Rise of the Runelords (Anniversary Edition) - Pathfinder RPG

Always thought Two-weapon Fighting was a little cumbersome. I'd be going for a Switch-Hitter build (Archery Combat style aiming for a Composite Longbow, so Melee is also a valid option. Hit them far away first, then switch to Melee when they get close.)

There's also Archetypes to consider, if you allow them. I think i could also pull an Archer Paladin (There are Paladins of Erastil, afterall). And, of course, there's also Reach weapons...
I do allow them, I allow nearly any official Paizo release to Pathfinder, and I only say "nearly" because I'm sure there's one stupidly broken one out there somewhere I haven't noticed yet :P

three out of four of the others have weighed in, and no one seems to be opposed to GM fiat leveling, so the addition of a fifth player won't risk underpowering the PCs by leeching off that all-too-precious exp. Congratulations :D and welcome.
gatherer818 said:
Sandpoint is a bustling city near the southwest end of Varisia, the Cradle of Legends, bordering the Inner Sea. Insulated by mountains to the north and east, sea to the south, and the Inner Sea itself to the west, it is a prosperous region, and the city of Sandpoint shows it. Rapidly expanding despite the goblins and other native fauna occasionally encroaching, the townsfolk have no clue that very dark plans have been made their city. No one who calls themselves a citizen of Sandpoint knows the secrets it was founded upon, but someone else has found out... and intends to claim those secrets and return an ancient evil to walk upon the ruins.
Rise of the Runelords was the first Adventure Path to be written for the Pathfinder Campaign Setting, then in DnD 3.5, but has been recently updated to make use of the new Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Rules. During this update, Sandpoint and Varisia were fleshed out and fact-checked, the pacing of the adventures adjusted, and the more confusing elements of the story were tied together better.

Pathfinder RPG: Hailed as "DnD 3.75", the newest iteration of the Open Gaming System features class-based gameplay with even more customization options than ever before - and you can access all the core rules you'll need to play entirely free at http://www.d20pfsrd.com/ . Based on the well-known and well-loved d20 system, Pathfinder allows for quick learning and plenty of customization regardless of playstyle.

Rise of the Runelords: This Adventure Path was the first introduction to Pathfinder and the world of Golarion for many people, and it quickly led to Pathfinder establishing itself as one of the most popular RPGs today. Now revamped and improved, Rise of the Runelords leaves room for player choice while establishing a solid and compelling storyline, getting players emotionally invested in the story and their characters.

Multiple generation methods: Both a point-buy and two random character generation methods will be available for players to choose from. Players who prefer more control over their characters or want to avoid the risk of a random method are free to spend points to craft exactly the character they want. Players who love the contoured personality of an organic character or just want to shoot for more high numbers than a point-buy allows are free to roll dice.

New player friendly: A small gaming group with an experienced GM and at least one experienced and patient fellow player will create an excellent place for new Pathfinder players to learn. The GM will have most of his story-writing and NPC-creating duties already done by the Adventure Path and thus be able to focus all his time and attention on the players and their questions, and a retraining system will allow for mistakes in character building to be reversed between adventures.

Your characters belong: The Player's Guide for the Adventure Path will give players some details about the region of Varisia and traits you can give your character to help them belong in the city of Sandpoint. Rather than the age old trope of a wandering hero stumbling upon a town just in time to save it, the characters will be defending their hometown or else have a real reason to be in town - visiting the new church being built, hunting a rare monster in the nearby wilderness, or more... the Player's Guide can be found at http://paizo.com/products/btpy8tgl?Pathfinder-Adventure-Path-Rise-of-the-Runelords-Anniversary-Edition-Players-Guide]paizo.com.

(Optional) Roll20 Virtual Tabletop: To help visualize combat, the Roll20 Virtual Tabletop may be used as a reference. It allows pieces to be labeled and moved and distances to be measured for tactical combat, and unlike other virtual tabletops, allows players to connect and view the table even when the GM is offline. This allows the player to make their combat decisions at their own pace, with all the relevant information handy, without need to wait for the GM to answer most clarifying questions ("is he in Point Blank range?" "Can I get behind cover with a single move?" "How many can I get with a Fireball?"). It even saves the chat history so the GM can leave map notes for the players. Use of Roll20 is entirely optional, but recommended for optimum satisfaction.

Interested in playing?

Please reply below. Character concepts aren't necessary at this point - although if you already have them ready I'd be glad to hear them - but I need to know how much roleplaying experience you have, with Pathfinder, the d20 system, and roleplaying in general. Please give me a sentence or two to help me fit you into the group.

Potential players (sorted by experience level for my benefit)

shepsquared - experienced

Hurm - experienced

KnightofShadows - experienced

madmal - moderate

EmeraldUsagi - very new

SgtBeavis - very new

Aquilla Wolfe- very new
This game is now live and may be found here: http://www.rpdom.com/forums/rise-of-the-runelords-ae.6544/

Players are invited to go ahead and submit their characters and if the ST would please edit the first post of this thread to reflect the recruitment status I would be most grateful.


Captain Hesperus

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