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Realistic or Modern River Hill Hospital


Don't let anyone tell you you're not Lana Del Rey
Don't type here until rp starts!

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Luke wakes up from one of the nurses, he rubs his eyes and looks around the room, still an extra empty bed, ugly yellow wallpaper and a window over looking the lake. He sighs and stands up, stretching. Luke then walks over to the clock on the wall and checks the time, 8:00 am. So fucking early, he thought to himself as he turned on the shower, unchanging from his night wear and going into the walk in shower. He rubs his body with the body wash that was given to him by one of the staff.

Once after his warm shower he changes into a maroon t-shirt, with dark denim jeans and vans.

He quickly makes his bed and throws the teddy bear that was given to him by the hospital on the bed and walks out of the room.

Thankfully, Luke heard no ones voice yet, just some staff talking, he walked around the corner and went into the day room, sitting down on a couch and read his book, waiting for his medicine for the day.

@ anyone


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_no4q5p2L2v1uqs53eo1_500.gif.d210385b64b1194bf5b309444d424e46.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89278" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_no4q5p2L2v1uqs53eo1_500.gif.d210385b64b1194bf5b309444d424e46.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Adeline sits in the hospital bed looking out the window, how could she let this happen? Now she's going to go off somewhere where her parents will just forget about her... She puts her face in her hands and tries to hold back tears. She takes a deep breathe and looks out the window, watching all the cars go by. Take me with you! She thought to herself as she was staring at the cars. Adeline then heard the curtains open to see her mom and two people with a gurney, "Mom, I'm not dead." I glare at her then at the two other people.

"Honey, this is what you go on to get to River Hill." Her mom said, "Now, these two people will be bringing you there, I'll be driving behind you guys."

Adeline looked at the workers then back at her mom, "Fine, I just need my clothing."

Her mom nods and walks to the bag in the corner and pulls out Adeline's black boots, and an outfit, "I packed more stuff in this bag for you to last you about a week. Hopefully thats as long as you need to be at River Hill." Her mom says with a soft smile.

She has never seen her mom smile like that in so long, it felt weird to her, "Thanks mom." Adeline says as she pushes her mom out and closes the curtain.

She then quickly changes into her outfit and ties her boots, "Ready." Adeline says as she opens the curtains and sits herself on the gurney, making herself comfortable, "Take me away." She said as they buckled her in and began to chat with her mom as they brought her to the ambulance.

Once Adeline and the gurney were in the ambulance the car began to move. Adeline's blood pressure was being taken and what not until they arrived to the entrance of River Hill.

It almost looked like somewhere out of a movie, so victorian and elegant for a hospital.

Until Adeline's mom arrived the ambulance workers sat with her in the waiting room, one of them was filling out papers.

Adeline's foot was tapping on the wooden floor as she was cracking her knuckles, she was so nervous, Adeline didn't want to be here, all she wanted to do was be home... Not even home, just dead.

"You nervous sugar cube?" One of the ladies asked Adeline from behind the desk as she walked over and handed her a water in a plastic cup, "Don't worry dear, we have the best hell of a staff."

Adeline couldn't help but smile, she had such a nice personality, "Thank you, I'm just nervous... I sort of wanna just be back home."

"Honey, everyone feels that way when they first arrive, just be calm down everyone here is family." The lady smiles, "Call me Darla. You must be Adeline Wolf, our newest patient."

She nods, "Yeah thats me, Adeline Wolf."

"Well don't you worry your little stars, shortly the psychiatrist will be right over to bring you to his office to get a good grasp of why your here." Darla smiles, pats Adeline on the shoulder and walks back to her desk.

Adeline took another sip of the water, waiting for the psychiatrist to come, feeling a bit calm after Darla chatting with her.

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@Problematic Pixie



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((Since there is no real map I took some creative liberties with the locations, please let me know if you have any issues with this and I can do a re-write!))

