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Realistic or Modern Riverbrook Insane Asylum



Full Name: Nadia Torblet

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demisexual Pan-demiromantic

Role (Patient, Doctor, Nurse, etc): Patient

Disorders/reasons you're here. Asperger's syndrome, Lou Gehrig's disease, major depression, three suicide attempts

Personality: Nadia is completely unsympathetic, lacking feelings for everyone. Her tone is lifeless and in a constant monotone. She has feelings, though, but fails when trying to comfort people and usually beats herself up over that. She is also extremely quiet and self-conscious.

Biography: Nadia's parents were abusive. Nadia was constantly raped and repeatedly beaten by both her mother and father. This gave her extreme depression and she tried to kill herself three times. First, she attempted drinking bleach which permanently damaged her organs and mind. Second she attempted hanging, which injured her brain, paving the way for her ALS diagnosis at the age of 16. Third, she attempted hanging again. Her parents considered her a disgrace and sent her to this asylum.

Likes: Sweets, being alone, reading

Dislikes: Being touched in any way, closed spaces, tea, social activity


Full Name: Monica Rivers

Nickname (if any): none (unless someone makes up one)

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Sexuality: she's not really sure

Role (Patient, Doctor, Nurse, etc): Patient

Disorders/reasons you're here. Schizophrenia, bipolar (and also has adhd and ocd but that's not WHY she's here)

Personality: Monica is normally very bright, cheerful, and laid back, but her moods are very quick to change. When she's angry, she often scares people with her outbursts, however she is rarely put in solitary confinement because under most circumstances she doesn't hurt anybody. When she is sad she starts crying and apologizing for nothing. She considers everyone here a potential "playmate" and loves playing games with others. She often "thinks aloud", which can confuse everyone else because nobody else sees what she does and nobody knows what she's talking about, even if she tries to explain. She is very hyper and naive and childlike, as to be expected. She speaks in the third person.

Biography (doesn't have to be long but please explain why your character is there): Monica's parents were unable to take care of her because they were very young. So she's technically an orphan, but the orphanage she stayed at was very strict and slightly abusive, so she snuck out one night and ran. She was caught by the cops, and after finding out her circumstances and history (Dying her hair green out of impulse, she used to bite other children, she's torn up the walls, and everyone just thought she was "unstable") They decided to just put her in Riverbrook. This wasn't just because she was probably a little insane, but because of her age they thought she'd be safer there.

Likes: Games, sweets

Dislikes: Being touched, being made fun of, being alone

Extra: She is not in a wheelchair, that's just the picture ((btw if anyone knows who the pic is you're my new best friend xD okay maybe not that far but i like it when people notice my stuff, ok? Also lots of characters is my style don't judge

Full Name: Scarlet Evangeline Rose

Nickname: Scar

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Role: Nurse

Disorders/reasons you're here: Scarlet suffers from social anxiety and at one time it was a bigger struggle than it is for her now. However years of therapy sessions and medications have helped her greatly. She now only takes medication to ease her fear of interacting with others and at most she will seem a bit shy.

Personality: Scarlet is very sweet and caring. She is a bit shy (explained) but she doesn't let it stop her from making friends or interacting with her co-workers or patients. She can also be very bubbly and positive a lot of the time.

Biography: Scarlet decided to become a psychiatrist early on in life. She grew up in a family that suffered from many kinds of disorders and she herself suffers from one. One of the largest deciding factors in becoming a psychiatrist came from her brother Daniel. Daniel suffered from depression and schizophrenia. Their parents refused to put him in an institution where he could get the proper help... lets just say because of this things didn't go so well. Scarlet works as a nurse for the time being while she studies to get her degree in psychology and medicine.

Likes: Chocolates, lollipops, ice cream, butter flies, bubbles, the beach, dedication to work, meditation

Dislikes: rudeness, cruelty, people who can't keep an open mind

*Sorry if this doesn't sound to great I was in a rush to type it cause I had to leave*
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? ? ?


  • Full Name:

    Nickname (if any):






"Character Quote"


? ? ?

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[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]



? ? ?


  • Full Name:

    Nickname (if any):






"Character Quote"


? ? ?

All the info areas are empty, I don't know if that was on purpose or I just can't see it or if it was an accident soooo I figured I would say something just in case
Oh I was just putting that there because Im not home rn its a work in progress Im finishing when I get home, sorry for the confusion xD
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Oh I was just putting that there because Im not home rn its a work in progress Im finishing when I get home, sorry for the confusion xD

Haha no worries :)

Full Name: Vivian Harasoki

Nickname (if any): V




Role (Patient, Doctor, Nurse, etc):Patient

Disorders/reasons you're here:Vivian has always had anger issues. She has mental breakdowns when someone

bothers her and annoys her.

Personality: Cool|Crazy|Wants to make friends

Likes:Music Reading Black Friends

Dislikes:Annoying people Pink


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