Rogue Wranglers [Inactive]


Queen of the Underworld
Natalie walked down the sidewalk, having a relaxing day, having not seen any Wranglers yet. She couldn't wait for tonight. She can never wait for any night. When she changes to her Phoenix form and flies around, enjoying the wind beneath her wings and the heat of her flames. Everything was always peaceful at that time. Thats the way she liked it. Peaceful and quiet. She never got that during the day.
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Ken was checking his suit. It did self maintenance being spanking new tech, but occasionally liked checking it fully worked. He stepped into the suit and the machinery extracted around him, closing him into it and is helmet closing over his head lastly. His visor booted up and displayed information about his suit and his surroundings, scanning information displayed about the targets he chose which were the trees in the forest.

His gun slid out of his left arm from the suit into his hand in its naked pistol form and he loaded it from a magazine of standard railgun rounds that popped out oh his suit to load. After loading the gun in one smooth move he fired at the trees marked places with a fast 3 burst shot each, the targets shattering to pieces from the bullets being fired at extreme high speed, owing to the railgun mechanism. He saw the number of bullets lower on his visor, checking it worked.

He then retracted the gun back into his suit knowing from before his gun mods functioned. He extracted out a plasma knife from each wrist into his hands which the blades activated, doing a light hum and glowing blue. He kicked forward, sending him flying forward in a jump and cutting two trees cleanly horizontally, burnt where it cut and the upper half the trees slid off and fell away from him. Satisfied, he retracted the knives into his suit. It was deep in the forest so he hoped no one would mind.

Ken had his helmet retract into his suit and took a deep breath of fresh air. He wondered when Natalie would get here, his secret crush. She probably didn't return the gesture being so much older than he was, so he guessed she didn't want to fall for a human.

Aaaah what a nuisance sentimental feelings are. He thought to himself as he wandered around. He didn't like cities and was much rather alone or with Natalie.
Natalie silently wished that time would go faster so she could be the Phoenix again. 'I need to check the camp.' Natalie thought turning on her heel walking towards to forest, making sure no one saw her. If anyone found out where the camp was, they would probably all die or have no home. She sighed at the thought hoping it would never happen. As soon as she was safe, she went full sprint towards the camp. Soon, she saw the gate to the camp, a large wooden gate made from hundred year old trees. About 30 feet away from the gate she stops to tell the guard to let her in. She walks in quietly then is practically tackled by little kids. The kids of the camp. "Natalie! Natalie! Come play with us. We're bored!" Was all she caught from the screaming kids. "I'll play. But I want to know what we're playing first." Natalie said then cracked a smile as she followed the kids through the camp. "We're playing Hide N' Seek!" The oldest child said happily, she was only about 7. The youngest in the group was about 4.

"So who's 'it' then?" Natalie asked ready for the fun. A little girl tapped Natalie's leg. "You are!" she shrieked then all the kids ran off in different directions. Natalie smiled then counted to 30. "Ready or not here I come!" Natalie sprinted as fast as she could finding the first child easily. "So where are the rest?" Natalie asked with a mischievous smile.
Kenneth walked around the town looking for Natalie. His suit was where it belonged at their hideout, as he set a program for it to return to base.

"Should I help?" He approached Natalie from behind in a mocking tone. He honestly liked children, as they were honest and would happily say what they are thinking, unlike most adults.

"I got bored testing my suit and waiting for you, so here I am."
Natalie smiled at ken. "Sure. Help me find em." Natalie said then took off through the forest, looking for children along the way. She soon found another. Suddenly she came across a cave that she never knew about. "Interesting." Natalie whispered as she walked closer to it silently. She came to the mouth of the cave and took a deep breath of the forest air. Natalie felt the coin in her pocket, her most trusty weapon. She quietly walked into the cave, making a small fireball in her hand for light. The cave wasn't very big, but just big enough for about 3 people to stay here comfortably. The cave's back wall was rounded and smooth. No signs that people used to live here. Natalie sighed and exited the cave quietly and continued her hunt for little kids. 'Three left.' She thought as she sprinted through the vast forest of the Rogues.
"Who knows where they could have hidden....I may need some help."

