Rominov School for Vampires


Four Thousand Club
In the Beginning

Long ago, there was a woman named Katiya Anastasiya Rominov. She was no ordinary woman, but instead, a Vampire.

Katiya was not the modern sparkly Vampire type, nor was she the blood-thirsty, rip-out-someone's-throat-in-a-heartbeat kind. Vampires in this world are of a different kind. They are civil, for the most part. Some are even kind. They require blood to live, whether it come from humans or animals. Most keep to the animal variety, having a truce of sorts amongst themselves to avoid killing or harming humans. Vampires are peaceful, except for the rowdy bunch that consists mostly of teens and newly turned Vampires.

Katiya traveled from her homeland of Russia, and came to America in the very early 1900's. She'd been around for almost 200 years by then, and had finally decided she wanted to establish a school for her race, set off from the humans. That way, they wouldn't have to hide their identities. All of the students would be Vampires, and they could be themselves in this new academy.

The institution started small, just as a small school in Boone, North Carolina. She kept it hidden from the main town, placing it up in the mountains. It provides a scenic view for students and is only 15 minutes by car to the town itself.

In the Present - The Year 2014

Today, the school is thriving. Katiya Rominov has since passed, in a freak accident that left a lot of her kind wondering if it was indeed some sort of murder. But life at the academy goes on, with new students accepted in the fall of each year.

Each newly accepted student is given a customized schedule. All students must take typical math, english, science, and a foreign language class each year, but beyond that, they can choose from specialized classes. Vampires can have one special attribute, EITHER:

1.) Combat Attribute - These Vampires were made for fighting. They have increased speed, agility, and senses along with incredible strength. They can NOT use magic, but make up for it in other ways. These Vampires tend to be sturdier, able to handle being in direct sunlight for up to a few hours, and definitely able to take more hits. These Vampires need small amounts of blood daily to keep their energy up.


2.) Magic Attribute - These Vampires have control over ONE of the basic four elements - Earth, Air, Water, Fire. They can only use one of these. They are not as durable as the combat Vampires, only being able to handle very short amounts of sun (if any at all), and not being nearly as strong. They have increased senses, and their speed and agility is about 3/4 of what combat Vampires have. These Vampires were not made for direct combat, but are able to use their magic as a weapon if needed. They don't need blood daily, but using magic drains their energy faster (If they use it, they need to drink more often. If they don't use it, they could probably make it a week or two.)

As said before, Vampires get special classes in addition to basics. Combat Vampires will have training classes in how to use weapons and fight hand-to-hand. They do NOT take magic classes, ever. Magical Vampires will take lessons on how to control their specific element and use it for offense and defense, as well as just being able to keep it from getting too powerful.


Rooms- The school offers one male and one female dorm. Each room houses two students. The opposite gender is not allowed in your dorm after dinner hours (since the Vampire day is flipped, this means roughly 4 AM). This is strictly enforced. Each dorm room has two beds, two desks with chairs, two wardrobes, one shared bathroom, and a small kitchenette.

Pool- Pool is open from dusk until dawn.

Gardens- Open to anyone, there are benches, all the typical garden stuff.

Feeders- The only humans allowed on campus. These are Volunteer humans available around the clock for those who need blood. Humans feel a rush of endorphins from a Vampire's bite that makes them feel no pain, and can actually feel pleasurable if the Vampire wishes it. Some humans can become addicted to this rush.

Library- open from dusk until dawn.


~No god modding. I know that some of the students may be advanced or whatever, but none of them are to be more powerful than teachers, and they need to keep in limits with their age group (a ninth grader is not going to be an expert mage, for example.)

~I have the right to reject characters, and I have a right to kick you out of the roleplay.

~No bunnying other people around

~You are not to fatally wound, instant kill, or terribly injure other players without their written permission. If you are planning to kill someone off or wound them very badly, please post it here, tag me, and tag them.