In typical Cecilia fashion she stood in the busiest spot in the entire hospital, the courtyard where patients could get some fresh air or make their way from one end to the other quicker and with less concentration than they would need to go through the winding halls. It was here that marked her favorite location, not only was it a busy location but it was a beautiful and natural locations. Ideal for one with a passion for gardening such as herself.

It was a lovely little courtyard, square in shape with a cobble stone path wrapping the edges and running through the central garden, these stony paths were fringe with delicate bushes of rose. Tulips, marigolds, monkshood, daffodils, a wide array of flowers brought the space to life and provided a bursting bouquet with it's own unique and sweet breath. Among these flowers though rested planter boxes of vegetables and herbs that the clients were responsible for tending and in reward, received a sense of achievement and it's own special brand of therapy. Especially, during harvest when they could partake in the fruits of their labors. Or..that was the idea anyway, in truthfulness Cecilia had really taken over the project as her own to no ones objection. She did her job well and she could even be outside in the garden completely alone...usually.

The young woman needed constant companionship but the garden seemed to be one area of exception. Possibly because of the comfort of birds and garden critters, or possibly because she was always so focus on drawing or caring for the plants. Either way, no one really took much mind to it.


Sweat sprayed from Jasper when most people would think it would be far too early for such rigorous movements. He, however, found no time quite as good as first thing in the morning to beat the living shit out of something. It helped him to clear his mind and, unless someone especially provoked him, kept him fairly calm throughout the day. So rather than just attacking everyone in sight he was quite content to simply brood in the corner, and even on a good day he could actually speak to a few people.

((Sorry it's so short, I am on mobile.))

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Lyrics eyes were looking up at the blank,white ceiling. She didn't know what she was staring at,but she knew that she was bored,and she didn't like being bored.

She'd been up for a few hours now,not able to sleep simply because of the people in the black uniforms,coming for her. She hated when she couldn't sleep,she would have to be taken back to her room throughout the day with a guardian to watch over her as she slept. It was terrible,made her feel like a crazy girl.

She decided it was time to get up,so she went into the bathroom,stripped down from her night clothes,took a short shower,then put on a pair of high waisted shorts,a Nirvana tanktop,with a red and black plaid over it along with vans.

Her purple hair was still damp,so she dried it with the towel the best she could then walked out of the bathroom and toward the cafeteria for breakfast.

She felt happy,normal,when she interacted with the others. It made her know she wasn't the craziest one here.
Brian Henderson parked his truck in the back of the hospital and glanced at his cell phone; he had arrived thirty minutes early, but hey, early is better than late! He was especially nervous because today was his first day on the job. Last week he had gone through several days of training and learning where everything was in the hospital; now it was his time to shine and put his knowledge to good use. After gathering his belongings, Brian hopped out of the truck and made sure to lock it. He ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair and shrugged on his white lab coat over his casual attire while making his way to the front door. He pushed open the front door and walked through the lobby. The receptionist at the desk greeted him with a warm smile, Brian's face lit up with pure joy and he returned her smile with his own.

He walked to his office and set his bag down under his desk. He plopped down in his rolling chair and spun around a few times just for fun; Brian was easily entertained and he acted like a child most of the time. He believed that being too serious all of the time made life stressful. After clearing his throat, he adjusted his glasses and picked up a file laying on top of his desk. Today he was to meet with several patients. His first patient was a young girl by the name of Adeline Wolf. Brian smiled to himself upon reading her file; she seemed like a nice young woman, and he couldn't wait to meet her.

Brian quickly made his way to the waiting room to find his patient, he didn't want to keep her waiting too long. He walked into the waiting room and scanned his surroundings. It was barren all except for a woman and a teenage girl with brown hair, he assumed that she was the woman's daughter. With a hop to his step he approached the two women.

"Good morning, ladies!" Brian greeted with charm oozing from his voice. "My name is Doctor Brian Henderson and I am one of the psychiatrists her at River Hill. I am very pleased to meet you! I do believe your name is Adeline Wolf?" Brian asked smiling at the girl in front of him.


