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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy


Emem submitted a new resource:

Rockwell Academy - Be it sports, academics or drama, Rockwall does it the very best.

Welcome to Rockwell Academy, a private high school tucked away in the forests of Colorado. Rockwell academy was founded by Joseph R. Rockwell in 1912 as an All-Boys school, accepting only the best and brightest. Times have of course changed the school, for example, it now features a female residence, but Rockwell's vision of excellence in both Athletics and Academics remains.
The Rockwell Rangers know how to succeed. This is why the school is proud to teach many generations of families and...
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Welcome to Rockwell Academy, a private high school tucked away in the forests of Colorado. Rockwell academy was founded by Joseph R. Rockwell in 1912 as an All-Boys school, accepting only the best and brightest. Times have of course changed the school, for example, it now features a female residence, but Rockwell's vision of excellence in both Athletics and Academics remains.

The Rockwell Rangers know how to succeed. This is why the school is proud to teach many generations of families and the children of both the successful and famous. While the school is pricey, and the majority of students come from upper middle class or higher families, Joseph Rockwell always recognized that the best students might not be the richest ones. For this reason, many full-ride scholarships are available for those students who excel on the entrance exams or who are recruited by the coaches of one of the school teams.

Rockwell is a very strict school, whose rules it would be in your best interests to follow:

1. Attendance at all classes and practices is mandatory unless signed out by a staff member.

2. No members of the opposite-sex in dorm rooms.

3. "Lights-Out" is at 10:30pm and night checks are performed.

4. You may only leave school grounds with permission or for day outings on select weekends.

5. No alcohol, drugs, or explicit behaviour.

Of course, behind the facade of elitism and rigidity the school upholds, the students have other plans. Parties in the campus woods are common, and not altogether unknown about by many of the staff. Sneaking around is common-place and drama and romance prevail. View attachment 68925 View attachment 68925


Rockhurst is tucked into the forests of Northern Colorado. It is a scenic and sprawling campus. As you drive past the low rock wall and wrought iron gates of the school entrance in September, you will pass through a tunnel of brilliantly red maples arching across along, straight driveway. At the end of the driveway you will drive into a large clearing where the school buildings are located.

An old red brick building covered in ivy is the first you see. This contains the administration's offices and teachers' offices. As you drive around the Admin Building, the road will fork and you will have to choose which of the three paths you wish to take. A sign reads Rockwell House (Male Dormitories) -Left , Glendon Hall (Female Dormitories)- Right , and Academic and Athletics Facilities- Straight.

The dormitory buildings are located on opposite sides of the campus for good reason. Rockwell remains very traditional, and the less inter-mixing of boys and girls, the better. Rockwell house is a four story long rectangular brick building, each grade has its own floor. Glendon Hall is a more modern two-story L-shaped building, the seniors and juniors have the left wing and sophomores and freshmen have the right wing.

Most of the classrooms are located in a large glass building, dedicated to some rich alum who donated truckloads of money to update the classroom facilities a few years ago. A number of small stone and brick buildings that used to contain classrooms remain, they're mainly used for club meetings and the odd specialty upper-year class.

The athletics facilities are state of the art, and since the goal for many students is to make it to the olympics or pros, all facilities are regulation size. There is a huge stadium for the football, rugby, and soccer fanatics, since this is the school's most popular team, as well as several practice fields. Twin arenas for hockey and skating. Two pools for swimming. An olympic quality indoor track and 7k cross country course for runners. As well as basketball courts (indoor and outdoor) and baseball diamonds. If a sport exists, Rockwell has facilities for it.

The forests around campus are home to many walking and running trails. It is a common Sunday afternoon activity for students to meander through the endless trails. There is a small pebbly "lake" with an island across the middle on the boys side of campus. In the fall and summer, friday night parties are often held on the island, but in the winter they are just held in a clearing on the edge of the lake. A stream dividing the male and female "sides" of campus runs into the lake. The only way across without walking straight through the main campus is a small bridge.


1. Posts ought to be at least a sentence for quick conversation, but a small paragraph is preferred for more detailed scenes. Please identify the character you are speaking for (posts in first person are fine as long as it is in past tense) ex:

Mr. Thomas:

The boys knew they were in a lot of trouble when they sat down in my office.."

