Role Play. on the surface

"Of course I will. Sans ylu dont plan to do somethign stupid. Do you?" 
"DID SOMEONE CALL MY NAME!?!?" Papyrus slid down the walls, jumped through an open window, and tumbled into Sans and Chara's views. He quickly got up, a noble knight does not simply laze about on the floor! "WHAT ARE YOU TWO TROUBLEMAKERS UP TO?"
Frisk was sleeping on the floor by the couch. She woke up as soon as Papyrus came in the room. "Papy! Papy!" She giggled.
"HELLO TO YOU TOO, BROTHER!" Papyrus was never sad, only ever happy or frustrated. Oh, naïve little Papyrus, "ARE YOU TWO WATCHING SOMEONE PLAY CALL OF DUTY ON THE TV?" He was, of course, referring to the war-like setting of the WWII documentary: He's only ever seen COD, after all.

But then he noticed his brother, poor poor Sans, crying, "SANS! THIS IS SO UNLIKE YOU! OH, AND HELLO FIRST HUMAN?
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Frisk looked at the T.V. To see what was on, but she didn't know what it was either since she was too young to know about things like that. When she saw the Sans was crying she smiled at him with her bright smile. "Don't be sad, Sans!"
"sshhh my favorite part is coming on! D-day" she said turning the volume up more 
When Frisk heard and saw what it was about, she got really scared and screamed. She quickly covered her eyes so she wouldn't have to see it. "Off! Off!" She whined again.
"your no fun" chara said changing the channel. "hey look its mettaton" she said pointing to the tv
-I get up out of bed and look at the clock- *Sigh* (Mind: I missed the sunrise, anyhow, what's Frisk up to?..)

I get up and walk out the door into the upper part of the house. "Frisk?" (I dont know if chara's in the house By the way) "Chara?"
(we are all watvhing mettatons show) "yea? " she calls from the liveing room
"I was just wondering if you were outside, My children. Now, Is anyone hungry?" -I grin happily and walk to the kitchen- I open the drawers and pull out a purple apron, I take out a Pie Tray and turn on the stove.

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