romantic Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

''silly.. I wouldn't die.. I would just.. I would just become useful.. how do you think I feel? I am just a problem... I don't want to live like that.. I want to be responsible for myself.. you don't need to worry about me that much'' Mayuu blushed and tried to hide how sad she really is..
"You are helping" he says, embracing you. "You're the only reason I'm still sane. You're going to be even more vital soon. Don't worry "
''If you would die.. I would kill myself.. I wouldn't be able to live without you.. so please.. try to understand that I want to become useful and please help me to do it.. i promise I won't run away like that never again... ''
as they are walking Mayuu starts to talk ''umm you know.. this whole situation is not actually that horrible.. don't you think?''
Orion shrugs. "I suppose.... I mean we don't know if our families are alive.... or if anyone is.... but we're both alive
''I don't care about anyone.. I only care about you. I wouldn't mind kill them if you would be in danger...'' Mayuu hugged him tightly and whispered to his ear ''now we can be together.. isn't that happiness? ''
''anyone.. who do you want to protect?'' Mayuu felt a bit jealous, did Orion like someone else..? She was staring at his eyes and was waiting to hear the answer,
Suddenly, earth have slightly shaken, and sky to the north was covered with smoke as helicopter that appeared from nowhere crashed into nearby field. Only second passed when some figure of a human came out of the broken helicopter. He started to run wildly towards Orion and Mayu, as he got closer, more details appeared, he had long white hairs and white shirt covered in blood, he didin't managed to run half of the distance since he fall into the ground, whispering something to himself until passing out roughly 50 metres away from the Orion and Mayu.
Mayuu noticed some weird guy running so fast and falling on the ground ''oh it can't be the zombie.. protect who we can, huh?'' she ran to the guy that faint.. when she got there she started to shake him ''are you al right? hey , are you okay?''
Orion quickly made his way to her side. "Don't just shake him Mayuu, he probably has a concussion"
It took a while for him to wake up, but as soon as he did, he seemed to be grateful, "Thank you, thank you so much, I am so happy to see a hum.. ahg! Damn it, my leg is hurt, it must have happened during the crash." He really seemed to be in pain although he was trying to hide it, as it wasn't the priority at this point. "I was in prison when all this happened, we were left behind, prisoners went mad. After couple of hours some people came, they seemed like goverment guys... They took me and few other prisoners as they said we're useful. Indeed before I end up in prison I was a solider, althought I never took part in any millitary conflict, I could fly helicopters. When we left the prison heading towards helicopters those deadly creatures came up, it was chaos, I took my chance and I ran to the helicopter, some say it's selfish, but my life is the highest priority, I have used the helicopter to get away, I don't know if anyone have survived. My name is Jiro by the way.." It seemed like Jiro had no power to stand up, he was very warm. "My leg is injured... I will only slow you down... I think I also have fever... I will understand if you leave me behind, I guess I lost.."

(Its a bit big post since I wanted to post some info regarding the background of my character ;) )
Mayuu stepped away few meters with Orion and whispered to his ear '' Orion, you know he seems kinda suspicious.. do you really want to risk? He left his companions and took the helicopter.. i dont think he will change and care about anything else than his life'' Mayuu blushed and looked directly into Orion's eyes
He shrugged and crossed his arms. "I'll leave this decision up to you." Their little white puppy smelled Jiro and barked at him before hiding behind Orion
Jiro have felt this unwelcoming beginning of relation "But If you choose to help me I have something for exchange, those goverment dickheads kept their food supply in those helicopters, there is enough food for couple of days if we'll eat it carefully, aswell as two granades, I don't mind sharing this with you, if you share your help with me"

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