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Realistic or Modern River Hill Hospital

Luke laughed a bit, "I was just joking about that, but okay, I'll work with the weeds." He shrugs and begins to pull out the weeds. Luke normally doesn't like doing this kind of stuff but he finds it pretty relaxing. He smiled as he felt the warmth of the sunshine on his back, it was still pretty much summer, early september, so everything was still perfect, it made him realize he shouldn't be cooped up in the unit all day.

He then felt tense as he saw one of the staff come by and heard him talk to Cecilia. He was perfectly fine with the nurses, but with the therapists and psychiatrists, he freaks out.
@Oenanthe @Shadow
Brian paid close attention to Adeline as she spoke. He could tell she was quite stiff and uneasy, hopefully she will get used to everything here. He was going to be as casual as possible with Adeline. Brian didn't want to be an ordinary psychiatrist, he wanted his patients to feel like they could rely on him for anything. So she was feeling angry and sad at the moment; he quickly jotted it down in his notebook and looked back up to speak.

"Don't worry about my writing, I promise it's nothing bad." Brian stated, showing her the notebook. "I just have to keep notes on all of my patients. Basically I write down what you tell me, and then later I read over it and try to get to the root of the problem." He explained. "So you are sad and angry? Can you tell me what caused you to feel this way?" After asking the next question, he glanced down at his watch on his wrist to keep track of time. Their session had about fifteen minutes left, and then they would meet again tomorrow. Brian mentally crossed his fingers and hoped that maybe she would open up just enough so he could figure out what type of medication to prescribe her. He knew it would most likely be an antidepressant, but he wanted to know more about her before putting her on medication. @XxKaraxX
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/VEEA1.jpg.9a3be7283c66c00769cba47e7869bc4d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89531" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/VEEA1.jpg.9a3be7283c66c00769cba47e7869bc4d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Hayden's outfit

Hayden Allen walked through the doors of the cafeteria. Her parents had just dropped her off about thirty minutes ago. She couldn't believe that they had decided to send her to a mental hospital because she was gay. Of course, that wasn't the main reason, she knew deep down that she couldn't cope, but she didn't want to admit it to herself. She had already unpacked most of her things in her small room. Her original plan was to sit in her room all day and hide, but the growling of her stomach reminded her that she needed to eat.

Upon entering the cafeteria, she walked through the line and got her breakfast tray. On it there was pancakes, hash browns, and bacon. She grabbed a cup of coffee as well, she had always been a sucker for caffeine in the morning. She scanned everyone in the room, all of the other patients were mingling with each other. Hayden wasn't too fond of sitting with just anyone, she at least wanted to sit with someone in her age group. Eventually she laid eyes on a girl with pastel purple hair. She was sitting alone, and Hayden immediately began walking towards her. When she arrived at the table she gave the girl a small grin.

"Good morning, mind if I sit next to you?" Hayden asked politely. @Taylor152



  • VEEA1.jpg
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"If I had to be completely honest..." Adeline averted her eyes from him and looked at the carpet, "My home life is so hard, my parents fight and ignore me like nobodies business..." She bit her lip, trying to crack her knuckles out of nervousness, "My s-school," She stutters, "Its so b-bad there... No one likes me..." Adeline laughs a bit and rubs a tear from her eye, "I don't even like myself." She positioned herself on the couch where she was now crisscrossed and she layed her chin on the palm of her hands and looked up at him sadly, "I just wish I was dead. I mean look at me... I'm hideous."

Adeline couldn't take it, all her thoughts were coming back, "No, no..." She mumbles as she berries her face in her hands, silently crying.
@Problematic Pixie
Micah roamed the halls, hands in his pockets, as he silently watched others walk by. He'd arrived yesterday morning; a staff member from the emergency ward a town over had driven him, bags packed, to River Hills and checked him in. He'd spent maybe a collective two and a half hours out of his room since then, having talked with one of the psychiatrists and given his dose of medication yesterday he'd felt pretty exhausted and had slept in longer than he'd meant to.

