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Robotech - Southern Cross Adventure

The MPAT shell explodes in mid-air, catching all three of your targeted Bioroids in the blast. It wipes out all three in the massive detonation.

Neo raises up the main gun of her tank and fires on Blue 5, adding it to the list of destroyed mecha on the scene.

Blue 6 tries to keep you from being able to take your prisoner by firing his blaster on the netted and cuffed Green Bioroid. It will hit unless someone stops it.

Sherwood Sherwood is up. If you wish to, you can try to make a Parry roll to take the hit for the Green.

Initiative order:
21 - Green 1 [3] badly damaged / netted and cuffed
18 - Gabi -30 MD [3]
17 - Red 1 [5] badly damaged
17 - Red 2 [3] left arm damaged
16 - Blues 2-3 [3]
14 - Alan [4]
13 - Neo [4]
12 - Blue 6 [2] badly damaged
8 - Deunan -80/0/-40 [2] <====
8 - Marlon -0/-0/-40 MD [2] delay
6 - Ryuko -70 MD main body/-60 MD arm [3]
Swearing to herself, Deunan leaps into the path of the shot aimed at the Green. I'd be dipped in shit if someone had told me that I would be doing this even a day ago.
A total of 22 for a Parry.

On Foot:
Number of Attacks: 6
Strike: +10
Parry: +13 - +17 with Heavy Combat Shield
Dodge: +14
Roll: +6
Perception: +12
Initiative: +1
Damage: +2 from Ps
Critical Strike on a natural 18-20

In the Hover Tank:
Number of Attacks: 9 - +1 attack per melee round at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14
Strike: +12 with Cannons, +13 to HtH, +14 with EU-11 (+2)
Parry: +17 (+1)
Dodge: +17 (+1)
Roll: +9
Perception: +12
Initiative: +3 (+2)
Critical Strike on a natural 18-20
Deunan is able to leap into the path of the blast, taking the 40 MD damage on her tank's main body.

D. Rex D. Rex is up

Initiative order:
21 - Green 1 [3] badly damaged / netted and cuffed
18 - Gabi -30 MD [3]
17 - Red 1 [5] badly damaged
17 - Red 2 [3] left arm damaged
16 - Blues 2-3 [3]
14 - Alan [4]
13 - Neo [4]
12 - Blue 6 [2] badly damaged
8 - Deunan -80/40/-40 [3]
8 - Marlon -0/-0/-40 MD [2] delay <====
6 - Ryuko -70 MD main body/-60 MD arm [3]
I didn't know you were holding for a defense of the mecha grabbing the Green. I am good with taking the hit if you want to shoot.
I'll go ahead and attack if Marlon is able to take the hit. Targeting the damaged Blue 6. 20 MDC damage
On Foot:
Number of Attacks: 6
Strike: +10
Parry: +13 - +17 with Heavy Combat Shield
Dodge: +14
Roll: +6
Perception: +12
Initiative: +1
Damage: +2 from Ps
Critical Strike on a natural 18-20

In the Hover Tank:
Number of Attacks: 9 - +1 attack per melee round at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14
Strike: +12 with Cannons, +13 to HtH, +14 with EU-11 (+2)
Parry: +17 (+1)
Dodge: +17 (+1)
Roll: +9
Perception: +12
Initiative: +3 (+2)
Critical Strike on a natural 18-20
Since Marlon was delaying, you still have a chance to use your normal action if you want. Or you can delay again for another defensive roll.

All that is left is the two Reds and your Green

Initiative order:
21 - Green 1 [3] badly damaged / netted and cuffed
18 - Gabi -30 MD [3]
17 - Red 1 [5] badly damaged
17 - Red 2 [3] left arm damaged
16 - Blues 2-3 [3]
14 - Alan [4]
13 - Neo [4]
8 - Deunan -80/0/-40 [3]
8 - Marlon -0/-40/-40 MD [3] delay
6 - Ryuko -70 MD main body/-60 MD arm [3]

Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 is up with Ryuko.

Initiative order:
21 - Green 1 [3] badly damaged / netted and cuffed
18 - Gabi -30 MD [3]
17 - Red 1 [5] badly damaged
17 - Red 2 [3] left arm damaged
16 - Blues 2-3 [3]
14 - Alan [4]
13 - Neo [4]
8 - Deunan -80/0/-40 [3]
8 - Marlon -0/-40/-40 MD [3] delay
6 - Ryuko -70 MD main body/-60 MD arm [3]
Right. Psychie Psychie What is the positions of the two Reds?
Red 1 is now back on its feet after getting knocked down, roughly a hundred feet away from the cluster of mecha around the netted Green. The other Red is in melee combat range with you, moving about rapidly to keep from providing you with an easy target to attack.
The distances are a bit much for you to be able to lob one at the other. You can engage Red 2 in hand to hand, or use ranged weapons as you wish.
The Red Bioroid shows off its excellent speed by being able to parry Ryuko's punch with ease. The Bioroids are really quick.

Purr Purr is up

Initiative order:
21 - Green 1 [3] badly damaged / netted and cuffed
18 - Gabi -30 MD [3] <====
17 - Red 1 [5] badly damaged
17 - Red 2 [3] left arm damaged
16 - Blues 2-3 [3]
14 - Alan [4]
13 - Neo [4]
8 - Deunan -80/0/-40 [3]
8 - Marlon -0/-40/-40 MD [3] delay
6 - Ryuko -70 MD main body/-60 MD arm [4]

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