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Adeline saw her mother walk in and the ambulance workers left. She sighed seeing her mom, she felt bad, Adeline felt like she made their family life worse than it was, so she feels she can barely talk to her, "Hi, mom..." Adeline mumbled as her mother put an arm around her, "I'll be here for you every step of the way."

She shrugged her off and crossed her arms waiting for the psychiatrist to come. Finally he arrived. Adeline didn't say anything and glanced over at her mom who stood up and shook his hand, "Hello, I'm Tara Wolf." Her mom said in a very nice way. Adeline rolled her eyes and looked up Doctor Brian and smiled softly, but a completely fake smile, "Hello..." Adeline says softly as she looks over at her mother one more time then back at Dr. Henderson, "I suppose we will be talking about my life now?"

@Problematic Pixie

(sorry I was busy)



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"Hi Tara, it's a pleasure to meet you." Brian's voice oozed with charm, and his eyes seemed to sparkle as he spoke. He shook Mrs. Wolf's hand and glanced over at Adeline. He thought about what she had just said. She was clearly unhappy to be here, but he couldn't blame her in the least; who would want to come to a mental hospital? However, it was his job to help this young woman, and he would do everything in his ability to rehabilitate her. Just looking into her eyes, Brian could see something was wrong. She looked very unhappy, and he couldn't wait to dig into her mind and get to the source of her problems. 'Human brains are absolutely fascinating...' He thought to himself. He cleared his throat before speaking once more.

"So you think I'm going to sit you down on a couch and make you tell me all of your problems while I sympathize?" Brian laughed jokingly. "Well, I suppose that is what us doctors are supposed to do; but I'll try my best to not make it boring. Are you ready to head on back to the office?" Brian asked, motioning towards the door.


Luke then heard his named called from the medicine room, "Coming." He called out as he set his book down and walked over to the desk, "Good morning, Sheryl." Luke smiled, "Another day in River Hill? Isn't it swell." Luke said sarcastically and Sheryl laughs, "Come on and take your medicine."

"As you wish. What was I put on now, Prozac?" Luke asks as he leans his elbows on the counter.

Sheryl nods, "Or you can call it fluoxetine."

Luke shrugs, "Tomato, tomoto." He laughs a bit and takes his medication when Sheryl speaks up, "Today we have pet therapy at 2:00 pm, before then I think you should get out of the unit and meet some people."

Luke quickly shakes his head, "You know I can't, I mean thats absurd." Luke then throws out the small paper cup his water was in. He couldn't, he couldn't, he couldn't.

Sheryl sighs, "What about that girl Cecilia? She seems sweet. Usually she's out in the courtyard, come on go, live a little, its been a month ,Luke. Most patents stay for at least the most 4 weeks."

Luke sighs, "Fine, I'll do it for my favorite staff member." Luke messes with his hair and walks down to the courtyard and spots the girl in the garden.

He walks over and waves awkwardly, "Hello, Cecilia, right? We're in the same unit..."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_n0hxu5nL8P1syvypuo2_250.gif.f3cf243ded5a57868f0b325768b7354f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89348" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_n0hxu5nL8P1syvypuo2_250.gif.f3cf243ded5a57868f0b325768b7354f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Adeline shrugged, "Fine." She glared at her mom and then walked over to his office, she looked around, it was pretty normal, a desk, some binders and a couch. She didn't want to be here what so ever.

She walked over to the couch and sat down on it, crossing her legs and crossing her arms, she waited for Dr. Henderson to arrive.

@Problematic Pixie



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Liam finished his morning run a little early so he could get a head-start at work. He had a few patients' files he wanted to look over. He took a quick shower and put on his black uniform with his leather jacket over top. He turned up his music as he drove to the hospital, feeling good about the day ahead. When he got there, he went to his office and checked his schedule for the day. He had a few new patients to see, so that was sure to be interesting. After a few minutes of looking over files, he went to the cafeteria for some tea. Hopefully there would be some hot water ready so he could get ready for his first patient.