His socked feet tread lightly across the flooring, his head tilted to the side as he meandered pointlessly throughout the facility. Really, he was trying to get his bearings with the place and figuring out where everything was. Of course, he'd been given the "grand tour" yesterday, but... He wasn't exactly paying attention. Considering he'd been balancing on the thin line between anxiety and a full on panic attack, it was understandable that he forgot the layout. He was thankful they allowed him to wear his own clothes, though- in his mind he'd been picturing a full on mental asylum, blue hospital outfits made of that gross uncomfortable material and doors with barred windows. He may have exaggerated a little to himself. However, he had to admit that the presence of skinny jeans and a T-shirt was more comforting than he ever though they would be. They still retained the smell of his old house, the detergent he used, the cologne he wore.. He'd be sad when those little nostalgic things were gone.

Now wasn't the time for that, though, and he continued on, following random signs and weaving through patients and staff alike. Eventually, he stumbled across the Cafeteria and hesitated at the entrance. The only thing that gave him motivation to go any farther was the distinct aroma of freshly brewed coffee, so he quickly poured himself a cup and added cream and sugar to his liking.

He turned around to face the tables and paused, unsure as to where he should go.
Mason woke at the usual time, 6:30, and rose quickly and easily from her bed. She walked over to the shelves and dressed herself in a comfortable grey T-shirt and long-sleeved navy flannel to go over it, and a pair of blue jeans that had been hand-me-downs from her big sister. It had been three weeks. The detergent from the washing room here smelled so differently from that of her old home, it would be easy to just say that she didn't even remember the scent of it anymore. But that would be a lie; she remembered every little detail. She might have not been concentrating on much of anything back at home other than wanting to be in an asylum such as this, but subconsciously her brain had been working on patching together soundscapes and choruses of odours that would one day remind her of what used to be. She was thankful for that.

Three weeks. Time went by fast here, but maybe that was just her crippling anxiety and ADHD working together, a killer combo. She remembered being admitted like it could have been years ago. She had seen so many people come and go within a span of just days, and meanwhile, here she was, still here after all the others had gone. She had put up a little bit of a barrier so she wouldn't get too attached, but still she found herself missing some of the other patients who had been discharged. Three weeks. She wondered how much more time would go by before she, too, would leave here, and honestly there was a part of her that dreaded it; this place had been her sanctuary.

The regular nurse came along and called for her to get her weight checked, like they did every morning. They would never let her see the scale, which would often bring tears to her eyes. That was one part of the hospital that she still wasn't used to. Old disorders die hard, she guessed.

After a disappointing attempt at peering in the mirror to try to see the number on the scale, she made her way to the cafeteria. There was a group of girls who had accumulated at one of the tables and a boy who was standing at the coffee machine, looking rather unsure of himself. She passed him to grab a cup of coffee herself. She grabbed a piece of toast from the line. She had heard that eating only breakfast helped you lose weight, so she was trying this theory out this week.

Mason sat at an empty table, examining the boy with her eyes. @xandr

"But please!" Athena whined and crossed her arms, "I want to go have some breakfast and socialize!" She then stomps her foot.

The nurse looks up from her desk, "One of the security guards are going to have to be there, watching you."

Athena nods and smiles, "Thats perfectly fine! Thank you!" Athena turned off the tv and waited for one of the security guards to come.

"Well hello again, Kevin." She says as Kevin pushes the second floor where the cafeteria is, "So, I was thinking about having some greek yogurt with fruit this morning, what do you think?" Athena asks him.

Kevin rolls his eyes, "You're to much you know that?"

Athena nods, "Yeah I know."

They finally make it down to the cafeteria and Athena runs up to the fruit bar and quickly grabs some strawberries and blueberries then some vanilla greek yogurt.

She then hums and walks around for a place to sit. Athena see's a boy and a girl who look familiar from her unit and she smiles as she walks over to them, "Hey, Mason. Can I sit here?" She asks as she glares over at the security guard watching her.

(I'm sorry
@xandr I thought it seemed as if you were sitting with her xc Sorry I guess I was just typing this out to fast.)
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Micah looked up from where his gaze had fixated on a crack in the tile as another girl entered the caf. He tilted his head slightly as he took in her appearance, blinking a few times to see if he recognized her at all but couldn't seem to remember seeing her around. That could just be his reclusive tendencies coming back to bite him, though, and he settled for sipping slowly from him cup. He considered approaching them- the one girl who'd already been sitting down had seemed to be looking at him, and it was making him wonder if maybe talking to people would... ease the blow of being here. And he still didn't know where anything was, so some advice on that end of things would be really, really helpful.

