Rise of the Runelords (Anniversary Edition) - Pathfinder RPG


One Thousand Club
Sandpoint is a bustling city near the southwest end of Varisia, the Cradle of Legends, bordering the Inner Sea. Insulated by mountains to the north and east, sea to the south, and the Inner Sea itself to the west, it is a prosperous region, and the city of Sandpoint shows it. Rapidly expanding despite the goblins and other native fauna occasionally encroaching, the townsfolk have no clue that very dark plans have been made their city. No one who calls themselves a citizen of Sandpoint knows the secrets it was founded upon, but someone else has found out... and intends to claim those secrets and return an ancient evil to walk upon the ruins.

Rise of the Runelords was the first Adventure Path to be written for the Pathfinder Campaign Setting, then in DnD 3.5, but has been recently updated to make use of the new Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Rules. During this update, Sandpoint and Varisia were fleshed out and fact-checked, the pacing of the adventures adjusted, and the more confusing elements of the story were tied together better.

Pathfinder RPG: Hailed as "DnD 3.75", the newest iteration of the Open Gaming System features class-based gameplay with even more customization options than ever before - and you can access all the core rules you'll need to play entirely free at http://www.d20pfsrd.com/ . Based on the well-known and well-loved d20 system, Pathfinder allows for quick learning and plenty of customization regardless of playstyle.

Rise of the Runelords: This Adventure Path was the first introduction to Pathfinder and the world of Golarion for many people, and it quickly led to Pathfinder establishing itself as one of the most popular RPGs today. Now revamped and improved, Rise of the Runelords leaves room for player choice while establishing a solid and compelling storyline, getting players emotionally invested in the story and their characters.

Multiple generation methods: Both a point-buy and two random character generation methods will be available for players to choose from. Players who prefer more control over their characters or want to avoid the risk of a random method are free to spend points to craft exactly the character they want. Players who love the contoured personality of an organic character or just want to shoot for more high numbers than a point-buy allows are free to roll dice.

New player friendly: A small gaming group with an experienced GM and at least one experienced and patient fellow player will create an excellent place for new Pathfinder players to learn. The GM will have most of his story-writing and NPC-creating duties already done by the Adventure Path and thus be able to focus all his time and attention on the players and their questions, and a retraining system will allow for mistakes in character building to be reversed between adventures.

Your characters belong: The Player's Guide for the Adventure Path will give players some details about the region of Varisia and traits you can give your character to help them belong in the city of Sandpoint. Rather than the age old trope of a wandering hero stumbling upon a town just in time to save it, the characters will be defending their hometown or else have a real reason to be in town - visiting the new church being built, hunting a rare monster in the nearby wilderness, or more... the Player's Guide can be found at http://paizo.com/products/btpy8tgl?Pathfinder-Adventure-Path-Rise-of-the-Runelords-Anniversary-Edition-Players-Guide]paizo.com.

(Optional) Roll20 Virtual Tabletop: To help visualize combat, the Roll20 Virtual Tabletop may be used as a reference. It allows pieces to be labeled and moved and distances to be measured for tactical combat, and unlike other virtual tabletops, allows players to connect and view the table even when the GM is offline. This allows the player to make their combat decisions at their own pace, with all the relevant information handy, without need to wait for the GM to answer most clarifying questions ("is he in Point Blank range?" "Can I get behind cover with a single move?" "How many can I get with a Fireball?"). It even saves the chat history so the GM can leave map notes for the players. Use of Roll20 is entirely optional, but recommended for optimum satisfaction.

Interested in playing?

Please reply below. Character concepts aren't necessary at this point - although if you already have them ready I'd be glad to hear them - but I need to know how much roleplaying experience you have, with Pathfinder, the d20 system, and roleplaying in general. Please give me a sentence or two to help me fit you into the group.








