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Realistic or Modern River Hill Hospital

Jer's day had started very early. Plagued by nightmares and demons, he had been up since about 3 that morning. In order to not be disturbed, he ended up pretending to be asleep until around 7 a.m. when the nurse came in to give him his medicine. Today was going to be one of those really bad days for him, he could feel it in his bones. Just like he did every morning, he asked the nurse if he could take his food back to his room so he could be left alone. The nurse, just like every other morning, said no and that he should socialize, which he avoided like the plague. It would help with his recovery. If he made friends, overcoming his substance abuse would be easier. Jer snorted indignantly and rolled his eyes, just as he did every morning. The last thing he wanted was to socialize. The only friends he wanted were the ones that were out there in the real world. He wanted to be with them. Running a hand through his hair in frustration, the male watched as she walked away, glaring icily into her back. Even after being here for almost two months, he still had the most sour attitude about being "treated". For while, the man continued to sit on his bed, glaring at the door, before he finally rose to his feet and changed into a pair of dark blue jeans and a plain black shirt.

The shadow that always followed him was by the wall, but he refused to acknowledge it, for now, deliberately keeping his gaze away from it. Once the medication kicked in, he probably wouldn't see the thing for a while, anyway. "Please let me just make it through this damn day without a problem," he muttered to himself. Somehow, he knew his prayers would be in vain; the shakes and sweats were already starting. Gritting his teeth, the male grabbed a navy blue sweatshirt and pulled it over his head as he walked out of his room and towards the cafeteria. At least the long sleeves would hide some of the sweat that was beginning to form all over his body. When he arrived at the cafeteria, he deliberately ignored everyone and approached the line for food, grabbing only some orange juice and a couple pieces of toast. Jer could feel nausea rising in his stomach and he didn't want to push his luck by eating too much. Because of the sickness that overcame him, he had lost at least ten pounds during his stay here, but he kept hoping it would improve. If he had to go sober, he at least better get something out of it.

With his meager plate of food, the male quickly scanned the room for an empty table, keeping his gaze icy to deter conversations. Finally, he found an empty one in the corner, his favorite seat, and made his way over to the table. Sitting down, the male looked at the food on his plate; it looked extremely unappetizing today, but he knew he would have to eat something or the nurses would be all over him. Taking a deep breath, Jer picked up a piece of toast and bit into it, chewing gingerly. Once he had swallowed the bite he set the toast down and ran a hand through his dark brown hair. A few strands had begun to stick to his forehead from the sweat and he was feeling rather weak. Some days were better than others for his withdrawal; today was probably going to be a bad one. Reaching for his cup, he tried to take a sip of orange juice, but only felt more nausea. Groaning quietly, he set the cup down with a trembling hand and sighed. He was going to be here a while. Anxiety rose in his chest, as it often did. God he needed a fix. How was he supposed to kick this habit if it made him feel like crap to just be sober? Resting his head on the table, the male glared at the wall, chewing incessantly on his lip.
Connor pulled the Charger into his assigned space at River Hill's parking garage, quickly informing dispatch that he had arrived at the facility before shutting the vehicle off and locking up. Standing outside the cruiser, Davenport slid his hat on and glanced briefly at himself in the driver's side mirror. He fought the urge to frown. He loved being a State Trooper, but the outfit didn't agree with him. The dull gray wool shirt & pants and tan stetson made him look like he belonged at Civil War reenactment... if not for the purple tie, that is. He had been at River Hill a week, but he still worried about making a decent impression.

With a sigh, he turned and made his way toward the stairs, ascending to the lobby and checking in with the receptionist there before heading to the security office. Connor peeked his head into the cramped, uncomfortably hot room filled with security monitors. One lone man sat at the desk, ignoring the monitors to stare down at the smartphone in his hand.

"Henry," Davenport said.

The man nearly jumped out of his seat, quickly putting away his phone as he flushed with embarrassment. "Oh, hey Sarge."

Connor wasn't sure whether to smirk or admonish the civilian security guard, ultimately deciding to do neither. "Where's John?"

"They've got him keeping an eye on a girl down in the cafeteria."

Davenport nodded his thanks, heading through the corridors and entering the dining area. He saw John leaning against one wall, absentmindedly scanning the room, though his attention was clearly focused on the young blonde girl at one of the tables. Connor had seen her around the hospital, but her name escaped him. He approached John, who greeted him with a friendly nod.

Connor returned the gesture. "Mornin'. I'll take over. You go make your rounds and make sure Henry isn't asleep at the wheel."

John didn't need to be told twice, turning to briskly leave the cafeteria.

Connor shook his head, taking up John's vigil as he crossed his arms behind his back, glancing from one end of the room to the other.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Cara-Delevingne.gif.d1e9a6486f8968cb69e68ab4ff7f85b4.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90332" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Cara-Delevingne.gif.d1e9a6486f8968cb69e68ab4ff7f85b4.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Athena took a bite of her food and turned around to see the recent security guard get switched with a younger looking one, probably late twenties.

She then grinned and turned back to the people at her table, "Very sorry, I'll be right back in a few moments. Gotta go meet somebody." She said with a wink and nodded over at the security guard that took the other ones place.

Athena put down her glass and sashayed over to the security guard, "Well hello there..." She read his name tag, "Sir Connor Davenport." She winked and giggled, "So," Athena put one of her hands on her hip, "Good luck babysitting me." She smirked.