He bit his bottom lip, weighing the pros and cons in his mind and reflecting briefly on how stupid it was that he was hesitating on this in the first place. He chipped away at the small chunk missing from the rim of his mug, and somehow, somewhere within himself, he managed the courage to take the first few steps towards the table.

Before stopping, four feet away, like a complete weirdo. He was so stupid, sometimes.

@XxKaraxX @oli
The girl with the long hair called her name, and Mason's eyes were drawn away from the boy. Fuck, what was this girl's name? She hadn't been paying attention when she was introduced, but she seemed to show up all over the place. A...Anemone? Arithmetic? Come on, it wasn't that hard...Athena! "Yeah, you can sit here." Mason nodded towards the boy, and lifted her chin at him in an acknowledgement of his presence. "You can sit here, too. Three's a party." She ran her fingers through her boyish hair, feeling the need to fidget with something now that her toast was down the hatch. Both her face and her voice remained completely emotionless as she spoke. @XxKaraxX @xandr
Micah's face flushed with color at his acknowledgement, and he sent a shaky nod towards Mason before setting his coffee down on the cheap table. He slid into a seat, an awkward but genuine smile gracing his features.

Thanks- uhm. I'm Micah, just... in case you wanted to know, i guess..?"

He cursed himself at his awkward reply, shaking his head and frowning.

"Sorry. I... don't think I know either of you? I mean, if I do I don't remember your names, so."

He said with a timid shrug, sipping from his mug to shut himself up.

@XxKaraxX @oli
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Cullen smiled slightly when Stella said he could have a stuffed animal. He knew it was childish, but somehow he slept better when he had something to wrap his arms around. He froze for a moment when she suggested that he try to talk. After a slightly awkward length of time, he coughed and opened his mouth. "The penguin please." He whispered, in a very quiet, hoarse voice. The words felt strange in his mouth since he hadn't talked for such a long time. He felt his pulse speed up in a not-so-good way when he heard his own voice. He grabbed the pen and paper again and handed Stella the hastily scrawled note.

Note: Am I completely crazy for being afraid of my own voice? What's wrong with me?


Liam couldn't help but chuckle at Cecilia's question. "Of course. I just didn't want to startle you or your friend. I hope it's okay with you if I steal her away for an hour or two." He said to the other patient, noting the slight distrust or tension in his eyes. He stood up and smiled at Cecilia. "Should we go straight to my office, or do you need to grab breakfast or a drink first?" He asked, remembering the last time when he had forgotten to ask one of his patients that question. One of his anger-prone patients hadn't eaten breakfast before their 2 hour long session. The man had become increasingly violent for no apparent reason, until Liam found out that he was also diabetic, hence the problem. Most of his patients didn't have anything like that, but he was always sure to ask anyway.

@XxKaraxX @Oenanthe

Cecilia dusted herself off and made sure she wasn't a filthy mongrel before walking to the side of her therapist. " A drink might be nice but I've already eaten." She informed him as she hooked her elbow in with his. It was her tendency to be very touchy-feely with people, it helped her to ground herself and better trust what was real and what she was just imagining. There needed to be some way for her to tell the difference between what was real or all in her head and things moved along with such smooth transition she often had no idea.

Heading inside with him she made a quick stop by the cafeteria and grabbed herself a little thing of apple juice before heading up with him to his office. " Alrighty, I'm here."​
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Stella smiled felt sort of bad when she heard his voice, it was like a cat trying to bark, "Yeah... The penguin has to be the cutest of the stuffed animals, well for me, next to the cat of course." She said and then noticed Cullen write something and hand the notepad to her. She read it and let out a small sigh, "No, you're not crazy, many people go through this. To overcome it you just need to take one step at a time... And you just talking before was a big start, so I'm very proud of you."



Athena smiled, "Why thank you." She said as she took a seat across from Mason, "So, how are all your mornings been in this hell hole?" She then realized the boy talked and smiled, "Yes, Micah! And I'm Athena."