Kenneth signalled for his suit, which would arrive soon. In the mean time he ran with Natalie looking for the children. He thought he saw one rustling in the bushes, but it was just a rabbit. "Dang, hoped to see one there."

He then saw more rustling, but this time it was a child. "Over here!"

Kenneth ran to where the bush was and tapped a child on the head. "Found ya!"
The child looked at Ken innocently. "Wha- No fair!" The child shrieked with a mischievous smile on his face as he ran off towards the center of the camp.

Natalie found the last child and she and the children walked back to the camp. "I think we're gonna have a campfire tonight. We haven't had one for quite some time. Maybe some s'mores or whatever. It'll be fun." Natalie was telling the children as they walked back. She had to get everyone in the camp to pay attention right at this second. She used her Phoenix Call and everyone in the camp turned their head towards her. "Every Rogue, report to the center of camp now!" She ordered sternly but nicely. She was the nice leader. Not a mean one that would work you till you couldn't move anymore. She couldn't wait to tell the camp of the campfire.
The suit reached Ken by this time and Ken stepped inside it, though he kept his helmet completely retracted into the suit, so that only his head could be seen.

"I'm here, since...well...when you called." He said in a teasing tone.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Every Rogue went towards the center and made a circle around their fearless leader. "Okay Rogues. I have decided that tonight, we will have a bonfire!" Natalie said with a dazzling smile on her face. "Why tonight? Why have a bonfire?" One of the Rogues in the crowd asked curiously. "Well just felt like we should have some fun and fire sounds pretty fun. Plus we'll have s'mores and whatnot." Natalie explained and soon all of the Rogues agreed to the idea of a bonfire. "Okay. Tonight at 11pm!" Natalie said then dismissed them. Four hours. 'What can I do in 4 hours?' Natalie contemplated then decided to go hunting. She went to the armoury and grabbed her silver bow and a quiver of arrows.
"Well I guess maintenance sounds like a good idea."

Michael proceeded to his workshop, where he dismounted the suit to start on any maintenance of the suit. Even if nothing was broke and the suit does self-maintenance, it would still help him make sure it runs well.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
By the time Natalie was finished with her hunting, she had caught three rabbits, 4 squirrels, 2 deer, and a wild pig. She had been smart to carry a net at least with her during her hunt so she dragged her load back to camp and took it to the kitchens. "Fresh stock of meat." Natalie said as she dropped it off. She put her bow and quiver back in the armory and soon she found herself wandering around camp looking for things to do. 'Gosh waiting is boring.' She thought as she sat on the steps of her cabin.
Kenneth was testing the gun the suit used with different modifications the suit held for it. He was holding the gun outside of the suit though.

He put on a collapsible stock on the pistol along with a large extended barrel on the front. Kenneth then attached a scope. He then loaded it from the suit with a different magazine. He targeted a random tree, firing the now sniper to see it worked. The gun fired with a loud bang. It destroyed the entire tree with a 1cm hole going through it.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie heard a loud bang in the distance. 'Training their weapons or an attack? Either way its something to go check out.' Natalie thought as she stood up and started walked in the direction of the sound. She kept her hand over the coin in her pocket, hoping she won't have to use it. She then got bored with walking and started sprinting. Once deep enough in the woods, she waited for another bang so she could be sure of where its at.
"Well that works."

He then changed the mods on the gun to resemble a machine gun, using a larger magazine.

*click* *click* he changed the various modifications.