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Connor raised an eyebrow, regarding the young woman with a look of vague bemusement. The gears were turning inside his head as he desperately attempted to recall her name. He had seen her in the hall with a staff member earlier in the week, overhearing some of their conversation as he marched by. She had looked familiar even then, but he still couldn't place it. Davenport saw a flash of bold defiance in her eyes now. He had seen that look before, on a TV screen... bingo.

"I'm sure I won't need it, Ms. Snow," he remarked evenly, crossing his arms. "You shouldn't think of me as your babysitter. I'm more of a... safety net."

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Safton said:
Connor raised an eyebrow, regarding the young woman with a look of vague bemusement. The gears were turning inside his head as he desperately attempted to recall her name. He had seen her in the hall with a staff member earlier in the week, overhearing some of their conversation as he marched by. She had looked familiar even then, but he still couldn't place it. Davenport saw a flash of bold defiance in her eyes now. He had seen that look before, on a TV screen... bingo.
"I'm sure I won't need it, Ms. Snow," he remarked evenly, crossing his arms. "You shouldn't think of me as your babysitter. I'm more of a... safety net."

Athena rolled her eyes as she laughed a bit, "How would you be a safety net?" She groans, "I'm perfectly safe..." She then crosses her arms, "I shouldn't even be locked up here anyway." She said and looked up at the ceiling then back down at Connor, "Why are you working in this place anyway? Its so depressing..."

XxKaraxX said:

Adeline couldn't help but laugh, "Why thank you." She said with a curtsey, in a joking way as she walked out the door to see her mom left, "..." Adeline rolled her eyes, she knew her mother never truly cared.

She took a deep breathe and turned around to Dr. Henderson and faked a smile, "Are the people here nice?"
Brian motioned for Adeline to follow him and they walked down the long hallway together. He thought a moment before answering her question. Today was his first day here, and he didn't really know any of the other staff. They seem pretty nice though.

"Well, to be completely honest with you, I'm not really sure if the people here are nice. I'm just as new as you are; we are pretty much learning everything about this place together. The only difference is I'm your doctor and you're my patient!" He explained with a smile. Eventually they had arrived at the end of the hallway, and the last door on the right was Adeline's new room. "Well, here we are! Hey, you're lucky. If I were you I would be glad to have a room far away from everyone else. It's much quieter!" Brian said happily.

Connor glanced down toward the badge pinned on his chest. "Comes with the job." He hesitated briefly. "Besides, there's nothing wrong with helping people. This isn't a prison, Ms. Snow." He smirked, adding lightly, "Trust me, I've seen my fair share."

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Cullen frowned slightly when Stella told him he was safe. Part of him knew that was what he wanted to hear. However, part of him still didn't quite trust her. She always spoke gently and quietly though, which definitely made her seem a step more trustworthy than all the other people he had met so far. He loved the idea of going to the garden she described, especially if it was mostly empty. In response, he stood up and went to the doorway, waiting quietly until she got his message.


"Thank you." Adeline said and opened the door to see a bland room with a blue bed bedding, yellow walls and a few old fashioned floral pictures, "Great..." She muttered and put her suitcase on the bed and looked around the room, then walking to the one window that reveals the garden, "Okay, well, thanks again." She turns around, "So, when will our next session be?"


"Oh, well," Athena says and tilts her head, "I'm not shocked, you seem like you've seen just more than that.." She says and glances out at the crowd then back at Connor, "What else comes with your job? Lets say... I should run away..." She says and glances at the door, "Just a question..." She shrugs, "Oh, but what if you didn't catch me, would you be the one getting in trouble with the boss?"


Stella smiled and walked to the door and opened it up for him, "Well, lets go." She smiles and gestures him to follow her.

They walked down the halls until they were outside in the fresh early september day.

Stella walked down the stone stairs and to this beautiful garden, with any type of flowers imaginable, and in the center of it all was this beautiful water fountain with an angel on top of it, "Here it is... River Hills garden."
Connor maintained his composure, tactfully ignoring the girl's initial remark and the memories that came briefly flooding into his mind.

The trooper found himself once again raising an eyebrow before inclining his head thoughtfully. "Well, I would do what I could to keep you here where you're safe, but I'm not going to shoot you if that's what you're asking," he remarked with the slightest hint of a smirk.

"If you got away, then I'd probably have to answer some uncomfortable questions from the doctors, my superiors, your parents, not to mention the Governor."

He let out an exaggerated sigh. "This would all add up to a lot of paperwork for me and a stern-talking-to for you when I catch up with you. I don't think either of us wants that," he said lightly.

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Cullen followed Stella through the halls, flinching at all the noises and people they came across. He could almost feel the safety of his quiet room getting further and further away, which was unnerving. Finally, they went outside and most of the people were a good distance away. He followed her down a flight of stone steps that led into an incredible garden. He wasn't usually very interested in flowers or gardening, but this was impressive. He glanced at Stella before going over to the fountain and staring up at the angel statue. He closed his eyes and breathed in the overwhelmingly sweet smell of the flowers. "Pretty" He whispered quietly as he went over to a group of tall blue flowers to admire them.

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[[OOC: I'm so sorry, I was sent to inpatient care for a few weeks. I'm back now <3]]

Mason stood quietly and dumped her tray into the trash can, having eaten nothing but the slice of toast. She didn't find it necessary to say anything to Athena and Micah as she left, figuring they would find out where she was going eventually. It turned out to be the courtyard. She found a haven amongst the zinnias, allowing herself to relax a little as she sat on the bricks outlining the patch of pink flowers.

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