@xandr @oli
Mason shrugged. "You're not supposed to know us. New delivery and all," she sighed, taking a sip from her coffee. "Every day in this place is a living hell, but it's better than the nightmare that the real world is, so in relativity, I'm doing wonderfully." She raised an eyebrow as she answered Athena's question, as if reflecting the question back onto the other girl. @xandr @XxKaraxX
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Liam smiled when Cecilia hooked her arm through his as they walked towards his office. He waited just outside the cafeteria while she grabbed a drink and then they went into his office. He shut the door and then motioned for her to sit on the couch. "So, Cecilia.....How have your night terrors been? Have there been any incidents since our last talk?" He asked, grabbing his tea and sitting in the chair across from the couch. In the few seconds he waited for her to reply, he wondered what it would be like to have problems like most of these patients had. He couldn't imagine being afraid to go to sleep because of what he might dream about or being terrified to go out in the dark.


Cullen wasn't sure he believed Stella when she said he wasn't crazy. Only a crazy person would be scared of their own voice. He closed his eyes with a sigh and suddenly pictured the warehouse where they.....he hid his face in his hands with a quiet whimper. He could almost see his kidnappers, he could almost feel the scar on his side hurting again. He open his eyes and stared at the palms of his hands, trying to remind himself that he was safe. He wished he could just forget it all and go back to his life with his parents. He look up at Stella and wondered if she had noticed anything wrong. He sat on his hands, not sure what to do. He still wanted to run away, out of this room, and maybe explore the courtyard. But there were sure to be lots of people in the courtyard, so instead he just continued to stare at he floor.

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Brian's eyes widened when Adeline began sobbing in front of him. He didn't expect her to break down so quickly; he sat his notebook down and put a hand on her shoulder. He hated hearing people cry, it caused him to nearly break down himself.

"Adeline.." He started, "You are far from hideous! As a matter in fact, you are a very beautiful young girl! You can't keep putting yourself down like this, it will only make things worse. As far as high school goes, teenagers are brutal. I know it's tough out there, believe me I know." Brian tried his best to comfort her, he got up and grabbed the box of tissues off of his desk and handed one to her. "Come on now, dry up those tears. You're far too pretty to be crying!" He cooed sweetly. "Now about your home life... Just know that no matter how hard it is, it's always going to get better, I promise you. You're growing up fast, and eventually you will be living on your own." Brian explained. "Adeline, I'm here for you, and I only want to help you. We will get to the source of your problems, and I'll do everything I can to make you the happiest most confident girl alive." Brian was committed to helping her, she was his first patient after all. He glanced down at his watch, their session was nearing its end.

"I'm afraid we are almost out of time." He picked up a small slip of paper and wrote down a prescription for a mild antidepressant before handing to Adeline. "I want you to get this filled and take it every morning. It's going to make you feel a lot better. Our next session is tomorrow, but don't be expecting this same old routine. I have a fun surprise! I may be a doctor, but I don't have to be a serious and boring doctor." Brian stated happily. @XxKaraxX
Micah huffed down at the table, nodding slightly at Mason.

"That... actually sums it up pretty well..."

He raised his eyebrows just a tad, looking up at the other two at the table and taking other sip from his mug. The caffeine was already making him a little more anxious than he was comfortable with, but he dismissed it in favor of the taste. The coffee actually wasn't half bad, which surprised him. The coffee he was brought in the ER tasted like plastic dirt.

Stella noticed the worry in Cullen and felt so terrible for him, "Shh... Its okay, I don't know whats going on in your head but you have to know its over now, in here its a perfectly safe environment where your free to express your feelings and get the help you need." She said being completely calm so she wouldn't freak Cullen out because Stella could sense that he wanted to leave, "You know, besides from the courtyard in the back of the campus we have a beautiful flower garden, its usually pretty quiet there, mostly only a few people who like to eat there lunch and read. In the center of the garden stands a beautiful fountain. Its very peaceful... I could walk you down there if you'd like?" Stella asks sweetly, waiting for Cullen to write on the note pad or begin to speak.



