Roleplay Pet Peeves

Rude PRPers (Private Role Players): These rpers will ONLY rp with friends and will almost never play with other rpers. This is in great numbers among the Roblox Community, and the fact of great numbers of overall bad rpers makes it easy to see why they dont want to rp with someone they dont trust. I get why they dont trust others, but what really makes me want to uninstall is when they're all rude about it. I could try to talk with their character while they're just staring into the sunset and they'd act like i buried their mother alive. It gets worse when they STILL wont trust you after you have prooved you're a decent-expert rper right infront of them. These exist in ALL types of rps, most commonly in Combat.

There's your problem.

Anyway, I don't like how quests are seemingly a dead horse here. It rustles my jimmies.

There's your problem.

So true...

But theres so many great roblox games, like the horror adventure "Silent Dark", incredible battlefield remake "Phantom Forces" and intense Fighting Game "Strife!". People that havent played these really need to try them out

Also, you mean the average "beat this tough guy without reason" quest?

I've been a co-writer so much I wanna feel more like a movie director, just a little.
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Really Otaku's unfit for combat? That's being judgmental as many soldiers in the military watch anime,so your calling them unfit as they defend this country. We all have duties but have fun. So misconceptions is here,bt i'm going stop now and get back to simple Mantra the universal Ohmm.

I have served, so I do know what I'm talking about.

An Otaku is obsessed with anything, not just anime/manga, to the point the lack proper social abilities and will neglect their own health. Soldiers are supposed to be fit, both physically and mentally. An Otaku, who thinks of nothing but their obsession, lacks basic social skills, and will neglect basic bodily functions, like hunger, lacks in both capacities and therefore cannot be a soldier. Let me say it again: Otaku's have moved beyond the stage of hobby and now have an obsession that could be potentially classified as a mental illness. It is not the same as someone who watches anime.

Again didn't know you served. That's fair point but being one who has has obsessions with swordsmanship & in general warfare as whole is not weakness.  Also for that mental illness  is a now a blade waiting to be reforged is all,meaning it's flawed now but again becomes sharper than before. You would have the merit to speak on this matter,as obsessions are vice territory. But right obsessions are  not  such as swordsmanship. Meaning we both are 50/50 on this one. It depends on the obsession is all,social skills it's hit/miss really. Respect the rank is the needed. I was soldier but always have been a swordsman so yeah my obsession to have a blade employing all of five elements in the Qilong. Made me sharper as warrior. That is why it all depends. Sorry for assuming you didn't serve. As a fellow Vet to Vet that's my bad man.

there are some obsessions that can be useful on the battlefield. i'm not denying that. but for example, i'm a Fantasy Otaku. my health is plenty neglected due to my obsessive love for fantasy. i'm not lucky enough to have an obsession that could be applied to the battlefield. i have no social skills, live with my grandmother, and literally obsessively indulge myself in fantasy. it has become a priority over basic bodily functions like hunger. and being 155 centimeters tall and weighing 43 kilograms, there is no way a small and physically underdeveloped female like me should be fighting. i mean, i haven't served, and i have so many disabilities that prevent me from serving. mostly mental. but some physical. i am literally too short and too skinny for any military branch, and am literally dependent on so many prescription medications that i got told i can't serve.
I'm sure this is going to rustle some jimmies and feathers both but I loathe 1x1 RP Interest Check threads that include something along the lines of "I only play female characters".

Now  yes, I get it, everyone has their preferences and you can do whatever the hell you want but I'm tired of getting stuck with nothing but male roles because lets be real when "But I guess we can double if you want" is included they always do it begrudgingly or it messes up the story.

Not to mention interest checks that include this 90% of the time include forced romance because if it didn't include forced romance it wouldn't matter what gender either of us played now would it.

/end rant
Now  yes, I get it, everyone has their preferences and you can do whatever the hell you want but I'm tired of getting stuck with nothing but male roles because lets be real when "But I guess we can double if you want" is included they always do it begrudgingly or it messes up the story.

Not to mention interest checks that include this 90% of the time include forced romance because if it didn't include forced romance it wouldn't matter what gender either of us played now would it.

/end rant

YAAAASSS. I hate beyond words the whole concept of "doubling for fairness" or "character ratios". Because saying -- I'll play XX for you but only if you play YY for me isn't about fairness. It's a passive aggressive way of making sure you get what you want while still trying to get people to like you by pretending to be open-minded.

When if you where really interested in fairness or playing any character you would PLAY ANY CHARACTER. So if I asked you to play a platonic male best friend to my female you would be happy to do that. Or if I asked you to play a sibling to my secondary character you would do that.

But saying your being fair when it's still all about YOUR preferences is horse pockey.
I'm sure this is going to rustle some jimmies and feathers both but I loathe 1x1 RP Interest Check threads that include something along the lines of "I only play female characters".

Now  yes, I get it, everyone has their preferences and you can do whatever the hell you want but I'm tired of getting stuck with nothing but male roles because lets be real when "But I guess we can double if you want" is included they always do it begrudgingly or it messes up the story.

Not to mention interest checks that include this 90% of the time include forced romance because if it didn't include forced romance it wouldn't matter what gender either of us played now would it.

/end rant

YAAAASSS. I hate beyond words the whole concept of "doubling for fairness" or "character ratios". Because saying -- I'll play XX for you but only if you play YY for me isn't about fairness. It's a passive aggressive way of making sure you get what you want while still trying to get people to like you by pretending to be open-minded.

When if you where really interested in fairness or playing any character you would PLAY ANY CHARACTER. So if I asked you to play a platonic male best friend to my female you would be happy to do that. Or if I asked you to play a sibling to my secondary character you would do that.

