Role Play. on the surface

"Cinnamon or butterscotch?" - I pause and smile knowing the next one will be a no for sure- "Or Snail?"
(BACK) "Okay then, My Child..." -I start cooking a large pie with snails in it- -I hum a familiar tune while faintly singing, you could hear words if you move closer-
"Everything stays..Right where you left it....When everything stays.." (She used to sing it when you first fell to the underground)
-She drops the pie on the floor in shock- "I-it wasn't near finished..I guess we could st-start again.." -I decide to go to the door. I open it..No sign of where the noise came from- "Hello!?", I yell
"Hm?, Hello there, Child..I am Toriel Gate ke- *Realises we're not in the Ruins anymore* *Slight blush* M-my name is Toriel, I-i just thought something was hurt, If you are hungry we have food, but you may go if you wish..." -She looks hopeful and it reminds her of the Yellow Soul's attitude-
-She returns inside but leaves the door open  *Sigh* -I continue to sit down and turn on the television to see mettaton baking pie in a run down house- "Oh how times have changed.." *I put my arm around chara and smile." (FONT TO REPRESENT SOUND LEVEL)
-She walks out of the kitchen holding a pie with a purple apron on- "Oh, there you are!" -She would hand a peice of it, "Try it, if you dont like it we have..Human..Sandwiches.." -She continues singing everything stays-
(Singing and humming) "When everything stays...Just where you left it..Speaking as one..Sparing as one..When everything stays..where you left it.."
-THe TV is quiet, the children are dozing off, Toriel sits down beside you..It makes you feel..At home.. -  The outside of the house is a blue sky without the Sun Out..It's dark.. The sun is going down..Toriel is humming, she looks at Chara's face and realises she's annoyed so she stops.. She would put on her glasses and pick up a book. "I-you remind me of someone...Would you know a boy who goes by the name Ryder?.. You look like him, but remind me of someone else..Do you know the place called the Ruins?.."
I stand in front of the hole to the underground, wondering where I was transported to.

"What is this place? inhale-exhales a few times Some kind of....tries to find a small description....Uhh fantasy world?"

I check to see if my ammo is full before exploring.

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