Character Form

Name: (Full Name, Please)

Age: (High school Vampire ages, 15-18. Teachers at least 25 but up into the hundreds if they have been around awhile, Humans any age but they are either feeders or townspeople)


Specialty: (If combat list best suited weapons, hand to hand, etc. If magic please list element)

Short Bio: (We don't need to know the life story, it can be revealed in the RP. Just some short facts)


Appearance: (A photo of either a real person or anime is preferred, but descriptions will be acceptable as well)

My Characters

Name: Liliya Vasilisa Rominov

Age: 16

Grade: Sophomore

Specialty: Magic - Water

Short Bio: Direct descendant of Katiya Rominov. She and her brother, like their family before them, attend Katiya's school so they can learn their abilities and inherit the academy in the future. As of now, Liliya's older brother is the one to inherit the academy, but that could change.

Personality: She has had a moderately strict upbringing, but likes to have fun when she can. She is very sweet and often puts others before herself.

Appearance: View attachment 12985

Name: Dimitri Aleksandr Rominov

Age: 18

Grade: Senior

Specialty - Combat - Hand to hand, but can also use swords

Short Bio: Mostly the same as Liliya. He is set to inherit the academy from his mother when he is old enough.

Personality: The strong, silent type. He mostly keeps to himself. He likes girls quite a bit but doesn't want to commit to anyone, always wanting to put training first. He also looks out for Liliya all the time, feeling the need to protect her. He can be stubborn and overprotective, but he means well.

Appearance: View attachment 12986

Name: Anastasiya Viktoria Rominov

Age: 174

Grade: None, Headmistress of Rominov School for Vampires

Specialty: Magic - Earth

Bio: She inherited Rominov School when her mother, who she was named for, died. Now she is Headmistress, set to retire from the job once her son is old and mature enough to take over.

Personality: She is very wise, and always seems to find the best course of action. She is kind and understanding, while still enforcing the rules of the academy.

Appearance: View attachment 12987

If you have any questions please feel free to post them here. No OOC chat allowed in the real thread once it is up, please put all OOC here.

Have fun :DDD
Name: Izio Arentino

Age: 16


Specialty: Magic - Water (Sorry I know you already have water but thats my favorite type of magic if you want me to change it I can.)

Short Bio: I'm dead and I died and now I'm a vampire!

Personality: He is clumsy, nice he is also one of those people who wouldn't ever try to make someone feel bad he is also really easy to talk to about anything.

Appearance: (Except he is a vampire not a Neko)
Accepted. And it's fine that yours is water lol, multiple people can have the same element. Your bio is.... Odd. Lol. You could have put how he became a Vampire, but I guess that's typically self-explanatory.
When I had posted this it was late last night and I was tierd and lazy and didn't want to write a Bio but I can make it better if you would like.
It's okay, it will show more once the RP actually starts. Like I said in the original character skelly, I'd rather you put a small bio than have you spell it all out. It will make your character more interesting if other rp'ers can find out more about them during the actual Rp
Name: Damon Holloway

Age: Hes 18 but he was trained a bit before he came to the school he is mentally older.

Grade: Senior

Specialty: Combat- Crossbow, hand to hand...

Short Bio: Damon was... Lets just say he was 'with a woman' and she changed him. He found the school and decided to stay. He won't tell anyone his life story. Its almost impossible to get though his walls.

Personality: He is a big flirt and very outgoing.

Appearance: View attachment 13020

Name: Nicolai Azarov

Age: 122

Grade: Teacher - Combat Teacher

Specialty: Combat- pretty much any weapon.

Short Bio: He can't remember much from the past before he was changed. He really don't remember the first 100 years of his vampire life. He always drank. He sobered up and became a teacher. The rest you will have to find out.

Personality: He is violent and short-tempered. He is also a bad mouth but cam be a sweet heart

Appearance: View attachment 13021
Name: Melost Amatsuki

Age: 17

Grade: Senior

Specialty: Combat; Can use almost any type of projectile weapon that he can get his hands on. He will do well in hand to hand when he absolutely has to, he doesn't prefer using strength.