2. Avoid any kind of "power playing" with other peoples' characters (unless you ask them about doing so out of the rp)

3. No out of character drama

4. Swearing should only be used to highlight a character's personality or the intensity of a scene.

5. Romantic activities (i.e.- kissing) are fine, but avoid details and fade to black before anything too crazy.

6. Breaking school rules is expected, I will control the Dean (Mr. Thomas) and decide upon fair in role play punishments (there will be no kicking out over breaking "school rules" because where is the fun in that?

7. You're welcome to fast forward the role play to keep things moving, as long as no one is in the middle of a scene.

8. Use common sense, and have fun! I am knew to the RPNation community, but this RP is based on a very successful private role play I had a few years ago.
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Margo sat in her cab staring up at the expansive school. It was pretty, yes, beautiful even. Just not home. Not yet, don't rush anything. She thought. She took a deep breath and got out of the cab, retrieved her suitcase, and paid the cab driver. She had to fly there from Boston, with a layover somewhere filthy she didn't care to remember. But she was here, and no one knew who she was. Some might think it silly to fly off to a different school your last year of high school, but she had to, in her mind she had no choice.

As she looked around the campus she giggled, realizing she had no idea where to go. She saw the academic building, and then the boys dormitory and wrinkled her nose. She didn't want to look like she didn't belong by asking directions, then she thought how stupid that was. She was carrying a suitcase and wearing an outfit she had clearly slept in, and her hair was a frizzy mess. She already didn't fit in with all these clean, brand wearing teenagers. So, what the hell. She set out looking for a friendly face that might tell her where she needed to check in.
It's early. Too early. Maybe I should just go back to bed.

Kenzie often had these thoughts when she was up before she had to be, and this day was no exception. Classes didn't start for another hour, and already she was walking around the campus looking for something to do. She had eaten what little she could find with minimal effort, and had no roommate to keep her company in the early hours. For whatever reason, she was in a duo room but she was alone, and she still had yet to figure out why. She didn't let it bother her, though, it just meant more room for her and her stuff. It also made it easy to sneak others in for the night, as she knew there was no one else to rat her out for it or anything. Overall, she was pretty happy with how things were going.

She left the female dormitories and walked down the path towards the main academic building, figuring she might as well get there now if she's up. On the way, Kenz would offer waves and smiles to most of the people she passed, already knowing and being friends with a majority of them. There was one girl, though, that she didn't quite seem to recognize.

A new girl? And she even looks a little lost? Maybe waking up today wasn't so bad after all.

With that, she set her sights and made her way towards the girl, still a good distance away at the time.
Margo looked at the paper in her hands. For a fancy school you would think they could have had slightly more in-depth directions and descriptions. She was supposed to see the head master so she could be assigned a roommate. Over the phone he had said she was lucky, usually every room was booked, but this year there were still a few empty spots with people graduating, the senior class was smaller this year as well.

Well it was all fine and dandy that she was supposed to see the headmaster, but all of these buildings looked the same, and they didn't exactly give her a map. It's too early for this crap. She thought to herself, then felt bad for the negative thoughts about her new school. They probably didn't get new students who were seniors often, freshmen had orientation and what not, what could they do for her? She sighed and kept looking, her stomach growling as she realized she was hungry.
The girl Kenzie was approaching had her back turned to her, but that didn't stop her. When there was around 15 feet or so between the two, Kenz spoke up to make herself known.


There weren't many people on the grounds yet, so that was probably not going to be mistaken. Kenzie closed the distance further, hoping to grab the girl's attention.

"Are you lost? Maybe I could help you find...whatever it is you're looking for."
Margo turned around and smiled gratefully. "Oh thank you. Hi! I'm Margo." she said with a grin and an outstretched hand. "I'm new, I'm a senior. I am supposed to see the headmaster and find out who my roommate is." she told her breathlessly, grateful for the kind face. After she got over her general gratefullness, she realized this girl was absolutely stunning. And then she was suddenly aware of her own plainness after her flight and blushed, a little embarrassed.

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Kenzie offered a charming smile and took her outstretched hand, shaking it gently.

"I'm Mackenzie, simplified to Kenzie. I can take you to the Headmaster's office if you'd follow me."

She noted the suitcase now, somehow missing that before. Everything about her really, her clothes, her hair, they all showed she wasn't exactly from here. Kenzie had to hold in a quick giggle, partly at how obvious it was that she didn't fit in but also partly because of her blush taking up her cheeks.

"I'm a sophomore, but dorms aren't separated by grade, so maybe you'll happen to get a room with me!"