Aquilla Wolfe
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I'm interested as a Sylph Wizard (Conjurer): Sarzain Stormsgaze. Will we be using the adventure path specific traits?
gatherer818 said:
Sandpoint is a bustling city near the southwest end of Varisia, the Cradle of Legends, bordering the Inner Sea. Insulated by mountains to the north and east, sea to the south, and the Inner Sea itself to the west, it is a prosperous region, and the city of Sandpoint shows it. Rapidly expanding despite the goblins and other native fauna occasionally encroaching, the townsfolk have no clue that very dark plans have been made their city. No one who calls themselves a citizen of Sandpoint knows the secrets it was founded upon, but someone else has found out... and intends to claim those secrets and return an ancient evil to walk upon the ruins.
Rise of the Runelords was the first Adventure Path to be written for the Pathfinder Campaign Setting, then in DnD 3.5, but has been recently updated to make use of the new Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Rules. During this update, Sandpoint and Varisia were fleshed out and fact-checked, the pacing of the adventures adjusted, and the more confusing elements of the story were tied together better.

Pathfinder RPG: Hailed as "DnD 3.75", the newest iteration of the Open Gaming System features class-based gameplay with even more customization options than ever before - and you can access all the core rules you'll need to play entirely free at http://www.d20pfsrd.com/ . Based on the well-known and well-loved d20 system, Pathfinder allows for quick learning and plenty of customization regardless of playstyle.

Rise of the Runelords: This Adventure Path was the first introduction to Pathfinder and the world of Golarion for many people, and it quickly led to Pathfinder establishing itself as one of the most popular RPGs today. Now revamped and improved, Rise of the Runelords leaves room for player choice while establishing a solid and compelling storyline, getting players emotionally invested in the story and their characters.

Multiple generation methods: Both a point-buy and two random character generation methods will be available for players to choose from. Players who prefer more control over their characters or want to avoid the risk of a random method are free to spend points to craft exactly the character they want. Players who love the contoured personality of an organic character or just want to shoot for more high numbers than a point-buy allows are free to roll dice.

New player friendly: A small gaming group with an experienced GM and at least one experienced and patient fellow player will create an excellent place for new Pathfinder players to learn. The GM will have most of his story-writing and NPC-creating duties already done by the Adventure Path and thus be able to focus all his time and attention on the players and their questions, and a retraining system will allow for mistakes in character building to be reversed between adventures.

Your characters belong: The Player's Guide for the Adventure Path will give players some details about the region of Varisia and traits you can give your character to help them belong in the city of Sandpoint. Rather than the age old trope of a wandering hero stumbling upon a town just in time to save it, the characters will be defending their hometown or else have a real reason to be in town - visiting the new church being built, hunting a rare monster in the nearby wilderness, or more... the Player's Guide can be found at http://paizo.com/products/btpy8tgl?Pathfinder-Adventure-Path-Rise-of-the-Runelords-Anniversary-Edition-Players-Guide]paizo.com.

(Optional) Roll20 Virtual Tabletop: To help visualize combat, the Roll20 Virtual Tabletop may be used as a reference. It allows pieces to be labeled and moved and distances to be measured for tactical combat, and unlike other virtual tabletops, allows players to connect and view the table even when the GM is offline. This allows the player to make their combat decisions at their own pace, with all the relevant information handy, without need to wait for the GM to answer most clarifying questions ("is he in Point Blank range?" "Can I get behind cover with a single move?" "How many can I get with a Fireball?"). It even saves the chat history so the GM can leave map notes for the players. Use of Roll20 is entirely optional, but recommended for optimum satisfaction.

Interested in playing?

Please reply below. Character concepts aren't necessary at this point - although if you already have them ready I'd be glad to hear them - but I need to know how much roleplaying experience you have, with Pathfinder, the d20 system, and roleplaying in general. Please give me a sentence or two to help me fit you into the group.
Approved and set to awaiting players!

Do let us know when you have enough to proceed.
shepsquared said:
I'm interested as a Sylph Wizard (Conjurer:( Sarzain Stormsgaze. Will we be using the adventure path specific traits?
Since I'm not too worried about a single trait one way or the other producing too much power difference, each character may select two traits AND one campaign trait from the AP-specific stuff in the player's guide. Additionally, a Flaw introduced in Ultimate Campaign will allow you to take one more trait, if you find the ones you have just aren't enough.

Although I specifically mentioned that you didn't already need to be starting on creation, I know I often can't wait, so I won't blame you and will get into detailing my intended character generation methods, they... might not make it up until Monday because it's pretty late and I will have Exalted roleplayers beating on my door fairly early tomorrow.

