. He slid his hand into his pocket feeling the cold metal of his butterfly knife debating if he should kill her or not. I would ruin all the sacrifice people went through to get me here. Bram decided against it. "My name is Abraham pleasure." he looked at the young girl vampire forcing a smile.
Ene stepped closer noticing at she had been caught. "I don't know how to play the guitar but I'm okay at the piano. I just thought it was nice to see some one else with an appreciation for music." Her bright blue eyes continued looking down at the guitar and up at him every so often.
Liliya smiled at Bram, glad he'd finally spoken up and broken his awkward silence. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well," she said, walking into one of the buildings. She was so small, sweet, and delicate, that if he tried anything she would probably not have time to react. She would fight, but it wasn't an immediate reaction, nor in her nature. But she was oblivious to his thoughts, since she hadn't yet developed mind reading as her mother had. Even Dimitri had begun to show signs of promise in that area, able to read emotions already and react to them appropriately. Maybe Liliya was just a late bloomer.

She led the two down a hall. "This room was closest, so I thought I'd show you here first. Also, I mean, it's kind of important to know where the feeders are. I mean, we can live awhile without blood, just surviving on normal human food, but we can't go on like that forever." She pushed open a door. "So this is where we go for that." She glanced around and saw that a few other students were already down here, needing nourishment to get through the night. The Vampires were lucky that their bites were so amazing for humans, otherwise they would never volunteer to be violated in such a way. But Vampire saliva releases endorphins which can bring great pleasure to whoever they're biting - except other Vampires, that is.

"Okay. What do you guys want to see next? We have a pool, some game rooms.... The library is huge. There are meeting rooms, and then there are separate buildings for the Combats and the Mages, where you can practice your specialty. I already know that Izio is a water user like me... What about you, Abraham?" She smiled a little, hiding her fangs.

Bram tensed at the sight of humans getting bitten by these accursed beasts. He slid the butter fly knife out holding it in his hand. His anger was boiling underneath his calm mantle. He wanted to kill them all and he was capable of it. He was what they created at the order a monster to fight monsters. Not quite human not quite vampire. He looked down at Liliya "Combat madam." he spoke with a fake smile plastered on his face. "I would really be intrigued to see more of your magic if we can stop by that building. If you would be so inclined." Bram was lying through his teeth but he had become an expert at this so his silver tongue goes unnoticed.
Hannah pulled at Evangeline's sleeve, "I am going to go look around, so you are not late or lost later on Miss, alright?" Evangeline nodded as Hannah stood, "Ok. Be safe. I doubt anyone would bite you without my permission." Hannah smiled at her and nodded quickly before dashing back out the door they came in. As soon as she was out, she sighed quietly and looked around. There were a few people here and there, but they seemed busy, or lost in their own little worlds. Hannah bit her lip, and glanced back at the doors she had just come out of, without Evangeline she was defenseless, but like Evangeline had said, it was unlikely anyone would bite her without permission. Hannah smelled of Royal vampires, from being around them, and she is pretty sure they have claimed her, or whatever it is vampires do.

Hannah spotted a small group of people, one who looked like they knew where they were going, the others looking as though they were following. She walked up to them, more than a bit nervous, and said a small, "Hello..." Once she was close enough for them to hear her, "I am looking around for Evangeline... Evangeline Aeternus. She is in the office right now, and I thought it would be nice of me to make sure she doesn't get lost..." Hannah's voice shook, she wasn't good at talking to new people period, and it made her even more nervous that Evangeline wasn't here with her.
Liliya smiled again, oblivious to Bram's weapon. "Sure," she said. "It's this way-" She turned around and nearly bumped into a small human girl. She didn't seem to be one of the feeders, but the bite scars on her neck showed that she definitely had been bitten many times before. She seemed to be more like someone's belonging, like she was someone's personal feeder or something. This became apparent when the girl said what she was doing. "Eva is here?" she asked the human. The Rominov's and the Aeternus's went way back, and of course Liliya knew their daughter. The girl hadn't introduced herself, and neither had Liliya. She realized she was being kind of rude to the small girl. "Sorry, my name is Liliya. And, you are?" She smiled at the human girl, hoping to come off as friendly.

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