She stated, turning to walk towards the administrative building. She only realized how that could be taken after she said it, but she shrugged it off. Even in that sense, it wouldn't be a bad outcome.
Margo grinned and followed her. "Really? That's odd. Thank you though. Are you from around here?" she asked, deciding to make pleasant conversation, since this girl was being so pleasant herself. Kenzie was a pretty neat name, but she stopped herself before she thought more nice things about the nice girl. She didn't need a repeat of her last school, being exiled once was quite enough thank you.

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She shook her head. She was actually from C.A., and her parents had her flown in because she asked enough.

"No, same side of the country, but different state." She explained. "I'm from San Deigo, yourself?"

As the two walked, Kenzie still greeted others they passed, seeming to know everyone. That wasn't quite true though, she didn't know everyone, just most people. More than that too, she was friends with most.
Margo looked around as Kenzie greeted everyone and raised her eyebrow. It wasn't in her experience that popular people were ever this nice. "Boston, well, near Boston. But the only place most people know about in Massachusetts is Boston." she joked. When they got to the head masters office she thanked Kenzie for walking her. "Do you mind waiting for a moment while I find my room so you can show me where it is?" She asked sheepishly. "I'm just awful with directions."

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Kenzie quickly pulled out her phone, checked the time, and returned it to her pocket. After a moment of consideration, she shrugged. There was still plenty of time before her first classes, so she figured that she would be able to lead her around without a problem. With that, she nodded and gave her a small smile.

"Yeah, I'll around. Tell the headmaster that Mackenzie Jesmine is guiding you around, so there's no need to take another student for that purpose."

Even though she wasn't a member of the campus student aid, she was well-known and trusted enough by the headmaster that she was sure there would be no problems if she were to lead Margo around.
Margo smiled gratefully. She went in to the head master, he gave her her class schedule, assured her nothing like what happened to her at her old school would happen here (her parents must have told him, how embarrassing) and that while she was getting settled they had a single room she could have. Margo told him Kenzie was guiding her, which he seemed grateful for. Seemed as if he just wanted her out of her office. Margo thanked him and came out smiling. "I have a single room right now. But my classes look bitchen', pardon my French." she said. She looked at her class schedule.

Theater for Young Audiences- MWF 8-9

Advanced Theatrics - MW 11-1

Beginning horseback -T TR 7:30-10

The Psychology of Sexuality T TR 1-3

"They always said seniors got the best classes, didn't believe it until now." She grinned.

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Kenzie laughed shortly and softly, sounding more like a high giggle than anything else. She leaned over and glanced at the schedule momentarily, no doubt intruding on Margo's personal space. She wasn't too worried, though, as it wasn't as if she smelled bad or anything. In fact, it should be on the contrary, but of course that was all personal opinion. In any case, she pulled away after a few seconds, looking back to the girl.

"I'm glad you like your classes, that's always a plus. As for your room, nice! I have a double, but I'm alone in it. I'm not really sure what they did there, but I basically have a single suite." She laughed to herself. "It's pretty cool."
"That's awesome. Did you push the beds together? My sister did that when she went to college, called it a sex palace." Margo laughed and eyed Kenzie curiously. She was definitely getting a vibe from her, but Margo never had a very good gaydar to begin with. She didn't even know she liked girls until one kissed her and it seemed as of she suddenly had the option. "Well, I am going to unpack and shower. No one likes to smell like air plane. Will I see you around?" Margo asked.

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She just shook her head. Though the idea had come to Kenzie before, it never actually happened, though she would invite people to stay over every now and then. Instead of answering, she just laughed, finding it honestly funny. When Margo went to go, though, she understood and just nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, I'll see you around for sure. Bye!"

With that, she gave her signature small wave and charming smile.
Nathan casually meandered back to the dorm hall after a morning swim in the lake. His swim trunks were still damp and his towel-dried hair stuck up in a few odd places. He had thrown on a navy blue polo shirt, figuring he shouldn't walk around campus only half clothed with all the visitors around.

