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Realistic or Modern River High School

Crystal understood exactly what he was talking about. "Yeah, I get that, I might need some today," Crystal said. Honestly, she rarely smoked, but she had two reasons to do it now. 1. To get her parent's attention. 2. Because she really hated her parents right now.
Kyle was surprised to hear that and actually snickered. '' Seriously?'' he asked really not expecting someone like her ask for weeds. He was about to say something else as the bus pulled over for them. The rain was still pouring pretty hard and he let the way for her to go in, '' Ladies first Mademoiselle. '' He said almost bowing in a very sophisticated way.
Crystal smirked. "Best thing that happened today," Crystal teased. Crystal tossed her head and laughed. She took a seat in the back. She wouldn't usually use the bus, but she doesn't want to get her expensive car dirty. (Don't judge her!) Also, her "butler" was too "busy" to pick her up.
Kyle slightly laughed as he walked in behind her the bus driver eyeing him like usual. He took out a few coins and threw them on the designated place. He heard the beep that told him he had the right amount and he walked to the back. The bus was full and there was no seat left except that one that Crystal just sat on next to some fat guy who smunched on his chips like he never ate before. Kyle looked away grabbing the little handles that were for the ones who stayed standing. He didn't say anything since he didn't know what to say and the guy next to her was distracting him and the buzz was still there.
Crystal rolled her eyes as she heard the couple behind her talking about her dad's new movie and how her mom's new line will be. Crystal turned and smiled at Kyle though she was still heartbroken on the inside. Crystal then thought about why her parents don't come back. She tried hard to get good grades and to please her parents. Maybe she wasn't good enough? Those thoughts whirled is side her head for a while.
Kyle looked at her still in buzz. It was funny how pretty she looked and that smile of hers was adorable to. His trails of thoughts cut when the bus stopped abruptly and he almost lost balance. He ended up leaning on her a bit to not fall and removed his hands from her '' Oh Sorry about that... I don't usually take the bus...'' he said trying to cover up his clumsiness. Even if he was a skateboarder, he was probably one of the clumsiest guy ever.
"Yeah, I don't take the bus that much either," Crystal smiled. "When's your stop?" Claire asked. Meeting Kyle was kinda the only good thing that happened today and she really didnt want to think about her parents.
'' I live near the shopping mall...A few stops away.'' Kyle answered with a small smile. The fat guy finally left when he arrived to his stop and Kyle sat at it's place next to Crystal. '' So what's your name anyway?'' he asked laughing a bit since they talked and all but never actually introduced each other.
Crystal smiled since he obviously knew. (She's talked about a lot) "Crystal, what's yours?" Crystal smiled. "Your welcome to come over to my house if you want,"
I heard that name before...Maybe some popular girl... Kyle thought and actually make the thinking face unconsciously. He then shook out of it, '' Oh sorry, yeah..My name is Kyle.'' he simply said softly as he ran a hand in his hair. He was honestly really thirsty and the rain just made it worst for him. He looked at Crystal, '' Is it really ok to just bring a guy home when you just met them?'' he asked laughing a bit but he didn't say it in a mean way. It was actually very soft how he said it.
Crystal shrugged. "Maybe my parents wouldn't approve, but I don't approve of them ignoring me, plus they aren't here," Crystal's expression soon turned devilous. If her parents found out, she wouldn't care like they didn't care.
Kyle laughed and shrugged a small smile appearing on the corner of his mouth, '' Sure, sounds fun.'' he said looking at her and honestly not even thinking of anything dirty despite the obvious. He was too preoccupied in his mind at the moment and didn't have the right mind to think of that. Tho he wondered why she would ask him of all people. Having some company for once can maybe change my mood..
Crystal smirked. "Here's our stop!" Crystal hopped off the bus and walked into her gigantic house. Crystal wondered what her parents would think if they saw this. Crystal laughed at how they might react.
Kyle walked down the bus and not expecting the humongous house presented in front of him. With wide eyes he looked at it and titled his head to his side, ''What the hell does your parent do for a living?'' he asked surprised. He honestly felt awkward now.
"Ever heard of Cassandra and Blake Hart?" Crystal was pretty sure he did but she didnt want to talk about them now. They were so hung over they're job. Her mom was an LA fashion designer and her dad was a directer. They ignored her most of the time, and she really hates them right now.
'' I know Blake Hart, He made my favorite movie.'' Kyle said pulling out a smoke but then remembered he wasn't actually at the righ place and it was certainly not the right time. He placed it back in his pocket and looked at her. Obviously those were names of people with influence. Unfortunately, he wasn't one who knew of such. He barely watched TV. She seemed a bit off about that subject, it wasn't the most interesting to take about too. Probably they were the reason why she seemed so upset before. ''So, are we staying outside or going in?''
"Yeah let's go inside, ignore the oscars and dumb awards," Crystal walked inside. She was proud of her parents but she didn't want to think about them now. Crystal plopped down on her couch. "I don't mind you smoking here, I really don't care if the butler blames me,"
Kyle nodded as he walked in. He sat next to her unsure as for why he was even here, Oh yeah...she probably took pity on me he thought almost bashing himself here. Unconsciously, he just took the space that was left and looked at her, ''Really?'' he asked.
"Sure, whatever," Crystal said. Crystal was beginning to wonder why'd she even invited him in the first place. "So............." Crystal said awkwardly.
Before she could even finish her sentence, Kyle looked at her curious. '' How come you invited me here?'' he asked pulling out his weeds as he rolled it in a paper using the table that was there. ''Want one by the way?'' he asked silently still waiting for her response
"Honestly, I have no idea why I invited you," Crystal said surprisingly. "Nah, I'm fine right now, my parents aren't going to notice me using that, anyway," Crystal said.
Kyle gave her a small smile, '' Oh so the parents are the type to be to overwhelmed by work?'' he said pulling out his lighter but he hesitated and just left it on the table.
Crystal rolls her eyes. "Yeah, it's their LIFE," What crystal said was true. If Blake haven't started making movies and her mom never became a designer, they wouldn't be where they were today.
Kyle laughed putting the rolled week in between his lips, '' Well, they can't really call it the life if they don't take the time to be with with their beautiful daughter can they?'' he said gently as he picked up the lighter and lighted up his smoke.
"Sure, but they don't care," Crystal managed a smile but she soon turned away. "It is there life, I'm not in it though," Crystal whispered.

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