Cullen sat in the corner of his room with his knees pulled to his chest. A staff member was probably going to come in soon, trying to make him do something he didn't want to do. He thought he heard footsteps so he stood up and went to the bathroom, locking himself in. That was the nice thing about having a bathroom so close by. No one was going to interrupt someone taking care of their personal business and that's what people assumed if the door was closed. His breathing quickened when he heard a door slam just next door. He could feel his heart rate speeding up and he quickly plugged his ears. He tried to slow his breathing as part of him wondered if he did need the medication they always tried to give him.

The second Cecilia heard her name she wasted no time looking up from the little tomato plant she had been weeding around to respond, eager as a put. " Hmm? Oh hello!" She said, a friendly grin showing off her pearly white and glowing smile. " Yep, and you're Luke! I've seen you before but we've never really spoken. Such a shame too." Giving a small clucking 'tsk tsk tsk' she shook her head and looked back down to her work, continuing to pluck away at the tiny unwanted sprouts in the soft soil. Her hair was pulled back into what could only be described as a curly black bunny tail that perfectly fit her bouncy mood. She was not so wild thought that she did not recognize the boy was a bit reserved and all her joy might just share him. So instead she stayed as quiet as possible, only adding a quick. " Would you like to give me a hand? You don't have to, of course, but it would be more fun than just watching me."


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_lzefltslWl1r5tdn1.gif.54cbff46165cd9d9f9544ee9a9f2ed68.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89358" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_lzefltslWl1r5tdn1.gif.54cbff46165cd9d9f9544ee9a9f2ed68.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Stella was in her office looking through her patients profiles, thinking about when she should see each of them and setting up times for groups, today was her favorite day, pet therapy, the only day she was allowed to being her three angels into the building and hang out in her office until the patients get to see the love muffins.

As Stella was working on her schedule she looked up and saw one of the nurses with a worried expression on her face, "Whats wrong?" Stella asks as she closes one of the files.

"We're trying to find Cullen, he's no where to be seen." The nurse takes a deep breathe, "Have you seen him today?"

The blonde shakes her head, "No, but I have a feeling I know where he is, just don't follow me, okay? He needs to trust us, and better him trust me than you." Stella pats the nurses shoulder and walks off into Cullen's room and knocks on the bathroom door gently, "Cullen, hun?" Stella says calmly and softly, "Its me, the therapist, Stella, maybe you'd like to come out and chat. No ones in here, just me and you."


Luke smiled a tiny bit and nods in agreement. "Such a shame." His eyes then look around the courtyard, children playing on slide, elders walking around. It was so sad, such different majorities all in the hospital. It was terrible everyone had to go through this... Hell, he didn't even want to go through it but he needed to over come this, "Sure, I'll help out." Luke said and bent down, "What shall I do first, princess?" Luke asks in a playful manner.



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" Princess!?"

Looking up from her spot over to him the young girl laughed and wiggled her shoulders. " Olala~ I'm a princess now." For a fleeting moment she was diracted by the fact that she was actually suppose to give him some kind of task but that was only for a moment. " Hmm... You can either spray the ants with that bottle of vinager or help me pull weeds. I guess just go with whatever sounds more thrilling." It was half a joke and half serious. Personally she did find enjoyment from such mandatory and basic things, aside from the ant killing of course. She always made someone else do that. It was tragic to think of them in acid rain, destroying months of hard work and passionate labors. It was a domestic tragedy. " Actually, more I think about it, if you dont mind could you spray the ants?"


Luke laughed, "Nice personality you got there."

He looked at all the flowers and weeds than to the ants...