Short Bio: He has no memories of his childhood, other than from when he was bitten. But he never found out how or when, just knowing that he was a vampire. He had roamed around, lost and homeless, until the Academy took him in.

Personality: A mysterious character that can be interesting at times, but he tries not to get close to many, and is usually thought of as a moody character, though he isn't. His red hair matches the color of his eyes but no one knows how he got horns, no even him.

Appearance: Image:*ZF99LVY5*vrj*LCNUMqcRZUGKCUk6RdjngHO3TO*y9J0jM*M*vxyCYnspgcNlYbF6EZQ*dYy/577406869.jpeg Description:

Name: Alenea, "Ene," Resper

Age: 15

Grade: Freshman

Specialty: Magic- Wind

Short Bio: She was born in Iceland, as a rather peculiar child with blue hair. She was bitten only a few years ago, making friends with some one she didn't know was a vampire and after that they never spoke again.

Personality: A bit loud and annoying at times, Ene can't ever stay focused about anything other than drawing, watching TV, or eating. For a small girl like her, she eats a lot but somehow manages to stay skinny. She loves sweets and cute things.

Name: Helena Sky-Anne Tillany (Sky)

Age: 17

Grade: Senior

Specialty: When Sky was younger she always got into trouble for being a pyromaniac. That kind of carried her into her new life seeing as she is pyrokinetic now..

Short Bio: Sky has two older brothers, Tyler and Ethan, Ethan went out one night and when he came home he told Sky they were going on a trip the next evening. When they went out, they met up with a few vampires and Ethan ended up selling Sky to them. Sky was supposed to be just someone to feed from, but was turned by accident and escaped.

Personality: Sky doesn’t take crap from anyone. She is very mischievous and takes charge in almost any situation. She revels in disorder and pandemonium, especially when she is the cause of it. She is not a wise person to mess with, seeing as she has a horrible temper and a very short fuse. When she’s angry, she tends to say things she doesn’t mean. She’ll rarely apologize, and if she does, you’d better appreciate it because you must mean something to her.. She is very clever, often dismantling the traps of others for her mere amusement. One of her favorite things to do is outsmart others, though, after a successful attack, it is very easy ot get her seeing as she’s to busy bragging about her epic-ness to pay attention to her surroundings. She can also be kind of shy and quiet in new situations. When she likes someone, she also tends to go out of her way to make them happy. Very rash and stubborn. NEVER try to convince her that shes wrong you might not live to regret it


Name: Bittersweet Harlequin

Age: 17

Grade: senior

Specialty: Mostly air magic, but can use combat too. Bit can use his violin to absorb air from the surrounding, then blasting from the tip. Bit can also manifest wind by playing his violin. To create sharp spikes of wind that is mostly speed and accuracy, he plays a high note. For a widespread, blasting one, he plays a low note.

Short Bio: Bit was born an only child in a prestigous family that expected him to excel in everything. Bitter grew up playing the violin, taught by a mysteriously young teacher who had been in the family for a long time without looking much different. One day Bit came in for another lesson, and was suddenly attacked by the teacher. That day, he was turned into a vampire. Bitter ran away from his family, living on his own in the mountains for a while. He learned how to conduct air for making keeping himself warm, but quickly harnessed it to kill animals for meat. Bit found the school and entered himself in. His violin is a powerful weapon, and it is extremely hard to use his power without it. Bittersweet used to be a very tempermental child, screaming and having violent tantrums. Playing music was the only thing that calmed him down.

Personality: At first meeting, Bit is a quiet and reserved guy. He stays in the backround, observing everything from afar. When alone, Bitter will throw more violent rampages, thrashing and breaking everything in sight, though this side of him is rarely seen. Bit spends most of his time in the music room, creating works of art from his violin. To everyone else, the music is sad and passionate, but to Bit, the music is a way to vent his frustration, resorting to playing his instrument for hours and hours at a time.