TDW, thank you very much and I'm sure it won't be long. I was so astounded by the amount of interest thrown at me when I put up the interest check - I'm now going to be running two games and STILL not sure I'll be able to take everyone.
OK, apparently they'll be up tonight. Edited original post to reflect fourth system... I'm not concerned with where you roll dice if you use a method that requires it, but it needs to be a place I can come verify your rolls, please. I personally like invisiblecastle.com a lot, and I hear RPDom's own dice system has a central place now, although I haven't used it anywhere but on the bottom of a post myself.

Epic Point Buy: 25 point buy, right out of the core rulebook.

Focus and Foible: Choose a stat to be an 18 and a stat to be an 8. For others, roll 1d10+7 four times in order, no rearranging.

Dice Distribution: Divide 27d6 between the six stats, no more than 6d6 or less than 3d6 on a single stat, roll them and keep the highest three. No rearranging.

Heroic Arranged: 2d6+6 six times, arranged to taste.

These are roughly balanced against each other and will produce powerful characters, but they still leave plenty of room for variety. I really like the Focus and Foible method (I didn't name it, it is not mine, I just like it). I slightly amped up the distributed method from the corebook because I was using more powerful other methods alongside it, that's enough to roll 6d6 against three stats (with three dump stats) or roll 5d6 for half and 4d6 for the other half. It used to be my favorite method, until I was making a Wizard and ended up with an 8 starting INT... my 6d6 rolled four 1's, a 2 and a 5.
This is the same system as is wanted for WotW? Also... I assume you want us to use the DIce Roller on the Forum, so we can prove it?
That gives me nearly everything I need, so thanks. The traits question was because campaign traits tie into a characters backstory and tie the into the game.
gatherer818 said:
I'm not concerned with where you roll dice if you use a method that requires it, but it needs to be a place I can come verify your rolls, please. I personally like invisiblecastle.com a lot, and I hear RPDom's own dice system has a central place now, although I haven't used it anywhere but on the bottom of a post myself.
Anywhere I can see the rolls (and see you haven't just been rolling all day until you got what you liked, hehe) is good, yeah. You know how every roleplayer has superstitions about their dice? I have personally never gotten along with the RPDom dice at all. So I often use invisiblecastle, or for a ton of dice-rolling with records I use a hamate dice log that I invite my GM to. I made a true Hackmaster character with that dice log once (about 80 rolls were involved) and it was so incredibly helpful having a history of exactly what I rolled and why :P
Spelling it right probably would have helped you find it easier, sorry, it's hamete, I put two a's instead of two e's T_T http://dicelog.com/dice is a basic (without verification, unfortunately) dice roller, but they have advanced options at the bottom: a dice mail system that emails the rolls as soon as you send them (so there's no way to cheat) and a dice log that records all your dice rolls made in it, along with notes and stuff, and is not editable (so, again, there's no way to cheat).

Anywhere is fine, like I said, as long as I can come see the rolls. Honestly, I probably won't even look, just knowing I ~could~ is enough for me, and is enough to keep the few people who might be tempted to fudge a roll honest. I mean, this is RPDom, not reddit, I don't have to worry about cheaters that much.
I'm interested. I have no experience with Pathfinder or the d20 system. Also fairly new to RP, I've played a bit of Exalted and do some RP in Final Fantasy XIV. I'm working on getting more experience.
Restating interest. Fully willing to pass up, given you've already got an experienced player here.
Expressing Interest here, after checking the previous thread.

Moderate experience with Pathfinder i guess. I have read the rules and participated (I could even Dm Jade Regent or Shattered Star if i had the time.) but it's mostly on the pbp medium, and they usually halt after the first Fights.

However, I do note that i have been on a previous RotR Anniversary game as a Kitsune Trickster; It never got too far, only a day on game time.

Regarding stat generation, I'll be trying out the Heroic Arranged method on this boards' dice roller.

EDIT: Results were 11,13,13,14,14,17. I think I'll try out for a Cavalier. Or Maybe another class that doesn't require so much micro-managing.
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Quite interested in joining the ranks for this campaign. I have minimal exposure to Pathfinder specifically, just a few sessions and some rules review from the recent past, though my RPG experience as a whole is quite extensive.

