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Realistic or Modern River High School

Trinity ran frantically to the lunchroom. "ugh, I fell asleep." She wondered the cafeteria, seeing faces she hadn't seen in a while. Their eyes made her feel anxious as she looked for Indigo.
Meredith walks into the lunch room and looks around. She notices an empty table and sits at it. She begins to look around again and sighs as she begins drinking her water, not touching her food.
Trinity's eyes finally fell on Indigo who was with others. She held her bag's strap tightly as she stopped behind Indigo. "Can you... Will you give me my book now?" She stood awkwardly hoping the moment would end soon and she could return to her book world.
Indigo stood up and rummaged around in her bag. It had to be in here somewhere- yes. She found the book and then she realised something.

"Hey Trinity." she grinned, "Wanna see if you can last till tomorrow?" She wasn't being mean, she was doing Trinity a favour. She was showing her the real world outside of her book. Plus, Trinity's desperate need for her book back was sooooooo adorable. Indigo shoved the book back in her bag.
Trinity pulled on the sides of her hair and let out a frustrated groan. "No, I don't want to wait until tomorrow. Prince Caspian is currently in the Labyrinth to rescue his lover Sherada and in order to get out he must tell his biggest secret, the same secret that the book has been foreshadowing about since the beginning when it is revealed the King has a daughter that no one has seen. I need to find out how Caspian's secret and his alleged sister are connected!" She held her tears in and took a deep breath. "Please, just let me read the next couple pages and you can keep the book..." She kept her eyes from meeting Indigo's in an attempt to cover her watery eyes.
"Aw." Indigo said. Maybe she was taking this a little bit too far. Trinity looked on the verge of tears and it did sound pretty important to her.

"I guess..." She got the book out of her bag, "Here you go, Trinity. Enjoy." She handed it to her.
Trinity grabbed the book but now her hands were full so she set down her lunch box on the table and opening it. "You can eat it, lately my adoptive mother has been doing cute things I think in an attempt to get closer with me but I can't stomach eating it."


Still standing she quickly opened to the folded page. She read the first page. Then the second... Trinity's face was blank. Her eyes dried up and her mouth dropped. She continued to read a few more pages then she dropped her book with a 'smack' on the ground. Confusion slowly crossed her face, What did I just read? A simple secret from a book threw Trinity's mind into chaos.
"Uh... Trinity?" Indigo said. The girl seemed to have gone completely blank. She dropped her precious book onto the ground. Indigo rescued it and put it on the table.

"Trinity, are you okay?" Indigo waved her hand in front of Trinity's face.
"Caspian -girl" She whispered trying to decipher her head, "It's wrong -the book is wrong." She was recalling every romantic moment in the book that made her heart pound. Now knowing that Caspian was a girl her face began to blush from embarrassment. Is it really okay for two girls to do such things? Isn't the prince suppose to take care of the princess, then what can two princesses do? She shook her head but it didn't erase the pain and confused look she had. "I'm fine." She said in a small voice.
"No, you're not." Indigo frowned, "Seriously, do you need to go to the nurse? Or should I hire you a therapist to help you with whatever the hell you just read? Did somebody's arm get caught in between elevator doors and get ripped off? Because I saw that in a movie and it was the coolest and creepiest thing I've ever seen." Trinity had slowly turned pink. Maybe she was sick- and was getting a fever. That would explain a lot.
"No body got hurt..." Trinity covered her face with her hands, too embarrassed to ask what was on her mind especially with everyone around. And to ask Indigo? She starting today began messing with Trinity. Trinity knew she only had books to rely on. "I think I'll take myself to the nurses office." She stuttered out. After some rest Trinity decided she'd head to the Library.
What the hell was wrong with Trinity? Indigo didn't know. She was throughly confused by what had just happened. She decided that she would need to read the book and find out. What was the title again? Hm... There would be a copy of it in the library. She was sure of it. There had to be. She stood up and decided to go book hunting. She could remember the main character at least- somebody named Caspian. That had to be enough to find the book.
Trinity left the table, and made it to the nurses office. The nurse laid her down and gave her some medicine. "I'm leaving now so just get some rest. Don't worry about classes okay. Ah to be young again." The middle-age nurse spoke as she left the room. Trinity pulled the blankets tighter around her shoulders. Some how laying down wasn't seeming to help her as much as she thought it would.
Just to be clear, Indigo was intelligent. She was not an idiot, she had been to a library before. Once. When she was about eight. She just preferred to use the internet, okay? Which is why she was very confused about the system in which the books were arranged. So, she just picked a random shelf and began to pull out books at random. None of the covers looked like the one Trinity was reading.
Trinity held the book above her head, beginning again from where she left off hoping to understand even just a little. Her eyelids were getting heavy and soon Trinity was asleep on her back with her book open on her chest. Unable to escape her mind, Trinity began dreaming that she was saving all her favorite princesses. And among her own adventure, trying to understand the 'why'.
Kayden looked around the lunch room and saw Carter. He thought he was fairly attractive. He laughed softly to himself then went back to humming. He sighed softly and put on his black hoodie, pulled out some paper and a pencil and began to sketch a picture of Carter.
Carter turned around slightly noticing a guy drawing he stood up and walked over to him plopping down next to him with a huge dumb smirk across his lips. "Hey sexy" he says scanning his face biting his lower lip. "What are you drawing?" He adds raising an eyebrow.
Kayden looked over at Carter as he sat next to him and smiled. "You.." He grinned before he went back to focusing on the drawing. He glanced over at Carter a few times as he drew.. Trying to make it look prefect.
Carter smirked scanning his face flipping his jet black hair "well, you should so show me when your done" he winked biting his lower lip. "How is a sexy kid like you doing at this piece of shit school and also where did you come from I've never seen you around here" he adds taking a drink of his monster energy drink. He thought Kayden was really really cute it made him blush "do you want an energy drink?" He asks raising an eyebrow holding a monster energy drink in front of his face smiling widely.
Kyle exited the school ground as usual with his umbrella. It was one of those gloomy days where the rain just continued pouring and making oneself more depressed than he was. Tho, Kyle didn't mind it so much. He actually enjoyed the smell of it. He walked out of the school ground towards the bus stop. Usually, he would just skateboard towards his apartement complex but since it was pretty rainy, it wasn't so bad if he spended a bit of his pocket money for the bus. He stood silent with two earbuds plugged in his ears as he waited for the bus.
Kayden laughed softly. "I live pretty close to the school.. But I went to another school for a long time." He said as he finished his drawing. He then looked up at Carter and blushed a bit. "Sure.. Since you're offering." He said with a grin.
Carter noticed him blushing which made him smile widely then gave him the monster "I see your blushing" he smirked taking a drink of one looking over at his drawing "hey who is that sexy mother f**ker?" asked biting his lower lip glancing up at Kayden and winking at him.
Kayden smiled and blushed a bit more, but tried to hide it. "You like it? It's a quick sketch.. If I really took my time on it.. It would look a lot better." He said, looking away slightly as he took a sip of the monster.
Carter noticed Kayden trying to hide his blush which he thought was adorable and he wanted to squeeze him to death. "I f**king love it! it's amazing it couldn't get any better it's perfect the way it is" he said scanning his face giving him a warm smile."why are you trying to hide yourself?" He asks biting his lower lip running a hand through his jet black hair smiling widely.
That was when Indigo showed up, grinning. She hadn't found the book she was after. But here was something even better, playing out right in front of her eyes.

"Oh my god, guys! The yaoi here is INTENSE!" Indigo beamed, "Both of you kiss right now!" She thought she might explode with happiness. The two boys were just so damn cute together!

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