Nathan was glad to be back at Rockwell, but was feeling a little land locked already. His parents had flown him out a few days before orientation week with Mr. Thomas's permission so that he could begin training for his first swim meet of the school year, which was only a week and a half away. He recognized many old faces, and a couple new ones as he walked through the main campus. Although he had settled into his dorm a few days ago and had known his class schedule for months, there was no way he wasn't going to take advantage of the optional Thursday/ Friday classes of orientation week to guiltlessly skip his classes. He knew he'd have to work somewhat harder than last year to keep up with the Rockwell grade standards for his athletic scholarship, but wasn't overly concerned about failing. As he walked up the stairs to the second floor he was already thinking ahead to the usual Friday night Rockwell parties, the one during orientation week was always especially great. When he reached the second floor and opened the fire door to the hallway he saw the chaos of boxes everywhere and the extra crowds of worried parents and annoying siblings. He apologized his way to room 207, sidestepping around the people and obstacles. "Whoops, sorry." he apologized suddenly when he misjudged the space he had and walked into a guy he had never met before. "Bad way to meet your next door neighbour isn't it?" he grinned. "Nice to meet you anyways, I'm Nathan."
Margo managed to find her room and released a sigh of relief. It was bigger than she expected, bigger than most college double dorm rooms that she had been looking into for next year. She let out a low whistle and began to unpack her meager belongings. Most of her clothes were hand-me-downs, and while she looked good in anything, her own clothes would have been nice sometimes. After that she unpacked her favorite things, her art work. Margo never considered herself an actual artist, but what she did do was always a bit better than mediocre. She chuckled looking at her drawings, thinking how had she never really known before that she liked girls? She drew lots of things sure, flowers, namely tiger lilies and daffodils, but also a good deal of people, and even a few nudes. Oh they were classy to say the least, elegantly draped for sure, but still for ever man she had two women. Faces were always hidden, she preferred it that way. She shrugged hung them up, giving her room the appearance of being expensively decorated when really she had just done them all herself.

After she had unpacked everything she grabbed a towel and a shower caddy and set out to find the showers. When she found them she played her eclectic mix of music while she washed, then when she was done she headed back to change. People here all seemed rather well dressed, so she sighed and threw on the cutest thing she could find, a simple floral skirt and a white tank top with flats. She made sure her curls stayed curls and didn't wander off into frizz land, then decided on no makeup. Not that she needed it. Girl rarely got zits, and her eyelashes were a mile long. She heard her belly rumble again and stared longingly at her mini fridge. Why oh why had she only packed "sodas" really filled with cheap wine for food? Oh well. She grabbed her wallet and set off looking for some grub.

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Locke sighed, which he seemed to be doing a lot of lately. Not next to his parents, of course: they were stoked at his acceptance. And he wouldn't dare show himself sad at such an opportunity. He WAS incredibly grateful. But, just the day before...he had been in the court, with the only team he had ever known, playing one last match with some other friends to send him off. Drew, Tom, Nate, James...The five of them had actually taken the nationals! While he admitted that the Rockwell Academy seemed to have been missing from said tourney...what if he had to face them in the future?

Shaking his head, he decided he could think about that when he got to his room. He had to go see the headmaster, which should be easy enough following the other students, and get his schedule and said room number. He already had some idea of what courses he would be taking and, if time allowed it, he wished to get a headstart and perhaps head to the school's gymnasium to practice his dribbling a bit. With who? he pondered. He didn't know anyone. He wasn't READY to know anyone. But maybe, once he was in the court, he'd stop thinking like that and just play.

His eye caught two girls greeting each other. His ears? That they were headed to the headmasters. So he followed along from a distance, and when they left...He knocked the door and made his way into the office when told to.

"Good Morning...this is the Headmaster's Office, right? I'm Locke Anderson, Grade 11...I seem to have missed which room is mine?" Locke shifted nervously. He felt kind of lost in this huge campus.
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Mackenzie, after leaving Margo, turned back to return to the Administrative Building. She figured that she would let him know that Margo found her room alright and that she wouldn't need more assistance; she had a good enough idea of where to go. On her way, she reflected on the new student. She was cute, and I'd imagine she'd look better if she hadn't just taken a plane for hours. She laughed a little to herself as she walked. The campus seemed pretty clear now, not nearly as many people to talk to along the way as there previously were. It was a short walk, though, so she didn't mind.

Once she made it to the building, she went to the Headmaster's Office immediately, knocked first, but then opened the door and went in.

"Mr. Thomas, Margo just-"

She stopped herself when she saw the other boy already in here. Immediately she regretted not waiting for a response after knocking.