But saying your being fair when it's still all about YOUR preferences is horse pockey.


Before I roleplayed with males, I would just play females until I branched out and quite enjoyed playing both genders. I don't think I'd get peeved so as long as someone was willing to try to play a male character, come out of your comfort zone to do something different. I mean how do you know you are not good at something unless you try?

Before I roleplayed with males, I would just play females until I branched out and quite enjoyed playing both genders. I don't think I'd get peeved so as long as someone was willing to try to play a male character, come out of your comfort zone to do something different. I mean how do you know you are not good at something unless you try?

Well only playing one type of character doesn't really bother me as long as your honest about it. Don't say your willing to play other types of characters if your not. That's the part that pisses me off. 

If you only feel comfortable playing heterosexual females in a heterosexual romance than that's totally fine. You play whomever makes you happy. 

But don't say your comfortable playing any type of character, or you'll play someone for me, when in actuality all your interested in playing your main character and maybe half-assing a second one just to give me some false sense of fairness.
My style of character. I try to base my character off me in age, sex and sexual orientation. Which means I only KNOW HOW TO PLAY 14-16 STRAIGHT MALES. I'm not experienced in playing female characters, I want to learn but the problem is... I feel that if I use a female I'll just leave a Roleplay. I'm too insecure playing a type of character that I don't know how to play, I just don't play it. 
My style of character. I try to base my character off me in age, sex and sexual orientation. Which means I only KNOW HOW TO PLAY 14-16 STRAIGHT MALES. I'm not experienced in playing female characters, I want to learn but the problem is... I feel that if I use a female I'll just leave a Roleplay. I'm too insecure playing a type of character that I don't know how to play, I just don't play it. 

lol you do you hun no one is saying only playing a specific kind of character is wrong or bad. @IrradiatedWarden was just saying that personally they don't like it when someone only plays females.  but if that's what you like then it's all good. i don't like playing OC's in relationships but about half the fandom demographic hates only playing canons. doesn't stop me from playing what i enjoy and it shouldn't stop you either.

as long as your having fun and not harrasing people that's all that matters. 

this thread is just for us to let off steam about things that bother us personally. it's not meant to be an attack on anyone who does anything listed in the roleplay ( except perverts that try to make people write smut. they are scum and sorry not sorry if i hurt they're feelings. )
lol you do you hun no one is saying only playing a specific kind of character is wrong or bad. @IrradiatedWarden was just saying that personally they don't like it when someone only plays females.  but if that's what you like then it's all good. i don't like playing OC's in relationships but about half the fandom demographic hates only playing canons. doesn't stop me from playing what i enjoy and it shouldn't stop you either.

as long as your having fun and not harrasing people that's all that matters. 

this thread is just for us to let off steam about things that bother us personally. it's not meant to be an attack on anyone who does anything listed in the roleplay ( except perverts that try to make people write smut. they are scum and sorry not sorry if i hurt they're feelings. )

Heyyyy, I write smut. How dare you kinkshame me. Triggered.
there is nothing wrong with playing the same type of character over an over. i have a habit of playing physically underdeveloped adult women who act a childlike persona. they might have different personalities and skillsets beneath the persona. but the childlike persona is the defining feature. however, towards the winter holidays, i generally end up playing a lot of one shot campaigns and might play a different type of character during one of those for the shock factor. though i say, if you have a character type you honestly enjoy, don't abandon it, tweak it to better fit the roleplay you intend to join,

i knew a guy who only played dwarven fighter/thieves. now, he only plays honorable and trustworthy but Greedy Special Forces Soldiers that avoid telling lies and generally end up leading the group with the intent to keep everyone alive.
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When you roleplay for a little, and there's all of about 2 responses per hour, then you go to school/work/bed, and come back...


and you're like

When in a fantasy RP the only races available are just humans, elves, dwarfs, and the occasional orc. Basically Middle-earth races.

Not to say that these races aren't bad but when they're very similar to each other and when there's nothing else to play as either I just... ...meh.
One I remembered from my bygone group days : Cliches.

Not in the roleplay but among the players.

When the GM has their special favorite people and gives them all kinds of permission and power behind the scenes and then craps on you when you don't obey the words of their BFFs like their law.

Like first off how am I suppose to know random usersempai is your BFF IRL? How do I know that you two have been soul sisters for years? And especially how am I supposed to know they can do whatever they want and basically run the roleplay for you if you don't put that somewhere in the thread?

Used to get into arguments so many times on my old site because I'd ask a question of the OP only to have some random person be like - um actually [ this answer ].

And I'd be like - um but I was asking the GM for their opinion not you for yours.

And oooh the hornets nest that would kick off. Suddenly I'm being attacked from all sides for daring to ask a question. 
I’m not going to lie, I haven’t read through everyone’s pet peeves so I apologise if it’s been mentioned before but the one thing that I absolutely hate is what I call “ghosting”. You construct and lay down foundations and are able to write a few posts back and forth and then poof. They disappear, no word of warning or explanation why. And they are never heard or seen from again. I’d be happy with a “It’s not working, sorry. Bye!” But I guess we can’t all get what we want.

I also hate when you get invited to a group chat for OOC of the RP that you are committed in and realise that you don’t want to be in that group so you decide to leave and because of it, you are removed from the RP even after explaining that you were happy to RP just not participate in the OOC.
When you politely decline a request to roleplay plots all involving damsels in distress and the other person becomes upset. 

Or really when saying your not feeling something period results in people getting snotty and attacking you. Like I'm sorry would you rather I have just disappeared entirely without warning? I told you it's not for me. I was nice and honest, I don't appreciate getting attacked in turn.

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