Other Roleplay Pet peeves

Having an idea for a roleplay but you think it would work best as a group RP but really not having the patience or motivation to GM for a group anymore.
people roleplaying something that is out of character (fandom only), too much ooc (if rp has kicked off), memey roleplays (alot) and ALOT of stuff
Finding someone with whom you really felt like your writing styles clicked, and they ghost :(
Bringing kids into an rp where they will be in danger or don’t make sense for them to be in it is a recipe for disaster.
I think if you and your friends are going to start a group rp and open it to other people, that's an amazing idea. What isn't amazing is when you let new people into the group and you ignore them or show favoritism towards your friends, you may as well have made it a private group. And private groups are awesome! I'm in a few myself that I love! I just don't understand the point of welcoming in strangers and then basically showing them how little you care?

Also please guys, mobile friendly layouts for your searches and make sure your fonts are normal sized/colored. People like me are blind as hell. Some of your search threads I have to turn away from because I quite literally cannot read it.
When you plan out a roleplay get 2 replies in and your partner just bails...like you had a whole planning period to back out and say you weren't feeling it. I mean it is what it is but it's annoying.
When the flow of my creative juices stops in an RP but overflows in another...

...yeah, I hate that. But sadly, it happens. 😔
1. RPing a canon character too out of character, or over-emphasizing certain traits to the point that the character is more of a caricature of themselves. Canon Characters, in my opinion, are always going to be a little off as people will naturally want to put their own personal touch to a character. Some folks want to do a different interpretation of a character, and some canon characters have different personalities depending on what game/book/anime/etc. in the series they show up in. A character's personality and beliefs can be also be different depending on which version of said media one is using as a guide. For example, a character that is goofy and stupid in the American English dub of a game or anime can be serious and level-headed in the Japanese version. That said, I have seen so many Sonic RPers portray him as an annoying brat who is constantly on a sugar high and I've seen just as many Stupid-Evil Sephiroths.

2. Non-stop combat in RP. I remember being in a few RPs where people are always trying to start fights with the other characters, and it keeps grinding the plot to a halt. There has to be room for characters (and the RPers) to breathe! Yes, I know Sephiroth is awesome and evil, and you're excited to join the RP and show us how awesome and evil Sephiroth is, but we've already had to fight Kratos, and Wesker, and Vergil, and Shadow, and so on, all without pause. Constant combat RP also tends to make things very confusing after a while, especially on very active threads.

3. Non-romance RPs that devolve into make-out fests. I know our characters are absolutely cute together, but... can we do something else, please? Can we go on our journey to defeat the BBEG and save the world? No? You... just want to RP making-out some more? Eeeeeeeh....

4. Overly nice, helpful characters that have a solution to every problem. EVERY. PROBLEM. For example, your character has a disability, and you want to RP that character dealing with that disability. Oh wait, the helpful character just cured your disability! Just like that! Gone! Poof! Does your character have relationship problems with another, and you and your RP partner are eager to see how this turns out? Don't worry, that same helpful character will get in between you and try to solve the problem themselves! They'll spout all sorts of wisdom that your characters can't deny or argue against! Does the party need to go through the evil enchanted forest to get to their destination? Well, it turns out the helpful character suddenly found a completely safe path that the party can take, AND it's a short cut! Yay.
when i have a very fast pace rp style, i want to write as soon as possible, and if you make me wait i lose muse and when you finally do reply im stuck. for a long time. i might never get the muse back.

and when i tell people this, and they still get mad at me as if i never warned them, and they say i favor other people

yes, i do favor the people who reply to me right away. as i warned you about plenty. if they dont match they don't match, but you don't have to blame me, im not blaming you. we just don't match.
What bothers me is roleplay seems to be so driven by smut now, in spite of the rules on the site. I want to follow and respect the rules. You never know when someone could lie about their age.
Stole this term from reddit but 'pillow princess'

People who write things like "I'm down for anything." Which translate as "I'm lazy and expect you to do all the work in creating the RP"
To add to this for the nervous folks. Reporting is anonymous. The person you report will just get a PM that they have broken the rules. It will not link back to you in anyway.
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When you get a good idea and start discussing it with your prospective partner, but then realize you may have creative differences.
having a really specific caving that none of the active interest checks fulfil, but also you have no idea what the specific craving actually is 😩
Having a rp craving that is too specific. I'll probably have an easier time solo writing a story than trying to explain what this craving is to another person 🙃
I know this is a super first world problem, but as of late I've had a lot of people ask me to do RPs with them and they poof before I can even say hello. Where did y'all go?
When you see group RP's you're interested in (a rare occurrence), but they get almost zero interest outside of you 🙃
having a new character/oc you want to use, but finding no suitable rps to join. so, you think about making a rp yourself, but realise that it likely wouldn't/won't work out because you don't know how to lead a plot along (or actually make a plot beyond a concept)

like hhhhh why are my vague ideas never good enough lmao 😭 😭 😭
Hi, it’s me. I’m the problem it’s me.

I’m my own pet peeve, but hear me out LOL.

I absolutely dislike it when I have a ton of ideas and scenes in mind but the moment I sit down to write. . . it either turns out the way I didn’t want or I’m forever using the delete button. I’ve always been hard on myself since English isn’t my first language. But also because I’m self-conscious of my writing. It’s definitely something I’m still growing out of ♡

But boy it’s frustrating!
When folks apply to my RP with characters who straight up don't fit the setting. Did you not read the info or are you just choosing to disregard it? 🤔

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