When he was done, he once again fired but this time in controlled bursts. His suit may be able to handle the recoil of it firing fully automatic, but he can't. It fettered several trees to pieces. Satisfied, he put the gun in his suit.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie heard the next round of shots and followed the sound. She his in the bushes and saw Ken. "So you're the one that has been destroying the trees." Natalie said coming out of the bushes with a mischievous smile on her face. She valued the trees. They protected the camp an made good targets for fireballs. She turned her head towards the tree and looked at the bullet holes. She couldn't wait for the bonfire tonight and these fallen trees would make good firewood.
"Yes and no to that statement."

He got into his suit, which was a quick operation as immediately it clicked around him and he was inside. He then got two plasma knives extracted from the suit and cut the shot trees where the large bullet holes were. After they fell, he carried a tree at a time and chopped them further up using plasma knives.

"I was getting firewood, but wanted to test my weapons at the same time. Seems like they are all fully functional, so I'm happy."
"Well that just means more wood for the bonfire tonight. Thank you." Natalie said slightly shyly since she doesn't normally talk to people alone. She lowered her gaze to the ground quietly. She was extremely shy and the Phoenix was a very confident bird. Like the bird is practically the symbol of confidence. An she was super shy. A disgrace to the race of Phoenix's. Even her mother was extremely confident. She shifted her feet nervously as the time ticked by.
Kenneth was still busy cutting up trees, slicing away.

"What'cha gone quiet for? Fire got your tongue?"

He wasnt looking to where she was but sintead was using the suits scanning to find the best places to cut the tree on the fly while cutting through it like butter with the plasma knives. It was a simple task which he was nearly done with.
Natalie just turned on her heel and walked off quietly. She couldn't talk to anyone right now. She was just too shy. She walked to her cabin, which was hers alone and she plopped down on the couch in the living room. She sighed and mentally slapped herself. "Why can't you be confident? The Phoenix." Natalie asked herself, on the verge of tears for being so shy. "Don't cry its a sign of weakness." Natalie told herself quietly. One hour away from the bonfire. One simple hour. 'Maybe I can get some sleep.' She thought as she walked up the stairs to her loft that held her bed and had a window. The window was for whenever she was stressed and she needed to fly.
"...There she goes?"

He had finished cutting the trees and was now delivering the wood to where the bonfire was going to be. It took some time, simply out of the sheer amount of wood and his arms being only so long to hold them. "Haaaah, why did I have to shoot so many trees..." he commented while carrying them. He wondered what pickup lines he could use against Natalie, but threw that idea out the window when he considered how she would probably bat the advancements aside or get inadvertently offended by them.
Time slowly went by as the bonfire drew nearer. Natalie was preparing for it quietly. She put on a white shirt with a bird on it and some dark skinny jeans. She left her hair loose feeling like she might be the Phoenix tonight. She smiled and sighed at the thought. She headed outside 5 minutes before it started and stood by the stack of wood. She was almost shaking with anticipation.
"Huh, so you're waiting here too."

He just brought in the last batch of wood and deposited it on the large part pile. He then using the bioengineering implanted into his skull set his suit to return to its container at the camp as he walked out of it.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie looked at Ken quietly. "Yea. I gotta light the fire." Natalie said quietly as she looked at the logs. She could feel the heat building inside her as the Phoenix yearned to be let loose for a little bit. She sighed and sat down on the line of stones circling the bonfire waiting to be lit. "This is gonna be fun." She told herself quietly. She only hoped that her anxiety wouldn't kick in mid-bonfire.
"You look like you're ready to burst into flame from anxiety with the way you are bouncing around. Why not set fire to the wood or something since its starting in a moment anyway?"

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Natalie smiled quietly. Finally. We can start the show. Her hand glowed with the one of the hottest flames in the world. She stepped back and threw the fireball onto the wood, it catching flame instantly and making a huge flame. The heat licked her arm and the touch was soothing. Natalie finally couldn't handle the caged feeling anymore and transformed into the Phoenix. She flew through the flames, dragging them higher as she climbed air. She did loops and swirls and finally just started to fly peacefully. She forgot about the bonfire an everything and just flew. It felt good.

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