I have played nearly every system you can name at some time or another, though that spectrum is widest from the farther you go back and narrows toward the present. I am someone who as a player, makes a herculean effort to bring a character to life, and commits to making the game as fast paced and high quality as possible through my posting. I like to contribute as much as I can to make it an enjoyable and memorable experience for everyone.

I can have a solid character concept for you in no time, and will submit it asap.

Thanks for your consideration~!

If you wish to review some recent campaign involvement, here are a few links.

The Black Company Reborn - Nicco De Black


The Ghost of the Gallagon Desert... (Prose)

I should note, I'd call myself experienced, not very experienced. I'm more used to dming than playing, so if I get in, this will be new for me.
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Initial Character Concept Submission; Name: Simon Dagmar - "Dag" a tag earned in youth that fit both his sir name and his preference for short blades, it stuck and has lead him to earn his living wage as a wielder of such. He is quite at home in the shadows.

Human Rogue, Archtype:
Knife Master on the path to pursue Shadow Dancer prestige class.

Mercenary by hire, hailing from elsewhere in Varisia. His travels having landed him recently in Sandpoint and find him currently contracted as body guard / enforcer for a wealthy/politically engaged noble merchant family of the city.

I will have a detailed submission within 24 hrs for you.

Stat roll links; 12, 18, 15, 14, 17, 11

  1. http://www.rpdom.com/dice/1885/view
  2. http://www.rpdom.com/dice/1886/view
  3. http://www.rpdom.com/dice/1887/view
  4. http://www.rpdom.com/dice/1888/view
  5. http://www.rpdom.com/dice/1889/view
  6. http://www.rpdom.com/dice/1890/view
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Madmal said:
Expressing Interest here, after checking the previous thread.
Moderate experience with Pathfinder i guess. I have read the rules and participated (I could even Dm Jade Regent or Shattered Star if i had the time.) but it's mostly on the pbp medium, and they usually halt after the first Fights.

However, I do note that i have been on a previous RotR Anniversary game as a Kitsune Trickster; It never got too far, only a day on game time.

Regarding stat generation, I'll be trying out the Heroic Arranged method on this boards' dice roller.

EDIT: Results were 11,13,13,14,14,17. I think I'll try out for a Cavalier. Or Maybe another class that doesn't require so much micro-managing.
@Madmal are you still planning on a front-line type class?
gatherer818 said:
@ The Dark Wizard The Dark Wizard , it is, thank you. I'll decide on who I'm taking by tonight, and my other submission (for the Way of the Wicked Adventure Path) should be up by then as well.
You should be able to see the ST area in the sidebar. Enjoy!
Yes, I am. However i have trouble deciding on the Class. So far narrowed it down to Ranger or Paladin, leaning towards the latter, depending on the party composition.
Thank you everyone who expressed interest, and to our host TDW. Most of the final roster has been selected, alternates have been informed, and the forum's official request has been created in the ST forums.

Madmal, I think either will fit very well, and you're presently my top pick for the potential last slot. The party's front-line is well supported (a druid and a cleric both present) but lacks a true vanguard. The other players intend to play a conjurer and an archer, so either route would support the party very well - a Paladin would be the defensive bulwark the party needs, giving it an excess of healing capability and additional resistance against the less direct maladies that can be inflicted on them, fear and poison and the like; while a Ranger (I'm assuming Two-Weapon-Fighter, correct me if I'm wrong) could boost the party's damage output into the "best defense" range, killing enemies before they can get a chance to do a lot of damage. Both are interesting and should lead to a well-equipped party. The archer is toying with either ranger or fighter, though he's leaning toward fighter right now I think, if you're worried about overlap. The cleric is leaning toward Sarenrae for a deity, if you'd like to tie a paladin in :D

I will let you know as soon as I'm sure about that fifth slot, since I wouldn't want you to waste time creating a character if you won't get into the game. (I've left the choice entirely up to the players, so I'm waiting on an answer from the ones of them that haven't replied yet - if we go with five players, we'll use GM fiat to level rather than tracking experience, and some players have an understandably strong aversion to that system...)

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