Appearence:View attachment 13034

[MENTION=3314]SongOfTheSpiritWolf[/MENTION] I like your character but electric is not one of the available elements.
Name: Abraham "Bram" Helsing

Age: 15 Human

Grade: Sophomore

Specialty: Combat: Guns and Knives are his most prefered but being a knight he is trained in all combat weapons to an adept level.

Short Bio: The Order (or the Templars) Have been around for centuries safe guarding the world from beasts and vampires alike. The have sent their most promising protege into the vampire school to oversee and report anything dangerous that the vampires do. He is there to watch and protect against the teen vampires running a muck in the world. He was transferred in this year as an undercover student to try and gain the secrets of these creatures of the night. He was born on this planet to do one thing to kill all things. He was just born in the wrong race for his mission. He has been subject to Vampire blood transfusions that have caused him to half turn he remains a human but has some vampire like qualities. Now he is on an impossible endeavor to make friends with his enemy and learn knowledge from them all while keeping his identity a secret.

Personality: Although pleasant and nice to look at. Bram is actually only kind and nice to all things not vampires. To vampires he is cold and reclusive. He is highly intelligent and believes vampires to be lower creatures so he has a superiority complex and is a hostile to them.


View attachment 13037

Other: He has pure untainted human blood that has processed the vampire gene and adapted. His scent and blood is like a pheromone to vampires highly intoxicating
[MENTION=4543]Humor[/MENTION] - The only real problem with your skeleton is that a human would not be accepted into a Vampire school. I mean, he could be sneaking around or something but the only humans allowed on the campus are the feeders.

I'm not trying to sound rude to anyone, by the way 0.o Just stating facts that were written in the storyline.

Trying to give a little bit diversity to the story. hmmm could he be pretending to be a vampire? if not ill just make him one and change some of his stuff.
That could work. It would take a lot of effort for a human to trick Vampires into thinking he was one of them, but if you can come up with something then go for it :) Lol
([MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] ohhhh sorry my bad^^ short term memory loss xD then I'll change everything to air, kaykay? The way he uses it ish the same, just wind .w. Since he's a calm guy.)
( *coughs* i know you both were talking and i'll be rude to interrupt so sorry for interrupting >_< i just wanted to make a character sheet *bows repeatedly* )

Name: Nicollete Katherise Joyne " Rayne "


Grade: Sophomore

Magic - Fire

Short Bio:
Rayne was once an average girl in school that had high grades and a normal life, until a sudden happening of spending the nigh alone along the alley not even listening to what her father said to avoid this road she was tackled by someone or something she didn't know. After she woke up she realize that she wasn't that same innocent normal girl she was before, she was different. After 'what happened' she basically forgot her past life from depression. Everyday she would act like a happy-go-lucky girl, though she knew inside that there was nothing worth living for.

She's a simple-minded girl who loves making friends and interacting with different students, every time she walks along dark corners or even when the lights went off she would stay stiff and shake a bit. This would remind her what had happen before. She never says no to a request from anyone and does everything to make everyone around her happy. After all she couldn't do anything more.

( whitish pink hair and bright pink eyes )

View attachment 13069
Accepted :3

I am hoping to get the RP up tonight after work :D So just keep an eye out. If it is not up tonight it definitely will be by tomorrow.
( Thanks~! .3. good luck with your work and hope you finish it successfully. Hope this rp doesn't die out though, the story line was great and catches great attention i'm sure this will be fun ^w^ )
Thanks :) ) I hope it works out too. I want to add a few plot twists here and there, but am going to wait until we actually get into the RP a bit before tossing those in, just to make sure it goes smoothly :3
The RP is up everyone :3



[MENTION=4375]Aria Rising[/MENTION]

[MENTION=4441]Helena Sky[/MENTION]



[MENTION=4648]Natasha Saphira Lubella V[/MENTION]

Nope, still open :) Feel free to make a character

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