"Fine, I suppose I'll murder these poor ants." Luke smiled and picked up the spray bottle and closed his eyes, killing his first ant, "Poor ant, imagine if he had a family and kids? We ruined their lives... Their poor ant lives.." @Oenanthe
Cullen flinched as someone knocked on the bathroom door. Despite the soft tone of the therapist's voice, Cullen was still startled. He rocked back and forth on the floor, delaying the inevitable chat with her. After a minute, he pulled himself to his feet and cracked open the bathroom door. He poked his head through and then slid past her and sat on the bed. He wrapped his arms around himself and stared at the floor. He hoped she was willing to talk a lot because he hated hearing himself talk.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_lzeedoDN0C1r5tdn1-1446227918.gif.fe0280363089b1835e262e66ec507eec.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89375" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_lzeedoDN0C1r5tdn1-1446227918.gif.fe0280363089b1835e262e66ec507eec.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Stella smiled a tiny bit,
good some progress, she thought to herself. The blonde walked over to the bed across from where Cullen was sitting and smiled sweetly, "Hey, hun, seem a little more timid again today, just wanted to check up on you. Anything you want to talk about?" She asks. Stella then realizes that he has Phonophobia, she remembers it from his file, but she still decides to wait to see if he will respond and if not she will think of something. @Shadow



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With her hair tie firmly locked in place between her lips, Cassiopeia stared down at the open file in front of her, the words she had written earlier was all relatively fresh in her mind, but she had no doubt that when she found the time to sit down and properly document the information, bits and pieces were bound to be lost, her inevitable fatigue playing a very cruel part on her efficiency. Pulling both arms up to gather her hair, she continued on reading, giving herself mental nods as she read the smaller notes that she had jotted down on the sides as well, pulling information later would hopefully be a little easier, she thought to herself as she held the gathered hair with one hand, the other reaching for the hair tie to keep the hair in a stiff ponytail.

Satisfied with her work, she closed file, but kept it out face up on the desk, she'd be piling charts later on top of it, so it was best to keep it all in one place when she got through her morning charting, it was much more satisfying when she could file away multiple charts at once rather than one by one after the first few hours of her shift. [Or whoever was standing by the phones would spend some time organizing the stack.] Shuffling her way out of the small office, a small clipboard in hand, Cassiopeia read some more handwritten notes, this time, notes from Jane who just got off after her night shift. It pretty much outlined her assignment and coincided with her initial plan for the day, so it seemed like she would have just a little more free time, a little more wiggle space, than the norm.

With that in mind, Cassiopeia turned on her heel and headed for the Cafeteria, it was still pretty early, but she was certain that she would run into some of the patients, some of her own, even. At the thought, the brunette smiled, the anticipation in her swelling and adding a slight obnoxious sway to her steps. Upon entering the cafeteria, she was quick to spot Liam, quite the tall imposing figure, giving him a small bright 'Hello!' and 'Good Morning' before grabbing some hot water for herself. Her eyes swept across the cafeteria noting some of them who she recognized, also noting who it was that would need their morning medication after their breakfast.

Speaking of, she really should haul herself back to the station to prepare some of the medicine, she always took longer than most of her colleagues, but at least she was getting it done right.


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Athena has had another run away again, for the 5th time in a row, yep, and guess what, she could care less.

As she is being dragged back to the unit by two buff security guards she's casually making conversation with them, "So, Brad, you finally made it on the security guard baseball team? Isn't it called the doughnut squad?"

The continue to ignore her.

"And you, Kevin! Did you marry your 5th wife? Or wait," Athena laughs, "I forgot you can't get a date no matter how hard you try."

The security guards continue to ignore her as they make it to the unit, "You can't leave the unit for a week again, Miss Snow." Brad says as he mumbles something to Kevin as they walk out of the unit doors, "Well fuck you two!" She screams at them as she sits on the couch with her arms crossed as she looks through the tv channels boredly.



