

Hello, person. I am the narrator.

Marcos, being the town Mage is used to hearing words of wisdom from the holy creator god Narrator, but this was a little out of place given that he was at the tavern when he heard the words "hello, person. I am the narrator". Marcos then telepathised with Narrator "it's kind of a bad time, what wisdom do you bring from the heavens?"
΅¨«Well, there has been an evil wizard who wants to take over your world. He even sent a message to you. It says, "All your base are belong to us." I feel like this could be a huge issue. We must act,»¨΅ I say.
΅¨«Well, there has been an evil wizard who wants to take over your world. He even sent a message to you. It says, "All your base are belong to us." I feel like this could be a huge issue. We must act,»¨΅ I say.

"The botched English" Marcos thought "He must be from the Anime shogunate, but what would they be doing here in the kingdom of dankness"
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΅¨«What is anime?»¨΅ I ask. ΅¨«Is it an evil kingdom?»¨΅

"It's an island kingdom across the web ocean & it's populated by strange beings with small noses and large eyes, But y would they invade?" Marcos said aloud
@Tonstad39΅¨«Jealousy? Sport? Whatever it is, that person could be dangerous,»¨΅ says the narrator. ΅¨«Hold on. "Get.. off.. mah.. lawn." I just sent that guy a message.»¨΅
@Tonstad39΅¨«Jealousy? Sport? Whatever it is, that person could be dangerous,»¨΅ says the narrator. ΅¨«Hold on. "Get.. off.. mah.. lawn." I just sent that guy a message.»¨΅

"No, I need to do something about it. They don't even warship you so that message would do nothing, I need to alert the king!" Marcos said as he ran out of the bar and towards the castle
The narrator nods and says, «I'll meet you there.» He teleports to the castle entrance.

For reference, the narrator looks like this:

@Tonstad39The narrator whispers, «Watch, Marcos.» He then shouts a phrase: «Отпереть!» The gate slowly opens. A guard yells, "Good day, Narrator!" «Good morrow to thee,» the Narrator replies, walking into the castle.
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@Tonstad39The narrator whispers, «Watch, Marcos.» He then shouts a phrase: «Отпереть!» The gate slowly opens. A guard yells, "Good day, Narrator!" «Good morrow to thee,» the Narrator replies, walking into the castle.

Marcos walks across the drawbridge following the narrator. Inside the castle, the dank coat of arms is hung on the walls untill they get to a knight brandishing a sword in front of two large doors "What is your business with the king?" He asks as Marcos says "we bring urgent news of an invader!" The knight responds seeing that narrator is with them "Mkay" as he opens the doors into the throne room.
The narrator thanks the knight and walks into the throneroom. «Greetings, king,» says the Narrator. «A new enemy has risen. They seem dangerous. What should we do?»

"Do you have information of the enemy?" asks the king.

«No sir, but I can scout around,» says Narrator.

The king contemplates what the Narrator said. "Hm.. I guess we will let you go scout, but there must be at least one other person."

«Why not Marcos here?» asks Narrator.

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The narrator thanks the knight and walks into the throneroom. «Greetings, king,» says the Narrator. «A new enemy has risen. They seem dangerous. What should we do?»

"Do you have information of the enemy?" asks the king.

«No sir, but I can scout around,» says Narrator.

The king contemplates what the Narrator said. "Hm.. I guess we will let you go scout, but there must be at least one other person."

«Why not Marcos here?» asks Narrator.


Marcos told the king "Your highness, the red wizard is invading & I speculate that he's bringing an army all the way from the Anime shogunate"
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The king's mouth gaped. "An army! But our kingdom only has one warrior, that knight in front of the gate!" he said. "And we do not know the weakness of these enemies. Narrator, you and your partner Mark Edward Fischbach must go find the Shot in Plate's weakness! I will give you twenty thousand XP and five thousand gold."

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The king's mouth gaped. "An army! But our kingdom only has one warrior, that knight in front of the gate!" he said. "And we do not know the weakness of these enemies. Narrator, you and your partner Mark Edward Fischbach must go find the Shot in Plate's weakness! I will give you twenty thousand XP and five thousand gold."


Marcos facepalmed and asked "how does this kingdom survive anyways"
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"We bribe the people!" beams the king. Narrator sighs and shakes his head.

Marcos said "okay narrator,  just take us to this mark fellow" he then turned to the king and said "I will use your gifts for good & I will not disappoint"
Narrator nods. «We shall find Fischbach,» he says, waving goodbye at the king. He walks out of the throne room.
«Spooky?» asks Narrator. «Who might that be?» he wonders. «Before that, we can check his house and raid his gold! :]»
«Spooky?» asks Narrator. «Who might that be?» he wonders. «Before that, we can check his house and raid his gold! :]»

"Spooky is this ghost with a haunted house & she also has the ability to summon monsters" Marcos said while walking out of the castle
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«Nice,» says Narrator. He sees the Plantain village up ahead. «Let's get items. We need to gear up, after all.» @Tonstad39
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«Nice,» says Narrator. He sees the Plantain village up ahead. «Let's get items. We need to gear up, after all.»

Marcos walks into the villaige armory, tells them about his quest while buying up staffs, swords, a bow and a quiver full of enchanted arrows before walking out "done" he said
Marcos walks into the villaige armory, tells them about his quest while buying up staffs, swords, a bow and a quiver full of enchanted arrows before walking out "done" he said

Narrator goes to a spell components shop and asks for ten sapphires. The shop owner starts to say that that will be 5000 gold, but before the owner finishes, Narrator lays down a hundred thousand gold. «Keep the change.» Narrator walks out and crushes the sapphires in his hand. He throws the dust in the air and holds his arm up high. A bolt of lightning strikes into Narrator's hand and a bright white blade appears in his hand. «I am done, too.»

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