"Oh, my apologies. Am I interrupting something?"
Margo walked along biting a nail, nervous habit, in search of the cafeteria. She walked from building to building, seeing nothing but sleepy eyed teenagers milling about before classes. Did she have classes today? It was her first day here, didn't she get some kind of grace period? She shrugged and decided first thing first, food.she managed to find the cafeteria and was impressed with how massive and clean it looked. At her old school you couldn't tell the difference between old spilt applesauce or vomit. She got in line, swiped her student ID card, and loaded up with an egg sandwich and plenty of fruit and home fries. The Irish in her craved potatoes. She went and sat alone in he corner, content to people watch and stuff her face. She should have asked that Kenzie girl to organize a meet and greet. She seemed like she knew so many people, some of them were bound to be as cool and nice as her.

She decided while she ate she would be honest while she was here. Back home she hid her first girlfriend from everyone, and when they were caught she was greets with slurs written on her locker in lipstick, lube on her seats in class, and snickers every time she passed. Maybe if she was just out and open, people wouldn't feel the need to make up rumors about it, because they would all know the truth. It was worth a shot.

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@Emem don't worry I can make another girl, two if you want. I can make their profiles when I get home for you to approve. At work now, I have a very boring job. Lol

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The Headmaster looked at Mackenzie, who had just barged into the room. That was quick, he thought. Given his busy schedule, however, she could use her enthusiasm to get some load off his back.

"Oh, not at all Mackenzie! I had just finished giving Locke here his schedule and dorm keys. Would you mind escorting him to room 197? I can arrange for someone else if you can't, though."

Locke looked over at the girl...no, Mackenzie. Not half bad, although he wasn't exactly looking to flirt. He thought about taking looking over the schedule immediately, but perhaps she would find it rude? For the moment, he settled for staring at her expectantly.
Celina arrived via her baby blue Vespa she kept here, just for the school year. It had taken her ages just to get a student parking spot, but mommy always pulled through for her. Naturally all of her many suitcases had been flown over and were already unpacked in her room, all that was left for her to do was arrive. She took off her helmet, shaking out her non-existent helmet hair, and walked on to campus with her keys jangling and her helmet swinging carelessly next to her designer purse. "Hey bitches!" She said, winking and doing a little wave to a group of her fake friends. Girls like Celina didn't really have friends, only competition. She walked gracefully, hips swinging, hair swaying, to the dorms and up to her room, looking around to make sure not a thing was out of place. She grinned, running her fingers along her alphabetized album collection and fingering her gold star necklace. She once again read the inscription, You're a star - Mom and kissed it for luck. Yet another year where she would simply rock the competition. She had already gotten the scoop on this years plays, and was looking forward to any fresh meat vying for her leading lady.

Well, best not get too excited about that. No one ever offered any serious danger. She smirked and left her dorm exactly as it was, dropped her helmet on her bed, and walked out to the court yard to scope out this years available boy toys.
Julia half listened as her dad spouted off a story from training camp. She gazed out the window at the familiar landscape as the Harper family approached Rockwell Academy. "Dad, you're going to miss the driveway!" Julia said quickly, Spencer Harper looked back to the road mid-sentence and with his mouth still open, and quickly slowed to a near halt. Julia wasn't surprised he had been paying poor attention, despite the fact that he should have had the route to the school memorized by this point, training camp had begun and so her dad had very little time to worry about other things.

Julia heard Cole stir from the backseat of the big black Escalade, but the towering mountains of luggage next to him prevented her from seeing much of her brother. He mumbled something incomprehensible and groaned. Julia scoffed "You've been asleep since Illinois, deal with it." she said sharing a grin with her dad. Normally the Harper kids were flown to and from school throughout the year, but the fall road trip to the school was something of a family tradition. Cole and Julia used to always complain and bicker about who got what seat the whole way there, but they must have matured somewhat over the year and this year they had been mostly quiet, with each of them having headphones shoved into their ears.

Spencer navigated the SUV into the Rockwell Driveway, which was marked on either side by tall brick pillars. Julia beamed as she looked around at the small changes to the campus landscaping since the spring bloom. The canopy of red maples was so thick overhead now that you couldn't see the perfectly cloudless blue sky again until they reached the clearing where the main campus buildings stood. The serenity of the scenic drive up the laneway was quickly replaced with the bustle of nearly 400 students moving into their dorms and some even attending their very first Rockwell classes. The SUV slowed to a crawl as Spencer inched along with the many other shiny new cars towards the residence buildings.

"Don't forget, it's my turn to be dropped off first!" Cole called from the back.

Eventually, the Harpers reached Rockwell House and Spencer shut the car off. Julia hopped out first and waved pleasantly at some senior guy whose name she vaguely remembered was Michael. Cole surfaced from the vehicle, along with a backpack that also came toppling out of the car.

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