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Cullen moved back on the bed as Stella sat across from him. He continued to stare at the floor as she talked. He could think of several things he would rather be doing, but he knew it would rude to walk away. After a moment of thought, he pulled a pad of paper and a pen from under the pillow. He scribbled a quick note and handed it to her before hiding the pad of paper again. He stared at the floor while she got to read the note.

The note: I'd like a stuffed animal and a fluffier pillow Please


Liam dropped his tea off in his office before he went to the front desk. "Hey, have you seen Cecillia Dupre?" He asked one of the available secretaries. "No sir, but she is probably working on the plants in the courtyard." She said, motioning in the right direction. Liam thanked her and went out into the courtyard. He found her gardening with one of the other patients, so he made his way over. "Cecilia? I'm sorry to interrupt, but it's time for your therapy session." He said, kneeling down beside her and speaking in a soft voice.

((@XxKaraxX @Oenanthe ))
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Lyric rolled her eyes a little,as she walked down the long hallway until she reached the cafeteria. It was time for her morning tea and pancake,and the voices were already starting. "Shutup." She groaned and continued on her way.

She watched as everyone started going to their therapy sessions. Lyric hated the sessions,they deemed her crazy,needing therapy,and she hated it,every bit of it.

She sat down,and smiled as one of the workers brought her food over. Pancake,tea,hashbrowns,and bacon. She looked down at it before eating a bite of everything then looking away.

Stella nodded with a smile, "Of course you can have a stuffed animal, what type do you want?" She asks, "We have a teddy bear, a bunny, penguin, cat or a dog." Stella thinks for a moment, "You know... Its such a shame not being able to here that sweet voice of yours, Cullen." She continues to smile, "No ones around, its just you and me... Just try..." Stella says softly not wanting to scare him off.


When she had heard the gruesome description provided to her by Luke a small gasp escaped her lips and she immediately took the bottle for him. "O-on second thought, never mind. I'll just have to let them know that they are okay, and maybe put up a little sign so people don't step in it and get bit or mess up their home." She said with an awkward little smile hoping that Luke didn't think her too bizarre for this strange action, she just couldn't imagine destroying those little brilliant creatures and their home, not to mention all of the hard work it must have taken their expansive team and family.

Before anything could really be said though her psychiatrist, Liam, came. She liked the way he spoke, quietly and soft. Like a ghostly little friend. Sometimes the way he spoke though unsettled her, because he could have very well been a ghost or simply nothing at all, which was an even more terrifying prospect. Looking up she stood and nodded. " Alright! Um, but Mr Dr Liam Sir " It was a name she often called him by in a friendly way. " Can you not whisper to me, please?" Often they had a tendency, they being the doctors, to speak ever so softly. This was likely because most patients preferred it this way, Cecilia did not.

@Shadow @XxKaraxX
Brian entered his office casually and saw Adeline sitting on the plain black couch with both her arms and legs crossed. He flashed her a quick smile and grabbed a fresh notebook from his top desk drawer. He pulled a pen from his lab coat pocket and pulled his rolling chair beside the couch and sat down. Brian wrote Adeline's full name on the top of the page as well as the date, this was her notebook. He had bough several notebooks for each of his patients just to stay organized. One he finished writing he looked up at Adeline and thought of his first question for her.

"So, Adeline, I'm not going to ask you about your life, but is there anything you would like to tell me first? Oh, and I promise our sessions are completely between you and me. I am a firm believer in privacy, and trust me I understand what it's like not wanting to tell your parents how you feel. Is there anything on your mind right now?" He asked sweetly.


Adeline watched as Dr. Henderson write something down in a notebook, she stiffened up, wanting to read it, what if he was judging her? She always feels like people are judging her.

She then looks at him when he begins to speak, "Thanks for not saying anything I say in here to my parents." Adeline took a deep breathe and thought about what she wanted to say.

"Well, I guess something on my mind would be anger, sadness..." She shrugs, "Do you want me to keep going with that list?"
@Problematic Pixie

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