Athena nods, agreeing with Mason, "You have a point there, but for me I would so prefer to be in my pent house right now getting high or getting drunk at this point. I feel so bored. I'm lucky right now I got to step foot into the cafeteria." She shrugs and continues to speak, "I have to be locked up in the unit again for running away..." Athena rolls her eyes and looks over at Micah, "Enjoying the coffee?" She asks and looks at the coffee then back up at him, "So, why were you brought here?" @xandr @oli

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"uhm-- well, that's kind of an... intense question, I guess?" He shook his head, looking from the girl back down to his mug as he thought over his response. He'd only been prompted with this question twice since checking in and he already despised it.

"It's a long story. I guess if you want the short version, then... Mostly Pyromania. And some other stuff too, but that's kind of on the back burner right now, I guess.." He kept his gaze fixed downwards, frowning at his words. "I don't know, It's complicated."

@XxKaraxX @oli

Athena nods, "Okay, well I hope it gets better for you... I'm here for depression and being an alcoholic and drug addict." She shrugged, not really caring who knows, since mostly the whole public already does, "You didn't have to answer if it made you uncomfortable..."


Adeline took the box of tissues and wiped off some of the tears from her cheek, "Thank you... Dr. Henderson..." She said feeling a tiny bit better.

She then watched him write out something and hand it to her, "Oh alright... I suppose I can... Though I think this whole situation would be better not delted with..." Adeline sighed and read the slip. She then stood up, "Thanks for talking with me..." Adeline said as she walked to the door, "Wait, who's going to show me to the my bedroom while I stay here?" Adeline asks, turning back around, facing Dr. Henderson.
@Problematic Pixie

Mason forced her face to remain stony when she heard the word "burner" in relationship to the boy's pyromania. That was her exact sense of humour, subtle yet strangely hilarious. It would be insensitive to laugh at a time like this. Luckily, the girl had good impulse control. Even if she hadn't, Athena responded almost immediately, calling her attention away from the (probably accidental) pun. She decided to not speak unless absolutely necessary, so she remained quiet, thinking that perhaps if she just sank into her chair, maybe she wouldn't have to explain anything. @XxKaraxX @xandr
"No, no-- That's not it, it's okay, it's just... A long story, and... i don't like going into details about it. That's all."

He shrugged and drank from his mug, the coffee having cooled down and him wanting to finish it quickly before it became cold. In reality, any time he'd really talked about his condition with anyone he'd found the urge resurface, and given the fact that he
knew that one of the nurses that worked on the other end of the hospital had a lighter (she'd been outside, taking a smoke break the day he'd been admitted. He'd watched briefly as she was reprimanded outside the front doors, being scolded for smoking so close to the building. He'd made an unconscious mental note of her name tag and the metal lighter glinting in her hand) he really didn't want to test his limits. Besides, if he was going to be in here until he was better, whatever River Hill's definition of the word was, he definitely didn't need to aggravate his condition any farther.

He felt his anxiety resurface slightly as the mere thought passed his mind, and he began to regret letting his temptation for coffee lead him into this situation. He felt as though the drink was now a bitter reminder, and though it still looked appetizing he pushed the white mug slightly away from himself on the table.

@XxKaraxX @oli
Jason sighed looking up at the sign above to front doors. "I wonder if someone would notice if I just walked away?" he mumbled to himself. He shook his head knowing that was not an option. Forcing himself into his persona he adjusted his guitar case strap, picked up his amp and walked through the doors. Walking confidently up to the receptionist. "Yeah I have some sort of appointment or something? I think it's to decide whether I should stay here for a while or whatever. The... shelter... set up this appointment, if that helps." Jason shuddered at the word shelter. The thought of helping those in need didn't quite sit right with him, especially when that person 'in need' might be himself.

The receptionist nodded and typed some things into the computer before turning back to Jason and said "A doctor will be down here shortly. Please wait here" She smiled kindly but Jason just shrugged and replied with an quick "Whatever" and sat down to wait for whatever shrink either A. Had the fewest patients or B. most likely to help Jason. Help? Jason thought. "Yeah, right" he scoffed
Brian looked at Adeline with a shocked expression.

"You mean they haven't showed you to your room yet?" He asked, raising a brow. "We'll let me check your file." Brian opened the folder and scanned the page for Adeline's room number. "Here it is!" He exclaimed. "I'll escort you." Brian walked over to the door and opened it for her, he bowed and looked up at her with a joking smile. "After you, Princess Wolf!"


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