romantic Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

Orion shrugged. "You were in prison, a criminal, why don't we just go take the food and grenades. I have no reason to trust you."
"You don't know anything about me, and it works the other way too. I have never killed a man, and those people that got me out of prison didn't look friendly at all" Jiro had really depressed look on his face. "Look, stealing the food and granades from me won't put you in better position then you put me in now.. I just need some help with my leg, let me prove myself, its better to stick together. Lets make a deal, you can carry the granades, how 'bout that?"
Mayuu said to Orion ''I think we need to agree.. granade can be useful and the food is essential too...'' Mayuu hugged Orion and answered ''Okay prisoner.. we will take you home.. but better don't try to do anything.. suspicious.. '' Mayuu took Orion's hand and smiled to him cheerfully
Jiro carefully stood up, found a stick to help him walk because of the injured leg and looked at Mayuu. "Don't worry, surviving is my highest priority, and attacking you is nowhere near that, plus you have your friend that seems to be extremely suspicious, I guess it's good, world has changed, people can behave unpredictably... Okay so you can grab the food guys, I won't be really a help with injured leg, oh and don't forget the grenades, they are yours anyway.. I'll wait here"
Orion nodded solemnly and grabbed the food and shoved the grenades in his pack. "Should be good to go. Think you need anything special for your leg" he called out to Mayuu and Jiro
Jiro showed his leg, there was quite a deep hole near the knee. "You have some booze? I want to get drunk. It seems like I got a piece of metal from the helicopter in the leg, damn it... I can't do it myself. Could you help me take it out? I will be more useful with working leg"
''He can take off his shirt.. we can tie it up over the wound.. '' Mayuu was looking at Jiro and said to Orion ''yeah well, we should help him.. but it's not really like I trust him..''
Orion nodded. "Lets get this done fast then." he said as he took his shirt off and ripped it. "His is dirty..." he explained as he got it ready. With a firm grasp on his leg he looked to Mayuu and nodded, handing her the shirt strips.
''Now you don't have the shirt you know you silly..'' Mayuu didn't like the idea of helping to the stranger in that way ''ehhh okay nevermind'' she quickly took out the piece of metal with a cold sadistic expression and started to tie the strips around the wound.
Jiro moved his leg rapidly as it would hurt him while trying to not move at all. He looked at Orion as he would like to focus on something else than his wounded leg. "Hey, Orion right? What are your plans, where are you heading? If your heading north, let me tell you that it's not better than here, it seems like a world-wide problem..."
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